Awakening the Forgotten Spirit Fox?! 🦊 Spirit of the North • #1

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hello everyone and welcome to a brand new adventure known as spirit of the north where we will be playing as a fox who ends up meeting the spirit of the north who also is another spirit Fox and going on a grand adventure this is going to be a cold and frozen world to explore together but I'm very excited to set out with all of you on this new journey so I know nothing else about what we might discover other than we will be a fox and we will be in this beautiful world and it's all going to remain a mystery so why don't we go ahead and take our first steps and find out what's going on oh that's all so beautiful I'm really excited to see where this takes us oh wow look because do we play as the life of a fox or do we just end up stumbling upon some sort of detailed story foxes have often been part of stories in legends and lore seekers of stories and hidden wisdom throughout the centuries and across many different cultures which maybe it's just the way they walk they're inquisitive nature their intelligence but I wonder what it is about a fox that makes people think that they have the best stories to tell Wow where are we is our coat changing there are foxes that will change from like more ruddy summer coats into more wintry coats to match the surrounding landscape I wonder if we'll end up doing that oh heck I think that's what we're doing like we look like we're changing colors oh oh my gosh oh my goodness look at all the snow oh look at us go alright we're free guys I have no idea what's going on but we are indeed free I think we're supposed to run straight for that pillar up here oh look at us though we are quite the cute little fox I wonder what we're up to can I dig or oh you can wag my tail look at that alright what else do we have oh and I can bark okay and then let's see can I run I think I'm trying to run just that there's a lot of snow here alright where are we headed next let's just jump up here and see what we've got I wonder what I wanted like on a journey for if I was a fox I think I'd just be concerned about the nearest place to find some good food Wow look at those glaciers clearly those are marking out a nice path for us to walk so well head this way oh look at our jump and you know even though I don't see any trees I don't see any forest we would be well adapted to be able to try to make the most of life here a lot of foxes will actually hunt in thick snow like this and use their very sensitive hearing to be able to pinpoint where all of the little rodents will be hiding underground or under the snow in their tiny little burrows that they'll build and then they'll jump like this boom and dive right in and find something to eat so maybe are we looking for food are we just curious curiosity oh yeah now I'm just curious like look at that curiosity is a driving force but I wonder how much it would drive a fox to go explore it's definitely driving me to explore in here though like look at this it's so pretty Wow just a beautiful glacier look at that yeah it has a little tunnel that has melted in here oh now the snow stopped falling what do we have over here can I sniff anything or eat anything I'm super curious about Oh what's this oh is that her body my curiosity has already gotten me into an interesting situation what is going on right here hello you guys I wonder why I just got myself into was there anything in here okay so there's clearly a body it almost looks like the body of a shaman of some kind cuz we've got beads around the edges yeah looking feathers alright is this the body of like a wise person who lived all alone up here and died in the cold Wow okay okay pretty straightforward touch the stick oh I can touch the stick I have touched the stick I've got it do i am i returning the stick to okay there can only be I have two things to work with here oh look at this oh it's glowing oh I thought the skeleton disappeared for a second I was just about to nope out of here I'm okay with a lot of things but not like skeletons just vanishing where I left them lying down that's kind of their point they stay put I don't think this one's gonna stay put okay we want to bring the staff to the skeleton I knew it okay so you're grateful oh is this gonna be like a lost ember sort of adventure where I'm helping like spirits of the past to go ahead and settle down I think I maybe I cannot pick up the stuff any longer huh am I the spirit Fox well the only thing we can do is keep moving forward and see where we go I mean this is a nice cave I will say I could definitely turn this into a nice little fox den it's very scenic it has a lot of nice fresh light that comes in probably not a lot of cold there's even like a friendly skeleton I can name him like George and have him watch after the kids well there's even shiny things over here okay I will take those shiny things let me check down here I feel like there must be things hidden in the sand but I want to figure out what's