Two Babies FLOOD House with GRIMACE SHAKE!

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today I heard my dad bought some Grimace shake for the entire household let's see if it's in the kitchen oh my goodness it's the Grimace Shake it's so special I want to drink it right now all right let's head this to the kitchen and see where it is hello is anyone here hmm let's see where is the scribbish shake is it in the fridge over here all right it's time to open the fridge three two one baby stop there you're not gonna take any of my grandma's shake what do you mean it's just for me because I'm the special kid oh yeah uh-huh you think that dance deserves a Grimace Shake I don't think so the grandma Shake is super yummy and I'm gonna eat it um Let Me dance for me Catch Me If You Can instead of the groom a shake I'm gonna feed you some expired milk how about that let's go gross run look at me I just drink some expired mouth let me give you some as well no no you're the worst dad I'm the best dad how dare you let me put you in time out I don't leave you alone will never do to you hey where are you taking me look on me I'm gonna put you in the pool while I go drink the Grandma's shake for myself goodbye baby hey that's not fair I'm just a baby I can't swim oh my goodness my dad's the absolute worst you know what I have the best idea ever it's time for kainai to fly my dad's house with the girls shake yeah let's go now then let's see how do we get out of this pool before I drown ah oh okay that was a close one there's my mean old dad hey give me the Grimace Shake I'm not gonna give you any Grandma's shakes in fact I just drink one for myself I'm not even gonna let you see it hey you're the one dad ever you know what that's it I'm gonna take the rest of your group of shake Supply you just watch and wait that's if you can even get in the door you're such a little Noob baby you can't even unlock this door okay I gotta find another way and otherwise I'm never gonna get that Grandma's Shake let's go all right it's time to hop in my whip here we go now then let's see if we call it to Baby Kai I'm sure he could hear us baby Kai where are you codakota where are you hi I'm in the backyard where are you wait I'm at the front of your house come pick me up uh okay I gotta find a way around Hold On Tight let's see what if we hop it through here oh look at this car right over here it's so much bigger than my car it's time for me to steal it hopefully my dad doesn't have mine all right let's go ahead and hop on whoa this thing is so big here we go whoa It's so fast here we go oh this looks crazy ah oh my goodness baby Kai watch out oh what oh my gosh why are you driving such a big car what is going on oh my goodness kite the worst thing has happened my dad he decided to lock me out because I wanted some of his greatest Shake whoa your dad has the Grimace Shake Wait I want one I want one okay okay first things first though we got our break into the house in order to get some crib and Shake oh but how are we gonna do that with your dad watching this is gonna be really difficult for us I think I have an idea with this new carpet over here hop on board whoa let's go this is really cool whoa wait Kai I think you broke the vehicle what's going on ah ha you broke my car how dare you oh I think it was because I had diarrhea I accidentally farted on it oh God you're the worst just kidding you're my best friend all right let's go ahead and grab a rock and head to the backyard let's go let's go there'll be other ways to freaking that's for sure all right Kai say hello to my dad's trampoline technically this is for him but let's just hop on and have some fun one two three four whoa I'm going so high Kyle look at me go whoa hold on you're flying so high let me join you here we go ow oh my gosh that really hurt but I made it into the backyard yeah let's go let me go whoa I twisted myself in let's go all right Kai let's take Abe at the window right over here we gotta break in and we got our rocks to do that this is gonna be the best break-in ever okay three two one yeah uh why does it look like nothing happened my dad reinforced the door so it's bulletproof glass this sucks how are we gonna get in then I have an idea follow me over here don't worry Kai we're gonna break it in no time ever to drink all the shakes in the world oh I'm so excited I want to drink some more shakes quickly quickly follow me in here hey Kai say hello to my secret portal whoa what on Earth is this place I think this is my dad's gym room take a look at all the equipment over here we have a treadmill some trampolines we have a pool table a little bicycle machine and my favorite machine is right over here watch and learn one two two three look how big I am uh that's not even that big I'm gonna be bigger than you watch me no you're not I yeah oh look at my muscles I have way more buff than you uh no you're not you still have the same skinny little arms take this hey look at this I kind of left this easily now take this where did you throw me ah where am I you're on the stairs silly take come on take this oh wait why are you so buff get back here I will throw this at you nothing to me take the oh run ah get back here Coda never I'm pretty good we had this little bicycle right over here come on come on come on let's go oh wait this is a stationary bike this doesn't help me at all run watch me do it I'm way better than you uh Kai you're going so slow what are you talking