BAD POKEMON that are actually GOOD w/ @WolfeyVGC​

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i tried to set the video without laughing oh you should do your you should do your intro you want to draw it fine and you can write pokemd like you can do your version of it okay i mean the video already started but i'm gonna draw it halfway in okay okay you have you let me know when you have paint open paint do i even have that installed i did bro it comes with the computer yeah i uninstall it what am i trying to pay how that's like the what's the what i have photoshop what do i need painting you're paying for photoshop paint is free paying for photo oh yeah i am paying for photoshop i pay for photoshop um what's that you window capture paint yeah i just want to capture paint okay let me get this bad boy i gotta think of the song damn my name is too long my writing is so much worse okay go go go whatever you do real youtubers go on joey's channel joey just had to re-download microsoft paint hey guys it's joey okay let's get this out of here hey guys watch i tried to do like get please tell me i was recording okay i was okay i tried i tried to do like gators like old intro hey guys gator uh but yeah guys i'm here with uh luffy glitt the world champion of forever who will always be known as water drinking water are you good that's good i want to make sure uh we just walked him through using the bathroom so luckily he was able to don't say it don't say that i was like joey was like hey let's record and i was like okay let me show her to the bathroom um and then joey started giving me tips and i was like don't forget to i said don't forget to watch your hands flush and use the bathroom like bro in that order is that how you get the other joey like first i wash my hands just to make sure that i'm not touching you know the flusher i don't even know what it's called sure what is it called uh yeah that's what i thought yeah that's what i thought anyway guys so this is part two of the video actually because uh wolfy glick if you guys didn't know incredible vgc content very entertaining very good at the game uh wolf likes to consider himself the doubles me i also consider him the single uh well yeah yeah i also do the same i i think he's the same when it comes to that so very entertaining guy though and he uses face cam on all his videos which i think is a big difference uh has it and he has a really he's a shady penguin growing mustache right now you know a little beard i gotta shave i got roasted earlier today i've been continually getting roasted it's the beard is coming to uh to an end so say goodbye hey make it grow all the way especially because i have uh oh i could easily transition into and now a word from our sponsor okay just kidding i'm gonna do it on a different episode but i mean i have a doctor squat sponsor but that was perfect anyway so guys so uh we did a video on wolf's channel i don't know if it'll be up by the time this is going on thursday i don't know when you're getting it up but uh we did a video that were pokemon that are bad in doubles but good in singles whereas right here we're gonna do pokemon that are bad in singles and that is objective obviously like you guys see the the you might see the screen depending on if i edit this or a page right as this for me a lot but they're good maybe in their specific tier but not good overall like when i think of good i think of you know the highest right like the best possible like oh you or whatever so like these mods like the n-u-p usu are you they have a niche but they're not the best so if you guys want to check that out like i said excellent content on wolf's channel he's also making his way to 300k hopefully by the end of the year which will be really cool i think as well and i think he's been doing a lot of great things for pokemon so uh without further ado why don't you talk about this first one right here you have dust claps yeah so i mean dust clubs has been especially in this format um i think one thing to keep in mind also is like sometimes it's hard to talk about bgc because like the format changes significantly every year right and if we had like pokemon like griselia or um lunala or restricted pokemon you know maybe just clubs is good but we're talking about fiji 2020 um because that's the only sword and shield form we've had so far but yeah dust clubs is a phenomenal support pokemon it's so incredibly bulky um two immunities to normal in fighting is really nice it's one of the most consistent trick room setters it normally runs trick room nice shade and then two other moves oftentimes the most consistent are pain split and haze pain split for longevity um so it has such high defenses and such low base hp it's a great move on it because it can actually do damage with it and keep itself healthy um and hayes kind of make sure that nothing sets up on it and um especially in doubles we have dynamax so setting up is that like you know if something gets two or three defense boosts or or attack boosts or something it can be scary so yeah it's just a great um support move exactly and so it's one of the best pokemon um it was kind of dominating the whole format as the default trickroom setter it was so difficult to stop um from setting up trick-or-treaters so good doubles that yeah it's a pretty great pokemon and also it's definitely it's also scary like because it can always run weird moves like an ally switch like willowis um taunt does gloss awesome play bulldoze just gloves yeah exactly and then later weakness policy tyranitar with lash out because you can instantly do like lash out doubles on bulldoze as well um so yeah um it's strong that's really cool so like when it comes to yours is obviously more of a support mod they're very similar in that regard when it comes to singles versus doubles but dust claps if you see it you might see it on stall uh i don't even know if they don't even use it now but like with rest sleep talk nightshade and willowisp or anything like that maybe you might see some variation of like spite um or also you might see it like on lower tier trick room with like trick room plus memento it's very it supports the team but it's not the best like you'll see some forms like willow as paints but as well but a lot of them you know once you knock off it's a violet it's or it's like taunt fodder in a sense like they're running seismic toss or nightshade as its offensive you know presence and it's not that it has like bad attack it's base 70 it's not it's impassable but you'll rarely actually see it do much uh and actually dust clop dust nor just got a whole lot better as well because it could take advantage of poltergeist which is something that you know you know this month didn't have a good physical move but this isn't something that does classes so it's typically like a pressure staller with uh that's aim just to check their fighting type right check their fighting type and rest and then pp stall the opponent because of pressure and you guys are frisk right because you can see the items you see both your opponent's items so frisk is really really helpful and very rarely will pokemon run out of pp