Baer Plays XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Ep. 7)

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sorry for the delay I'm getting sidetracked back to Mission Control we're approaching the end game of XCOM enemy Unknown let's keep going that was fast I'm actually kind of worried about this I was really not hoping to find something right away here commander we've picked up multiple requests for assistance abductions and progress are marked on the hollow globe I know that Argentina is struggling a little bit with the panic as you can see there you can research something really I didn't think I had anything available the research I'm probably gonna end up going to Argentina but if you're saying I could research something I know how to do that for sure you're right oh [ __ ] alright recovered a number of interesting materials from the wreckage of the battle oh the battleship gave us this stuff nice that's cool okay begin that project absolutely alright anyway back to that this is indeed yeah I've got a little video work I do on the side as well shadows but otherwise it's like this is my gig you do but to do booboo I've been so like negatively conditioned to expect a follow-up to that of like wow that's unfortunate this is your full-time job damn that stinks sorry wish you were I don't know yeah I don't even where I'm going with that why you gotta be so negative bear love yourself be a robot a plasma robot that's what I aspired to sailors gonna come out with us as well I think in fact this is our this is our likely slide just let me take my clothes so I can properly love myself there we go this is your full-time job while keep living the dream yeah like where did my brain go that's certainly gonna lead to a negative comment afterward how literally how bear um yeah this is the squad I think because the reason I was looking not to have to send folks out too early here is because as you can see a lot of our critical team members are not feeling too good right now it's gonna be a full week before our packet can come back out and carry us not to mention bird bob is sitting on the sidelines as well we've got big Mike he is our hard carry for this mission today so hopefully he can do the job I'm gonna give him all the best stuff as well obviously he's got mind control so I mean hopefully we can make good use of that today that's our new upgrade obviously and then you know what I was just realizing too is that this is a thing still that I have not really looked into or been able to buy yet sigh armor that would obviously be a huge upgrade but I'm pretty damn sure I'm not gonna be able to sell enough stuff to be able to get it right now and again I haven't needed that many corpses oh I can sell that too of course I might as well do that right away I would need to make $200 if we bring everything down to 10 where does that leave us hmm what about down to five that would certainly get us there sell everything I'm tempted man I just want to rock some side armor on this mission and what if we needed these corpses you know I'm sure this is gonna be the moment where I regret selling them but I feel like the only times that I've truly needed them have been during the autopsies and then one time omission popped up where I needed to give corpses to another country but other than that they don't seem like they provide a lot of benefit I'm gonna go for the gamble this time I think doesn't want some SCI armor I'll be really good by that got a thing about a boom pardon me there we go and now Big Mike is gonna be really well taken care of a lotta help out a lot in the right hands this suit could be the most dangerous thing we've ever developed hell yeah brought to you by the delicious flavors of madrenas coffee madrenas for discovering the latent psychic potential within yourself nope Wow I feel like my psychic powers have awakened thanks madrenas increases wearer's will by 30 good god that's a lot okay Big Mike rocking it let's go dude you got your twin brother here the Swedish tag team no that's not a Swedish flag what flag is that those less ignorant than me who is that whose man is this Scotland that's what that is I mean they're both from the United Kingdom so yeah they're twins all right there we go ah let's see yeah I think green teas coming neither of them are Swedish yeah it's just a simple Oh see there's the Swede I knew we had one noon raccoon thanks so much for the gifted sub de su raza appreciate that let's get you loaded up pal I think you're coming out with us give you a skull back frozen yak man again you just said you can't give me I know you said you had to find a way I guess all right and thanks for the bids again as well I was just thinking after I saw that like you you literally just got done telling me you're not supposed to but thank you anyway I suppose he sold some corpses I like to think you're talking about noon not me then you probably work because you know what you're funny because all that everyone in here is hilarious goddamnit every last one in all right green teas looking good I think will bring Goliath out otherwise yeah I think we're good this is not that bad I was worried about this but we've got oh I mean the support of course he needs to bring I don't know why he has a grenade he needs a med kit there we go and then probably pen will do the same I didn't realize she was the support so yeah we're gonna have her bring out a Medicaid as well she's only a corporal man it stinks well yes sniper Liz mission this will be interesting we've got three supports along for the ride I think we got a brain I gotta I gotta bring green tea that's not even a question memes might have to bounce but if it's memes then it's probably gonna be pen that leaves and that means cuz memes can heal three times aka Axl that's nice [ __ ] name there we go coltain crows but one whole thing thanks for the full year buddy welcome on into the pile much appreciated buddy at heavy steel yeah nom I'm looking at the heavy to another I'm wondering I think I might actually I might swap out then I think I'm gonna do that I'm gonna swap out pin for our other sniper cuz I think I have another sniper available right now I really hope I do anyway because I really gotta have that level support right now sorry pin what do we have both of our snipers are wounded oh no I don't even have a rookie sniper oh my god womp womp squaty heavy squaty heavy fresh meat bring them out create the giveaway type fresh meat all one word and chat early bird gets the squad name do it up and to the giveaway by typing fresh meat that's you chat that's what you get to be tasty bait we lie out and wait so we can celebrate a victory free the meat where's the meat where's the meat get him in now five four three two one draw that's a good name tomato walrus very good name I think we can all be in favor of that done your name is tomato walrus okay that's a good name for a heavy for sure yeah fantastic oh he got it already okay yeah he's good I don't know why I did that again anyway good stuff let's make sure he's properly loaded out good deal I almost want to give him a scope I'm gonna do it he'll have a rocket well then how many grenades do we have we've got two obviously sailors gonna bring one out as well oh he's got the double grenades oh so yeah you know what that's gonna be a good idea oh we don't have a second heavy gun though oh [ __ ] do I have the money to make a heavy plasma I doubt it seriously doubt it oh no that's gonna be a problem 160 oh I bet I could get that that's 67 67 bucks just just don't worry about it just don't worry about it just don't worry about it so many things sold heavy plasma do it you needed it you needed it all right let's go such a big upgrade okay I'm happy Buster the memes the haas congo and walrus with our boy the goliath our brand new plasma Shiv it may not fly but its enemies will die tell you what buddy you get the full plasma rifle today the whole freakin experience dude let's go time to win with a squatty and a robot we have visual on the mission site setting down imagine for the two hundo mostly for the panic level I think the money is a large valuable text the threat there seems to be the most pressing indeed up a local broadcast indicating alien activity within a major metropolitan area we should get down there and eliminate any hostiles easy enough it's like the storefront Yurok thank you appreciate it glad to see new faces what the hell was that what was that honky Tonk that was for like a half second when it's cleared to engage hostile targets I'm not crazy right it was like the man damn man where the hell is that coming from all is it from in here okay that's funny let's see I don't like this cars are obviously not ideal cover especially when they only provide half we're gonna have to move up with the right person to begin with as well here and that's probably the Shiv send the robot go buddy go go go well heating suppressed nattu that's fun well everyone else has moved so let's just go ahead and try it then again we'll just be fully exposed hold on let's see Big Mike can go here near Matt and Geneva for work and get to catch a live stream for once well welcome on in thanks for the 19 month resub appreciate that very worried about where to go first can't assume they're inside so if I do that that means they flanked me over here I think I'm better off moving everybody over here first keeping them together no - yet though let's move Congo now I'd be ridiculous there's no full cover but I'm not gonna move anybody into position where I'm gonna reveal yet I don't think so let's just do this unless that shows the unfortunate all right tomato make your first move stick with the ship and we'll overwatch [Music] okay no information move all the way up nothing hmm very surprising okay that tells me is there they're a lot more likely to be inside the building I should not send tomato up by himself let's send Big Mike [Music] still visibility I should not make the dash it's tempted but that's not the way to go here I might - up with him I was gonna maybe sent him over this way but I don't think that's the way to go right now I think I'll dash forward let's do it go Buster all right chill out for a turn okay still nothing we move up full cover first though so get here see nothing okay she have up hey Barry you perfect at this game yet flawless never make a single mistake haven't lost a single soldier dude don't even take hits anymore when I see the enemy's they just run in terror not even fair anymore get on up there buster I hate it I hate the lack of information so far I'm gonna move my boy up with the - despite the danger of being behind the engine of course and there's Smitty and I doing no battle scanners this time I'm rocking a sniper 'la screw which I know is not exactly ideal we don't have the ideal loadout today a lot of folks were wounded unfortunately when this abduction was scouted so it's the B team oh that's a full cover don't even know what that is it's be a bridge over the that's just a sign okay I can probably move up it's not that big of a move anyway got to assume we're looking at another turn here of the B air to be for Baker there we go there's a little go at least something I was waiting does just see something hear something there it is take out it finally some good [ __ ] music speaking of good [ __ ] music mm-hmm this I almost don't want to move this ambience is beautiful they orgasm it's so good yeah big 5 enemies alright here's the fun the fun has arrived that looks like a rocket that looks like where I should put my rocket yeah yeah no that's that's what's gonna happen there right there yep I mean he's exposed still but I that's a let me [ __ ] look at that good clumping up and with a car yeah now there's they're gonna die by oh he mad I don't know why that was chopping so bad but we're good he pissed [ __ ] can shoot him I mean she is gonna be exposed so take the damage I think once there's something better he can do let's hold off for a sec actually I bet we have some good options today for this round I should say um clearly don't want to be bunched up I could probably get the full cover here feel a little better about things maybe even just overwatch with this guy but the 70 and 60 is really good 80% especially is good I'll probably take that 80% shot rule with a mind control [ __ ] yes that's so cool can I can I actually control him I bet he just does things on his own huh that'd be so cool if he became like a unit that I command that would be incredible boo boo boo boo hey there hobo smoke may be the way to go I think I got to be a little safe oh my god I have a second rocket of course tomato has one that would hit them for sure the shots blocked though from one where is he he's behind the engine I'm sure he can get it I can't see oh there we go we got a shot right there it's got to be like really specialized though it does I think hit the other guy there hmm well duh that's my friend now though I don't want to hit him I was just completely oblivious there for a second so yeah we really got to focus the Berserker down I think which means I'm gonna get a little further away obviously get away from the engine here too