Avoid This Naughty Street In MedellΓ­n! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΄

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buenos dias right now i'm in the center of medellin a city that is pretty much well known for one thing and you know what that is with that said the building behind me used to be the headquarters of the cartel not too long ago that they've now turned into a cultural center anyways everyone's bored of this stereotype it's not all the city's got to offer so i arrived two days ago and i haven't been out yet and i'm super excited to go see what the city is about let's go speak to some people let's go let's see what we can let's see what we can find let's go hey so once again i don't know how this happens but i find myself in the market like always maybe it's my stomach putting me in the right direction but um let's go try some drinks and some local food whoa guys check out this bridge [Music] and everywhere people are selling things knock off clothing uh let's check let's see if we can find something to drink i'm pretty thirsty we're done there's knockoff bags gucci chanel wow it's lively here check out this huge bridge reminds me of the the market under the bridge in egypt in cairo ah what is this let's see if i can drink this guys this is an aphrodisiac fruit ah it's no [Music] wow alexander [Music] all right guys let's um let's try some of this yama well the fruit was really dry and chalky if i could describe it like that not the biggest fan but this hugo is alright it's at least cold and a bit easier to swallow oh man check out this model here for potency and it's an aphrodisiac wow i'll let you guys know if it has any effects on me the red stuff is uh tastes like medicine okay gracias um yeah awesome let's see what else we can get i hate taking things for free so i insisted on paying her however i gave her the right price let's go oh here they have some food what is this food it's a foreign you're sitting right here in the uh traffic guys how are we going to eat this in the middle of the traffic we going to eat this in the middle of the traffic ah it's a soup with potato and meat let's uh how are we going to do this this is awkward okay let's give it a go wow that's absolutely delicious um i've already eaten lunch so i'm not that hungry but i want to try some traditional medium food okay this uh the man just brought me some drink let's try enrico superman ginger guarandolo guarandolo everyone's checking me out here damn guys check it out on every corner they're selling it is uh por potencia no see wow she doesn't want to talk but anyways on every corner they have these fruit stands where they're selling the aphrodisiac and potencia drinks um damn the paisas must be really horny in this place okay i think i think we made it to the plaza with the fat statues let's go see yeah it's uh very famous a lot of monuments but very famous statues here in medellin oh here they are fried platano i suppose wow this place is super busy there's a church and there we go there are the statues what is this guy up to [Applause] must be sam oh yeah very interesting i think i've seen your youtube channel oh yeah yeah you're german right gentlemen south africa yeah yeah i think i saw you on uh in cartagena if i should have bought these two donuts yeah yeah thanks so where are you guys from vegas vegas ohio nice what are you doing here yeah vacation yeah some lady just told me something like uh they're gonna rob you or the police or something like this i don't know well here they have a lot of pick pockets so you got a big bucket yeah yeah yeah i got my stuff on at well you guys are going to be on my youtube channel now all right cool nice to meet you guys have a good day um here we go here we made it to the uh fat statues what are these called mujer bronzer okay hola um wow that's amazing that's the first time that's happened to me that someone's recognized me on the street i'm getting famous one of these statues i'm not too sure which one exactly um is a statue of a bird and whoa my god mind your step here what is this here in colombia everywhere in the ground they're just random holes if you don't watch your step you're going to kill yourself um damn look at that's that too [Music] anyways as i was saying there was a statue here a long time ago um that a sculpture made of a huge bird and one of the bad guys from you know what planted a bomb underneath it and it exploded and killed over 20 people so then what the artist did is he went afterwards and he rebuilt a even bigger one basically as they you we're not giving in to your your so that's pretty cool that's pretty admirable um wow this place is it's super cool man oh man it works everywhere it seems seems la la shukran is international guys this is a must be a typical paisa with a big booty damn all right let's um let's carry on i'm getting kind of thirsty again let's go see if we can get something to drink so everywhere along the metro station here and this bridge there's just markets and people selling things and uh it's absolute madness i really didn't expect medellin to be like this it reminds me a lot of cairo hello come and start holly there's water dripping there let's see i probably should not be going here um i was warned by the taxi driver not to wander around the metro station are we going to do it anyways let's see what's going on over here get out of the uh touristic area and go into a more local site hopefully we don't get pickpocketed and there is the uh wow there is the thick smell the thick stench of wheat in the air mixed with urine butcher shop over here let's see hello is all right damn where are we going guys probably not the best area to wander around we're going to wander around here anyways um what is that i have a feeling those guys were trying to start something funny with me like on my phone i haven't been pickpocketed yet and i'm not planning on getting pickpocketed