in uh nvgc it's pretty rare so yeah frisk is by far the the better ability that i mean has the arms for it too it looks like it's actually trying to rescue right now yeah so yes um so ghost types have really had it this generation uh i think obviously the um pursuit being gone is a big thing but they also like i mean you have like dragon pulled gengar and higher tiers uh and then in really really low tiers if i actually look up uh dusknoir right now it's in pu i think it had uh super high usage like i think it was almost number one number two or number three it's something like that it was something like that just because poltergeist is so strong so it's not necessarily good um and a lot of that has to do with the fact that it's hp stat is very low but it's a cool offensive pokemon now with the base 100 attack and yeah it's uh it's better it's it's it's hard to say it's better like i mean if you're running a stall team and you're in dust claps that's better than running dust snore in my opinion um just because of the violet boost and whatnot and and the actual ability to pressure stall and like rest talk the other one could do it but it's just there's a difference but yeah dust collapse is definitely i i don't it's tough to say better or worse but it's it's better offensively obviously dustinor but uh you have indeedy as the the next one and so indeed is interesting because when it got the uh psychic surge plus um expanding force which was its biggest thing you'd see like specs or scarf uh typically you actually said female um typically male would be the one you see just because it's higher speed tier and i believe base 95 and then you see like a tech move like maybe dazzling gleam for like high dragon or anything it's not anything crazy it does have a nation oh you though as these psychic terrain centers so you might see it paired with like an alakazam uh with like nasty plot life for balakazam so they can have strong expanding forces or like hallucia with a psychic seed but it's not anything crazy and it's also not that like great i guess because pursuit is gone it makes a little bit better and it does have mystical fire and whatnot but yeah it's not it's not the strongest pokemon um there was a time though that it was it got banned like in lower tiers like indeed females are you uh before that i think before expanding force i think it was like nu or whatever and then the other one got banned from ru as well but uh in in yours it's a lot better yeah it actually just got banned from bgc because it was top 10 usage that is crazy yeah it was it was really good basically like a lot of times pokemon that are supportive or like the follow me slash redirecting pokemon um follow me and rage powder are so good in doubles and um the pokemon that do it like oftentimes are more of a supportive like they play more of a supportive role as typically thing like a mungus isn't really doing damage it's going to be sporting and rage powdering and maybe pollen puffing um clefairy is pretty much just helping handing together can do some damage but um if you don't max it it's normally more of a support pokemon you ran yawn a lot yeah um the thing about dd is that because of psychic terrain plus expanding force it actually could do like really decent damage um and with focus actually you didn't have to invest in your bulk but also and it also synergized so well with hadorini where like indeed he had a ring follow me trick room and helping hand expanding force or just double expanding force is so strong um it's like actually what's up it's both right and it's both like a train it's a single target move otherwise it's very powerful um i know obviously it's the power boost as well so um yeah it's very very very powerful uh as a sport pokemon because it can actually do damage it's psychic terrain is also like it's with real boom everywhere it was a pretty good counter to that and also it's nice to power a paternity it was often dynamic of those kinds of teams um so yeah it was a really good support pokemon like top 10 usage easily and it's no surprise that it was uh that it was banned they both get banned yeah they both they just banned like indeedy as a pokemon oh okay so like it didn't matter if it was male or female exactly like if an email had been top 10 it would also be banned oh they're awesome why is a female um more used though why did you you can't run follow me on a gt mail it learns like different moves okay yeah i know trickling was a big one too i don't like that because the other one's bulk did you feel most bulkier so i would watch okay yeah exactly but that was interesting i mean they they do they do that's pretty cool but like i guess in ours you'd see like maybe choice specs or choice scarf that's about it you might see terrain extender occasionally for like an alexander stuff but it has a very very small niche um not to say it's like bad because it's not bad and it has uh what is it the other one i think has a mystical fire or is this that this one has mystical fiber yeah yeah it lacks a focus blast right that's something i'm from yeah and it's not like tyranitar is that in ours trying to is not actually that uh much ran just because of again the pursuit uh drop so i mean it's overall it's interesting but i mean top 10 in band yeah no way indeedy would ever be anything like that in ours now you have baby uh clefable here yeah and uh ankle fairy yeah so baby uh baby clefairy um so i know in your guys friend guard is a big thing because it's uh it basically nerfs the damage they take right like we see basically i i forget the exact ratio but it's three four oh is it three fourths okay yeah it's basically like a baby reflector light screen um for your partner is it three fourths that's that's what it says on showdown i don't know yet that's cool so it's like also like supportive with like follow me and stuff like that it's pretty much pure support so we were talking on my channel but basically you would never run clefable or like you could run it but it's it's it's it's like you do you don't want to run it effectively like you need a really good reason like i know i saw it on a gimmicky team earlier where like it was like max speed sash clefable with gravity but other than stuff like that like you almost always want clefairy with eeveelite it's super bulky uh it's a really good support pokemon because like for a lot of redirectors like you can like uh like you if you know that they're gonna follow me then you can just like it doesn't really matter which one do you target because it's gonna get redirected anyway but with clefairy um it really does matter because um a friend guard because of the ability to like boost the partner's defenses so like protect clefairy and attack with the sweeper or protect the sweeper and like sing with clefairy or switch out oh god they ran that too they run sing yeah it's really annoying because like yeah like that way you can't just ignore clefairy because if it starts getting sings off like it's a problem so typically you run protect follow me helping hand and then fourth move is kind of personal preference after you is good if you're worried about trick room