A Three Dimensional View - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] good evening I'm excited to have this opportunity to be in your homes and in your hearts and to share the infallible Word of God with you I'm going to start teaching something tonight that I believe is going to flow over into next Sunday and there's going to be a connecting point between these two pegs that I believe there's got to be relevant in your life I want you to go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse 1 and there we're going to have an honest deep intrinsic conversation as the Apostle Paul writes to the church at Corinth and in shares are very transparent but yet transformative moment in his life that I pray would be a blessing and most of all give comfort to you and and strength to you I find it almost at the apex of scriptures I use to understand my own struggles and adversities and the vicissitudes of life they come again to me it has been a fortress to me and great strip to me and I'm happy to teach on it today Paul is writing to the church at Corinth and we already know that the Church of Corinth is not a very mature Church that they are filled with the gifts of the Spirit but they still have a great deal of carnality they're kind of caught between sin between these two different states of being on one hand they're prophesying and they're speaking internally and they're operating in the gifts but they have not yet been refined to have the order and the infrastructure that's necessary to be adept at the gifts and then they have a propensity to be carnal and this this dichotomy of experiences makes Corinth of very good texts for us to draw from because many of us today have such contradictions in our own lives so you could take out Corinthians and put in contradictions because the church at Corinth was full of country to be honest all of us have some contradictions in our lives and areas in our lives that that we need to develop and grow in and don't let anybody fool you and come in and speak to you in such a way that they make you think that somehow they have graduated from contradictions there are contradictions in all of our lives that keep us at the feet of Jesus unless the mercy of God be wasted the Bible says the mercies of God are new every morning why would he be new mercy that you don't need because you're you're just so perfect you don't need the mercies of God truth of the morning truth of the matter is you need mercy every day you need mercy every day you want to minimize the contradictions as much as possible but there's still contradictions in your lives and things that you struggle with and things that struggle with you and things that pull at you and things that would would desire to take you under and they're not always the kinds of sins that people want to talk about though there are those too there are those absolutely absolutely sins of the flesh lust of the flesh lust of the eye the pride of life all of that is a part of and all the things that come out of those three categories all part see all that is in the world is three things the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life that's all there is all these other things adultery whoremongering lying cheating all of there are sub categories up under those three things and lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life it may not be any of those things that the church likes to focus on you might struggle with depression you might struggle with insecurity you might struggle but everybody has a certain amount of struggle you would not think because of the way we have a way of esteeming leaders you and I think that the Apostle Paul has had any such struggles but here in the text he says some interesting things and i'ma start at the first verse and then we'll go now are you with me all right he starts it by salutations Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God now whatever Paul says that he is an apostle by the will of God it's always a sticky reminder that he did not become an apostle through the will of the other apostles he was not highly favored amongst the other apostles they feared him some resent some revered him he was he was chosen to be an apostle by the will of God and that just a very introduction of the chapter kind of sets you up into a context of understanding that that he has not enjoyed the benefit of the favor of all of those he worked beside and it's important that you understand that because some of you are so preoccupied with your haters that you never get anything done you're so focused on who resents you and who didn't like you and who didn't support you a policy oh that's nothing I'm an apostle by the will of God and Timothy our brother unto the churches he also acknowledges that he has Timothy our brother who is really his spiritual son unto the Church of God which is at Corinth with all the saints which are in aquella grace me to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ blessed be God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of all comfort I love them blessed be God first of all that God is fully equipped with every blessing blessed be God if you don't understand that God it's best you'll never understand how you can be blessed you you have to realize that Paul almost is insisting in almost every greeting as referring to God as being blessed blessed be God he said later who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings and things that pertain unto life and godliness in Christ Jesus but he's always extol God as being blessed he is he doesn't see God it's impotent or powerless or insignificant or insecure or powerless or in need of anything he esteems God high enough when you started stealing God high enough your problems will get low enough that you can see him in a different life some people's God is too small to think on the challenge that's not to say God is wrong but their concept of God it's too small he says blessed be God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies who God the Father of mercies and if you take it as you want to you want to hone in on the bless God is still the father of mercies he's full of power full of authority he is omnipotent okay he is sovereign he is absolute he doesn't have to meet with the board a committee he has absolute autonomy and control and power over our face so he could be blessed and not be merciful so he graduates in his understanding of God from talking about the blessed God and then now refers to him as the father of mercies that's who you're praying to the father of mercies okay every mercy that's ever been executed in your life implemented in your life applied into your life God fathered it he is the father of mercies and then he graduates again and says he is the God of all comfort the