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how many people you think out there are mining and crafting right now probably millions honestly [ __ ] minecraft they can never be killed look the clouds are actual clouds now the sun is a ball we got shaders up in this [ __ ] it's so nice basically our minecraft is better than everybody else's minecraft right right watch this wow um should we travel thanks do we travel around a bit see if we can sure but right now i want to make uh a axe a axe can you make a big axe i make a big axie um what else did i need for an axe uh i can't sticks wait no no no it's working there we go axe a picky uh that's all i need for right now would you like to use my workbench lady you have a workbench right damn look at this okay that's a minecraft right there how does this work make some sticks and then i think i need to reset it yep pickaxe we got a axe should we make a shovel maybe nothing i'm gonna i just made an accent a pic for now and then i'm gonna make everything else when we get somewhere else okay but i'm gonna get this apple right here because you know what they say apple a day keeps a creeper away as long as my guts are healthy these creepers can't hurt me i want to find a place that looks cool like this looks too normal [ __ ] you can say it the beautiful world of minecraft oh cool oh nice oh broken ankles run you're right [Laughter] um so we're going to stream for a few hours and beat the ender dragon today and then the wither will probably be tomorrow yep lava there's lava yeah oh you're down there still oh wow oh [ __ ] uh excuse me yes i'll kill you don't push me in the lava yeah i was going to hit you and that was a great no that might end up bad oh god oh wait wait oh we can't get anything with wood right right right my chat is freaking out you're right right i'm too hasty i just really want to beat the ender dragon today so it's okay we're speedrunners we got this yeah what do you think i am a [ __ ] idiot did you have the workbench wait where'd you put it i'll put it down up here are you ready okay three two one there it is okay uh you gotta go quick though because we're trying to min max this um how do i make sticks again i'll make all my sticks stone axe [ __ ] get this wood out of my the best steaks in town and [ __ ] i need more stone should i make this big hex first all right it's okay i'm just learning as i go midnight oh i got the iron noise oh there's more iron there though all right do you need this workbench no i'm good oh there's more coal here too just waiting for the lava to go away i stink i didn't i didn't do anything oh dark um great show i'm sad that's over but it's good that it's over at the same time okay let's travel a bit more this this place looks too normal can't build a house here hmm if you were a minecraft where would you go um probably the end you know to kill the dragon got some sugar cane i think oh sheep kill it i'm sorry sheep it has to happen i won't i'm on a bed it's for the greater minecraft plus i want food yeah [ __ ] damn kids oh a village oh really oh [ __ ] ouch we just steal their beds oh [ __ ] sorry sheep oh pumpkins um yeah and we're not i'm not sure what version of the game we have cause everybody at home you can shift and double click stuff and then it makes one stack and then you bring it into your inventory right it's not doing that for us anymore i don't know what happened in the install of mods yeah i have no idea should we bring a door i don't know why but i want this door i love doors should be working like that yeah this is probably the bedrock version then and not uh java cat i heard a cat meow oh he's right here your black cat what is he running oh kitty look at him go so cute he live in his life oh potatoes so double click oh yeah double click does it just double click things and then they group together oh i don't have to shift click uh we ain't bedrock players we java out in this [ __ ] [ __ ] bedrock get out of here with your stinky xbox oh they have a firm let me just take over this isn't ex take over the village these guys are trapped and the cat is trapped wait where are you other no wait where'd you go oh they're over here hello hi oh oh a bell a bell need it need it have a morning get it [Laughter] gotta hold the bell [Laughter] oh no they like it in there all right stay in there um i guess we should sleep oh we're now in the spruce part i like i like these trees oh fox you're hunting the fox nah just putting the fear of god in them um this place all looks stinky for a house though i don't want to be near a village too plain look at this water i wonder where we're to settle dude i just said some sick parkour i'm going to get a higher vantage point so i can see the world i always lose you so quickly oh there so fast i am speed speed runner oh food oh nice oh god well i guess there's so much minecraft around here what do your elvenar see [ __ ] all honestly [ __ ] can i get up here no this place stinks i don't want to go here oh [ __ ] having trouble no where are you i'm like right in front of you to the left up there oh you can just see your head turn it's just like wait here wait we have optifine on can't you zoom in on optifine how do you do that oh hold c oh [ __ ] oh oh and it's like oh they smooth over the movement when you zoom in yeah oh that's weird um okay this whole area over here is just trees i don't want to really be nestled in the middle of a forest yeah let's go maybe the direction you want oh my ankles i'm so glad they're made out of minecraft hmm i hope i'm doing this right oh god i'm hungry oh i'm making food find me i tried to sprint