so let's uh let's turn around those guys had a bad vibe about them so we're gonna go the other direction oh my god that girl just grabbed me damn you just grabbed my stomach this is madness and i still got my stuff oh yeah i got it okay wow that was dodgy man let's get the hell out of here you know i would i would really walk around that place by myself if it wasn't for the camera thanks youtube wow okay those guys just gave a uh a nice welcome into the city okay we've made it to a lovely park here with all the locals hanging out it's nice and peaceful for a change no loud music and people screaming at you and in your face so it's nice everyone's just chilling out and talking to each other i think i know which park this is if you guys have seen the narcos series then you know that scene where pablo is sitting on the park bench i think this is it let's go reenact that real quick like this that dude's sniffing glue in a plastic bag so all these people that are sleeping here well not all of them but i i suppose a lot of them are all passed out from sniffing glue because it seems like a bit of a uh sketchy area if you know what i mean just getting some hola stars okay let's uh let's get out of here okay gracias gracias wow it's uh [Music] it's a strange vibe here i'm kidding okay yeah these are damn i didn't realize this at first but these are pretty much all junkies and drug dealers wow what always why do i always end up in these places kurt damn versus you make it fresh see cinco is going to do it for us oh wow that's how it works guys and then you put it inside there hi it's going to show me okay so this is what sugarcane looks like wow and then it comes out over there you do not want to get your fingers put in there watch your hand okay okay what a cool guy um let's try colombian sugarcane juice i wonder if it's as good as the one in cairo that i drank with ibrahim and ahmed let's stand in the shade and give it a go check it out hope it's fresh noisy oh wow that is uh that is interesting it tastes nothing like the one i had in cairo but it is very good it tastes like if you had to take brown sugar and put some lime in there that's that's what it is basically lime and brown sugar huh i'm not filming you it's parame wow that guy was not happy that i was filming myself he thought i was filming him some people are some people act really strange gracias nice to meet you man are you from medellin okay how can you follow the world foreign with me and my friend ah oh okay um yeah where are you guys uh where are you guys going okay come on here we go let's go all right once again i found some locals and we're going to go uh and see the city a little bit are you trying to for the english i talk english yes what's your name camilo camilo yeah like the famous singer huh oh no my friend is a bride ryan are you american no ryan goss ryan gosling colombian you know ryan gosling you don't know ryan gosling [Applause] guys apparently this streets over here is a porno street i wonder what that means porn books or magazines or magazines okay some rats poison insecticide oh my god i'm gonna have to uh blur this out he's just got a porno magazines lying everywhere check it out this is the porn street of medellin wow this is crazy that's oh my god more porn porn magazines i'm gonna have to blur it out for the camera but there's full on flan and again wow interesting some more rat poison retics wow this is a strange street street of hannigan the streets of pornos and retics what the hell oh my what the hell who knows and retics this is the weirdest streets i've ever seen in my life eso [Music] so guys i got the aphrodisiac that i drank this morning now i got my movie to watch later yeah nice to meet you camilo nice to meet you man ryan gosling let's get in the bus hello okay all right guys we made it to the neighborhood where we are staying in the moment um called la floresta this street is called carrera ochenta ocho street avenue 88 or street 88 let me just go to a shop and get something to snack on because i feel like something sweet what's up um so let's see if it's open this place is really nice and lively in the evenings um it's very local you see no gringos around here and that's what i like it feels like it's gonna rain in a bit so we're gonna get this uh little snack and we're gonna go back inside and there i will show you guys the view of the airbnb and then i will end the video over there what have they got yes you can um yeah i just want something what is this dulce okay thank you for me yeah just a little snack you speak amazing english thank you where did you learn english united states united states okay cool i'm from south africa really yeah you know south africa it is a long way to costa thanks so much all right guys we got a we got a little snack thing here it's not what i wanted i wanted a sweet croissant but okay that is dry and dry as hell it's like an old dried up croissant anyways i've had enough for today it's going to the airbnb and let's uh take a look at the view i'm going to cut the camera off here see you guys in airbnb i'm not going to show you guys the passcode but it's some fancy touch thing so let me check it out maybe stefan's home hey hey hey boys guys check out this view okay see you guys from medellin hope you enjoyed that video ciao
Channel: Kurt Caz
Views: 8,250,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtcaz, kurtcazvlogs, kurtvlogs, haraldbaldr, harald, baldr, baldandbankrupt, foodvlogs, travel, travelvlogs, people, gabrieltraveler, indigotraveler, streetfood, ghettovlog, dalephilip, colombiavlog, colombia, medellinvlog, medellin, narcos, kurtcazcolombia, acelive, colombiangirls, colombiaredlightdistrict, medellinredlightdistrict, medellingirls, medellinstreet, avoidthisstreet, haraldbaldrcolombia, baldandbankruptcolombia, colombiavlogger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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