about I'm going so fast it all let's go uh Kai you're just sitting still right now what are you doing I'm going the fastest uh okay whatever you say Kai but quickly we gotta go upstairs no where on Earth are we going next I really want that Grimace Shake I think this leads to the living room let's go ahead and double check are you ready Kai why ready I'm ready three two one yeah we've been in the living room whoa the living room is gigantic I really want to get inside right now wait can I take a look right over here it's my dad's extendo play box well you know what we can do with it hi yeah that's the best thing ever wait it's like a Kai what if I just eat this this is so bad ow that really hurt Kai I was trying to hit the PS5 I wasn't trying to hit you ow that really hurt ugh help me help me all right let's go ahead and eat some apples that was a close one don't hit me with that baseball bat again Kai that was really neat oh you want this like a floor okay that's it Kai you're not having any of my Christmas shakes hey no I'm gonna eat the Christmas drinks first Without You nope I'm hopping in the kitchen first last one's a loser hey I beat you hey get back here I'm gonna drink all of them before you no you're not cause you're not even anywhere near the kitchen okay let's see if this fridge is locked all right let's give it a shot in three two one uh it's still locked oh no I guess your dad was smart this time he knew that we were gonna break in my dad's the absolute worst but anyways you know what time it is let's have some fun destroy the kitchen charge yeah maybe if we destroy everything your dad's gonna open it take this I hated the siding table hi yeah hi yeah let's throw everything across the room hello you dirty plate here you go yeah I take this and this oh yeah my dad's ugly Patriot over here take this it's on the floor just where it belongs hold on look there's a trash can running at you whoa why is there a trash can I'm gonna film this play at it yeah the trash guys gonna eat you stay away from me take this another plant yeah I'm kidding it was just me inside there oh Kai you're the worst why do I hear commotion downstairs first baby Kona is that you uh oh okay we better run get out of here oh no no he knows we're inside let's run away quickly can't get into the laundry room over here I'm coming I'm coming ah hey Kai say hello to my new toy aha what is this thing it's grabbing me all over the place and that was my little baby one toy it grabbed me by the diaper how dare you best prank ever oh wait that's my Dad's camera quickly let's destroy it that was a close one oh gosh hopefully he doesn't know we're inside here that is the way take a look I destroyed the daddy camera up here hmm what can we do next to prank your dad oh wait a minute I have the best idea ever quickly follow me over here say hello to my dad's car oh didn't he just buy this car hmm he did and take a look there's some gasoline go ahead and douse the cards of gasoline let's pee all over it with some gasoline pee and poo yeah let's go all right I'm gonna go ahead and grab this candle oh ow that really hurts three two one hi yeah whoa wait the car is on fire but it's not exploding let's throw some more random stuff at it all right let's go ahead throw this poopy pee at it and we're gonna go ahead through that and then support whoa okay you keep crashing in ah it's a bit slippery be careful Coda ow ow ow that really hurt wow this looks really cool this is a cool art project uh but I think there's more we could do with this car say hello to his little friend the nail gun use it quickly use it quickly Coda three two one whoa the Cardinals exploded take this oh that looks let's say let's run away before your dad figures out run oh okay that was a close one but Kylie forgot something there's no key all right we need to get the key let's go quickly somewhere hmm I have an idea follow a BF here here's my other other secret portal hi yeah follow me follow me Kai hurry hurry I'm coming I'm coming uh Kai why are you holding a pen and a stick uh maybe so I can just swing it at you wow that really hurts all right catch you never whoa and we're inside your room is the key inside here um I don't think so let's check the Wardrobe right over here oh it's empty I guess my dad do better yeah and check this one oh man all these are empty Kai whoa I'm playing with your little horsey oh you are now huh I'm gonna destroy everything in your room hey hey hey this is my bedroom and you know what for saying that take this hey while you're throwing poop at me that's your nasty diaper take this aha don't do that to me and one more come back here Kai get away from me you're disgusting take this now you're the nasty one oh that's disgusting I'm gonna throw this guitar at you oh be careful the head that's really dangerous uh but anyways I don't think I see a key inside here I don't either quickly let's head out wait a second what if the keys in my dad's office well I could see the keeping in there hopefully your dad doesn't realize we're inside here we go oh man there's nothing in here uh meatball why is a meatball here uh I tell you to eat it all right here goes the thing three two one uh that did absolutely nothing and wait a second look it's Mr Bulldog hello Mr Bulldog hello studies hey Kai that was a very nice of you why'd you throw the iPad at him no one saw that hey that's not very nice you know what Mr Bulldog fight Kai don't do that run away I'm