AWS vs GCP vs Azure vs fixed price cloud

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hey there everyone atesh here back again with another video and in this video i have a question for you a scenario based question so hear this out very carefully now i have a requirement that there is a website on which some people come in they write something into the form and submit that information now also sometimes people come in and we just need to read from our let's just say sqlite database and there is a lot of read that comes into the picture and that's it nothing fancy at all a simple database just two things are being done on the website but the traffic is heavy let's just say we are receiving a traffic which consumes 400 or 500 gb of network bandwidth so no fancy stuff but the bandwidth is high what is going to be your solution for the infrastructure perspective now before we move forward write the answer of this question into the comment section and also hit that subscribe to yeah i get it this is a million dollar question that what infrastructure should we support should we move into aws cloud or azure cloud or should we even move into the cloud or not the thing which separates the pro users and adjust getting started user is just the experience the amount of scenarios that a pro user has handled makes him a co procoder or a pro user itself and this is a classic scenario where i want to bring your attention that surely i am also a big fan of aws of gcp of netlify varcella and pretty much everything but saying that all solution is on the cloud and just on aws or something is kind of a cookie cutter solution which should not be your first perspective this video is not a hatred video on aws or something because i love them i use them but i don't use them for every single of my scenario which i receive from the client side or for the personal use it's almost similar that these days people say that hey problem of every solution is web3 and kryptos and decentral it doesn't work like that every problem is unique and every problem solution should also be unique now these days people think that it's all about the big giant cloud but it is not like that we recently moved into one of the client into some not so famous these three cloud provider but some different cloud provider and it is working absolutely fine for us and also who are the same guys who are sponsoring this video so a big shout out to hostinger for sponsoring and helping me to make more such videos and crash courses a big shout out to hustinger and thank you so much for that now coming back on to the question what makes sense and what doesn't make sense should be your always priority in picking up your cloud provider or where you're going to host your website every website is unique and every demand of every website is also unique so judge it very very carefully and control all these matrices as well let me walk you through with one of such example so here i am on one of the very famous website which is varcelle and you can notice here that the bandwidth that they allow into their fair usage policy is 100 gb you can also move up to 1tb in the pro account and after that they're going to charge you additionally for per 100 gb bandwidth now another such similar provider which might come to your mind is netlify now the netlify also in the starter package they give you 100 gb per month of the bandwidth and after that 20 per 100 gb of the bandwidth so of course they are looking absolutely good and when you are just getting started and you see that a hundred gb is too much for me this seems obvious solution but eventually you are going to receive some of the client where it doesn't fit right okay so these two are there and definitely there are many such solutions which are absolutely similar to this now let's move into some of the gigantic territory aws gcp and azure three of the most prominent and dominating cloud services how much is it going to cost on aws ah that's even a 20 million dollar question because on the aws it's not really simple to figure out how much the bill is going to cost me first and foremost you need to get familiarize yourself with the terminologies i just need a machine a virtual machine which is running in your system what do aws call it instance what does gcp call it as compute instance what does azure call it and terminologies are all scattered around and different or what they are going to call a machine which is heavy in the gpu centric or what they are going to call the machine which is compute intensive what they are calling their hosting services or their what they are calling their bandwidth what do they call their load balancer the terminologies is all around the place and you need a very specific skill or you need to bring somebody in who knows all these terminologies the variables are too much in the cloud of course in some scenarios we need control of all these variables like for example companies like hotstar they would love to control even more variables than aws provides us there is compute optimized there is memory optimized there are t2 machine there are g5 machines there are lambdas there is apa gateway so there's a lot of variables running around in the cloud another thing that you should always keep in mind while calculating the cloud provides pricing is provisioning pricing cloud doesn't charge you how much you are using they promote it very well but actually they charge you based on how much you are provisioning so if you have spin off a machine which is having let's just say 20 gb of ram and you are just using 1gb of ram you are not going to be billed for 1gb of ram you are going to be billed for 20 gb of ram because that's what you have provisioned