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hi guys welcome back to my channel today we're doing something totally different it seems to be every week we're doing something totally different but i promise you this is gonna be different so i got invited to go to peterson museum to check out the vault now i've been to the peterson museum twice for the bugatti event but never been to the vault the vault supposedly is by invitation only so i'm excited so the last time i was here i took pictures with mr winkleman here at a bugatti event and he asked me to bring my rembrandt and that's when they were about to show the bugatti chiron presentation and that was like three years ago man maybe i should have got the exposed carbon for my ford 4gp you like the way it looks i love it oh my gosh but i don't know heritage edition i guess is more valuable what do you guys think yeah you pleasure meeting you and this is nate how's it going yeah well thanks for the peterson thank you i've been here twice i was just telling nate both times was for a bugatti event yes and uh never been to the vault yeah you know incredible collection obviously thank you yeah the vault is mostly our collection i mean yeah uh all like one through three which is the public floors yeah those are typically like a 50 50 split between our cars and cars that are on loan yeah uh so they're always changing uh and one of the new exhibits is supercars i don't know if ian mentioned that to you no but we got some pretty cool supercars if you want to check those out and then we can head down to the vault say no more let's go supercars you see the magic word so there is three floors and then you have the vault so four levels that's correct yeah we actually have five um the fifth level is uh event space on the top so this whole floor is supercars uh it's our newest exhibit so we actually opened it during closure because we're closed uh but it's a chronological story of the supercar so we kind of come around this corner and then it takes you through the teens 20s 30s 40s all the way up to modern wow and then that will kick off our next exhibit which will be hyper car so this ends at 2004 and then starts again for the next one from 2004 on for hypercar yeah so we've got matt's countach just as like the coaster car you know kind of getting you warmed up when you think of supercars you think of you know outlandish designs like this yeah this is an 88 um and boy for its time this thing was so futuristic it still is yeah to me i think you know the taj is still one of the most beautiful supercars this kind of goes around the corner and this is really again kind of outside of the chronology uh into the 1913 mercer race about so this is original unrestored over 100 years old wow um it was repainted sometime in the 50s but versus the wooden wheels yeah that's where the the expression uh tire kicker came in because you kicked the tires uh because you can see they're mated to the wheel yeah and so if you kicked it and it wobbled it meant that uh the car was not in the greatest shape and that's where that expression came from very cool but this car was one of the first uh production cars capable of 100 miles an hour in 1913 yeah and this race that the santa monica grand prix which was called the american grand prix uh so this was kind of like the start of high performance motor cars and mercers were one of the first cars really to be collected at a price above their selling price so you demand a premium exactly yeah these are you know seven figure cars now uh just because they're so rare and they have that racing pedigree the duesenberg so you know duesenberg for the most expensive fastest cars on the road absolutely this is a 33 it's a murphy body which was built in pasadena and uh this is an sj so it's supercharged 400 horsepower in 1933. wow most powerful cars um they normally have 320 but you could tweak the manifold and this one has the tweaked manifold to get that power wow is this the same model that was in the great gatsby uh similar similar yeah we actually had the great gatsby car here which was a a duesenberg ii and those were essentially reproduction so the newsenberg brand re-bodied them on lincoln chassis uh so they weren't you know duesenberg chassis and so they were built i think in the 70s or 80s yeah so this is all of regional correct yeah so this is worth a lot more money oh yeah sorry i i just can't focus because i'm looking at that mclaren mclaren f1 oh my god lm i love that mclaren orange yeah and you know i i think the cool thing about you know this is the halo car of this exhibit is um you know you look at all the cars and this pulled a lot of the best from the supercars through the eras it took those lessons incredible to think i mean 240 miles an hour and that's why they 2 25 but i know they did 241 yeah the arrow when you change it for the lm spec yeah change the top speed yeah yeah make a little one here yeah um but yeah these are gorgeous cars and uh oh my gosh the t50 this takes your breath away yes sir wow you know there's two cars in here that takes my breath away this one and then the 1939 bugatti 57c that belonged to shaw yeah of iran and we'll see that yeah yeah that one last two times i was here i had to check it out but this is so gorgeous yeah this orange is spectacular in this car you don't see them very much in the color well my speed pill is honey very cool yeah and then the m6 is kind of the grandfather the m6 this was you know bruce mclaren raced can-am yes and this was a homologated can-am car that he created for street use and so there's only like three of these in existence wow and how much something like this it's really priceless nothing traded exactly yeah i mean it's