B-Hop Like a Pro - Bunny Hopping 101 & Customs Jump/Parkour Guide - Escape From Tarkov

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even watched your favorite streamer jump across the road like a kangaroo on steroids and you're sitting there what the hell is he doing and how does he jump like that today I'm gonna be teaching you guys how to bunnyhop or B hop and how to bunnyhop more reliably by the end of this guide you should be able to do it pretty much every single time without fail and at the same time we're going to be learning some really sweet spots across customs to stick around and hopefully this guide teaches you something the first thing that you're gonna need is obviously a pistol you can see here I've got a TT but it doesn't matter what pistol you use your character naturally runs faster when you have a pistol and it allows you to move around quicker at the same time if you don't have a pistol you can do all of these jumps shown here today with a melee weapon obviously it doesn't have to be the red rebel either my current skills in the game are level one strength at the same time obviously the higher endurance the longer you can bunnyhop or if you're doing consecutive jump after jump obviously strength reduces the amount of stamina drained per jump when you start to get the higher level but all the jumps here today can be done by someone with a fresh account so we're gonna learn how to be hop and the first thing you're gonna need to do is you're gonna need to make sure your fingers are on the W key the shift key the spacebar and also the free-look key now for me this is bound to middle-mouse so you're gonna press the scroll wheel down and allows you to free look and it's all based around the order in which you press them now you don't have to use free look but what free look does it actually gives you a larger window to allow your B hops to happen more easily so all you're gonna do is come into an offline raid I'd recommend bringing one of these blue stems because they give you a larger amount of stamina and also better stamina recovery and you also can use some of these hot rods which give you you know an extra endurance and strength for about 300 seconds so it's really good for getting your practice in doing me go ahead drink your hot rod and take your bluestem and let's learn how to be hot the first thing is it's all about the order in which you press W shift and then spacebar now the free look actually what it does is opens up the window to allow the timing of the spacebar to be you know a little bit more lenient so an example is I can actually do a bhop with actually needing to use frielobe and it's all just about the timing in which you press the three so I start off with W and as W is getting held I'm going to listen for about two steps and then I'm gonna press shift and then spacebar so ready so what do you do if you want to hit them more regularly one after the other well the truth is it's quite actually easy as well what you're gonna need to do is you're gonna need to keep W held down keep shift held down free look and then press spacebar spacebar the spacebar is the timing in which you need to hit these B hops has to be perfect every time but your fingers never leave the W and shift key to what you want to be doing is soon as you hit the ground you're gonna be listening for two steps and as soon as that happens is when the next space bar gets pressed on to it again so to be hop is to cover a distance in a shorter amount of time at the cost of more stamina so b hops actually make you a harder target to hit so an example would be if I was actually crossing this street along here and I knew there was people down here and I didn't want to get shot but I wanted to reposition then obviously I would be hop across the way to make it harder for them to shoot me another great way to use bunny hopping is the leap past doors strategically to try and get information of where the enemy may be peeking from this is a really good trick to get them to bait shots and also find their location as we look at the difference between bunny hopping and running you're gonna notice that I'm actually gaining a little bit of distance here on the running but this is without the bluestem it's obviously with low strength and low endurance running is always going to be more viable over when we take the bluestem some of these things change does we take bluestem we're actually gonna gain a larger amount of stamina and also stamina recovery and you're gonna see that the jumping becomes a little bit more viable and we're be hopping here so you can see why it's so good to practice with but at the same time we actually run out of stamina just before the car once again so let's get into the parkour when we starting out here at trailer park you're gonna notice it by this orange fuel tanker here and we're gonna access the roof by jumping on this bin now there are a few ways to access the roof of storage would give you a few good PvP angles but you can actually jump on this blue car here and also access the roof once again there are a few different areas like including this other blue bin that you can access the roof from but be wary because it is metal so when you're up here a lot of the time you're gonna be making a lot of noise and you're not gonna actually have a lot of cover either so if you get caught out here you're probably gonna get killed and once again inside big red there's another way that you can access and look over the top of storage and also to get some really good lines of sight out towards the bin jump over so if you climb up here you can actually get some really good lines of sight to the left along with tops and also to the right to get down you just walk down the same way you walked up over it bin jump over we're gonna jump over the bin and then onto the wall here and then we're gonna run along the top of the wall towards the blue detachable once you jump over the open gate we're actually going to line ourselves up with the edge of the roof and then jump onto the roof you can actually go prone here and get some really nice angles out throughout the train yard but on top of these crates here are pretty exposed as well so we're gonna jump over the wall and we're just going to show you guys that you can actually access different sides of the wall without having to go through the hole in the wall so if you are jumping over these walls you can throw people off especially in PvP a lot of people don't expect it once again you can jump on top of the train in train yard and you can actually get some really sweet angles out towards the world from the tarkov truck and also all the way on the far right and left towards main bridge depending on where you peak from so we're gonna get down from the Train I'm gonna head towards one of the more notable areas of customs and this is gonna be gap or slip now slid allows you to get to the other side of the wall but unfortunately you have to walk over metal barrels to get there so there are a few ways that you can get around doing this especially in PvP if you want to throw off the enemy if you run up this concrete wall here and just boost along the rubble you can actually get over to the other side of the wall now once you're over here you can obviously pull an angle on your enemy during a fight and confuse them but at the same time if you want to get back across there's a pile of barrels here and if you line up with the metal rod that sticks out or the barrel here line yourself up and try and aim for the wall if you get a good boost jump you can actually land on the wall and get across to the other side if you want to access back over the other side again you can jump on top of this concrete here goes to the very end and then boost across