Baby & Girlfriend Haunted by EVIL RAINBOW FRIENDS!

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today me and my girlfriend got haunted by the rainbow friends things get super crazy so make sure to watch Until the End see what happens and subscribe I am super hungry I need to rise downstairs and hopefully my daddy is making me food oh no oh daddy where are you wait I thought could smell my food wait Dad hello is that noise out the back oh my God my dad's having fun oh yeah I love this toy car it's so fun woohoo hey Dad did you come here please grab my toy car that's for me silly it's not for adults like you Dad you're too fat to be on my card get off hey good morning son how's it going Dad I am super hungry please may you made me some breakfast um I don't know what I got in the fridge but let's go have a look oh my God thank you guys my dad is gonna make me some soupy yummy breakfast okay [Music] I need some food I'm a hungry baby and I need to grow my big muscles oh yeah I guess you're right baby I'm gonna go to the supermarket and get some groceries but uh just remember make sure you behave okay I'll behave only if my girlfriend Chloe can come over to give me company whilst you're gone because brown but any bad behavior and I'll put you both in the oven and eat you both for dinner please come get me some he's gonna be the best day ever me and Chloe are gonna be home alone and we can get up to so many fun things okay guys I'm getting my toy car and I'm going to pick up my girlfriend Chloe oh my God it's gonna be the best day ever oh Chloe oh Chloe [Music] hi guess what Chloe what I've been left home alone so that means you can come around and have the best Play Day Ever yay but Chloe one thing we can have a playdate without our best friend friend Barbie the puppy let's go get him Barbie wait we're gonna drive this car upstairs because Dad isn't here to tell us off oh yeah Barbie wait Chloe what are you doing there's some apple juice here yummy that's not apple juice you look like Shrek now oh that's gross maybe I should have the water instead nope no Chloe dies no do not drinking it's not water wait oh my God again come on we need to go see Barnaby I kind of threw up on your hallway sorry it's okay it was amazing you you get a blame oh Barnaby wakey wakey oh he's definitely away come on Chloe let's jump on party Chloe have you blocked the door with the car we're gonna have to take the window out gosh okay three two one oh my God it's going to be so cool hey sweet can we go play on your Xbox oh my God that's such a good idea let's go play Xbox okay Chloe just find the Xbox remote it was somewhere around here [Music] I'll go down there there's monsters down there it's the basement what can be so silly that is definitely monsters in the basement silly that's why we're not allowed down there as babies okay Chloe I think it's safe to say we can't play the Xbox now Barnaby's pooed everywhere and you've been sick upstairs so let's just go to my room and play in there because then we can't get in much more trouble when Dad gets home that's probably a good idea yeah come on [Music] hear that noise yeah was that you are you playing prank on me it wasn't me [Music] thing is a monster silly uh I don't know wait chloe'd be super quiet um I don't see anything see I told you there's no such thing as monsters what was that noise I stand in my room forever there is a monster in this house come on it's coming from the attic it's probably just like an animal or birds come on let's go look um okay wait why is this down did you open that no okay so you go first if you're not a chicken maybe it's just Barnaby maybe he's gone up to the attic um I don't think so go on up you go you come with me the same time okay come on okay three two one oh okay see look there's a cat here oh it's a kitten there's nothing around here hello hello hello babies what what was that it's me hello baby I'm gonna eat both of you [Music] rainbow friends oh no guys that is one of the new Rainbow friends yellow I'm super scary what are you doing up there Chloe he's coming down I don't think you're gonna Escape me babies I know your father isn't home oh oh my God he's seen you come this way run run run this way oh no I'm Gonna Get You babies oh no guys comment the word down below monster right now if you want to help me and my girlfriend survive the monsters oh no oh no he's behind us me oh no please I'm going to eat you Chloe uh he's right there he can't fit in here think I can't see you babies in events uh oh Chloe we need to go no leave us alone you smelly monster you ugly yellow banana looking thing don't worry Chloe we're safe in here look how big and fat is he will never fit in here oh yeah you want to bet baby I have superpowers I can get it anywhere here we go oh what's wrong I'm Gonna Get You babies where the super powers rainbow friend is super scary wait Chloe get ready oh I'll go to this one oh my God Chloe just stay there be super sneaky okay babies you wait till I find you I'm gonna put you in the oven and