whatever you get two people in the room bidding on you know what they want um it's extremely difficult to get the dust out so the owner put the little stuffed animals in there uh which is a good you know method but you can tell you know it's a can-am car underneath yeah yeah it weighs nothing it's got a chevy engine uh but can-am was the most unrestricted form of racing yeah so there was no limitations on power and no limitations on arrow so it's the most dangerous but a lot of the innovation for racing emotions came from there yeah this is another favorite of mine f40 i had one but you know i got to get another one yeah well i named my son enzo that's cool if i get it f40 you may complain later it's the pre-course it means he has to buy the enzo for his size yeah well f40 was the last probably the most raw version oh yeah it's called the henry ford ferrari because it was when henry ford and enzo were actually um courting each other you know enzo needed henry ford's money and before that all fell through uh he built this car and the ford family put this in the design studio and so if you look at a lot of the design cues on it you'll see like the integrated tail pipe the egg crate grill they ended up on the 55 thunderbird interesting yeah i saw that movie ford versus ferry and that was the story when yeah that was the fall out here this is very cool you can still see the cracks in the paint yeah everything original wow and gt40s were 40 inches off the ground so that's why you know this is the original gt40 yeah i mean gt40s were inspired you know came from this right yep yeah and uh you know homologation was in order to compete at races like le mans you had to have a certain amount of road going version so this was one of them and you know the old saying was you know you go race and win on the track and then you sell cars because people want to drive you know what they saw race and win oh you don't need to tell me about this one so i i had i had uh almost the same model so i had the the s competition yeah seven competition which is this car yeah but like 1000 or 1100 horsepower oh wow but i sold it because it scared the crap out of me every time i drove it these are race cars for the road i mean yeah they are i mean this has no mercy yeah especially if the road is a little bit wet i think also you look at this in scale to the other cars and it's massive huge yeah you know really long and it's wide yeah super low but it's a gorgeous car yeah yeah and it was you know it really was a lamar car that they just put on the road uh you know this you're probably the twin turbo right yeah yeah so this is yeah this is a non-terrible yeah because it's 550 yeah so the twin turbo doubled the power so i can't even imagine what that was oh i'm telling you yeah in one second you're going straight second next second you're on the wrong side of the road uh this was the mc-12 so this was maserati's or the enzo engineer it's an enzo underneath completely essentially really classy powertrain they just really re-bodied it did the interior this is the only black one and you know schumacher did all the testing on these so he was um like that you know chief driver for this for this car now they all come with the but there's cuts in the hood really yeah the core this is the corsa model but yeah they all all have those fins typically they're white and blue which is the maserati colors yeah i've seen a few of those like at car shows but i i think these are much prettier than the enzo the enzo is very harsh looking yeah and these are kind of sculpturesque it is again it's kind of these spaceships for the road this looks like you know wow but it's got the enzo window you can kind of yeah tell the same shape this was the fast and the furious so this is typically you know we're closed now typically a tactile uh if you know freddie hernandez uh he's got the tavares yeah he built this one so he bought the you know the screen used one which they had just destroyed yeah and he completely rebuilt it so when you do the interior yeah he did a great job i mean it was in really bad shape um and you know when we open back up you know hopefully when this all goes away yeah uh this will become a tactile so people can take the picture of it you know get in the scene and faster so we'll head down to the vault all right um but yeah the shot you got is probably one of my favorite so who owns that now that's ours no way yeah that's always been yeah so it was originally in in france right museum or who owned it so they're not a collector so it's been it's been in collector's hands since the late 70s and so what happened was that was a gift from the french government and then in 1978 or 79 yeah um it was uh put an auction nobody attended the auction and it sold for like 750 dollars that's it come on yeah you're making me sick so you know this shows you got to show up to this one what year that was like 79. uh i was only eight years old okay you can't blame me you know and so you know then it can continue to just you know skyrocket in value i mean that it is a one-of-one yeah builds to the show around it's probably you know how much do you think that's worth i would say somewhere around 15 15 yeah all right well let me know when you're tired of holding it i'll make you a tender wow oh i don't know you guys have motorcycles too oh yeah we've got everything so we have over 250 vehicles i mean we own the entire city block yeah the full city block underground next door amazing and you know the the vault it's a little out of shape right now because we've actually got a lot of donations in that's one of the biggest ways we grow the collection is through donors um but it starts out here so it starts off with the chronology so