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[Music] hi guys so welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name's destiny my husband's behind the camera recording davario and today we're showing you guys our soon-to-be son's nursery tour so excited we've been working on this room mario's been like the handyman behind everything so we're so excited i've been waiting to show you guys for a long time i've been trying to like keep it under wraps but we are ready his door is right here and let's go i should also mention i am 34 weeks and three days today you can tell four days i think i think it's four days yeah so you about to be 35 weeks we're close to 35 weeks we're due january 12th and yeah so exciting so yeah let's go in and check out his room reveal you can talk i don't know what you're going to say go ahead open the door all right let's go all right and here is our baby's nursery this is it i'm gonna put in some shots here so you guys can really see all the details but i'm gonna show you guys what's in here where we got everything from um it's kind of like just was like a work in progress so yeah so we want to start i think we'll start at the at this area okay all right so the first part that i want to show you guys is this side of the wall this is his changing table area so we opted for a dresser changing table style station so that he could grow with this this is a really nice piece of furniture we actually got this from wayfair yep and the the knobs we got from amazon just to match with his crib i think it came with black knobs right and we just switched them out yeah yeah so um we got those really inexpensive to change out your knobs um highly recommend for any dresser that you have to change up the knobs just to make it more suitable for your space so we got this in black um sometimes it's hard to find a black dresser so i'll link the one that we found below everything will be linked so i wanted to tell you guys that everything that i mentioned that i can link i will link so then we have this plant here and what really wanted a faux plant in his room that i don't have to worry about like watering or whatever um i got that from ross really cheap um then we have his changing table here so this came from the changing tables from target and we have various covers for it we got a lot through our baby shower registry so shout out to those folks but this um one that's on here it's from amazon and i love it it just goes with the room so well so we actually bolted this to the back of the dresser so it's very nice and secure great for baby we also have the mirror i had to have the circle mirror in the room because it's just nice nice aesthetic and this came from tj maxx um then we move over here to his little station with like his diapers changing station all that good stuff so we have miscellaneous things in here like diapers we have some wipes that are ready to go for his warmer right here uh these are just some antibacterial wipes to wipe up any messes we've got like some uh diaper rash in here um that's your own company diaper rash does it say destiny no i'm playing now and i've got like a baby monitor in here this stuff will of course change when he comes so i mesh up match up the contents of his little diaper caddy thing will change as we figure out what we need in here but i definitely wanted something easy that i can just pull out while he's on the changing table and easily excess so this little thing came from home goods and i love the bottom like wood part i think it goes with the room really well um and then he's got like newborn diapers in here look at how little these are so he's got little newborn diapers and um size one diapers i'm not sure how big he'll be when he gets here so just have some variations so that's that we also have the white warmer here i saw that babies are i know that babies don't really like cold wipes on their bums so we got that from my awesome co-worker she got that for us and then i'm also just using this um we repurposed the lamp from our office yeah we repurposed this lamp it was a desk lamp in our office actually yes and i just wanted more light here for when at night time you know don't want to turn the big light on and um this is from ross uh originally i'm out of breath okay so now moving over to our little corner here this is the corner um love this corner so the chair is from wayfair it's the swivel chair i will link it below of course have a seat um a lot of people get this chair and i got it in the oatmeal color because i thought that it went well with the wood i also have the nice ottoman which is from i found it at ross yeah from ross really good price ottoman and it goes well with the room so we love that and then this is my favorite part of the room i set this whole little thing up uh so i bought him a lot of little knit shoes um and i'll link it it's a company called the itsy bitsy i believe on instagram but i will link them they have a lot of cool little knits so we have like his little floating shelves and his little sneaker collection and then his room aesthetic is like a lot of like animals so it's a lot of elephants and giraffes and everything all over the room so i just want to give you a close-up so we have band jordan one knits i actually bought him some actual scottie pippens like uh so those are gonna be like a little hard bottom so he'll be running around in those hopefully then we have royal blue niche and then i actually got him some yeezy zebra knits as well uh dad has a crazy sneaker collection so i had to make sure my son was out the way so i have a lot more sneakers coming that's like my favorite thing to buy for him currently uh so yeah those shelves