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nerdy nerdy Oh God Oh God what happened [Music] buddy my name is Finn playing we're back we're playing baby hands you guys came here loads of different ideas and things try in this game I've already gotten the key I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna unlock Oh what was this one for I think it was from mums room but headed into mom's room someone said that I need to go and get the turtle again and feed it the pizza so I'm gonna try and do that because apparently there was a picture on the wall that said you had to do it so I'm gonna give that a try because I think that's one of the puzzles that we missed all right here we go so got to put that in there let's back up a little piece now we can stand I forgot about that all right hang on this is crawl over and they look at this got the catnip so good got some glasses we don't work all right well put the hose on let's go there's mom's ring it's under there I don't know if mums ring has anything to do with any of the puzzles or anything like that is there something in here we're didn't look in here last time okay there's nothing what about this draw what's in this one Oh motive in something else oh just give myself a bit of a back massage that is so good it's a back massage yeah that's what that is okay let's go family friendly Finn let's go and feed the cat some catnip here we go got a back massager in one drawer and a bag of herbs in the other here we go cash go to sleep hey nice one thanks for that I don't want them glasses anymore they're getting in my face all right oh what's in these drawers what about these cupboards is there anything in this oh yes sir look I'm gonna drink all that Dan what else do we have oh bit of disinfectant we can probably clean our mouth with this this is mouthwash oh yeah getting right into the poisons what's this one I don't even know some kind of Windex probably spray the cat with that any bleach hmm let's go clean the oven there we go we can clean the oven with this can we open the oven door oh we're not that clever alright let's just clean some stuff there we go this is a clever baby this one all right what else we got all plates yes that's what happens when mum leaves and there's no more parents around and you leave the cat to look after me I go breaking things Oh what's this Hey wanna open this what is it just a jar of purple I just let the purple out I don't know what that is but it's purple something you smash them together no you can break both of them though that's so much fun all right let's take this key now this is the key to my brother's chest get out of the way not sure I'm on a mission I'm on a mission whack with the key alright we're better two-handed Waris style oh it's my favorite thing to do okay here we go to unlock the chest alright just move a little bit closer what was in this the gun and the cowboy hat better pop that on our noggin alright we got the gun now apparently there's a key somewhere else oh we didn't actually need the key to get the turtle can you put this car on the racetrack let's give this a try let's put that there for a minute put that there alright oh you can't whoa oh man that was cool Oh back to the future style and everything goes 88 miles an hour and then it's gone and then arre peers their dad is so cool sure nice one all right what's in here what's in the trash ooh a plane won't just a plane give me the plane okay let's throw it here we go ah awesome what he just glitched out I'm not the best at sports so I don't know what to do with this glove because I'm a baby I mean I don't know it's a baseball glove I'm not an idiot all right Oh Kenan yes all right what are we gonna shoot with the cannon can we hold onto it all we can whoa we can use it like an actual gun okay can I shoot some of this stuff down I want that plane get the ball down oh you can't get a damn the ball is coming oops was here it comes whoa oh nice one football this is how you fix them spraying with water there we go right in the buttons Yeah right in the buttons it's the best way I'll get rid of this hat get it right in there can I free the fish where's the fish car keys oh whoops oops oh I could stand up again oh hang on I'm just gonna put what happened oh there I am I could put my hand in the fishbowl I'm inside this is not not where I wanted to be I've got them in the cache now I'm on the ground okay can we start the car with this oh we have a case okay this is it yeah give it a little chef oh yes yes it worked my plane worked shut up bird that's why all right I have keys I need to find a way to get into the garage so I can start the car I just don't know where the garage is oh god I keep breaking the keys okay I'll put them there I'm gonna take the screwdriver and I'm gonna go put this in the power socket make sure the power socket works this is my personal power socket testing tool here we go let's go and test it this is exactly what they're for here we go all right let's give it a try Oh does that work just put it put it in there doesn't work that well all right probably want to leave that there let's let's put that in put the nightlight on hey there's a truck work on this thing oh it does oh jeez all right don't put the truck on there that's how you break it all right turtle come here buddy come here you want some food all right yeah we have turtle what's his name again was it Turk Reynolds is that we call him all right Turk wants to go and eat some pizza let's get him some pizza you want some turtle pizza it's special turtle pizza just for you all right here we go here we go what happens when we feed the turtle pizza nerdy nerdy Oh God oh god what happened Oh awesome because he's a teenager you need a turtle that likes ah man because they like pizzas so much that is cool I'm glad I did that I'm glad did that whoever had that idea you're a genius now there must have been some other stuff to do in this room right oh that's right a Venus flytrap Rinas flytrap I have to put