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alright guys so we're gonna try and do is to fill up the cup with the toilet water to pour it into the bath here and hopefully we can fill the bath up and then we can try and drink or bathe in the in the dirty toilet water inside of the buff so let's see can we actually or it's filling up the cup look at that look at that it's actually going up into the cup so let's scoop up a whole lot of it okay we've got a bunch of water there let's pour it over into the bath let's get the black one and we'll make a mouth so put the mouth just like this and we'll trace the teeth to make it look a bit spooky oh there we go we can apparently put this in okay and when we do I don't know what's gonna happen I really have no idea but something's gonna happen [Music] g'day guys and welcome back to the channel my name is cherry and today guys we are back with baby hands VR for another episode which i think is now our 8th episode if I'm not mistaken which is a lot of episodes but there's still more stuff inside of the game for us to do so I went through your comments I look for ideas about stuff we can try in this video and we've got quite a collection of fun things packed and ready to go so one of those things is of course to try and put the diamond ring inside of the volcano you guys told me that you can do that and I think there actually is an achievement that you get for doing that as well so we're gonna try and do that there's also apparently a way inside of our sisters bedroom if we crawl our way over here there is apparently a way to get our little astronaut friend which is this guy right here this fella back onto the moon now I don't know how we get this guy onto the moon because I don't even know where the moon is but apparently we can get that guy up into space and with that little planet that we found remember we found this little planet right here and I was thinking what is this actually for apparently guys this is Pluto and apparently we can actually get Pluto and we can put Pluto back in the solar system where it belongs how we get it there I don't know but apparently it's actually a thing so we're gonna try and do that - oh look at that but that is not all I think in this video we're also going to try and take some toilet water from the actual toilet which I believe we might be able to do with this Cup over here the Cup on the kitchen table I was thinking that maybe we could take the cup that's on the table right there and use that Cup inside of the toilet to try and fill the bathtub up with dirty toilet water and then to try and drink it so there's some of the things we're gonna be doing today guys so without further ado let's jump in and let's kick things off so I think what we might start with first up is we might come into this room and we might see if we can figure out how to get our little friend over here onto the moon now I don't know where the moon for this guy is do you see any moon I mean I can see the Earth is that maybe the moon do you think that's the moon right there that thing that's kind of orbiting around well it's obviously not the Sun because the Sun would be kind of bright so I wonder if maybe that's the middle look before we try and do that let's just we can we can now oh well well well if we could navigate this guy through these little hoops here oh man come a little come on little astronaut you can do this buddy oh dear always going around the long way he's gone round the long way look he's coming he's coming back always going the wrong way again come on champ you can totally do this bro you can totally do this is coming round for the third time whoa there he goes there he goes ad is through the loop what a champion is coming back this way now he's gonna come through this loop right here yeah whoa okay and oh you missed that hey mister you got 30 seconds left mister astronaut guy don't don't don't mess it up don't mess it up turn around turn around buddy up there he goes there he goes oh we did a thing guys I don't know what we did but we did a thing now let's see if we can take this fella up to the moon if we can put this guy back into space is that it right there is that the moon can we put this guy on the moon mr. astronaut oh wow okay he's oh dear oh [Music] dear okay guys we got him back let's give this another try and let's see if this time maybe we can get our little friend here up on to the moon now we want to make sure we don't crash into the wall because obviously crashing into the wall that's that's whoa man that's bad we don't we don't want to do that oh whoa whoa take it easy take it easy come back oh wow what what just happen did he fall inside one of these let me get my little astronaut let's bring him back here all right that's true we're gonna take you to the moon buddy third time's the charm guys maybe this time is the time that we can actually roll that we can actually make this work it's very difficult to see from here though he's like a tiny little itty bitty speck Oh God Oh oh dear and he's collapsed again so maybe we can't get that guy to the moon after all or maybe we're trying to get into like the wrong place on the moon maybe that's not the moon I don't really know guys but I know there is an achievement for getting him on the moon so if you guys know where the moon is let me know that I mean there is one moon there there is another moon there is another moon well with that out of the way momentarily let's take this thing right here this is Pluto okay this is the the the planet that is missing from the rest of the solar system and the solar system in this house pretty sure that's inside of our parents bedroom isn't it just over there on top of our on top of our little crib I think that's where we want to get to so let's let's scoot our way over there oh man it's hard work