and let's go ahead and pop him once actually you know what let's go in the overwatch here assume he's gonna move around quite a bit maybe even go in the overwatch with Kongo as well but he's got a really good shot on somebody else means as a 62 I think I'll overwatch with him as well although the smoke for this guy does help a lot since he does not have any cover right now in fact he's gonna be kind of screwed I think if I don't do it something about it I can create cover for both of us actually oh all three yeah that's a good smoke let's do that that's a that's a better idea cover and smoke don't help versus melee but we still got the other guy floating around back there not to mention I have no idea what else is here I think what'll end up happening is I'm gonna shoot this guy well hold on I've only got green I've only got green tea in the ship now so what I think I want to do is take this shot let's see what happens from there I guess and then this should trigger area and overwatch from my heavy as he moves over this way that's a Miss that's okay and then at this point ship still has a shot of course so we'll take this moving toward the ship Oh Arielle just died yeah that works too okay great [Applause] oh goody shot his friend that works for me that's [ __ ] amazing actually I just realized you can use that to create new targets for the enemies that is phenomenal okay got another psionic ability available here too I think I probably go ahead and move up and do that the panic is not really what I need to do here I think I might just mind for this guy I mean either one six I managed dude okay Johnny me boy not really get up close enough for a shot I don't think so I'm probably gonna give it to somebody else oh he's got a really good one here actually he's already a colonel isn't he I don't need this guy to level up anymore it's let's give it to somebody who needs the experience which be smack it I guess you just chill right up here that's already blown up so he's good to go 63 ought to do it that's fair that's fair well we got a rookie maybe he'll get the shot I don't know if he can actually hit it from there though I think I got to just go up to this despite the fact that that's obviously not really where I want to be sitting go tomato 19 damage on the crib a little bit of overkill they won't happily take it I guess and I still got my boy here you can heal the floater oh my god that's absurd all right good deal it's very affect I can actually control it that's incredible oh my god you can fly yay that's amazing I can use him as a forward [ __ ] Scout dude just send him out and just see where the enemies are that's amazing mind control is so good holy [ __ ] okay let's see oh you can arc them too right yeah you can just bring them to you to be arced that's amazing this is so good it's so freakin good so happy we have this now all right this isn't on fire so we will be able to move up here I'm just gonna go ahead and pop a quick reload since we don't need to worry about a little bit up of this guy memes has not fired his weapon yet so I'll just move up I guess and we can wait on you Shiv we'll wait on the floater just these three okay let's do this Oh [Music] what is this launch move anywhere in the battlefield by launching into this flock me okay go over there here here where where can I do it break the bank um you have to see this ah okay well he's not in doors right now he's outside it's like Nightcrawler though right you got to be able to see where you're going well whatever let's just fly flying school up we go ah fam one where Oh down there nice whoo that's good very good Intel okay let's have the Shiv mmm let's just wait yeah they haven't spotted me yet exactly so I should really set up to take advantage of that let's reload my shift gun I reload with just about everybody move up as close to them as I can get let me rock them captain I got you buddy yet Biden controlled flutter scout Plus sniper squad site is over that sounds nuts yeah that's pretty ridiculous so here's the thing if I move yeah like tomato was just saying if I can move him into a spot where I can get the rocket off they haven't even seen me yet so that would be a really effective start however I think what I need to do to do that is like I wish he could open the door does the flutter apocrine aid that'd be cool lauder he does oh [ __ ] hmm you can move to here and then blow up this wall but I bet as soon as they do that or as soon as he does that that's probably gonna alert these guys but it's probably worth a try that sounds like a fun way to go about it I can throw the grenade there right yeah totally this would obviously blow up a pole to be able to see them or you know theoretically that's what you do yeah I know those are windows that's what I'm saying it should destroy it so I should be able to see them you can see through windows are you sure oh no well at any rate you can't fire through windows so I needed there that'd be like a hole in the place before I can fire a rocket through it right because if you fire a rocket into the window the windows still gonna catch it and blow it up so I still allowed to do this pretty damn sure I'm not gonna be able to like just hit them you can fire through windows I mean I'll believe you alright if that's the case then we'll probably be better off moving my heavy over to this position I can do it with tomato actually zu hold on you can move to like here and then probably do it from there or even - to this one you can fire through windows just not fire with a rocket well we'll find out not Rockets okay go Oh God well oh well Reaper thanks for the 18 months appreciate it buddy I didn't think he'd see me right there sure enough they can see through windows there's there's some definitive proof right you can see through windows and so can may no no I believe you guys I just I wanted to clarify the this specific points being made let's see that looks like a pretty decent way to get things started actually that way we're able to utilize his grenade because obviously we're not gonna be able to use it otherwise that seems good but man would think a man can do anything for you okay this boy is exposed so we're gonna move his ass probably even just in position to kill this guy although like I said this is our kernel so I want to necessarily give him the kills but I do want to move them into cover so we'll do that maybe smoke grenade this time and overwatch is probably good it's infected Seiler it's certainly go for the kill I think I'll move my ship up and in give us the vision at least and see what else we can see in here do that just in case nobody gets the kill Hoss is not the one I want to give the kill to either I should move him up and reload if possible although he doesn't really have any cover to get you that way I can run and gun this turn that's still really not what I need to do I think I'll actually move him to here and reload I don't even need to reload what am I thinking just do that I guess memes does not have a running gun but I imagine may have a shot there actually hmm let's see hold on Buster's gonna come up here and pop this spicy boy the miss Yates crying Dhabi and tarkov carved ah the 21 months and the three months thank you guys very much welcome back into the pile he doesn't have a shot there that's surprising okay well just over watch I guess questionable tactics but I have three overwatch shots set up one of which is on the ship so that I do some big damage if it hits all right and that's just the elite of course moving forward the big boy Wow cool all right so I'm pretty sure this is the last turn I have with him so I had to try to see what I can find let's go out here and just try to identify other threats nothing found okay Chevy boy up you go see what else is inside here nothing nothing yet I don't want to necessarily do this it could be a full pot out there let's just reload and hold on until the rest of the squad meets up with him Big Mike move forward full - up front yeah feel pretty confident we're not gonna run into too much trouble inside this building now so let's go ahead and move everybody in ye run to uni humans when you have Schiffman machines totally automated for the task I mean truth be told I am pretty tempted to just roll up the full squad of ships by the money for it you better believe I probably would have tried it already let's get the reload going here - brainwashed aliens right yeah that's the way to go wrapped at mate what rap tap bang now that's a I'm sure that's a thing oh good explosions oh he's mad he's mad he was mind-controlled he didn't like that he didn't like that one bit okay rap tap bang as Bears new album I mean I wish I had thought of it independently you know what you get two chances buster let's give it to you good job I just can't help him in such a such a beautiful juxtaposition to everything go huh aliens and murder and explosions until you pan over to just the right section of the map and you're greeted by the warm strings of Texas anyway hmm I hate that I love it again now I hate it I got to check out this building too I think that's gonna be where the other pot is mm I don't want to go that way come on Big Mike's gonna hold back he's gonna move up isn't everyone of guns just sit tight possible we just ended up letting me the enemies make the play here depending on how far up I can get with the squad Riley's ain't doing you up still run a gun here either I could go for a reload real quick - yeah okay take it easy and follow my own advice I do have a running gun I do have a running gun but that's not worth using here mind control back in two turns as well oh [ __ ] hello hmm oh he's weak pardon me I've got some congestion today I can shoot him huh a little weird I might as well I guess 51 percent I know I could probably eat a better shot I'm worried he's gonna have a pal out here though I guess we can find out pretty easily why didn't I not do someone with lightning reflexes that was pretty stupid oh well yeah I should have anticipated he was gonna be on the overwatch there that was dumb getting shot builds character yeah no I agree with you there boy a little worried about going over this way I'll try bust this door open I think I'm gonna do that this turn with him actually because I'm pretty sure you'll be able to do that yeah there we go all right yeah dude took three plasma cannon shots to the head pretty well so commend them for that I guess shimmy boy helping go or word scowly the way didn't do do do-do-do they definitely do you do well health still it's like it never even happened man I gotta get out of here this is gonna be the same thing but twice as loud in the other room I bet that would make me laugh a lot okay let's see doors shut you got to assume they're on the second floor up there so let's uh send the boy over to the breech spot do this can we call Goliath one bear fat can I change that probably not like mid-mission right I wish I could just hold missed whole get my boys up there real quick all squatted up together I know that it's just I'm gonna I'm giving them kudos on the designing n for that for the fact that that honky tonk just so seamlessly blends in that of the experience you know they thought about that yeah we should be good on that wall anticipating any trouble we can even just do this cuz I seriously doubt yeah I seriously doubt there's gonna be a pot on that side let me send my boy off like that go on well war vos i doing they just want to come out on their own let me find with me you sit right here buddy no wait what I didn't go there Oh why are you upstairs what the [ __ ] whoopsie I was a - - son of a [ __ ] that's that's sucks man rip you I guess yeah my bad dude I obviously did not mean to do it's so [ __ ] easy to do it of course when he I'm down as far as I can go but the game still insists that this is where I want to click I'm gonna have to rotate the camera I guess that's obnoxious yeah yeah we're gonna rain hell on these [ __ ] hmm I mean reducing his aim doesn't help if I go here I wonder if I could shoot him would help at least I'm sure forty-five [Applause] how does reducing aim not help oh I thought this was the melee guy my bed it does help obviously thank you so much for the hundred biddies but appreciate it go here please stay hydrated in y'all that's where they go yeah good shot buddy good stop that's gonna be the only way I can get in there to help right now he's not exposed to those guys right yeah okay I gotta do it sucks ass yeah I don't know where the other guys win so that's gonna be a problem here - obviously because I didn't set up at all defensively although I do have suppression on him at least sorry pal oh that's it good thank you you go ahead and kill him you deserve it there we go down dude this guy just gets nothing but crits tomato you get nothing but crits and I am here for it now I got to move my healers up yeah there were three those two others somewhere around here I can't - you're kidding me this camera in multi-layer buildings is just atrocious holy hell oh they're blocking it that's why okay so Haas has to get downstairs and I gotta wonder where they are you know what [ __ ] move [ __ ] move first [ __ ] move first you'll find those sons-of-bitches there they are Oh God not my ship not my ship well that's helpful hmm Hoss my boy come on down here my control oh yeah now right here [Music] pop that fool the bad boy not the good boy the bad boy right you can only hit the bad boy good good man tea you got to get up here and heal this guy you can do that as well so let's get it done sailors get a shot I don't imagine this is only exposed to the guy because I mean alright because I haven't murdered him yet 48 yeah alright thank you at least for letting me hit it yeah I guess that sigh armor had a pretty huge effect on the success rate of the mind control huh ah okay I don't have the arc thrower with me this time I don't think do I have ship repair how would I know if I have ship repair which tell me like an option on people's menus right just murder him I'll use them as a forward Scout how about that where are the remaining enemies I wonder I thought that would be oh he's probably the last guy yeah he's got to be the last guy huh let's have him himself that'll do yeah that'll be that'll be fun he let my boy real quick - here you go let the rookie get the kill yeah definitely come here tomato you're just gonna hang out over here for a bit do you need just chill I could reload I guess we're all gonna watch this guy blow himself up it's gonna be hilarious we're just toying with alien life-forms at this point oops Oh and ego definitely get plates you after yeah looking forward to it do we need to heal anything else the SHIVs gonna have to be under repair for a while I could have thrown a grenade at him didn't even think about that are you happier that chubbs got to meet a bunch of new friends are you happier that there's food in the house I'm happier for chubbs javis is meeting new friends is a source of eternal happiness new record thanks for hunter biddies again appreciate you Oh No whoops sorry oh man darn it Oh threw another grenade at you pal my fault that's a goof that's a big goof right there I think I just have to wait right get this ship the [ __ ] out of here we getting this kill you ain't getting this kill you just stand out here in the open good job good job you did great whoops Oh God see ya Wow good shots guys well plays well played everyone's doing great hmm welcome to the bear pile oh I am looking forward to the moment dismisses okay I have a later gift in the sub to that one pancake thank you very much for the gifted sub buddy good deal a crit again what the [ __ ] how does he keep doing that nothing but crits for tomato well then we're bullets warming obviously good deal good deal good deal $300 we will be watching hell yeah man what do I want to build with this money now hopper shift sounds fun I should probably get another set of Sai arm or two but let's hold off for now let's go ahead and move forward with what we got under construction on the shoulders of giants [Music] that looks fun [Music] it looks like one of those Spencer Gifts lightning balls they would touch the outside of and the lightning would touch your fingers Gallup Chamber complete what does that do for me is it once a volunteer enters the chamber there is no turning back we likely will not be able to make any developments beyond this point we ain't ready for that [ __ ] you're not ready for that I'm gonna recover our wounded fusion Lance the most powerful anti-aircraft weapon currently available to XCOM should be capable of taking down any UFO engaged by the fire storm that's cool okay how much for that fifty-two that's not too bad actually it's cheaper than the EMP cannon huh surprising get to them rush construction yeah oh that doubles the cost though well we don't need to rush it talk thanks for the hundred biddies I don't think I even need to get this yeah I'm kind of with you I don't think I really need that a lot of the money for something else Oh goes from immediate to immediate I didn't even notice that's funny all right there we go I kind of actually oh [ __ ] $300 cool for heavy lasers it's garbage you're asking me for trash here you go holy [ __ ] let's build some SCI armor again done deal dude I should make ghost armor to extremely death death occult for the wearer to be detected in the field that could be fun bit of a waste of cash though I still want to hang on to what I've got oh yeah rename the Shiv you can't blame no I kind of want to send someone in for SCI testing as well it's really anybody I haven't tested yet that looks like a decent candidate like memes memes hounds your will looking buddy 64 mm-hmm that's okay I guess but you know what worth worth trying worth trying buddy give it give it a go I do indeed to have a high-level sniper yeah he's been carrying us the entire time could build another satellite over Nigeria might be a good idea I'm gonna go ahead and do that let's get to done 20 days let's just build one all right cool go for it what's this by integrating components of the advanced alien navigation systems we can fire self-guided rockets capable of navigating to the intended target without direct line-of-sight are you [ __ ] kidding me curved rockets what the [ __ ] of course I have just sure that the money needed for it twelve dollars please thank you what the [ __ ] dude that's insane heavy would you like a blaster launcher does that sound fun I bet we're the matrix one day from councillor for two we are extremely I'm some guys of the ExCom project does for commander your recent results were beyond our expectations Wow and that is not a statement this council makes lightly we so much money oh well my that much but yeh the new engineers arrived this morning commander hey dirt always glad to have more help down here you doing I want one more satellite I guess we need more power for that I bought the [ __ ] Gaul upon the Steam source didn't I got damnit power generator do it okay now how are we looking in the skies honestly I think we're pretty well covered the South America could use one more I'll get them a demon demon over every continent that seems smart let's do that if you finish the research tree I believe so appreciate your efforts to support the research team commander I've already put the new recruits to work in the lab foundry that's where we should go hmm Archangel improvement drone capture hmm that's not all that big of a deal none of these are really all that great anymore advanced flight really is the only thing that I think would be worthwhile stealth satellites I suppose are okay kill dr. Valen that's a questionable tactic in my mind I want to buy a hover ship I'm gonna do it just for fun then mind shield me combat stems may you build another alloy cannon I only have one that's a good idea let's do that and then I think we're good hold on to the money for a sec see what's important I might need to replace some units year tomatoe walrus one of the pile buddy thanks for some with which crime welcome on in what do we do oh cool that's not happy with you okay so now we can either earn now we can build other stuff down here though like what like a satellite uplink right that's what I want to do let's do it begin and then we'll build another satellite and then hold on to the money cool all right before we got our hover ship at least we have a demon with E with an EMP cannon pretty sure he'll take care of it why not final mission that I'm pretty I don't feel prepared yet I want to feel like oh my god he one shot the thing seven enemies here okay clear out Goliath you'll need him anymore we're gonna send we're gonna send somebody that needs a little bit of upgrading and that's little mixer get you up to kernel territory speaking of which we're probably gonna swap either bird Bob or the Hoss and I think it's gonna be bird Bob this time the Hoss already has a sigh armor worked out so we'll do that the Hoss is the chosen one I might bring out Jimmy pin actually give him a chance to upgrade a little here that's gonna be our only support belt walrus might have to sit this round mmm oh no no just kidding we have a kernel support never mind we're good yeah this will work oh I need more Titan armor do I you sure I don't think I do I think I just got somebody sitting that's wearing some it's Johnny yeah I knew it doo doo doo nope not that one there we go okay and there we go and the correct equipment yeah we go bird made oh no just kidding she's a support genius and I'm gonna give mr. Haas the arc thrower so we can stun some of his mind-controlled soldiers there azog how you doing sailors feeling good with his double grenade loadout with a blaster launcher to boot so he's gonna be a major force little mixer of course always a threat as well scope on her colonel with our triple med kit loadout a major support player oh my god oh I get it I was trying to figure it out leap leap gifted subs lead is neat one three three seven Decker get the bear hugs up 37 gifted subs holy [ __ ] the most generous man in the chat bar none thank you so much Geiger to the bear much appreciated you let's launch this in your honor I think we're ready to go let's do it to the absolute madman let's go get ready to deploy our AO is within the continental United States to the buyer locate the crashed UFO sweep the area avoid additional damage if there are civilians in the area I hope they stay clear me too I hope they don't die that's a that's a good thing to say right before we get in there hope you don't kill any innocent the breach it's gonna be big Mike moving up i misclicked have to rush I guess [Music] first click miss click does not bode well it does not make me feel all that good I'll have to live with it I guess heavy plasma moving forward take it easy welcome to the bear heavy plies am i moving up take it easy mixer locking it down welcome taken to the skies seeing what she can see no battle scanner for her this time though watch next Jimmy Penn rocking a full plasma I like your nickname - it's a very appropriate nickname okay [Music] Big Mike moving up staying low this time I guess I feel but see what we can find I do not like the idea of sending him out here in fact I think we're walking ourselves into a little bit of a choke point that I am gonna regret immediately so I'm gonna go this way go to the bear and be a little smarter about things no thanks for another 420 bits very kind did they appreciate that yellow for antimatter dynamite I missed that I must have missed it wow what a [Laughter] [ __ ] Nostradamus go to the bear pile um I must have missed something before from you but holy [ __ ] Betty gifted it even sounds good saying it out loud 50 gifted sobs you get a sub you get a sub thank you so much uncle Wayne is gonna be busy even him on employ I'll sub if you call out every single seven come on man you got to consider your trade-offs I do believe I'm making the right call going this way so welcome hit this spot over watch whoa wait for the move I'm actually gonna move down with her cuz I don't think well she doesn't need to be the forward Scout so I can just keep position there but we're definitely moving over this way with Mike to the Congo I'm sure it's fine to just come over here okay move good move these guys have got to get out of their respective positions you're like this is not that much better than what I was doing before I just I need to try to like get up here or something is the idea do this well for a quarter chat just gift it selves that feels pretty great that's wonderful thank you so much sailors gonna move out that spot I guess the most gifted of chats a little bit to the bear pile Mike you're gonna go there it's gonna say probably isn't gonna have anything up top even if he goes to that spot so nothing really doing there and then sit pretty for a second this is gonna be a slow start but definitely the way I feel we got to do it I'm gonna move her forward once again half hour flight fuel at this time walrus on the move up front I'm gonna tag-team with these boys welcome and now with the moves I've got left I think I'm probably okay to do that and then tea has for my welcome to the bear pile I'm tempted to push all the way up but I think I'm probably a lot better off doing this yeah I'm thinking about that diamond I know I'm thinking about it for sure I gotta move it down probably I'm just gonna keep her in that spot I think until we see that see the enemy maybe even just put around a sniper overwatch I [ __ ] knew it I knew there would be something up in that alcove up there I was so sure alright I'll take their positions up there there's the noon raccoon bits finally showing up thank you man this is safe for now Boult cover here that's fantastic welcome to you so much this is just now starting on antimatter's gifted sup so enjoy the sounds of smooth uncle Wayne for a little while here mr. e welcome my doing great you were playing this with at least enemy with dinner perhaps long war I know yeah a lot of people have recommended that but to be honest I'm leaning a lot more toward just jumping into XCOM 2 and then even before that actually I think I might check out a little bit of Boyd Basterds a game that I was showing off at the beginning of the stream today just a little bit I think that would be a lot of fun too but XCOM 2 I