Will we both Win the Prize we want?!

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hey guys today we are in the prize area starting off this video because we are going to do it's not really a challenge we're going to win these prizes that we want yes we just have to win some tickets yes we have we have some tickets but we don't have enough to get both of our prizes so kind of we got to make sure we got tickets to get crystal's friends because i'm getting mine i'm just kidding i'm just kidding so crystal actually wants one of these shirts which shirt do you think that she wants out of all of these shirts i mean she was kind of spoiling it like crystal normally does by already pointing at it so you know it's not any of these bottom apes so it's at the top eight up there guys which one do you think that she wants do you think she wants the evil killers over there with the um what do you call that the axe and the machete or do you think she wants godzilla oh bucket pikachu i like that but it's not any of those it is the crying eye face right there i mean you're pointing right at it if anybody was paying attention oh with the secret okay let me move this hand around but yeah crystal wants to get that shirt i think it's like um oh it's like they're all their 1920 tickets and my prize which is the one we're guaranteeing tickets is going to be this dragon ball figure right here yes hey why i didn't realize what that's so funny that's the same cost oh my gosh whoa i didn't realize that the same color and the same cost pink crying eyes oh what if we don't get enough tickets then that's gonna be your face over there you're gonna be crying because we're gonna get enough for you what's that cute when i'm crying what are you talking about you look better look at those bulgy eyes that's a face only a mom can love right there i'm just kidding i'm just kidding yeah so i'm gonna get this and crystal may get that shirt over there if we win enough to get so let's go start playing some arcade games all right let's start off on some gold fishing gold fishing you know i feel like it's been a long time since you've gotten this jackpot yes i agree oh it almost went to the white the white is worth how much here 500 all right that's 200 she needs to get 1010. right now she's currently at 225. and she has 12 total balls oh man it's okay it's okay you're gonna earn your prize chris i'm getting mine i guess i should earn mine too it's not fair we should just split what we have i don't know how many tickets we have already yeah let me go look and see how much we have i know we have some on the car it's not sure yes she got a pink that is a hundred she needs use some more blues lose her wipes yeah she's not going to get it this way that's okay you can always get it the next place everybody needs a warm up right yes and this is definitely a warm-up game you got a white hair that'd be enough oh so her score on the first game 550 that's about a little over halfway for a warm-up game that's pretty good you got you got 15 tickets from that chris that's not pretty good that's that's not very good at all all right here we go chris get the oh she almost got the yellow come on we need the blues the blues are 300 i know you don't know the white is 500 oh yeah i'm saying it's been a while since we played yes she got a yellow that's 200. yeah you're right we used to get the jaguars like every couple times we played so what happens when you stop playing you kind of lose it okay you got a blue that puts her at 6 50. you already beat your last one told you that was a warm-up oh you're missing it just by a little bit oh you have two balls left you get that white it's a guarantee you get that white it's a garen what's happening oh no you know you could even got the blue when it would have been a jackpot but so you got 750 that's 25 tickets get ready chris can't she get the gold line rush jackpot just remember this one is a lot faster than a new one it's a lot faster she got five tickets the jackpot on this one is 300. it's been so long since we've seen this game i know it really happened it's been so long that they're all this i had the new one here too but this is like the one of the only arcades that surpass this get ready and it moves so fast compared to the new one hey you always gonna find come on come on oh just spun like crazy there are a lot of footballs in here too yeah so most of them are like fives or some 15s but then there's a hundred which is that right there jackpot which is 300 and a 50. all right come on jackpot you need it chris i know i really do [Music] oh oh a little bit too late that time all right good luck chris the fact that there are so many balls in there it makes it harder because the balls when they get over there they start squashing each other there are two 250 little pucks in here there's an upside down one i have no idea what it is oh what in the world it's a mystery value [Music] i'd be happy honestly come on 250 tickets it's on the edge right here wait for that one to go back around come on chris wow great job oh damn i want to get that one what are you doing there's two two fifties in your mouth so there were three there were three yeah cuz i won one already oh my god no there's that one and there's another one coming up yeah i'm gonna get you that shirt okay thank you so there are actually two 250s in here now right now okay so there were four to start off we just weren't paying attention maybe i kept thinking i saw the same one i saw two as well oh that was close that one's ready for next time that was close where's the other two i know [Music] that's the same one right there 250. that's one and the other one i'm not sure where it's at i don't see it there's one i'm just