badland 12k winch reciever hitch mount

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all right guys we got a few things in for our winch and I want to walk you through those so first of all we've got our new mount comes with a couple arms so you can just pick it up they just Mount up on here it comes with hardware and everything this is fifty dollars on eBay you can't get any better than that right I don't think I could build it for 50 bucks but you got nice handles so you can just pick up the whole unit slide it into your hitch even comes with a pin now the only thing a guy really needs to note about this is that when you put the bolts in you're going to want to put them in the head on the inside because this unit's huge and uh you know you don't want that bolt sticking in on the inside stopping her from sitting down his spot other than that these handles are different lengths okay this one is longer than this one is um DJ close up on that so you can see it so I'm going to make sure to put that long handle on this side because my engagement knob is going to be on that side and I want to make sure I have the room for my Knuckles and stuff to flip the engagement on one other thing to note I'm sure this is pretty self-explanatory is that I took my hook off so we could slide this through our fairlead and our in this slot that mounts to The Fairly so let's get down to some installations [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] earthquake XT here because why not and I'm going to cinch This Together there are gaps like they leave these handles pretty wide open and loose so I'm just going to cinch that Gap together I think yeah we're using Nazi for me so this thing does use lock washers lock nuts rather [Music] [Music] [Music] a big unit s okay so I got my unit just kind of sitting on top here right now it's not bolted down or anything but I mean it seems like it'd be right about there ish a fairly dozen drag on this doesn't seem to or I'm sorry the Rope rather doesn't drag on this I'm going to put my fair lead on there and hopefully that'll actually you know lift it up Center maybe um it really seems to fit just perfect okay so I dipped into my first bag of bolts um going without the silicone boots in it because I believe this is my mounting bolt bag and uh we've got a set of four lock washers washers nuts and uh bolts I'm pretty sure these are our actual Mount bolts because of the square uh nut goes up into the body of the winch I don't know what these are for yet probably The Fairly these are I'm thinking the fairlead mount because they're shiny and beautiful and I have no idea what this little fell is for but we're going to get into it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] baby [Music] foreign [Music] on this Mount hopefully you can look down inside of there you can see things don't quite line up um that's on all four corners and basically what I did was you should probably drill that out but I'm lazy and I didn't really feel like it so I'm like you know let me just see if I can like hand thread them in there with a socket until until the worst happens until it grabs you know something and then I'll just kind of give it a light turn in with my ratchet and that's what I did and it actually works these are threading just fine I'll be God dang we're ready to put the winch in the truck um this is what we got so far right so our entire setup is bolted together and ready to go the fair leads on everything's cool this handle is pretty sweet man I gotta say it even comes with its own little pin which is pretty sweet so this whole unit is ready to rock uh I did run into one issue here and that is with this big ass winch um the nuts that came for the fairlead bolts didn't quite fit between the plate and the winch itself so I had to go to the hardware store and get some Jam nuts for that I've also got my plugs in and I'll show you guys how I set these up but they come with nice waterproof seals and they got some tangs in there and then we got to shove these things in through the back and what I'm going to do is I'm going to end up soldering my wire into this and maybe even crimping it a little bit but uh one thing we can look at is my wire okay I went ahead and I soldered I didn't have any sheet shrink big enough so I just taped it and I'm going to end up putting a loom over this anyway so it'll look real nice but I cut the pieces off the wires that I didn't use for the winch that already had eye loops on them and then I just soldered them in did the same thing to my power wire but I was up here looking at where I wanted to hook it up and if you look right there there's a nice power bank on these Chevys so all these studs are ready it'll be capped I'm just going to run the wire down we'll even put a little bit of foil on it for heat and she'll be good to go stay tuned all right guys well as you can see we've got ourselves a quench I just kind of have the thing setting up here but it's all wired in and right now I just have so I have this thing down here so I can just unplug it take my new plug from the winch side I left a little extra on here I don't know why I just thought you know I should thank you sorry it's hard to do this one hand plug it in like that wait till it clicked there it is then we can take this and sorry perfect and I mean it's pretty clean install uh I didn't get crazy with fasteners on my wire basically what I did was I ran a two gauge wire red one back from my power box here you can see it's actually pretty clean this is the wire I put some foil tape around it down there just to keep the heat at Bay but that runs all the way down underneath the truck and to the back it was really easy and I just have it held up by a zip ties I didn't get too crazy then I just mounted this plug here and and I wired this plug into the winch so that we can just plug it in not too shabby [Music]
Channel: limpnoodlelifestyle
Views: 40,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2Q7mSqNUUAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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