RenderMan For Blender Released! - Review & Full Walkthrough!

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[Music] hey what's up guys and welcome back to ask nk today we have some very interesting news and update and of course a couple of walkthroughs that you guys would definitely want to take a look at today we're getting renderman 24 for blender and we're going to go ahead and talk about how you can install this and grab it and also how you can actually get started with it so all you need to do is go over to the link in the description that will bring you over to and from here you would need to register or simply you know create a login so that you can actually start getting it now once you get that all you need to do is go over to this section that you have as try slash buy and click on that button and it would also require you to log in now once you log in you would also notice that we have a section called non-commercial and this is the one you would like to work with first of all before you proceed to go over to the purchase section you know try this one first see how it works use it before you go here and it's cool to see that you can actually click on the try for free now and get it now once you click on this button it's going to download the renderman software now downloading this renderman24 software is pretty cool as once you go in and run the installation you would also need to enter your registration you know username and password again for you to actually get the real installation going on now once that is done you need to come back to this page and go over to the installation section and you will notice that we have a section called my downloads in most cases once you click on this button it is going to bring you right over to this page that will tell you that you literally have nothing to download so what do we do i'm just going to go ahead and also show you how you can get started with it so instead of going through there and you know playing hanky-panky not getting it to work not getting it to open what you need to do is go over to the github instead so if you go over to this github don't download this one this one is definitely not gonna work because this isn't the latest one you need to click on the latest release and it's gonna bring you right over to the renderman 24.0 this is what you need this is the one you need to download so what you need to do scroll all the way down and you notice we have renderman for blender 24.0 you know with all that number download these and start working with it there's a couple of things to keep in mind first of all this is only supported for blender 2.83 and also 2.92 anything other than that you might potentially have issues actually you also have issues if you're working with 2.83 in most cases you need to save your file before you proceed something else which you would also notice is there's a couple of features that exist here cycles node doesn't completely move across with these other ones so we're going to talk about how you can deal with that in a bit for you to get the 2.83 just in case you missed the lts series or maybe you want to get the 2.92 because right now in blender what we have is 2.93.0 go over to the download section and how you can get the previous downloads is go over to the section called previous download click on the hyperlink it's gonna bring you right over here and then you can click on downloads and downloads will bring you right here so once you come over here you can now download the huge set of things that you might want to work with now this is very easy you know now we have blender ready we have the renderman ready make sure you install the renderman and then fire up blender now once you fire up blender in this case i have blender 2.8 3.16 you need to go over to edit go over to preference then over to install and install that zip file we downloaded from the github now that zip file you downloaded from the github is going to be written as renderman and you would notice that you have this renderman thingy here now for this one i just went on to turn the behavior to render previews and that's it and every other thing you just need to keep it the same way they are click on this button save your preference you can close blender and open blender backup and that is how cool it is now let's do the litmus test let's test this thing and see how it works so if you simply throw a plane right here and we have the simple cube we can raise this cube all the way up right now i think i missed suzanne so let's go in and throw a bit of suzanne right there raise her up to a point like so select rotate this one to this point let's subdivide this bad boy because you know we like them subdivision click right here let's throw in a simple uv sphere and we have that going on you know everything seems to be going on pretty nicely now and i'm also going to go in and smooth shade this okay so you guys noticed something now if you would like to start rendering with renderman you need to go over to the render section right here and switch this to renderman or if you right-click you can use renderman from this section now you can actually activate renderman from any part of your viewport at any point in time without even going to this button so how you can do that is right click go over to the render man right here where you have render you can select ipr and you can start previewing this render on the fly so within this time you can now do some very interesting things one thing which i've come to find out is unlike what you have with cycles and also with um evie if you create a brand new light around this time let's say we duplicate this light and i choose to move it it doesn't update all right so it doesn't update that's one of the things you might need to keep in mind so i'm just going to go ahead and right click go back and simply stop the ipr which is interactive preview render and start it one more time in this case now that we've started this this looks pretty cool all right this looks really cool so what about textures how do you assign textures actually let's talk about materials maybe we'll make a separate video and talk about textures a bit more in detail so how do you assign materials how do you deal with some very cool features that exist with this so if you want to get a panel that you can work with every single time if you press n on your keyboard you'll notice that we have the renderman panel right here within the renderman panel you can do lots of things you can browse