Baby & Girlfriend Escape EVIL Monster!

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in today's video Me and my girlfriend find a super scary monster and my dad even fights him so amazing to watch till the end and subscribe where's my dad I thought he's gonna be making me food wait that is he hey Dad come back come on in get off my toy car that's for babies you're an adult now come on what's in the fridge for you to cook me today um that yes there's no food in the fridge I can't eat just a chicken can I have can I have Mommy's milk come here oh yeah a little bit more than milk um why don't you have some fruitful ones you want a healthy baby fruit I I don't want fruit get me something bad steak oh you want me to go to the supermarket to get you some food yeah go to the supermarket please I'm a hungry baby all right I'll be back in a bit beyond your best Bohemia okay oh my God guys I have the house to myself right now which means we can set up traps and be ready to prank my dad but I'm going to need some help so I'm gonna call my girlfriend Chloe and ask her to come over my house in fact we're gonna drive around and see her myself because we're gonna go and call for her oh Chloe okay guys make sure to keep watching because it's super scary monster comes out soon and if you're inside then make sure to comment down below the word monster oh Chloe where are you oh wait it's not her Chloe hey hi you want to get in my car I have so much stuff for us to do today because guess what what my dad has left the house which means we get to do loads of fun stuff okay Chloe are you ready to have some fun today [Music] okay guys don't know what this Chloe knows I'm gonna be pranking this video is gonna be so much fun okay Chloe you first amazing there's no cars coming now whoa oh yeah oh no oh [Music] my god that hurt that was so fun I think we should go inside and cool some chaos because Dad isn't home so we can do whatever we want oh yeah wait have You Met My Dog yet Barnaby no oh my God follow me I have to show you Barnaby he's my pet dog and I love dogs so follow me we gotta bounce up here and just like this we are upstairs be careful though whatever you do Chloe do not touch Daddy's Secret alcohol cover that's his secret juice and if you drink that you 'd be very sick come on in he's not here though um okay Chloe if you want to drink it you can okay oh no guys Chloe is drinking Daddy's juice that is not good um oh you're green like a big bogey baby oh my God I don't know I don't want to be your boyfriend if you're that color oh you smell wait here's Barnaby oh Barnaby Chloe you can ride him too look jump on he likes it when we jump on him and ride him around the house look you can ride Barnaby Runners follow me oh my God this is so much fun but let me get it oh did Barnaby just eat the table Barnaby likes to eat things he's a big piggy don't make sure Barnaby doesn't eat too much because he will poop in the house he's just at my Xbox no wanna be stopping stuff no part of me oh my God Chloe be careful because Barnaby is gonna poop oh wait Chloe you're back to your normal color now after drinking Daddy's juice you need to be careful though because Barnaby is going to poop I can tell well Chloe I told you I'll be careful quick get him out Chloe guide him Outdoors Wanna Be you're going for a swim you smell like poop oh Chloe does that mean Barnaby just pooped in the pool that's gross so smelly there you go Barnaby you stay outside now you've been a bad boy that's all you get for pooping in the house oh he's pumping in the pool again no Chloe we don't need to see that just run this way we don't want to see that that is disgusting okay Chloe guess what what I have a secret milkshake now Daddy has a secret juice but I have my secret milkshake should I go get it for you so you can try it yes okay Chloe you wait here guys little does Chloe know I have this chocolate milk so he's gonna make her poop everywhere like Barnaby and that is me getting revenge for her making fun of me poop everywhere oh Chloe I hope you like the secret chocolate milk look at this yeah you can try it you can have all of it drink it oh I have plenty yay thank you [Music] [Music] you can have your stupid milkshake that was so mean that's why you get Chloe oh I just lived in your poop it smells hey Chloe I I have an idea though should we flood dad's house soon maybe before he gets back yeah Chloe before we flood the house shall we maybe set it on fire or go down into that secret basement she's never let me down here oh I want to go do the secret basement wait hang on I think we need to get the key I know where he hides it