Let's keep the Claw Machine fun going in Singapore!

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hey guys who remembers this chip right here do you guys remember that one time when we said we're back in singapore and we left this right here or at least we left the end of that video we left that video behind so let's see can crystal win it i hope i can oh come on so if i remember correctly you were moving it quite a lot oh yes that's good that's good though i think man that big nose on chip down there exactly your nose that's so funny i wonder if one of these specifically is easier than the rest to win like you said there's no yeah it does have the largest nose but i mean who's nose is pretty big too i feel like might be the easier one to go for it oh here we go here we go oh just don't go backwards just don't go backwards yes yes yes so the thing that we've learned guys is i don't know if you watched that last video but if not i'll put a card or somewhere on the screen now go check out that video because there was this they had this feature here in um in singapore at least at this arcade called sherwin and if you spend a certain amount of uh plays in a row you're guaranteed i guess it's like oh hit payout that's okay that's okay i think that's okay yeah so it'll hit payout after a certain amount of time well it actually resets if you don't play fast enough yeah so we're barely on play four but if we play 25 times in a row and we don't win i think it's guaranteed to be paid out yes with that in mind can we actually get oh gosh oh yes it's gonna head over get the head over please oh my gosh i wonder if you can hit payout before then as well do you think so you can okay so do you think like let's say do you think like if you play ten times and you walk away and if someone else plays ten times and then the next person who plays five that they'll hit their payout does that make sense because then that's still 25 plays i i don't know oh come on come on oh i think you have to get the body the body i think is what you have to get you know if you can't get it by 10 like if you can't get by 10 plays total this time we're done okay yeah because this is number six i believe all right yeah that's what we're hoping to try to get the the body to try to just swap it in yes yes oh there we go there it is there it is oh no oh yeah i feel like we probably shouldn't play it again all right let's just keep going oh man yeah so in that video we didn't even play anything hardly anything that they offer here because this is like just the um the claw machine section of this part of the arcade you see something over here you want to play oh try this thing this durian yeah so it's a chip oh no it's a chip and dale again oh man i don't know if we want no no definitely play i just don't know if it's gonna go so well i like the minnie and mickey one can you exchange it or do you have to have them okay so you probably have to have it have them have it before you gotta have it in here geez what am i saying it says mickey loves singapore on it is this like an exclusive to singapore how cool would that be if it's like exclusive oh yes whoa yes come on what are you thinking here chris are you thinking the tip or the this other tip okay okay crystal's going to go for the tip hey this one has a sure win of no no no no no oh come on chris i'm trying to build up to it oh crystal always does this a 30 play sherwin oh just a tip yes yes oh i don't know i don't know if the tip's the way to go chris don't go for the tip guys tip sucks i got a tip for you don't go for the tip thanks how many times are you gonna play this one though probably like five or so yeah i don't think i don't think we want to spin 30 on it oh just flip it oh roll it oh i don't know it's because it's chip and dale come on we don't know we have a bad relationship yeah apparently she just stayed with that stitch over there earlier just get that really good grab okay here we go good luck yes yes bounce do some crazy bounce oh my god oh do we really need to get these bounces just right i think if you get it to bounce with like either this side or the other side first then it will do like some crazy like different bounce okay so definitely go for this because of these like little uh pyramid things yeah but that's the thing you really can't you can't say how it's going to bounce yeah that'd be cool if you could like have the feature to let go of it oh gosh oh here we go here we go there we go that's good oh you see though it still went flat what the heck okay one more we're done with this one there are more machines to play guys there is more fun to be had right here all right good luck if this doesn't move it very significant oh gosh significant oh yeah i think we should skip this one okay what's next oh another uh disney one look mickey heart singapore is this okay we have to try it if it's exclusive to here i don't know but it looks like it's exclusive what is it holding is that like a cake or something a dessert or some store what is that thing though on the right i don't know there's not a mini down here there's two mickeys yeah we don't want the mickey actually i do want the mickey butt oh that would be cool if you get both of us let's focus on one first yes hey it moved it what's the sure one on this one 25 only 25 for this one i had to blurt it out before crystal does oh yeah it must be dessert smooth because back there you can see there's like a ton of them it's a tray of desserts oh you think that's jello in its and hands oh but i i think that would mean that's jello as well because they both have the same look to it oh they're going too far back crystal that was your fault that was totally crystal's fault i feel like i've seen the dessert that minnie is holding before it's like a cookie and then it has like a um icing on it or some kind of uh something on it i don't know but it's really pretty i feel like i've seen that before oh by the head by the arm what the heck one last play i'm ready to go is it mickey supposed to be like black though his