the preset and check out for some of the presets you would like you know probably you need some environment stuff you need some material stuff yep there are some presets that will actually make your life better so you can check out those ones as well and then if you are feeling very excited about some things let's say for example let's just simply select this so let's say for example would like to apply some sort of material to this one let's go in for a glass maybe a blue glass like this okay let's select that and click on this button down here import and assign to selected that looks pretty cool and once we have that selected we have that going you can see how quick that is you know you're having this thing preview automatically let's also do something to suzanne select this go over to the preset you know we like preset stuff and i think this is going to be very good for a lot of you guys so we can also go over to metal i actually haven't seen a metallic suzanne before so let's see what suzanne will look like i think let's make her gold like and important assign selected be autiful and click on ok and we have that going so what about if you like to assign materials by yourself presets are cool but sometimes you like to work with these materials yourself you know you want to make changes to the shaders and get some good stuff happening for you how you can do this is simple let's also you know just go all the way back and uh make a copy actually let's create a brand new one so just go right here and create a brand new one i'm just going to raise this one all the way up to this point right click and make that smooth looking good okay so go over to the material section click on new assign a new stuff like always but this time instead of just simply keeping this material as new you'll notice we have a tiny button here that says add render man note 3 but then if you're working with some other things let's say you have a scene before that you've been working with and you probably just want to convert that to the random and stuff all you need to do is just create a brand new a detail section and then go over to your shading editor or your shader have this object selected you'll notice we have a tiny button here which is more like a hierarchy button but it is for the renderman tree click on that button and then select the setting kind of material you like to work with if you want to work with the llama sort of nodes or maybe you want to work with llama surface you can choose that but in this case i think we should just go with the legacy you know pixar disney one and click on okay so once we do that you'll notice that we have this bad boy ready to rumble let's just simply move this one here and you will also notice that once we have this selected we can choose to solo this and unsolo it which is uh also cool so we can have that and on solo it select it solo this on solo that cool so in this case let's also say would like to change the color you might also want to change the color if you want to you know this is more like the you know the principle shader that we have in blender everything looks the same really cool i'm quite excited about this one and you can hear that from the tone of my voice and you can see all of these things going on and you can make your changes if you want if you want to make it a bit more metallic you can do that if you want to add some sub surface if you want this to emit some things you can also change that by yourself and you can have fun working with it so in this case if you already have like a cycles scene and you like to convert this it's very convenient right now because all you need to do is just click on that tiny button there or you can simply add that from here and that is how it is easy for you to get started with working with this so let's talk about light lights are very very important in every kind of rendering that you're doing and in this case the random man 24 actually covers that and if you're using this for blender you might need to know a couple of things first of all we have a very cool feature that deals with light mixing so this is one of those things that i really wish that we've always had and at this point you can also choose to make some tweaks to your lights depending on how you like them to be so in this case what we're going to do is i would create another kind of light or simply let's duplicate this one and uh move this all the way to this point so that you guys can see all the miracles that will be happening so we have this one here i will have this one selected add a renderman node this is very important okay so you also select this either in demand node that is also very important let's do that for this one as well so now that we have this one going you'd also notice that within the shader we have some very cool stuff going on right here it looks pretty different from what you have before very standard you know very blender-like okay so at this point if we right-click and go over to the ipr we can preview this and see what it looks like okay very simple and we can choose to play with intensity and increase the intensity of this so we have this intensity set all the way i'm just going to go ahead and set this intensity to 10 which is a bit loud and then i can set this to 0.1 and get something like that actually let's just set this one to one and you can notice the intensity happening now we can also choose to play with color or we can play with temperature so the temperature will crank this all the way up you'll notice it gives more of a bluish tint and if we crank this one all the way down it gives you know that sort of warm looking tint so we can choose how we would like these things to be so at this point we can just go in and keep this one like so looking good okay not bad that looks good and then we can also select this other one let's see what do we have here all right so with this one we can choose to give a given color maybe we can go for something bluish let's go for something bluish something a bit far off let's add that stuff and let's make this one one right here actually let's make this 10 as well so that we can see the effect on this as well and we can also select this other one and go towards the green i think we should do green this time then set this to 10 and then set this to one all right so we're having exciting times okay so with this going on what can you do you can now switch from here go all the way down and you notice we have a light link in a detail so within the