let me go and grab it real quick guys we're gonna be in so much trouble if Dad finds out that we've been in his basement just grab this key and hopefully this will unlock the basement I cannot wait to see what's down here oh Chloe I've got the key oh hi wait Chloe what are you doing that's dangerous Revenge that is dangerous stop it we need to unlock the door okay oh my God Chloe look there's so much stuff down here no wonder Dad didn't want me to come down here oh my God Chloe be careful you had fun the roof whoa whoa uh um what's happened to your arms why are they so long jump down silly that's dangerous that's a long jump down can I get the hoop ready guys if I score you have to like the video oh uh I like the video anyway oh my God Chloe gets home oh my God [Music] stay one of these ready yeah oh oh my God maybe I can hit Chloe over this oh Chloe whoa wait Chloe if you're so big and strong like you always say you are why don't you do some of Daddy's weights oh easy I got this okay okay here we go Chloe let's see how strong you are of all those big muscles and long arms okay Chloe come on you're such a chicken Chloe stop oh my God maybe you're not so strong after all huh yeah maybe not anyway Chloe I think we should maybe go upstairs and set fire to the house oh what's this oh oh look at me well um my legs are out of control oh Chloe you're going too fast just take it off Chloe help me I don't know what to do oh oh my God yeah there's definitely time to go upstairs and maybe burn Daddy's house oh my God guys I I don't think I like this basement after all pretty dangerous okay Chloe this is called gasoline and whilst I pour this I need you to grab the candle to set fire to Daddy's living room two ready guys [Music] this is a candle I can't wait it didn't work we're doing it I'm sure this is what happens on the Telly okay Chloe this doesn't work so I'm gonna take matters into my own hands wait Chloe down from there silly before I spray you get down whoa oh oh no I'm stuck in a fire ow my diaper is on fire Chloe we've got to run quick to the poopy pulled up Barnaby's boots ah so much better come on Chloe you can make it quickly quickly silly you're gonna burn quickly much better that was close but we set that house on fire and I have a perfect idea what we should do next what is it I think we should go and mess up his bedroom maybe Dad hates it when we mess up his bedroom so he's gonna be super mad we need to be careful of the fire oh no there is so much fire guys that is so bad we're in so much trouble your dad is gonna be so angry but this is so fun I know we're gonna gain so much trouble but Chloe once we mess up dad's room we need to go in the super scary attic oh I'm a bit scared about that one me too quickly mess up his bed oh my God Chloe grab a pillow we can have a pillow fight yes I'm not cheating wait okay yeah yeah oh no I'm like on My Pillow hey come here can we grab can we grab the ketchup oh Chloe get out of there come here catch up whoa oh this is wait we should spray ketchup on dad's bed he's gonna be so angry oh whoa this is crazy oh no we've just smashed his brand new Delhi look at his room it's destroyed Chloe I think we should get out of here this is not good oopsies and guys now it is time to go in the super scary attic Chloe I can't remember how to get up here I think here we go this is so hard to reach hey silly look there's something behind here oh this is a secret entrance it must be you go first no you can go first and investigate no you go first I'm not going first you're the smelly poopoo head go first I'm only going first if everybody likes the video first okay guys like the video free [Music] one off you go Chloe oh okay you like the video goodbye guys I'm gonna try out Chloe I'm gonna push this back over whoa Chloe what's that noise wait what is this is this the entrance Chloe Chloe wait guys can we just get out by the scary attic monster I don't know if I want to go up here okay guys I think I'm just gonna have to go up to save my girlfriend Chloe because I love her so much Chloe where are you oh my old tricycle I wonder why Dad hid that from me Chloe what is that hello you stupid baby um Mr monster did you eat my girlfriends yes and she looks so tasty um I'll take this yeah something with the lasers you will pay for this juice to me baby oh my God goodbye monster ow oh my God run run run run wait where is he can't get down because you belong in the Attic you smelly monster I will get you big oh no you won't you're just a monster that belongs up there this is what you get oh no oh what was that baby oh [Music] guys we've got to go oh the fire is