um target your partner make them go first seeing as good if you want nobody else to have fun um or like if you like flipping coins uh i've seen moon blast i've seen icy wind i've seen life do but yeah like basically it's a really solid support pokemon with easy light it's really it's actually like very bulky um and friend guard is a phenomenal ability especially with dynamics like dynamixing a pokemon and having friend guard and then just like protecting clefairy is pretty viable in a lot of situations because like between dynamaxx's health boost and then friend guards defense boosts like um it makes pokemon really hard to remove in addition to creating mining games i also i think i've seen alex who's clefairy if it gets that but yeah it's like a great support pokemon so much better than clefable that's crazy because like i i told you before in the other video like i said guys you should check out but um clefable is s rank it is a top like top three pokemon in terms of like defensive just what it can do right and clefairy is again very similar in a sense that okay no it's not stop let me just let me let me come down so the fairy would be nu clefable uh basically so clefables oh you clefairy was nucleophile because they can do the same thing they can wish protect i believe they can do teleport as well so and with teleport obviously and the combination of magic guard which you guys don't even seem to ever use on clefairy this moment will pass wishes to like other enemy pokemon or it'd go like things like it'd be support like knock off and and and softboil type of thing so that's crazy yeah it'd be your fighting type switching so instead of protecting everybody it'd be like your status absorber type of thing but like to see that it's better than clefable is is insane i've even seen like combined clef because the violin like i mean 70 48 65 like you don't think it's bulky and similar to like clefable fable does not look bulky it just looks passable but like with the avaya light it just avoids so many toyo so it'll check things like banded sock and whatever else is in the uh the nu tier as well whatever fighting types are in there like a lowland persian which is actually very common um down there as well and just like moon blasts and be annoying and like toxic moon blast so that's interesting um i remember this pokemon paired next to mega kangaskhan before because many things are hell effective follow me power upon ship yeah oh my god i'm really annoying yeah you guys got megan's going that's crazy yeah i'm glad i have never come back they definitely are coming back so colossal so for us i mean there are there are some you can use some heat like endura weakness policy with steam engine right like that might be the closest thing we have to what you guys run but for the most part it's like rabbit spin stealth rock support willowis is an option um uh lava plume i believe it gets access to from my mistake for probably that's not a lot let's say it's flamethrower um like spike stealth rock uh we've seen body press sets uh i've seen i i have seen tar shot like on like on really like on heat sets but like it's not good like they're just gonna switch anyway but um with like hazard support it's actually uh not terrible so but for the most part it was typically your wall like there was a point right now it's ru i believe um fire trucks are actually really nice because the charges are checking the ru tier on like a salazzle check but like before it was good for like northern and new you and um it would be able to just deal with those like right now we have like some crazy moms on you like keldeo and and and cure them and things like that but before i was able to deal with like the initial you like you could switch in i could take a hit from obstagoon and and and body press it or i could take hits from avalog if need be but you guys don't even use support at all right no that's like a crazy concept for me to think about like yeah we would never use colossal in that way so colossal is when the first came out people were like ah this thing's kind of you know kind of gimmicky maybe not consistent but since then um it's funny just last weekend from when we're recording this it won the players cup which was like a very very long you had to get through a wi-fi tournament and then you had to get through a double elimination bracket um and then you had to win like then you like that was down to 16 people and then you had to win another double elimination bracket i believe the heck the guy who won the tournament had like an insane run his name is santi he's like a really nice guy um and i don't i think he dropped over the course of like let me actually pull it up i just was just i was talking to somebody about it um but basically uh he didn't lose a single set ever um and he dropped i want to say over the course of this whole thing i feel like he dropped like yeah he went 13 wins zero losses and sets and across those 13 sets he lost three games out of two out of three so he ten of the sets he won two three of them he won two and he was using colossal yeah and yeah and i don't know how he did in the wi-fi tournament but obviously he made it through but i know he's colossal in both the uh invitation or like both the the final round the finals and in the switch the double elimination like qualifier bracket so um yeah i also had some systems with colossal myself when i want a wi-fi tournament with it uh one of the one of the uh international challenges a drive top cut a regional with it um we got top 15 as i recall um and yeah so it's seen a good bit of success over the format we pretty much i mean gigantomax makes a big deal um and vgc also we have access to these strategies which are the combination so like the most common one of the one that i used was surf dragapult with gmx colossal uh dragon ball you run like no the you know jolly nature zero special attack evs you dynamic or sorry you check antimatter colossal um you surf it does like 25 you activate steam engine gives you plus six speed weakness policy activates gives you plus two special attack and thanks to the new speed changes you attack immediately um and vocalist is like a crazy powerful secondary effect like all of those chip effects are really strong it's like like charizards it's exactly charging except that rock types are immune so um oh that's so cool too because like i mean besides colossal what are the uh the super common laptops teton right that's it right yeah like now we have tarakion but even that's like not phenomenal so um yeah and also like it synergize well with itself because it could set up sun like so for example um you could use sun if like you were worried about water type attacks you could like you know max flares with the sun up to survive uh max grass also to hit like with solar beam it's typically special but yeah you can run max solar beam to set up grassy terrain for the future and also to like hit water types were super effective so it's a really difficult pokemon to stop when your opponent's playing well and like even though a lot of the times people were kind of being like a lot of people think of it as one dimensional