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hey guys today we're back at chuckles my world look in the back we never left all right so i want to try this one i know crystal tried it in the last video yeah but i'm pretty sure i can get that ghastly off the wall oh my i don't know if you're saying the prize shoot but i'm pretty sure i can do it off he's so dedicated to taking this off the bar because he's a wild card soft animal first i can do it oh my goodness i got five seconds oh that's it you better go for something else i'm gonna try one more time okay okay okay one for 10 pop cool whoa i wouldn't even really care if i win a prize wants to try to get that ghastly plus off the tumble and then hopefully go in here but we're not sure if they don't i don't think it will even fit yeah if it will even finish [Music] let me look at two seconds 11 seconds oh [Music] [Music] you have seven seconds five that was totally worth it though oh i enjoyed that i know i was just trying to get that gassy off the wall so let's see if we can beat how many we won in the last video because in the last video we got eight prizes right we're at one so far and i had fun getting that ghastly off that was so funny that was awesome i enjoyed it crystal's going for this chopper chocolate chicken chicken chicken hey y'all what the heck how in the world so that looks like the standard one i think i think that's the normal one but then they have a pink one you can actually if you win three you can trade it up for a big one chris i don't know if she wants a big one or she just wants to try to beat that record that we have of eight all right good luck okay looks good oh that one actually didn't get much of a grab on it this minnie mouse looks like it wants to be easy but i'm almost positive it's going to be really hard it looks so easy oh oh but it doesn't really grab okay let's not play that one what about this durian you think or not maybe not do you see one you want to play oh are there yeah oh yeah there are hey you have to get one of these so this is a stitch and an angel all in one that's so funny oh you got to play that machine next to this one yeah i know i do you have to play for that one all right here we go all right she's going for the one right in the middle oh double tap or you did that [Music] oh so did you double tap or didn't do it by itself oh my finger was on the button all right yeah so i don't know if you want to double tap or not but if you don't just don't put your finger on the button afterwards all right so we're gonna this is for science now at this point i'm not touching the button oh so maybe it's just oh oh no what do you think about this one right here in the front yeah i think that one's so good i feel like we have to get one of these it's the first time i've seen like a reversible of like a disney character really you're not feeling very fizzy maybe you're feeling easily that's right there we go so it's gonna do its own little double tap oh yeah it needs to go further down so here's the other machine that i was just saying crystal has to play it has gengar in the back and all you need is three come on and that rilakkuma looks so easy looks super easy i don't know if it's easy i'm just saying it looks that easy oh also this so they don't go really far down over here you know what i think that rilakkuma back there or the kobrayakuma is the same one that you won in the last video really so i think technically all you would need to do is win two more okay uh it's up to you i don't think it matters really it just doesn't grab very well because it goes down like a certain oh that one all the way swing it oh now you have to go for kobe to come up if you can get that kauri lakuma to fall over that rilakkuma will fill it in that spot well maybe it'll go down enough to knock it down i feel like you have to try to win this oh oh it's still in a good spot hey that's a i didn't realize that's like the cherry blossom um i think kohli lakuma i think it is i don't know how you can tell the difference it's rilakkuma how do you know i'm sure there's a way to tell yeah oh that one's snapped oh you gotta go right over it chris don't stab it in the face crystal's getting mad at it okay oh the king goes in the way i see okay yeah well it looks like it will yeah come on yes that's better that was much better hit finger oh it's closer it's closer you have to get it okay i think you can get it it's a little bit closer which is all you need yeah there we go all right good luck oh there we go fling it forward come on what is this it doesn't want to move it okay this is the last one then if this doesn't move it i say we move we move it if it doesn't move it all right all right good luck all right went far enough now give us that lucky bounce what in the world is going on with this thing this is one of the areas that we didn't make it to last time there are some small claw machines over here right down here look at this there's a lot of small little things in that one right there i think crystal's found one over here that she wants to play which one are you gonna try for what is it what oh my gosh we have to play for this i can't believe someone left it there they probably was like their last tokens oh you're going right over