Baby Boy Nursery Tour

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[Music] what is up everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video i'm kind of excited about because it's taken me a while to put together um and i've gotten a lot of requests for this video on my social media so i'm really excited if i sound out of breath it's because i am um yeah pregnancy kind of screws with everything so throughout the video if i sound like i'm just dying that's why so we've put a lot of time and effort into this nursery and making it look the way that we want it to and make sure we had all the right pieces and that the theme flowed so as of right now i am 36 weeks uh i think we actually started the nursery it was it was really early on i want to say end of my first trimester beginning of the second um just because i'm the type of person that likes to do things ahead of time and be prepared and have everything set and ready to go so we just kind of slowly but surely started adding stuff into the nursery and it just recently um was finished we were waiting on a few things to to get done so now i'm excited to show you guys the the overall look and how it turned out so so before we get into it go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and let's go ahead and get into it alright so i guess i'll start here with the rug this was actually one of the first pieces that we got in in the nursery along with the crib i believe we got this off of i'm going to link everything down below just in case i forget or i say the wrong item or whatever um love this rug this rug actually kind of was where the whole concept of the room came from we're kind of going for a tribal safari type vibe as you'll see in the rest of the room let's go ahead and move on to this is one of my favorite walls everything that's on this wall we got from hobby lobby actually a majority of the stuff in this room came from hobby lobby and i just wanted it to be kind of just like a nice little collage of like all things boy and just have it be really like fun and not too too i guess adult-ish because this obviously is a kid's nursery but i still wanted it to look nice and have everything flow and i feel like we definitely did that and i love all of these little pieces and it came together really nice all right next here we have the whole changing station so we have the um the diaper genie diaper pail and then the hatch baby grow i believe it is um i really like this because it's also a a scale at the same time i wanted something that was going to be uh easy to wipe down and so this is kind of like almost like a rubber material and it's actually really nice and soft next we have the little um the wipes holder which is nice because it's like a simple little click the wipe comes up and this is actually like a little weighted plate that um holds the rest of the wipes down so when you pull a wipe not all of them come up at once so i found this at bye bye baby um i'm excited to use this actually next we have the hatch baby rest this is a um nightlight and a sound machine the nice thing about this is it's a nightlight and it's also a sound machine [Music] and it plays all different types of sounds and colors and like you can um customize it to however you want so i'm really excited to use this one and then we have this cute little lion piggy bank um i think we actually got this at burlington coat factory like i said our whole theme right now is like tribal safari like that type of vibe um so i thought it was really cute that we had or actually hayes found this um he's found it at burlington so it was actually really cute and flows with the rest of the room all right and then next below all of this stuff we have his dresser um so i really struggled with this because i was trying to figure out the best way to organize it and like what would be easiest and honestly at this point it's like whatever happens happens i'm sure i'm gonna end up rearranging all of this stuff once he comes um just to make it even easier or make more sense so what you see now may not stay this way but for now it made sense so in this top drawer here right underneath his changing pad we have all of his diapers um i have his little thermometer the little no sucker some diaper cream and powder all the stuff basically that he's gonna need when we change him um and then this little bin we have some like medicine some q-tips and then these dividers i actually got from ikea i had bought them for his clothes originally for those drawers but it just it didn't make sense and it wasn't working out so they actually worked out better here um to keep everything in this drawer organized so yeah next we have all of his swaddles um the little like sleep sacks i kind of went a little crazy with the swaddles just because i don't know i guess i'm i'm weird like that i just like the different like patterns and the different um fabrics and to be able to have different options for him so yeah i really really love swaddles um then below that i think we just have like a little extra storage so we have some extra diapers here um wipes nursing pads uh i think i have like nipple cream and like some more of that stuff in here just stuff that's easily accessible when we need it when we run out of stuff up here just be able to come down here and grab it really quick and then now we're going to get into his um clothing drawers my ocd kind of kicked in here a little bit and i was trying to be as organized as i possibly could um and then came to find out it just really wasn't making sense because i was trying to do um like short sleeve onesies long sleeve onesies like different size it was it's it was a mess so this whole drawer is zero to three months newborn and zero to three months um so here i have all of like his onesies his pajamas his little leggings and then next drawer is three to six months same thing all of his onesies pajamas leggings um i got these little dividers off of amazon and like i said they worked out way better than trying to put these these little bins in here because it just it it they didn't fit properly so this actually worked out way better and then down here we have six to nine same thing onesies pajamas leggings um yeah pretty pretty straightforward like i said i'm probably gonna end up rearranging and doing all of this stuff later on once he's here because there's probably no way i'm gonna be able to keep up with his laundry trying to keep it folded and looking like this so this i don't know this whole thing's probably gonna get changed around just a little side note this is probably the most i have talked in like months