in my opinion it's like a really multi-dimensional really interesting pokemon and santi who won the tournament uh the players cup i think showcased that um and it like showcased how he you know it could be really flexible i didn't actually have time to watch uh it but i've heard that like he was using like mid game setups like he wasn't going at first oh like turn one turn two that's interesting so he wouldn't go for it setting it up on like turn three or four which is very difficult but i mean obviously it pays off when you do it i mean if you're if you're able to dance around dynamax that makes sense because i've seen a lot of vgc and i do see a lot of people just dynamaxing immediately because i mean if you can knock out one or two pokemon when there's four pokemon i use it makes sense you'll be in such a great position but the fact that he was able to late game it was really interesting he must really have known like his head calc's on like what damage he needed and like the way to play that because yes it's not easy to use but when you use it well it's like very it pays off a lot in my opinion but yeah so colossals it's an offensive pokemon typically um that yeah like it's really difficult to remove despite sport times weaknesses thanks to like normally you build a team around it to kind of protect it and also um like the secondary effects of his max moves are really good for it so makes sense and i mean i like the way you said uh you can get the max flare they can even help you or like a chlorophyll user or like whatever next to it or like you know the grass can be cool as well especially because terrain is everywhere even helping like a really woman stuff that's really cool like i like that a lot uh so we have actually another uh fire type now arcanine is um so arcanine i'm not saying arcane that's oh yeah go ahead oh my god i hate you i let you get away get away with hattering and the other one i've been thinking you're making sense just because i thought it would make you mad for the record thank you thank you i've i've heard it you know yeah he doesn't want to say wrong on purpose that's like that i didn't do that i don't even know that's wrong to be honest like it could be hatarino had a reading um i believe this had a renee but uh is interesting because it has a niche right and whatever tier like obviously offensive is cool because you know it has good moves now like close combat flare blitz wild charge extreme speed play rough whatever the hell you want right and then you have defensive uh which is amplified by intimidate you have like willow s flamethrower morning sun toxic roar whatever i know i played vgc and i loved arcanine because the the idea would be keep it in the back so if they have cartana i bring it in then i double out immediately after i bring it out because i know they're going to switch out of cortana save that intimidate and use it for later and position yourself i remember that like a lot i think you gave me a team or someone else gave me a team with arcanine but arcanine also uh got even better as a defensive mod because of the inclusion of heavy-duty boots which doesn't have too much of a role in yours but in ours being immune to toxic spikes stealth rock spikes just fire types are really living their best life this generation even if they're like lower tiered just because of the fact of heavy boots so like volcarona but it also got teleport from pokemon let's go pikachu and eevee what yep so it can be physically offensive and flamethrower willowist morning sun and teleport you can pair with a colfable which can wish pass and teleport basically you never get in a bad position with arcanine and it had a niche in the beginning of the generation um or like maybe after the dynamics man right after um as a check to darmatin as well as cinderace um but it also has a niche in ubers as one of the best zestion checks as well because it's not to a coyote and it resists behemoth blade as well as play off so it's it's not a bad month right uh it's a cool defensive fire type but honestly in ou defensive fire typing is not the best uh unless you're like volcarona because volcano can do something with it or rotom heat because rotten heat again can like volt switch which is a huge thing like it has stabbed to hit the water type so um and yours though like what is it what does it do so it i think the only reason it dodged the ban was because uh incineroar was introduced um in vgc fire is actually like you said actually it's kind of funny because when i think of fire types i think offensive ones but fire is actually a pretty good defensive type as well yeah um and in large part because of the fairy resist um i think it doesn't interfere right yeah um but yeah basically it's just like a great support pokemon um and uh like it basically is intimidate which is so valuable in pgc intimidate snarl you're almost always gonna run snow you're almost always gonna run willowis and then kind of two moves like you're gonna run a fire move if you wanna run flare blitz or flamethrower or heat wave kind of personal preference and then um protect or helping hand or we've actually seen safeguard uh in metagames where like butterfree was bigger that's so cool safeguard vocal road is something that's ran at the moment too yeah i got second in internationals as i recall in australia um with safeguard if i'm remembering correctly with eduardo using it but um yeah basically just like a solid defensive fire type it's normally gonna have some kind of a berry on it like uh either citrus or iodide you know one of those other berries or maybe even sugar or pasho depending on your team what you're weak to uh i could also have safety goggles but yeah it's basically just like a less bulky and sonora but again against speed and willow us instead which is like also pretty valuable and it's relatively fast like for um like especially for the current metagame so you cannot speed in snarl and lowest but a bunch of stuff which is valuable so do you mention whisk because uh incineroar can't fit that on its moveset um incineroar is slower uh and yeah like you wouldn't normally run a little less one incinerator i think in large part because of the speed um and yeah because of the move set as well like normally you want fake out as kind of your utility move fake out parting shot uh dual stab um taunt uh even roar has some utility although not a ton of utility but yeah normally you run fake out parting shot on center or flare blitz and then a dark move and then um if you want other moves in that like snarl is like an option um close combat is an option um taunt is a really good option i just i don't really know why but i think the ability to burn things before they attack is like kind of i agree i agree i agree with him yeah yeah no i agree with that and like i said like this man was really really good in the year i played in hartford as well just cartana being everywhere um and and being able to support helping hand is so big like being able to support your own cortana is so huge like i remember uh like attacking into an incineroar and into an arcanine and it being like it's 60 and then knocking out my cart