going for this one okay there it goes in the middle it's in the middle it's in the middle in the middle yeah in the middle okay here comes this one again here it comes here i feel like this one's moving so fast oh that was a close one okay one last way if i don't win it whatever okay you didn't rack up some tickets though oh my god [Laughter] yes i will take that shirt okay where's the other 250 at christina [Music] let's see it's coming oh there it is maybe two more plays i should have it yeah let's see how many more do i have to win before they shoot out the new ones i don't know you already want a few oh where are you [Music] [Music] here it comes oh it's actually next to something you got it you got it no i keep going too late it's my last play okay i don't play this one too much this game is addicting though like once you win some you're like i gotta keep going okay [Music] okay so i think i got all four of them right let me see if the center one brings out the new pups okay because if it brings out new folks i'll play again i don't think it is it's going to i wonder if the upside down one is the letter do you think so i don't know because it needs three letters and there are no letters in here oh yeah you're right yeah i'm not going to play anymore though since there's no 250s why can't win is where it's at that jackpot is 1045. can she whack and win here we go let's begin oh that's pretty good that's pretty good oh i think it's just gonna be one short no she got five no you know if you get that combined with the tickets i won over there you got yourself a shirt [Music] all right so that was a perfect hit how you hit it just gotta be so a little bit more if you guys have never played this game at the arcade it's not about strength it's about accuracy oh see you went a little too light that time one yeah it actually says over here too soft but you can actually hit this and it'll bounce off the top and come back down all right here she goes so a little bit harder than that oh that one looks pretty hard you guys gonna point oh you gotta turn okay one last try okay you know what's too soft you know what's too hard you're in the goldilocks zone on the first one but now go back to that zone this is gonna be the one looks pretty good that one looks good oh no it's actually not hard enough no she got 10 tickets well we're not going to get this jackpot if angel gets this jackpot on crazy curves that would be so awesome yes on the green one okay this game is so huge oh man that's 40 seconds not bad first okay come on green green oh my gosh that was so close [Music] i think you get off camera once yeah i think though look at that jackpot oh my gosh hopefully angel can get it this time oh there it goes yes same green light right in the middle please please please please going around oh man i don't think so it's 10 tickets i saw [Music] come on focus a little pork chop oh wow that was too soon oh my gosh i'm not gonna get this jackpot for you chris this is the kind of game that chris is gonna win the bonus on pigs might fly it's a 750 ticket super bonus she's actually gotten a jackpot on this game in the past so what you have to do is send the count i thought it was a pig let's go cows might fly look this is this pig's my fly you got it when it was a pig i believe so she has to press the button and she has to kind of target it to go up to the spaceship looks pretty good looks pretty oh you missed it you missed it but you got up there because sometimes you can hit um objects that deter you from going up and if you're like i don't know if there's satellites or whatever but if you hit it it knocks it off course are they all ufos no there's a bird right there yeah there's some some of them are birds oh that one does look like a ufo right there uh yeah but i think if you hit those it actually gives you tickets what i'm talking about though there are some things that if you hit them it makes you like go off one way or the other and i think it's the birds okay you actually went straight up you didn't hit any objects right there it says avoid the pigeons they will slow your flight and you didn't hit any of them if that ship would have been at the uniform right where you were supposed to be okay that's oh no you didn't wait it's still moving look you see that one it made you go off you have to go again but you got to aim for where the ufo is going to be not where it's at currently yeah because it's constantly moving you kind of see which way like right now if you look at it it's going to the right and so she has to aim like a little bit ahead of it but she can't really predict where the other things are going to be i don't think so anyway she's gotten this before like i said she has gotten this all right it's going to the left chris so take your time get that arrow right to the left well that's pretty good oh that's good that's good no what was that what the thing flew out of nowhere i don't you know i think that exact thing happened there was nothing in your way try one more time someone was like because there was nothing in your way and it came out of nowhere so mad right now you were going to get it look it shows like there's a handle that's a button that's not a handle what is that talking about all right so one more play that's 750 tickets that'd be a good jackpot okay all you do is hit it let's see all right it's going to the right it's going to the right [Music] you bounce off the pigeons too much we're only gonna win five tickets it looks like crystal has been known to get a pearl jackpot she has a ball i dropped it wait is that your ball that's not it no it didn't it didn't count your that ball must have been stuck somewhere because this guy's going credit on it that was