and i couldn't make the jump [Applause] that's actually really funny because i'm just in a chasm what are your thoughts you're very hungry [Laughter] um furnace i can't put it on top of that there oh wait i have potatoes on me i forgot oh potatoes don't do [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dare you those are my people they only give me half half a thing of hunger yeah oh yeah you gotta cook potatoes by the way you don't just eat raw potatoes oh that's what i've been doing wrong you're just eating pure starch well i just got them from the village i don't know well i hope i can find you again someday someday we'll have our last cup of coffee i'm out i'm out of the chasm wow i did it you should be near me why can't i not see thee are you a way of seeing each other easier i put a torch down oh i found an open phone i see you i see you left oh oh i'm getting chased by a child oh my god i finally found you don't worry my lady i'll protect you from the children [Laughter] are you okay are you where are you oh my god i got so turned around is that laughing this fire yeah this be damn fires i found ah that's so cool looking hmm look at that lighting look at those reflections i'm gonna get banned for to having this giant erection on screen [Laughter] oh dude we could have like a lava wall in our house hmm you want to do that yeah you like the lava huh do you want to do that yeah we'll just encase it in glass i don't this location doesn't feel very special though i mean you're not wrong why don't we build a house on top of that hmm maybe you have stairs going up yeah it's a lot of work though i'm trying to make a box i just want to sleep i'm so done um there's like a nice area over on the left sun is shining on it left which left uh the only left technically everywhere is left everywhere is left if you believe everyone's left to somebody oh big field lots of water man where to settle this is hard i know this is going to be the hardest thing we do today it has to be just right yeah we're going to build a life together it can't just be in any order who got it jesus you fall no but a creeper exploded in my face well he missed me actually in full health what a stinky beach i see a lava pool there lava pool could do there yeah hold on i gotta abuse these sheep real quick hmm i'm exploiting you for your wool are we are we gonna seriously build exactly the same house as you did if there's anything i know about myself is that i lack creativity and i would rather just do the same thing over and over again [ __ ] them trees oh god i'm a legend here look here that's the house that's it uh-huh i already know [ __ ] yeah it's got horses next to it dude this is totally it i do like that there's mushrooms nearby yeah mushroom house lava house yeah why not horse house there's water right there we've got the whole world at our oyster well i guess i better start collecting sand again then what do you call someone who does spells with sand spells with sand a sandwich [Laughter] let's go chat uh what am i building a wooden shovel ah whenever minecraft music kicks in i'm always like oh my ears are blast oh god is real it really doesn't kick in enough or is there there's not a setting right that you can be like the to set the frequency of the music no i don't think so well maybe someone in comments would be like uh actually if you know it in minecraft then you can [Laughter] i'm sure there's a mod for it there's a mod for everything yes take a look on that dart i'm getting rid of this whole lump that's enough for now pretty big one block of sand is one piece of glass right i think so i'm not sure though um do you want to put like cobblestone around it again yeah i already got a stone cutter too oh oh [ __ ] stole it from those stinky villagers where'd you put it uh right here i keep grabbing the food but let me know if you need it oh wait i'll put in a chest wow i should have stolen the chest too what am i doing with my life i'm just going to eat it taters uh i need to find coal yeah we're alone cool ooh the cave system right here we got really lucky with our other one we had like a cave system right next to us and we found a mine shaft right below the house we were building it's awesome i do i do want you to make that a whole minecart thing again it was so fun i made a little rail system where are you going i'm just looking for like easy coal i want to see if there's any like sheer rock faces that just have it abundant i mean it's probably not oh i need to make shovel i'm not bothered digging we're going to dig down eventually so yeah we could probably just start around the lava yeah okay what's the orientation of our house gonna be go uh what do you mean like where's the door gonna be where's the hole for the mine gonna be all that jazz go let's do the same as we did with the other house so this is like the floor here's going to be the hole down so down down this way yeah there you go i'm off on an adventure oh and there's iron here too people are gonna be like how the [ __ ] do you see that oh wait i shouldn't do it with a wooden pickaxe uh iron pickaxe less pog excuse me hello pardon me pardon me come on rain rain i want to see the rain the rain is so nice in this mod yeah that's true i wish the lava would sizzle more when it was raining wow uh what the [ __ ] was i doing oh yeah so cozy we should make some iron i wonder how much glass we need um i guess we should lower the floor a bit so the glass layer is like above yeah so you like walk on the lava yeah so we're going to be this level spiders look scarier with shaders yeah their eyes glow oh yeah um i'll redo a bunch of