because i was banded with a helping hand boost so like things like oh my god that mom's going to come back with close combat cortana yeah i don't want to and grassy collide and everything car challenge is going to be a problem but yeah it's interesting because like uh very similar to them they they're like more defensive it's funny because in battle in battle stadium 3v3 so it's battlefield uh singles uh arcanine you'll see a more offensive set just because obviously dynamaxx is allowed in that and like you'll see like player off you see maybe even weakness policy extreme speed i've even seen a salt vest as like a means to stop being uh draggable and then eating the hit and then knocking about max starfall so that's funny yeah like even like a boosted like this monkey got boosted actually this mod probably got a lot better now with tyranitar and powder on and extra drill all banned from our metagame as well i'm gonna try this out but uh but yeah so lapras is next now we don't have dynamics um anymore obviously in our metagame uh obviously one way we used to use it though was like an aurora bell starter because of its g-max resonance resonance renaissance whatever resonance i think it's wrestling yeah whatever man i called it resin renaissance for the longest time but besides that uh the niche on lapras is like paris trap with whirlpool maybe or a random specs because it has a really good move pull with like hydro pump ice beam freeze dry thunderbolt whatever i've used a salt vest as well and like draft when i needed to mega horn or starmie or whatever um or like a celebrity or something like that but besides that not really too much i mean it has boots now so it could definitely perish trap rest rain dance type of thing with whirlpool that doesn't have to worry too much i know mono type it can do that as well but in yours is it always just offensive no so lapras is actually pretty difficult to deal with because it can be pretty varied and how it wants to play there's kind of three main sets the first one fabzi used to win the champions cup and do well at regionals and just overall have you like very strong um he typically the way that he would use his teams was um he would use light clay lappers to get eight turns of veil and he would use it would have perish long if you happen to take two chaos but really it was just to get the veil up do some chip damage and then like he would go for the late game dust clubs plus concolder um and those pokemon are extremely difficult to deal with in aurora veil like dusk clubs is already a nightmare and when you give it paint split haze and aurora veil like it's not going down and then concluded with life or iron fist uh drain punch is yeah like you couldn't even intimidate it because it would just haze away the drop so um yeah so it was there's kind of like the bulky defensive set uh with lapras i mean they're all bulky and defensive to a certain extent but the idea is like an enabled defensive play style um kind of just like attrition and wearing the opponent down gradually and like making sure your opponent couldn't get the most out of their max turns because you have aurora up and such bulky pokemon so that's kind of the first way um the second way is offensive and there's two variants of that the first is weakness policy um lapras obviously it's got really good natural bulk and even if you hit it with a super effective move if it maxes you're probably not going to one shot it so um yeah and also like obviously like you can't really hit it with super effective moves like it has a weakness policy if it's an aurora veil because you're not gonna do that much damage just dynamics and you're gonna give it a boost um and then i've also seen like weakness policies that's paired with like weak attacks on your own side like uh drink comfe for example because that gets priority um and then the last one that did like relatively well as well with life orb actually because lapras has amazing bulk naturally when it uh gigantic maxes but um the offense is like a little lacking so with life orb like it was paired with like tailwind fake tears whimsicott so you would tell those cool happy fast and then like because you were attacking first because of talon you could get the aurora up before the opponent attack and so like you were still getting the bulk even though like um you were like losing your hp and not as not as bulky you were still getting that because you were getting aurora before they attacked the first time so um yeah definitely not like a perfect pokemon but very strong one of the best in the format it fell off a lot because of willowboom but i think without religious introduction it would continue to have dominated the format and because of real boom seduction it does dodge the van that's cool because like again like in again because i play battle stadium singles as well so we actually do get to use dynamics it's very similar in a sense that you'd see like a weakness positive lead lappers you get up the veil for yourself but the idea is like it make it bulky enough to live like a high jump kick from cinderace after uh maxing even if it's life orb and then just knock them out with your your g-max move as well i always i don't know i guess it's better than four before because you can support a team but i always didn't like it in 3v3 because i would i wouldn't be able to really i can't dynamics or anything in the back right like that's the big thing like i love cinder racing dynamics is absolutely broken um in 3v3 specifically but if i get dynamics my lapras that way my cinderella's gonna be hits and i can't dynamax my or i can't get in the max with centers exactly but in yours like being able to abuse it right there just like thinking like conk is already a bulky pokemon because of its hp stat and desk class obviously has ridiculous stats so that makes sense i like that i love you paired with didn't really want to dynamics like needs a dynamics to be good you know i mean drain punch is great ma you want your mock punch priority i'm assuming as well exactly exactly the extra drawing tar i love this pokemon i think we've both used it in draft uh several times actually whimsicott is a beautiful mod um i think it got a big like the the prankster thing was pretty pretty whack for it like you know dark types not being effective yeah like in singles i've effectively stopped this thing from defogging with like mandibles or like you know tyranitar even high dragon like pokemon that will die i've effectively stopped it it lost hitting power which meant that it's all because there were in in uh in lower tiers it didn't like specs or life warps sometimes but like because because like token amaro and del fox would be like the only counters to it in lower tiers because grass and ferry is very good typing and then it'd run like hidden power ground hidden power fire depending uh hidden power being gone is bad for it the the dark buff or whatever is is bad for it as well and um yeah honestly like the abundance of dark types that it can't break in the abundance of steel types and i think it's still annoying and i think it's still cool as a potential support mod it's