now this is nothing bad this is how their pricing works when you just move into that they show you we're gonna only charge you six cent for an hour but now calculate the six cent of hour because you're running so many machines in a month so just calculate that how much uh is going to cost you when you are running it for 700 hours or 800 hours so eventually the bill loads up now if this was not enough the pricing changed like frequently like that is crazy frequently how they charge they change their pricing now aws recently changed their pricing again and this was probably like 60th time that they have changed probably more than that since the aws service launched now again don't get me wrong this is nothing wrong this is how everything works into the cloud infrastructure the pricing is extremely difficult to understand and not only that the pricing for each of the service is different for example the cloud functions or the lambda function that you spin off are gonna cost you differently than spinning off a machine because you don't really understand that when they are charging you for the hardware and when they have just introduced the service and they are charging you for that service itself it is a very thin line there and if all of that was not enough it's actually a post paid service so you just spin off your machines and things whether you use them or not you just get the bill at the very end of it and there is not a kind of a fixed bill that i'm gonna get it's always an always like fluctuating bill either you need to become an expert in that or you need to bring in the expert so coming back on to the point no i'm not scaring you off from the cloud infrastructure i'm just putting all the variables so that you can make better decision now in this similar exact scenario when we came up with the scenario where we didn't needed that kind of a juice to run our website the basic one but our traffic was bit heavy that's exactly i would like to bring your attention to something different oh gosh look at these the aws this microsoft has got the entire page for pricing calculator and you have to select all of your variables and they are going to be adding up and then it says how much is it going to cost you similar calculator exists for aws which is even much more crazier than that and then we have this insane calculator for the cloud now for big of these organizations and big project it makes sense but we just want to host a website now this thing brings us to our sponsor of this video which is hostinger now hosting is one of the such cloud provider which people says hey they don't provide any cloud services it's just for domain but it is not it was very useful for us in one of such scenario and thank you so much for sponsoring the video and bringing this topic up so if you're gonna go up into the servers you can actually grab a pretty decent and nice server from them i don't usually go for vps one because it's too basic for me i would love to go for something like this one so this is costing me 639 per month and what i absolutely love about this is no surprise bill i am just renting purely purely in infrastructure of course i don't get the ci cd pipeline but i can configure that but what impresses me is the bandwidth 2 tb of bandwidth per month now of course there is an i amount here that network ports and speed obviously depends you can go and spin off a better server if you need that but i'm in control of all that and you can have all these root access and everything so it's like i'm renting truly in hardware and i can just spin off a database on that i can spin off an angular react whatever i like i can also spin off a ci cd pipelines using jenkins and mark that up with my github and everything is just up and running surely this is little bit of extra work aws just gives it out of the box but they're going to charge you every month for that if you do that once up here and your website demand and his requirement is like this i think you will not be surprised by the bill and this is exactly what we used in one of our client a mega client for that and that's what brings me up with this topic that hey i should make this topic and share all of this with you and hostinger says hey we would love to sponsor you in the youtube as well so big shout out to them now also not only that i actually came up with a deal with them so since they are sponsoring helping us you should also go ahead and check out the link in the description section at least go ahead and create an account whether you buy it or not that's different thing if it makes sense to you but go ahead create an account there and use the link in the description section now as a final word the thing that i want you to take from this video is that there is no cookie cutter solution the reason why so many of the cloud providers exist and so many of the services exist because there is no one solution for all saying that everything is gonna be solved in the cloud is gonna cost you a lot and that is not a good approach evaluate the parameters evaluate the variables that how much is it going to truly cost how much is going to be truly my effort going into that and is it stable for the long time or not don't think that this cloud provider is not known too much in the industry that's why it's bad and this is known too much that's why it's good it's never like that every need has a different solution so always take care of that
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 18,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloud, devops, aws, gcp, azure, hostinger, Indian hosting
Id: 1xD37un1BmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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