God of all comfort listen see what I'm trying to get you to see is how Paul knows God because that has a lot to do with how he writes about God how he sees God how he understands God he has called him blessed he has called him the father of mercies and then he has called him the God of all comfort look at his relationship with God look at how he understands God in his life okay who comforted us in all in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble now first he talks about God comforts us that we might be able to emulate his comfort in the lives that we touch I teach people about mentoring I said if I'm mentoring you as a pastor just go back and do he likewise that's what Jesus talked to the disciples do you likewise in other words there should not be a contamination from what I gave you to what you give them a lot of times people who represent you don't represent you correctly you will remember how God destroyed Moses for misrepresenting him Moses didn't go to the promised land because Moses was angry smoked the rock and he expressed an anger that was not of God that's what happens in a lot of staff people a lot of times you will have the right heart about it but the people who represent you to other people don't have your heart about it and you get misrepresented God shows us how to deal with that misrepresentation because he removed Moses for misrepresenting him there should be a constant flow from the way God has comforted you and how you comfort people from the way God forgives you to the way you forgive people from the way God is merciful to you to how you're merciful to other people you don't want that comfort and that mercy to be the blessing the comfort or the mercy to be diluted or polluted okay we've talked about the blessings of God we've talked about him being the father of mercies we've talked about him being the God of all comfort the in Paul says who comforted us in all of our infirmities that say it's one thing for him to be the God of all comfort but that doesn't help me if he doesn't comfort me okay you can be something you can be rich but that doesn't help me if you don't give it to me the only way I can benefit is if you communicate the comfort so here the God who is the God of all comfort now communicates comfort to us but the challenge is for you to then comfort other people in the same way that God comforts you that's always been my challenge as a minister I've never preached against another pastor preached against him or in competition to them it's what I mean I'm never worried about who preached before me or who preached after me I'm never competing against them I'm competing against the voice within because the voice that preaches in me is so much better than the voice that preaches out of me then it's hard for me to walk away feeling good about it because the voice I hear is so much better than the voice I speak that I'm racing against a voice I hear to communicate effectively and understand oh I just gave you a nugget right there see what you want to do you don't want to race against other people you want to race against your revelation of God and you so so if God comforted you if God brought you through something if God was merciful to you if God blessed you you want to be able to bless him if he didn't fuss at you if he didn't bring up your sins if he didn't condemn you you don't want to then turn around and fuss at them and condemn them because when you do that now write this down you either dilute or pollute the comfort of God and the art of being remaining in your station without being removed Moses is to allow what you receive to flow out of you without dilution or pollution okay the same way it came down don't dilute anything or don't add anything which is to pollute so that you're like Psalms 127 it is behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the oil that fell upon the head of Aaron onto his beers onto his skirts and then it ends up insist there God commanded the blessing talking about unity notice that the oil that falls upon the head is the same oil that falls upon the beard it's the same oil that falls upon the skirts so all you have to do is be an alignment that all is not diluted or polluted that same thought is what this text brings to life here but the same God that comforts you is the same way you comfort other people that's a big order right there yeah it's huge because when you say can't nobody do me like Jesus I get that but then the way Jesus did you ought to be the way you do me you see see that's so you're not competing against other people you're not responding to other people based on what they did to you you're responding to other people out of the grace that God has given to you the blessings God has given to you the comfort God has given to you so the more perilous times you have faced the more grace you are to produce the more get you understand what I'm saying is that good the more you have perience the comfort of God the more that comfort needs to be duplicated and allocated in your life that's why the Bible says later in Corinth II will talk about ye Witcher if a brother be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering yourself okay the whole thing considering yourself it's the same way God restored you you ought to be able to restore them if people would do other people like God did them the world would be a better place okay so this is what Paul is talking about he's talking about you emitting the same comfort that you received you release it the way you receive it you give it the way it was given to you without downloading it without polluting it no contingencies in the contract straightforward no chaser just straight-up just acting like God this is a principle of mentary so the first time you said like you watch me do it okay then you do it with me except to this step three I'd do it with you step four I watch you do it then about time we get to step forward I'm ready to stand back what I'm really basically doing there when I'm mentoring you is teaching you to do likewise okay so God is merciful to you that you might be merciful God is comforting you that you might comfort are you getting what I'm saying now now if you've never had to be confident that's why I'm scared of people who've never been through anything because you're a revelation of God as a result of your experience with God if you had no experience with God you have no real revelation with God and your preaching the letter of the word but you missed the spirit of the word because you haven't been a student of his mercy you haven't been a recipient of his grace and so you can be condescending and self-righteous and condemning and living an island by yourself but once you have messed up yourself once you have gotten in trouble yourself once you have