ru uh apparently but um i don't i don't think it's the best if they get hurricane though which is pretty cool i think it had it but and yours it's pure support right it's so broken like it's one of the best pokemon it's another pokemon that just got banned because so this doesn't affect singles at all but the speed mechanic changes in generation eight are a huge deal for whimsicott um effectively for anyone who doesn't know back in the day like speed order was determined at the beginning of the turn so like let's say i have my ludicolo and joey has his scarf uh charizard um if i switch in polytoad and doubles in the same turn and go for a water move with ludicolo generation seven the speed order is determined before any switches happen so for example uh if i bring in poly poly politiwed in the situation then charizard still attacks first but in generation eight they changed it where speed is dynamic and updated throughout the turn so um if i bring in pluto and generation eight and joey's scarf charizard as long as my luna color will out speed and rain then it actually will out speed and that applies to tailwind because what that means is i can have whimsicott next to anything i can prankster tail one and then my partner is instantly double as fast um ridiculous and so yeah pairing it with pretty much any offensive pokemon is terrifying and it's almost impossible to stop whimsical from getting tailwind up like it's very very very difficult and since they often run protect anyway like yeah like it's extremely difficult to stop and like whimsicott's the reason that trickerman has been so big this format is because like it's one of the best answers to talon because you can't stop telling from going up so you may as well counter it if they want to set it up so it's a very very very amazing support pokemon just because of prankster tailwind but then also protect is great on it taunt fake tears help us as well right for terracotta exactly switcheroo plus eject button is actually a legitimate strategy even though it's also hilarious um yeah it's a really really good support pokemon that actually like i mean it's not weak either like ferry is a great offensive type so it's not a pokemon you can always just ignore it yeah very a lot of the pokemon yeah yeah um and even just do like i mean doing 25 to 30 to one of your opponents for pokemon with a whimsical just like if it's neutral like hitting a primarina maybe getting a special attack drop like it's pretty it's not bad at all tons is great utility as well so it's just a phenomenal support pokemon that has some offensive presence and that you can't really ignore because it will disrupt you with taunt or fake tears or switcheroo um or stuff like that so yeah like it's it's a really really really good pokemon i love it yeah i'm not surprised i mean moonblast is also like probably one of the most broken moves ever like it's 100 accurate it's 95 base power for no reason 30 chance to lower the targets literally no drawback like bro i would use this over let's say they gave us fairy blast which only was 100 base power 100 accuracy it'd probably have low pp as well i'd always use moonblast over it's one of the best moves like it's so stupid how good they made it but like again for us like he might see like memento maybe to support something else but like i blocked that as well by going out into like you know dark types to stop them from setting up or encore and stuff so like it's not bad and being able to utter support or not but it definitely fell off a little bit i think it's still cool in lower tiers though and you know in draft you've used it i've used it it's it's great in that man when you're able to tailor it to all that but it's cool um i know sub leech seed is also something that we used to use um when dynamaxx was allowed i used sub seed to basically or just sub to basically like stall out three turns of dynamics and and go from there especially with like mods like drake assault running around setting up to like its terrain and then going from bold beak after being a threat now you have this month now i've not seen this month since i beat the sergeant bash with it back in gen five with ryu okay and i did some like copycat roar stuff i think if i'm not mistaken it was either that or like copycat i jumped i'm pretty sure it was copycat roar the idea was get up hazards and you complicate the roar that you did uh because you go for roar and then you uh have prank again this before the prankster nerf so before they made it like not work on dark types you literally phase them out if you have stealth rock and spike you win the game that's it it's a very fast pokemon at base60 and um this is not very fast in in terms of what it wants to do like in terms of like priority in terms of priority base 60 is pretty fast because yeah they're like like cesaro for instance isn't running uh max v with bullet punch you know what i mean right yeah yeah so like basically with 240 hitting the number 240 for us is a good speed tier for priority like unless you're fighting a damn rcs you know extreme speed there's not a lot of or like brilliant which exists now there's not a lot that did that but that's severely nerfed um i think ctc has tried to bring it back i've used it a couple times as well not good but it does have some cool moves as well like i jump kick and obviously swords dance and then and blaze kick and stuff like that but what the hell does yours do well it's a bit gimmicky but it is a legitimate pokemon so they have to respect there's two things you do with it number one um copycat is a prankster copycat user like you mentioned and specifically you would use it with trick room so there's a weird interaction in doubles where let's say i use flamethrower right now that max turns into max flair right and let's say you want to use like ice cream it turns into max hailstorm or whatever right yep the what happens if i use max guard right um any support move will turn into max guard right and so what happens if you use copycat after using max guard well copycat uses copies the last move used but you can't copy you know you can't copy a max movement if you're not so it copies the actual move that it would be how is the base move so trick room is negative six there's a seven priority something like that negative five it's really it's the slow it's always gonna be the last thing to move and if you go for a trick room normally um you have to expose yourself to damage um in order to get it up however if you use max card and then immediately after uh you just you should copy using the strategy with lifeheart actually um using copycat yeah sorry can do that and so it's good with hatarini you can go for max guard copycat and then you can side bullet punch to activate weakness policy which is funny um you can also use helping hand as well and now that you actually just buffed it the reason i'm including it is actually because of the buffs and it's a prankster copycat or sorry practice coaching user uh coaching gives you plus one plus one i'm sure it's not a move you never use uh in singles but in doubles it's bulk up on your partner and you have prankster and it