Back 2 Basics Number 2 #freecad #cad #makers

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[Music] thank you [Music] in this video we're carrying on from where we left off in the back to basics part one and what we're going to do is we're going to take this block and we are going to put a hole in the block and we're going to talk about how and why do that so there's a couple of ways we can go back to our original sketch I should say if you haven't already watched part one watch part one that will get you to this block okay I'm not going to redo it in this video so continuing on if we go back to our original sketch and we just pop a hole in here remember we haven't constrained anything I'll explain constraints later in the series but for now if I close that you can see there's a through hole through the block so if all I want is a through hole through the same face as the plane that my block is in then I can just create that in that first sketch now that's good but it's not very flexible I can't make that a blind hole so it has to be a through hole and I can't make that hole go through one of these sides so let's look at how we do that I'm going to go back to that sketch and I'm just going to delete that Circle and I'm going to close that now my hole is gone now I want to create the same hole on this surface and there's a couple of ways when you're doing a sketch when you already have a body first thing is that body has to be active so that sketch will appear in the tree and if you look at the tree everything inside that body is offset this is an offset there so if I close that tree they're all inside that body so now when I create a new sketch if that body is active I'm going to create a new sketch I'm going to create it on the X Y plane again so that's the original plan that we created this block say okay and then I'm going to draw my circle so now I'm gonna I'm gonna use this view section which will allow me to see halfway through this block it allows me to see these crosshairs and I'm just going to go ahead and I'm going to draw that Circle and I'm going to close that and you tell me what you expect is going to happen now nothing and there isn't nothing to happen if I turn that over you can see the sketch is sitting on that face but it's not doing anything right now so if I want to make that sketch become a hole in this block I have to use either this one the pocket or the hole and there are reasons why you might use both I typically use the pocket the whole has more parameters so you can put threads and things in a hole we'll try both so we'll do the pocket and now the pocket goes for a dimension by default so let's go five millimeters in so if I turn that over that's again five millimeters but it's going in the wrong direction so if you look here that's still the same height so if I hit reverse angle now we have a five millimeter hole in our 10 millimeter block so there is a button to that hole it's not a through hole what if I wanted it to be a through hole I can change this type through all and now it's a through hole so that's great I'm gonna leave it as a through hole for this that's great if what we want is a hole on that same plane now what about if I want to put a hole through the side of this block again the Temptation is to clip that side and then click new sketch and it will create it on that side it'll be perfectly in line the problem with that is if we change this model significantly we can change the reference to the space and that hole will literally move and be on a different face so we don't want to do that so what we do for now and that's being worked on to be fixed but for now we don't do that what we're going to do is we'll select away so that we're not selecting any of these faces and we create sketch and now when we're creating a sketch if we look at our model we can see the major planes so the X Y plane you can see it's actually written x y and the X Z plane or x z plane and that little guy there the y z plane or the y z plane so I'm gonna do I want to put my hole through this side so I'm going to select This Plane let me just turn it so you can see I'll just select the pin that plane there and now you can see I am looking at the side of my um block and if I want that block I'm going to just create a square hole this time because I can't now the hole can be any shape you can draw any profile and turn that into a pocket so let me close that and now we can't see where that sketch is but it's actually inside this block down the center so if I now make a pocket using the sketch there's a sketch there I'm going to use this pocket and I'm going to tell it it goes through all and it pops right out the side but notice it doesn't come out the other side because we're coming from the center we're going through all so it's just going to pop through that first face I want it to go through both sides I can just use this symmetric the plane which means go either side of the plane now when I hit that if we turn that around we basically have a through hole and it's going through side to side so that's how you create a pocket in the solid now we're going to just do one with a hole so let's take a look at how to create a whole now with a hole it wants to create around the hole and we want to create it on a face but again we don't want to attach it to the face so what we're going to do is we're going to do a sketch we'll do it in the X Y plane we use our sectional view so we can see the middle again and it's going to pop a hole in here close that and now I'm going to do is I'm going to click on that sketch I'm just going to move its location to the face I want it on it is so that sketch is sitting on this face I don't want to go down this way let's let that sketch it's like the whole and now I can do things like I can make it an isometric M6 hole and I can thread it and I can choose if I want it right-handed or left-handed and I can make the hole go into a dimension which this is all the way through because 25 millimeters or I can choose through and I can also choose if I want to have a countersink on that hole and then I can choose if I want to model that thread and then I can choose to update the view and there it is I have thread but the counter sync starts that'd be nice easy to thread into so that's all I'm going to do for this part of the video it shows you how to make holes in a block the next one I'm going to show you what happens if you have multiple bodies and you want to make a hole and how you do a sketch and some people have issues with they create a sketch and it won't create a hole in the body that they want it to and I'm going to explain that in the next video so if you like what you've seen give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already done so subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Adventures in creation
Views: 1,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, CNC, CAD, CAM, CNC routing, Design, DIY, woodworking, 3D printing, maker, creativity, art, crafts, Blender, Inkscape, Prusa Slicer, OBS
Id: rAx_lMVs7Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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