primary color's black maybe this is more like a realistic rat i think if we can't win it here we're not making any progress it's not doing a really good balance oh oh you got the head from over there over here okay i guess i guess we're gonna go how many plays are you at already i'm at five oh she's at five sure wins twenty five if i can get that big head over it's a done deal i'm gonna get it yeah that is the hard part all right here we go if we get the head over just a little bit we're gonna keep playing until we win it come on more and more yes you are moving it even if it's just a little bit you're still moving it do you think there's maybe there is some beanie in it oh you think so maybe in the butt because if you look at it it looks like it's made to sit on a shelf i think so it kind of looks like that to me it does maybe that's not what's supposed to happen but it looks like it's supposed to sit on the shelf oh no yes yes bring it to the bring it to the no no it's not ruined yet i don't want it to be but it probably is i think you should try to whenever you go for it don't go straight over it this time try to get the head so the head will go back this way [Music] you're going straight over you need to go more to left leg yeah that's what i'm saying i want you to go more to the left oh somebody won oh gosh without flashing that's not what i wanted because you kind of went straight over it but let's see if it does oh i don't know about this i'll try a few plays all right so what i was saying is i want you to go like this [Applause] i missed the head completely though oh so the feet are really floppy and wobbly so even if you get that over the price suit [Applause] yeah there's no guarantee that you'll win it because you need that heavy head that head is that big one head yeah i think if we get to sure win yeah it's like full payout you know oh i think what we're gonna do is we're going to play a little bit off camera because at this point we're halfway there almost yeah i think we have to do steroids yeah we're going to get this for sure so we're going to keep recording but if nothing happens we're probably going to put in the video [Music] this one should be sherwin oh it is this is number 25 i should guarantee get a prize here right yeah i'm gonna have to get this one let's see let's see if this is how sure works oh gosh that's how it works yeah oh my gosh you got it really are we that surprised for this 25 plays chris yeah i know but that we saw sterling in action yeah i hope this thing is exclusive oh my gosh i'm pretty sure it is it says right here on this yeah it says singapore i don't know what these are if you guys know what these desserts are let us know yeah i love how colorful well this is definitely going to be a souvenir yeah because it was expensive what else do you think you'll want to play uh i don't know there's some symptoms here i have some food this one's pretty easy let me try one okay you want gonna try those film stones we have a mickey uh stale and a piglet and then the green alien look at this it says if you collect uh i think everyone you collect is if you get six of them and you get in twenty dollars see it's yellow okay so if you get six tags plus twenty dollars you get a cushion oh you have to pick twenty dollars oh you get one of those oh my god so you're gonna collect six and spend twenty dollars did you even guess [Applause] wow he just slapped him in the face i don't wanna pay for it let me try for mickey instead wow he's got piglet in the face that was not nice i'm gonna try this one unless i move it all right oh i thought it was oh my gosh you have to try again obviously not for mickey cause he's dazzled i thought i had that me too i thought that was it get a really good grab because they're really like weird shapes yeah they're pill so they're hard to grab oh goodness see like that you didn't get a good grab on that one yeah i don't want to keep playing this because i would play this forever i just know he will oh look demon yeah let's see what's over here oh i don't know what that is i don't know why there's some more jeans i'm gonna try it i'm gonna try it once or [Music] know the character's twice but i know he's the main character the blonde one oh yeah maybe you can get it i'm gonna try for the big head yes okay yeah oh [Music] you look really cool oh yes oh his body come on come on come on come on oh man i think you need to be going for this thing you think so yeah because like with the body you're not really moving it a lot hopefully the head is the way to go i don't want to be wrong oh gosh you're right you're like you're right chris this one has a 15 place sherwin oh okay and there's not a huge lens over like on the oh my gosh come on oh goodness oh no he is closer to the other he's closer he's a lot closer it is closer to the front shoes that's why i'm really hoping to get this i technically have part of it over that should count as a win come on i don't know about that we're talking about let's tell me to win which side are you wanting bruce come on this is it this is the win come on this is the way this way oh goodness it's still closing you're so close do you think i should go for the head i think the body moves yeah do whatever you think is right at this point i'm going to get a shirley are you whispering over there what are you saying hey another stir winning toy no i don't want to sure win this oh my god oh you can in this machine it says you can uh exchange oh you can't you can't explain do you want tundra well time is the main character i don't know i kind of like this one i gotta say i like this okay i'm gonna keep this one let's keep going okay what are we gonna play next oh my god there's mickey oh baby [Music] yeah i think i feel like we're not you but oh wow i think you're so excited you laugh like a goat whoa if i can move this at the one place okay i'm gonna wait wait a second wait a second wait a second there sir it's the body shots crystal it's not about the head oh okay okay oh please wow hope this rotates yes oh by the nose oh