ignores redirection which is one of the few moves that actually ignores redirection so pairing it with like a dragapolt or a caballian or anything you can make it very very scary like dynamics of pokemon giving it plus one plus one every turn you can't ignore the dynamics pokemon that's getting boost because it'll kill you but if you ignore the railway it's gonna boost the partner every turn so oh that's so cool and the fact that obviously uh retains the boost because i don't know if since a lot of people might be watching that play singles uh when you get the dynamics boosted boost your ally as well that was a really interesting mechanic they decided to go with by the way i'm uh i'm still not sure how i feel about it myself but i think it's good personally yeah you think it's uh like i just the idea of like boosting toeic is the speed of the 50 crits every single time on top of that it's definitely dangerous but i think it's overall a good a good call like i think it's better than like because it allows more defensive players it makes it less only the dynamics pokemon you know i mean like i said you play it way more than me and my in my meta game dynamics is straight up broken in in battle spot stadium as well dynamaxx is like certain mods are broken with it i'm glad they banned them shot incinerators never should have been allowed with uh dynamaxx uh personally um just because of matching airstream into like max knuckle and stuff like that just straight up winning but that's so cool dude the idea that you copy cat trick room and then coaching as well i didn't even think about that um do you guys ever this is a side thing but kinda has to do with that do you guys ever use decorate yes the issue is like so that blapper steve i mentioned earlier originally it was paired with decorate alchemy um like very bulky lapras and then you decorate to give yourself plus two i basically like it was hard to use alchemy because scarf alchemy did not speed dragapol um and that's kind of a problem but with draggable gone now i definitely think alchemy has has some room in the metagame for sure don't ever want to think of a decorative smear call like the only other time i've done is i've tried using decorate in again the dynamax meta and i decorated the opponent and then i went ditto to copy them yeah because i mean ditto can abuse dynamics really well as well since it's not locked into any move it wants to go for um but yeah that's that's so cool i love that ariel now i have experience using raichu in your meta i've done fake out i've done nuzzle i've done uh was it follow me it might be following me as well i think it was follow me take out nozzle uh volt switch and then plus one yeah yeah i've seen that i've seen a support i think we played you as well when you had it at a point some i think they had like a mammoth line and like i don't know remember scenario but i know you're talking about but i don't remember yes we played some game maybe with mbo or something i don't remember at all but yeah this month um and so in our tiers obviously when i got that buff a while back with i think was speed um uh it made a nasty plot better in lower tiers or even like specs better in lower tiers um but it's pu by usage so it's not the greatest but it has a good speed tier uh nasty plot volt switch um or just like specs with like focus blast volkswagen just serve as grass on its arsenal so like it's good it's just not you know as terms of electrotypes it's way outclassed by rotom heat as a nasty plotter just because of how like better rotom heat is defensively or like zero aura just as a grass type grass that an electro type that can just vault switch around and just has good accurate moves which is a big thing like plasmids knock off close combat you know i don't have to use focus blast uh type of thing but overall i think it's uh it's a it's a pokemon that can be used and i think lightning rod is really good on it too and i think that's one of the draws for you guys as well yeah so it's funny and doubles is actually much more of a support pokemon um it has really nice support moves and it's in a great speed tier uh i mean obviously i won worlds with raichu yeah um i'm always gonna be partial to it but yeah doubles it's awesome play uh throughout the season it's not super big right now in large part really boom uh as a reason for that but yeah basically lightning rod is a phenomenal ability protection from your whole team you're like if it's on the field the protection of the partner from electro type moves is like a big deal um you're typically gonna see fake out nuzzle um and then two more one of those are going to be at least one of those is going to be an electric type attack um we actually saw some players using full tackle like raichu with uh sometimes the sash owners would like magnet um because i think it can do a lot of damage to toshikis which as i mentioned has been so big in the meta game but um yeah you can wear a helping hand i think people maybe even ran surf with it to pair it with colossal at some point um so there's like a lot of different things you can do with it but yeah it's a really good support pokemon it kind of goes in and out depending on the metagame um losing endeavor was huge for it i think it had endeavor would be like like so much better but it was a unique event in generation six um so yeah like that's it's definitely like not as good as it used to be but it's a really solid support pokemon paralysis is so good fast paralysis it also has the same effect as tailwind like paralyzing a fast opponent's pokemon means that like they're immediately cut in half speed so like same effect as tailwind right it's a while it's such a wild change holy crap it's a huge difference yeah so um yeah so overall just like it's a nice support pokemon that has some offensive pressure volts which is obviously good depending on the metagame faint is a move it gets uh as well but yes typically you'll be a bulky support pokemon with focus hash or assaultfest depending on your team uh with fake out nuzzle and then two other moves like voltage helping hand voltage full tackle helping people tackle protect faint something like that you know i think u-turn would be really good for it if it got sure would be good i think you'd probably still run volt switch like just because like it actually will do some damage if you want to use uh it that's sick yeah like this mod isn't like the greatest um i mean like i said specs and lower tiers is okay um i don't think it has too many opportunities to nasty thought just because of its overall weak defense that phase 55 but uh good speed tier and i think that's what makes it most threatening i think actually alolan raichu um was at a point banned really from argue from ru yes sorry because just because of its high speed tier we never use a little red shoe you know what actually made it good it was the fact that freaking uh uh pinkerton and the rising voltage that was it rising vultures is nasty yeah so the last one on this list is one of my favorite pokemon ever and uh i think everybody has to respect this mod now in in singles comfy got worse because it lost hitting power so