Back on The Big Stage - Genesis 8 Highlights

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has a chance captain falcon a very explosive character as we've see plus fox is up there i remember kalindi did say he was going uh kj's he said he was gonna falcon falcon what do you think oh we should bring that we should stop that immediately just like oh that's my shot that's crazy is his controller good that's what i think fox mains play fighters maybe that or they're just doing like all kind of crazy stuff yeah i think that's like the one time you could just grab oh wait wait wait wait shut up phil yeah shut up you don't know what you're talking about i watched the stream man he was beating up in friendlies oh that's game yeah go fast bro let it go you got it you gotta hit me with that and then he got to start crying backstage he wouldn't continue oh [Music] dude i swear can't finish the show snaring through all the kj's lasers oh i hate that down too yeah [Laughter] i mean honestly that game actually wasn't that bad but i would check the lasers though yeah yeah oh that's always so dude against yeah all right we see it oh the grab the falco shine too small oh let's see it let's see the combos let's see it kalindi oh okay okay oh [Music] a little bit i don't know you didn't like [Music] and there it is why do you have a box i'm so bad again that's pretty true i will say no there's an argument that that did more damage it might have been better i'm not sure did more damage two aerials instead of one because he got bear up air but oh you will die a lot you will you can do whatever you want in this game oh that's going to be a punish yeah okay so down through knee i'm hearing mango just for that other setup you said okay down through knee and that sounds from big grab yeah [Applause] i don't think we're gonna see those uh i don't wanna oh what a that's a cannon up here if you don't play minimum ten thousand hours of ganondorf if you don't okay eight bucks i will say that was crazy with the last you know what i mean when i say that yes there's no moment that just kind of like has nothing to do with the past right everything is a product and so they're all the stocks yeah somewhat throwing throwing it away i would say that that doubt he was okay i'll tell you what happened none was holding the ledge and nice nice timing i think with jiggly jigglypuff definitely character where you have to fight your wheels sometimes right um there's just a sense of uh you have to have a sense of danger in certain spots kind of like that one man which says i'm not gonna grab i'm just gonna stomp because you're crouching but then he kind of anyway they were playing that game and i think hbout should sniff one guard is done maybe one day me and none can part own gold [Applause] not what you want to see if you're a nun fan here whoa that roll and oh my god oh what's this oh it's a huge oh that's a neat yeah if you crouch the stomp then [Music] what happens here okay no more jumps okay none oh i just feel like he's uh maneuvering differently than he was oh i can't believe that stop hit there none fearless he uses forward me okay that one's not working out but jigglypuff doesn't have the speed to make it over there that's me that's it game five right now game one was a roast uh of hungrybox none just went to town that's even up to all the pound was so smart and none not able to get a b out of smash what oh my god wow wow at this percent for about because they get knocked down oh nice nice oh and none is back in it yeah this isn't too bad anymore um it's gonna be all about who gets that next big opening but that rest is gonna be it hit by like one back here [Applause] all right i'm gonna take his time here definitely this is hbox is a favorite but none has a chance captain falcon a very explosive character as we've seen oh god down here hungrybox gets hit no media cancel and he goes all the way to the bottom did he just double jump down air and hbox just ed oh is that scar yeah it's me none yes i had the pleasure of commentating what just happened yeah this is i'm a content guy this is all film it's all fun what do you think about you just double jump down aired yeah that happens he says yeah that happens obviously he did mention he has uh some recent wins on katsu and stuff like that but yeah it's uh it's hard to say against the likes of none yeah already getting a huge roll read and then a double knee to start off the game like that insane unfortunately not gonna get the edge guard here but actually really good di off the upper it would be difficult to net a knee off the uh kind of upwards ti that j move was doing yeah should be the stock here though there it is none starting off pretty strong in both of them as they especially j move i'm sure he has like the tech case i really like the fact that none was able to get out of that combo despite some creative creative move choices from j-move to even set up that combo i really like the nare choice there oh needle though yeah j-mook's needle usage a bit too crazy possibly here as this might be the stock yes it is so none known for his crazy offstage play but that time backfiring in a huge way oh wow the fact that he was able to sneak on the ledge there that quickly that was so crazy the way that jamic was able to act i don't know when we see this oh oh dude j-mook is and he jumps back and does the needle off the platform oh pressure that really helps none has a chance second okay rolls out of the forward smash oh that should have worked i think oh off the shield okay okay the the doubt is such a smart option there because you none needs to get something started asap to even have a chance in the set yeah and when you get oh dude is the edge cancel on the second down air fish right now no none dude j mook is actually so crazy no it's insane it's actually insane how the game is needle