which is why i sound so winded and i feel like i'm like struggling trying to get through this video and i probably sound really bad right now and i'm gonna hear it later when i'm editing but yeah bear with me i'm doing my best so just wanted to throw that in real quick all right now here next to his changing table and everything we have the little giraffe um we got this from bye bye baby he has a name that hayes and i gave him and i cannot remember it for the life of me right now but irrelevant now let's go ahead and move on over to his crib so i got this blanket at i wanna say it's from pottery barn kids um i'm gonna double check and like i said i'll link everything down below but this is actually a stroller blanket um that i thought would work really well in here so the crib we got online definitely do not remember off the top of my head where it came from um and it's a funny story because when we were actually searching for cribs i did not like this style of crib like at all um i was gonna go more so for the one that has like the big old back headboard whatever it is um and then as we kept looking and looking in this one this one kind of grew on me so i'm glad we did end up getting this one because it looks way better in here and then his sheets i can't remember off the top of my head where we got his sheets from um again like i said i'll i'll look everything up and link it down below but this is one of like three that we really liked but i love the little clouds on it um i guess i'm trying to go with like a certain theme so i was like okay clouds kind of go with like safari you know sky and all that so yeah we were kind of trying to stick with a certain color scheme as well so as you see you see all like the black and white um there's a little bit of like creams and stuff blended in here uh with the signs and like other little stuff but yeah so we're trying to keep it very like earthy i guess and i don't know neutral i don't know if that's the best way to describe it um the little stuffed animals we've kind of acquired again over time since we started the nursery the elephant and the lion we actually got from ikea also the little um the little cub and then i'm not remembering where we got the little zebra turtle and the frog was actually something hayes had gotten me for valentine's day that actually worked out better in here so threw it in here all right next we have the wall right above his crib um these prints i actually got off of etsy they were just digital prints um printed out ourselves and then the frames i believe we got from michael's um and then the little playroom sign up above it that came from hobby lobby as well and then over here in this corner we have the rocking chair this i believe also came from pottery barn kids um i will have to double check the pillow um i actually stole from my dad's house uh just because it kind of flowed better in here so still kind of debating if i want to keep it there though because it is like slightly different than the rug and the ottoman um the ottoman i'm sorry the little poof i got from target i really really liked the pattern and like that it's actually really sturdy um that was one thing that i was concerned about with these was that they would like lose their shape but this one we've used quite a few times already just sitting in here and it's it's actually held up really nice so i wanted this to kind of be just like his little like reading corner where we can sit and like read to him so we put um some bookshelves up we actually made these bookshelves ourselves i don't want to like zoom in too close because they're not perfect by any means but yeah so we made these ourselves um went to home depot just got some wood glue painted them um and then put them up and they actually turned out really well so i'm not gonna lie these were not the easiest to put up and keep up um we thought just putting like some heavy duty command strips would do the job but we were wrong so many times because they would stay up for a little while and then we'd come in one day and they would be just all over the floor and it was just a mess so then we finally were like okay well we probably just need to anchor these into the wall either way so now they're up and they're working properly so that's nice um next we have this little cloud which hayes and i did ourselves i'm very proud of it it um it lights up and it does a bunch of different colors and basically we wanted it to be used kind of as like a second nightlight for him especially as he gets older um like i said it changes colors and it's like it's super cool and i'll plug it in and turn it on for you guys later at the end of the video but this is something i'm very very proud of and i actually filmed um us making it and it didn't turn out the greatest the video um so if you guys would like to see that let me know and i'll go ahead and post that one as well and then over here i have our diaper bags this one's mine that one's hazes um they're already basically like packed and ready to go for the most part i'm actually gonna end up taking my diaper bag with us to the hospital um with all of baby stuff in it just to make it a little easier and i'm also gonna do a video on what's in my hospital bag what's in his hospital bag and what's in hazes and all that so be on the lookout for that and then over in this corner we have the mamaroo um which is super cute and like make no makes makes noises um this probably will not end up staying in here i think we're gonna end up moving it to wherever we are the most um but as of right now it's here in this corner and then over here we have like a second little shelf slash um dresser this area is where we kind of wanted to incorporate something a little more fun and like boyish so we decided to go with a little um superhero theme and all of these i got from hobby lobby um the stuff up on the wall i also got from hobby lobby on the shelves themselves here i have his bath stuff this is the remote for the cr uh cloud lamp um yeah so i have all his bath stuff like his shampoo his lotions all of that his little um derma brush or whatever it is and i have a little like rubber ducky that tells you like when the water's too hot so i wanted to have a diaper cat or i guess it would be a shower caddy for him just to make things easier um when we do give him a bath so we're not having to run back and forth everything's already in one place so i got this off of amazon and then all of this other stuff came off of like our registry and then next shelf over both of these items i got from hobby lobby i love this little sign um again we're going with a certain