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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back I know it's been a little while since I've posted here on YouTube but I'm very excited to be back today's video is gonna be the long-awaited nursery tour I know this has been highly requested pretty much ever since Ivan and I found out that we were pregnant so I am so excited that it's finally finished and I can finally show you guys like what it looks like so before me like jump into the tour I just want to say that I know we kind of went a little overboard we are first-time parents and we are very very excited to be having baby Milo and I don't know I'm just I'm we're so excited so yes I do know it's a little overboard and I just wanted to like warn you guys in advance but like what we don't use we will definitely be giving way to family members friends or donating or we might just save it because who knows if child number 2 will be coming soon don't get excited I'm just joking I don't even know but we definitely will make sure that the clothes that we don't use or that he grows out of goes to a very nice loving place and they are going to be very well loved also everything that you see in the nursery just about everything I will link down below because I'm pretty sure I know where we got the majority of like the things in his nursery so I will link it down below it's probably gonna be a very long list but yeah so I hope you guys enjoy this video and I am so excited to not only do makeup and art and lifestyle and clothing but to like bring mother hide it to my channel because I am a first-time mom guys I I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm very excited to like do this journey and it take you guys along with me so I hope you guys enjoy also leave me a comment down below and let me know if you want me to do like a woods in my hospital bag whats in Milo's hospital bag type video I would really love to get your opinion for all of you moms out there and someone like your advice just in case I'm like missing certain things or if I'm over packing so please let me know because I definitely want to hear from you guys I thought it would be very fun to um like I guess show you guys like the baby gear that we've gotten so far that we've bought and received as gifts and to like I got to show you guys everything and then like six months to a year from now to a video and say hey this is what we actually really loved and we didn't even use some of this stuff so let me know if you guys want me to do that too because I will be more than happy to do that but welcome back to my channel again and I'm so excited to be here it's it's about to be supposed to be lit on my channel I have so many ideas in mind as long as you guys want me to be here on YouTube I love you so thank you guys so much for all of your love and support and I hope you enjoy the tour all right so this is like I guess the entrance to my Lowe's room straight ahead is his dresser and then to the right of that is his rocking chair and then also on the right is his crib and his first closet and then on the left side is his changing table another pretty decent-sized closet and his bookshelf so as I said before on the right right here is his crib we wanted to put it here because we didn't want to put it by the window because it does get pretty hot here and I'll pass out especially in the summertime so we wanted his crib to be facing I guess the inside of the house so the first thing I'm going to show you guys is his name I love the way these letters turned out this is exactly the font style the size and the color and the material that we wanted Hays like name to be above his crib and I got this from this shop on Etsy and the girl was so so nice and very helpful and I will link her information and her shop in the description box below I'll go ahead and just link everything in his nursery below for you guys I believe the letters I think there are 10 inches or 11 inches tall though they're pretty big and right here this little guy is his baby monitor um we just wanted it to go over the crib we were gonna put it up on a shelf but we just decided to mount it to the wall we actually want a different one but this one it works good it just doesn't like show the whole crib I just got this little tubing right here I think from Walmart com just to cover the cord because I hate seeing cords I don't like them to just dangle so we just put that up and it just sticks to the wall with like some sticky tape it came with and it was just a couple bucks so below that obviously is his crib though for his room we wanted to be sort of like a neutral theme like grays and whites and just a hint of baby blue but for his crib it's mainly gray and white so we'd love his comforter so much it is from a brand called left X baby I think pretty sure that's what it's called but I didn't want his room to be too cartoonish but we did one house and elephants in it so when I found this I was like oh my god it's so perfect so yeah that is where his comforter is from and this is what it looks like on the other side and then on top we just have this shoulder blanket which we're going to be using and his stroller it is a Burberry blanket just a white blanket it's very soft and it's pretty it's like warm but it's kind of thin too so I think it'll be perfect in his stroller so his sheets the elephant watercolor