Baby & Girlfriend FLOOD House with PRIME

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today me and my girlfriend flooded my evil Daddy's house with prime things get super crazy so make sure to watch it and see what happens and subscribe oh my God it's a new day and I can't wait to show you guys my very new little pet he's so please keep sleeping in Daddy's room and I don't know why because we all know that my daddy smiles his mittens the kitten oh my God mittens wake up hey it's time to spend the day together mittens look at me so cute yeah okay guys let's start off by me admissions are gonna get some super yummy breakfast I can't wait Dad you better be making me and missing some super yummy breakfast wait that huh wait oh let's do it baby give me that stupid cat he pooped everywhere in my bed last night and kept me awake missions nope he's going back to where he came from back to the kitchen [Music] please hey you listen here sweet you be quiet you're going to daycare for the day because I need some sleep thanks for the stupid cat oh no okay guys we got to go to daycare say goodbye to your precious kid and sleep oh no guys this has been the worst day ever we will get revenge though oh no there's more daddy with mittens oh no because I went stuck at daycare but hopefully my girlfriend Chloe is gonna be here oh Chloe where are you hi Oh Lord You're Here Chloe I have no good news wait what happened Daddy has took my brand new thank you things back to the Pet Shop oh dude I'm really sad oh I didn't even get to meet him but sweet that is so not fair I know wait I know what I'll cheer you up look there's Prime right here Prime oh my guys I want to try this Prime wait what about this flavor is this lemon flavored Prime oh my oh my God Chloe that has loads of Primal hope he never lets me let me know I guess we try this oh my God guys this is super tasty I love Prime but wait Smith come here okay I've got the perfect plan I think that we should go back to your dad's house and grab your dad's money and then we can go and buy your cat back oh my God that's such a good idea oh my yes but Chloe we have a problem um just follow me I have a plan okay okay sleep look oh my God a shovel oh wait is it that easy yes this is so good wait what's this thing Chloe what is that that's a scary machine okay Smith through here let's go oh it was that easy yep wait how are we gonna get home though are we gonna steal this little toy car yep get driving oh my God we are getting back again my cat back and then we have some secret Revenge together on Friday off we go maybe the back door's open let's go try it oh my God Chloe you are so smart I think that's a good idea I don't think that actually locks the back door because he's super silly okay guys if you can't wait to watch me and my girlfriend Chloe floods Daddy's house in Prime then cover the word down below Prime because it is about to get insane okay Chloe time to chip oh no he's locked here what are we going to do look what I found well we put that down right now what it's our only way in if you blow this door up daddy is gonna hear us and he's gonna be really angry do you want mittens back or not okay okay do it do it yeah that's what I thought oh my god let's place this here oh my God are you ready oh Chloe is gonna explode hello oh my God Chloe we should go in and steal all of Daddy's Prime as well whilst we're here good idea but wait Smith where does your dad keep his money um I think he keeps it upstairs in his bedroom should we go steal it of course let's go okay okay [Music] we're rich oh my god oh no it's me is that Daddy's car oh my God height how oh my God doesn't have mittens oh no hey what happened to my dwarf someone robbed my house I will find you and I'm gonna cook you uh-oh Chloe did you hear that someone's brought this house because we're supposed to be in a daycare oh no oh someone just blew up the back door oh my God you wait till I find you oh we are in big trouble Chloe and then I don't know just tight oh no oh well it's time to go and get some new doors because I can't have bugs coming in at night oh Chloe he's going to get some new doors our fingers safe um I'm still super sad because he didn't [Music] know that but don't worry we can get so much revenge on your dad right now oh yeah we can maybe even flood his house in Prime oh my gosh yes okay Chloe if we're gonna get revenge on Daddy before we fly this house in Prime I have someone that can help us come in here okay um Chloe we are going on a ride it it's time to destroy this house [Music] oh my God Barbie is going crazy Barnaby is gonna poop everywhere pooping [Music] oh no into the kitchen [Music] table again smelly dog I think you need to go into voice your poopy body oh no oh my gosh in case Meep hurry up we need to go and Destroy more of your dad's house before he's home oh yeah wait Chloe did I show you these haunted chairs wait haunted chairs yeah look these are haunted because they're from years and years ago look at this oh my gosh [Music] yeah