the wall once again now we're here at main bridge and we're actually going to get up on top of one of these guard shacks to do this you're gonna need level three strength especially if you're wearing gear we're gonna jump sideways so you can line yourself up with the very edge of the roof here and then jump sideways you can get some really sweet cover and also angles all across the middle area on construction but on the other side of main bridge once again on this concrete divider wall you can actually get up on top here and once you're on top you can actually get some really nice lines of sight into construction especially on top of the main pylons once you're inside construction you can actually boost through the hole in the wall if you crouch midair and aim for the right-hand side you can get inside here and pull an angle on someone and surprise them this is going to be ninja jump over which is also in construction you can jump off the left-hand side here but you can also jump off the right and if you jump off the right-hand side you don't actually hit barbed wire so you don't hurt yourself or make as much noise if we head back to the ninja jump over however and head to the right jumping off this piece of concrete to the very edge of the blue crate and then bunny hopping to the edge of a frame here we can actually get on top of the fuel tankers now once you're on top of the fuel tankers you can get some really sweet lines of sight all the way out to Hill one all the way through gas station there's some really really nice spots as well we can jump across for the next one careful though when you're up here you make a lot of noise obviously it's metal and you're also quite exposed but if you use these in the right way go prone up there you can actually get some good shots we're at Factory shacks and then we're gonna unlock this with the portable cabin key of the Customs factory zone once you're inside here you gonna open it up there's a weapon crate and obviously your task item when you need this key but if you jump on the railing and head towards the door you can actually jump on top of the door and then access the roof once on the roof you can go prone and get some really nice lines of sight out towards the top train bridge and also three-story dorms so we're here at three-story dorms and obviously it's notable because it's the three-story and there's a two-story on our right but we're gonna head to the third floor here and the one once you guys understand is a lot of the time when you're in three-story dorms sometimes you get pinned down the end here near mark-room now not only can you access marked room while you're down here but unfortunately can't leave because this door here is actually unopenable so when your stuff on the ruth is a few ways down now the first way that a lot of people know is to drop down on this spence feature down below me here and then wait for the damage and then walk off this is the easiest way down however when you're up here there's a few pvp angles that you can pull on people that surprise them one of them is lining up and jumping for that lower roof right there now be wary when you do this especially when you weigh a lot this jump is quite difficult and you really need to get your timing perfect otherwise you'll end up at the bottom almost dead another way is aiming for the railing here so if you line yourself up with the end of the rubble and then jump shortly after you can actually land at the edge of the railing here without breaking or hurting your legs but if you miss however it's gonna screw you up we're here at gas station there's a few ways you can get around gas station one way is jumping over this barrel and then you can access the back of gas station but once again this rubble is probably a more known parkour but near the fence here we can actually just jump up on this piece of rubble and then boost jump over the wall to the other side once you're across you can actually jump on the tire of this truck jump onto the green tray and then onto the spool and when you make a way to the left one aiming for the wall you can actually be hoff back across there's also another way to jump on the rubble to get across as well which is the left hand side which is a little easier if you want to get across once again there's this forklift here but recommended three strength because this jump is quite hard aiming sideways to get up easier and then you're gonna boost across this the same way you've done everything else this next jump should be possible at anyway but if you are overweight sometimes it helps to have about level 3 or more strength we can jump along the roof of the car here and then aim for the lip of the toilet now if you aim the character correctly you'll hit this regardless of your strength so you need to make sure you aim in the correct spot once again we're here at gas station now this jump is a little bit more advanced and I would recommend a higher level strength or one of these combat stems the sj1 which give you 25 endurance and also 25 strengths now you can use these to get into some of the spots but currently you require 10 strength to do this spot however this is one of the best parkour spots I could ever show you in customs because it allows you get some really really good angles or way out to the jump over on the fence or the open carriage train and also if you have a good scope you can see all of the extended customs up at the top of the hill near the power station especially good with thermals one of the next spots is here that chemical you can notice it's one of these large containers we're gonna head towards the spore cliff near the blue container here and then once again jumping on top of it if you can't get it try jumping sideways like I recommended but once we jump on top we're gonna head towards the top of this blue crate and you can get some really nice lines of sight out above Hill 3 but you can also look out towards gas station you jump to across to these barrels here and then across to this fuel tanker you can actually look all the way up to the jump over and also into fuel pit now behind chemical containers one of the main extracts and that's zv 12 DB 12 can be noticeable when it's open when the light is on if you want to do the parkour for this spot this one is quite hard although I've been able to do it at zero strength when I weigh nothing is the timing on this one needs to be perfect you need to aim for the lowest part of the wall here you're going to need to make sure that the moment you jump is at the very end of this corner - your timing has to be perfect especially when you weigh a fair bit you can also jump across this way as well hey guys that's it for this video this video helped you in any single way learn how to bunny help all bunny hop more reliably I've just learnt any parkour along the way you know what to do make sure you hit that like and subscribe button helps me out a ton and as always the street in five days a week on twitch the link for that will be in description down below thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: VoX_E
Views: 53,728
Rating: 4.8766336 out of 5
Keywords: beginner, customs, parkour, bhop, bunny hop, bhops, bunny hopping, B hops, how to bhop, bhop better, jump further, jump far tarkov, power hop, big jump, jump the wall, how to survive, customs tarkov, escape from tarkov tips, escape from tarkov guide, how to play escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov gameplay, eft customs, get better, get good, tarkov best camping spots, tips and tricks, customs loot guide, escape from tarkov beginners guide customs, escape from tarkov
Id: -b911brmnmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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