PJ Masks | Luna Girl's Sleepover | Kids Cartoon Video | Animation for Kids | COMPILATION

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knock knock [Music] luna luna buddy saw that coming [Music] here i come moon [Music] oh what are you two still doing here i don't need you anymore stop you don't know what you're doing they zapped you too i'm so sorry this is all my fault um pj robot a little laser perhaps thanks for the save pj robot now we have another rescue on our hands by my cat's whiskers i hope marie and jenny are okay i told them a hero always looks out for their friends but i didn't well it's time for flossy owlette flash to stop the crash let's get luna [Music] amaya becomes [Music] feathers nobody's going to planet evil on my watch this way come on [Applause] show you [Music] cool chameleons did you see that why do i recognize that move yeah it is kind of familiar it's my move i showed him you helped him fight well it's all over now he won and wow what is that crystal what's it do i'm not sure i'm still working on it but it is powerful give it back [Music] gekko it's not over yet uh oh what did you do give me my crystal [Music] stop i said stop you naughty shrimp don't you dare [Music] okay everyone ready whatever principles doing down there can't be that bad octa bella i'm only a poor little octopus girl oh i can't sleep lionel i can't help thinking about owlette and catboy what if they need my [Music] what help us gekko i wouldn't count on any help from a frightened little reptile like him it's her she's got owlette and catboy and pj robot how'd this happen can the lizard come out and play or is he too much of a scaredy cat hey leaf cat's out of this nobody hero naps gekko's friends and gets away with it time to transform pj masks [Music] no looking for this well it's mine now you'll never be gekko again guys what am i going to do i can't rescue my friends without my powers wait one of romeo's gadgets this isn't over yet [Music] hey why don't you and your long legs pick on someone your own size nah i like picking on little lizard kids especially when they've got no powers run greg we'll figure this out ourselves um somehow no this ends now you are a bad octopus what did you say to me i said put my friends down what was that where'd she go thanks for the ride this thing swims almost as fast as me we're the pj masks we protect the night from bad stuff so uh who are you i'm octave ella i live in the moat how come we've never met you i don't come up much busy busy doing what collecting these a crystal tucked away but you find them if you look hard enough gotta crawl around get in there i've got a collection wow you do sound busy that's not all i do i hang out have fun with percival oh he's cute isn't he the best still gets kind of lonely down here that's why i thought i'd come up make new friends wanna play [Music] here cats like my cats whiskers this is fun you play [Music] wow that's beautiful i want mine to do that what do you say will you be friends with me will you sure we always want to make new friends hey gekko octa bella might be able to find you some more of that power pond weed that'd be cool power pond weed i found it in the mouth a while ago it gave me new powers up to bella are you okay i'm just having so much fun how about we go exploring find this pawn weed come see my crystal collection too all the books are gone now hello who's there come back owlette he was here who that boy i saw him well i heard him footsteps and and i saw that glow glow it was the boy i saw in the day maybe he knows something about this why this asteroid's got power why it spun in front of me maybe you just didn't see it in time huh i wouldn't have either we all make mistakes don't keep worrying about it oh we've got to fix it that's what counts okay you're right focus keep it simple [Music] super cat stripes [Music] robot has you now [Music] what right on [Music] poor master maybe next time an asteroid that size only hits earth every 150 million years you metalhead after them the pj masks want to steal my asteroid i'll show them yeah nice one owlette thanks okay stick with the mission huh who is he what is he watching [Music] you've got to be careful with a mysteriously powerful asteroid i mean not careful at all [Music] whoa you guys are good i'm done with being arma villain phil wait this was meant to be training for me but i messed up and you had to help me again that's okay friends help friends yeah we'll always be there hey you won't be a farmer villains got you trapped in the pj seeker what huh going in please and you too pj robot then i really will be on my own can i be the good guy this time no you're i'm a villain you've got a ton of bad plans and a ton of super cool gadgets no wait this is all the stuff we've confiscated from romeo hmm ah i've had enough [Music] want to try the super magnet how about this one whatever it is go on try it no but you're the villain i don't want to be the villain [Music] oh wow i didn't know i could fly it can't what's happening you stole the asteroid bingo and as a bonus prize what do you see it was very easy for a genius like me to make up fake images of owlette stealing your stellar just what i needed to break up your friendship and lead you to my trap hey what are you doing oh nothing much just analyzing you for asteroid energy it's like that old thing if you can't feed them break up their alliance with the pj pests then steal their powers but if you take my powers i won't be able to fly in space i'll never see my asteroids ever again [Music] what the pj masks they're coming for me [Music] how do we get inside you'll think of something [Music] [Music] you came to rescue me after all i did of course what are friends for i am so sorry i didn't trust you stop us you show them the door [Music] all i was doing was helping you [Music] but i don't understand what's that machine that it isn't an asteroid grabber at all it just needs an asteroid to power it power to do what introducing my super space sucky ray [Music] [Music] oh thanks to asteroid power and you newton see ya newton are you okay what happened i'm sorry i wanted to help but romeo's just too smart for me no he isn't don't give up now it's time to be a hero i can't do this kind of thing [Music] it's pj robot we're on our way [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it all goes i'll suck up buildings vehicles toys and festivals the pj masks you'll never get rid of us romeo oh come on you'll have a fun time in there lots of stuff to keep you company cars trees that phone doesn't belong