you've got the 1903 cadillac and we have it next to a 1904 studebaker to show the transition to the automobile yeah it didn't happen overnight it took about 10 years for people to give up their reliable horse and carriage yeah and convert it to them yeah but cadillac was you know one of the early starters cars went all the way back you know into the the late 1700s even the kuno which was 1769 was the first you know self-propelled vehicle and it celebrated the 250th anniversary last year wow was that with the steam engine nobody they ran their engine yeah and then they went electric in the 1800s was almost all electric yeah isn't that crazy yeah and then gas and oil so you know rolls-royce they didn't build the bodies uh until you know the late 30s early 40s so post war yeah um they only built the powertrain the brakes and the chassis and so the owners every owner would body the car themselves so they really need to find the coach builder one it's got these kind of cool details the horn is this like snake alligator huh so then you know the horn comes through that's funny that's really cool i need that indoors i don't even want to know how much this has cost those actually but 40 slash 50s are not bad i mean rolls royces unless they're like you know one of ones yeah are not too bad i would guess that's maybe as eighty 70 dollar car yeah you know you had another rolls uh the round door you'll see that round door that's another favorite of mine yeah so that's a one off right that is one off yeah and what is that you think is that's a few million probably and yeah well let me know when you're tired of that here's the show oh yeah so we can take oh we can we can hold it there you sure you don't have to do it okay i'll put it back yeah at least you can get the front this is a really special car wow and uh what i think is cool is that you know this is it's got the diplomatic windshield so you know when the shaw was going through town you roll the windshield down and it cranks down so that your picture is not blocked by a windshield and these were extremely capable yeah well it's got huge vipers look at those oh yeah that's so tiny yeah wow so what what engine did they put is the same as another 57 this is yeah this is an inline eight yeah um and you know c is compressor so supercharged um and yeah extremely capable car i mean for the day you know bugattis were one of the fastest cars on the road and if you wanted to win races you'd buy a bugatti you know race car of course yeah um but when this sold uh originally in auction at 750 bucks it didn't look like this somebody's restored it over and over correct yeah it's been roughly i mean the body has always looked like this yeah but the color has changed you know it's this beautiful like deep blue yeah i think it was a little bit more like of a purple when it started off um like an aubergine yeah uh but for the most part it's been there i mean the chrome details and things like that i mean this is such an art wow at the time i like to say you know if you're trying to you know everybody in the world was courting iran for oil at the time and so the british gave them a tea set for the wedding gift the americans gave them an airstream the french give them a bugatti yeah you're going to remember the bugattis [Laughter] incredible guys just don't look at the size of the tires those are like bicycle tires they put on so thin and your bugattis were famous for the you know the camber going in yep and that's so that you know a lot of the rows in the 20s and 30s were unpaved yeah and so you wanted to drift your car you pitch it in so that you when you look at old bugattis always look at the wheels yeah and you could tell if they were you know drifted that's funny you've got a cord l29 so you know auburn cord that is cool that's a leak crystal wow so you know duesenberg's uh the ruxin house the courthouse how much of an option was that i just want to know that was the piano yeah so you actually you had to get a custom grill to house that and if you were really cool they did a little illuminated light so at night it would change colors wow um but the leaks are actually collectible in their own right there are the leaks that sell well into the six figures crazy yeah the only la like i have is on my louis tris muggle caps but yeah you know uh cords were known for front-wheel drive so they were one of the first uh production cars to have front-loaded platform yeah this is a 35-290 c mercedes original unrestored and this one is uh can still drive so it's only aesthetically you know degraded is it true they say they and now you know these cars are worth more if you just don't preserve them yeah really yeah i mean obviously this is pretty rough yeah you don't want to go on a date on this exactly uh but like the ferrari upstairs that i showed you the black one that would be the perfect example of an original unrestored car that's been you know maintained well yeah that would be more valuable yeah that has cracks into pain exactly yeah first honda so this is serial number zero zero one no uh n600 so it's the first honda that you know they imported from japan to the united states and these were great little cars the n600s they're actually huge inside because you know there's really nothing to them so i can open the doors right yeah you know there's you know you're basically sitting on the ground like a little go kart yeah but you know extremely usable car four or four people and yeah the first which is always a good one uh you've got the round door rolls here that's another one of my favorites and so this is you know about 21 feet long yeah you know we call it the round door because it's got that circular door and uh now this is og this is how