edge guards to keep falcon off stage falcon does have a little bit of trouble but once you have cc on the deck then it turns the the tide in so many matchups and there again we get to see the the light shield from yoshi so that you don't have to deal with any shield pressure oh that was so good from none knowing that amso was out of a jump okay oh wow catches an egg okay not quite getting that one but the cross up there corner oh i like the single jab and he's trying to read so waiting for the double jump armor kind of just causes yoshi to do the double jump right and yeah a nun is very privy to that and we'll punish the jump and he gets there in time too because i think that was like the last possible frame before amazon was going to be able to get out none trying to go for a crouch cancel there but maybe miss timing it or just too high of a percent oh that down smash might lead to a kill yeah just the way that it sends to is so difficult for falcon to recover right the armor too two for one special there oh yeah okay oh i like that instead of getting pushed off just does it fall through the platform and out there oh the reverse back is insane that's right okay dash attack oh wow just falling off as opposed to like grabbing edge with the uh double jump okay nice yeah there it is solid answer from amsa be loving the stage yeah it's just more like hey you know what there's maybe not like a super strong counterfeit but i like stadium a lot oh man this juggle from amsa is this gonna be the stock already yeah it is it is from the right side of the stage to the left side of the stage with those up airs yeah around the world a little bit unfortunate for none let's see how he answered oh oh they got an answer that's how you answer remember we were talking about the cody versus zayn game five earlier that went so fast this is even faster somehow the matches are just going faster with each set and they're just counter-hitting each other so much they're scrapping they're scrapping in every step to the word yeah and the shield pressure too oh egg getting hit by really crazy surviving fish these drifts are too much oh okay back here out of shield yeah there it is yeah with the pop off the will deserve to pop off so whatever option comes out after the double jump armor yeah after the stop that none has been trying to do yeah some of these edge guards are rough for none because he'll manage to break the armor but then good oh unless you miss right now nana's despite how good amish's edge guarding is none has done a really good job wow he needs the star that comes out of the bottom of the downbeat but he's done such a good job of just getting around it and still being able to survive somehow that's so difficult to do against amsa oh and then just the mix-ups with the combo game from none of if it's so good going for double narrate as opposed to their gravity he's gonna continue wow and he gets the kill that was insane it's so rare to see an actual like zero to death against yoshi like that with any character yeah yeah that max distance neutral air working out really well amidst all these back ears as well okay there to knee just gonna clean it out and god dude that is on fire okay gets the oh my god and he does the astm tech so that the up air doesn't actually send you upwards no it's crazy oh look at the shield pressure they're from onsite oh man getting him to the corner getting the down smash i'm so not going down without a fight yeah and insane the recoveries the di the tax just making it so difficult for amsa who normally makes it look extremely easy when he combos falcon the double jump was gone but none does take it three to two of course going back there right getting counted i've heard that before i know uh i want to say i've heard that from none but i i don't want to misquote him uh shout thousand cheese way back in the day he used to do that obviously that's just part of being good at the game right but uh oh my god i think with cody in particular i feel like he's hyper focused on what moveset you like to use to punish him with right so he's already just on it upstairs oh yeah for sure okay you got way more room to work with last zones are a little bit more favorable for you that's right yeah platforms are just like a nice height for falcon to cover without having to worry about the you know the shifting heights obviously oh okay oh i guess cody man my man plays a little middle linebacker you know he's got some kind of quota he's got to do it like once a set or you know like we don't pay him or something i don't know oh we weren't going out there oh off the top rope and that was sick because i don't think he would have reached if he went for the trade traditionally you go for neither but it won't connect he needed that actual range from up here playing them especially as fox in that scenario though they'll usually drift back nine times out of ten because it's not right they don't want to get hit again so the best way to avoid it right wow one good upper deserves another right that's that's what the falcon like that's his saving grace right right and i'm actually just doing work right now oh my god let him go it's all the way out there no it's a one player tonight i thought it was the multiplayer bro it says it on the back of the yeah and coming in forth a humble content creator a simple youtube man give it up for golden guardians known [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: n0ne
Views: 10,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super, smash, bros, melee, n0ne, SSBM, SSB, captain, falcon, esports, pro, professional, gamer, twitch, streamer, live, top, 10, 20, 30, 100, player, canada, canadian, Nicaragua, nicaraguan, nintendo, ganon, ganondorf, combo, master
Id: c0fHmjRkuDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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