to you [Applause] this wolfy magic is too strong won't be magic gekko what's going on okay fine i hope kevin find the wolfy bone i'm sorry but you guys weren't listening to me you guys never listen to me either that's cause we'd end up in a furry fix just like we're in now you're right gekko we were so caught up in finding the wolfies we forgot about you of course he's a little guy just because kevin and gekko are younger it doesn't mean they're not awesome they found the wolfy bone yeah but it didn't give me a superpower anything i'll never be a big strong wolfie like muscle wolf come on kev you did great you figured out all the clues and i bet you'll lead us out i say we start digging huh [Music] hmm [Music] i know what to do why is everybody looking at me because you have an idea i sure do follow my lead and how [Music] [Applause] [Music] all you're gonna do is use your power to unlock my sky stuff huh [Music] [Music] my last ounce of power i need to call them [Music] it's weird one minute the ninjalinos were giving us a ninja nightmare next poof gone and we never did see night ninja mountain ninja cave he's on the mountain with night ninja we told him to look for trouble he found it pj masks to the rescue [Music] i'll find in you she'll know what to do super cat for me [Music] and you and you [Music] you must be deep in meditation newton star where are you i'm in a cave and night ninja's got this sky staff and there are lasers and it's so bad that does sound bad not anymore because you're nearly here right there are hundreds of caves we'll never find you in time what i can't handle this on my own that's why i gave you the listening rock so you could help me we can help you by telling you what we told you before you can do this all on your own no way this ninja is awful you've got powers use them for good okay time to be a hero i guess star power [Music] i did it uh gekko that's not camouflage no it is not activating gekko grip [Music] gekko are you feeling okay i'm great apart from all this messing up i'm doing still want to be friends with me i totally get it if you don't [Music] gekko we don't have time for this pj robots depending on us super cat jump hurry up and bring me the little robot time for a reboot a villain one not on our watch [Music] nice parking finally oh my the perfect naughty robot sidekick oh you are so sensitive gekko what's wrong with you why didn't you stop the car i'm so sorry guys i messed up super bad that time and i think i should probably quit no i shouldn't gekko what are you saying he'd never want you to leave the pj masks but i'm just gonna keep messing up more and more and more and pj robots depending on us right right and you do seem to be having an off night wow i can't believe i'm saying this but i mean if you think it's the best thing to do maybe you should um take a night off for pj robot's sake that's great news i mean awful awful news but for the best goodbye for tonight maybe forever i feel awful we have to fix this yes but later this time i've got this yeah we've got to move fast and be sneaky i'll tiptoe on board i'll come too just in case huh long telescopic legs come on hurry master you need to enter your password [Music] now time to get this party started robot any ideas a flybot light display and a giant cloud in the shape of master's face excellent mission complete i'm ready to be picked up pjs so fast pj masks you're not going anywhere until you all come to my birthday party pj robot two um please then let's get this party started hit it robert [Music] i've just come up with a new evil genius plan i'm going to make every day my birthday [Music] a piece of cake pj masks i'll shout hooray [Music] thanks monkey i didn't tell the truth but if i had and you might try to turn you back into stone we've got to get you trained so be okay about it then come on hey i need a banana tickles careful it could have broken gekko my staff sensed a disturbance in the pagoda um no no disturbance here maybe your stuff is faulty faulty that seems unlikely no that's gotta be it staff trouble for sure anyway oh good here you get back to searching oh i think twice now no monkey i know you want me to laugh but we need to get back to your training hey that's a magic wand we can't just throw it away okay that is funny [Music] you weren't really funny but you can't make a statue laugh whoa you can make it angry though careful monkey this whole map is full of magic [Music] wait isn't this stone up movie [Music] have fun with the dragon and let everyone else clean up the mess watch out thanks catboy that was clue slytherin serpents what just happened pj masks i'm sorry to say it seems to have been cursed by dragon breath that ring of smoke will surround it for a thousand years perhaps only mountain magic can defeat this ancient curse the portal what we tried to leak the dragon to you you'd have the mountain power behind you it'd fill your staff and you'd be able to turn it back into a regular float let us try after all i have not solved the riddle time to be heroes i could not stop monkey goo before but i will now with mountain power [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] cat speed [Music] super cats [Music] buckle up nice work monkey goo i knew you'd be the perfect teammate for monkey good try to catch me try again [Music] monkey goo monkey goo where is that monkey who's flying this thing oh no what does this do and this and this and that flying factory out of control alarms activating a chocolate machine in overdrive stop pressing buttons monkey goo i'm coming rear propellers activating factory launching to space [Music] we're headed for space coming catboy [Music] [Music] for space travel neither is my flying factory i'll never see it again poor catboy and monkey you i guess whoa nothing's gonna stop me stopping monkey goo [Music] malfunctioning [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 5,466,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoons, Cartoons for kids, Heroes, Kids cartoons, Kids videos for kids, PJ Mask, PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Masks Live, Patrol, Pj masks song, Pj max, Rescue, catboy, disney jr, ninjalinos, pj masks ninjas, pj masks ring, superheroes, pj masks heroes vs villains, heroes vs villains, learning how to be a hero, be a hero, pj masks no more powers, pj masks season 5, pj masks 2022 new episodes, pj masks new powers, Luna Girl's Sleepover, pj masks season 5 episode 22
Id: uSj59_gZlws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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