FreeCAD for beginners #48 Creating a hook from beginning to printing #freecad #cad #design #makers

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[Music] thank you so in this video I thought it would be fun to do some freehand design I haven't actually designed the part yet we're going to do that as we go what I'm going to make is a hook it's just a hook to hold my loofah in the shower and it hooks on to a little grid and I'll show you that the picture right here and the way I want to do it let's have this guy clip onto the metal part and then provide the hook for the string on my loofah or uh I don't know what you call these things I call it a loofah and uh hold that in the shower that's that's all it needs to do so I just wanted to go through the process of how I do design when I'm just freehanding something and I'll show you how that goes now I've kicked off the key and stroke guy so you can see what I'm pointing at and I'm going to show you quickly that I am in the latest downloadable version I checked it the other day I didn't check it today so there we have it I'm on version 0.20.2 and the revision number is 29177 plus 426 get and I haven't changed that in a while because I don't believe it's been updated for the the actual official download so I did see that version 0.21 is now available in the development version so I might take a look at that maybe next week but for now we're going to go ahead with this so let's go forward this is how I normally do my design when I'm just designing this is like a freehand thing I genuinely don't have anything drawn out I'm just going to go from scratch so the first thing we've got to do is we have to create a file and then we're going to create a part everybody asked me why do I create a part well there are some good reasons for that mostly around assemblies but also if you're creating stls and you've got several bodies and you want to create that you need to have a part to select those bodies into that pot and then of course I'm going to select uh or create a body then under that body I'm going to create A Sketch and then under the sketch I'm going to pick the X Y plane no for no reason than I always do and then I'm going to say okay so one thing I found that you have to be careful of when you create a sketch if you look down here you see this size here that's telling me that that my area that I have here is about 169 by 100 millimeters which is good but sometimes it's zoomed all the way in then you create a drawing freehand and the thing is in microns instead of being in millimeters because it's so small so I like to start with something around this size if it's not right I'll move my mouse wheel up and down and you can see it zooming in and zooming out so that gives me roughly the outline that I want and I'm just going to create again I'm just going to freehand it in when I freehand I always use this guy it's the polyline unless you create multiple lines and I'm just going to kind of go over the shape that I think I want and like I said I'm designing as we go here so so bear with me a little bit we're going to go to there and I think we're going to go this side of the center for another reason then we can and then I'm going to drop down here with some kind of hook because that's what I need I'm going to drop down I don't know how far and then my Hook's going to look something like this and pop out of here like this and I'm going to come back this way and when I'm doing these sketches what I do is if you watch that little line that pops up that tells me if I'm going to have a horizontal line I try and eyeball those in as much as I can so that it sets those constraints it's not a big deal if you don't because you can go back and fix it and now I'm thinking about this part back here I think I think what I'm actually going to do I'm just gonna end that line there I'll leave that open because I think I've changed my my design already what I think I'm going to have is there's going to be a circular piece here so I actually don't need this line so I'm just going to delete it and as I said we're designing as we go so so now I'm going to take this line I'm going to do I use the extend and the trim a lot so I'm going to extend this line I'm going to extend it to here and that will connect us all together so that's the basic outline of what I want and I can see one line there didn't get his constraint so I'll show you how to fix that and just going to make that vertical constraint there he is now here I might go in for some a radius in the bottom here because it's a hook so I think that's probably a good idea so let's have a look at that we'll go I think we'll go with this one and we'll just come off here somewhere and oh I didn't get my you can get the guy that I wanted I'm going to come off here and I'm going to do another one off there so lay out my hook so then what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete a couple of lines here because I don't need those so we're going to delete that I'm going to delete that one and get line we're going to delete that line one thing you can do obviously is zoom in I'm going to delete that delete that now this thing has come free because it's point is now not attached to anything and what I really want is for that to be sort of this size let's bring it over here somewhere there we go I'm going to get rid of that and so this is going to go down here just get rid of that one as well I'm going to bring those over here a little bit now I'm going to move this over here so like this I think that's sort of from a shape standpoint here's what I want so I'm going to attach this to this and I'm going to attach this one to this one and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to trim so I'll use our trim tool I can trim out that bit I'm going to just put another line in here and just line that goes across here something like that I'm going to trim this line here that one that one that turn that little piece out in the back there see that okay now I've got like a little hooky looking thing so again we're designing as we go and one thing we can do with this is make it look the way we want it to look I think that's a good start so I probably want this bit to go something like that I kind of like that so I may go with that I'll probably put radii on these edges because that's where my piece is going to go so yeah quite happy with that so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to apply some constraints because you want to lock this thing up and I've intentionally put this line on this axis but nothing else is on anything so we're going to need to we're going to need to constrain it all so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull that dimension so right now it's about two inches 50 millimeters about two inches for those of you thinking in inches and then I'm going to go with this guy and give myself a width and it's four millimeters which I think could be three millimeters probably be plenty and then we'll make this three millimeters across here so we'll keep that nice and standard so it's running the same now I gotta think about printing this guy because I'm thinking that this is all going to need some kind of support if I print that so I'm just thinking about that two that's another thing I like to do is to try and figure out how I'm going to manufacture this so we could do it with some supports I think that's not a bad idea um let's go with this then so if we know that that distance we know that so that gives us this one and then we probably want to locate something