insecurities yourself once you have burdens yourself it changes how you handle other people because you see yourself if the people you serve you say now if you can't relate to that you need and you need to get out of the ministry you're not ready to minister yet you're not ready to really do what God has called you to do until you've been in trouble you're not ready to minister to people who are in trouble because you're not gonna be compassionate because you haven't been a recipient of mercy you haven't been a recipient of grace you haven't been a recipient of comfort and so you need to do likewise so you get what I'm saying to you okay so blessed be God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of all comfort who comforts us in all not some in all our tribulation that now he didn't get us out of tribulation but he comforted us in it remember that because when I preached Sunday that's gonna really make that's gonna make sister you that we may be able to comfort them he took us through it that we might be able to comfort them Oh God some of what you're going through is not even about you the only reason God took you through it is so that you would be able to comfort them yeah you're understanding why me why did that happen to be Lord I don't deserve to go through this this is not about you this is so that you will be able to serve them whenever you make them more important than you you're ready to be a minister you're not ready to be a minister when it all roads lead to you and it's all about you you can only minister whether it's from the pulpit whether it's from a music place whether it's from a piano whether it's from ministering to somebody in the post office you can only minister to the to the degree that you have been ministered to come on somebody come on somebody so every minister ought to be a recovering something a redeem something a restored something they renewed something because I'm scared to follow somebody who never failed yeah because if I have a trip up and fall they'll destroy me I think they did God's service I need somebody I'm not talking about a charlatan a crook or a scandalous person but I need somebody who has applied for mercy so that they will be able to allocate mercy in my own life are you hear what I'm saying who comforted us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble he said I went through some of everything so that I'd be able to comfort other people who are facing any trouble any from that's a that's a big order to feel right there are you following me by the comfort wherewith ourselves are comforted of God he said I didn't make up a different comfort for you than what I experienced that I didn't pollute it I didn't pollute it I didn't add my version of it I didn't put my spin on it I'll forgive you but I won't forget it I'm alone you the money but I'm gonna tell you all no no no the same way you received it it's the same way you are to give it you ought to shout me down right there for as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ the sufferings of Christ abound in us in that's something that he would say you see a lot of times people today you suffer because the things you did yeah you suffer because you're nasty you suffer because your mouth talks too much you suffer because you said they that's not what he's talking about I'm not saying God won't forgive me for that but that's not what he's talking about he's talking about suffering the sufferings of Christ they suffered for the name of the Lord he said for the sufferings as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ so he said as the sufferings escalated the consolation escalated when the sufferings went higher the consolation went high from faith to faith from glory to glory as I got to new levels I've fought new devils as I fought new Devils I got to new levels God's consolation are bounded to me as a trigger switch from the attack that was on my life do you see what I'm saying the greater they attack the greater the glory do you hear what I'm saying the greater they attack the greater the glory let me say this way we're sin did abound God did grace did much more about the devil has never manufactured anything in hell that God did not do in heaven do you hear what I'm saying no weapon formed against you should be able to press for every tongue that rises against you God show could their God will always outdo the enemy I know you see the tear growing up but the wheat is growing up right beside it glory to God so as the parent comes up the wheat comes up right beside it - God is not gonna be outdone in your life that's good news for somebody that's good news for somebody first if something's of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ and whether we be afflicted it is for your consolation and salvation he says if I'm afflicted I'm afflicted to make you better okay this is what it means to be given to the Lord where God has given you as a gift to the body of Christ it means your life is not your own your choices are not your own the sufferings that you go through not even for you it's for other people do you understand what I'm saying to you we don't talk about this level of commitment but we are - for as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ and whether we be afflicted it is for your consolation and salvation which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings he said I took it better because I knew it was gonna make me better with you I was stood at I didn't faint in it because I thought about you okay and whether we be afflicted it is for your consolation salvation which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings it hate it made me better during the same suffers which we also suffer or whether we be comforted it is for your consolation and salvation both in the suffering and the comforting it is still for you these are experiences that we had that we might be able to relate to you okay I'm gonna go deeper so I talked to a young pastor who recently had a death in his family he was traumatized by the death he said I will never be the same again I said yes and you'll never do a funeral the same again because once you have been on this side of the casket it affects how you function on that side of the casket until you've been on this side of the casket you can you can go to the funeral remain detached from the funeral go to lunch go out laughing and going about your business you're just doing a job but when you empathize with the family when you have set where they set when you have been through what they've been through there's another level of compassion that comes in your life when you have been a patient it makes you more patient with people when they're sick when you have been through surgery it changes how you handle people who have