for it okay i have no idea all you need is that tag to get over though oh yes yes pick it up enough pick it up oh it's not very strong let me actually go for that right there you know what it looks like it looks like it's one of those snap bracelets oh my god i think it's a snap bracelet like bear that is so funny oh no you didn't go over enough chris oh this one doesn't actually grab you probably should not play this again because it's not doing much grabbing let's see what else they have they have a lot of little claw machines those are little hey is that a dumbo [Music] it's a gudetama wannabe too really did you not see it oh my god that's totally a gudetama want to be if you don't want to try it you don't have to i thought you wanted to for a second there what's over here some kind of key chains this is kurami you gonna try for are you sure all right good luck i don't think i've ever seen a claw machine like set up like this where like the plaid how the plastic looks it looks kind of weird okay oh okay she's going for the one right in the front i mean you don't really need much time to move it right it's holding on it's holding on oh and it's feet are right over oh crystal's going again she's going again you didn't move it which is good okay [Music] be the win all right good luck oh gosh i hope so i hope you're right i hope you're right i hope you're right [Music] oh no you didn't go far enough back this sweet land has a popo right there but i know it would take a lot of place because the back platform is so empty but it i had to show it because it's so little like this sweetly it looks so small because i think because it's raised up it just looks smaller than it actually is it's actually just the same size as normal you find something over here you're gonna go for a stitch is that a total dial in there it is and there's some other pokemons okay good luck okay that is a huge head on that stitch oh just get the feet oh you moved it you moved it i think you can get it well that's why they set it up like that but i hope you can get it all right she's going straight for the whole bot oh gosh you got the head oh no what i thought you had it well now you have to play again you have to win it now i hope so wait wait yes you got it i was worried there for a second oh so it's got stitch right here we'll show more at the end poplio i believe i believe that's his name we've won it so many times and people have told us the name so many times i think i learned it by this point but i'm not sure this is the one i'm gonna go for all right i kind of want that to dial but i know it won't pick it up [Music] what if you go straight for its nose or you just want to roll it in right yeah yeah i think crystal just wants to roll it in because like if she i think she's gonna grab right here i have no idea what we're gonna find out okay maybe you'll write the nose i see what you're saying yeah i was thinking pokemons will roll it in but i don't actually don't know if that will work so don't don't listen to me [Music] oh but you have to go again you have to go again all right now she's going for the bottom half yeah come on come on oh gosh that's bad you're gonna give up no no i can't believe you're giving up though at least one more place go straight for the face don't go for the back because the back could grab the foot by accident okay here we go all right there we go there we go okay it's back in the same spot though sure it's progress but i don't know let's see we just have to get it over that little ledge okay i think if you can't get it here we're gonna walk away oh no that's not what we wanted oh no this claw machine is so weird it's so long oh no i thought i could get this one right here but it's too close yeah now i'm going to go for the polka dot thing fail you're going for the black one if this doesn't win i'm done oh my gosh okay i guess i have to yeah you can't leave that there i don't even want that the orange one is the cute one that's the one i wanted i don't know maybe i like just move the call a little bit make it fall ah no i guess oh they're not moving i gotta go for it here we go all right yeah yes yeah please yes you got it can you get my prize for me down there oh i think i broke the hole i think you did it's stuck between the metal oh my goodness yeah if you move it maybe you can help it yeah i tried it that quality is stuck look at it you see how it's a ledge underneath the metal there can you hit it and see if it will you can actually grab the claw crush i'm wrapping the crown okay now the next time someone plays it will go back up cause you fixed it check it out guys it looks like a gem pusser claw machine oh look at all those prizes in there so i gotta press uh call button okay so you have to move this i think i just pressed a button and it goes does it by itself oh okay all right and then i press okay whenever i'm ready i don't know where it's gonna go i'm gonna try to get these little bally things all right right there there it goes oh you might get one okay now i know about how fast it goes we had that one by the keychain all right here we go all right what's coming around i can i have 20 seconds to decide okay so i kind of want to wait for my prize that i want to go for to get right here yeah i'm