weird [Music] all right so her ball is the white one i don't know what that was about oh wait it turns to a dark color oh wow that went straight straight down to the 10 tickets wow you definitely need to be safe because you're drowning in only 10 tickets chris come on you like that's like a water droplet in the bucket of what you need to start drowning you know you get that 750 tickets you're drowning in tickets all right she's playing a game if you can get either one of these right here that'd be cool oh this looks good this looks good oh another 10. oh you have to play again you have to play again so i believe there's a 750 there's a 400 right here and a 400 over there so there are multiple chances to get high ticket values but i guarantee we only get tens and 25s we just have luck like that you know it's gonna be her last one is somewhere lucky please is that feeling lucky all right she thinks that's the lucky spot going to a hole 750 hole so again all right we gotta get out of here we're only getting 10 tickets if he gets the magic bonus it's 380 and the bonus is 1000. didn't there used to be a timing to [Music] and the magic is the blue line oh come on there we go oh 70. no don't be four that's not actually where i hit it really i hit it right there okay i'm gonna hit it on the bonus all right 20 seconds okay i'm ready i'm ready [Music] oh 390. [Music] okay [Music] okay you want to try it again one more time all right i hope he can get this that'll be so exciting we've come here before right yes we've got it multiple times we were doing like the we knew the timing yeah oh 410 tickets now you got this angel so you can do it i hope this is a bonus it's phoned so fast up time that's so weird okay oh no that's why it slowed down so fast i think something's wrong with the game the big win is all the way in the back oh my gosh come on chris push that jeep so far but not too hard oh you hit it way to the back i saw that coming because when it's in the really far back and you haven't played the game yet you don't know how hard it has to go now she knows how like how hard to push it oh oh wow it's right in the middle almost yeah and now i bet it's gonna stop way before it that's my prediction but if you can get it it's 509 oh it's actually not too far before it was pretty far oh it was but it wasn't as far as i thought you're gonna stop in the tin because you didn't know where it was all right third time's a charm 510 tickets coming our way here we go just come closer don't go further back oh gosh it's going it's going way back there i guess wow it's really playing that game it's really playing the game on you chris can't you get it all the way back there without going too hard yeah oh hey you actually made it to the very last one on purpose i can't believe you made it to the very end on purpose that's right if you were trying to do that there's no way you would have gotten it you gonna try again all right i hope you can win some tickets chris i know yeah this is horrible for me is it only gonna go to it's going to the same two spots it looks like that's kind of good to know though if you can learn that spot and then the back one you're good to go hey you got closer that time yeah i just i don't know if you're gonna be able to get it today monster drop the jackpot's at 291 tickets it's kind of high oh come on oh oh oh it rolls right past it that bonus ball now oh no oh i want bonus balls [Music] oh [Music] i'll take a jackpot or some bonus balls oh decided that's one ticket i can't even believe that one is a slot on here right that shouldn't even be there [Music] bonus tripod it oh one ticket i can't even believe they have that on there [Music] oh yeah that's a good one to end it on i'll end it with 50 tickets all right guys i'm gonna wrap this up on uh some gold fishing wow if you get this i'm gonna be excited but i'm also gonna be whoa you're gonna be well whoa oh oh i know enough tickets for you to get your shirt thank goodness for that and i already had like close to enough for my prize like i said i was guaranteed to get mine yeah yes 500 tickets you're welcome chris you're welcome you can get your crybaby shirt now and there it is crystal's cry baby shirt this was her face like the whole time today because she couldn't get any tickets what's going on here they need to win the gold fist and i was like she was so mad she's like i cannot believe you showed me up on that game like some some days are just like that yep and look i got my figure i don't have this one yet so it's kind of cool i actually don't have a rose a goku rose um goku black rose it says what it is jeez super saiyan rose goku black that's it gosh i can't believe though they're both pink i didn't even think about that yeah crystal saw that shirt she's like i have to get that like sure i'm gonna get this if you get the right that that is crazy mine's obviously much more valuable than your shirt i don't agree with that but okay i'm just playing i'm just like i mean the shirt actually has some use to it you can wear it this is going to sit on the shelf but it's going to look nice on that show it will it's gonna add some color to my shelf this only has like you know the black hair sands on there it's gonna have some rose on there which is really nice you guys let us know though which prize is your favorite yeah definitely you can say the shirt if you want but we all know dragon ball is the best but yeah guys we hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 98,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, arcade win, prize, prizes, arcade prizes, arcade jackpot, jackpot
Id: w4mshvKnrm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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