off there let's do that it doesn't really matter what that is this one this way I'm just letting them be what they are I'll just move that over to there and I still have four degrees of freedom here so so now I should have this guy pretty well tied up but I need to put some dimension on my hook look at that we'll take eight millimeters there we go so that's now [Music] my constraints now we got that nice so then we want to give this one a dimension too because we want to keep that thickness the same so that should be 11. keeps us with that consistent three millimeters and now things are starting to get constrained I've got two degrees of freedom my two degrees of freedom okay so the thing we need to do is we gotta we gotta tie this guy down and I think we might have to we may have some other little degrees of freedom here but what we're going to do is we're going to say from this point this point give that a dimension so I'm gonna use three millimeter I'm just gonna stick with that three millimeter number and then I've got one degree of freedom and that degree of freedom to find it all you need to do is move things around a little bit I don't see anything anymore to move let's figure out where it is I think so let's just see do we have ah there we have some movement you see that so we got some movement as I wanna you want to fix that funny that it says one degree of freedom but I can see two things that can move so what we can do huh it's very interesting so what we're going to do is we're going to take this and set a tangency [Music] this and this and set tangency and there we have it and everything is constrained so this thing has a size already I'm not sure if that's the right size I haven't measured anything yet but I just want to see if it's the shape we've got we want so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going I'm going to add that it looks kind of like something I would want and we might be able to print it this way if I'm clever about how we do the next bit so let's go with that and then let's put ourselves another um actually let's not do that let's go back to our sketch and now let's just put the piece in there and we'll see if what that would look like so what I'm thinking and again I don't know how big this has to be but what I'm thinking is I'm gonna have peace that sticks up like this another piece let's do something like this I'm gonna take a line and go across from the center there then I'm going to extend that line so I hit the extend pick that line go out here that's not what I meant to do oh if you do something you're not meant he didn't mean to do then you can undo it um okay not important because actually change your mind from the design as we're looking at it I'm going to bring this down like this because I want that clip on there so now I'm going to draw another line come from that Center and come out here and then I'm gonna make these guys and do my trim up first we'll do a trim here let me just trimming it back now you see one what I'm working on here from there let's trim that I want to get this guy on there so now I'm going to actually I'm going to do is I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger and I'm going to trim this and turn this that's the kind of thing I'm looking for and I go find well let's put some dimensions on it now so I need to constrain this bit that again I don't know what that Dimension should be so I'm just going with something we're gonna go with that Dimension here and we'll cover the dimension here let's just pop that around there uh change that button I'm just gonna make that four so it's going to be a good nail thickness and let's see this one has lost its this one should still be horizontal and I can I come back with this bit maybe give that dimension what if we said that was 2.5 and then really this one and this one also locked in and then that's a look we need these guys to be I'm gonna say something like that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do an angle between this this and it's 50. so that's my angle man I'm gonna do an angle between this and this is 150 50 as well so let's have angles are good and now I just need to do this here two and I'll make that one and that one and there we have the whole shape now if I close that we should see there we go perfect so that's actually not bad that's what I'm looking for so what I need to do now is to go and find all the dimensions that I need to make that work but you can see what I'm trying to do I'm going to put that into my shower holder clip that on one of the things and that will hold my loofah so let's go and figure that out okay so I just measured this piece from the inside here to the center of that should be 15. the diameter of this thing is only 2.5 millimeters so I'm gonna have to reduce the size of this I'm gonna make that one and a quarter so that makes it 2.5 and I'll reduce the size of this accordingly so I want that to be a two mil thanks let's say two and a quarter and then let's just see what we've got here so that'll clip on there probably won't be so now what we're going to do is going to add a radius here we're going to do it with this constraint preserving sketch fill it we'll go here I'll keep our sketch keeps a point here so we can keep our dimensions and then we're just going to give that a radius at 1.25 and then if that's three millimeters that's going to be two five I'll make it nice and rounded that should clip on now that is gonna hold that higher I might want to you might want to change where that is because that's a little bit higher but I don't think it's very much so I'm not sure I care enough about it I am going to shorten this though I think we'll bring this down so let's go here we'll make that 30 say 25 there I like that we'll go with that close that actually just clip on and it should hold everything and then what I'm going to do just one last thing is we're going to add radius to there again okay let's have a sketch off because my sketch is showing up and all right it's on next there too maybe good enough I will add Sage search animal face I guess so you can do it by edges or you can just pick the whole face and it would have done the same thing um I think that looks good we're gonna print one see what it looks like so we're in the cruiser slicer at the front bed going to bring in that TL there it is slice it very nice and then we'll pop over to our optiprint turn on our power and send it to the printer yeah load and print it is in the printer and the printer is running I have my printer set so that it actually Powers off when it's finished it will warm up to my temperatures and it will print and we will have a hook see when it's done so here it is on the printer that's our piece that we just made it's on my Ender three and we will try that in the shower there it is doing the job that it's supposed to do fits on the back there holds my old guy on and there's another guy hang in there so that's how I do things and I want to just design something quick that's all about it this morning I thought I'd do one hope you enjoyed the video if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel and thanks again for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Adventures in creation
Views: 1,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, CNC, CAD, CAM, CNC routing, Design, DIY, woodworking, 3D printing, maker, creativity, art, crafts, Blender, Inkscape, Prusa Slicer, OBS
Id: Z-MCuonpBDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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