sheets are from a store called carousel designs and we fell in love with these so these are around here right now he has a lot more sheets but these are just what we have on it right now so you probably are like what the heck is this pineapple raft looking boat thing in his bed and this is called a docket ah this is the deluxe the smallest size and what it does is it like it can cradle your baby um I know you can let them sleep in it I'm not sure if we're gonna let him sleep in this I just don't know if I feel comfortable with that but we do like it to have in living room so he can play and just lay there and be with us and then you can buy this actual little like rope theme separate and a little hanging toys so we decide it was cute for when we want to have him on the couch but for right now we just have it in his crib his crib bumper this white knotted crib bumper think that's like lining the entire inside of his crib is from a brand called mal de Mille oh my gosh I probably said that wrong but I will link it down below it is so cool we had a different bumper on there but it wasn't like staying right and it was super tall and I just I didn't like the way it looked with this crib so yeah we got this one his mobile right here is also from the same little collection that his comforter is from this little guy right here in the corner it is just a little elephant that I got from my baby shower in Cincinnati and next to that he's holding like a little knotted ball and that is also from that brand malla meal that makes um this bumper yeah this little giraffe guy is so cute we got it when we did his second 4d ultrasound and I even picked it out and it actually plays his heartbeat so to the left of his crib is closet number one and so at the top we have just some stuff that we just went I guess store away we don't want to death be just sitting out so we put it up here let me get in closer so I can show you guys what all we have up there up here we just have some shopping cart covers a portable highchair this is refill bags for his diaper little hamper and I'll show you guys later his Boppy pillow some extra hangers a little pillow to help us feed him a play mat another car cover our carts cover and this is like a buckle meet I'm not really sure what it does I got her to a baby shower but I think it just I'm not sure I really look it up if you guys know leave it in the comments below because I'm really confused and then in this corner is an extra diaper bag my BabyBjorn baby carrier and then Ivan's baby carrier under that in this closet are all of his 6 to 9 months plus I think up to 18 months in here I wanted to hang all of his shirts and onesies I don't know I just like having them on hangers I know some of them wore out fit so I did take pictures before I like took the shorts off the hangers that match the onesies so I know exactly what goes with what but I just like hanging it because I feel like it's rid of a lot of the clutter and folding and just gives us more room in his dresser drawer we went a little overboard he's our first baby my parents don't have any grandkids he's their first and they went crazy too so I know we have like an excessive amount of clothes I totally know that guys we were just so excited and so was our family so yeah we have so much I mean but I like I oh I just love these onesies like seriously look at this like a little Ralph Lauren polo shirt I just can't even deal so freaking cute but yeah so I got these little labels I think from Amazon so it's really nice that labels all the clothes I can see exactly what is what so underneath the onesies in this closet we have his little toy cubby which we love so much he who got this off of Wayfarers website and they're stackable which was awesome so they're like nailed into each other and then we anchored them to the wall so that it doesn't tip as well on top are some of his toys I think this is so cute their little like emotion eggs and they like teach him emotions my mom got it for him I just thought it was so cute so we set him up there and then right next to it is a Lego Star Wars character I even made it from like this little puzzle that he got next to it are some Spidey toys that Ivan also got for him and then behind that is just another toy and this bear is gonna teach him his ABCs and one two threes his first little cubby are some toys like some soft books and some soft little toys next to it are his mega building Lego blocks I think is what you call them this is two bags of them I believe you can get them at Walmart or Target they're pretty cheap and we just filled up the whole thing so below that we have his little tool toolbox that I even got him and then down here oh my god you guys have got to see this oh my aunt got this for him it's his first sports bag if it'll focus there we go yeah it has his name on it Milo and this side it has little like sports balls I was like oh my god I just thought it was the cutest thing ever so we just have it down here in his little toy cubby and then back there some puzzles like to teach him how to read in a long time and his little doctor kit bag and the fourth little cubby is a cute little Noah's Ark puzzle and then next to that this little shoe right here in so cute you guys it teaches him how to tie his shoes and my mom got that for him and I just thought that was the cutest thing ever I think it'll definitely come in handy and