BAD BATCH Season 3 Eps 1 + 2 + 3 BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs You Missed!

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welcome back to new rock stars I'm Eric Boss and this is a breakdown of Star Wars the bad batch the final season episodes 1 2 and three let's go through these three Premier episodes scen by scene for all the Star Wars Titans and animation Easter eggs that you might have missed starting with season 3 episode 1 confined the lucasfilm Fanfare shows us these shiny heads and helmets which I believe are the same from last season but just to break them down here we see General Grievous then bucket AKA R1 J5 then Chopper then Crosshair then a Commando droid then wrecker then an imperial combat driver then baton cre and then Hunter there's no Echo there's no tech tech wasn't there before but either way our Man's dead shuttle 135 Pilots down to the planet whand to the tantis Bas through a storm lightning strikes this shuttle and they crash land outside the perimeter so Hemlock voiced by the icy voice Jimmy Simpson who you might know from Westworld Always Sunny zodiac and a number of titles he just says to leave them for the lurka hounds but we don't open with the scene just to establish him loock as a cold hearted jerk this is the crash shuttle that Omega and Crosshair will later seek out to try to escape in episode 3 before they end up hopping into the other shuttle so really it was kind of like an act of God that brought the shuttle down you could say could be like lightning from bendu it's just because I speculated so hard that bendu would be in Ahsoka I want to see bendu again please but also it could be an act of evil because lightning is an instrument of Sith and it was random lightning that was actually from Palpatine via snoke that started the fire at Luke's old Jedi training school in the comics that showed Ben Solo's turn into kylo Ren now I don't really know why the emperor would want want Omega to leave this planet he doesn't really know what she's got so far and Hemlock only really lets them leave so that they stay alive but maybe there's some kind of like Cosmic influence happening here and omega's next steps are just part of somebody's plan but here we see Omega in her room or her cell as Crosshair will later put it water drips into the sink and she wears the choan cloner patch on her uniform as does Dr emyy Carr who we learned at the end of last season is also a female clone just like Omega is Omega keeps her lunch pail under her bed because as we will see later this is where she actually hides her sad attempt to recreate the Tua doll Lula she passes Crosshair and she gives him just this sad look her daily task we learn is to draw blood from each clone to try to find a viable match for the emperor's blood that withstand his high mount so that he could produce a viable strand cast clone for himself the screen behind them has ores that translates to biometric data status so we're about 3 weeks into omega's time at the tantis base and she still sees simar car as a potential sister figure the way that she saw the bat Batch's Brothers car's eyepieces are red laser grids reminiscent of the prison bar grid in omega's window reflecting how car is really an institutionalized future of Omega Omega brings her blood vials to her former chinan caretaker Nala on the right corner of this screen are three circles with orves translated to stamina speed and strength and I like how the shapes Within These circles kind of represent those qualities you know that's kind of like a representation of stamina and that scrolling up is like speed and then this just like stoic one half and the other half you know white and black cookie yeah I feel like that strength n say deletes Omega scan and destroys a sample something that she is going to have to do every day for 5 months while she and Hemlock head into a heavily guarded Vault Omega is tasked with feeding Lura Hounds in the kennel with K 9x1 while clearly Hemlock tasks Omega with this to keep her busy while they see if any DNA samples work Omega uses this as her one kind of Escape of the day as she gathers Straw from these cages for her sad little doll she has named one of her hounds Batcher because this Hound reminds her of her bad batch friends because this is kind of like the defective one she's just trying to reassemble the batch and so sad she visits Crosshair and sees his hand trembling ever since the frigid season 2episode The Outpost crosshairs typically steady trigger finger has not been the same but it has brought some Humanity to him while Omega returns to her room we now see two drops dripping for the faucet as if to say she is no longer alone she scratches a 21st hash mark on her wall telling us that she has been here for 3 weeks and she looks out at the Moon while clutching her homemade took a doll for replacement for Lula the doll that was taken by Imperial forces and Omega found it and returned the doll to Recker who fell asleep with a doll in his arms as Omega does here we see a closeup of the centrifuge as it takes one one notch clockwise as this centrifuge comes to represent a ticking clock we see drops of blood being added presumably the emperor's blood which actually means old sheave had to sit in like a Red Cross truck and donate a couple pints for this project Necromancer I just kind of want to know how he donated all