my goodness oh goodness it this has a sure win of 15. okay oh my god oh my god oh my goodness don't ruin this oh i'm done you're done you're gonna leave that there yes it was nine just know it's gonna keep going like back and forth okay i'm done with that okay okay i'm done with that one let's see some more i think this one definitely is a cooler version than that one you do like look at their like their eyes look like so starry and like comical that look better that's true yeah i just think that the brush looks like it's lower quality oh look at this mickey he's like oh no angel's coming okay i'll try one man i can't believe angel left that mickey over there the mini stuff no it was never gonna be one oh man you were so close okay maybe play it again later oh come on nope not playing that's not playing that one again no no i'm not gonna play that one again what else do we have oh that's a big sky duck i can't believe you said that all right what else do we have oh there's no potions here oh little claw machines i know you like these i do like little claw machines you want to play one yeah i do crystal has found one that she wants to play it's got a rilakkuma a korila kuma and then the chicken from or the duck or whatever it is let's see the chicken i don't know what it is what's the chick's name okay what does sherwin on this one is there a sherwin maybe it's a sherwin if you just win whoa whoa what was that yeah that was not very good hey i guess i'm the same one sorry good luck i think you're gonna kind of get them to stack up on each other i think so oh that was a good one oh but it got closer it got closer but it just drops it like right afterwards that's probably not ideal let me try it not go right over it okay maybe that's the place you don't really know though it looks like you're still right over oh time right now come on bounce bounce bounce bounce oh man yeah i don't think you're gonna have luck with that one so what's next the most player you wanna play some more demons later i think we could probably do a whole video on demonstrator honestly they have so many demon slayers um prizes here [Music] yes she's from season one and the uh the guy right there with the blue hair he uh he's like what the whoa whoa yes definitely go for the close one again that was strange maybe this machine's set to actually carry it a little bit yeah this kind of machine that we need to play oh you're really far back why'd you go so far back you got to take your time you have plenty of time i think it gives you like 20 seconds or something like that yeah definitely crystal check your side over there because that was way too far back okay well check the side because you're too far back still yeah well i guess it doesn't give you 20 seconds oh that's pretty good oh no i think i think you must have really got a really good grab on her initially yeah okay we'll switch sides with me real fast she's going for the cat head where is oh i remember that guy's from yeah it's when uh tundra was training i believe that's who it is [Music] good luck i think i might drift back a little bit it's one of these holders oh what i think crystal's found another one that she wants to play it's for my melody of some kind it's a special version of my melody though okay i was like isn't my melody usually just white yeah wait that's cinnamon roll the cinnamon roll yeah oh okay maybe that's why i was like it looks weird come on that is a pretty big lip though that you have to get it over right there that is the big one i don't know if you're going to be able to get over that but good luck i know you're telling me are you right over it okay let's go for a straight grab come on come on oh the roly-poly what does sherwin on this one this one is 20. oh my gosh i don't know how bad crystal wants this one [Applause] okay that looks good i wonder if you can pick it up and get like a crazy good drop i know like maybe it'll bounce yeah like a crazy oh you're getting it closer like imagine like a crazy like oh yeah like a trampoline bounce that would be awesome she's going for just the head it looks like oh yes yes yes oh they're getting closer to getting closer i'm so excited for you chris i really hope i get this i really do which one do you like it dude which one you think is the best in the back oh can you you can exchange yeah down there it says by the price shoot it says you can exchange i hope you can win it then [Applause] yes yes oh no yes yes no let's go swing it back oh no no that one went so far back it hit the prize shoe and it said nope not today how annoying is that i cannot believe that that was so terrible what's up it is a real akuma all right let me switch sides with you big head in a way that was awful he has that chick again whatever the chick's name is all right good luck there i wonder if this was a holder angel i hope it's a holder those are exciting yeah it's uh oh you stood it up at least now we're not looking up totally kuma's dress now she's going for rilakkuma looks pretty good oh you look you're just standing them up chris come on there's tomiko's it's a pirate one there's one with a fish and then a tennis player what is that one in the back a pirate oh and i don't even think i don't know it's a sumiko uh character oh okay but yeah the one in the back i can't tell it's like dressed up in like a weird costume oh wow that thing got wedged instantly but anyway guys we still hope you enjoyed the video crystal has two pals one on our left one on the right you guys be sure to let us know which one is your favorite that one is probably the coolest because i think it is exclusively singapore yeah it's a nice little souvenir to remember the trip keeping those trips just getting started well guys i hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 91,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, claw machine, claw machine wins, cow play cow moo, cow play cow moo singapore, singapore arcade
Id: u32eOyXrBH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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