AWS for the Haters in 100 Seconds

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AWS the world's largest collection of awful web services it was created by Jeff Bezos in 2006 at his secret volcano base as a diabolical plan to get startups addicted to cheap Computing resources like any good crack dealer they start you off with a free taste then pricing scales up exponentially as you become more dependent by the time you realize you're locked in it's too late your business will die from withdrawals if you try to quit currently it has exactly 69 420 different services to choose from each one with its own stupid name and nonsensical icon summer acronyms some have numbers some are planets and some are low-key insults at their Rivals like redshift it's so complex that you'll want to get certified with a PhD before even attempting to launch a hello world and be careful because many of the services are like beta products that haven't been updated in years but impressively they all still run like clockwork it feels a lot like developing in a Haunted Amusement Park and if they don't have what you're looking for just call 1-800 Amazon and they'll launch a brand new service for you the next day because the customer is always right or if you're building an awesome open source tool they will immediately launch a service for it so you can never ever make any money from your hard work to get started go ahead and sign up for an account then the first thing you'll notice is that your account was immediately hacked and you now have 500 ec2 instances mining coins all over the world conveniently there's no big red shutdown button and what you'll have to do is go and click on each server individually to manually shut it off meanwhile if you open up the billing service you'll notice the amount of money you owe has broken the CSS because the number is too large at this point you have two options you can sign out of the application and pretend this was all just a bad dream or you can contact support and beg for mercy they'll forward your ticket to Jeff's 500 million dollar sailing yacht where he decides your fate like emperor Nero if you get a thumbs down it means you're now homeless but a thumbs up means we can explore the UI each team at AWS gets to design their own UI giving us a wonderful inconsistent freak Show of a website you've got some products using bootstrap 1 others that look like they were designed on Fiverr and some that are absolutely beautiful now if you can't find what you're looking for don't even try to use the search instead just go straight to Google or chat EPT in the words of God's chosen programmer an idiot buyers complexity a genius admires Simplicity none of us here are geniuses and that's why we use AWS this has been me trashing a technology that has me by the balls in 100 seconds big mistake in reality though AWS has revolutionized the way we think about it infrastructure it's the most popular Cloud platform for a reason and without it the barriers to entry for the average Tech startup would be much higher and for that it deserves our respect make sure to also check out my full breakdown of AWS thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 566,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdev, app development, lesson, tutorial
Id: ZzI9JE0i6Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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