Rich Lady Hired Vagrant As Janitor... Returns From Trip, She Did Not Recognize Her Own Restaurant..

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welcome my friends and let me spin you a tale of perseverance Redemption and the transformative power of kindness enjoy the story the sizzle of burgers on the grill and clang of pots mixed with the shouts from the kitchen staff Emily a frazzled waitress at sha Cuisine a greasy spoon Diner in downtown Los Angeles wiped the sweat from her brow as she rushed orders to the hungry lunch crowd order up three cheeseburgers one cob salad barked the line cook Emily snatched the plates and rushed out to the dining room her Apron Strings trailing behind her she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Veronica the fiery owner with a personality as big as her red bont hairdo hadn't arrived yet to berate them for the occasional mixup right on Q Veronica burst through the swinging kitchen doors what's the holdup customers are getting antsy the staff exchanged worried glances until Veronica's eyes landed on the window overlooking the alley outside a scruffy homeless man sat against the dumpster nose deep in a tattered paperback Veronica's expression softened Emily take that container of Meatloaf scraps to the nice gentleman outside would you dear Emily blinked in surprise but nodded sure thing v as Emily gathered up the leftovers Veronica sighed such a shame when good people fall on Hard Times through no fault of their own the homeless man William Smith looked up in amazement as Emily emerged from the back door carrying a large plastic container ma'am you you got something for me Emily forced a polite Smile as she thrust the container into his calloused hands compliments of the owner don't go spreading it around though we could get in trouble William opened the lid his eyes widening at the hearty portion of sliced meatloaf mashed potatoes and gravy inside this is too much thank your boss for me another scruffy older man emerged from the alley eyeing the container hungrily hey William you going to share some of that William scooped out half onto a ratty piece of cardboard course Michael here you go Emily watched The Exchange curiously before catching Veronica waving from the window she tossed the men one last look before disappearing back inside William called after her ma'am please thank the owner for us Veronica ambled outside eyeing the men cautiously William locked eyes with her murmuring a soft thank you kindly Veronica simply nodded before retreating back into the diner without a word William and Michael sat huddled on a park bench devouring the still war food oh man I'd kill for a cold brew to wash this down Michael groaned wiping his mouth on his grimy sleeve William shook his head disapprovingly I don't understand how you can live on the streets yet spend what little money you get on alcohol don't you want to get off the streets what's it to you Michael shot back we all ended up here for different reasons William grew Sullen his mind drifting back to the life he once knew memories of his beautiful wife Tanya and precious baby daughter Sophia overwhelmed him with sadness it all fell apart when Nathan Caldwell Williams wealthy former classmate set his sights on Tanya despite Williams desperate attempts to make his marriage work the heart wants what the heart wants Tanya left him for the Richer better-looking Nathan taking little Sophia with her William felt his world crumble he loved his wife and daughter more than life itself devastated he turned to drinking for Comfort until he ended up on the streets over 3 years ago homeless and filled with self-loathing hey man you going to eat that Michael's voice snapped William back to the present nodding absently as he passed the other man the remaining food scraps Michael returned hours later a mischievous grin plastered on his bearded face good news buddy I found this sweet purse full of cash and documents William leaned over his brow furrowing at the expensive looking leather bag where did you get that found it on a bench over on Fourth Street no name attached so Finders Keepers Michael you can't just take things that don't belong to you what if someone is missing this news flash genius this is the real world I'm G to have a nice night for once with this windfall William struggled to grab the purse at least let me look inside for something identifying the owner we can return it Michael smacked Williams grabbing hands away raising a fist menacingly don't push me another word and I'll have to bust you up William backed down fear flashing in his eyes as much as he disagreed with Michael's Behavior going toe-to-toe with an aggressive Man twice his size never ended well he lay Awake Late Into the Night unable to shake the guilt over not returning the purse William gathered his courage and headed to the restaurant early the next morning the purse tucked under his tattered jacket he knocked timidly on the back door it swung open to reveal Veronica her bant slightly a skew oh it's you again she eyed him wearily what do you want hun William extended the purse with a trembling hand my my friend found this yesterday I thought you might be the owner Veronica's eyes widened in relief as she snatched the handbag immediately rifling through its contents oh thank heavens this has all my cash for the weekly bankd drop not to mention so much important identification she looked up at William stunned words can't express no need just glad I could return it William mumbled shyly Veronica opened her wallet peeling off a crisp 20 here let me give you a little something for your honesty William shook his head head adamantly oh no ma'am couldn't possibly accept money for just doing the right thing Veronica's face softened into a warm smile well then at least let me buy you a hot meal inside least I could do William hesitated before giving a small nod he could already feel his cheeks burning from the kindness William tried his best to mask his self-consciousness as Veronica led him to a cozy Booth by the kitchen he relaxed slightly as the sense of fresh coffee Bak and syrupy pancakes wafted by order up anything you'd like honey Veronica said warmly in fact start by telling me a little about yourself over some coffee while you decide she signaled a young waitress who promptly brought over a steaming mug and cream pitcher William cradled the mug greedily breathing in the rich Aroma before taking a cautious sip eyes fluttering closed in Delight oh my forgive me I can't recall the last time I had a good cup of coffee Veronica smiled smiled and patted his weathered hand no need to apologize hun so what's your story how a seemingly nice man like you end up on the streets with the floodgates opened William spent the next hour unloading the tragic story of his failed marriage to Tanya his heartbreak over her leaving him for his wealthy former classmate Nathan and the loss of his precious baby daughter Sophia when he finally finished Veronica had tears shining in her eyes oh you poor dear nobody should have to go through through that kind of loss and betrayal I want to help you William his eyes widened in surprise you you do that for me after I'm the one who's been accepting your kindness Veronica pursed her Ruby lips and nodded firmly it's