been through surgery don't don't be too angry at people who haven't been through surgery and expect you to get up and run they don't know any better but once they go through it themselves it will change everything don't be upset with people who are trying to rush you to cook dinner and they don't cook because they don't understand how long it takes to make anything but once you have been the one who stood up for hours cooking yourself it gives you another level of empathy with the person who is providing it experience does matter when are we going to recognize that experience doesn't matter God doesn't just promotes you because you want to be promoted and because you got a youtube station and because you got some Facebook post and because you got some followers and because you got some friends on Facebook God is not counting your friends to promote you god promotes you after you have suffered a while the Bible said after you've suffered a while I'll establish you and make you perfect God doesn't care anything he can give you followers at any point God has given you experiences right now to prepare you to be trusted with followers how do you hear what I'm saying oh this is good okay and where am I and whether we be afflicted is for your consolation salvation which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which also we suffer whether we be comforted it is for your consolation and salvation and our hope of you is steadfast our hope of you is steadfast knowing that as ye are partakers of the sufferings so shall he be also of the consolation he said I have this hope for you that if you have suffered with us you will be console with us you'll be comforted with her God will let you be a partaker of the suffering and not be a partaker of the consolation oh do you hear what I'm saying if he has trusted you with the pain he's gonna trust you with the power if he trusted you with the rain he's gonna trust you with the sunshine do you understand what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah it's coming you might be in one part of it right now but the but the balance balance is coming in your life balance is the epitome of maturity to ever say that again balance is the epitome of maturity it won't be all suffering and no consolation it won't be all consolation and no suffering God will balance your life he won't give you revelation like Paul and then I put a thorn in your flesh to balance you unless you be exalted above measure God said I'm not gonna let it all be one-sided I'm not gonna let you have all good and no problem do you think you were gonna build that church and not come under any kind of attack no God is gonna balance you do you own the other hand do you think you gonna have all attacking I have greater power no the more Europe under attack the more the anointing is being produced in your life to respond to the attack in your life oh my god do you hear what I'm saying God is gonna give you balance maturity is balanced when you ever you deal with somebody who's out of balance or Emmett or then mean any harm they're just out of balance as you come into full maturity you become more balanced balanced in your thinking violence in your judgment balanced in your preaching balanced in your discernment balanced in your attitude balance in your life equally applied on both sides north to south east to west God gives you balance glory to God you are to pray Lord balance me because if God doesn't balance you and you have all success and no trial you won't be able to sustain the success I'm able to sustain not because of success but because of suffering somebody asked me was it difficult for me to preach in a church with very few people I said no I cut my teeth on that didn't it now had I inherited the church it might throw me for a loop but because I started with zero you didn't do nothing but put me in my natural habitat I don't have to have a crowd of people dancing all around me to preach the Word of God the Word of God will make its own gravy you understand all by itself it's true if don't nobody say hallelujah it's true don't nobody say man it's true if nobody Harless it true if nobody responds and God will allow you to come up the hard way so that you'll be strong enough to hold on to what he's given to you in your life and the Lord hit me on the back side of the mountains of West Virginia for almost 20 years before he sent me the balance so I would have balance in my life and I received when I got in Dallas without going through what I went through in West Virginia I'd be walking around with my chest stuck out but I know what it is to preach to 50 people I know what it is to preach to 12 people in torment sleep I know what it is to have to pay the rent to keep the church open God will give you balance so don't despise the day of small beginnings because God is balancing you and you that have been successful don't you get caught up in your success and get arrogant because one thing can happen and they can all go away the one little thing one little virus one little attack one little storm one little war one little rumor one little adversity they can all go away everything everything the house the car everything could go away everybody wants to be with you when things are going well but when things get bad they will all walk away and leave you don't miss some of these messages because I'm gonna talk about just said you don't really be the less man somebody say man now and this is where it really good gets good to me about verse 8 for we wouldn't would not brethren have you ignorant of our trouble a lot of people want you to think that they don't go through anything they want you to be ignorant of their trouble they want you to think that they walk around in clouds and there's so spiritual I never will forget when I was a young pastor I was pastoring a young man came to my house he's walking around in my house he said pastor he said I'm kind of disappointed I said what are you disappointed by brother he said I don't know he said I kind of thought your house would be different he said I kind of thought there'd be some prayer altars in the living room and a cross up on the wall and Mahalia Jackson saw somebody singing in the house sometime I said I got all of that in church okay so I want to have life and a balance you understand it and people have certain expectations of you I said now do you have that go on in your house yeah no pastor I said well I'm just like you I'm just like you so so I don't want you to be ignorant of my trouble I don't want you to think that I float in the air that I cannot be touched by your infirmity Paul said I want you to understand that even though I have an apostle and even though I'm writing letters that will be included later into the Holy Writ of God's Word I still