AWS Vs Azure vs Google (Which Cloud Platform Should I Learn)

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azure versus aws versus google multi-cloud versus hybrid cloud private cloud versus public cloud which cloud platform should i learned if you want to know this video is for you hi my name is michael gibbs and i'm the founder and ceo of go cloud architects and we're an organization that's dedicated towards building high performance cloud computing and networking careers personally i've been in the technology field for over 25 years and i've been helping others get their first tech job or get promoted in tech for over two decades and there's no better feeling in the world when someone calls you and says i got cloud hired so today we're going to talk about which cloud you should learn and this is a question that people ask me literally speaking every day and everyone says should i learn azure should i learn amazon web services so i could learn learn google and i say don't learn any of them instead learn the cloud and they ask me what do you mean the cloud and then i ask them the next question and i say do you know how to drive and they always say yes and i said uh have you ever driven a car that wasn't yours and they say yes i said did you go to special training to drive the car that was not yours and they laugh and they say of course not it's a car and i said i want you to take that same attitude towards the cloud don't learn a single cloud learn that cloud see that is the secret to building a perfect cloud architect career solution architect career or enterprise architect career and we'll discuss this in much more depth see here's the thing the cloud is just a virtual network and a virtual data center and when you learn the cloud you always know what to do see where people go wrong when they try to be cloud architects or solution architects or cloud engineers is they do the following they learn the name of a service and how to configure that service because that's what certification training is here's an ec2 instance here's how to configure it this is an s3 bucket here's how to configure it but that doesn't teach you anything that kind of knowledge of this and how to configure it that's a technician at best that's not what engineers do that's not what architects do imagine going to the doctor and saying here's a pill here's the dose i didn't don't know how to diagnose you and i don't know what condition i'm treating you for but here's a pill now that's not how you build the cloud architect so i want you to learn the cloud now there's a big difference between knowing the cloud and knowing the name of a service and how to configure it so if you want to be a cloud architect a solutions architect an enterprise architect you need to learn the cloud so it's like driving a car you don't learn how to drive a mercedes you don't take special training to learn how to drive a honda and then take special training for a toyota you learn how to drive so let's talk about this a little more train like a cloud architect so first and foremost learn the foundational technologies what is that it is the network and the data center the cloud is just a network at a data center everything we do in the cloud we've been doing in the network and the data center for decades you want to know something more every service we have in the cloud maps to a network and a data center service so if you want to know the cloud learn the services in the first place learn what virtualization is because that's the main computing platform on the cloud learn what containers are because whether you're in the data center or the cloud it's the same thing learn about storage block storage object storage file storage it's the same in the data center as it is the cloud the only thing that changes is the name so learn the tech learn about routing learn about switching learn about firewalls intrusion detection intrusion prevention and you know the cloud microsoft active directory for im for example same on or off the cloud it's the same concepts learn the cloud so i want you to learn it like an architect let's say you need a server in your data center chances are you're using a virtual server maybe on vmware esxi or using the kvm hypervisor or something like that but in your data center your servers are probably on a virtual machine you know what they are in the cloud in a virtual machine and it doesn't matter if it's called an azure virtual machine a google compute engine or an ec2 instance guess what they're all functionally equivalent they are just a virtual machine let's say for example you need a not only sql database because you need a flexibility in your schema and you need unlimited scalability or near unlimited scalability you need a nosql database now you as an architect need to determine is that apache cassandra is that mongodb is it dynamodb with aws cloud bigtable it is up to you the architect to decide but if you don't know what is a nosql database and why organizations use on nosql databases then you'll never know what to do and if it's a hybrid cloud maybe you're running a nutanix cloud in your data center or an openstack ansible cloud in your data center and you connect it to the cloud you'll still be good because you're going to know the functional equivalence i'll give you one more example let's say you need object storage object storage being a type of storage area network and object storage is really unique because it takes the data it breaks it down into objects and each object has metadata it's that metadata that enables you to create data lake and big data environments that metadata is very useful so if you're in your data center and you want to create a data lake or you've got a multi-cloud network or a hybrid cloud network it's all the same so it could be your object storage in your data center if you're on aws it could be called s3 it's the same object storage if you're on microsoft it could be called blob and if you're gone google it's called cloud storage but it's all object storage so if you know about the object storage in the data center then you know how to move it to the cloud see it's not about learning the name of a service and how to configure it it's knowing what the design is that's the work of the cloud architect or the solutions architect so don't learn a cloud don't learn how to drive a toyota learn how to drive a car and then you drive your toyota your friends mercedes your buddies bmw it doesn't matter because you know how to drive so it's the same thing realistically speaking let's pretend you're a building architect for example do you think the building architect knows the brand of steel that's sitting at home depot versus lowe's versus another store of course not they know they need steel of a certain strength you're an architect if you want to be a great cloud architect solutions architect enterprise architect learn what it is you're doing basically learn those network and data center services learn the cloud and you are a great architect and then if it's azure great if it's aws great if it's gcp great if it's oracle great if it's nutanix great if it's openstack instable great if it's palo alto you get the point it doesn't matter if you are a cloud architect and you train by learning the cloud it's just like learning to drive you drive a car you're like me you travel a lot you go to the airport you go to a car rental and you turn the key and you drive guess what if i talk to a company about object storage it's object storage i discuss i don't mention service names i discuss the tech and that way i can select the tech from the store i view the cloud providers as a vendor because they are so if i need steel i go to home depot to buy steel or lows i buy steel of a certain strength if i want to use a cloud service i go to the cloud provider and i purchase what the customer needs or recommend what the customer needs and it's going to be different on every cloud provider but you know what the tech is the same the underlying technology is the same how the services work are the same for the most part the only differences are the name of them and how to configure them which you can easily easily look up on a configuration guide here's what you can't look up on a configuration guide how things work and how to design them and how to make them work together that is the skill of the cloud architect so if you want to build an amazing cloud architect career or a solution architect career it's not about hybrid clouds it's not about multi-clouds it's not about this cloud provider versus this provider it's about the cloud learn the cloud learn all the pieces and parts and components that make the cloud the network and the data center possible and it's up to you the designer to find a way to transform the organization's business through the use of all these wonderful technologies this is michael gibbs i'm the founder and ceo of golco architects and today we're talking about learning the cloud i look forward to seeing you in another video very soon take care it was so nice having you join us for this video today let me tell you about some free services we do for the cloud community twice per week we have a free how to get your first cloud architect job webinar will we tell you all the things you need to do i know to get your first cloud architect job in addition to that once per week we actually have a free question and answer session on live on youtube where you can come and ask us any questions you want about building your career related to cloud computing or networking we'll answer them in real time for you because we want to get you to your goals several more times per week we have guests from industry industry experts that i've known for decades that are movers and shakers that have changed the world that can give you information so you can build the best career i invite them periodically they are on my show if there's a chance to do some free training on our channel we'll do it live because we want you all to have the best skills for the best career so please subscribe and hit the bell i look forward to seeing you and i look forward to assisting you in your technology career thank you so much this is michael gibbs from go cloud architects
Channel: Go Cloud Architects
Views: 23,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multi cloud vs hybrid cloud, private cloud vs public cloud, aws vs azure vs google, which cloud platform should i learn, amazon web services, gcp services, cloud providers, cloud service comparison, multi cloud strategy, multi cloud architecture, aws vs gcp vs azure, go cloud architects, cloud hired, aviatrix, best cloud services, cloud architect, cloud architect career, cloud architect job, aws career tips, cloud career
Id: AhuyGY8DsEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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