think is gonna be where I'm gonna make or where we go after this it's my suspicion right now wants you to take HAases place I could see something there I had a feeling ok yeah I'm definitely not gonna do long war I'm pretty sure long war is not for me my shots deal ok I should have said that up a little better I didn't think like I had a feeling that would be where we see him but I didn't think that space in particular would trigger it it's going here I probably won't have a shot but I definitely have an open watch potential and then I can smoke next turn as well I don't think he's gonna be able to help now so I'll just overwatch with him and might actually have a shot with you but I'm probably a lot better off going for a rocket next turn or something which means I probably want to go ahead and get you over this way let's just do this and then we'll overwatch and see if just just to see if anything comes over the ridge oh my god she has a shiner she has three and she has now not yet man but oh my god if she had [ __ ] in the zone right now she would be taking [ __ ] bases 100% chance to hit with a 75 crit I don't even know if I need the crit here actually I think I do need the crit to get the kill so let's go for it oh that's not good Wow well-played thank you for not throwing a second grenade we'll go [ __ ] you that's right count my dragons and you're mine yay there's our forward whoa oh man immediate vision as a result of the mind control alright alright damn dude well we need to make some heals happen here obviously let's see I'm gonna get down here actually that might we might find enemies down there that's probably not wise I think I might show there but I'm exposing myself to another punch or grenade damage but I don't think there's anyone nearby us anymore I think we're okay kill yourself pal actually you need to heal others to get no I guess that we're good we're good we're good Takao thank you for another 100 biddies appreciate that dude this is not smart welcome but I think he'll be able to just heal his friend no matter what I can just sell oh I should have actually ow I'm realizing now I should have had him heal the other guy that was less silly that's okay though because we are obviously in a fine enough position here and not have to worry about those enemies we've already seen so long as we don't reveal ourselves to anyone else we'll be just fine we could probably move up here with walrus as well he obviously didn't take any damage so he's okay to get up into this position I don't think I'll see anybody else over here either so we're good and we have no shot so I guess I got to bring you a little mixer down now let's do that having a good day form a WR - all right half covers full covered disky boy okay okay uh-huh let's get in there and toss his grenade just expose him and get him killed by his friends sounds good to me hi oh he doesn't have his grenade anymore damn yeah he already used it to this is probably better I'm gonna hold off on him let's see where can I go Congo might have a shot if he goes there he does okay 60% to hit the disc pretty good walrus hazard or a rocket right yeah obviously that'd be pretty good shots blocked up I can hit the desk mmm this actually might help us out a lot because this is open up or open up our ability to hit the other enemies doesn't help a lot immediately by itself though yeah when in doubt blow them up right exactly 48 38 might be a shot I take I can overwatch as well though plasma sniper rifles gotta have a couple of decent shots right now the disc shot is decent Saylor they just move up and try to set up another rocket on his own - shredder rocket really doesn't help it son I think I might just have to wait until next turn to fire the Rockets off I think they're just gonna be a lot better for me knees I guess I'm just done overwatch with this heavy fur here pan what can you do I don't think you'll have a shot here I think I might smoke we're all on full cover though I doubt we really needed Big Mike has a running gun this term might be able to move in for a mine fray although I can't do that off the run again I should remember so never mind use rocket to open up space to use other heavies rocket yet that's kind of where I'm leaning I don't think I need to do too much with Mike right now I don't want to go absolutely crazy with him I think in fact we may just move up here that's not really all that well covered though I'm a wet I go with him now let's just do this and then move up to this flow cover welcome that's fine Metis gonna take the shot let's take this sniper shot on disc first actually let's do this first of all I want to see what kind of damage we're able to do with him killing the drone would be good probably but that's not like a guaranteed thing you kind of want to take this 71% all right that's good next take the snipe up to ten so that means landing it a chance to kill but otherwise very weak all right that's perfect now sixty is very low honestly but there we go good that works pretty well all right cool done it I just gonna take a shot on one of us his covers gone now though just sat there are you [ __ ] kidding me what the hell see how that does nice shot buddy good [ __ ] you just go ahead and die for me thanks good work mixer all right pop a couple heels maybe here there's tar cows bits finally things are working their way through my goodness I'm sure I'll find something going like this yeah I was gonna hopefully give it your own and take the shot ice yeah very good okay he's a little exposed out there so gonna make sure I've got his back up get some cover yeah we ain't finally done he did it good job uncle Wayne will smoke up right here I think that's probably a good idea there we go that's better I don't think I'll see anything going like that it's unnecessary to gamble his position where are my heels oh you have to have a Ark throw away to repair to shave I'm not realizing that okay I'm gonna take a chance on this there he is I want a mind fray this guy real bad that'd be great - I am the superior psionic I don't think that worked Oh No resist Mike no oh that's not Mike oh I should try to stun him where's my snipe oh man this isn't good this isn't get it all hopefully you're not on reaction oh I might lose a guy here this is really bad I hate that mind control so [ __ ] much uh-oh all that hit him though right if that gets there I think so oh right yeah I forgot we have that there we go noon raccoon another five gifted thank you so much noon both one into the pile y'all use disabling shot on your own unit brilliant this is why we get this isn't it oh yes that is magnificent all right Mike you're making a big play here buddy big plays big plays Mike that's what they call him I'm terrified to go up that far though cuz I don't know what else is here but I'm doing it big plays Mike big plays mic big plays mic [Music] another successful operation daughter big dick Hoss that's Mike Val Hass Hass - you yelled I guess the disabling shot just served to injure my squatty that was good I [Laughter] understand you had to do it for the team Mike Mike Hoss the Hoss Hoss the Hoss legend ya know I was thinking about that too I could have tried to stun the ethereal but felt better to do that you can think of the biddies again appreciate it the wins thank you so much for all this important very kind cool okay Santa lights not done yet almost our ships almost done yeah [Music] oh yeah no gift for Johnny memes oh well who have we not tested now seal Jaykar give it a try give it a shot who knows okay I'm gonna hire two more soldiers too just in case I doubt I'll actually use them but [ __ ] it here we go one more satellite another firestorm I gotta get that fire stone in the proper place I actually give it a good gun to know I don't have any weapons for that never mind um I bet I could build one fusion Lance do it just for shits and giggles here we go oh yeah dude arm them weapons take a day do it oh god link on a secure channel we've uncovered an alien plot to disrupt the transportation networks within a major russian municipality if successful this would lead to major interruptions in the district distribution of goods and services in the general public Intel is still coming in I mean that's the team right that's the squad that got it done last time that's the squad that give up that'll get it done today 163 don't you scoff at 163 dollars we are grateful for every dollar we earn here from the council has arrived let's go deactivate the bomb and deactivated a bomb in years let's do it what happened to our pack alpaca he's resting for a couple missions we got to get our other sniper ranked up he's waiting in the wings he's still good to go oh man look up that ass they all look now it's called operation brutal father Jesus Christ plasma bomb of some kind in your vicinity time is running short thin man pick up some unusual heat signatures of the area nation surprising it's even without equipment it should buy you some time to get to the explosive itself we got 90 percent on and mind control here Thin Man vs list yeah this is a little absurd I think it's gonna give me some vision down there - we got a running gun on somebody I have a shot I have a 53% shot but I can also fire a rocket at it and that works pretty well yeah that's pretty good bye oh yeah God's heaven that's crazy fathers more fire a rocket at the bomb yeah that'll probably do the job right here we go get on up walrus keep going yeah those floating green balls of death are pretty satisfying I like that a lot hey bond here we go she might actually have a pistol shot from there she does just kidding she doesn't over watch Jamie pen over here we'll toss is smoked I doubt they actually have a shot over here but I might as well be safe he's just sitting there in half cover there we go yeah teal join them up there [Music] because when the oversight it's possible to unlock the blaster launcher very early an enemy within whether or not you can make it is a different story yeah that makes sense we just shot his friend how [ __ ] up they're heartless wanna see their friends die Wow he missed that's not supposed to happen I'm sure he'll finish the job right what the only time thin men miss is when firing at other thin men they're too kind to their own people all right we got another Oh disarmed here and then let's go for the my pride that'll buy you some time I am the ultimate psionic power doo-doo-doo-doo doodly-doo doodly-doo namely me yeah why not well you know what let's go down there it's too thin of a target yeah teehee Naomi says the man who shot his soldiers moments prior we've already forgotten about that I thought as a group I thought we agreed to forget about that it might still be more enemies but I mean they're gonna be thin men for God's sakes I'm not too concerned about it goodbye all right well enough Jimmy well I'll just take a - buddy bucket oh yeah I forgot poison spit oh that's right spits a [ __ ] poisonous cloud at them too that's run over here and spin at his friends Finn men are immune that does make sense I guess that is logical oh geez why not look how properly it looks out there man yeah I was wondering it out if you could disarm the bomb with a mind-controlled unit dude the person that mine controls the unit that gets shot by his friends should get killed first you get the experience board I think gonna be cool ah if only I could get to they're gonna be nice my running gun this turn and just get it kill I think that's probably gonna be the way to go I'm in like no danger here full exposure I have no vision on anything those [ __ ] alright well I mean I can just go disarm the bomb right that's gonna take care of things real quick here oh no lightning either he's gonna hit that oh god no what'll I do shoot back I guess that did okay yeah I render their [ __ ] Birgit and he can go there yay that's what I wanted and go there too great extra disarm potential not that I really need it moving on up moving down up we Jimmy you got a shot seriously doubted you might heal somebody put you on overwatch for return but probably want to heal you son of a [ __ ] uh-huh that looks like it hit it still go with that hmm on that one thank good good good see move up I can get a stun it's not a bad idea oh I've had a overwatch reaction shot I forgot about well they just [ __ ] explode I love it snipe no look look over here I shoot him then Wow all right overwatch got to be close to the end here no lightning reflexes on him who's got him anyone I don't know if anybody available does I actually [ __ ] just have to take this shot missed unfortunately I do love exploding thin men that's very true about me I might just take the hit I can also shred him I just realized it's probably not a bad idea except for the bomb next to it hopefully it doesn't miss it is a homing rocket so it ought to do just fine pop oh what's that get out of here nice cool I'm gonna heal well I've got the chance man up and get back out there okay do you best be food idiot it seems you bought yourself some time but you started early do you know who do you do do you do you do still enemies huh do-do-do-do-do-do hurry bear there's no God yeah while I knew I have so