Baby DUCK Lure Fishing Challenge?

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see I'm pretty sure one ap veces but he got on a roof and did an unboxing so being that I try to follow in Eric's footsteps I'm gonna do the same the thing is those I'm not unboxing anything from a viewer I'm not in a box and anything from a company I'm actually in boxing something from another youtuber Mike and I decided to do the first-ever long-distance challenge so basically we both had fifty dollars to spend on each other for lures he chose Cabela's of course because that's like my favorite company ever and I chose tackle warehouse and the whole idea behind this is with fifty dollars you're supposed to find the worst the worst lures for the other opponents you send them that fifty dollars with the lures they get to their house and then they unbox it on camera and have to use it basically right after unboxing but now I'm unboxing what he got me and right after I'm done in boxes I have to go and catch fish with these lures for a certain time period like today without further ado let's try to unbox this and maybe maybe not slide down hey bud slid down three time to throw that intro I wonder how parrot does it okay so I have no idea what's in this box it it hopefully isn't anything too bad cuz it's cold here northern what oh Jesus first first lure we have right here is the savage gear duck but uh this one's bad that should be interesting to use for today so we're gonna get a basket of duck today apparently the next year we have right here is Wow again another top four this is a offshore angler laser I yeah it's a shark plug it's for tuna another great choice there Mike I really appreciate both atop er Luis up next we've got the strike King rat this one doesn't seem too bad a lot easier probably to catch on this and it is a freaking duck oh my god dude mini you me flight flyer like what the hell is this you must have been digging deep in the in the freaking bargain bin so I gotta catch a fish on this now I'm pretty sure this is a trolling bait for like Marlin okay thanks Mike what else we got here you got a we got a quick we got a quick fish case seven here this right here is gonna be a great trolling bait for when I'm fishing on the bank oh my god and then lastly but not least we've got the doomsday turtle Mike basically gave me a su lineup he gave me a doc a mouse in the turtle to catch a bass on today not including the other three lures this is this should be a very interesting challenge I'm gonna pack all these lures up get him tied onto my rods and get out in the water to see if I can catch some fish on this this is the worst floor challenge ever [Music] [Music] okay the challenge has begun Wow yeah that's my trunk looks like garbage I just not gotten a leak in the current time is 121 which means I have three hours and 49 39 minutes to to catch a fish on a duck a mouse a turtle a saltwater popper and a few other random lame things let's see if we can knock them off at this pond if not I've got like four or five others that I can I can fish the only problem is is only got like three hours to complete this challenge we agreed that the loser has to eat something nasty we haven't established what that nasty thing is but it's gonna be something gross the main objective is just to catch one fish on one lure there's absolutely no size limit here it's just first one to catch one on the lure then can advance the next lure and so on and so forth oh I just saw little bass oh there's some pass over here well there's a nice fish there's a nice fish you can keep the duck he's gonna eat the duck eat the duck eat the duck you didn't hit the dock that's not good well probably cuz had a freaking leaf on it what's that all about it's time to pitch the turtle in there see if that doesn't ring there's one oh no way that's a giant crappie oh my god I gotta call Mike to see if this counts it's a nice crappie what the heck no I don't know if this counts who knows I just tried to call Mike to see what his thoughts are if this is a multi-species challenge but regardless I just caught a crappie on a turtle that's pretty dope that's a nice black crappie there he goes good God first fish may be the wrong species I'm not really sure if we established whether or not this was a bass fishing challenge but hey but they're not getting bet there's one oh my gosh it's a bass that's a bass on the turtle oh it's a good bass too yes okay now that officially counts one fish down five more to go okay struggled a bit see you later dude parkour a lot of fish in here why there's fish over there okay let's try this okay nice job toss the frog around the spot there's surely some fish over here I keep calling the frog it's a it's a mouse it's a freaking Mouse come on eat the mouse eat the mouse oh I just I don't miss it oh he's got he's got the mouse that was such a light bite get in here oh that's two lures oh I'm geeking I'm geeking oh my god I thought was a bluegill