this later if need be i'm so nervous walking next to the lava one mistake and i'm done don't be shy no you got this did we even sleep here did we set a spawn point here nope oh [ __ ] yet here i am working at night you got this believe in yourself so much coal wait you can hold a torch in your other hand right yeah in your shield hand that does save some time though thanks chad i'm learning so many minecraft i am kind of nervous i'm going to run into some minecraft down here [Laughter] that's the worst i could hate them where am i at now 14. we're almost there puggy buggies you got diamonds literally right in front of me wait dude do you have an iron pickaxe yeah okay that's insane dude i'm [ __ ] cracked at minecraft oh and it's a big deep vein i'm gonna be able to put a [ __ ] iv drip in it oh [ __ ] i heard an arrow i'm fleeing i'm fleeing he's an iron i'm playing uh he's one shot oh he's coming down no he's gonna be down after me get up no don't bring him to the door i don't i don't have a shield or anything fault wait what what is coming uh skelly man protecting that you're bringing a [ __ ] creeper okay it's safe oh it's like torches no i didn't they're in my head that i need a dynamic lighting mod and then they light up in my hand that's kind of cool wait dynamic light turn on there's another setting there's a setting for dynamic lights where is it it's in video settings oh god i'm getting attacked again [ __ ] he's back i'm [ __ ] coming no messes with my girl i don't have a shield yet i'm using cover i'm being a pro gamer oh god where are you [ __ ] him hook him up thanks you are protected huh this is a this is a death floor done nice let's sleep okay wait can we actually sleep in oh where do beds go we'll move them oh no oh well respawn point i said at least yeah i literally watched most of your place around friday the old one oh my god nice yeah why is this ireland sean and i were both very surprised that it's been like two years since we've played minecraft yeah one might say shocked even who zombies coming yeah where did they come where are they coming at babe [ __ ] them up take that yeah yeah i do like that there's a mushroom right by our house it's cute but yeah see how the what the height of the lava is that right now so the house will kind of be like one layer into the ground i kind of like having yeah like dynamic heights honestly dynamic heights like i like the house not all being one level so we have like stairs going down oh sunlight oh much better oh color um i know what's just sure write a chap retry that english i'm not sure what to do with this tunnel anymore because i was hoping that if it got to 11 i would find a cave if i just kept digging in a straight line but i'm finding nothing so i kind of feel like i'm maybe wasting effort right now maybe just dig like 30 blocks in each direction see if you find something but i haven't been hearing mine shaft or anything so are you interested in minecraft um normally you hear like mine shaft sounds right the bell we haven't even finished the house yet i need another do you have an iron pickaxe you can spare uh no i have stone i think i put some iron in the chest though oh now dad this is um i want to make a little farm uh-huh no one farms harder than the irish if you think you can dan you're a bish i'll work on that one think on that one okay we've almost got one circle done this is just so that the edge of the lava looks nice oh no there's like one oh there's like one spot in the corner where the lava kind of dips down it annoys me so you need to like put lava into it uh maybe maybe we can put it put our beds in that corner so we don't see it i build a farm a little bit away like right here bro you got a hoe no yeah i don't know why i asked that no one ever has a hoe those are stupid [Laughter] making more stone over here all right i'm gonna put a halt to that real quick to make more iron yeah that's good okay that's the lower one done let's get some water to make a wooden hole coming together it sure is i need a a bouquet as well you don't have a book do you no can i actually make one yet with this i keep thinking yes sir you're just saying a bouquet of flowers i do it to confuse people i'm quirky like that [Laughter] i'm star doing right now oh the bets look so different now is that the dynamic lighting that's the dynamic bed sheets most dynamic bed sheets they've got cloth physics do you want to do do you have seeds sorry no uh unless i put them in the chest oh i just wanted to set a respawn point we can't sleep oh that's scary is that the sleep bell is that the end of day though time to sleep [Laughter] oh you killed a child that's [ __ ] up i'll do it again these trees are huge i heard you panic and i just saw the cloud of an explosion and nothing else uh it's fine i wanted this hole next to our house i can make it i'm tall i can do it nice think think tall thoughts there can i put a chest on a chest normally you you can but i think you need a back wall to aim it against rice perfect i did it [Laughter] oh maybe we we should do like a tiny staircase going down from a door that would be cute yeah that's what i mean like a little what's [ __ ] happening with my brain today [Laughter] any more coffee like this yeah oh oh you made actual stairs yeah babe this is where you're the best you make the best i i made staircases wow wow see i need to oh her bats oh that's what's interesting what there's kelly's down here i must go for it i need to find rails so i can start putting those down ah my pickaxe it's okay here's one i prepared earlier why does everything you say sound funny to me because you