little time how I ever make it I better get another disarm just in case Oh poison now too glad I did that that's all right Big Mike needed another kill just kidding never mind who's got a shot anybody nope well this is over excellent work strike one wipe out any remaining aliens and come on home god damn it I spilled strike one opposition is headed towards you repeat hostiles approaching your position oh hi objective updated no Eric and that's got to be a good shot right there that's got to be a good shot right there right there cool dude XCOM [ __ ] you can't miss that there we go [Applause] tomato can't miss it's beautiful killing thrusters yeah we gotta find the other enemies and poison my boy got faith poison my boy you're the last move on there are the thin men that way oh there is drop it in from the sky get a mixer did she kill it there's six of them what the [ __ ] good shots everybody okay that was unexpected I mean everyone's got shots they're all just exposed up there we gotta take the ones that are best suited for the people in front of them for now everybody gets a kill everybody gets a free kill I guess except Jimmy Penn he doesn't have a shot here we go take it buddy yeah okay yeah it had to be one enemy each that's got to be the one I take here wall race is probably gonna go for this one or maybe just leave that one be and let mixer get it yeah mixer might take that one out what is Saylor gonna do I think Saylor has to take that shot which means you're gonna move over here oh yeah I mean I probably didn't need to give him the reaction and hopefully that doesn't blow up that'd be cool mixer does not have it in the zone unfortunately that'd be a pretty easy decision to make if that was the case even if she did hog all the kills as a result of that I don't necessarily have to do this either but mine the damage all that much it's fine six it the most probably only yeah like to damage who cares just want to make sure I've got a higher percentage shot there we go this guy is a crit machine what the [ __ ] my right Hoss let me get over there and finish this guy I bet if I go right here he got he's got it he's poison but that's okay there you are you son of a [ __ ] full exposure oh god oh no we can actually buy defray from there I never mind who needs the kill I'd love to give it to walrus he's too far away though so it's gonna get a ped excuse me sir do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior plasma bolts he's done it sixteenth in men the less successful sequel the twelve Angry Men good joke good joke bear I'm certainly impressed with the results so far especially considering the conditions down there I'm kidding corporal walrus you mean that shredder our colonel one additional standard rocket per battle confers an additional damage bonus based on weapon tech level or just additional damage I guess based on weapon tech level the suppression and all area affect abilities gotta give that second rocket 100% 100% especially with the bunker blast or whatever the hell and then field medic for sure that'll do very good bonuses there okay I'm happy dude oh they need another 14 hours aren't armed those cannons so hang on there we go they need a raven in south america there we go very nice okay these are income dude now I know that I'm blessed let's do it no yes Lloyd on your orders alright I'm gonna go ahead and deploy Nigeria so we get that bonus nice butter cops supreme I should have launched that satellite a long time ago it's a big bonus dude two hundred bits from Buttercup thank you very much for this generosity much appreciated I'm gonna build another satellite we're gonna get that whole satellite coverage baby oh that's right that's right I am building the uplink but I can still build the satellites now let's get to how many do we need to actually fill it up one two three four we'll get to four now I don't know how much extra coverage we'll get her extra space will get from the Nexus I create yeah I rip six six six fast and well we are ready to deploy it on your orders France do it yay man we just like doubled our monthly income there that's freaking crazy yay go demon build all of them you coward I probably should South America bonus is [ __ ] worthless I wasn't really expecting to get a lot of bonuses from them anymore I guess like we're pretty late in the game now I don't think I'm gonna be relying on that stuff for significant impact okay mixer still has yet to be promoted to Colonel let's see walrus is making waves dude it's who two shots we're all dead yo or nicknames doc I love that let's see um honestly I might just roll with this squad again and just get them the promotions they need I'm only tempted to clear out the Sailor I'm gonna do that obviously got to take his equipment off I'd replace him with probably like a squatty actually I think it's what I would do oh I have a new sniper grace Connolly hmm maybe I need another sniper I think it's you know it's too late it's too late in the game to be doing this stuff I'm prepping my final loadouts let's make sure they're all ready to go and let's use things that the best of our ability here - Rockets available we've got our Sai armor ready to go South America's bow this is very strong early game - since it only requires two satellites it's often maybe not the best starting continent I see okay all right give me a bear yeah if we if you feel we're still good to go here I don't know if there's really much else I need to consider I think I'm ready for action once more medic it's auntie doc with the Medicaid upgrade she's obviously able to heal three times now as well sailors got those two rockets walrus with the scope on the nuke might swap that off for something else but otherwise I think we're cool let's do it leaning now toward actually attempting that final mission destroy some SCI armor I think would be the other thing we need to build before that the drops we have the money for soon we'll be in Canada it looks like the aliens went down in a sparsely populated area if there are civilians in the area I hope they stayed clear you said that last time who's trying to swagger a sways your own guilt come into HQ big sky is reaching the other marker approaching the crash site now strike team is awaiting your orders do I already have a second suit strike one is free to engage hostile targets at the crash site I can't remember if we did build a second one okay sand in the heavies let's go alright good info mmm I don't need to dash feeling like it's all just gonna be right up here I don't think we're gonna get flanked all that much we might spot them if I get to this position okay that to me means we can do this bear do a yellow move or it's pre-recorded I mean it is I'm gonna try to disprove that to you this is all pre-recorded even my reaction me your comment I just try to get out ahead of it these people wise up keep the illusion up I'll sleep pretty here life is prerecorded I mean deep dude [ __ ] it go go there play games and talk or it's pre-recorded bear play games and talk and it's pre-recorded the Haas has no fear absolutely not dude look at him he's all by himself out there squatting even near says Bach this let's go let's go [Music] blown-up mixer you're just gonna sit pretty in the back go you don't need to be going crazy right now and the wall rests [Music] up we go love this music it's very good [Music] day 749 of the experiment subject bear taffy still thinks he's communicating with real people via the internet [Music] continues talking to himself in an empty room I can never become too aware of it man that's what I'm gonna break down like the second I start to realize all I've been doing for the past two hours or so it's stood in an empty room talking to myself and I'll goddamnit now I'm becoming aware I think my wife's home now actually I'm not all about myself these days that he knows terminate the experiment that was clearly a suboptimal start for us burning night 41 months you can hear me from downstairs good okay I'm not all by myself let's do this I do not need to rush I can take my time here because they are not in any sort of advantageous position where I need to make rash decisions here however what is possible is I could run and gun up with the alloy and get things started early but I don't need to do that either mixer I don't think is even in position right now to shoot at them yet so I think I'm gonna move her up to the half cover right here and then next turn we should be able to get some get some good stuff going with her this boy might fire a rocket just to clear out some debris here and prevent them from having more cover I'm not sure about that yet either I think I actually want to get up top before I try to do something like that let's put them both on overwatch here that ought to work pretty well Big Mike has like no cover from these guys in this position so I am tempted to do the running gun but I'm gonna go up here and get the overwatch set up before that so he's got help I think the best option for me here is not to go all the way up like that and instead to run over this way that's a huge gamble though that's all by himself out in that unknown territory but it's full cover I'm gonna stay on this side hopefully they're not gonna see me from that end I don't know exactly where they ended up he is not covered that's not good at all oh [ __ ] oh that's the wrong side and that's a 1% well I hope he doesn't die no it's suck oh he's gonna die isn't he they're definitely gonna shoot at him but destroyed his tree he's suppressed that does not surprise me however he still got mind-control capabilities here which is very good obviously we have the sniper shot available too so you know we could do actually is remove the suppression or attempt to remove the suppression and even take a disabling shot on huh it's a very low percentage chance to Congo can't really get into position to health um now unfortunately this is yeah mine control the suppressor would probably work that takes care of that but that prevents us from moving with Mike this turn I think I want to do this right get him behind here and then ya know obviously the cover here is suboptimal - I can get up here to heal as well if I get Mike behind this thing but that's only half does Mike have lightning yeah he does I can't use the suppressed one the turn that I control it that's not there that's not gonna work that way oh no that's so [ __ ] close Scott damn it man they have the same range [ __ ] he's gonna dodge it yeah I don't know what to do here it's just a bad move man Kongo doesn't have lightning either just move one it ain't shooting yeah that's smart I mean I do feel like this ought to be the thing I do but I kind of want to try actually to just kill the second guy first that [ __ ] sucks okay move here he doesn't have lightning though Mike I think is the only one that does Mike could run I don't hate that then we're all just bunched up over here that's bad smoke on Hoss yeah that's true so you can do that more see for gladly he right yeah and thanks for the advice there Tina I think I will moving go for it now he's gonna lightning this shot and go for the mind control on the suppression I'm a suppressor there we go and a leg smoke cover there that's good and then we can get a heel off hopefully soon he's not covered nice that's probably the shot I take there is anyone exposed to this No so I that means I got to get my heavies up closer oh that's true yeah they are all gonna spend the turn killing the mutant so that's good for us Zen Jen welcome back 12 months the full year appreciate you buddy good to have you again doing good hope you are too let's hold on these guys because I don't know what's over on the other side but I guess that's all we have left to do so moving the heavies okay I'm gonna do this I'm gonna move him like that and then I probably got an okay shot there so let's take it just [ __ ] massacred the thing hell yes which means Jimmy's on the overwatch Mike's tree got destroyed by the suppression oh [ __ ] me dude well like we said the enemy shouldn't fire at him because they're all focused on the mutant in front of them so it should be okay I really don't want to move over here because I'm terrified that I'm gonna end up unlocking another pod down here in this corner or something but I'm pretty confident that there's nothing over there so I'm gonna take the gamble all right yeah as I mentioned there almost certainly gonna try to target their friend who's fully exposed one-shot kill is not good for us though because that means the other guys gonna probably try to target Mike and obviously we weren't able to use that guy at all either oh thank god okay Mike's free to go he's still got lightning I got to be real careful how I move around with him though I think before we move with him we'll probably go for the heal which sadly I need to move in range to do which is gonna expose us which really sucks do I have a snipe yes 45% that's not all that good let's destroy another tree great thank you yeah he does appear to be on overwatch I should have done that first donna ass well if I kill him then he can't shoot my friend right so that's smart all there's another piece of cover