had trouble now if the guy who wrote the Bible had trouble you know those of us who preach it are gonna have trouble come on somebody he says I would not have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in that we were pressed out of myth he said when I went to Asia I was pressured in a way like I had never experienced before this is Paul baby he's been stoned he's been left for dead he's been shipwrecked this isn't a Wooster talking here when he talks about pressure we have to respect Paul's ability to endure oppression but he says I was pressed above measure now we're getting down to some really good stuff thus the Word of God speak to people who are stressed out absolutely this is a Word of God speak to people who are depressed absolutely that's the Word of God speak to people who are being affected by external circumstances to the point that they're about to implode internally absolutely that's why we're looking at this text tonight because this text admits flamboyantly that the writer of this epistle after all of this worried about comfort and all of this worried about ministry and other people he now comes down and says I myself when I went through Asia was pressed he said I couldn't even calculate or quantify what it felt like to be me do you is there somebody watching me right now who's going through something and part of the pain of what you're going through is feeling like nobody knows what it's like to be you there is no measurement there is no ability to quantify the amount of stress you're under I'm so glad you're tuned in to this Bible class I'm so glad you're watching me right now cuz I have a word for you there is a pressure that is above measure that you cannot calculate that makes you feel like you're gonna explode that makes you feel like you cannot survive that makes you despair of life itself and that pressure doesn't just come the sinners and it doesn't just come to people who don't know the word and it doesn't just come to people who are living ungodly Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God it's writing and in spite of him being an apostle and spite of the fact he was chosen in spite of the fact that he is responsible for writing more epistles than any other person in the New Testament says I was discouraged I was at my wit's end I know that Jesus appeared to me on the road to Damascus knocked me off the horse I had amazing testimony great encounter I want all kind of souls for Jesus he said but when I went through this period in my life I was discouraged I was pressed above major and then he goes on let me say I want to read it because I couldn't quote it but I don't want to miss anything okay heavy agent or that we were pressed out of major and above strength now it's one thing to be pressed above measure we can't quantify the pressure he said but the pressure was also beyond my strength this was too much for me I want to talk about too much it's it's not always allocated according to your strength sometimes your pressure exceeds your ability if it didn't why would you need God but I can't handle it that breaking point that tipping point that is somebody's at that point right now you're watching me right now and you said my god it feels like he's talking right to me I am I'm talking right to you right now and you said I can't handle it I know I get it it's beyond my strength I can't this is too much for me why do you think he said cast all your cares on me because I care for you he said you gotta cast it on me because you can't handle it watch this the Apostle is saying it was beyond my strength it hit me so hard I didn't have an answer I could not handle it so stop beating yourself up because you can't handle it beating yourself up because you don't have an answer and most importantly beating yourself up because you can't fix it there are some problems you cannot fix there are some mountains you cannot move oh this is not popular there are some things that happen in your life that all you can do is tuck your head down and go through it the best way you can because it's too much for you to bear the writer here says I could not handle it it was too much for me it was a book it was I was pressed out of measure above strength here's the here's the shocking part in so much that I despaired of life and something I was so pressured I wanted to die now now listen friend if the gentleman who's writing the scripture says I know what it is to be pressured so bad that I wanted to then the rest of us Joker's who are reading the Scriptures surely we have gone through some other eye whether you talk about it or not to tell anybody about it or not or if mid to it or not yeah I know the mess up your resume I know you want everybody think you're Superman that you don't have a Clark Kent but there are moments in your life that your Kate doesn't fit anymore in your boots hurts your feet and you have to admit I am NOT Superman this is too much for me I cannot handle this I'm pressed above measure I can't even articulate or count or explain to anybody how bad this is and it is beyond my strength and how do you know it's beyond that's true because now I'm despairing of life if that means the pressure on the outside has gotten so on the inside that the Apostle Paul we're not talking about snidely whiplash here this is the Apostle Paul scissor he's writing the New Testament and he is it meaning that I went through something coming out of Asia that made me want to die the hardest thing in the world for Christian is two men that they felt like that because we feel like we make God look bad if we went through a period in our lives a forlorn man we don't want anybody to know it so when people ask you how you're doing I'm blessed in the Lord thank God in you you know we got all those Christian colloquialisms Oh at our blessed and highly favored glory to God hallelujah and we're going down the road because we know what we're supposed to say but I'm talking about when how you feel doesn't line up with what you are supposed to say there are moments in your life that you cannot really tell people how you really feel because they couldn't handle it they see you as invincible your super mom your super mama your super daddy you get you always got it together we always call on you you're the Wonder Woman of our family you are the Hulk of our house we are always calling and they don't know that even the Hulk gets tired don't call me cuz I'm right at the edge and Paul says I despaired of life itself have you ever had something hurt you so bad you wanted to die that's a question I'm asking you have you ever had some hurt you so bad that you wanted to die with him safe Holy Ghost field talking in tongues got it going on in Jesus names hell and secretly you went through something and I think the secrecy is