Chloe whatever daddy says just never sits on them cares okay anyway we're running out of time we need to destroy this house Chloe um Chloe look at all this food and take an egg cause your farts smell like eggs oh my God okay I'm going to close my eyes and you have to give me a drink and I can't look okay ready yeah here you go oh no it's a chocolate milk yummy yummy drink it up oh no guys you know what happens get a woody for me whoa come here Chloe no you're just like your dog stinky it's me get away there is poop everywhere I'm a pooping machine wow don't hide from me I'm gonna poop on you very stinky oh my God guys everywhere and now I'm all deflated but my girlfriend is hiding oh Chloe if you don't come out I'm gonna eat all of the prime to myself nope with the prime oh no you probably smell like trash wait no I've got an idea what's that Chloe look you can come and have a bath in here because you're so stinky um I didn't agree to this but okay guess what let's go in guys oh yeah I am in the washing machine hey Chloe ready have fun [Music] I think I'm better now I smell nice oh my gosh water just went everywhere oh no just like the prime will once we flood this house in Prime guys like the video right now if you can't wait to see us flood this house in Pride wait sleep uh yes Chloe is your dad's most prized possession in the garage you know what I mean these colors are all like the bottles of Prime oh my God oh my goodness prize eggs splash oh my God I'm gonna put this one look oopsies um Chloe I think it's time okay three two you two one oh my God that's gonna be so mad we have to go this is where your dad gets for selling mittens again you smelly old man okay Chloe follow me on to the next room yay all right time to get these dumb doors installed God darn it quick Chloe we have to hide down in this basement I did not realize daddy would be home so soon that was so close oh my God it's me why do you have a crayon oh okay this everywhere I like to write messages look ready maybe you should write a message hinting at what we're about to do oh I have a good idea [Music] because we are gonna flood this out in Prime what has happened to my kitchen my pool in my living room um uh-oh it's covered in poop and that could only be one person that's stupid Chloe I think he knows oh no what do we do uh what oh no dog we have to go this way out the basement door I can smell a baby when I smell oh wait what it is on the wall Prime what does that mean um Chloe that's here we have to go oh my God I have no idea whoever it is I'm gonna get you once I find you I'm gonna eat you oh my god Chloe did you hear that we are in big trouble yes but it's time for the final Revenge oh my God are we gonna flood his house in Prime yes but we need to get our floaties first oh yeah because we can't swim very well come on Club okay Chloe I have my floaty you have yours and we are about to swim in Prime guys like the video right now if you would swim in Prime with me and my girlfriend it would be so cool this is gonna be Chloe so fun oh yeah we have to grab the prime first so quickly oh yeah I am gonna grab um the lemon flavor maybe you grab the strawberry one Chloe that's my favorite okay I'm clearly taking the prime to the toilet because that's why we're gonna flood this house in Prime if it wasn't the stupid little babies um oh no don't put me down I said use you and your stupid girlfriend and now it's time to go in the oven [Music] say goodbye baby I'll be back in five minutes to eat you [Music] it's me grab the prime let's go okay I'm grabbing it quickly quickly it's time to flood this house in Prime oh yeah where are we doing it should we throw in here filling up with prime put some in the toilet too oh yeah quickly we are about to flood this place in Prime guys it's gonna be insane wait sweep our floaties oh no I almost forgot we need our floaty silly grab it wait dad's still sleeping oh my God good job Chloe you saved me from being a baked baby and now we're gonna be swimming in Prime the floaties are on guys wobbler this house in Prime run oh yeah we are in the biggest Prime swimming pool in the world right now hey how dare you waste all my prime and flood my house sorry Dad we just wanted to flood the house in Prime so long guys it's time to go buy my cat butt with your money why don't you think about it oh my God let's go get in the car guys today we flooded my daddy's house in Prime in Revenge so if you if you do today's video then make sure to subscribe and we'll see you next time goodbye goodbye
Channel: Smeep
Views: 122,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whos your daddy, whos your daddy game, whos your daddy meme, whos your daddy 2, whos your daddy flood, whos your daddy funny moments, baby game, whos your daddy gameplay, whos your daddy update, baby & girlfriend, daddy's house, lowchi, smeep, leafwyd, flood, baby, girlfriend, prank daddy, prime
Id: opfJJe4O_pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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