light link in a detail you can add as much light as you want so i can go in and select this light set light one i want to add this light i want to add this other light i want to add these or the light so once you add these lights you can select this light and you can also select the objects that you like these lights to actually illuminate so in this case if i wouldn't want let's say this uh other light which is the light001 which is the green light if i wouldn't want the green light to illuminate something like suzanne i can go in and have that selected like right now you notice it's illuminating her click on the plus sign click on suzanne go over to the default turn this off in this case you'll notice that we're only having a resultant effect of the gi and the light itself is not actually hitting on suzanne so if we turn this on you can see what we have here and if we turn this off you can see what we have there actually a good example for this one isn't actually isn't suzanne so let's uh go in and take that out and take a look at that cube so if we turn on the cube and add this in here and switch to thunders off voila you can see that effect and every other thing that you see going on here is just more like the gi bounces going on you know and making things happy you can also select the second light and choose how you like the second light to distribute itself and you can tweak these things to your liking you know so if we go over to the cube we can also click on the plus sign at that switch from here and then turn this off and you notice that we have that one quickly up so this gives you so much flexibilities in terms of ease of use and also the landing calls for this is very very cool uh one more thing which you actually have to look at is how do you control the lights there is a light mixer that is also available with this so just in case you would like to work with that if you right click and go over to your render man you can now notice that we have light mixer group so we can go over the light mixer group and actually add as much light as we want so in this case people like to create the light mixer group and add this light and click on the plot sign to add that click on the plus sign to add this click on the plus sign to add this other one we can choose to control these lights however we want so in this case we have one light which is this one which actually works with temperature so we can play with the temperature and get some good results from that and we can also play with the exposure to get some very good results with it and we can also do some more stuff like so and also tweak this one actually let's set this to yellow and we can tweak this one as well to our liking and also get some pretty cool result now the reason why you didn't see the effect is if you remember earlier we kind of deactivated how much this light actually bounces across the other ones and this is how you get things to work something else to also keep in mind is if you're thinking about playing with lights okay so you're looking for more lights if you hold down shift and tap here on the keyboard go over to the light section you would notice that there is a plethora of lights at the same time there's also light filters that you might want to work with and while we're talking about the things that you can add up here there's a quadric which you can play with and you also notice you can import volumes if you want to work with volumes if you have like volume boxes you want to work with we'll probably do a different video about this one and do some comparisons just in case and if you want to bring in alembic stuff you can also do all of these things right here it's also worth knowing that there are some very cool features actually there's a whole lot of cool features that comes with the renderman that i really wish existed in blender by default but you know this is what it is so let's take a look at some of them so right now once you hit the render button and you're rendering right over here you already know that we have the ipr running so you can stop the ipr from here and you can also start it from there pretty cool there's also this cool button that you can use to flush texture cache so just in case you want to ease out or you want to clear the memory this is also very nice if you want to take a screenshot this is also very very cool and this is going to save the screenshot for you and you'll be able to see the screenshot let's go over to rendering take a look at what we have here and if you go over to the images you'll notice that we have those screenshots so you can save those screenshots depending on what you're working on and seem to run in ipr at any point in time you want to edit a crop window you can always do that so we can select this part and only that path would render we can focus on that part and this would save a lot of render time i mean just this is very cool as you can also proceed to close that select it one more time if you want to deal with this section so let's go in a bit so let's actually go in a bit so we won't deal with the section we want to get that particular precise rendering quality on just that section we can also get that happening now it's also very interesting to see that you can zoom into some places currently this is known as enhanced and if i go in and select the path like this it enhances this zooms it in and we can have a clearer vision of what we are rendering at that point and what the textures look like while we're rendering now while this is going on if you also you know click on anywhere so let's go ahead and do that again if i click on this button it zooms right in if i go in and click right here it zooms out if i right click it comes all the way out and you can tap the escape key to actually get rid of that and in cases where you like some interactive refinements you can choose how much sampling gets to happen at any given time or how much refinement happens at every given time so if i set this one to one this is what we're getting if i go in and select this one and set it all the way to six you would notice that we have a more set of refinements that continually happen since this is an ipr and that this would definitely change or you know improve how your renders would look like so there's also a very cool button here which actually helps how much resolution you get seen on your viewport so if you set this to 50 this is what you get let's actually downgrade this all the way down you know who cares get this to 12. oh i