then another little like spinning a little caterpillar puzzle for him to play with too is what is in his first closet so the left of his closet are some shelves his rocking chair a little table with a white shelf on top the long white shelf I got from Etsy that picture that says the best is yet to come I think I got from at home I don't know if I'm gonna keep it there but I like it from right now next to that picture is a little white elephant and then I just have like a pacifier a wooden pacifier like clip on there and just like look cute and then next to that are some Hot Wheels that I even bought him but below that is this elephant plaque right here I got it from Pottery Barn Kids I actually wasn't too happy with it because on the website it's like a very light distressed gray wood and then it came and it's just this super dark painted wood and there's like it's not distressed at all but it's okay I'll just leave it I wish it look like how it did on the website but it's fine and then to the right of the little elephant cutouts are his shoe shelves I love them so much the top are like Nike Cortez Ivan has the same one so he wanted him to have matching ones and then right here are some little Gucci walking right there not even walking shoes just their Gucci shoes and then down here are some Giuseppe shoes and this was actually a gift from the CEO of beauty bakery so thank you so much cashmere we love them let me get up super close so you guys can see these shoes these are the Giuseppe's these are his little Gucci's oh my god I just love them and here are one of his pair of Cortese so right underneath the shelves are his rocking chair the ottoman and this cute little table that I got and then just a fake plant this fake plant is from Target I wanted to add some plants to the room because I like the desert theme but yeah so we wanted to get stuff that would match the rest of our house so this is kind of the theme of our house so yeah we wanted it to be easy for us when he goes older we could use you know this furniture out in the living room or wherever we wanted to put it throughout so right next to his rocking chair we have this little side table that I got from overstock it's just like a gold table and then it has like a glass top B lamp we got from Pottery Barn Kids Ivan actually picked that out then we have a picture of us right there from my maternity shoe which is my favorite picture of us that we've ever taken actually I believe the rocker is from overstock I like it because it's like swivels and it rocks back and forth and it's super super comfortable it's like a it feels like a suede I'm not sure but it's very soft and then the pillow I think I got from at home this I think I got off of Etsy it's kind of like his bumper his bumper his crib bumper so it kind of is like the same thing and then the blanket that's on the rocking chair is from Pottery Barn Kids and I believe it is the Monique Lhullier blanket this huge area rug that we got it pretty much covers the entire floor we wanted the floor to be very soft and comfortable and I believe I got it from rugs the ottoman I think I think I got it from Wayfarer I forget but I will link it down below it's a little bit of a lighter gray than his rocker I did not want them to be the same I wanted them to be a little different and this is like a different texture to it but I just thought it was so cute because it's tufted and I just like the look of that and so did I've in the little rug that it's sitting on the little faux fur rug is from Target maybe high liber high liberal ooh Libby has her own bed in here she loves being in her brother's room so we got her this little bed I think we actually got it from home goods and it was like 14 bucks and she likes a tea bitty tiny beds so she just like snails up in there and she loves it above his rocking chair and above his like changing table right here we have these two windows which is nice that lets in a lot of like natural lights that little guy is his baby monitor and we just have the cord cover right there to above his dresser are these cute little elephant I guess paintings I think they're painted they kind of look like watercolors it came in a set from Etsy and then we just ordered Frank and Target and put them in there underneath the little elephant Rawlings is his dresser that we got from I think we love overset guys if you haven't noticed they have so many great things on there and then this dresser we really liked because it has the handles on it the silver handles but it's like a glossy and when he's older I think he'll be able to use it too so that's why we got this specific dresser on top of his dresser we have a picture of my stomach I think I was like 24 weeks pregnant there this iBaby air it plays music and like has cool colors and stuff like that that was a gift for my aunt from my baby shower yeah this acrylic lamp we got from home goods we also got this little green plant like this fake grass from home goods to be welcome to my crib sign was Ivan's idea we ordered the print off Etsy I think it was like three dollars and then just got a gold frame from Target and put it right there so then right next to the welcome to my crib little picture is this gold pineapple that we got from home goods or I'm sorry at home I think we got that from at home the next of the pineapple is a little candle that we will never light we just