React for the Haters in 100 Seconds

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react.js a half-baked functional ui library created at facebook that's used by millions of developers because it has a cool name and logo it was invented by mark zuckerberg in 2013. and that was a big mistake and it was my mistake and i'm sorry react is simple it's just javascript bro and that's why it gives you dozens of weird ways to solve the same problems like functional and class-based components hooks forward ref higher order components mix-ins render props suspense and so on it's credited as the first declarative ui library even though it took most of those ideas from angularjs its killer feature though is the fact that you can write pure functional code that is until you want to do anything useful in which case you'll need to write imper functions with state and effects the beauty of this approach is that it makes simple things like reactive state much more complicated than they need to be and that's what makes us feel like real developers use effect is especially fun and was originally going to be called use foot gun because it's a great way to introduce infinite loops performance issues and bugs that you'll never be able to figure out not to worry though react is always evolving with revolutionary new features to monkey patch all the weirdness nobody saw coming on the previous release now even though it has an extremely high learning curve react is a library and not a framework and that means to build something cool you'll need to find and install hundreds of different packages most of which were built by teenagers who stopped maintaining them years ago when they went off to college to learn a real language like c to get started create a new react app then open up google to enter the gates of tutorial hell notice how we start in strict mode that's used to hide baggage from previous versions of the framework i mean library now in the code we pretend we're doing functional programming by writing our components as functions classes are also possible but they are literally the double instead we use these hooks everywhere that do the same classes do in a more magical hipstery way templating is handled in jsx it's a non-standard way to write html which allows you to represent the ui entirely in non-portable callback hell now we can all agree to hate css but react will make you hate it even more when you try to style something on your own luckily there are hundreds of css and js libraries working on this problem as we speak the extra complexity is worth it though because react is blazingly fast assuming you implemented all the weird tricks flawlessly life is about suffering it's not supposed to be fun like spelt or fast like solid or reliable like angular or all of the above like view the only thing that matters is react is the most popular and that makes it undeniably the best just like microsoft makes the best operating system and mcdonald's makes the best food this has been me destroying my reputation with the react community in 100 seconds react has been the most influential library in front of web development for the last decade nothing's perfect but it got to where it is today because it does a lot of things right and for that it deserves our respect thanks for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 1,601,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdev, app development, lesson, tutorial
Id: HyWYpM_S-2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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