gonna go for one of those little um rainbow looking things like that little ball right there okay i'm gonna try now good luck and then i got 20 seconds all right all right i kind of want that is that a caroma you said where oh like yeah i think it is i kind of want that but it's it's too big i think i hold anything i don't care what it is right there i totally had it in it that was really close so last time he played this i was able to win two plus from this machine and in the back it says if you extend four of these small plus you can get one of those big burpees i'm hoping i can win two more chris yeah oh oh my gosh you can definitely get this one though that was almost two in one play oh my god i thought i had it me too okay yeah whatever that one i kind of like that one so we have to trade these into those so exciting so there's our kirby oh can you turn around because it has something on his back is that like a fighting um ninja thing oh i don't know don't try to rip it off because it looks like you're trying to rip it off but anyway crystal's gonna play this sumiko one we actually played it last time but she's gonna try to win some because the uh the ghastly claw machine actually has these same prizes in it yeah so we're hoping that we can actually trade them for the gas leak so far we only have the one so we need four more oh man this one doesn't like us we couldn't win from it last time we're not gonna win from it this time i don't know i don't think we're gonna win this time either you know now that we traded in some prizes i'm not sure how many we won this video [Music] oh come on one more time all right one more try let's see so we got the one at the beginning and then we got the two over there that's at least three prizes yeah what else do we want do we want to chop for this one yeah okay that's four [Music] [Applause] man i don't know i think we got to leave them but wait there's more i think we played this one too last time yeah let's see if crystal can win all three of these [Music] all we need is four oh this one's not as strong this one's not as strong as the last one all right good luck you know we did get two of those unicorns on the next game over and all we need is two more yeah maybe we should try that maybe we should go for the unless you take this one again no i think we should just leave that one because we're gonna need like three more even if you win that one but this one we only need two more and you can get that rilakkuma oh my goodness that's a really big coma good grab oh bad grab that was actually a bad grab and we're starting to run out of tokens again oh no yeah i think you have to go more for the head there you go pitch it oh it's not grabbing it i don't know what to do you don't have to play it again if you don't want to all right good luck we might just be stuck with what we have oh gosh please please please oh man that was terrible here's another chopper if she can get three she get the hello kitty so all she needs is two more can you do it please be a good pick up at least yes please be a good swinger oh it almost went over no that was so close to going over all we need is our two more because we already have the one it doesn't matter which two we just need two more we want this hello kitty in the back yeah it's a really nice one that's a big one oh come on please please please yes yes yes you got it heck yes all we need is one more can you get that pink one oh do you have enough we have like two more plays i think she has two more plays guys can she get this hello kitty all we need is one more win with two plays i think oh come on you can do it chris i'm nervous you can do it oh yes that's okay that's okay it's grosser it's closer but you have two more now okay so she has two plays left from this point if you don't win this it's not okay please all right last play guys can she do it oh no we're gonna be stuck with two choppers i don't want two choppers i want a hello kitty this is the last one oh yes that's a good grab oh gosh i went really far down please please no it couldn't have gone any further away what the heck that was terrible won the world it was so far over all right guys that is where we're gonna end this video so i can't believe that last place i cannot believe it was like the worst ever it was terrible but we got two choppers a uh stitch i'm gonna say lilo we got the um i can't think of his name polar bear and then that thing's hideous yeah so right there we have what five prizes but then we won the two eevees so that's six seven and then we traded out for this does that count as eight prizes total i think it does eight different prizes [Music] even though we did win the other half from the other video it doesn't matter it still counts i don't care what you say guys [Music] without a doubt that's the best one but i kind of feel like we have to win another chopper to trade it out for that hello kitty we're gonna do that guys without a doubt but we hope you guys enjoyed the video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 82,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, singapore arcade, prize station, paco funworld
Id: OBzxeZmS9mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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