love me you're in stinky loves with me you're in pod champs with me hmm how am i gonna hmm i found it the pips oh that's a big one i don't even have an axe i don't need it i'm the greatest gladiator the world has seen you found it she write a book about me yeah but there's two creepers in here as well oh babe come out look at my hole look at that holy [ __ ] i know holy ship this was under our house this whole time damn no [ __ ] craziness it's scary the staircase just doesn't look like staircases right now now it's built in let me do it should do you have a bunch of iron on you yes what are the nurse think here think maybe we should make double doors double staircase that is my favorite harry potter character harry potter and the double staircase um i have a gift for you huh oh thank you just looking into making one oh i'm off oh [ __ ] oh um [ __ ] what was i doing i got so distracted i had doors i've got a nice new shirt on you see this i cleaned it cleaned it myself whoa so nice i'll make you one when i come back from the war think i made four torches that's wait oh no what is it what can i not put the door on staircases attach the staircases uh i don't think so you're gonna have to build it out babe it's waning yeah we sleep during this one we can sleep the rain away [Laughter] place it the other way around okay let me see yeah place it from this side yeah oh they're not attached though or they're not like ones can't they like face each other yeah i don't have an axe you're gonna have to break it how do i do it place the other one first i don't know actually it depends on where you're looking when you place it like if you're looking in the middle oh really i think so so try just that worked why do i have a door where did i get a door he probably picked one up when i dropped it i know you take care of that i'm gonna go minecrafting oh i did it nice knew i could always believe in you sticking out a little bit but uh sure no problem at all all right sure will be good i forgot shift is not my slowdown that could have been [ __ ] madness how do we get down here easily well there is water below me i could just i did it did you just jump down yeah oh my god i'm just here yeah like how are you gonna get back up um there are methods and ways that the dark side is unnatural that teaches you did we use up all the sand and all the glass exactly uh that's your wheelhouse babe i don't know i'm just a guy who jumps in the holes [Laughter] hold on a pog champ good night okay i love how you're just like out on an adventure and i'm just like house [Laughter] used to be pretty i'm trying to envision what i want in my head do i like start here and build all the way up to that it's going to take a really long time though ambitious i like it huh i don't know i have no idea what you're doing do you say ambitious yeah oh i thought you said i'm [ __ ] how's going flounder and [ __ ] hi horsey ow excuse me sir [Laughter] i heard that explosion from here [ __ ] what happened hey i'm back oh [ __ ] i heard a skelly attacked me and arrow came down he landed next to me and then a creeper just fell down from like 50 feet in the air [ __ ] landed next to my feet and blew my whole world up do you like the progression on the house in the meantime yes lovely this is great oh [ __ ] this looks real nice anyway down i go yeah good luck have fun i'm having a very hard time hey but at least i'm farming keck w's huh i'm having a great time listening to you my whole [ __ ] circus all on my own right now [Laughter] not just a clown you want to come see hmm what do you want to see yeah i'll come come on i'm gabbers i've come admire your handiwork hi hi so you come in through here uh ignore this that's stupid uh you come over here and then you come down here whoa holy [ __ ] you made all this yeah what the [ __ ] and then over here you can just use the water to get down oh god oh i almost fell and then you're down in the cave system nice then to get back up you just follow the yellow brick road over gumdrop forest down here hold on this is not done yet construction work in progress nice and then you i'm gonna build a wall here awesome hey there's some iron there i know i i've been getting it okay i'm trying to build a wall good job babe that's amazing two seconds later i fell in the hall again did you die no you didn't die i deserved it though plays the death trap why did i build this trampoline out of razor blades the house is coming together nicely good job dank i can see your name down there wow i'm struggling oh hey zombie all right i'll give myself a little bit more of a buffer space here oh i want a rock and a little bit of a wall oh you made all of my oh you transformed all of my dark oak logs into planks because yeah i was waiting for you to find that out i was keeping that for the ceiling [Music] we have so many planks we sure do isn't that cool you want to come to bed sure a dream about not dying wow morning time why do we still have a hole in our wall well that's what i'm saying i was i wanted to like make a tunnel here to connect to the downstairs area ah but i don't really know how to connect it yet i'm pogging white your champion you're picking out what i'm champing down i [ __ ] hate this tunnel do you almost fall down again i i was running down the steps and a zombie or a skeleton hit me with an arrow and knocked me off the steps as i was going thanks no i'm gonna kill you and your family oh a shield i'm just putting torches everywhere [Laughter] oh life is very difficult here in jackland today [Laughter] well the house is coming together i'm ready where is he gonna be i looked at chad for