spreading it's in the kitchen just give me my girlfriend but you smelly monster you cannot catch me I'm in my car oh yeah I'm in my car oh yeah gonna catch me you want your girlfriend Chloe back you're gonna have to defeat me the monster just said I have to defeat him to get my girlfriend back but I have a plan oh he's on the lawnmower we've got to go I'm gonna run you over baby and you're gonna be in this memories I'm gonna get you oh no guys he's gonna try rummy over with a low mower we need to destroy wait I have a plan we're going through here gonna catch me oh he's a rubbish driver guys we're gonna lead him out onto the road and he's gonna get hit by a car come here Mr monster Come and catch me smelly oh you think I won't catch you I'll tell you come on come and get me ow [Music] I've been here whoa what are you doing why you leave me out on this road hey get off the Lumar and find me like a real monster oh yeah is that what you want yeah sweetie following guys we need to wait for a car quickly no put me down I need to get my car come here keep following me press it just keep coming oh oh we've just been running for playing card guys we need to somehow find a way to defeat him now to get my girlfriend back and I have no idea how okay guys I've got an idea I'm gonna jump on the trampoline then onto the roof I'll Mr monster come here I'm gonna eat you oh no you won't you can't go on the trampoline like me because you're a monster and I'm a baby come on finally home oh my God that's my dad just got away with ruining dad's house no no Dad you need to listen to me there is a monster after me right now um we went in your attic I know you told me not to but um there's a scary monster and he's eating my girlfriend what if I told you about lying what have you done to the place I I'm not like Monster look follow me he's out here look he even set fire to your living room I think you want to get revenge on him right look up there look upstairs the attic door is open that's where he came from it's just a scary monster you're such a liar you're going to clean all of this up and you're totally grounded no I'm not lying look it's outside he's just around this corner here you seeing this on my trampoline he doesn't realize I've gone he was just around here I promise look a supreme it's not a tree is a monster he's in Disguise he's a monster just get inside and clean up this mess I can't take your lies anymore oh my God guys he thinks I'm lying this monster isn't gonna get away with this because just remember guys I need to get my girlfriend Chloe back you better think of a way to start cleaning all of this up I want it spotless uh but I think you should look behind you there's a sir the monster but I'm not joking hey Dad look behind you oh I told you the monster that I told you the monster is evil dad I don't know what to do what do we do uh we need to defeat him somehow um wait I have an idea we might not be able to defeat him good idea dad you go hide because he wants me not you because he's already told my girlfriends and I will get this yes Mr monster come and find me like a man oh quick Mr monster come here you can eat me where's this stupid baby here I am look my God come on Mr bear over here guys hopefully it's a monster oh baby oh is that a bear no no not a bear not a bear hide inside the monster's scared of the bear not the bear oh my God hey guys he's going for the monster oh mama oh my God I think we've defeated the monster once and for all oh my God quickly guys do we need to get inside and lock the doors quickly lock the door ah oh my God guys I think we have escaped the monster once and for all he's locked outside and he's fighting the bear oh my God I think we've escaped him wait is that you wait oh my God Chloe you're okay I've got the Monster eating you I said you I've been hiding up here the whole time oh my God come on down jump down okay oh my God Chloe today we defeated a scary monster wow I did because you hid like a wimp but but if you guys enjoyed today's video then be sure to like And subscribe and we'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: Smeep
Views: 1,177,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whos your daddy, whos your daddy game, whos your daddy meme, whos your daddy 2, whos your daddy flood, whos your daddy funny moments, baby game, whos your daddy gameplay, whos your daddy update, baby & girlfriend, daddy's house, lowchi, smeep, leafwyd, flood, baby, girlfriend, find monster, scary monster whos your daddy, evil monster
Id: 1-q1UOJglGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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