wish all renders will like this okay so we can actually go ahead and set this one to 100 and you can get the most out of it at any point in time you like to see some of the channels that you're working with let's say you just want to see the alpha channel or probably you want to see the depth channel wanna see the id channel or maybe you just want to see the color channel obviously go in and turn these things on so with this here there is a just a whole lot of things that i really wish we had in blender that you can take advantage of there is this beautiful you know render man live statistics stuff i've not really gotten this one to work as this is i think this is one of those things that you might be able to get if you have the commercial version it's actually not available with the non-commercial version but with that said there's also some you know some other cool things that exist with this one now there's a cool new update that they've also included to this which is known as the xpu now xpu is more like a hybrid form of rendering that the folks that pixar has created or they have created right now and these takes advantage of your cpu and also your gpu so once you're creating or you're rendering stuff this will take all of the powers that you have and get you some very cool render and in in terms of you know how much of a good rendering this is going to help you get in comparison with what you can get with cycles render man actually knocks this one out of the water now with that said as well there's also a very cool uh set of things that they've also added to this which is known as llama and llama is more like layered materials we'll probably make a separate video about i want to explain it a bit more and you would notice that when we go over to the material section and click on this button you'll notice that we have the llama so there is a llama surface that exists right now there is also set of llama nodes that you can work with and we might end up exploring these ones in more detail for those who would like to work with it now if you're working with a multi display in most cases you want to get your rendering happening in one screen and then you want to have your control in another screen that is cool that is really really cool i love that and if you have multi display you would love that as well and that is also something else that you can get with this so render man by default for those coming from maya you already know that renderman has a window or rendering window known as it so the id or the it rendering window is something that you can also turn on here so if we go over here you'll notice it says render to blender we can click on this button and select it so what happens is once we start doing the ipr it is going to pop up a brand new window now this window is what we can use to see what is going on you can choose to dock this window on a different monitor altogether or you can simply you know just proceed to work with it uh within the same monitor now in this case you might want to dock them side by side so let's proceed to do that and with that here we can now actually switch over to the camera because what this is doing is is taking a look at what we have within the camera and that is what it is rendering so let's see what it is uh looking at so from here if we rotate you notice we don't see anything more for press 0 on the keyboard to switch over to the camera go over to view lock this camera and then if we move you would notice there's an update now in most cases you might want to be a bit more smarter than this and say you know what if we kind of switch over to this view if you switch over to this view and move this it's not going to update okay it's not going to update you have to be within this view and uh that's you know it is what it is that is definitely what you can get now once you're working with renderman as well you might want to create your own camera and you don't want to really use the default camera okay yeah that is also something that you can do so what you can do is you can go over to random one section add camera click on this button this one makes me smile a lot you know the folks at blender foundation added this feature and they took it out which is one of those things that we talked about and said we didn't like so uh if you add the camera you can now lock the camera so no need to go over to view lock camera come back you know all of that stuff no more you can lock the camera you can choose to view through the camera and not view through the camera you can set your depth of field distance from here and you can add objects which you want to work with from there just lots of cool things that just makes life better so once you're done with this you can also proceed to press home key to make this a full screen so one of the other updates that also exists with this is the open image denoiser so you can choose to use the open image noise right now and if you switch over to your ipr you get very faster rendering times compared to what you typically get with cycles okay so compared to what you typically get with cycles this is far better okay so let's go ahead and test it one more time boom and there you have it all right so the opening image denoiser right now is super cool super fast so this is more like it so for those who like to read up on these things i'm gonna put a link in the description where you'll be able to check it out and tell me what you think about it in the comment section and of course if you like this video or you learned something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and if you're new here it's going to be amazing for you to hit the subscribe button and also turn on the description so that you don't miss next video or the next update and i'll fly see you guys again with your tutorial update free friday tutorial tuesday tips and tricks things like this peace [Music]
Channel: askNK
Views: 104,734
Rating: 4.9203491 out of 5
Keywords: asknk, Texturing, BLENDER, substance painter 2019.1, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, 3d character creator, blender 2.93, blender 2020, blender, blender 2.93 new features, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.90, Blender 2.93, curve types, Cycles, features not supported, grease pencil, Katana, known issues, Lama, limitations, Maya, new features, non-commercial, official, open source, Pixar, plugin
Id: ukIE-ijTMug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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