you want to pull up if you're going to the red carpet event this is a car that you would want to be driven in because it's a phantom one like the other one yeah about 100 horsepower what where are you kidding yeah so about 100 horsepower about 6 000 pounds no power steering no visibility oh forget it i'm not doing all that work you just want to get but it must be very slow as well oh yeah yeah this was the first commissioned presidential vehicle so this belonged to fdr and uh it weighed you know it's it's a lincoln zephyr weighed about 8 000 pounds and if you look at the glass it's seven layers of laminated glass and they put lead paneling in the doors and so that's what those little silver things are they cover because the gap is so big yeah um you know recently i went to uh mike herrera's uh museum in santa and he has the uh alcohol car yeah sixteen thousand pound and i saw the thickness it was like four oh yeah you know uh glass layers put together and you have the similar things but what was cool you had the little round circle for the machine gun oh yeah and then the two benches that fall down for the mission the guys to sit back there this is really weird there's a story that you know again we can't legitimize that you know during the time this was being made uh you know al capone's car that you mentioned was actually seized by the government and fdr was using that car because it was armor-plated until this was done no yeah how funny oh you can see the little step plates you know the secret service would hop on the back and you know grab this yeah to ride on it wow so we got movie cars on this side you've got christine from stephen king's uh you know diploma fury uh-huh falmouth louise thunderbird herbie the love i've seen this one the two fast too furious honda mach 5 with the speed racer you have evil knievels that's italia and then howard hughes camera car a little line up here and then across you've got president marcus's of the philippines another armor-plated car and this one has like the james bond effect it's got an oil slick and smoke screen in the back ah and it's also got the airplane landing lights so you blind them with the lights and they're hitting with the smoke and the oil no way i know ah had the oil yeah smoke machine yeah and it's like we've got and you'll see the 901 901 was before the 911. so porsha got into trouble with pujo pujo owned the trademark to any designation like numeric number that had a zero in the middle and so they went from 901 to 911 and that's how the 911 came to be and so the 901s they only made 82 of them and they have become extremely collectible those are your seven figure poor shows uh magnum pi for i301 oh yeah and then the shag mobile from austin powers all of these screen users sharing me later oh how cool is this pokemobile poke john paul the second pokemobile no way this is actually blessed so it is considered a relic yeah this is so cool and we've got is something you've never seen and it's you know next to the uh saddam hussein mercedes 600 land delay oh and so you've got you know the the good and you know the bad um and this is really interesting so bob peterson you know purchased this car because the the pullmans were the most expensive luxurious cars in the world at the time you know only royalty had these yeah and he wanted one so you know you have to buy them used and he bought this one at auction and our team of curators were researching it and they're like do you know who this belonged to didn't know oh so the story is that you know during one of the raids the soldier drove it over the jordan border sold it to a mercedes dealership and they auctioned it off and so there was still like half used water bottles and documents in the trunk and so we have all of that stuff preserved uh but it was you know original condition you know the back has like scrapes where the ak-47s were being held wow and it's just you know it's a it's an eerie car but it is you know a piece of history yeah absolutely the opal next door has about 800 horsepower if you actually go over to that car and you peek in the window look at the seating position no look at the seating position your section is fine formula one yeah exactly oh my god what [Music] holy moly that's you don't expect that yeah yeah i mean this car is like if you started it up it would shatter the windows this is definitely one of the sleeper cars that pulls up next to you puts you to shame in your bugatti glory that's real 24k karat gold what so um when american express came out with the gold card uh they did a marketing campaign where in the christmas catalog you could buy a real 24 karat gold delorean for 85 no and the only it's one of the few cars you can do it with because you know it's a stainless steel body so you can anodize it can i touch it uh on the side yeah sorry uh but this one was placed in a bank showroom and never driven so it's got 15 miles on it what it's pretty much a brand new car so how much this cost up and down yeah yeah today gold had a big spike doesn't it yeah yeah so how many ounces of gold is this thing i don't know i mean it's got to be a at least i would say a pound or two or more you know probably maybe five pounds wow you know to plate it amazing yeah and what is this this is the first ferrari ever so this is the 1947 125s by far the most valuable car down here no this one could potentially go to nine figures you're kidding me yeah uh so basically don't get close to it uh but you know they this one has been essentially completely restored yeah ferrari enzo ferrari had built a few cars prior to this but they weren't original for ours right he had used like a fiat you know powertrain yeah uh they were called the competition uh this