came from amazon will be linked and then we also reuse this ikea frame here and just put an etsy picture print in there um just to add to you know his room i love the black frame the colors in this room are like wood blacks greens really natural i wanted this room to feel very light and airy this chair has been awesome we'll just come sit in here and chill relax and we also repurposed this area road too this was uh in our office originally from ross um but we repurpose it and it goes well with the room all right so now let's move over to this corner all right so now we're going to go to this corner of the room um i just want to touch on the curtains our rods are actually from walmart we just got black rods to go at the room so our curtains are actually from amazon and we just went with like an oatmeal kind of color to go with the woods in the room they're also blackout curtains so um really wanted to use that in them too um so now we're gonna move over to this little corner so you guys saw this frame if you guys are vlog people but we actually got this from marshalls in new york yes yep and it just shows like a map of the world with like little cute creatures on it we thought it was really cute he'll be able to see that when he gets older and dad used to be a history and government teacher for years uh and now dad is an administrator in education and i always love maps like maps are like one of my favorite things so i just can't wait to like teach him like all the little animals and stuff that came from you know the different continents in different countries so i just think it's really cute and it kind of goes with the aesthetic of his room uh so i'm just gonna you know teach him a lot of random facts okay so we got that for his room we think it just adds some color and then we also got this little rocker from my parents i can't wait for him to be able to get on this so cute it's so soft and i love the wood on the bottom and the handles just goes with the room really well okay so i turned the light on just so you guys can see this corner better because of the windows but we got this lamp from target we really like it because it has different levels that we can you know put different things on like little shelves so you can change that as he grows right now we've got his little 5d photo here and then a little giraffe you know just something to fill up the space sneak peek sneak peek all right so now um behind here right now i just have his hatch uh sleep sound machine this will probably definitely be moved to our room because he's gonna be sleeping in there um but literally love this thing so far it's like gives off like um white noises and different things like that so really love that um my sister got that for us so shout out to her next i want to show you guys um right next to here we have a little basket with um swaddles burp cloths receiving blankets i've already washed these and just rolled them away so you can easily just pick those out um the basket is from ross and i like the wicker kind of look because it goes with the room really really well so that's nice and then we're going to move to the crib wall so our beautiful crib you guys saw this crib it's the baby letto crib um we got this from target but baby leto sells this um in many different stores um my mother-in-law actually got this for us so shout out to her really awesome we love it it was super easy to put together it didn't really take a long time to put the crib together i think i did it in maybe about an hour and a half two hours and i was drinking japanese whiskey the whole time so it couldn't have been that impossible because it was pretty straightforward so yeah so we love it it's black and wood it was definitely like the statement of our room and what like you know brought us to where we are now so we love this it does um transform into a toddler bed so you can use this in up until about four years old which is really nice so i have a little blanket that i got from my friends kara and caleb they got this for us so soft and then my mom got us this little elephant i just have it in here for now of course we know nothing goes in the bed when baby's in here but he won't be sleeping here for a while why does she think that he's probably going to want to lay in this room he's not going to want to you'll learn okay then um over top we have his prints so we wanted to do something very minimal um the frames are from michaels the prints are from etsy and we printed them at the fedex print shop so it was a pretty smooth process baby's moving right now um so we just did two a lot of people do three or whatever but we just want to do two photos and they're just like little baby giraffes and lines we also have his name plate going above and tiger so his name plate is going to go above here but we're not going to disclose his name until he's actually in the world but it's on the way we got it from etsy so yeah and then over here we have our um video surveillance camera and um we got the vava camera i'll link it below um my sister got it for us and it's really good so far we have we haven't like actually affixed it to the wall yet because he's not gonna be in here like i'm sleeping so um but yeah that's here and ready to go when we need to use it so then over here we've got his little hamper i got that from home goods from like ten dollars i love that it's nice and furry goes with the room very neutral and over here we've got the little wood hanger system thingy really cheap off of amazon um and i just hung up a few little items that i thought just where neutrals go with the room this little robe i got from a co-worker and then we picked up this um in baltimore this past weekend so