there too maybe we get Mike to trigger the overwatch shot but then I wouldn't even be able to now god damn it dude I just got a heal Mike I have to do it even though the other guys exposed and then we might move Mike up there still got the smoke cover at least and then hopefully Mike's just able to kill this son of a [ __ ] well there's two yeah that makes sense mind fray not quite sigh panic that's the one he's fully exposed though I bet we have a shot with someone else and met kids fix everything exactly oh he's covered there but that would probably mean you know what let's just fire a goddamn rocket at these guys oh come on Jesus dude I don't want to go there because he's just gonna nade us move into a better position probably panic other dude fire on the oh yeah that's probably the way to go I was thinking that too okay let's do that he's obviously the bigger threat back there being in cover and not weakened one bit yet so I'm gonna go here I'm gonna take the chance on it even though obviously sets us up for exposure to a game luckily it worked out for me okay good stuff very happy to see that and now I'm gonna go ahead and fold - up with green tea smart move there real good stuff yeah Betty's last minute bits for the crits thanks so much pal welcome on back in appreciate you are you in range to deal damage I certainly hope not you sure are now don't hit me god damn it this is bad dude he's right there holy [ __ ] I just got a pop at Yale on green tea let's have a look at what our options are here though obviously so he's panics so he's not gonna do too much over there yeah that could've been a lot worse for sure I've got to have a good snipe somewhere I really don't I mean it's probably gonna be that I don't have the crit for that either unfortunately rapid fire is a good choice here about probably what Mike does walrus needs to move but I don't know what kind of overwatch we're dealing with here oh yeah getting her in the air is probably a good idea I don't think I can do that and move or do that in fire the sniper rifle on the same turn though right tell you what let's move Jim you know hopefully trigger any overwatch okay it doesn't look like there's any that's close enough at least I might want to smoke these guys for future turns right yeah that makes sense I'm with you Rockets not there yet we might just have him take this shot I don't know what Buster's gonna be good for right now walrus has got to get the hell out of here obviously this is a bad place for him to be he's got a grenade that's fine leaf honestly for the whole playthrough the back sitting has been pretty manageable they're tolerable I guess is the better word for it I really been a problem at all I try this very good the second one missed that sucks he probably would've got a once tried a kill by himself there had the second one hit Jimmy just are not Jimmy Kongo here he just needs to heal even though obviously it's not great to have him there for anything else though he's really got to take care of himself yeah I don't think we've really been spoiled all that much I think for the most part we've been waiting spoilers so thank you for that I think I'm gonna move walras over here maybe actually move him into range to be healed that would be bye Jimmy oh if only if you get to that spot behind the tree there that'd be perfect I'm not really gonna have cover elsewhere where can i fire our rocket to feel some damage right now that'd be okay wouldn't be too great expose this guy for sure to make it so he dies next that's seriously not a good idea I am very tempted to snipe him just to try to make sure he dies does new cat bullets warm house Mac it does smack it does so I might just have him take the shot but yeah I think nuke does as well yeah he does so we could take the shot here hopefully get the kill and then move him after that and move them over to this spot and then we could hopefully get him he'll alternatively I just move here but that obviously lowers the chance of hit so let's just do this first [ __ ] that sucks okay mm-hmm pardon me um he's also got bullets warm so let's just let him take the shots and probably hit his teammate thank you oh yeah I could stand in there too yeah well I'm not too concerned about that anymore obviously he's still suppressed I think I probably want to go for one of these guys okay pardon me pin is gonna smoke cover for the three of us in fact here actually that's gonna be really nice there we go yeah I know about the loot from stunning on the like I say we're pretty deep into the game right now so oh right he just doesn't have cover anymore I think that was because of my shot wasn't it that's just not good well thankfully he missed my goodness it was unfortunate Penn's gonna need to make some healing plays I'm gonna head over here first yeah it's not looking too hot right now but I think we'll be fine if we just move over here yeah the mutants not the mutants not attacking because we gave him psy panic I'm gonna head over this way oh I can't reach mine for anymore [ __ ] that sucks okay well still for the best I'm gonna get him down here he's got a cover in this space and then we'll probably just heal should be able to snipe one of these guys at least right you really sad if she kept missing those I'm gonna have a rocket shot here I got to move along the wall I think this way actually he's gonna be best oh he's got a shot let's just reload walrus might come up here and kill this guy who tried to half cover doesn't look like the smartest idea though but I'm not exposed to the guys on the other side I think I'll be okay let's just overwatch actually let's just reload ma'am you're ready to go for the next round of things I don't think that guy's gonna be doing anything there we go I actually should have hit the guy that was closer to us because he's not gonna have his or this guy's got a better a chance I think then they go still exposed to us they are terrified now in order that full cover though let's move up and reload when you inevitably crush the alien scum gonna definitely move on ex-con - yeah I think I've made a pretty definitive decision at this point ex-cons who's the next move for us no other pods discover that's good 40% is not terrific I think I'll just take the overwatch I'm gonna dash up I think with our heavy he's not all that scared anymore I'll stick to normal difficulty for sure you have Ivan dort enough torment on this it's fine and fine by my standards kaboom probably another unnecessary use of the shredder rocket but happy with it anyway well done mixer there we go she's got a kernel promotion baby you gotta love that I might be able to get in range to get a decent shot on him I think I should just go ahead and try I'm not sure I'm gonna be looking for mod packs just yet Omni she I probably play the vanilla experience before I mod XCOM - oh my god is you really just gonna stand there and take a shot what a [ __ ] you deserve that that back shot was pretty slick - yeah [Music] all right let's get over no wonder she missed she was looking in the opposite direction yeah it doesn't really help all that much here we go I have war of the chosen diapers so I've got that deal see I've got all the DLC I think in fact for the game because I ended up buying the the complete edition that was on sale on Steam a week ago so I've got I believe like everything there is to get for the game I just I think I might play vanilla first just to experience it that way and then maybe check out were the chosen once I've done that um move up still on sale to until June 30th it's a good deal dude that game is often still like full price as well so the fact that it's on sale for such a huge huge discount right now is actually pretty noteworthy I don't think I need to heal that's only for to health we'll be fine let's get haven't fully reload with everybody though I always said go for the - I think do it buddy no fear okay hmm Congo next what's eat you or aw it's ill its XCOM yeah there's a bunch of nasty bugs and undead corpses and [ __ ] moving around all the soldiers are always just going [Music] um let's do a breach you know what let's do a breach or just find the enemies immediately to my right there we go Vicky Kapoor [Music] here we go god I love this music man that sounds like a fun idea babe preferably not all of them because I do like the lifesaver gummies just by themselves but some would be good [Music] I really like this song [Music] great ambient tune I don't think I really need to do a breaching clear but I might as well just go ahead and open the door I guess okay [Music] well been here before know what we got to do boo to you and on end buddy yeah spaceship certainly looks pretty open huh looks like we don't have much to worry about death count you talking about for our our people I think we've lost maybe like a dozen soldiers so far a handful for sure it's not been painless [Music] I don't know how I want to do this I think I might send everyone through the left door I think that's what I'm gonna do dupa do let's see if I can hear anything though there we go okay what was that sound changed my mind were going right let's get you up here buddy ready with that rocket there's sniper into position now though I can and on the big leg ready for action little mixer backdoor ready to pop them at a moment's notice Jimmy Penn backing them up got the support got the overwatch pastern mr. walrus tomato walrus up here with the rocket as well the hell was that sound wow they're in dead center in here okay you need to reload first of all Jimmy's just gonna go ahead and heal you I guess well hold on I can't go to that spot who's in there Oh tossed duh okay um you're gonna move over here you know there's no cover there somehow how is that Nell covered all right everybody you go here and heal him just to be mean just to be super conscious is super safe super duper safe now open er up let's go oh [ __ ] [Music] oh boy okay breach number two [Music] here we go [Music] just come on in here it's safe yeah wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it [Music] you come over here you won't be on our overwatch to check out the doorway once we open that sucker up heavy on the other side mixers got to get him from the position to be able to actually see anything [Music] oh I didn't realize I was seeing in there all right hearty half people I meant alright great pastern Oman here we go he's gotta be right inside there overwatch ready over watch ready wait with Jimmy overwatch ready let's do it there they are I was prepped I was prepped I was prep this time [ __ ] and we missed ooh there we go now there's a pop there is a pop with the snipper get him yes killed upon the door opening that's how you like to do it now here's what's up no more fancy alien spaceship for you sons-of-bitches now you're gonna come up here you're gonna get on the overwatch you let the ethereal come to us alternatively we go meet it face the [ __ ] face freeze the [ __ ] face no fear no bear [Music] now operational objectives completed let's go [Music] easy-peasy a flawless F nice single casualty dude tomato walrus is just cruising up the ranks get that heat mo on and sucker there we go and mixer is in the [ __ ] zone yes oh we picked up a heavy plasma from that bitchin sell some extra [ __ ] - I never mind there we go okay do I have another satellite and I don't have room for four more though let's build the rest building one and twelve Danes will build two more let's do it full coverage oh yeah yeah I think it's time for the final mission - how many people are in recovery right now none well yeah that seems like it's time to go then let's do it let's do it use the ethereal device all forward progress will be stopped any current research or foundry projects will not be completed any injured soldiers will not be healed hold on is there anything in the foundry I need anything at all not really alien grenades would be it but that's not even necessary I think we're good it'd be advanced flight 162 on that I think we're good I think we're cool man proceed Big Mike with each of our major victories they have encountered incremental it's so badass after was shot down they began a campaign of terror the alien forces were led by a chosen one powerful psionic creature upon capturing the hyper wave beacon we detected a cloaked ship carrying a being of having captured the device it sacrificed itself to protect an immense alien ship has now appeared within our sphere we can only assume so pretty we have evolutions and I fear but the next step will take us our enemy leaves us with no other choice I'll touch it do don't touch it a new type of with [ __ ] quiet [Applause] ha you thought it was bad ass before Oh God assault a temple ship let's do it alright you guys I do not it all right let's do it let's go Colonels all day long baby give me the kernels drifter mad dog it's the squad ready for action to snippers to assaults a heavy and a support their sniper needs a sniper absolutely old squatter kernels mm-hmm pakka is using a starter rifle as it should be let's see she needs to get herself some equipment might be the alien grenade this time I think I gotta take off the anything a Colonel