worse than the thing itself we have something going on with us as a people in a culture that we don't like to talk about things that overwhelm us so we want to act like we got it all together all the time and yet we've got mental health issues out-of-control suicides are breaking out particularly amongst African American children in epidemic rates and long as we get out dancing all Sunday we think everything is okay this is not about you giving up dance here this is not about well rather and flip-flap hooped at the end of the message changed Kings twelve times he can change keys a hundred times and you still want to die you can dance all over the church and get in the car and that same spirit ubi waiting on you in the car following you back to the house and you go home in agony and the worst part is you can't even tell anybody but if Paul outed that devil and City God won't be so bad I wanted to die then you don't have to be ashamed to say I'm dealing with depression I'm fighting with suicide and I feel like it's beyond my strength and it's beyond my capacity did you know that the Bible has a word for people who are suicidal did you know that God has a word for people who are depressed do you know that God has a word for people who are stressed out and feel like I cannot handle it these kids are driving me crazy the kids the bills the storms the job the problems have all overwhelmed me and they're angry and they're frustrated and depression is really just anger turned inside ya depressed people are people who have swallowed so much anger that the anger has started attacking their emotions and if you don't resolve it it will attack your body I want to talk to some angry men out there that's not to say that women aren't equally angry but we have a propensity to interpret all of life's pain in the language of anger because anger is an acceptable emotion for man to have we get to be mad we don't get to burst into tears and collapse on people we get to be angry so even though we are hurt bad enough to burst into tears and collapse on somebody we convert the pain into anger because anger seems more comfortable to who we are not knowing that the anger is poisoned and we end up in a state of depression we end up in a state of depression and we feel like dying because anger has turned inside of us Paul said it got to it it got to me I want to tell you man I want you to hear me clearly young lady I want to hear I want you to hear me and I want you to understand that this Bible is not ignoring you it speaks right to the continuity of what you're going through right now and the Apostle Paul is telling us I went through a period I wanted to die I was preaching suicidal I was teaching suicidal singing in the choir suicidal cop in my hand beating my tambourine suicidal laying hands on people people getting healed and I'm sure I went through something where I despaired of life itself I would ask you God to fix it I just wanted him to take me out I'm sick of it tired of being hurt I'm tired of being misunderstood I'm tired of being confused I'm tired of having problems I despaired of life itself can you be honest can you open up can we have a real conversation about pressure just you and me having a real conversation and sometimes it's too much sometimes a blessing can be too much I pray all the time Lord don't give me anything that's too much for me even if it's good and you see I can't handle it don't don't give me something I can't handle you it is possible to have a blessing you don't have the capacity to receive stop asking for other people's stuff you don't know what comes with it you don't know what comes with that opportunity you don't know what comes with that position you don't know what comes with that woman you don't know what comes with them kids you don't want everything you see everybody else got you can't hand stop volunteering for everything to be a dumpster for everybody to dump it to cut the phone off go to bed some things are just too much until we can talk about those places in our lives for we're overwhelmed we won't really have a great ministry great ministries are places where you can have great honesty and you can have great transparency and say look man Paul says I despaired of life itself now and Paul been preaching today we probably would a defrocked him if we were to defrocked him there are lot many preachers pastors bishops teachers who want to get them safe Church I'm gonna preach this morning but I have a little suicidal can you imagine getting up on sort of a good morning Potter's House I'm suicidal today but I'm gonna bring the word glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus I'm going through somebody spare to life I don't want to live but i'ma run this revival because I don't know how to run a revival and I knew you but the truth of the matter is I don't care how are you there are times in your life that your gift is saying one thing but your personhood is saying something else are you hearing what I'm saying to you you a person who can do something can do it but just because you can do it doesn't mean that you are it you see I can paint a beautiful picture but that doesn't mean that my life is beautiful if I could paint I can just paint it I can paint him I can paint if I can act I can act if I can sing I can see if I can preach I can preach that has nothing to do with me that's the gift he gave me it is possible in fact people love to come get your gift and leave you oh your lingo shout out my shout now I'm a shop for myself I'm a shout I'm a shout myself because I know what it is to have people adore what you have to offer oh love what you offer but they don't give two cents about you pop said I despaired of life itself now there's not a pastor in the country who could safely get up on Sunday morning and say y'all open your bibles I'm going to Corinthians I'm a preacher we're to God today but just as a footnote pray for me I'm a little suicidal I'm kind of depressed I'm on the edge I might flip out at any time because it's too much on me right now but I'm a preacher's service me out if he or wherever I be gone and yet that's what the Apostle is saying in the text he say I didn't want to live anymore can I go over Deaver he said we were pressed out of measure above strength in sum I said we pressed now pressed out of measure is is pressure from the outside you see that pressure is coming from outside circumstances sometimes you can be pressed so many different ways I told my wife I came back to the room to go to bed I said do you not know in the last three hours I have been on the phone with 10 people one of my head to get rushed to the emergency room the other one I was confident because somebody died the other one I was in the middle of a fight between their husbands whatever