decided then I'm closing up the restaurant for a few weeks to visit my sister and Tulsa I'll put you up in that storage room out back and you can earn your keep sprucing up the grounds while I'm gone sort of a groundskeeper SLG Gardener William was into silence his mouth hanging open I I don't know what to say thank you seems so inadequate Veronica waved a dismissive hand just do a good job and we'll call it even now eat up you're going to need your strength over the next few weeks William attacked the restaurant's Landscaping with a renewed sense of vigor and purpose he trimmed Hedges planted bright colorful flowers and laid fresh Mulch and pine straw until the grounds were utterly trans formed the staff was amazed at William's hidden talents that emerged as he worked what had once been a slightly rundown exterior was now A Cheerful inviting entrance with patios and Pathways guiding guests inside simple wooden trellises adorned with vines framed the doorways wow William I can't get over how great this looks Emily gushed one afternoon bringing him a glass of Cold Lemonade you'd never know this was the same place as a few weeks ago William accepted the drink gratefully with a humble grin just trying to earn my keep and make Miss Veronica proud this place already meant so much to her as the final days of Veronica's absence dwindled William turned his sights to redecorating the interior in that same rustic homey Vibe he sanded and restained the wooden tables and chairs hung up vintage signage and artwork and crafted simple centerpieces from wild flowers and burlap the morning of Veronica's return William straightened his newly donated clothes anxiously pacing the newly refinished hardwood floors he froze as a car door slammed outside William you hear dear Veronica's booming voice echoed through the diner she stopped short as she stepped inside her mouth dropping open at the renovated space before her oh oh my William emerged from the kitchen ringing his hands nervously welcome back Miss Veronica I I hope you like what I done with the place Veronica was speechless as she took in every detail from the gorgeous Landscaping visible Through the Windows to The Rustic chic decor surrounding them she blinked back tears like it William I'm blown away this place looks absolutely incredible she finally regained her voice enough to pull him into an exuberant hug how could I ever repay you for this William blushed furiously no payment required ma'am just glad I could help out and repay your kindness to me Veronica pulled back pondering something you know I have a friend who owns a company managing all sorts of venues and event spaces across town let me make a call and get you an audience with Andrew your talents are being wasted just on this little place true to her word Veronica had her friend Andrew over to the diner within a couple of hours to Showcase Williams miraculous work Andrew was incredibly impressed not just with the physical transformation but William's vision and eye for design he immediately hired the stunned William on as a landscaper and decorator for his company's properties this kind of skill and Ingenuity is exactly what I need William Andrew clapped him on the back enthusiastically consider yourself on the ground floor of bigger and better things for the next few years William thrived and poured his heart into every project quickly becoming one of Andrew's most sought-after designers and landscapers he went from destitute and homeless to owning his own successful company beautiful Beginnings Landscaping with money finally coming in steadily William was able to realistically consider tracking down his long-lost daughter Sophia after some investigation he discovered she and Tanya were still living back in his tiny hometown of Beardsley Ohio Nathan had abandoned them years ago when the fun of a young wife and baby wore off Tanya had no choice but to rely on what little family she had left left in the Aging factory town with a bouquet of daffodils clutched nervously in his hand William found himself on Tanya's doorstep one crisp April morning he stealed himself with a deep breath before ringing the bell the door creaked open and Tanya's familiar face appeared her beauty still shining through despite the wearied look of a struggling single mother her eyes grew wide in shock will you William is that you before he could respond a young woman of about 20 appeared over Tanya's shoulder brow furrowed in confusion William felt his heart clench it was his Sophia all grown up mom who is this Tanya blinked back tears finally whispering in a trembling voice it's it's your father sweetheart 2 years later life had completely turned around for the reunited family William helped Tanya through Rehabilitation from injury sustained in an accident allowing her her to once again become active in his landscaping company's design Branch Sophia was more hesitant at first struggling to form a bond with the father she barely remembered from her earliest years but Williams patience kindness and stability eventually won her over under Veronica's guidance Sophia began making plans to open her very own restaurant utilizing the skills and business savvy she learned working alongside the legendary Diner owner William beamed with pride watching his daughter take charge of her dreams just as he had taken charge of his life off the streets his own personal Journey had come full circle as William surveyed the sunny garden patio at sha Sophia's Grand Opening he couldn't help but flash back to the Dark Lonely Nights spent huddled on park benches with Michael speaking of which a familiar figure ambled up to the entrance squinting in the bright sunlight it was Michael looking slightly worse for wear but much healthier than the last time William saw him well I'll be if it isn't my old buddy William Michael exclaimed with a toothy grin pulling William into a bone crushing hug should have known you'd make something of yourself eventually William chuckled patting Michael's back fondly what are you up to these days old friend well after you made it so big I finally realized I had to get my act together too been sober for a year now working as a groundskeeper SL landscaper at a place very near and dear to both our hearts Williams jaw dropped no you're not talking about Michael nodded with a wink that's right old Shea Cuisine Veronica hired me on about 6 months ago even got a new girl keeping me on the straight and narrow these days he whistled and waved over a pretty young blonde who had just clocked out giving William a sheepish smile and wave as she took Michael's hand for the first time in his life William felt everything had had truly come full circle he was reunited with his family owned a successful business and was surrounded by people who saw the value in him even at his lowest point from Rags to Riches indeed as Sophia called everyone inside for the start of the grand opening celebrations William lingered a moment longer he looked up with a Content smile saying a silent thank you to whatever higher power gifted him this unbelievable second chance
Channel: LifeTales
Views: 35,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2V0Z3w4RWnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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