is the first car to wear the prancing horse badge yeah it's still to this day i think is one of the smallest displacement v12 engines it was one of them v12 v12 yeah like yeah one and a half liters which means you know the pistons are like yeah yeah and what it weighs nothing probably no probably weighs you know less than two thousand pounds yeah it's all engine wow for back then yeah i mean to roll down and stream in this size oh yeah and this one you know they had a this was like a i would say like a street body yeah and they had uh an open wheel racing body as well that went on this car because that's really cool yeah over here that's that portion 901 i was talking about so um again you know 82 of them made yeah uh extremely collectible essentially just it's the same as a 65 911 uh just you know different badging yeah this sounds cool so that does track power solar electricity and wind power wow this was a um i think it was called the um like the xenon 3 it was a really cool concept by an art center student wow um if you don't know art center it's up in pasaden in pasadena yeah they're kind of not they've never been out there yet they're like the harvard for car design all the car manufacturers like mcdonald's yeah and this designer said if in the future we've got uh 3d printing and nanotechnology this is what cars will look like come take this nate this is so cool wow so rough now what it this is not a car isn't it it is it does drive so um there is we just ended an exhibit called disrupters and it was joy reuter and rem cool house who they're both industrial designers and uh they did a project called low res and they took a lamborghini countach and they pixelated it on a computer and at the lowest pixels this is what a lamborghini countach looks like and so they built it and uh this car has been all over like music videos and their company is called united nude that's the u.n and how the heck do you get in yeah the whole top opens up like a clamshell wow yeah that's actually the same body style that bruce mclaren passed away in wow um we had an m8e powertrain chassis yeah and mclaren donated the f-body which is the you know iconic body for the m8s but you can see you know upstairs the m6 that we have you know the engine was just like that yeah like everything is just a different body you know originally my speed tail was going to be inspired from with this exact aspect yeah same number yeah and then you know ironman says oh it's a little too loud for their brand yeah they want to go with something more you know low-key yeah got bobby rahul's indycar that's a gurney indycar aj for it and this one was actually from the film driven with sylvester stallone no way he's an indy car driver so this is you know a movie car you know a little bit about hello yeah this is our shop yeah split window corvette oh just brought it back from pain uh we'll auction this one off at our gala so you know one of the ways that we raise funds is through building cars and then optionally yeah and that allows us to you know keep restoring cars and buying sure but this one will be we just came back from paint like last week wow what do you have there on a second we got a porsche display uh-huh and we've got that we got a whole floor the first porsche to win its class at le mans 1951 gamond sl you look at the power less than 50 horsepower wow yeah 46 horsepower and that's 100 miles an hour on 46 horsepower it was all lightweight to get your endurance racing with longevity yeah so if you were lighter it meant you can go into the corners faster you needed less braking stops less fuel less fuel yeah so it was just a really well-rounded car and again you immediately can tell it's a porsche oh yeah um that is really cool yeah and these ones are extremely rare because they're the race versions i think they made like five wheels yeah and you know all the porsche i feel like they consider these the transactional cars that were the you know the front engine cars uh are getting collectible now you know the 928's the 944s the 968 all of those are starting to become collectible this thing is stripped down oh yeah basically just perfect for cars and coffee right oh yeah well thank you so much my pleasure hey michael great thank you thank you so much great sport thank you thank you wow guys how can you come to peterson museum and contain yourself i'm still thinking about what kind of offer i should make them for the shah's bugatti but i know they won't sell it it's gonna be too expensive for me but this was great to be honest with you i saw so many incredible cars i don't even know which one's my favorite i gotta watch this video when nate finishes it see which one was my favorite but it was incredible experience hope you guys enjoyed it be safe be well and see you guys next time people always ask me how i made my money you see the bugattis paganis and mclarens i've got it all from doing real estate i've been doing that for 30 years buying selling over 800 million dollars and now i'm here to teach you because you got to learn it to earn it so check out the links below and see you there great success
Channel: Manny Khoshbin
Views: 1,675,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manny Khosbin, Manny Khoshbin Car Collection, Manny Khoshbin Garage, Manny Khoshbin Youtube, petersen museum vault, petersen vault, petersen vault cars, Manny Khoshbin Peteresen Museum, Worlds first ferrari, First Ferrari, Petersen Ferrari, LA Car Museum, F1 LM, Manny Khoshbin Vault, Petersen museum tour, Manny Khoshbin Tour, Petersen Vault tour, The best cars in petersen vault, petersen secret vault
Id: Q9fNbowpuyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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