thought it'd look nice next to the candle is the serenity star the reason why we got this is because mainly because it had a clock on it and you can like put the x in of like his feeding like so his feeding times so we can like know who fed him last and what time and everything like that and then it also lights up white red or blue white when the temperature is good red when the temperature is too hot and then when it's too cold it'll turn blue let me just have his cute little aviators from Carter's right there that is everything that is on top of his dresser so let's get into his drawers so I'll start on the left side of his dresser so in the top drawer are all of his socks on this side it's like neutrals and no none of them have been washed like I said before I'm not gonna wash them until it's a little bit closer to him being born since I am 33 weeks it'll probably be in the next few weeks that all of his stuff gets washed like I said this is all like his neutral colored socks so on the right are like bright colored socks and his Rudolph slippers been in this little drawer I guess not sure this little like cubby compartment because all of his makes his little hand mints I got all of these white organizers from Ikea and then you'll see some great organizers as well and those are from Amazon and I'll make sure I link those below because they were not that expensive and they fit perfectly in these drawers moving on to the next drawer so these are all of his burp cloths like I said before guys I know we went a little overboard but he's our first baby and we got really excited so yeah these are his burp cloths on this side then these are some of his bibs right here there are a lot of them these are his Burberry bibs we just thought they were super cute and he's actually gonna wear this home from the hospital and if you guys want me to do like a what's in my hospital bag whats in my loans hospital bag let me know I would love to do a video for you guys on that and then I would love to get your advice like for all you moms out there if I'm over packing what I'm forgetting and stuff like that so leave me a comment below and let me know if you want me to do that too but I heard that these triangle bandana bibs are like really good and I heard they come in handy so we've got a ton of those my baby shower and Cincinnati I'm telling you we got so much stuff it was amazing and then these are more bibs - these are like a lot of the colorful ones and then my stepdad got him this Superman babe which I thought was super cute and it's silicone so it's probably gonna be really easy to clean tons of bibs which is gonna be nice - all right so on this bottom drawer we have his blankets the ones on the left were like handmade by family members so they're very special to us and then this one and then there's a few more like softer ones there and then three extra one so he has tons and tons of warm in like fuzzy blankets so on the right side of his dresser in his top drawer or all of his shorts and I have them labeled like 0 to 3 3 to 6 up to 9 to 12 and then as he gets bigger I can just take these labels off and then we label them with the bigger sizes but yeah here are his shorts guys just oh I just died everything is so tiny I just I can't like seriously oh my god and then these are my favorite favorite favorite pair little sharks I love it this drawer are all of those pants and they're labeled at the exact same way as in short some 0 3 3 2 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 so adorable these are my favorite the army uniform these are actually the old army uniform actually wore this pattern like the ACU's when I was in the army but now they're different we actually have the matching hat and like this shirt that goes with it and I just can't wait till Ivan takes a picture with him and wearing his uniform in him wearing this it's gonna be adorable a last drawer in the bottom drawer and his dresser are some like extra sheets that we have for his crib his pack and play sheets his dacha taught extra cover it's like a spare cover and then his changing table spare little sheet that goes on there so that is all that is in his dresser on the left side of the room so this is the left side of his dresser is his changing table area so this shelf is from the same sort on Etsy that we got the shelf that's above his rocking chair then here's a little message board I think I got that from Target and will probably use that for like his milestone stuff like that and then this little ABC a b2 jay-z book teaches him his ABCs and we just thought it was really funny it's actually hilarious and we'll probably end up putting more stuff up there but for right now that's just what we have and then below that shelf is this golden like way to cut out elephant I got from xe2 this sign we fell in love with this is like the exact saying that we wanted for his room to go like above his changing table and this is so pretty let me zoom in for you guys it's so nice it's like a light gray distressed wood got that from Etsy as well pretty much like a lot of the decorations and here are from Etsy you can find so many cool unique thing there and these triangle wooden shelves are from Etsy - this is from Etsy um the girl that makes these make so many cute little crochet animals and I just like that little gray elephant and then I think I got that plant from Target or home goods I