this Blood to do this okay so now we leave ahead in time there are at least 150 hatch marks now making this at least 5 months which is a really long time for a kid especially for a clone because clones are bred to age faster so Omega is older now with a longer face and different hair her hair actually kind of looks like it's on its way to Dr Carr's hair now she patiently waits for Dr Carr at the door and when she passes Crosshair she doesn't even look at him when her blood is drawn she doesn't even wince nals and Hemlock leave the Vault the emperor should be pleased to we accomplished a successful transfer not when the M count was severely diminished in the process if we do not match or exceed the specimen's original count it is a failure now we are going to learn more about project Necromancer in episode 3 but right here I wonder if nals and Hemlock know that the original specimen is actually the blood of the emperor like obviously they know this is the emperor's operation but I don't know if they know that it is his blood because that would mean that they would have to know that the emperor is force sensitive and I pretty sure that the emperor's double identity as a Sith Lord just isn't known by everyone they might just think it's some other mystery donor like maybe they think they're trying to clone a Jedi hemog also says match or exceed so it kind of tells us that palpa team was like hey maybe I can get a clone who's even more powerful than my current form so Omega Freeze Batcher which Hemlock says was a mistake because his puff was too weak to survive in the wild but really he is the one who makes a mistake of telling Omega that a shuttle crash beyond the mountains because that knowledge plus bacher's Freedom will both help Omega in episode 3 as always the Empire's greatest weakness is their own arrogance and they create the circumstances of their own failures okay on to season 3 episode 2 paths unknown this episode begins on the planet Deon home to the devonians known for their devil horns a devonian captain stands at top of a laser trapo before Roland Durand and Lady Issa Durand Roland Durand appeared in bad batch season 1 episode 13 infested he's part of a crime family working alongside the pike Syndicate and his mother L Issa was mentioned but we actually see and hear her now and she is voiced by Angelica freakin Houston Hollywood icon fortia Adams I'm always amazed at the Hollywood great that Star Wars is able to get to voice and play characters but this might be because last year Angelica Houston voiced the Sith mother in screechers reach in Star Wars Visions volume 2 and they're like hey do you want to do something else and she's like sure and Lady Isa is totally a job of the Hut type Crime Boss these bosses love their big Thrones and their trap doors in front of these Thrones a scuffed up looking Hunter and wrecker push a pike prisoner in and toss Rand his severed horn so this is the guy who like took the horn in exchange the dur offer coordinates for a base associated with Dr himl while in hyperspace Hunter looks sadly at Tex broken goggles oh they were covered them they still have them and beyond that the Lula doll its ears just flopped in a way that makes makes it look like it particularly misses Omega Recker says Ekko and Rex need two rotations before they can meet them so I'm wondering where Ekko and Rex were and why they aren't with Hunter and Recker we'll probably find out in a future episode Recker warns Hunter about storming an Imperial base without backup referring to them losing Tech and I think we're seeing some character growth from Recker here because normally that guy would Leroy Jenkins into any base without thinking twice so they land on a jungle planet that at a glance could be whand because when we saw Wayland before it was just storming so we don't really have a good comparison yet the recer says it smells like R said jotaz jotaz is a predator beast on the planet zepo that you can see in the games Jedi Fallen order and Jedi Survivor they find a different facility that's overgrown with vegetation and bombed out Hunter says it was another orbital bombardment which is just a reference to how The Empire bombs everything including their own cloning facility on Camino they're approached by these two young clone Cadets deck and stack both voiced by Julian Dennison I love this casting because tar Morrison is a New Zealand actor and so is Julian Dennison an actor you'll know from hunt for the Wilder people and Deadpool 2 and Godzilla versus Kong but they're attacked by this Slither Vine a carnivorous plant the Empire made it it's some kind of experimental weapon until they lost control of it I really appreciate this as another example of Imperial actions hurting the Galaxy in additional ways and just ruining an ecosystem with this invasive species that will long out live the Empire like anybody who lands on this planet is going to have to deal with it the only way to fix it is just just carpet bomb the planet or just you know send the Death Star after it leaving the house this time of year can mean getting cold and wet but if you have a bond charge infrared sauna blanket you've got something warm and rejuvenating to come home to bonch charge is a holistic Wellness brand with a huge range of evidence-based products to optimize your life whether you want to sleep better have more energy or just d-stress