being a baby it's hard work being a little baby but we will get there as soon guys the thing is if we have a look up there it doesn't look like anything's missing there's no empty other you know there's no empty dangling things yes there is this one right there look next to the blue one there is a missing thing how are we gonna get this up there though that's so high oh hold on hold on let's just zip back this way let's go into our brother's room and let's get his cannon you know the toy cannon maybe we can put Pluto inside of the cannon and then maybe we can shoot it up into the into the solar system that would be cool man all right where is it here it is okay ah toy cannon you're coming with me [Music] gosh Perry you scared the living to out of me man gosh that was terrifying all right guys let's take the cannon over to here let's turn around let's see if we can stuff this thing into that cannon right there Oh what hold on cannon oh that is bollocks that should work all right well if that's the case there's only one thing we can do and that only thing we can do is to stand up and to throw it and to hope for the best all right guys on the count of three we're gonna try and put Pluto back with the rest of the solar system three two one oh they didn't work okay let's give it another shot Oh fair - hit the string that that should be working guys I'd say that for some reason this challenge isn't working because we're doing I'm sure we're doing what we're meant to be doing just meant to throw it onto that string right there but for some reason or another it's not it's not working well I think it might be broken that's a little bit disappointing there definitely is an achievement though for this 100% well guys that brings us now to the ring here that apparently we can put into the volcano I actually want to try to put this into the volcano and to see what happens when we do that apparently I don't know if this is true but apparently we can also use dad's shoes to crawl around the house dad's slippers right here so let's see if we can put out our hands into death shoes and we can look at this you can crawl using dad's shoes these things are pretty heavy man this is a really heavy a little bit hot a little bit smelly as well a little gross man that's what's this is this cheese oh that is not cheese guys that is not cheese okay let's come to the volcano right here all right this is what we're looking for now we want to see what happens when we put this thing into the volcano now there is an achievement for this as well apparently we can apparently put this in okay and when we do I don't know what's gonna happen I really have no idea but something's gonna happen so let's let's just try uh what what what in the work okay why is this not going in there's meant to be an achievement unlocked when you do this but it's not working go okay this is super weird do we have to put the bicarb soda in before we actually try and put the ring in let's try and do them both at the same time so bicarb and now ring what ring oh my god are you kidding me this is insane why can I I don't understand I don't understand guys oh well guys I don't know what to tell you a lot of you told me to try and put this in here and apparently you can but for some reason it's not working so we might have to check I think for some reason maybe something might be wrong where the achievements aren't actually registering we are not really having a lot of luck with experimenting with things today are we a lot of the things that we've tried aren't actually working so hopefully this thing that I'm gonna try now works now we don't want to smash this Cup because this Cup is basically this Cup is everything if this cup breaks we lose everything that we're trying to do so what we're gonna try to do now guys is to go into the toilet okay and we want to see if we can transfer water from the toilet bowl into the bathtub because we tried to drink the toilet water last time and I'm wondering okay that's that's fine how about if I get up here and I start filling up the bath with water from the toilet and then I try and bathe in the toilet water that's pretty gross right that that's that's actually disgusting so remember last time we came over to the toilet we've got a nice little taste of this thing we even put our head inside Oh yep oh so fresh oh it's delicious let's go again and now let's go swimming okay we're swimming in the toilet again we'll group Group group Group group Group group let's get out of the toilet all right guys so we're gonna try to do is to fill up the cup with the toilet water to pour it into the bath here and hopefully we can fill the bath up and then we can try and drink or bathe in the in the dirty toilet water inside of the buff so let's see can we actually or it's filling up the cup look at that look at that it's actually going up into the cup so let's scoop up a whole lot of it okay we've got a bunch of water there let's pour it over into the bath a little bit more another scoop right there over into the bath a little bit more over into the bath is gonna take a very very long time a little bit more okay so it looks like we've filled it up now guys we've completely filled up the buff with with the cup from the the toilet so let's place this thing right down here now okay it's it's completely full it's completely full here let's just see I wonder if it's it's safe for us to to drink some let's see if we can oh we're drinking it where would drink it the bathwater Oh what okay hold on whoa all right I'm going in I'm going in let's go we're going swimming [Music] we're in the bath guys we're swimming in the toilet water oh it's full of pee this is disgusting whoa man okay that was gross I'm going back oh wow that's so funny guys we filled up the bottom of the toilet water that we jumped inside and we swam it