Dramatic Dinners! | Downton Abbey

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the system has worked well here for a hundred years why must we destroy everything in our path simply for the sake of James I'm not sure that's a true representation of the case exactly there are many benefits to be had from the plan the benefits for whom goodness I thought I was here to be lectured by a United group not to witness a Battle Royal oh don't you enjoy a good fight I'm not sure I do really my mother-in-law has a certain myopia when it comes to anyone else's point of view on the contrary I have a Clarity of vision that allows me to resist a housemaid's trap of sentimentality your enthusiasm is getting the better of your manners can't we stop this beastly round how I wish we could because I I I'm so sorry [Music] [Music] just keep him steady until the ambulance arrives all right oh [Music] no I don't agree and I don't care who knows it well the black and tans are there to restore order are they why don't they just murder the entire population and then you wouldn't hear a squeak out of any of them is there any way to scratch him up if I knew how to control him he wouldn't be here in the first place are you interested in Irish politics Lord Newton well I was in it I was saying that I thought he's interested in Irish repression like all of you look old chap of course the stuff matters a great deal to you yes it does matter this stuff it matters a very great deal what's so funny nothing I'm just enjoying this Vivid display of Irish character please Tom we don't need to wear everyone out boy what's the matter I may not be in polite enough wait a minute this was down to you wasn't it I don't know what you mean yes you do I saw you you put something in his dream didn't you just before we came in true is it Larry what a beastly thing to do oh come on Edith it's not like you you could always take a joke a bully's defense some horrible pill Sybil take him upstairs Tom has been the victim of a cruel prank which I know you will all be kind enough to forget forgive perhaps forget never is this true Larry I don't know why you're all getting so hot under the collar he's only a grubby little chauffeur chance be silent this instant sir I apologize for my son Mr Branson unreservedly I only hope you recover before the wedding I hope so too since I want him to be my best man Bravo honestly I've told you before if we're mad enough to take on the Crawley girls we have to stick together thank you Matthew thank you so much [Music] I've been hearing about Edith's plan a marvelous offer if you ask me it's absolutely crackers but Cora seems pleased what idea is this Edith has taken her motherless child and is giving her a home here should have thought an orphan rather an uncomfortable piece of baggage for an unmarried woman you mean a man might not want to take the child on well I wouldn't Rose have you written to your mother about Mr Aldridge approved don't be disappointing on violet please I promise you we both know a difference in religion is a big thing quite right how would you bring up any children for example children when did this happen I'm talking hypothetically the fact is most marriages that fail founder for precisely this kind of Reason in a reconcilable difference or maybe they just don't get on no I'd agree with Larry it's usually more than that it might be a different beliefs or different nationalities or a huge age Gap in the end they cannot see eye to eye I don't see what you're getting at you mean to marry Mrs Crawley here or she seems very nice and I wish you both every happiness thank you but that doesn't prevent me from seeing the wide disparity in class and background may prove your undoing what did you say only that Mrs Crawley a decent middle class woman with neither birth nor Fortune is expecting to fill our mother's shoes as one of the leaders of the county is she capable of it or will her inevitable failure prove a source of misery to them both you know Mrs Crawley's late son was my Heir what does that prove everyone has distant cousins who are fairly odd how dare you will you go Larry I had to make excuses for your rudeness the last time you sat at this table it is tiring to think I shall be called upon to do so again I know the choice of in-laws is eccentric in this family already boasts a show for unsuing you can claim a Jew but even so why don't you just get out you bastard and suddenly we've slipped into a foreign tongue well if that is how you feel I do not endorse Tom's language but that is certainly how we all feel lady grant them goodbye and thank you for a delightful evening [Music] did you imagine that we would welcome you with open arms I wonder whether I might have some wine you've not had any so what's another video what's going on Rachel you explain this explain what why am I not being given anything decent to read I don't know still it was your lordship's order what you're talking about what is the matter with you tonight Mr daunt left a note for the cook saying you'd die I never said a thing to do it and why are you so rude to Mr Branson really there's no need the cook told me you had requested simply so someone's played a joke on us and when you got the note does it look like Dawn's writing I never saw the note and obviously Mrs Brennan is not familiar do you dare to use the word obviously when you contradict me now take this away fetch me some dinner and conduct yourself more professionally in the future bring that back you stupid fool how are your lessons going what's this bunting is giving instruction to Mrs patmore's undercook oh yes I heard about that you sound as if you don't approve I approve as long as you're not making her unsettled you don't know her name do you Sarah please of course he does Daisy well he knows it now I knew it before and from what I've been told it sounds as if you're upsetting her and Mrs patmore I think you should drop this why don't you send for her bring Daisy in and ask her yourself I'm sure she's too busy I doubt she's too busy to answer someone's from you we don't want to embarrass her Carson this is the busiest time of the day my Lord hey maybe it'd be better no fetcher and ask Mrs padmore to come up as well very good my Lord your father may regret this is something wrong with it denim a lot not at all no we apologize Mrs Pat Moore for interfering with your duties in this strange and inconsiderate way Mrs patmore Carson tells me you feel Daisy's lessons have Disturbed the piece of the kitchen did you say that I don't know what to said I was upset about that other business I wondered if it were true Daisy well I'm sorry if I've made trouble downstairs well you haven't not really but I must say this Malad Miss bunting here has opened my eyes to a world of knowledge I knew nothing of maybe I'll stay a cook all my life but I have choices now interests facts at my fingertips and I never have had any of that if she didn't come here to teach me Brava well said quite a testimonial may we go me Lord only we've still got the pudding and the savories of course thank you obviously the lessons have proved successful I'm pleased to hear it are you Lord Grantham well For Heaven's Sake Let It Go you've proved your point have I though all I've proved is that Lord Grantham would like us serve to stay in our allotted place from Cradle to grave there is only one thing I would like and that I would like passionately it is to see you leave this house and never come back foreign I gather you went to hear the liberal candidate today there were several speakers actually he was the last you speak well I thought so there was quite a brouhaha you know what these things can be like I do which is why I am astonished you should not feel it necessary to ask my permission to attend I assume this was Branson's scheme no I confess I was amused of the idea of an Irish radical for a chauffeur but I see now I've been naive I told Branson to take civil what are you saying civil needed to go to Ripon I asked Branson to drive her I thought it would be sensible in case there was trouble I want to do some canvassing the by-election isn't thorough canvassing I was quite safe you were in a group and you knock on doors yes I know what canvassing is I think that Sybil is what are you canvassing too or would you rather take in washing I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions no Chris and Joshua is married then her husband will tell her what her opinions are oh cranny I knew you want to prove which presumably is why you all hid your plans from me [Music]
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 904,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Downton Abbey Official Channel, Downton Abbey Film, Downton Abbey Trailer, Downton Abbey Series, downton abbey violet and isobel friends, Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Cora Crawley, Julian Fellowes, British Tv Shows, Downton Abbey full episodes, the Best Of Downton Abbey
Id: TI6MM1BvffY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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