which is where the infrared sauna blanket comes in bond charges sauna blanket raises your heart rate so you burn calories while you relax to help your body release endorphins and leave you feeling relaxed and euphoric it's super easy to set up Heats quickly so now you can get the same 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de and they slice these vines off which transform into sentient crawlers reminding us of the crab leg form that the alien took from the detached head in the thing as well as the crawling face huggers and Aliens one of these even leaps at Hunter's face exactly the same way that the faer does to Ripley in the lab in aliens with the tantis Bas planet named Wayland obviously these animators are really into the alien franchise I mean who isn't and like in Aliens the existence of smaller crawlers means that somewhere there's a big mama waiting in the depths meanwhile Mox and stacky the bad Batch's ship and Marvel at a dc17 the dc17 is the hand Blaster that's issued to clone Trippers during the Clone Wars along with the dc15 rifle MOX sees Lula and is reminded that these clone troopers don't leave kids behind and that is a rare thing giant slyther Vine tentacles attack the other three coming from a larger body with a gaping maw in the sludge beneath them reminding me of the original look for the sarlac before it had the beak put in there and obviously the sarlac is based on the sandworms in Frank Herbert's Dune they end up repelling it by throwing the whole case of explosives in and dropping in a thermal detonator that blows up inside its belly Hunter says that he's going to drop these Cadets off on an island that is safe with good people he's referring I'm pretty sure to Pabo from season 2 the Island colony for Clone Wars refugees with upper paboo at least still left intact after the sea Surge and we end the episode with another sad shot of of Lula and then onto season 3 episode 3 Shadows Of tantis Another Day cycle begins like any other good morning Omega come along there's much to do today but is there Dr car because you say that every day Dr car ain't kidding it is way busier today guarding the central vault is this new sus character a dark armored Clone Trooper this might be another clone assassin like clone X in season 2 the trailers caption some character named cx1 this could be him we're going to learn more about this guy in a future episode no doubt in fact I assume this is who they're going to send after Crosshair and Omega to go hunt them down and now today since the routine has changed when Omega gets her blood drawn notice she once again wines it's just slight change in routine to cause her suddenly feeling like she has something to lose once more but this change also means that nalay cannot test the samples herself and cannot toss out omega's blood so The Jig Is up while nalay tells Omega you're a danger girl you can hear Hemlock in the background ordering additional b-wings standing by which sets up why there are v-wing shuttles on the tarmac ready to pursue them later now let say begins to tell Omega about project something but she gets cut off now that omega's blood vial is in the centrifuge it's clockwise rotation functions as a metaphorical ticking clock at this episode we keep cutting back to the centrifuge ticking one notch ahead heading toward a midnight position because midnight would be when omega's blood is mixed with Palpatine the emperor arrives to the base ah that music is John Williams Emperor theme from Return of the Jedi Ian mcdad returns to voice him here I have been most eager to see the progress you have made doctor Hemlock reports that the Exotic matter facilities have expanded providing alteration and testing of much larger assets the emperor is like yes I have need of such Grand designs I'm curious to hear about these other large genetic experiments Beyond project Necromancer I'm wondering if it could be referring to the snoke Strand casts because snoke is physically larger than most humans are but we learned the primary focus of all this project Necromancer yes Necromancer literally means resurrecting the body from the dead we first heard this term mentioned way later than this in the Star Wars historical timeline during the Mandalorian era which is set after Palpatine's death and Return of the Jedi specifically the Mandalorian season 3 episode chapter 23 the spies referenced by the shadow Council including thon's right-hand Man Captain pellon Grand Admiral thon's return will Herald in the reemergence of our military and provide commandant hux enough time to deliver on Project Necromancer now commandant Brendle hux in this scene is a father to Armitage hu first order officer in the sequel era and yes as we learned in the rest of the Skywalker a spy what you so as we expected project Necromancer began all the way back here during the age of the Empire as Palpatine repurposed choing cloning research to create this process of finding a clone whose DNA can withstand an infusion with his own high mount DNA without reducing any the micans in the blood the goal being to produce a viable strand cast clone of himself I think lucasfilm's plan here is to produce a clone offspring of Palpatine in a test tube using combined DNA from Palpatine and Omega or maybe Dr car so that the donor wouldn't have to be you know a kid but hey I guess if we were just talking about blood