that ate it it's late October and I just caught one on a top water this fish is freezing cold I just caught that fish on the little Strike King Mouse it lost an eye in the process but it did well for the time being okay take care my mouse is absolutely destroyed all I did was just throw it right along that Bank and it was like I'm sure you guys barely even saw it was like a like a little tiny Peck I got to give it Mike a call here at a bit to smack-talk him yeah hey buddy how's it going oh oh you're behind me I got to I just caught my second one okay all right I just wanted to call to make sure you knew how to use those baits cause if not I can help you out but sounds like you're doing okay okay all right good luck buddy looks like I'm gonna lead but I can't get too cocky here because I'm only one up I really need to knock this duck out this this lures got to go so we're just gonna chuck this around for a bit I'm just gonna walk it like a spook actually got a pretty solid walking action so let's see if we can rely on that for a bite first oh my god I just got annihilated oh my god I just got hit again he cranked the duck he destroyed I don't know if you guys saw that unreal that fish annihilated the suicide duck homeboy why did he miss it well that makes me feel so much more confident about this bait at least I think they're eating out here oh they're chomping ah here boys it's overcast light breeze fall season this is prime duck conditions oh my god they're busting on bait they're busting on bait just saw some fish bust on bait of course best sort of throw in a situation like that is a oh is it you just saying it he missed it you know why you missed it cuz I'm throwing it duck the duck got bit again ha office because it's too big or the hook placements garbage it's like they literally blindfolded someone over at savage gear and they just said alright slap a hook on this bait and that's what we'll mass-produce it as I mean aren't you usually supposed to throw ducks at schooling fish oh my god those fish busted in like inches of water really the challenge isn't getting bit with this thing the fish are liking it but the problem is did you put the hook you put the hook stick oh yeah let's throw it on the back because how many times do do does it does a fish like that's good for a 10 pounder not five pound and four pound Illinois pond bass and this one is like okay but let's be honest I don't think these fishing us they're gonna eat a duck head first oh I'm so salty right now that was a very very nice fish you not only made the most ridiculously wherever but you made it ridiculously impossible to actually hook into a bass I'll probably get some comment saying or are you using it wrong no no I'm using it fine throwing the Ducks actually one of my biggest strengths so don't tell me what to do I know exactly how to throw a duck you walk out like a spook done end of a conversation I don't think they're missing it they're just not able to get the sweet spot oh my god I got one on the top I got one on the duck oh my god it might be a good one too dude this might be a good fish unreal that's a good fish no way stay down oh I caught one on the duck that's like a three pounder hold on freakin believable okay just the record guys this is like a pretty easy pond to catch fish but never in a million years would I have thought that I would have been able to catch fish on a duck and a pond like this during basically mid-fall conditions that is a chunk dude well folks I didn't think it was gonna be able to get done but it happened big bass on the duck that is a quality quality fish [Music] [Music] you did well duck I'm actually doing a lot better than I thought okay there should be some fish over here let's see if they'll eat this little thing oh I got one I got one no way you have got to be kidding me stay on stay on stay on oh I'm in shock look what that fish ate that fish literally ate that that is like a lettuce crankbait that is literally a lettuce crankbait that I just caught that fish on oh my gosh well that's number four knocked out I just have two more lures to catch fish on okay I am so stoked right now see you dude thank you so much nice plan of action I've got to put a few of these rods back in the car for some dumb reason I didn't bring the last to lure so I gotta go back to the car grab those come back here time all up and then finish it off I'm obviously gonna finish off at this lake that was my first cast with that little that little lettuce lure good its name it's like a beetle I don't know what you would call this but I'm in shock right now okay okay so next plan of action is to tie this thing on which to be honest I had a zero confidence in but now they're beating the dock I feel like this could honestly work it's just it's just a bit big though oh that's right I got to catch one on the yeah where'd that go and I gotta catch one of this the mini yummy flyer cool this looks like a real winner the many yummy flyer is