going on first oh wow what are these do they all glow okay what do we have here it's another Fox oh my goodness hello okay let's howl and wake up this other Fox oh my goodness oh come on you're not even interested in all what what oh oh that's pretty maybe I'm just here cuz it's gorgeous what was that that was so cool I want the other Fox to come back apparently this is a forgotten Guardian how do I write let's see probably need to go the long way I mean you think I've forgotten Guardian would be really excited to have someone rediscovered them but maybe they're content with their lot in life this is so pretty if nothing else I am just tickled and thrilled to be able to see how beautiful this world is come on pay attention to me come on oh look at them wow that's Hale okay you're so pretty come back come back oh is this like a hot springs can I move in come on I'll be your roommate like this is fantastic I just need to solve the whole like finding food to eat issue but there's a hot springs here oh my gosh that's cute can I run yet let me see nope not yet what about this nope this nope all right let's try climbing up I wonder do I need to climb up here nope that's not gonna work Oh over here wow this is pretty come on we've got this careful careful careful see did that prove enough bravery what do you think about that what oh my goodness this Guardian you guys very much playing hard to get but maybe they want to be forgotten like that's kind of a twist you always expect the Forgotten Guardians to be like finally someone has returned clearly you're the chosen of one I've never been snubbed before that's new where did you go now gosh I actually didn't see where you went up how do I get up in order to follow them around hmm let's see Oh actually did they come this way I think so actually huh all right what's over here I mean we'll get some more answers when the snow is actually gone from my coat now Wow pretty pretty there's a lot going on over here oh there's the Fox right over there okay we're onto the right path I want to spend more time exploring but I would really love to learn all this is so lovely look at this with the beautiful black sands I really loved learn what's going on so oh there we go you get a stay put for a second or maybe you just know where we're supposed to be going I'm sure that's it okay this is so pretty Wow I wonder if there's anything I can collect oh there we are now I can run after you cute where to next spirit Fox's apparently go don't get tired but real foxes do look at that tail like an aurora borealis trailing behind well oh my goodness that was so cute now where'd you go alright it disappeared up into the ice well there you are you can go through ice that's so cool that may be about to create a little bit of an issue though if you can go through and I can't all right what do you think about that huh oh well you can control the ice okay no longer an issue is this gonna be a big slide that's so fine okay that was really cool all right another big slide you guys so cool all right maybe we're just here to like play with the spirit I mean why not you've only got one life to live enjoy it all right now what where are we headed okay big yawn got that Oh Oh all right you guys ready for this cuz this is probably gonna be pretty exciting here we go oh my gosh I hope he knows where we're supposed to be going after this what the heck how BIG's this mountain okay that was awesome look and now we've got a whole bunch more of these talismans interesting so some of them were glowing and some of them weren't last time we ran into them I might need to be looking around more carefully for some items but for now I'm just kind of curious about where we're going cuz it doesn't look like there's a lot there's probably a ton hiding under the sand I just heard the snow that I just don't see all right over here oh my gosh I'm sure it'll all make sense well trust in this surely our new Fox friend wouldn't trick us or anything wouldn't be as tricky as they say foxes are Wow it was sights even if they are this is really fun this is so cool that's amazing alright wow look at the mountain range alright guys I have absolutely no idea where we are or what's going on but I think we may be going in the right direction on a brand new adventure so if you guys could do please leave a like for our mysterious spirit Fox and its beautiful aurora borealis tail and for wherever this journey may be taking us and if you guys would like to join us on this and literally thousands more do please consider subscribing but most importantly my friends stay curious you never know like where what life will take you and I'll see you guys next time bye-bye
Channel: Seri! Pixel Biologist!
Views: 719,665
Rating: 4.9386473 out of 5
Keywords: spirit of the north, fox game, spirit of the north gameplay, spirit of the north puzzles, spirit of the north walkthrough, seri pixel biologist, play as fox
Id: F0Tlg7A6deo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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