I said all of this happened in the last three hours I said I went to bed not because I was sleepy I just did one of them I else to call this so called no more today I take the rest of it in the morning no more today you have to know when too much is too much it's too much they'll be all right till morning you're not God Paul says it's too much for me I despaired of life it got too much from me it got too much from it got too much I think sometimes when you love people you don't want to disappoint them and so you don't know when to say enough you don't have to waitress will come to you and she'll start pouring the coffee or something or sprinkling pepper on your salad and say say when and and and it's sometimes we don't know how to say when that's enough thank you that's it we don't know how to get out of it so we're pressed above measure and beyond strength and everything is so important that we don't let anybody down and all the while we are going down okay now I'm gonna summarize with this he said but we had the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves he said we had the sentence of death in ourselves hell old I felt like dying so I knew not to trust me God hallelujah I went through this period that was too much for me so there I was I'd be walking around counting on my own power this is not about willpower this is not about pain tolerance he said I would do this so that I would not trust myself good God Almighty this is good enough for me get my own taste I will trust myself I could not we have the sentence of death working in ourselves so we would not trust ourselves are you taking on so much and trust in yourself more than you should you handle everything you don't delegate anything you don't are you trusting in yourself more than you should come on this is getting good and then he says that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead he said we're gonna trust if God hooray I'm suicidal but I'm preaching this morning we don't trusted God who raises the dead he's gonna raise me he raises people who did die if he raises the dead he can raise somebody who's feeling like that oh you know hearing I got good news for you get ready for a resurrection to happen in your life get ready for a resurrection that happened in your spirit get ready for a renewal or coming to your heart because God raises the dead if he raises the dead he raises people who feel like that and raises people who feel like quitting and raises people who are at their wit's in are you with me I said are you with me that's how are you with me I tell you with me I say are you with me there are three things that he teaches us in the test first about God I'm gonna give you these three things that I'll be gone these are three-dimensional it's a three dimensional understanding 3d understanding of God that he doesn't drop on us to the tenth verse but it is powerful and you need to know it and you need to understand it it is a three dimensional comprehensive understanding of the delivering power of God hallelujah shout he will deliver me glory to God you're absolutely right shout he hath delivered me shout he will deliver me you're right on both hands both of those things are two different things working at the same time he hath delivered me he is delivering me he shall delivering me this is a three dimensional understanding of God he has delivered me I'm delivered right now I am delivered right now my life is here in Christ with God my sins are remitted I'm delivered I'm say past tense it's complete it's finished it's done hallelujah it is finished it is done in a history never you should have killed me when you had the chance it's too late it's over it's done it's satisfied it's finished hallelujah when Jesus got up I got up with him his home he had delivered me but you gotta settle that part if you don't know that you're that you are saved and that you are delivered past tense that it is finish that it is irrevocable that it is immutable that it is unchangeable that it is done by the power of God and not by the power of Jace if you don't know that you won't be able to withstand the wiles of the devil you got to be able to fill Jesus up in the devil's face and say he has delivered me it might not look like it I might not feel like it I might not see I might not understand it he has delivered me I thank God for for my early childhood teacher to my understanding of justification and understanding that I am justified by faith he had delivered me that's over a lot of people have never graduated to understanding that their deliverance is done not by what they did or don't do anymore but on the finished work of Jesus Christ he has delivered me it's over that's pastors it's settled it's not up for debate it's not up for discussion it's not up for you to vote on it what you say about me doesn't have anything to do with it he have delivered me oh that's good news that's good news that's why you're saved that's why you're Christian that's what it means to be washed in the blood of the Lamb he has delivered me and then he goes on of the premise of understanding that I have been delivered so you can't get out of that first grade that first grade teaching that I have been delivering if you're not settled on that you're not ready to graduate to the next class so you got to understand I have been delivered that's over that's subtle that's finished that's done that's complete that's over it's mine I have possessed it it is a reality I am saved hallelujah save from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet I am saved not because of what I did but because of what Jesus did I am safe I'm a recipient I'm an heir of salvation this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long are you with me I said are you with me I'm eating sitting here then go be with me I saw you with me now let's settle there let's settle there because we can't graduate if we can't settle he had delivered so you gotta know that you got to know it it's not important that other people believe that you have to know that for yourself he has delivered me that's done that's not a fun debate devil can have that which Kate had that spell can't do that trouble can't take that I am delivered and yet he takes us to the second time he really goes the second step is this is three dimensional so let's go to the second dimension the second dimension is he doesn't deliver while I am delivered I am yet being delivered yeah yes that's historical that is my standing that is my that is mistake that is my position I am delivered my life is hid in Christ with God that is my position in him and yet I am being I am being the God who hath delivered me is yet delivering me so he has delivered me in terms of my position but he is delivering me in terms of my conditions come on stay