just want to show you really quick his diaper pail it's the munchkin diaper pail and the reason why we got it is because it had the best reviews and supposedly it's the best like to control odor so we just got that one and it's nice because it has like refill bags that smell good and then it has like little Armand Hammer pucks that are scented that likes mocha - so it's like supposed to be the best so I will let you guys know after using it for a while how we like it below the wall decor I just showed you guys is his changing table we got the actual changing table itself it's the brand baby Leto and I think we got it overstock - and then his changing pad we got from I think Babies R Us and this personalized changing table sheet cover its from carousel designs have these awesome like extra little storage compartments right here I don't really know what to put in them because I have everything pretty much put away this is a little personalized blanket this is my Lou Reese on it and back here we got lingerie bags to put his socks and so when we wash them we don't lose them because I heard you lose baby socks very easily and then this right here is just my mini diaper bag that I got from half brand I just thought it was cute because it's just small so I need to make a quick errand and I don't want to carry because big diaper bag that I have or my little handbag purse I thought this was cool just to take with us to like attached to his stroller the first drawer of his changing table we have all of his diapers these are all size one we do have newborn sizes as well but we're pretty sure he's gonna be a big baby so we just put all size one in there I have a like diaper cart right over here which I'll show you but we just thought it would be easier to just stuff this drawer full so we can just open it and pull it on as we go and we thought it would be easier to like restock them so that's why all of his diapers are in here I'm the second drawer of his changing table are all of his sleepers I'm gonna have it labeled from 0 to 6 and then 6 to 12 months so we can stay organized the feet are sharks like do you see that little monkeys little giraffes oh they're so so cute and last but not least are his swaddles we have all of his swaddles right here in this drawer and that's why I like hanging up all of his like onesies t-shirts and jackets because it gives us so much more drawer space so we can just lay these in there wrote up flat and very organized the right of the drawers on his changing table is this little cabinet right here and it has a shelf in here which is nice we have all of his bath stuff in here like when I say bath stuff I mean all this washcloths his extra shampoos and baby wash and then on the bottom shelf we have his towels I was like ok we have this really beautiful changing pad with this cute cover on it how are we gonna keep it clean and then I saw I forget where I saw these but I also want to talk about these waterproof liners so you just put these on top of the changing pad because accidents they're waterproof so I'll let you guys know if these work and if they're worth it and on the Shelf below that we have all of his bath towels I just folded them up flat and put them in here I especially love this towel oh we got it personalized from Pottery Barn Kids and it is so so soft too right next to his changing table we put this little diaper cart it's actually a utility cart for my Kia and I got it off Amazon I decided to be nice to have this here so we can keep everything you know that we need in the drawers and cabinets and then just keep all of his neck diapers stuff right there so let me show you what we have on it all right so on the first shelf the top shelf we have stuff that I think that Ivan and I will reach for the most often so we put it on the top shelf but it might change once we are parents we use more but this is just what we have for now this is a wipe warmer which I heard comes in handy and I mean what little baby ones a cold away by his butt so we have a wipe warmer right there this little drawer right next to my it's just some butt paste we just have a huge bottle of hand sanitizer right here just so you can always have clean hands and I have another one of these IKEA little organizing a compartment thingy and we have the baby bum spoon we actually have several of these we have one here one in the living room and his changing little thing out there and then we actually found these in the minis so for our diaper bags we're gonna have these for his Butt Paste chew some aqua for healing ointment baby powder and some Aveeno baby lotion fact is the top shelf so moving on to the second shelf we have I think about six packs of water wipes and then these honest wipes from the honest company and they're like for our diaper bags it's just like ten wipes each so we can just like keep refilling our diaper bags instead of having to carry these huge packs of wipes because I just don't want my day where bag to be too heavy you know and on the right right here is just this little glass container I got from Walmart just to put some of these binky's in we have half of his pinkies in here and then the other half of his pinkies in the same type of glass jar in our kitchen so in this marble container right here our baby q-tips and I believe I got this little marble container from Walmart and then in this little container that I got from