ain't carryin needs to be removed right now so I'm a mixer I'm sorry to say you got to give it up guys you give it up gotta see you lay it down gotta share all your equipment with your team mates not Jaykar tomato walrus you've done us proud my friend in the short time we've had you you've already immediately been promoted to a lieutenant but we got to leave you on the on the bench today Jimmy pen Jimmy bench more like it's seated son there we go that's it oh mixer was oh that's right mixels I forgot mixers a colonel yeah okay in that case we have to build another laser plasma sniper rifle don't wait oh [ __ ] I think I only have the one how many do I have I have one oh boy well let's go sell some stuff don't need these corpses anymore right there we go done deal sell it all not you now pack it there you go buddy gotcha Covered need to make another scope to I think let's get back into the full load out here bird bop congratulations you've been upgraded to alloy cannon you're an assault you'll take a grenade it sounds good next alpaca Archangel Armour equipped scope ready to go he said Colonel T Titan armor plasma rifle hey stolen a medikit set to go oh he's got two things that's right I forgot about him yeah you know I'll give him a scope - seems good contemplating for thick health is tempting yeah that's definitely tempting I'm not bringing an ark thrower that today that's for damn sure Mike's bringing chitin armor to benefit him because he's got the Sai armor I think that gives him a little less help right I might be wrong about that but all the same I feel good about that sailor two grenades two blasted launcher shots Titan armor ready to go and mixer Archangel plasma plasma pistol got to get a risk OB hold on OOP we are in Normal difficulty oh that's true yeah I did get I was wondering actual I was debating whether or not I had this and it turns out I do health bonus of six versus a health bonus of ten so it is a little less but obviously it's a big will bonus so I should go ahead and take it okay good good deal and finally with mixer the scope barré yeas all around unless I'm wrong but I think we're pretty much suited to go big QQ gang absolutely a little bit of bear hype if you would please as well assault the temple ship it's the final mission let's do it strike one it's an epic squad it is all our best boys and girls ready for action think of the bits we finally had the strength to face the ethereal zon their own ship for a century to the temples bridge the volunteer must survive that's Big Mike I assume good thing I gave them the chitin plating so the machine up so the machina that's how you say that ten months let's go now the real XCOM begins there is oh my bit of monka touch of monk oh just a splash that's not what I wanted okay so be it [Music] hmm I am NOT going to split the team up that does not seem wise we're gonna keep everybody going through the middle same pattern I'm very curious what that boy really does save now so you can restart this later if needed I like where your head's good let it begin sectoid the game didn't even like change music that's how little of a threat they are create a devastating psionic storm holy fog that seems cool we don't even want to waste that honestly I think I just mined for this guy we're gonna shoot him this is mines right I'll have that back soon teeth and up this way buddy who's super sectoid if it doesn't have an X amount it has a recharge okay 80% Wow only on half cover here though I might actually smoke I'm gonna do that smoke and make it a cover reach out to here ideally man all these people that have already played the mission before sure do you know how to play it better than I do glad they're telling me what to do he says completely sardonically he said with just a palpable layer of sarcasm [Music] there we go that is an unnecessary gamble but I kind of want to move them into that position I don't think you'll have a shot that's not good you have a goodnight though so I think I'm okay to do that I'm not gonna use a rocket give it a try okay that's fine you got full cover wonder if I gonna like fly hmm I'm just gonna move him up here toss the scan around that is good idea big brother is on line there it is that [ __ ] can mine control really [Music] okay tell me what we're gonna do is just make sure that isn't an issue I really want to get like right up next to him hold on hold on hold off my man he might just always out duh that's his teammate yeah obviously that's gonna work oh if only that was man I thought he had a sniper shot he's got that kill at least so that's nice you only want to do actually I wanna go in with these guys and see if there's anything else down there that I need to worry about and I don't think there is so I can run a gun over to here get a near guaranteed result and then also make sure that I'm not running into anything else over there again you probably won't Oh [ __ ] well at least they're out of the rake or out of the way little dudes shouldn't be a problem 21% [ __ ] you should die Big Mike my friend move aside you just got to do it and I'm hoping like hell and this is enough of a chance come on buddy good [ __ ] good [ __ ] yes oh okay [Music] delete it exactly exactly that's what we need it wasn't the only grenade over there almost certainly do the job if they could go reach with that there's no cover I'm gonna get down here with this guy I'm okay with the progress so far we had a little scare with the mind control but that ultimately didn't end up being anything worth worrying about I think I'll just watch again I guess that's he just gonna have to show up here it would probably take a shot or two with her only in half cover hopefully they waste their turn I'm just making another one more powerful to probably deal three damage with their shot all right cool oh [ __ ] dude [ __ ] okay well let's see I get her to here I'm mine fray those two were dead but obviously she's exposed to bid I want to try let's see hold on I've got to have some good sniping ability here at least right yeah there we go that's good she's in the zone she's in the zone let's go I don't know why I can't shot that thing that was a complete waste but who cares who gives a [ __ ] we're in the [ __ ] zone baby Wow shot three good disable it or I could murder it the creek Oh almost a one-shot Wow Congo what do you got for me you got no available targets really that is surprising I guess we'll just move down here with you then there we go that'll help 90 percent get the kill baby now Big Mike does not have a shot from this spot however getting up there I'm sure would do it let's make a rift man yeah getting the right spot he gets for that okay [Music] I know actually hitting a 90% shot it's a freaking miracle one shot crit this son of a [ __ ] alright I think I get up here and I go for that mind control another mind control the mind for a kill this guy kill his teammate we're good to go [Music] hmm I don't want to go up there yet I'm gonna go over here oh okay can I do it now that's got to be on the same plane doesn't it he's got to be at the same level as those guys I see I gotcha okay I'm gonna overwatch I'm gonna fire a [ __ ] rocket of these guys just kidding can't reach over watch it is oops alright well hopefully that doesn't work out too bad yeah you know we oh that's bad oh that's actually bad [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that's grenade okay that's not good could have been a lot worse so with the Iowa cane and obviously we still have a suboptimal shot I probably want to fire at him with someone else yeah that'll probably do it hey create animation he's kind of adorable you're right oh sweet he blew up his friend okay good all right let's move up and reload probably toss a battle Skinner out there further although I don't need to necessarily do that yet alright looking pretty good no one's really heard all that bad I got a couple of heals available I need to reload with Mad Dog to forge but thanks so much for your you have tits up the spiral the sheep spiral well c'mon back into the pile yay thanks for sharing the love let me go yeah I want Mike to be able to lay out that Boyd bed anywhere up here we can sailors gonna match up with them up there too all right be moving I'm gonna take a reload and I think I'm going to toss a scanner a little scared of this hallway could fly over it just give us some extra lines of sight alright nothing down there that's actually very valuable info the Angels of Death shall wreak havoc from above everyone's fully loaded and ready for action ready for bare huh-huh-huh and reload him that's ok alright Big Mike it's the only spot you can go really this is so interesting I can't find there's nothing over here either I wonder if with mixer we'll be able to find something on the other side let's find out there we go there you are there you are bye are you still talking hmm yeah this strat seems to be pretty good I don't like not being able to really move anywhere reliably up here though so I'm gonna try this out well that's good okay no running gun there unfortunately but I've still got somebody available with a shot I believe might heal him I can probably just reload to go Hoss has a shot I can just mine fray this guy - yeah it doesn't a job do it goodbye okay smack it Oh smack it up there smack it oh boy that's bad that was a bad move on target I didn't think I'd see anything [ __ ] rip dude I got shots though hmm we'll do that one nice the overconfidence I know man I gotta be punished for it a little bit here at least one guy's got an expose shot for sure right he launched what a dumb move what a truly stupid decision first of all by second of all up we go whoops yeah deserve that I didn't even think about it oh well oh she's got a [ __ ] chill Wow yeah that was a deserved punishment but not too bad thankfully um I don't need to move up with you you do have a running gun so I you know what [ __ ] it it's not even covered just go crazy no baby baby he's still got the heals smooth the squad up a little bit by a little bit I guess really there's not a lot I can figure out from this without just moving across so will we go over come over clown fidence this is slow and hilarious killer that's a good modification I enjoyed that I can't move you at all goddamn all right oh hello I really appreciate you spawning all these exposed enemies for my snipers to continuously Massacre not sure what your plan is with it but I'm fine you go ahead and keep doing that she like hasn't even actually moved yet now pack it we'll get the other well done all their failures that's why they need to be eliminated I see okay it's lore yeah we're doing it we open the door hmm nice and easy bring my sniper back put her over here darkest dungeon yeah I never heard of it sounds stupid I don't have to heal yet either she's only taking five or four even yeah really not that much at all I think I'm okay he never used flying suits when you're playing this [ __ ] I think you're missing out do that Archangel Armour has proven very valuable for us the Angels of Death wreak havoc from above let's get you back in okay and the breach and clear I think I'm on expect to see a lot in this hallway move up Mike well naturally when you don't expect to see something that's when it shows up enjoy that [ __ ] dude the void consumes cool down entire mission yeah probably I don't think there's anything else over here I assume I have to wait for that to go away doesn't look like something I could just walk right through not be guilt the accept Haas is our new Lord and Savior I mean are you gonna question them Emily now it doesn't look healthy to go near yeah I'm kind of with you there we go okay now let's dissipated a bit and it's still poison that up might be careful I'm off for a couple turns I guess I think I can actually make it through there yeah I think I got a wave oh hi not a good spot for you buddy sorry to say see ya just random [ __ ] SEC toys all over the place here dude Titan armor is immune to poison oh yeah that's right so we're good to go with everybody but Mike and bird Bob yeah I forgot about that I got that hallway blocked off the only son of a [ __ ] man you DP oh yeah the snipers too luckily she was just outside the smog I guess so she will not be safe which means I was gonna have her wait maybe they are no no no maybe they're all saved it knows poison just doesn't matter anymore now it's gone alright alright Kongo is gonna hang back you're not my from liner that's Big Mike he'll open up this door here in just a moment let's get the reload indeed alright you get it right up there and go for the overwatch as well a point get a heavy up to support and then I'll pack it with the sniper there you go buddy let's do it okay okay you had it easy tanky Big Mike's feeling good I don't like this I'm like this big giant open space but I guess we're just gonna have to go check it out oh there they are Oh mind control on the big boy [Music] son of a [ __ ] wonder if I could get him if I can see him what I am gonna do it's tossin ADA these stupid little douchebags blow up their cover handle business right here right there ought to do it [Music] oh you don't have a shot there come