with me stay with me stay with me he has delivered me according to my position he does deliver me in terms of my condition okay so the God who hath delivered me he purchased me he bought me out of the marketplace my life is healing Christ with God I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb I'm in the finished work of Christ and yet in my conditions I am being delivered that's why he gave me the Holy Spirit to work in this present world to continue the deliverance process in my conditions the Holy Spirit doesn't have to continue to work on my position when Christ said pelton esta it is finished that settled my position the Holy Spirit came to deliver my conditions so that there is equity between my conditions and my position okay are you following what I'm saying so he does deliver he has delivered he does deliver he is delivering so right now I am being delivered I have been delivered I am being delivered let me stay there just a minute or two the progressive regeneration of the soul is an ongoing process so even though I have been redeemed positionally and I am still being redeemed conditionally my conditions don't always reflect my position that is a progressive ongoing relationship that continues to exist between me and Jesus am i teaching good are you getting anything out of this I am being delivered you ought to get some out of because it's true it's true about you you can't sit there night like you don't know this because that's true in your life you are saved yet you are being saved you are delivered yet you are being delivered you are free yet you are being liberated come on talk to me somebody and let you have been translated you are still in process even though your condition your position is finished you are still in process as an individual and so he said he hath delivered he does deliver he does deliver oh thank you Jesus whatever its gonna face me tomorrow I'm happy to know that he does deliver whatever I'm gonna go through next week it's good to know him for he dubs delivery what-whatever my family is going through whatever my finances are going through whatever I'm going through in my body my emotions my flesh he does deliver okay and so we are here right now in in the the being delivered stage from God we're being delivered we're being delivered we're being delivered every time the enemy thinks he's got me I'm being delivered every time I'm back to the corner I'm being delivered every time I'm stressed out I'm being delivered to those of you who we were just talking to her oppressed above measure and beyond strength this is the good news God is getting ready to deliver you Paul didn't stain like he was he didn't stay depressed he didn't stay suicidal he didn't stay at his wits here he didn't stay there because God continues to deliver us we are renewed he is the father of mercies he got new mercy he got a mercy for Monday a mercy for Tuesday a mercy for Wednesday a mercy for Thursday a mercy for Friday whatever sign it is down for you God's got a mercy for them to give us this day our daily bread as my days are so sure my strength me God continues to deliver us so he's not finished with me though I have been delivered yet he does delivered and then he goes into the this is the third dimension I shall be delivered I have been delivered from the penalty of sin that's over I have been delivered from the penalty of see there's therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus I've been delivered from the penalty of seeing okay I am being from the habit of seeing I am being delivered I have been delivered from the penalty I am being delivered from the habit of sin I shall be delivered from the presence of seeing okay this is a blessed hope of the church that we shall be delivered from the very presence of sin right now we're being delivered from the habit of sin of the Calvary we were different from the penalty of sin this is a three dimensional deliverance that occurs in the life of every believer now I'm gonna test you where are we back here has been delivered I've been delivered from what the penalty of sin and where are we right here I'm being delivered he does deliver what am I being delivered from the habit of seeing what's up ahead of me he will be delivered will be delivered me from what up from the presence of seeing that's what it is to be caught up to meet the Lord that's what it is to be absent in the body and be present with the Lord that's what happened to your grandmother that's what happened to your mother that's what happened to your grandfather they were delivered from the presence of sin highly needed hard up to meet it Oh hallelujah oh my god I felt that down in my soul he delivered me from the presence of sin that is the blessing of Hope of the church three dimensions Oh truth tonight you can say I went through a three dimensional Bible class I learned a three dimensional way to attack the enemy that's been attacking me I learned a three dimensional understanding of how to overcome the pressure that's trying to come over me Sunday morning I'm gonna take you into the next dimension I'm gonna talk about suffering if you've ever suffered anything if you've ever been through anything if you ever felt like giving up if you ever felt like throwing up your hair you will not want to miss what I'm going to share with you in times of trouble it's really not company that you need its sound wisdom so this is not just about being lonely in times of trouble this is about getting insight in times of trouble because you're really feeling alone because you're thinking inside of yourself I do that sometimes it's like I grew up in West Virginia and your wheels would get on ice and they'd be spinning and rubber would be burning and you're burning gas but you're not getting anywhere anytime you think the same thing five times you're not thinking you worry [Music] anytime you keep rehearsing the same thing over and over to get well do another so oh my god what if I don't do some so happy oh it's coming back Thursday and I don't know what I would say at first I was thinking but if I keep repeating it I'm just worried and you're never gonna get the answers you need just by worry [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 377,106
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Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, td jakes motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, gospel, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, td jakes 2020 motivation, a three dimensional view td jakes, a 3D view td jakes, 3D view td jakes, coronavirus sermon, keeping faith in crisis, how to stream church online, online church service
Id: vOguyvfItRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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