Native Speaker Teaches 20 English Slang Words

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hi i'm lisa in this video we will learn some more modern slang words we will continue our series of listening to native speakers of english in los angeles so that you can learn all of the different details and the little nuances of american english normally my channel focuses on professional communication skills professional english for the workplace and when you're at work i recommend that you avoid using slang words but in casual situations people use slang words a lot you met drake in my previous videos drake is so good at explaining slang words he gives really good examples i think he's actually a good teacher you will enjoy watching this video there are many fun words that young people are using today that he will teach you these are words and expressions that you will often see on instagram and other social media that young people use a few of them were new to me and that's why i decided that drake would be the perfect person to explain these to you let me know in the comments below how many of these words you already knew so here's drake teaching us some more modern slang what is tea or to spill tea or what do people say to spill the tea that means you have some some news for someone you have some news not it's not just news it's is it gossip it's gossip yeah that's the perfect word for it essentially it's gossip oh yeah give me an example okay so maybe amongst your family i know that my family they like to spill the tea on each other so let's say that you found out something um shocking about your aunt or something like that right and your aunt's husband tells your dad and then he tells your mom and then your mom walks into the room and she looks like she has something she wants to tell you you might say spill the tea over go ahead and tell me yeah what's going on with aunt linda and she she might have some tea on aunt linda as well so you can say i have some tea on that person yeah i have some tea i want to spill the tea really yeah that's pretty new i think i started hearing that only like maybe six months ago well you know what i think the first and i i might not know but i think my first memory of it is they used to have an emoji so the emoji for iphones yes there's the tea emoji and they'll they'll use um a frog and i think it's supposed to be like kermit the frog it started like as a meme where he has a teacup and he he knows something maybe he shouldn't know and he's sitting there like this with the t oh and to me that's my first memory and that's how i link it so i've heard of that maybe for like a year and a half now two years okay so it's pretty it's pretty recent yeah all right this is one that i heard maybe two years ago i had no idea what it meant and i had to look it up okay my generation would not use this slide into your dms oh no slide to the dms uh i should pretend like i don't know that one that is basically just a way to say that you direct message somebody on instagram usually but you can slide into the dms on twitter pretty much on anything that has a direct message okay um anything like that sliding to the dms and it's usually used in a flirtatious way so like sliding into dms would be like hey cutie how's it going or like hey with a wink or you know so it's if you're interested in someone romantically yeah pretty much if you're ant if you're interested in somebody romantically you're sliding in their dms it's usually supposed to be like a flirtatious type of meaning okay all right have you ever slid into anyone's dms i have that's how that's how i've gone on a lot of the dates that i go on you slide into the dms you say hey you're really beautiful how's it going oh yeah don't be a stranger you know drake said don't be a stranger and that's not actually a slang word it's just a common expression and it means stay in touch with me let's keep in contact don't disappear don't be distant don't stay away contact me don't be a stranger you know and people respond they respond yeah they yeah hopefully has anybody ever slid into your dms yes people slide in my dms um i you know sliding in the dms it's a mutual thing okay i could slide into your dms and then you could slide into my dms you know sliding is like the first time you contact them yeah okay yeah um yeah sliding the dms you'll hear that one a lot and then of course it's a i slid into the dms if you're telling the story right past dance yep i see it's happening a million times a day i'm sure on instagram yeah yep all right here's one cringe everything is cringe cringe is like just something that makes you do this like uh he shouldn't have done that like uh something that you might be embarrassed for the person if you're watching that's my best interpretation of like what cringe would mean if i'm watching something or if i see someone do something and i'm embarrassed for them it was really cringy this one that i've been hearing everybody say now you do you you do you if a guy comes up to me and he's saying oh man i just broke up with my girlfriend i don't know what to do you know and i say man you're you know you're a good looking guy put on a new shirt you know go out there and you do you you know focus on your career you do you be yourself be yourself you know do you um figure out what it is that you want to do and do it you do you okay um i feel you i feel you i use this one a lot i feel you or i feel that you know someone's saying something i might say i feel that okay i feel you um basically i understand you i agree with you i see where you're coming from drake said i see where you're coming from and that means i understand you i understand your point of view i understand your opinion i know how you're feeling i see where you're coming from i see where you're coming from how about i'm not feeling it i'm not feeling it i use that one a lot too basically i don't agree with it um i don't like it i'm not feeling it you know you might go to a party and the party is lame to you uh your friend says what's the matter i'm not feeling this party not enjoying it i'm not enjoying it yeah okay drake said the party is lame to you and lame is a slang word that means it's not exciting it's boring it's not interesting it's not cool you know you might go to a party and the party is lame to you mood a lot of times when i see this on instagram or online it'll be like a picture of something and it'll say mood on it yeah yeah and basically that's just saying like whatever that picture is that's the mood that that person is in so if it's a picture of um a guy and a girl eating popcorn watching a movie and it says mood or you know something like that that person probably is in the mood to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend you know i see yeah or if it's a if it's a meme of a guy like a football player that's really happy maybe he has confetti and he just won the super bowl you can tell and he throws it up and he's really happy right and it says mood that person's in a really great mood you know they're just matching the the word mood with the picture okay with the image with the image i see okay fire fire oh it's so good it's it's if you're talking like the food is fire it's good it's a way to say it's great it's fantastic the food was fire oh man those shoes are so awesome those