vibe and a certain theme here so i liked the little um gold monkey tray ended up just putting some of his pacifier clips in here um may end up using it for something else but as of right now like i like how this looks and then here we have again another little gold animal little gold rhino um i got the clear containers from amazon um this one has all of his pacifiers in it and then down here another little gold animal um we have some books this sign also came from hobby lobby and then these two came from hobby lobby little gold monkeys um and then the little uh fake plant back there is from target in the drawers again we'll probably end up switching some of these up um as time goes on whatever makes more sense but in them but as for now this first drawer has um his mittens his beanies and then back here there's some of his little like booties and like stuff like that and then this drawer he has more than enough socks uh again one of these containers is in here um from ikea all of his newborn socks and then zero to whatever socks um this drawer we have all of his bibs and his burp cloths we actually have more burp cloths than this but i um put some baskets together um for other parts of the house so they're in those baskets um but again he has more than enough bibs so next all of his bath stuff or at least his towels his towels and um his washcloths everything's in here then in this drawer we have these are actually considered cloth diapers um but they're basically almost like swaddles like mini swaddles so that's probably i'm probably gonna end up using these as like burp cloths or like whatever um apparently they're like super absorbent and all that so these will be nice and then in this last drawer we have receiving blankets um i personally don't like the material of these so these will probably also end up being burp cloths or like you know like mess cleaners or whatever we need them for but yeah i don't really like these as like receiving blankets or swaddles or whatever so we have them and then next over here is his closet so all of the clothes in here are either um some of these are like zero to three months um but they're like outfits and they just wouldn't fit in the drawers so they're in here and then i have these cute little um dividers with the months on them uh i got those on amazon as well um yeah it just separates all of his clothes and outfits from six months up um all the way to 18 months up here we have some bins i also got these off of amazon right now they're kind of just being used for storage like all of uh the extra stuff that i'm not needing at this moment or um we just haven't yeah we just haven't gotten to it so here he has some toys um what else this little humidifier and stuff all the stuff that we don't need at this moment or within the first few months of him being born and then here are all of his diapers and wipes um this was the only place for them so yeah until i figure out a better organizing situation this is how it is and then moving on over here we have um his little laundry basket i got this from home goods um again i wanted something that made sense color wise um and was going to be easy to transport back and forth to the laundry room or whatever and it's super close to the changing area so when we're done just throw uh his clothes in here or whatever and then above that we have the little superhero wall so we actually got these little figurines um on our honeymoon and bali and they're just like little wood um dolls that hayes really loved and so he bought all of these while we were out there and i'm like asking him well what do you plan on doing with these dolls when we get home because there's really nowhere to put them ended up getting pregnant and now it worked out so now he has his cute little superhero wall um i absolutely love how this turned out again we made these these shelves ourselves um as you can see the little command strips back here but these ones stayed up on their own but i'm pretty sure we're gonna end up having to anchor these down once he's old enough and can reach them um but as for right now i think they're super cute i think this wall turned out really well and then the hero sign i also got from hobby lobby um i closed all the blinds because i'm gonna show you guys how the cloud lights up so this is the remote for it um i believe i also got this off of amazon um that goes with the lights that are inside of the cloud um so let me show you guys there we go so i'm gonna hit the on button and there it is so like i said it changes colors um to whatever you want and i just thought this was so cool and i actually got this idea off of pinterest um and then we youtubed it and figured out how to do it and i think it just came out amazing for us doing it ourselves and like i said this is my favorite piece in the the nursery um especially this whole little corner because now this is like his little reading corner um and again it also works as a nightlight for when he's in his crib um and just set it to whatever color you can also um dim it so let's bring it all the way down and then bring it back up and then also has like different settings on it um so this is now doing it on its own um that's one of the settings then here's another one i think this is probably my favorite and like i said if you guys want to see the video on how we did it or even like um a little snippet let me know and i'll go ahead and post that one it just was not the greatest quality um but i feel like you'll get the gist of how we did it all right so i think i have hit every single thing in this room except for one thing now that i'm looking directly at it um the area above the shelf that held all the little superhero signs on it um that wall also has some superhero stuff but it also contains his name so if in the video it seems like i was being really like awkward with the angle that is why um we just haven't announced his name yet and it's there so uh other than that i think i've showed you guys every single thing in this room um if there are any other moms out there that have any tips or tricks when it comes to like organizing other clothes or just tips in general for a first time mom go ahead and comment down below and let me know because i'm more than been open to hearing them um but other than that thank you guys so much for watching as always and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Alexis Avery
Views: 4,411
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: nursery tour, babyboy, pregnancy
Id: _GFzXCI1xtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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