A guide to prepare for AWS certification | beginner

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[Music] hey there everyone atesh here back again with another video and in today's video we're gonna talk about aws certification this video is divided into three parts the first part is all about giving you the basics of what certification should you go for first a little bit brief overview of certification and specialty exam in case you are planning and want to have an overall overview because their names are almost same and it can be confusing for beginners now in the second part i'll give you my personal opinions about how you should prepare in case you are going for certification or maybe even a job for a cloud-based role and in the part three i'll tell you a small trick that i learned while taking the interview because before i was about to leave the company i had to actually hand over all the responsibility to a new candidate i took the interview of this candidate and there was a nice real trick that he showed me regarding the certification to save some money i'm going to share it with all of you so probably this can help all of the community as well so with this i hope you are excited for this small video on aws certification and it might help you a little bit let's get started with this so aws certification are really popular and is considered as a start or an entry point in the gateway of the cloud world but before you get started here is a nice and really important thing that you should really know cloud is nothing but just a computer sitting somewhere else and this computer there are high chances it is running linux so the more foundation of your linux are clear the better you're gonna feel there and you're gonna be much more comfortable with that in case you are not that much comfortable with linux it is not a wise idea to go for cloud first and not having your basics of linux clear in case you want to clear those basics go to blog.learncodeonline it's a free ad free series article series available there so go ahead brush up your linux basics first now moving on the certification now it is recommended usually by the entire community and the aws as well that the first certification that you go for is the foundation level which is known as ccp or certified cloud practitioner now this certification is moreover about a broader view of what aws is and what it offers this certification is not going to give you much of the hands-on experience but rather like a salesperson experience so that you can tell what services are available and why or what they are being used for so this is the basic foundation level can you skip the foundation level absolutely you can skip that certificate it is not compulsory to do this first there is no order in the certificate but it will give you just the basic idea moving on the next level of certificates are associate level this actually brings you three major categories the first one is focused on architect the second one is focused on developers and the third one is on the sysops now don't get scared none of these exams actually ask you to do anything in the real world but rather gives you the mcqs and these all associates are scenario based mcqs in these scenario-based questions you are provided with a scenario there are four choices usually and you have to pick one which is gonna do the job uh better and rest of the three are usually the wrong choices so you can eliminate them out now these associate level exam in case you want to go for architecture level that's going to focus more on designing a resilient system which is durable and is available high availability so you will be focusing more on the infrastructure and creating of that in case you want to prepare for the developer exam that's going to help you to prepare more about how a developer workflow and what a developer should know about again there is no programming requirement in any of them but developer actually orients little bit more about beanstalk and ci cd pipeline setups and stuff like that so that's going to be a little bit more similarly for the sysops as well so you can prepare for these any of these exams directly and the good thing is that all of these three exams share a whole lot of their curriculum with each other like 60 to 70 percent so in case you have prepared for architecture and you know all these topics you have experience with them preparing for developer exam or the sysop exams is going to be comparatively easy now moving on to the next level which is the professional level in the professional level aws has two exams the first one is architect the second one is the devops now these are a little bit more tricky not little i would say a whole lot more tricky and i don't recommend anybody to just directly walk into the exam until unless you have some few years of hands-on experience of working in these corporate but again you can actually prepare directly for these exams as well in case you have great experience in aws you have been working for a while it's not going to make sense for you much to prepare for the associate level you're going to feel like hey this is a kid's play moving into the professional makes much more sense in the professional level it's a really tricky entire paragraph is given to in the questions and you have to prepare a scenario like what's going to be the best for this company and the worst part is that out of these four choices that are given to you majority of the time two choices are correct you have to figure out what is the best practice and recommendation by aws to choose one so having more than one correct choice almost kind of a correct choice is really a difficult one and that's what makes this exam a little bit tricky and i have seen a professionals preparing directly for it uh one of my seniors actually preparing for that in for which i was working for it so it's actually doable directly too do i recommend directly to prepare for this one that's gonna come up in the second part of the video so we will have a talk on this one and entire in depth so a little patience here moving on the specialty exam now majority of the videos or people talking about actually take this specialty topic at the very end and that's why sometime it becomes a myth that you have to go through the ccp and then the associate then professional and then you can go for these facility exam absolutely wrong it this is not how it works now all the exams that we have talked so far are actually very widened exam and not all the people have this kind of a wide experience or knowledge or a hands-on experience for these things majority of the time you are working for a company for who is focusing more on web devs so you manage services like databases and some ec2 instances and beanstalk so your area of expertise usually is limited to that area if a company is working more on machine learning your area of specialty actually specializes there now these specialty exam that you can see up there they can be prepared directly too and i found them much more better in case you want to enhance your knowledge let's just say there is one exam which is focused much more on database so it makes sense for a whole lot of developers or maybe people who wants to get some certification that pick up the specialty exam it's going to serve you better because you will have an in-depth knowledge about aws and database and related uh technologies so you can prepare directly for specialty exam you don't need to wait for clearing up all these exams start preparing for them directly sometimes make sense okay so moving on my personal thoughts on preparing for aws exams is really simple now first coming up on to the foundation level now foundation level exam include just the ccp i personally would skip