it was a little fuzzy thingy super cute and um that can change you know as he grows with what we hang off of here so really like this little space so then our last wall in the room is his bookshelves so the bookshelves are from amazon and we have loaded them with books of just books we've received from friends um books that we've picked up from the store uh he's got lots of different options we've even got some more in his closet that don't fit right here um i love that we left some space open so we can add another bookshelf as he grows up but um he's got a lot of different options he can't wait to read to him and yeah we love this little corner and we also got this photo from home goods which just ties in like the little animal theme that we have going on we honestly did not start this room with a theme at all i just wanted it to be kind of like airy that's kind of what i was going for airy and modern and it just happens that everything was like animals so the last thing that we added in this room is above and it's actually this light fixture this room did not have a light fixture in it before but we wanted to add something that tied everything together this one is from amazon very inexpensive is about thirty dollars and all you have to do is buy the light bulbs so you get those from like home goods or you know home depot or lowe's and um we love it i think it just adds to the modern look of the room and very easy to install definitely if you have like a black light fixture change that up and it'll expand the room make it look so much better so a quick peek of his closet uh the issue here is that he and i are sharing the closet so i have like tons of shoes in here but the top of it is his so i have to figure out a place for my shoes mom told me i have to leave and my shoes are going to be out of here but we got a lot a lot of stuff so thank you to everyone who has gifted us things purchased things pampers i mean he can poop all day if you like so she said he will so yeah he has a lot of clothes uh so we're doing really good so far but yeah i just want to give you a quick peek of the closet uh the stroller and everything is in there yeah so we have to do a little more organizing of this because this is like chaotic it's really not it's chaotic he just has a lot of things so this is our baby's nursery we're so excited it is a boy and he's gonna be in a very neutral like room i think it feels so airy in here feels very calming you know you want your baby to feel calm in their nursery and we already love it so much we come in here and sit down like i mentioned and just relax really in here go have a seat in the chair mom show them how to show them how it's done i'll be sitting in this chair a lot put your feet up and metro loves to hop up there go ahead michael metro loves to eat on this that chair is super comfortable though so we're gonna be like this really cozy i'm gonna be breastfeeding and doing all kinds of things um oh one thing i wanted to also show you guys scooch excuse me okay guys so for his drawers i did want to mention we did get some uh dress dresser organizers so he's got um you know socks hats onesies i haven't you know officially finished doing this part because i know this will change when he comes here um exactly like what i need to have on hand and quicker closer to me but he's got lots of things in these drawers already so they're deeming to be very useful he's got like a drawer with wipes and pampers and this one has like electronics so very nice functional it'll change as we learn what we need to have on hand but all right guys so that was our tour of our baby boy's nursery he'll be here soon five weeks or less drop a comment below and let us know what date do you think so he's due january 12th so let us know what day you think he's coming i'm going to start i think he's going to come on january 9th that's been my date from the jump i've always said that but let us know what day you think he's going to come i think january 7th i think the 9th so hopefully as long as it's not december his birthday is december 30th yeah my birthday is december 30th and in my family we are notorious for parents and their children having the same birthday so i think that i wouldn't be surprised if he ends up coming on december 30th but he will be sharing a birthday in good company it's me him lebron james tiger woods i mean it's a great day me lebron and tiger we always get together on our birthdays and you know just hang out and drink a few so it's a good time all right guys so i hope you guys enjoyed our baby boys nursery tour we're so excited we love how it came out shout out to my husband for putting everything together and up on the walls um he did a really good job so we're so excited and i hope you guys enjoyed it um please let me know if you have any questions about what's in our nursery if i didn't go over something or if you needed a link for whatever i forget just let me know but comment subscribe and like this video if you enjoyed it and thanks so much for [Music] watching [Music] you
Channel: Destiny Breana
Views: 19,689
Rating: 4.9320755 out of 5
Keywords: nursery tour, birth vlog, pregnant, house tour, baby haul, nursery organization, casey holmes, itsbl0ndie, family vlogs, day in the life, lifestyle vlogs, pregnancy journey, pregnancy, first pregnancy, family vlogging, military couple, new house vlogs, new home, moving vlogs, moving, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, third trimester pregnancy, dogs, baby boy nursery, nursery tour 2019, 39 weeks pregnant, pregnancy 2020, nursery 2020
Id: bpJ25dczAiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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