I'm gonna eat you oh my god Chloe just stay still do not me oh one of my favorite babies come here Chloe no friend Chloe you're going in the oven oh guys we need to save my girlfriend grab this battery oh no oh my God oh my God go and save her time to go in the oven hey but my girlfriend down yeah oh you stupid Baby Chloe we've got the Run wait one more they love you smelly rainbow friend Chloe run we have to run oh no you must go live in a Cook's baby I know you saved me I know that's why the best boyfriend ever we have to do stay out of the house until dad comes home this is scary oh Chloe I think we're safe now Chloe we have to go um Chris just cross the rookie okay oh no come here you stupid babies Come and catch us we're over here now oh you want a Betty dumb baby [Music] oh these stupid cars oh my God Chloe we've defeated yellow rainbow friend once and for all it's time to go inside and lock the doors quickly ah and just like that we are safe okay now that we're safe Smith I think that we should maybe clean up this house because your dad is gonna be so angry if he comes home to all this mess yeah that's a good idea because he definitely won't believe a monster did it oh no um okay just pick up the rubbish and the water bottle I want my drinks Chloe did you hear that noise come on you're pranking me aren't you no I'm not he has another friend I think there's also a rainbow friend cyan don't be so silly come on we've defeated him oh wait it sounds like he's coming from the basement Chloe 's in a basement this is not a prank um let's just keep around the corner be careful I don't know if I want to peek down here Chloe is so scary [Music] that is cyan it's one of the rainbow friends we have to go close the door close the door close the door oh no hey oh Chloe look at me so scared so scary oh no what do we do wait grab a fruit from a fruit yeah say this yeah Oh no you're not you smelly monster come on wait okay Chloe we need to just lock cyan out quickly oh Chloe yeah no you're not cyan you are locked outside now and there is nothing you can you can do about it oh no Chloe go this way we have to go over here what are we gonna do I don't know um where do we even go from here okay Chloe follow me we need to get out there by taking Daddy's car that's a good idea okay stop stop we have a deal we'll make you a deal wait Chloe do you see Rainbow yellow in the window uh yeah he's standing right behind you wait we'll just run just run go go go [Music] we've got to go where are we gonna go where are we gonna go I don't know okay just grab daddy's tablet I have a plan follow me I'm running upstairs I'm too scared oh no oh baby baby [Music] right here baby oh you're gonna say Chloe go with the water I think we should hide in here yeah just hide close the doors quickly oh my god wow wait wow did we just teleport oh my God we're in the garage oh my God wait Chloe I can spy on I can spy and see where cyan is with daddy's tablet okay just hide in here though okay [Music] oh no Chloe in our bedroom oh no where are you [Music] um Teddy oh no I don't know what to do okay sleep I have an idea maybe we should just let the house so that it defeats him inside of it oh my God yes that's true the rainbow friends can't swim you're so smart guys like the video right now if you think my girlfriend Chloe is super clever okay Chloe um do you want to do a massive poop and block the toilets uh of course oh no Chloe's super stinky diapers but wait Smith isn't your dad gonna be super angry if we flood his house um maybe I don't know we'll just have to oh [Music] oh my God Chloe Chloe we have to go that was so close guys we was literally seconds away from being called by cyan Chloe get ready okay okay in the toilet you go see go take a poop y time oh yeah oh get swelling he's got a flood we need to get out of here oh wow oh Chloe did you hear that yeah does that does that mean we've defeated cyan I think so just get out of here I'm trying where are you I'm swimming out the door wow oh my God oh my God Chloe we've defeated cyan and yellow rainbow friend I know but what's your dad gonna say we've destroyed his house um I don't know speak of your dad look behind you oh no um babies what has happened to my house um daddy might not believe us but there was two rainbow friend monsters and we had to defeat them we're really sorry well it's time to put both of you in the oven oh no Chloe subscribe and we'll see you next time goodbye goodbye
Channel: Smeep
Views: 294,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whos your daddy, whos your daddy game, whos your daddy meme, whos your daddy 2, whos your daddy flood, whos your daddy funny moments, baby game, whos your daddy gameplay, whos your daddy update, baby & girlfriend, daddy's house, lowchi, smeep, leafwyd, flood, baby, girlfriend, find monster, scary monster whos your daddy, evil monster, rainbow friends, haunted, cyan rainbow friends, yellow rainbow friends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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