and that blood alone being used to like create a strand cast that's just a whole separate body it's not as awkward maybe their plan here is to suggest that Omega is just kind of like connected to the lineage that leads to Ray in the past week Ian mcdad was actually asked if Palpatine ever had sex his answer was hilarious a mous Droid tries to follow Omega into the elevator and she's like no Omega goes to get Crosshair who orders a stormtrooper to unlock the cell the Stormtrooper is offended that a clone might outrank him but Crosshair says he does Crosshair has way more battle experience than a stormtrooper would they break out and head for the kennel meanwhile himl and N showed the Emperor their vaults with at least two dozen tanks and black and red lighting everywhere like for a science lab this is definitely going for a Vibe and notice on the floor appear to be some Sith uratot runes so Palpatine must have had a role in setting up this facility to kind of like sanctify it with some Sith sorcery as we know from the rise of Skywalker that part of this cloning operation in addition to s being part of it is going to have a bit of dark magic involved because the Sith Eternal cult is going to take it over the emperor says there is nothing of Greater importance to secure the future of this Empire whatever is needed to accomplish this goal you will have it yeah by this Empire Palpatine really means his Empire your new Empire I love the animation detail of the little glimmer of she's eye appearing from under his hood when he turns to Hemlock in the glow of whatever is inside of this tank we don't see what's IDE it but it's likely some other body whose eyes Palpatine would be vulnerably peering into reflecting back to him this is Palpatine potentially at his most vulnerable he is dwelling upon his own death his own expiration and trying desperately to figure out how to bypass it by setting up this whole Resurrection protocol in a new clone body in his mind the Empire cannot and should not exist without him he's not about setting up a successor unless it is himself this is really the Folly of the Empire he never really set it up to outlast him he is pure ego meanwhile the blood Centric Refuge clock ticks one minute closer to midnight Omega and Crosshair switch their blasters from stun to kill to take out K9 X1 they hate this guy Emory tries to stop them but Crosshair nicely switches its Blaster back to stun and stuns her meanwhile the emperor tells Hemlock there are many even within our own ranks who would consider much of your work an Abomination but they lack the vision that we possess H I love this because one wonders who within the Imperial ranks the emperor would be referring to Vader probably not because Vader had no issues using clones during the Clone Wars especially how cozy he was with the 500 first clone Battalion I think the emperor is talking about one of two people Tarkin or thron obviously Tarkin doesn't care for clones he decommissioned the Clone Army but thron in particular might be enough of a snob to look down on this kind of genetic tinkering to ensure the future of the Empire because thraw wants to be heir to the Empire and if Palatine really cared about the Empire he would set up thraw to be that Heir indeed as we see in that shadow Council scene in the Mandalorian there are two different plans of ATT attack one seems to be project Necromancer that leads to the rise of Skywalker but with thron we have another path that we could take omega and Crosshair outrun the ray Shields why don't these shields all activate at the same time well because he didn't Phantom Menace either so shut up Hemlock says release the lurus yes howberry Mr Burns of him really Stones a classic Imperial Siren goes off outside crossair and Omega run into a creature called a dry axe but the luras pounce on it in the crash ship the comms are dead but Crosshair references a plan 72 which Omega says she knows because Tech had her memorize all the plans so over the years we've heard of a plan 7even a plan 82 which means Shockwave a plan 88 these all really led up to plan 99 which we saw in the season 2 finale plan 72 seems to be distract the baddies and then take over there now empty ship and I love how when Crosshair takes out one of these clone commandos his stupid blue helmet light flickers out the vwing scramble to pursue them and Omega calls Bacher to jump aboard turbo laser cannons fire after them reminding us of the turbo laser cannons in the Death Star trench Dr car realizes that omega's DNA is the one sample that had no mcount degradation and Hemlock orders the fighters to stand down so that Omega Will Survive probably because he's got cx1 who he can send after them so what were the shadows of tantis of this episode's title I think it was referring to the Sith Temple clone vault at the heart of the base Shadows that ironically are cast in blinding light that revealed Palpatine's eye underneath his dark Hood the best way to support new rock stars is to grab one of these great merch designs that you can get at nerd riot. shop subscribe to all three channels of the new rock Network follow me at eaos thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 175,753
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars
Id: XhLzbhg3qIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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