Response to Hackaday Comments. Quicker Ways To Create a Twisted Part in FreeCAD

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To make FreeCAD look even better turn on anti-aliasing. I have no idea why this is not a default in 2023.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Force7667 📅︎︎ May 10 2023 🗫︎ replies

I'm curious about the comments on Hackaday, anyone got a link?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/vk6flab 📅︎︎ May 10 2023 🗫︎ replies

I did this a bit easier by using 6 sketches and Additive loft. It takes a bit more fiddling, but you can do everything in the Part Design workbench. See the example here.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jhaand 📅︎︎ May 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

I tried to do the same object in blender )

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Musa_N 📅︎︎ May 22 2023 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone and welcome to the channel and today we're going to be revisiting the Twisted part and showing you some different workflows of creating that this has come up due to the hackaday article and within there there's been a number of comments regarding how slow the workflow was also quite a few comments regarding freecad itself so what I would like to do is show you some different workflows how much quicker they are and also remembering that this is a tutorial it's not a speed run and thank you to Donald Pap for actually mentioning me and showing how freecad can create geometry such as this just as good as any other CAD package if you like what you've seen you want to donate to the channel then you can do so via Kofi or coffee at Ko hyphen forward slash m-a-n-g-0 or via Paypal at forward slash PayPal me forward slash Darren b e Stone I also run a patreon where you can get Early Access and additional content and that's at forward slash mango jelly Solutions links can be found in the channel header on the about page or in the descriptions of these videos so we're going to look at another way of making that Twisted part I'm going to first come over to the Sketcher I'm not going to use any reference material I'm just moving through this quickly so new sketch along the X Y plane foreign we can create a circle in here and also an arc to create an arc there Escape and we'll take these two and make them concentric we're going to constraint the version that I'm using help about is version 0.21 and this is on the third of the 5th 2023. so it's one of the weekly builds it's got that there let's use a polyline the coincident constraint will automatically come on if we look in our settings we've got the old constraints on so this has changed here you've been here and we can come in and create the other part of the geometry Escape I haven't got any horizontal constraints on there and I didn't make post to Winston there we go so we've got those yeah so I got this part close that what I'm going to do now is come over to the part workbench and I'm going to use this to make a face so click on it part come down to make face from wires so we've got that there let's come over to the draft workbench and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take that face and create a clone that's under modifications clone and we've got that face there which I can right click and transform and bring around to this side and we'll bring this across somewhere over here now we've got that and let's come over to the surface workbench you can move these tools to one workbench if you wanted to we don't have to keep on jumping back and forth to each of the workbenches saves us some time if we moved it by the customization of the toolbars so we take the edges Ctrl select that and create a blank curve and do the same on this side control select that and create a blend curve now if we look that's higher that sketch by pressing the space bar and that face we can see that this blend curve it starts too far back so this is all to do with the start parameter so this is the first stage the start Edge is from zero to one so type in there one for the start parameter it places it at that end let's check the other side click on the face press the spacebar we've got the same on this side that blend curve and we'll look down for the star Edge is fine the end Edge and parameter that needs to be one as well let's just pull back zero one end one the other all the rest in the middle 0.5 halfway so we've got the two edges now and the face I'm going to click on the face and right click transform and bring this around slightly so I can start to create that curvature this allows me to take both of these these blend curves and add the start size so this will be the start size of that curve we can hit free and what you'll see is these will start and the insides are free these will start to come outwards so you can see that they're starting to start this way this one is starting to come out this way so I've got a reverse that start size so you can see it's come in and circled inwards so click on it come down to the start size minus three and it goes the other way so the start and the end if I click this one first then control click this side added the blend curve this start this is the end simple as that so we've got that there let's come around to the other side we've got the same one this one so this is the end so I selected that one last in size minus three so we can control the continuity across those so I've got those there that's come over to the part workbench and take these two and create a ruled surface across those so creating a face via a rule surface I now can take the one that I started to twist decide on the angle that I want so we can either enter angle or right click transform and bring this around further and hit okay if we have some problem like this then this is to do with the orientation of the road surface we can come in here and set this to say forward and that will fix that now we've got three individual Parts we've got two faces and one twist we need to take these faces and create some depth so we can use the offset the 3D offset watch out for the normals we could join these all together so that's offset this by say two and fill the offset and I'll click on this one and you can see the normal is this way it's going this way so if I fill that offset and if we joined those together and then did it where we will be built all over the place