hold on let me just see can I even put my my toy boat inside of the bath let me just get my toy boat right here that we got and let see if we can put this inside sir okay toy boats I'd like to put you in the buff oh look at that look at that guys my toy boats in the buff it just floats anywhere no matter where you put it let's see if we can see it from under the water oh there it is there it is oh man this sport is delicious that's so good it's pretty gross I'm not gonna lie it's super gross actually that's absolutely disgusting but you know baby's got to do what baby's got to do man baby got to do this stupid stuff that's what yeah that's what baby got to do now just thinking what other things there are that we can do in this game for our episode number nine so obviously the episodes are getting a little bit shorter because we are running out of things to actually do [Music] we are actually running out of things to do but I'd like to try and still get a couple of episodes out of this so what do you think what do you think we can possibly do in the next one hmm we've got the robots that we haven't played with yet so there's one thing we got the little succomb Buffum robots we've got the helicopter over there that we haven't played with yet either I'd actually like to try and put all of baby's toys into the bathtub as well I mean we've got a lot of stuff here we've got heaps of stuff we've got elephants we've got teddy bears we've got reptile can we pick Rapstar up we can't pick Reptar up but we got a lot of different toys that we can try and put in we've also got the cheese that you guys want me to try and get you keep telling me hey cherry try and get the cheese from the trap and I'm like okay I mean we've done that before but I guess we can do it again so we can try and do that what else is there that we can do I mean I guess we could also try and figure out how these things that should be working that aren't working actually work like the volcano I think something should happen when we put the ring into there right I imagine something should happen but unfortunately nothing did happen so we need to try and figure out how to do that but I think what we might finish up with today guys is a drawing lesson with cherubs I know you guys enjoy this what are we gonna draw today today hmm today we are going to draw today we're just going to draw an alien okay let's just let's just make an alien right here so an alien has one eye right aliens have one eyes guys I don't know what you've seen in Star Wars or whatever but the truth is that aliens only have one eye and that one eye has a big eyelid just like this okay on the top stick out the big eyelid right there the color of the actual eye is red because aliens are scary so we put a red eye in the middle just like that okay so that's the alien eye right there and then the I kind of dangles on a stem like a stalk like an antenna like that okay so there's aliens I and then the aliens kind of like a sly monster kind of like the sly monsters that we've actually made in in tiny town VR something like that so it comes down like this kind of like a slug or like the aliens from The Simpsons if you watch The Simpsons you probably know what I'm talking about so got the big slimy goopy alien body right here which is all kinds of GRU man okay so there's our aliens body right there now we want to give this guy some teeth does this become blue if we combine these two now yellow is still yellow we want yellow teeth I guess we could have yellow teeth so one two three four and then here five and then one two three and four not very good teeth but that's fine now let's get out aaaa let's get out black crayon no that's not black that's red let's get whoops let's get the black one and we'll make a mouth so put the mouth just like this and we'll trace the teeth to make it look a bit spooky ah there we go and then we just need to color the inside red okay so there's the aliens body and finally he's gonna have some kind of horns here growing out the side of his body so it's got one horn right here and then it's gonna have another horn I don't know if it's a horn or an ear it's something I don't know we haven't studied these aliens so we're not too short and this guy is called poo and it's by Sheree all right guys puh monster good fantastic right alright guys well I think we might wrap the video up here any ideas please for the next episode let me know down below it is totally up to you guys it is totally up to you guys to let me know what you think we can do in the next one and I believe there still is enough life in this game to do another one or two videos before the next update comes out so get to commenting guys hit the like button if you enjoyed the video if you're not already subscribed make sure you whack the subscribe button and the bell so you never miss another one and I'll see you guys very very soon thank you for watching guys have a great day and I'll catch y'all tomorrow bye guys oh wait wait wait wait wait it put you in the nuts punch it punch you in the nuts punch you in the face punch with it nuts punch you in the face punch you in the nuts then arts that's why guys [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,458,009
Rating: 4.6730371 out of 5
Keywords: Baby Hands, Baby Hands VR, Baby Hands Gameplay, Baby Hands Game, cheru2016, family friendly, kid friendly, baby simulator, totally accurate baby simulator, rugrats vr, rugrats game, htc vive gameplay, baby hands tmnt, baby hands pokemon, baby hands pokemon go, baby hands back to the future, baby hands ultraman, baby hands amazing frog, baby hands nintendo, baby hands gameboy, baby hands rugrats, baby hands teenage mutant ninja turtles, Baby Hands Part 8
Id: 77JhmbU659k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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