Ikea it's the same set that was in his I can show you so in here we just have stuff I'm pretty sure we're gonna be reaching for pretty often I'm sure it's gonna change once you know I am a mom and I know like what he needs what we need to use the most often but this is what we have for now we have the Nosefrida I'm honestly I'm not sure how I feel about it I'm like ah I don't know but I'm gonna give it a try so many of my friends and family have recommended the Nosefrida so we're definitely gonna give it a try and see so we definitely don't want to clip I don't know I'm too nervous I've been so nervous so we're going to file them and see how that goes so we just got the little new freedom files some boogie mist weights little brush brushes hair so here is a forehead thermometer and here we have grape water I honestly had no idea what this was my best friend Erica actually gave this to me at my baby shower it was a part of my gift and she said that this is like the best thing ever so I'm very excited to try it if we need it um but yeah I've heard so many great things about this so if you guys have used this let me know leave me a comment down below and let me know how you like the gripe water and down here on the bottom shelf are all of his receiving blankets we'll just put them all there because they just had to be easier for us to grab and I'm pretty sure we got all of these from Target moving on to closet number two so up here on this top shelf we just have boxes and boxes and boxes of diapers some besides newborn into four we really sucked up so yeah below all of his diapers are the rest of his clothes like his onesies and jackets and tops and it goes from newborn up to six months and like I said guys I know he has a lot of clothes and I know some of you're gonna say he will not use all of them I know that we were just very very very excited this has been such a blessing for us to be able to have him and definitely the clothes we don't use will be giving you know some family members or even keeping them in case we do have a second child or I'm donating them so just can't even get over it some of these clothes you guys like seriously look this has avocados on it oh I just love baby clothes so cute in this closet we also have the label organizers that we got from Amazon so it makes it very easy and keeps it very organized right below all this clothes you'll notice this little elephant right here it's a good nightlight and I just thought it was cute to hang right there and then below that we actually have this cube shelf that we got from Target I'll show you guys like everything in just a minute but these are the rest of his shoes right here I haven't had a lot of fun picking out little shoes it's so cute because they have a lot of matching shoes so I'm like oh so adorable for like dad and son pictures right and a little closer on someone cashews do so cute face like seriously I died of course I had to get him there oh she's too much chuck's Medina's some Gymboree you know he is going to be when I showed you guys a little sneak peek of his nursery tour on Instagram some of you guys were like what is that like doll standing in his closet and it is a life-size baby Groot from guardians of the galaxy or something I even bought it for him brought it home and I was like oh my god so we just keep him right there it's super cute and it's actually really cool actually really like it maybe he doesn't like it very much so she stays away from him but I thought I was gonna be really cool for him where when he's a little older - so have like a little buddy I just have one of my diaper bags right here hanging on the door this is from hat brand I actually talked about this on my Instagram a few times the little miniature one that I just showed you guys before is the same like the little miniature blush one the same brand this is the backpack and it's very spacious so a thumbs up this video if you guys want me to do a like oh what's in my diaper bag video cuz I love on the other door hanging right here just for now it is Milo's hospital bag um I have to fill it up still so if you guys have any suggestions or like stuff that I should really have with me at the hospital please let me know because I kind of kind of have an idea but I feel like I don't want to forget anything so please let me know give me any suggestions down below I got that from Cal pack come I guess I said before a little like cube shelf that his shoes are on we got from Target and the little baskets we got from Target too and we just have some extra storage which is super nice so I'm gonna show you guys what we have in there so here we are in the top left drawer we have some little teething toys back here is like his little travel can't here is one of his webinars so cute then back there and the very back is some like extra weights so in the middle drawer on the top we have some more extra things I don't know why these little sandals are in here I think we threw them in the wrong one but we just have extra hair brushes some more q-tips the Nosefrida refills so the last top drawer are all of his hats all of his other little hats to some some hats fedoras yeah so that's all that is and in this bottom left-hand drawer we have his milestone stickers his little baby footprints and handprints and then an extra piggy bank the bottle middle drawer we have some of these little toys um like those soft