so I'm going to set this to -2 just because the normal's the other way and okay that and finally this one and offset that one this one's got B minus two as well with a fill off set okay and finally we can take these control select them and we'll control setting and we're going to control select the internal of these so these are not hidden at the moment it's just control select the offset and then use that first of all take the face the broad surface and the other face press the spacebar just to hide those control set the offsets and then create the fusion and we've got our finished part so this workflow I'm going to do now is going to basically take from the previous video and mix in this video's workflow so we're looking at a hybrid between those two so in the previous workflow we create the sketch and then we create another sketch go along the X Y plane and this one was just to place the distance between the center points so the points between these circles and we'll add a constraint in here this won't be used for sketching it's just used for placement and we'll set this to say 80. so we've got that one in there I'm going to name that as well as distance between this means that when I take this sketch and extrude it let's come back over to the part workbench and use the extrude I'm going to use extrude symmetrical so you're using symmetry in there and we'll set this to say three we've got symmetry across there I can take the extrude over in the draft workbench now I would move this clone tool over into the workbench that you use the most so in like the part or Partners like I use this a lot so we can move those tools into the workbenches notifications clone after selecting the street we get this extrude clone there I'm going to select that extrude and I'm going to use the map mode let's click on that map mode make sure that same selecting and select the vertex so come in select that vertex that's move that across there and hit OK I want to rotate this now we can either go to the Clone and right click transform and rotate that around or we could click on the Clone and use the scaling and set all these to minus minus one you may get an error but as we move through I've got the notifications on which I normally have off so this will flip it around the other way so we've got that one there this means that I can take this line whenever I want coming to the constraints along this side I've got the distance between and I can set this to say 60. and set the distance between those I'm going to add that clone slight bit of rotation so we'll rotate around this way just so we can demonstrate the next part over in the surface workbench so we need two edges like before but I'm only going to take this Edge and this one make the blend curve and also these two as all I need just those two edges take the top and we've got sort out the position of the Splinter as before it's in the wrong position so the start the one we start with the side start parameter 0.5 we'll place it in the middle one we'll place it either at one end or the other so let's place it at this end this side if I click on the distribute press the spacebar and it all looks okay we just toggling invisibility this side This Is the End second one I selected and we look at the end parameter so that's one pull it in there and this side is Right press spacebar just have a look at that take both of these now and set the start size set both of those to three across the board and we can inspect that and have a good look to see what's happening pressing the space bar and then zammering those so this side looks good but the other side is no good so we've got a problem with this side so the start one we'll set that to minus to make a curve the other way do we need at this side we can see it poking out this side so we need to set the end as well so we come down and size minus three now I've got that we just need to use the part and make a ruled surface select one playing curve Ctrl select the other and create the road surface rule surface is created we can create the offset let's reposition ourselves the offset is going the right way so one millimeter and we need this as three millimeters feel the offset Okay so we've got a field offset across those we've got the continuity right and now we need to add the twist we just twist this extrude a bit more right click transform I actually quite prefer this way because let's rotate that around that way nothing's hidden on the left hand side here notice we've got an error and this is because the ruled surface we need to come in and look at the orientation this orientation here so make sure that's set to over forward or reversed depending on which one works for you and we have the twist in there and then it's just a case of selecting all the solids to the extrude both those are screwed and the offset and creating a Union obviously if we come in we saw that inside the offset the rolled surface was still visible press the space bar that's now invisible and we've got that twist in there not only that we can come back to our sketch and set the constraint to whatever we want that pulls it out that way so there's another workflow for you I hope that's given you a couple more options with the Twisted part I hope this answers some of the comments that's been placed in the article on hackabay thanks a lot for watching and subscribing I'll see you again soon if you like what you see and you want to donate to the channel then you can do so via Kofi or coffee at Ko hyphen forward slash m-a-n-g-0 or via Paypal at forward slash PayPal me forward slash Darren b e Stone I also run a patreon where you can get Early Access and additional content and that's at forward slash mango jelly Solutions links can be found in the channel header on the about page or in the descriptions of these videos I think everybody that's donated so far it really helps to keep the lights on so I can produce more content and also span the channel thank you for liking commenting and subscribing to these videos and I hope to see you again in the next one
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 5,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, freecad 0.19, freecad 19, freecad basics, basic course, fundamentals, learn freecad, freecad beginners, freeCAD 0.20
Id: BxMgeYCoZBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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