shoes are fire something like that okay i don't know about this one sus is like suspicious s-u-s is yeah it's short for suspicious um it's basically just like saying that guy maybe is a little sketchy to me sketchy is another word for suspicious um sus you have your suspicions on that thing or that person okay it's us low-key low-key that means you don't want everybody to know it's um high key is like you know everyone knows it like if uh if you say that football is a really hard sport to play that's high key you know we we all know that that's probably a hard sport um but like loki would be like oh do you have a crush on that girl yeah low-key you know if you don't want a lot of people to know oh so in other words don't tell everybody don't tell everybody right low-key or you know in-n-out has really good burgers high-key you know but if uh if you're talking about another burger spot yeah that place has good burgers loki drake said if you're talking about another burger spot and spot has many different meanings but in this case spot means restaurant it can also mean a nightclub or a bar so a burger spot is a restaurant that sells hamburgers if you're talking about another burger spot yeah that place has good burgers loki thirsty thirsty so thirsty and sliding in the dms kind of go hand in hand usually if you slide in the dms you could be called thirsty you run the risk of being called thirsty if you slide into the dms um thirsty is basically like saying um that someone really wants attention oh yeah so you know he's he or she is really thirsty that's like maybe they're really really after attention from somebody or something or from everybody okay okay so they're thirsty for attention they're thirsty for attention it's a negative word it's usually negative yeah okay no cap no cap everyone uses this well most people that i talk to they use this at least and i think that a lot of people they they know the meaning of this no cap so it's uh it's like saying no lie like i'm not lying um if someone is cap they're they're lying they're known to lie a lot that person is cap if they're capping this might this might sound funny when you're saying this right now if they're capping they're lying okay um but when you say no cap like yeah bro i can do a hundred push-ups no cap that means basically like yeah like i'm not lying to you i'm not joking with you like i can really do that i'm telling you the truth i'm telling you the truth no cap there's this word yes y-a-s instead of y-e-s why is it spelled y-a-s okay so that is it's basically like saying yes but it's just like a lot of enthusiasm like i think it derives from the way that people say it whenever they're really excited it's like yes like yes like instead of just yes it's like they're really agreeing like let's say someone looks amazing you know you're you're uh you're going out somewhere and your friend is getting dressed and they come out and they look great and you say yes do your thing do you okay i see have you heard this one gucci gucci yeah so gucci a lot of us know the brand gucci yeah because gucci is considered like a really nice brand it's a good brand so when you say something is gucci you're basically like saying it's good it's nice you know if someone bumps into you you say oh don't worry bro it's gucci you know you say that yeah don't worry man it's all gucci that's gucci bro did you understand drake when he said if someone bumps into you to bump into you is to touch you or to hit you by accident if you're walking next to somebody and they accidentally hit you that's called bumping into you and he said if someone bumps into you you say don't worry bro it's gucci and bro is short for brother and that's a common expression too if someone bumps into you you say oh don't worry bro it's gucci okay stan stan that comes from um i believe that comes from eminem he made a song called stan and it was about one of his fans that was so obsessed with him that he wanted to look exactly like him he dyed his hair and dressed just like him and he maybe even like he's just a mega fan is what the word stan means and it works out because the word stan rhymes with the word fan okay so if someone's a super fan of something they'll be called a stan i think that's where that comes from when i'm here okay so give me a sentence with stan oh man that guy loves kendrick lamar he is a total kendrick lamar stan okay he stands kendrick lamar you can almost even use it like that like it's a verb he stands him keep it 100 keep it 100 like keep it 100 honest keep it 100 real with me it's uh it's basically saying that 100 refers to the percentage of realness you're going to keep it with me keep it 100. what do you mean can you explain more realness so like just don't lie to me don't tell me something that isn't you just be your true self you know keep it 100 don't don't try not to hurt my feelings keep it 100. you can tell your friend hey bro does this does this hair look weird on me keep it 100. tell me the truth tell me the truth don't cap okay all right i think final one savage savage man someone must have just done something really really off the wall i don't know if that's another that's another one you could teach another word yeah it's like someone just did something really just shocking maybe is a good word for it savage they don't care though someone was a savage like let's say that um someone said something to someone that they didn't like you know you walk up to the coffee shop and the person has an attitude with you and you say you know what just forget it i'm gonna go uh to to coffee bean instead or i'm going to go to this other place to get coffee instead they were a savage you know they they told someone off drake said they told someone off to tell someone off is a phrasal verb and it means to tell someone your opinion about something that they did wrong when you're angry at someone and you want to tell them your true feelings you tell them off you attack someone verbally you attack them with your speech you can say i was so angry with him and i told him off i got fired because i told my boss off i told him off they told someone off it's kind of a hard one to explain they kind of just don't care you know they're a savage thank you very much that was very educational for me yep definitely how many of these slang words did you already know let me know in the comments below the younger you are the more likely it is that you already knew a lot of these words and here's how you can follow drake on instagram my instagram is drakey reyes it's all one word d-r-a-k-e-y-r-e-y-e-s drakey reyes one word thanks for watching and keep practicing your english you
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 390,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slang words, english slang, common slang words, spill the tea, lisa mojsin, accurate english, american accent, fluent english, english with a native speaker, real people in LA, real people in Los Angeles, how to sound fluent, idioms, idiomatic expressions, common english expressions, how native speakers talk, how to understand native speakers, esl, advanced english, confident english, how to speak like a native, like a native, spoken english, real english
Id: ScvzZ9au02Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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