two seconds i wanna turn around death himself came to my door hey welcome back i just missed you a lot i really wanted to see your face yeah well i just finished another window so hey hi bye uh let's light up this world down here just a little bit more all right my hole is coming together what kind of hole are you working on oh a dirty one i'm not surprised you know me mr dirty hole he called me someone is saying i like that you can choose if you want chaos stream or lawful good stream you know peaceful minecraft or satan is come to earth and it's killing everyone there are two types of people yeah i am neither of those people i i see you who's got their eyes on you you're not hidden you ain't slick yeah you you're so far down ah so pretty go i'm gonna give them the slip i put um wood on the roof and i really like it i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone i don't know if i want to like make the beams again maybe i'll leave it like this i'm coming just hold on we have a home yeah you have a home i have a hole [Laughter] oh the roof looks awesome yeah i think we can leave it like this i really like it yeah very cute good job i have some blocks for you uh a lot of them are [ __ ] i need more torches oh creepy creeper watch out go to the left oh our furnaces that's the son of a [ __ ] that i found on the stairs he followed me up [ __ ] me i thought i saw something walking i knew i should have [ __ ] killed him yeah [ __ ] oh our furnaces [ __ ] maybe we should go to bed at least you saw him in time i won't go with seat now we need to put i need to put barriers on my insanity i need to put doors somewhere do you have a sword oh god oh enderman jesus i want his pearls no i'm not fighting ah he's gonna kill me i'm coming [ __ ] i got him oh good for you well that's the first floor of the house done for now look in my defense i am a [ __ ] no you're not wow so cozy what a beautiful house we did it i don't like all this dirt next door though i don't like our neighbors yeah our view is obstructed we might want to do something about that let me kill our neighbors i'm [ __ ] up [Laughter] i'll do something about our view thank you because i really can't sleep at night no other people can look in on me no i mean they can't oh hey water vosser it's a little lake here oh [ __ ] um [Music] that'll be nice we have a lake next to the house sick all right i'm going down again have fun don't die don't die hey look at me look at me in the eyes i will 100 die i like that we have a little surprise lake here it's pretty big a little pond yeah that's our hot tub bring the boys over some night and just chill um here i go again on my own going down the only hole i've ever known come look at the lake oh it's so much bigger than you think what is um exhibit a right here what's going on you judging my handiwork what's going on right here look i'm the creator of holes i i just didn't bother filling it up this is just what it was like uh the our foundation is gonna sink there we go now structurally sound look see this fits so many bad boys in here i see you later have fun mining [Laughter] have fun minding your own business yeah that's definitely what i should have said we should get some lily pads for the little lake oh that's a great idea i know i think they're only in the swamp area though right maybe we found something like right next to our house that time yeah but we were in a swamp biome how are we with all the vines going coming from the trees there is death all above me i want to try and like find a mine shaft but i don't really know what direction to go in what level am i on our house is so cute there's an endearment down here it's like a little birthday cake my life click wasn't working oh hi bye i was tapping left click and it wasn't [ __ ] working it was like a weird lag in my shielding and my oh he's still there though [Music] maybe we should extend the house by a couple and then we can make like stairs going down connecting this and then this is all hidden underground [ __ ] no oh i was like where's the zombie but they're in the they're in the staircase this is the first time in a long time that i've actually come back up of my own free will um you're coming back up but there's a zombie that's fine i'ma [ __ ] him up do it oh yeah look at that look at the action hi hi we're gonna have like a staircase coming down here and then we have like a little basement workspace area i'll have to extend the house though do you have cobblestone bruh i need i need a ton does this look like give me those fat stacks um maybe we shouldn't have our stuff like this out in the open well that's why i'm working i'm making the underground workspace that's where it's all gonna go it's all going to happen [Music] um what else do i need right now i need this i think that'll be good build two pickaxes see the beginnings isn't this going to be cute yeah this is very cute [Laughter] um [Music] here i go again just have to think about how i do the rest of this the lava floor is stressing me out i'm used to it now but the first couple hours on the other world i kept thinking i was gonna walk straight into lava yeah because we would come up from underground yeah and then the first thing you see is lava you usually just pop the brakes so one deeper yep are you getting hurt just my ankles nothing crazy adventurous like you look everyone's adventures are different just cause mine are balls to the wall doesn't mean that it invalidates your adventures this is my first iron pickaxe that i made your first iron one yeah damn i've just been like using up my stone ones first i didn't realize i have the