this any day and i would recommend most of the people to skip this one now this foundation ccp exam is focused majorly on to make you kind of a salesperson for aws you know a lot about aws it's like a bird's eye view but knowing these much of the technology sometimes doesn't make sense to me you will eventually learn a whole lot of them while preparing for the associate level exams as well so just because people are scared a little bit to move into the cloud territory this exam can give you a fearless entry and a confidence as well that's where it serves the most but i don't recommend most people to actually prepare for this one i would directly say that hey in case you want to prepare for exam you got the money and you have your mindset to go just for exams directly move on to any associate level moving on the associate level now associate level exam is very much widened to not just widen it actually allows you a whole lot of opportunity to play around hands-on again hands-on is not there in the exam but it allows you the opportunity to play with some of the labs that you can create while learning and playing now my recommendation in case you are preparing for associate or as a cloud in general is just take a look on what the curriculum is and what are all the topics which are majorly appearing in the exam and just give an entire week for example if you want to prepare for iam don't think that i'm preparing for i am for architect or maybe a developer or anything else just look for i just want to prepare the iam subject and just learn more about it how groups are being created uh what's there in the users how can i assign permissions what all the permissions are there how can i write some permissions can i use yaml syntax can i use json syntax what this permission means what is explicit deny and a whole lot of things once you have given the entire week for just iam it's gonna make you much more stronger than rather than just watching some powerpoint presentation and calling it a day if you want to prepare for vpc give entire week or maybe two weeks to just master the vpc that's going to serve you well now surely this is going to take much more time you won't be able to just prepare for these exams in just two months or so certainly but this i think is a better strategy because cloud is something which you will do a lot of hands-on work and your knowledge how much you are reading how much you are studying is going to come in handy so don't just run into the race of just clearing the certificate you really want to understand each and every topic in depth i'll try to make an upcoming video where i can give you an entire list like these are the preparation materials and topics and how much time ideally you want to give there now since a whole lot of them share the slaves so you will be able to prepare for them side by side so don't rush try to give more time now professional level exam now i personally don't have much of experience and i haven't talked too much with the people and my friends about the professional level exam so i am in no position to make a commentary on these exams i'm pretty sure there are other people who have actually given this exam or our friends who have given these exams can actually talk more on that so i wouldn't take much on this one i again talking just about anything doesn't make sense so i don't have experience in professional i'll skip this one now specialty exam now i think these are one of my favorite ones because once you have got the basic overview and broadened idea about the aws specialty exams makes much more sense to me specialty exam probably you are already having some of the cisco experience networking now you want to have an experience in the cloud as well so go directly for this network specialty exam and i think that's going to move you from cisco to cloud like pretty quickly so that is where these are my favorite ones and again you can just directly prepare for them no need or no prerequisites are there okay moving on to the third section which is going to share a little bit interview experience so uh we have done all the entirety work that was assigned to me for the aws in case you haven't watched the previous video i discussed a little bit on that so the last job it was a whole lot of experience for me but before leaving that job i said that now this is all enough now i would like to make sure that you relieve me and they said haiti we are happy to have your services and in case you don't want to continue that's fine but can you take some interviews for us and can have can give us potential candidate so these candidates were actually being filtered already once and then the second interview was on me now i i was really simple in the interview process i directly take them on to iam i gave them an account of aws that hey this is your account and this is what i want you to do i gave them a diagram that this is the infra that i want you to prepare and just start directly preparing deliberately i gave them less permission in their account and a whole lot of them got stuck there in case they don't know about these permissions and stuff i was sure that we cannot proceed with the person or the candidate one of that person actually directly got me and he said hey my account is having less permission can you improve or increase my permission on this particular thing i said okay this guy caught me there i think we can move on more for talk on on this he actually did a pretty good job in the diagram which i gave to him for preparing the infra he nailed it down actually to be honest and then during the talk and knowing more about like how many uh times you have done with the cloud formation and stuff and stuff like that he shared a very interesting thing he said that i do have my exam i have given my aws exam i said okay where is the certificate or didn't you didn't clear that he said no i gave the practice exam and i have scored this much he scored really high in that and he said i didn't had too much money with me to give or invest like 176 dollars but i had 23 dollars so i booked a practice exam and here's my practice exam and you have already seen my practical skills that got me really impressed and this is a really nice trick so in case you are short on money and you don't want to spend like 176 dollar prepare for just the practice exam at just 20 plus taxes so 23 dollars and you can give the practice exam in case you score really well in that you can just mention them uh in the verbally with the interviewer that yes i am capable of clearing the certificate but i don't have the money he said once i get this job after just couple of months i'm going to give the exam because i know i can do it and i think this is worth sharing with you you can save some money just with the practical knowledge and a little bit of the practice exam that was quite interesting to have that so this is all about uh the brief overview in case you are planning to go for aws certification and surely i'll come up with more videos some practical guides some tricks and tricks about jenkins and all the setup that we did on that company i think that's going to help you a lot to learn more on the aws and that's pretty much it make sure in case this is interesting for for you consider hitting the subscribe button in case you are not considering it that's fine too we can still be friends and i'm gonna catch you up in the next video [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 188,971
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Keywords: Programming, LearnCodeOnline, python, javascript, aws, aws certification, cloud certification, aws exam, cloud exam guide
Id: X418VQtSdms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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