an excellent surface store for all inshore and offshore game fish meanings so littler yeah Mike real funny real funny dude I'm not gonna bash this this may be my next favorite lure because the duck is pretty much my new one see the difference how's it going I just want to call to see if everything's okay no way what no way dude I gotta hang up I called you to snag Dawg but I thought maybe you were struggling are you being serious you're five oh god I mmm ooh I'm getting a little cocky here okay I got it I gotta move okay back of the pond I need to put in some work I'm one behind him I can't believe that oh my god this is no fun I'm I went from having like so much fun to like just dreading the fact that I'm throwing these last lures Mike you could have at least given me a pumpkin or something else than like like like a like a lip gloss color what is this dude poem let's give this a go I'm just gonna rig it like this kind of like an ED rig or basically nothing like an that rig but we'll call it in that rig let's see if this look a bit I feel like it's cheating but at least I'm still technically using lure it's just a little modified well this thing doesn't look half bad without the wings all right think what do you do you need to not fish here anymore it's for sure come on oh I just spoke to bass just spoke to nice fish oh there's one I got him there we go there we go number four or number five or wait what number is this I don't know but I'm hooked up oh that's a good one too oh that feels so good smacked one on the on the the worst lure ever such a struggle okay I'm gonna run over here now throw the popper see if I can clench this deal so Mike what it's all about feels so good oh I got one that's my final fish oh he ate the Marlin popper oh it's a good one no we came off oh my god no no no no no no oh that was a ten pounder oh my god oh my god it was such a nice fish - that was like a four it was like easily a four pounder oh my god what happened oh I was putting too much pressure on it to not realize how big that fish was - lets horsing it in I just want to get it in I wanted to clinch this deal that sucks when you know you had the winning fish hooked that really sucks well that's game 5 p.m. Central Time and the challenge is over this bait gives me more headaches today than any other lure I tied on they were eating everything today but this one just couldn't keep the fish on the hook I'm gonna call Mike I feel like he's got six fish but I'm also not sure cuz he didn't call some little confused we gotta we gotta we gotta see who won yeah see who's eaten something gross yeah yo I don't know how'd you do you're still five it's over you didn't get neither could I dude so we're tied the freaking tuna popper Mike I got bites at everything but that one was so ridiculous it was so heavy they would just throw it most of my fish were like between one maybe low twos and I had that random three and a half four pounder on the duck to pound a pound in half like to just under a pound than one now it's not 2 ounces what was the law you got stuck on why'd you choose that one you should've chose like the worm or something like that dude I literally gave you a turd with hooks all right so what do we do here we both do it we should we should we should both do it but then maybe let like the viewers decide something Alistair I don't know what I mean definitely we'll both have to do it cuz we both suck maybe let the viewers decide something in the comment section like a good like a good punishment challenge maybe for the next challenge or maybe this one I don't know we'll think of something good game bud but well what's gonna happen here is Mike and I are gonna probably both face the consequences and and do the original punishment that being eat like these really nasty jelly beans which it may not sound like much but I guess they're like really really gross so we're to do that and we also might let you guys choose what the punishment is for like the next challenge or maybe this challenge I don't know I gotta think about this maybe on the on the ride back home I'll think of this I'm gonna head home now I'm probably snagged quick burrito at Chipotle and just think about all the fish I lost on that marlin popper thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed today's challenge if you have a challenge suggestion leave it in the comment section below that little area where you can comment leave a comment down there as to what challenge we should do and as always keep this and never stop [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jon B.
Views: 2,918,435
Rating: 4.848145 out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, big bass, how to bass fishing, fishing the midwest, how to fish a senko, challenge, lures, bass, fishing, fish, outdoors, traveling, travel, vlogs, vlog, vlogging, how to, sports
Id: FQNGiPldeq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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