weird music that's cute i like that i'm coming back up nice i made some good progress it's on easy mode no this is normal there's an easy mode oh yeah there's like peaceful mode oh yeah that's right i'm excited for you to see i'm here give me the tour wow this is cool good job yeah it's not it's not done oh creeper behind you watch out oh my god run away from the house okay i was about to fight it yeah good idea good idea this is why we can't get rid of the trap doors yeah i'll put something i'll put some doors in again oh he's still there oh you got it nice good job oh wait there's a ton of hole i did it right immediately oh this is much nicer actually good job he now we just need a ceiling [Laughter] um yeah i'll do that after what a nice house oh uh yeah good idea oh it's coming together nicely so i wanted to do it like this so it's hidden it's like a secret basement yeah that's a good idea but i need to i think i need to extend it otherwise we don't have enough space this is so cool i love this i like it do we should we get rid of these oh no i guess these are the main doors because this is all gonna be blocked up uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna work on extending the house now good job and then after this i want to take you on a tour of the underground oh yeah exciting i was thinking maybe actually to leave the doors here and then make this like a little extension of the house but i don't know if it'll look nice or people doors like here could do that and just make it a block house yeah so that's like this is like a little entryway oh and then we do you still want to put a wall here the wall in my head like just comes down to where this is and then across yeah and that doors are here and this is like a little stone entryway where we can put workshop or workbenches and chests and stuff um we can put all of that down here though true or is that too cramped i just i i want like a little entrance that when you come into the house you don't just go straight in you know it's like a little meeting area well in that case we could put the doors here like you said but then still put a wall here with a little like indoor window oh he looks down on the yeah that's a good idea that might be nice you want to come downstairs um let me get rid of all the stuff i have on me done first in case i die to this area you know it's the regular mine shaft it goes all the way down to nothing right now that's where the rail is going to be okay then you come this way and you come all the way down [Music] and then still the waterfall uh yeah it's so awesome it's like being at a [ __ ] playground for adults uh over there that [ __ ] happens okay that [ __ ] happens when you come down here you gotta be on your toes uh i died here i died over there i died behind you and then i went down here oh wow this is going to be another strip mine when we needed and then in here there's a lava pool it's pretty epic high level that is gold there oh no cobblestone don't say that because chat will never leave me alone and then you come over this way uh and then through here cheese and there's this entire cave system in here what and no mine shafts hmm yeah we don't we're not hearing one so what you doing getting some iron oh there's iron there yeah is that the iron i missed oh [ __ ] so i got some work to do i don't really know which direction to go in or what to do or what to do right now i think oh who's that people just fall all around you oh um yeah oh he's in here too kill him i have a hard time getting up this waterfall okay it's tricky you gotta die a few times down here first and then come back i haven't had much practice yet nice i did it did what i just made everything even nice ah this is gonna bother me though that it's not centered yeah unless we go oh unless we just go with a single front door do that could do that but how will my big don't be fit through we'll have to find out my music is so nice it sure is um let me oh there's an enderman somewhere oh yeah right here there's two there's two above ground here [ __ ] them up get those ender pearls i'm working on it i've got no sticks you need sticks panic i have six five sticks oh oh how do i get out of here okay okay hey fellas yeah look at this one you coming right next to my face this time so scary so scary no he's fine he's fine you're fine you're fine you're fine uh i'm i'm kiting i'm kiting i'm not hitting him at all okay nice nice well that was trickier than it probably should have been there's another one fighting a zombie right now oh all right i'm almost dead tag team take me in coach all right don't you do more damage if you jump yeah i think so i'm dead i see that got him he didn't drop anything so out of four or five endermen we've seen so far we have one pearl oh we got a pearl already um oh god you scared the [ __ ] out of me i thought you were on my right no i'm everywhere i i was just thinking like man i gotta be careful it's nighttime oh yeah let's go sleep we need to move those boxes oh is it time for farm animals i think so because we need like a decent source of food that's true um all right i'm just going to do all of this regardless of how much it's grown and then just replant everything at the same time oh perfect this is perfect maybe we should have a separate box for medals yeah well as i'm saying now we can put two boxes next to those hm so we have four large chests all next to one another and then we can even do this side as well if we need to yeah well no this is going to be a staircase up eventually and then we'll have a library upstairs oh right right right right right [Music] i'm talking