running away yummy little baby come here you're never gonna catch me I have the fastest diaper in the world uh Mr Bulldog all you're just doing is licking him what do you mean I'm eating him he's so tasty and now I'm on him you're the worst but anyways eat everything in my dad's office go go go go go go go oh yummy yum yum yum oh my gosh my dad's gonna be so bad when he sees all this being eaten up uh Bulldog do you know where the key is we're looking for the key so we can steal his grandma's Shake our key uh I don't know what you're talking about uh Mr Bulldog you're not very helpful right now what are you doing I'm so hungry let me eat uh Kai I think it's time we get back to Mr Bulldog he's going a little crazy here whoa oh what is going on aha we're taking everything down or oh my gosh wait we're at my dad's bedroom this is a bad idea whoa oh my gosh good thing he wasn't there or else he would be so mad right now Kai quickly hop off I don't think this is gonna end out very well jump ah let's run let's run quickly hop in the fan let's go whoa oh that was a close one oh what is this hey Kai take this ah what are you doing you just hit me well dessert for you Kai especially since you were so beat City oh look my little tricycle let's give you a little taste of your own medicine that really hurts how dare you hi bit quiet down here oh wait it's Mr Taco right over here what are you doing over here I try to sleep from you annoying little gremlins hey you're the greblood over here especially since you're a cat and you look like a super lazy cow you're just sleeping over there oh yeah well you boys better have Bobby because I know where your secret little key is wait you know where the key is Coda we need to get on this kind of immediately all right but Kai be very careful I heard Mr Taco has an act to lie all right here we go three two one whoa you better be telling the truth this time cat of course I am but oh boy you boys are heavy uh Mr Taco why are you going crazy whoa ah you guys are so heavy I can't carry you too okay I think this is a no-go too Mr Taco is kind of going crazy right now oh gosh what is going on otherwise I'm going to explode explode oh my goodness Kai we better get off of him quick three two okay that was a close one let's never do that again oh gosh why does Mr Taco always lie it's because Mr Taco is always so bored of the house oh my gosh Kai wait take a look this is where my dad keeps the shakes but it's completely empty oh no did he get to the groomer shakes before us wait Kai I think when Mr Taco was exploding I heard him say something about the laundry room in a garbage can what do you think that could mean oh is it inside there maybe maybe come on quickly let's hop inside whoa wait what's this in front of us ah oh no I think your dad knows we need to go quickly okay laundry basket laundry basket oh wait Kai take a look inside there's a key yay we did it right before your dad got here all right come on quickly quickly let's go into the fridge let's try opening this in three two one yeah yeah we did it the fridge opened oh I think the groomer Shake is inside here I want to drink it all right let's go ahead and do a toast three two one whoa this tastes so oh this is so bad who would want to drink this oh why did we just turn green what is going on this is not what the grooming Shake tastes like ah help me Kai feels so awful right now uh I pranked you babies good today what do you mean you picked us good I secretly took all the good mystique and poisoned oh my gosh Kai did you hear that my dad poisoned us oh my gosh I bet he put some of his expired milk in it ah quickly guys there's an orange right over here eat it quick okay okay I ate it okay Kai unfortunately I don't think there's any work group of shakes in my house my dad was so solo the ball we're gonna have to get revenge on him next time next time why don't we make it this time follow me over here we're gonna flood the bathroom let's go let's go quick quick hop in Kai we got I do this together we need to teach them that you can't mess with the Grimace the Grimace shakes are the best thing in the world all right let's go ahead and open up the lid right over here all right Kai are you ready to flood the house let's go home three two one here we go ah the water's coming all out this is Revenge quickly run run whoa wait Kai do you notice something about this water why does it taste kind of sweet wait a second I think my dad replaced our water with Grimace Shake that's how he has had an unlimited Supply yay we got to taste the Grandma's drink and we got to flood his house with it yeah this is the best day ever the babies win woohoo thanks for watching the video If you guys enjoyed watching be sure to click on the video that's on the screen and subscribe thank you bye
Channel: Koda's World
Views: 166,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whos your daddy, whos your daddy flood, baby floods the house, baby flood, baby floods the toilet, whos your daddy meme, funny game, pranks, family friendly, kid friendly, clean, no swearing, koda and kai, whos your daddy funny moments, baby pranks dad, whos your daddy gameplay, whos your daddy game, baby villain, baby escape, baby fan girl, crazy fan girl, baby school, baby floods house with grimace shake, baby tries grimace shake, baby grimace shake, baby mcdonalds
Id: jFi6tMw81_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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