uh in lower tiers you'd always see combine draining kiss giga drain and hidden power fire and like i'll run you through like last generation nu but that'd be a set and what you do is uh whenever you get comfy out versus something that's you know beats it you click hitting power fire in the silvally steel you do 35 40 right you switch out and then the next time you do you next time you hit them with a draining kiss and rocks are up they're in range of it so it could easily set up for its own thing you like draining kissing cinder once you switch out this is before heavy boots so comfy is the type of mod that can really set up for itself just because of its triage ability um one thing that has been used that i think is also pretty cool is i've seen growth in sun with weather ball oh um i don't know gone next to these moves i'll be honest yeah i didn't know that either until i was it weatherball maybe it wasn't weatherball was it nature did he not get weatherball maybe i'm well what the hell maybe i'm like maybe i'm lying i swear the dude said he had weatherball in it and then we crit him that's all i remember all right it didn't get weatherball there was something that it did okay no it was just growth and sun sorry excuse me it didn't get weatherball so i was wrong about that it gets stored powered that's the thing it got it got stored power um so it was like growth in sun would store power and obviously you know when you growth and sun you get plus two plus two so store power would be bigger uh giga drain and draining case is really good and obviously draining is good on this pokemon because the amount you recover versus its low hp stat is almost like you're almost always healing comfy like to a considerable amount and then you see like brandon defog we've seen support um but you also fought i think as well a couple times or you've seen us use it a couple times as well um but what about in yours like what does it do so it's a really good support pokemon um it's i think in my opinion it's a little underplayed right now like it's a really good pokemon but i think it's not used as much as it could be um it's yeah typically a support pokemon so moves it gets are like floral healing is the big one that's a 50 heal on your partner with priority um plus three priority and uh in grassy train it's a 66 percent heal so uh it's kind of scary um there's like pretty much instant healing almost anything back to full um and they're like anything back to you know at least 50 maybe two thirds hp all the way back um it also is all compared with weakness policy pokemon like goodra and lapras uh and then you use draining kisk and uh jiggadrain with those to activate their weakness policies um and the dynamax and i think it gets taunt it actually gets triggered as well so like you can actually bulky it's good yeah um and then like obviously prankster draining kiss is like nice in general i've also seen it paired with dragon pull where like you use like fast dragon pulled and then with weakness policy and then priority draining kiss because it's faster than the fake out draining kiss um most of the time i think because they're both plus three but yeah but yeah most of the fake users are slower than come face so you can like yeah um it also gets helping hands i wish wolf knew that when we played in the mbl going forward i've made that mistake again i faked it i think i definitely figured it out [Music] um but yeah it's like a cool support pokemon that has a lot of different stuff it can do and it's like actually pretty like yeah it's like it's like not a pokemon you ever want to go up against it's so pretty too it's a nice it's a nice looking pokemon is a beautiful a beautiful uh movie as well yeah that's very wait did you make that animation video they were talking about oh i haven't i don't record it um but i have it all like i know what i want i just haven't recorded it very insulted that powerball was not on that list originally [Laughter] where's my list but uh pyramid the finalist of course it is it's one of the best animations in the damn game but like overall like i think it's interesting like a lot of mods that are good offensively for us are more support or a lot of mods are good support for us are more offensive uh for you like indeedy just being uh like actually most of these mods are support except for colossal and lapras potentially so that's i think that's so cool like just to see the difference between it and now we have to christen these two videos with us battling in doubles and that's the way it goes wolf absolutely yeah best of 100 that's the best of a hundred and one best of 103 actually okay yeah yeah that way and then then no best of 100 that would be 50 50. another best of 100. oh my god but uh yeah thank you so much for being on the channel man it was uh i like i love learning about this stuff i think it's so interesting to see how they're different like i remember um when i told you that clef was like s rank and talks effects was amazing you're like what the hell like they're all good but it's it's so cool to see like a metagame where like hazards doesn't play a role and i tell you they made heavy duty boost for us someone again yeah that's not for me yeah yeah 100 like someone that game free was like huh i see pokemon doesn't use charizard my favorite pokemon just because of that yeah i never i never considered it like yeah i would never in a million years because they're heavy-duty the metal would have to be insane for her to even be on the on the table for us to get to nerf so it's yeah it's interesting i mean i think if it was double zell you would six pokemon rocks would make more sense but yeah for sure but overall i enjoyed this uh guys please subscribe to wolfie glick his channel link is down below um well please stop saying g's like jays uh our g's j's like g's whatever the hell it is if you don't know you want that i can't i can't i know what i want i just don't like how it sounds but uh overall exit i enjoyed this one yeah we did the other part on wolf's channel check it out i'll probably put it up the day before this because i have something else going on thursday sounds good sounds good no worries no wonder yeah thanks for having me dude yeah it was a lot of fun so yeah everyone make sure you're liking the video make sure if you haven't already you're subscribed to joey oh dude one day one day maybe in a year or two okay we'll get some masks of them yeah guys i'll see y'all next time peace you
Channel: pokeaimMD
Views: 130,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, competitive pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, bad pokemon, good pokemon, best pokemon, pokemon vgc, official pokemon, competitive vgc, competitive pokemon singles, pokemon vgc world champion, wolfeyvgc, wolfey pokemon, wolfey pokeaimMD, pokemon sword and shield singles, pokemon sword and shield OU, best pokemon team, pokemon competitive pokemon, best singles pokemon, best doubles pokemon, underrated pokemon, pokemon sword and shield discussion, pokeaimMD
Id: tZUlsD6r_0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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