about your champion um did we have do i have more wood i'm so sad that everything is planks [Laughter] am i gonna make sheep babies in minecraft okay oh there's three heck yeah i have four sheeps nice and i can't remember how to get home i think it's in this direction um okay let me get started on fencing um maybe we should actually build it right here at the back of the house um what's the back of the house bedside oh that saint i just made a ton of fencing so oh yeah lots of space uh maybe make it further away because i don't want to listen to these baba bastards from the baba [ __ ] oh that's big well that's real big we're gonna make tons of animals well this is not too big oh lordy you're gonna have a bunch of babies let me um make you some carpet where do you want your exit here right here please idiots oh my god they grew up already one two three four five six it's not centered oh god the lava scared me i make more baby sheepy baby there you go which one of which of your new that need to make babies wait none of you right yes i don't think i can do it yet um and then i'll make a separate farm for taters at some point come to the basement what happened hey what happened open the door create a [ __ ] skeleton farm without realizing it oh my god jesus christ i was thinking like why do i keep hearing skeletons where are they can i open the door well that's terrifying um what was i doing cool [ __ ] epic stuff hot girl [ __ ] hot girl [ __ ] breaking glass okay i think it's done it be done wow yeah that looks so much better i like it chad do you like our house awesome eventually maybe we should put like a couple of lines of stone or something across this oh we could do this kind of split oh yeah oh yeah make them like beams yeah i don't know one two three i would like a who please thanks how about how about there perfection perfection thy name is gabbers [Laughter] a milestone that right such a thing even possible stuff keeps coming out of the mine shaft or chasm [ __ ] off this is our house yeah find your own no solicitors oh wow nice see what i'm up to yeah very nice you see this hecking oh my stinky hole maybe i'll put some fencing around it [Music] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] i think in my other playthrough i had like a little archway with a little lantern in the middle you put two blocks on top and then if you put a lantern yeah two blocks one of those another fence inside yeah trying to land it on top thing they put a little lantern in there oh cute yes very cute i like it this is awesome [ __ ] be sleeping one snoozled [ __ ] i'm a tired ass [ __ ] oh hi this is a very serious business okay oh oh a chicken what oh you're throwing eggs at you in a chicken born i spring forth like how dare you touch my girlfriend she has a boyfriend i protected you thanks did you kill the chicken oh my god i just told him to stay away from you what we have a big problem okay let me come wait where's my sword how many is it oh no well [ __ ] i can do this i can do this i can do this maybe we should have put more torches in the oh got him nice you're a pro [ __ ] yeah you don't die 17 times for nothing i'm amazed that they make it up here every time yeah i need to put a door down on that ravine area as well you spare doors to cover up this yeah [Music] um put a door like there yeah and then anything else i need to cover up all this area with blocks i can do that because i think they might some of them might be spawning in there that should be good yeah and then i don't know if we have torches set appropriately here um yeah i think i think they need to make yeah i was thinking that we need to make this bigger anyway well if we want to keep using this that is this is where the prime rail is going oh you know would be cool if we could well we probably won't because we're going to put a second story on the house but have know how the trees are like that put that like on top of the house like it's like a massive tree which is exactly what i did in my other playthrough but or make a mushroom head make a mushroom house that would be cool what are we gonna do we kind of finished a house for now should we go explore maybe should we bring beds are we gonna go for a long trip or i don't think we'll go for long i think we'll just go a little bit uh we should save our location should we make a map oh we haven't even gotten any sugarcane actually we're not going that far i just mean like let's see what biomes are near us not like let's go to the mansion well chat can you can someone in chat remember that we're at 130 520 i am also gonna oh whoops i'm also gonna screenshot it oh okay you don't trust chat nope we're off on an adventure let's go [Music] we literally spent like two hours we literally spent two hours building a house i mean you gotta have a stable foundation under you there's a hole here oh god he sees me [Laughter] oh our adventure was quite short god damn it what up [ __ ] ass he was all broken the hell was that i have no idea i put some torches down though you might be able to see it in the dark above ground oh god there's enemies everywhere uh-huh did you put torches above ground no i didn't think that far ahead okay here he's still there nice do you think he's gonna be aggroed immediately no got him did he die yeah we almost had him then around two i have so much random crap on me still yeah i didn't dump any of it you to do a big dumpy uh well it's not too bad if we find it it's a straight line this thing where too i don't know i just want to see you it's over here grab the flowers hi pig nice shaders they are nice it's kind of hard go back and play