plush toys we have in here and then we have a bunch of these little blankets and some physical stroller toys as well so these are just extra toys for his stroller in the bottom right drawer we have another one of those little message boards right here it's like a hexagon and then we just have like the extra letters that go with it and the box to his little camera which I'll show you guys right now just so we know how to use it so that is all for these drawers so to the left of his second closet we have this glass bookshelf which I know for right now it's gonna be fine but once he's a toddler we'll switch it out and put this in the living room and put something a lot safer in here but for right now this is what we really like so on the top shelf of his little bookcase we have this round mirror which I think I got from overstock and right here is like a metal balloon dog that I got off Amazon this gold little palm tree we could just thought it would look cute in here so we put that right here I think I got this from home goods or at home one of those and then we got this cute little picture that says but first milk which I got from Etsy and I believe it got the frame from Target right next to that alright my favorite little wooden animals guys I was trying to find this designer and this brand for so long and I finally found them on house comm and they are made by a designer called Lucy costs I believe but I will definitely link it down below for you guys though aren't they like the cutest things ever moving on to the second shelf we have this picture of Milo from his second ultrasound it's our favorite one of him so we put that there we have some of his books right here and then this book and we got from West Elm and this mirrored em we got from at home I believe we got this fake aloe plant from target target not target home goods that is everything on the second shelf hello third shelf so the first name on the left is his little Fuji film Polaroid camera we thought it would be fun like when he gets older until we take him to the zoo like so he has his own camera and you know so to the right of his little camera we have these real roses actually last a year the from Isadora Lafleur the next to the roses we have this little elephant like I guess figurine if we got this from Target next to the elephant we have little liberal ooh we were just like okay we have to have a picture of his sister and his nursery so we put that there and put this picture in this picture frame that we got from HomeGoods it's like an acrylic picture frame and it's magnetic so just it was cool on the Shelf below that we have this little cactus we got from Target this beautiful elephant piggy bank that we got as a gift from my aunt it's from Tiffany and company and it's just perfect I love it so much that's right there for now until you can start grabbing things and then I'm pretty sure we'll put it like up higher and then to the right of the elephant piggy bank or some more of his books right here and again we got this bookend from West Elm and on the bottom shelf we have this glass like little box right here that I got from Target I don't know what we're gonna put in it yet I just thought it was neat yeah Ivan actually found this little like dinosaur like skull head from at home and so we put that there that's what I love about his nursery is that Ivan and I decorated it together that's what was really cool about it is we made it so unique to us into Milo so yeah I thought it was so cool that he wanted to be so involved in like you know the decorating process he's such a good husband I love him so much and then next to the little dinosaur head or his little like wooden stock rings I got these from Pottery Barn Kids the reason why I got these exact silver and gold ones is because when you bought these I think they donated % yeah 20% of the cost of the product to st. jude's I was like ok we're definitely getting these because I want to donate to st. Jude such an amazing Hospital and that is everything on his bookshelf to the left of his bookshop it is the door to his room and we have his little bathrobe it's so sweet it's a little shark bathroom it even has the teeth in the shark thing this was a gift from my baby shower and it actually has his name on it and then on that handle of the door is Ivan's diaper backpack and then behind that is this little diaper storage thing which we actually have numerous in here that we got from baby shower so we have those and here just for now all right so that is the end of Milo's nursery tour what did you guys think am I missing anything anything important that we made let me know leave me a comment down below and again thank you guys for your constant love and support it never ever goes unnoticed and thank you so much for watching and don't forget to Like and subscribe if you like the video and I will see you guys in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: Ashley Rosales
Views: 188,147
Rating: 4.786531 out of 5
Keywords: baby, nursery, nursery tour, boy nursery, baby boy, motherhood, new mom, mom, desinger, mua ashley, muaashley, ashley, ashley rosales, youtuber, neutral nursery, gender neutral nursery, makeup, beauty, kylie jenner, kylie cosmetics, lip swatch, first time mom, hospital bag, stroller
Id: HJcTdj8AI9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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