my glasses on to see what this is about it is a pony maybe you want to eat the pony maybe not doesn't want to eat it okay we need to get something OOP OOP OOP OOP oh he's quick OOP oh we need to feed it so that we can get the key we need the key somehow oh you're so smart you're so smart oh I'm quicker okay where are we gonna get something to give that we need to find a dead fly some way let's find that well maybe this thing five today do all the guys oh and then when you let go he falls oh that's how that works okay Oh spaceship where'd he go where'd he go oh there is okay we need to try and get him through there okay here we go three two one go can we can't steer him steer now he doesn't steer very well oops how are you supposed to get it all the way through who's that good it's like a Gobstopper or something all right get it through there dude one more to go Oh runway runway we're gonna have to try this one again okay here we go oh hey turn turns following me round isn't that cool hey little buddy all right where's the thing yes there we go there's one two yes we did it all right there's another one one right here come on yes all right and then we have to turn him and go through here as well because I don't know how to turn him I don't think it's even possible okay and then one more Oh God quick get this one yeah we did it what do we get what are we getting what's there a reward I don't do things unless there's a reward hate it anybody let's put you in the volcano oh oh he's gonna get killed by the volcano Oh turtle sacrifice hang on let's put his head first in oh it just flops around ah no he's he's hidden there that's fine he's okay really we need a way to get the key to unlock that okay with that Gobstopper go maybe eats gobstoppers Oh where'd I put it I'm gonna try and hit I'm gonna try and hit that UFO with this one mister it's gonna crawl under around here get this UFO oh oh there's the gob stop all right let's see if the flight Renton wants to eat the gob stop hater oh maybe you want to eat it okay eat it it doesn't eat it to him okay um what is he gonna eat what's in here paper is there something up there I can use as a piggy bank yes whoa where'd that thing go oh I just busted it open what was on the inside nothing hey little buddy Paul is that thing it's a rocket wait a minute I was looking around because my hands disappeared I can still move around but I couldn't pick anything up and I found something in this trash can what is this whoa okay I don't know what that is but I ate it and I don't know what's gonna happen it was a toothbrush a gross one I'm her brush my teeth with that toilet rolls okay I ate something and I I don't know what just happened okay I'm gonna take this lipstick yeah I'm gonna put that on can we draw with it we draw with the lipstick oh we can let's draw alright here we go mom oh hang on ma'am alright ma'am um smells there we go mom smells like poop take that mum it's what happens and you leave the baby alone Oh ring maybe we can feed the ring to the plants the only other thing I could think of is maybe spraying the plant with some of the stuff underneath the kitchen sink okay do you eat this no the ring no okay I can't you can't even take the the key without this thing trying to bite you I don't know what support in the the flytraps mouth I mean we could always try and shoot it that's possibility could just shoot it in the face or no no I have an idea get-get get that thing away I reckon we put the dummy in its mouth surely that'll work right oh there's another head sort these heads all right here we go let's go and put the dummy in the venus flytraps mouth and see if that shuts him up so that we can get the key come on hopefully this works all right here we go put that and you go yeah it worked awesome all right we have the key now let's open up our sister's diary find out who she loves a bitch is Justin Beaver there you go Oh what is it a bit I just just rip the pages that take that sister just rip all these it's all garbage anyway crazy all right hang on there's something written here a rocketship and alien oh there's gotta be something maybe I can get this dude and try and get him up there go a little cheap oh not even course I'm just gonna get my brother's cannon I'm gonna try and knock down that rocket ship and see if there's something we can do with it all right climbing with the cannons yes all right here we go I'm gonna blast it up there let's see if this works all right get a bit closer oh yes we're not to down knocked it down okay let's go over here and grab it Oh God we broke the telescope again all right bashed all this out of the way and all this stuff get out of here just rebou castle all right can we pick this up no and my left my right hand just disappears we broke my right hand oh and now both my hands are gone I did it again the rocket ship is bugged its bugged need to fix it or I need to work out how to activate the rocket so that we can do something with it I don't know how it works you guys know let me know in the comments below but I have no idea looks like we might be playing this a third time but I'm gonna leave the video here you guys have any other clues and things for beating some of the puzzles in this game let me know in the comments below but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones and see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 4,554,306
Rating: 4.6773491 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, kid friendly, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, baby hands, baby hands gameplay, baby hands game, baby hands let's play, download baby hands, baby hands steam vr, baby hands early access, baby hands alpha, baby hands beta, baby hands VR, baby hands VR gameplay, baby hands VR game, baby hands VR let's play, download baby hands VR, baby hands VR steam vr, baby hands VR early access, baby simulator
Id: Q-naHUnmrl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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