regular minecraft now oh yeah i am never going back it's fine the first time but yeah it also runs really well um considering how good it looks oh yeah you're running you're streaming on one pc right yep that's good is this the village we started in oh i think it is we did not go very far i found an egg oh good keep it don't throw it on two eggs yes yes yes i'm getting hungry do you have me on you yep hi hi eat up little one think for sustenance as needed on the journey ahead this looks promising ow my freaking feelings i don't think it's ever taken me this long to find a mineshaft yeah i mean even in my own world i spawned right above one i've never had to look for one i was always right above one yeah same oh iron here yeah it's just a matter of look you think they have a blast furnace i could steal oh you got to give me the eggs yeah how do you give them to me with that oh look at the window hi [Laughter] um like this oh awesome now i can make pumpkin pie oh it gives me blast furnace i would say pumpkin pie how do i make sugar again can i make it again yes i'm making i'm making a lot of pie um you'll be full for days how much do i want maybe i only have one more egg there you can steal their cartography table if you want it oh yeah i want it they have paper up here do you want do you want pumpkin pie i love a pinking pie piggy bae here go oh don't [ __ ] look at me sorry babe crossfire eat it when you're real hungry you didn't think of you did you get the cartography table yep okay there's no blast furnaces anywhere yes i can make another one yes three pumpkin pies it's so gosh darn gorgeous very nice i love the volumetric light is that what that's called yeah nice teaching me all the things today i don't know if it's full volumetric i have no idea just say yes and i'll be like well yup [Laughter] it's time for pumpkin pie [ __ ] yeah never come between gab and her pumpkin pie okay pumpkin pie is the [ __ ] best i love pumpkin pie do you think there's a place we can get it maybe it's more of a seasonal thing though yeah i always come too close [Music] [Laughter] i see now that's perfect [Music] oh come outside don't come outside what why where did he go there's also a wizard here torch please okay oh god i just ran into him this is a nightmare okay the torch was this way you know what i don't care i'm just going to go back i don't think i don't think i had anything super vital on me you want to help me kill this ender man i don't have any gear no sword or anything nope i wonder how much i hurt him should i try again i had the cartography table though and i lost that oh yeah goddammit goddammit you kill me again because i don't have any i don't have any iron gear on me so he just attacks me straight on he's still hanging around here being like you sure about this you want to try again hey i'll make you some iron stuff as well i got him ha ha yes didn't get anything though great oh no no i did ender pearl yeah nice hashtag nice die three times but it's cool your food um yes i have bread i put something in the in the furnace though here you go oh tank protection wow a whole suit i protect and i jack think do you want morning yes really badly i have this oh soft potatoes thank you i put something in the furnace wouldn't that be done probably yeah cooked potatoes done baked potatoes nice oh man i wanted that cartography table wait maybe i can make it let me just find another one pretty easy as soon as i make paper doesn't it add the recipes i can also make cake cakey we need milk sugar egg and wheat that's a lot can make it yeah does this work paper yes i'm gonna try something what did you just try it works i put a i put a button next to the tnt and that activates it [Laughter] i made a cartographer i know for future but i forgot how this works we could call it here for today yeah i guess we could we did make a cool house and everything yeah we have a really great start to everything yeah now we just gotta i want to make a map and then we can start mapping our surroundings stand next to me what i want it oh yeah i pressed f5 now i can see all our stuff it's very cute and cute want a screenshot of that if you press f1 all of your hood goes away as well ah nice very cute that has to be thumbnail worthy if i upload this [Laughter] it's so weird to if you have it facing yourself to run around yeah it's really confusing i don't know how people do that that record regularly yeah we need to find a mine shaft so next time we look for mine shaft then we play some minecraft um and then we have to look for like desert biomes at some point mine yeah mine shaft and um then next step is probably books yeah well f1 yeah i don't know if we need books just yet it would be nice if we could find some though well eventually we want to yeah well we can make our own books we don't necessarily have shelters yeah as soon as you make a book you get a recipe for bookshelves okay so we need to put on a sugar cane farm next time yeah i made some paper but oh do you feel like oh yeah and then we can get fishing rods and fish up some cool stuff yeah sounds like we have some leather yeah then we should be able to make a book next time and get started on that if we want yeah nice sweet that was awesome oh man minecraft is back [Music] you
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 374,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, minecraft, jacksepticeye, boyfriend, partner, coop, coop minecraft
Id: 51yHUnALSBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 22sec (4642 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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