Back 2 Basics Number 3 FreeCAD basics #freecad #cad #design #makers #Boolean Operations

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[Music] thank you [Music] so in this video we're going to do a Boolean operation that's all we're going to do so to do that we need two bodies so we're going to create a part I'm going to save it as the file name and then I'm going to add a pot I'm going to add a body create a sketch and I'm going to create something on the X Y plane and I always look down here because if that's in too small you're going to make little tiny Parts just so you're aware I'm just going to literally do a rectangle I'm not constraining it for any reason I'm just going to create a body that's all I want now I need to create a second body because a Boolean is an operation between two bodies so make sure my part is active and I create a new body and now I'm going to create a sketch inside that body this time I'm gonna do it in this plane and I'm just going to create a circular part just so you can see the difference and then I'm going to Pat that body so now I have two bodies and they are separate from each other they're inside one part that they are two separate bodies and I can turn one off by hitting the space bar that's Base Bar turn it back on select that one space bar space bar now to the Boolean operation so remember I'm in part design when I created these two parts and I'm going to hit the Boolean operation and let me just go back up here I've selected this body then I hit the Boolean operation so that body disappeared because you can't do a Boolean operation to itself so I only have two bodies so I'm going to add the second body and now by default the Boolean operation is going to fuse which means stick them together so they'll become one body so if I say okay I now have a body and it's just that one body now if I want to change that let me go back inside this body to the Boolean operation and change it from a fuse to a cup and what it does it takes that first body that I selected and it cuts the second body out of it so that's the slot that it would make if you cut the first body with the second body and again it's just one body the other body is gone it's actually cut in that part so if I want to change that again I go back into the Boolean operation this time I'm going to make it common now the common is the opposite to the to that slot that we carry out is the pieces where the two bodies intersect and that's all that gets left so the most usual is to do a fuse or a cut but the common can be quite a powerful Boolean operation so now you've seen the basic booty and operations very simple just remember that you have to have two part two bodies to start with inside one part is fine so you're gonna have two bodies and then you create the Boolean operation is between those two bodies so that's the way to remember it okay if you're enjoying this quick series be sure to subscribe to the channel give this video a thumbs up I would appreciate it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Adventures in creation
Views: 1,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, CNC, CAD, CAM, CNC routing, Design, DIY, woodworking, 3D printing, maker, creativity, art, crafts, Blender, Inkscape, Prusa Slicer, OBS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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