on feels like you should there we go she's have been exposed by a bit I mean Foley I shouldn't mind control one of these guys then I think that's gonna be the smarter thing to do half exposed yeah that's more accurate how we doing on grenades well I bet what I could do actually is get over here and get a shot on this guy for the pistol kill let's go like that where is the spot where's the spot damn it there it is nice even got the the guy in better cover here hell yeah good bye ooh bird ba might want to rush I'm gonna do it I'm gonna [ __ ] crazy dude because I want the vision on the big boy and I'll leave her exposed I don't even [ __ ] care dude I don't even [ __ ] care Oh mad dog give him a different target just to confuse him a little and now we mind-control the big boy not the big boy but a bigger boy big boy there it is and that means that mad dog is no longer exposed to that threat and he's dead yeah I bet you're proud Oh God Bob nice shot watch out ow that was pretty stupid oh I can mind-control him now though 46 percent man I'm gonna go down here [Music] I could try it I guess they're too dumb to mind-control I get it makes sense she's got the kill he's probably got something on him I really want to move Bob up to here probably might as well Euler up come on there we go that's better okay oh he doesn't even have a shot boom yeah [ __ ] alright let's get him back down no unnecessary to be flying around like this right now especially with knowing envision obviously still exposed to this guy but I'm expecting the pistol shot to do the job you know I yeah just you just take it it's not gonna be in the zone it's good to kill anyway I should have done the pistol I just realized so I could save the ammo on that I was wondering if there's really a reason to do it any different way but that's the reason I guess let's go ahead and reload after the move up here take things in a particular order though it looked cool yeah that's true I guess get back down get her over here that's stay up top be a little safer I don't know what's over here but I'm willing to try good vision actually that's helpful information let's get the reload here as well okay thank ou battle scan but I'll go ahead and head up over here first cuz I think this will just give me a vision of the entire thing anyway oh Jesus Christ hi that's not good he's got full cover at least here but it's obviously my good well see what happens [Music] you gonna be a big boomer boy in me mist here comes the other one oh [ __ ] now and there goes the cover right no that's not fair oh god okay I thought he was gonna shoot twice oh okay okay these boys are gonna hurt me [Music] this seems smart oh it doesn't reach not quite there all right we are not going to expose ourselves to them at all no need whatsoever I'm gonna hold back and wait for them to come to me do not put yourself in overwatch range either a packet gets all the way back in fact bird Bob gonna come over here but that's gonna do anything right now but just to be safe I'm here buddy run away run away reload don't assume I didn't have a shot there there's our heels gone okay Big Mike I'd love to create a riff down there but I think I have to wait oh I can do it is that where they were chat cuz I'm gonna do it if that is where they were I'm pretty sure that's where they were sitting how you feel about it looks good to me I don't know I don't know I don't know let's find out nice oh damn dude [Music] hell yeah big hit no damage to us either Wow Oh just kidding what the hell was that can I see what's going on please Wow the void double damage they were still just sitting in there that is hilarious nice okay good deal let's move I know we got other enemies up in this area though so I gotta be cautious I think I might hunker down I'm gonna be really careful moving up I'm gonna get you up here to be able to fire a rocket potentially actually I should be careful because there might be something on the right side too here is no cover unfortunately I all move up to here for a pack and be able to have some shots again though this could potentially reveal something so I probably I'm not I ought to not do it but I've done it damn it let's get her here as well okay feels good let's go give him some support downstairs wonder what that circle is hmm weird hang out oh it's the hunker down okay right yeah - on down dude - on down enemies spawned right I'm fairly certain new enemies spawn when he said that [ __ ] I don't want to do that this got me spooked right right right proper sailor you're heading down my friend let's go check out the remnants here keep my sniper support up top until they got to fly out no need to throw the scanner yet you're gonna sit there you're gonna sit there as well you're just gonna over watch the entire crew Bob's coming here she comes you know what she's gonna go crazy with it - lets go move up we're ready ready for action today move up Mike oh my god literally the space ahead of where she went thankfully the lightning reflexes took effect there sadly I've got my snipers I believe both on overwatch for this turn so I'm not gonna be able to take the shot I really wish I hadn't done overwatch here that's obviously a great opportunity and well decent coverage from his attack and he'll probably move back since he's fully exposed there's the elites [Music] yeah you do wow that was convenient all right full cover for him he's taking a shot on us omniscient taster omniscient BD thank you very much welcome on back into the pile pardon me sir pardon me sir I just need to move over here real quick if you wouldn't mind thanks buddy appreciate that see you later goodbye oh they don't have a shot do they sigh panic oh that's a very good idea actually that's exactly what I'm gonna do his mind control him and dash him straight forward into the next area it's a very good plan I'm gonna move my weak boy down into the middle of the chamber here just cause I'm an idiot just cause I'm a big dumb doofus [Music] and let's go downstairs probably time to leave come on down yeah I guess they don't see him he is standing like I think behind the middle of the thing so too surprising I guess the [ __ ] is that plan confusing approach sir there we go let's do it dude something tells me Haas has plot armor yeah that would explain a lot yeah these are these are in forward Scout absolutely toss the hosta you bub my bed there we go might still be something up here surprise we can't see that well no need to send green tea up by himself overwatch wait for our mutant to take care of things for us here there he is run friend run like the wind all right up we go yeah it was assumed I'm not going to send anything else or find anything else I should say down this hallway right now let's get him up there dupa do ya I'd be about where they go look at the beautiful backgrounds oh yeah look at that that is nice huh look at that the camera is just fantastic good work camera good stuff we go it's trying its best it really is you can tell go mute on go discover our enemies for us nothing all right we're coming up to then I do need to reload with Mike at some point here but for now we're good to go man sure one tile away is gonna reveal something but now I'm moving baby I reload this sniper real fast always getting some good cardio everyone across the entire ship it's a big [ __ ] man taking on a minute bird Bob does not need to reload I don't need to rush her in here just chill for a second here at least get one overwatch on the squad and then Kongo is gonna move right up a Jason tour alright looks good let's see it buddy ah there you are oh [ __ ] I just want our pack of it interrupt this cutscene with a headshot I don't have time for this [Music] turns out we were the villains all along chat they were just trying to help they just wanted to bestow eternal psionic abilities upon our brains is that so bad it's not really so bad dude all of those guys are dead is the thing what's funny about this is that they're all gonna die so see ya I'm not sure if you thought that through when you put them all out in the middle of the open there and that they're all gonna die Oh one health survival me oh my you go ahead and shoot your friend buddy fine we can make a void we do have a void available but I'll mine free this son of a [ __ ] see you only they knew how bad they had it right now shredder rock it on this son of a [ __ ] looks good to me goodbye yo does he have a shot Oh that'd be so good man I'm just gonna go dead center and hope for the best that battle scanner yeah I like that actually let's get up and see what's going on up here oh hello [Music] there he is there's the third free ethereal x' thanks Jesus dude all right I've got a flush go on the overwatch you want my body they clearly do bird Bob's the only move left all right let's do it the reflect I forgot he didn't move either damn well hopefully they don't all mind-control us oh boy I forgot I don't know why they didn't do anything but I'm fine with it really that's okay that's okay with your good old pal Bear taffy 100% acceptable result oh I like that opportunity - I'll probably go ahead and shoot him [Laughter] TJ's [Laughter] oh no Mike he's evil oh no he sees the Savior it turns out prankish [Music] I'm buggin out yo tripping balls right sir Big Mike [Music] the biggest play he ever made Wow well what what the [ __ ] was that [Music] kath cutscene just jumped in there and stopped immediately what the hell is that alright anyway we did it the second wave is coming custom gameplay options are available second wave and difficulty menu to access the new features ODS just a load screen okay that's a GG right there it is absolutely well done slide we did it we did it Big Mike if you're still here tell me you don't feel like a Supreme [ __ ] champion of the planet right now man that was awesome that cutscenes really cool great ending to this game I love that hell yeah I knew it man the hero of the day good stuff fifteen soldiers lost 13 countries funded zero countries lost that feels pretty good I'm a bit under the I've been under the par score it looks it looks like is that everyone else scoring a hundred thousand more points than me on the norm that doesn't seem right yeah it doesn't really seem right oh man anyway oh there's more yeah there we go [Music] I was way behind the curve what oh no I was supposed to have a hundred thousand not a hundred whoops mess that up I guess damn man this literally seemed like satellites being destroyed ever plays that large of a role does it well that was absolutely fantastic thank you so much for watching the XCOM playthrough everybody that was a lot of fun really glad I checked that out glad I'm finally now in the know for XCOM and very much looking forward to the sequel XCOM to likely will be starting I can't decide honestly I think I kind of want to jump into a little bit of void bastards actually I think it's what it's called I dropped the steam link to that earlier on but I was gonna check this out maybe for a day just to give it a give it a spin but I'll probably hold on to that until after XCOM - because we got a good rhythm going here brendan XCOM sort of mentality I think and I don't want to cut that off in the middle and change course I think it'll be a lot better for us to just jump right into XCOM - tomorrow so expect that but do know that I want to play some void bastards at some point that's on my radar I think that's gonna be a really good time the five gifted subs the bear hugs please if you got them thank you so much for that love thank you so much holy [ __ ] I don't know if you're still here antimatter dynamite Decker as well of course obviously thank you so much for the gifted subs but the 50 gifted subs from antimatter absolutely absurd thank you so much for all the love bear hugs the one and all thank you much for being here bo D of this entire playthrough is up and will continue to go up over on slash bear tear you are dynamite Thank You Man appreciate that a lot again / beritasatu this will continue on it's gonna be a vanilla XCOM to play through that's my that's my plan we'll probably jump into the the DLCs four XCOM two after that play through but vanilla XCOM - that's the idea for me tomorrow I don't know honestly like I'm obviously in the dark as to what war of the chosen and all the other DLC adds but just because I have an experience that yet I do feel like I got a try vanilla at least once even if the DLC provides a superior experience anyway yeah that's gonna do it for me is there a post-credits scene jet go ahead and spoil not the contents but the existence of one if there is because otherwise I'll probably go ahead and wrap up here no we're good okay cool good stuff all right that's gonna do it thank you very much everybody that was a lot of fun really enjoy the XCOM looking forward to the sequel Dexcom to tomorrow morning I'll see you there [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 7,426
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Keywords: xcom
Id: tehrhIXYZGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 41sec (12941 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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