Kurt Caz on scams, travel and women

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new episodes what a background for a podcast it's  nice right well the cameras were Bloom but you can   deal with that there's not nothing very windy  it's windy we don't have a nice shoe though we   don't have now who cares not bothered there's  some stuff we want to talk about together yeah   big news has been happening in the industry  there's some YouTube changes but let's just   talk about your favorite YouTuber here's  your favorite YouTuber Logan and Jake   Paul Logan and Jake Paul Jake was in Euro  your your last Bangkok Vlog he was indeed   give him a little snack I heard he likes bananas  exactly he likes scamming people too he likes   scamming his fans his followers so if you guys  aren't aware if you haven't been on Twitter or   YouTube it's a guy called coffeezilla who's  uh I like his content I think it's class and   I've binged lots of it I don't usually shout  out anyone because he's well bigger than me   but it's good because Logan and his team have  been doing something uh speaking of bananas   anyway Sundays I wonder where you got there on  this he's been keeping your nine in place there's   a few things over the years that somehow they keep  getting away with scamming people yeah and it's   not too stem though it's a lot of influences loads  and YouTubers and all of these we weren't really   aware of it though until we started watching  these because it's not something I look into   it well the thing is these guys come up they  pop up on your YouTube end you can't get rid   of them you can only irrelevant they don't bring  anything to society anyways no they just loud loud   that's how you get famous though you'd be loud  as you can there's that guy I'm not gonna he's   not gonna deserve any shout so he's just a kid who  screams into the camera he got famous very quickly   recently I don't get it but all these people with  no meaning they bring no meaning to the world   they just empty Shoals well they've got a big  influence on what they use that influence for   taking money off the people that are influencing  and well that's what they've been doing it's   beyond immoral yeah because [Music] so I'm not  going to fully explain it you you know enough from   what you've watched your book for the people who  are listening don't know what we're talking about   cryptocurrency and nfts we're not fans of them  yeah nfts are a scum they're just a scam nfts were   a scam since they started I realized I was like  what yeah come on crypto wasn't a scam but people   are using it to scam I think the crypto Bros  will understand what I'm saying cryptocurrency   makes sense but then people are using it  to scam to rug pull exactly so how it works   I'm just repeating what other people have put  on the internet some influencer gets paid to   promote a coin everybody starts putting money  in and as soon as it's worth a ton of money they   pull the rug and they sell and everyone loses  their money just basically a pump and dump a   pump and dump they happen all the time on that  coffee sales Channel I've seen him talk about   Logan he's talked about Lana Rhodes part of the  same crew yeah um who else has he talked about   it doesn't matter who else this this point is  about your favorite YouTuber Logan because he's   in the controversy right now with uh crypto  Zoo which is uh it's not it's not a project   it's a game it's a game so basically what these  guys do what happens is they get approached by   Shady crypto characters that see they have an  influence an audience and they're like okay   um we can use their audience to pump  and dump our Shady crypto schemes yeah   project okay and that's how yeah they pump  it up with they get all their millions of   followers to go and buy invest into it and then  they sell it you're just losing your money yeah um   that's all it is whether they know or don't know  when they first sign up you have to do some due   diligence so you were only found out today that I  often get these messages about you people wanting   to approaching us yeah I've had a few people Shady  characters approach me personally as well yeah   gonna go into it or do they not no yeah you you  get a lot of those emails I got hundreds I'm   talking hundreds of you need to create a cash coin  guys we've got this investment opportunity for you   unf2 project I'm gonna create some jpegs I'm gonna  sell you them for ten thousand dollars and then   um just then the worthless yeah just pictures of  you that I've drawn on paint that's exactly what   it is all of these guys um but also making cars  coin which is not a real thing it never will be   people approach just saying you you want to put  your name to this thing and I just I could delete   yeah they like they like scammy taxi drivers at  airport I can use Kurt cars name to scam all his   audience yeah and run away with it wouldn't even  be that much you're not Logan Paul you'll get   that crypto couldn't be worth the a few thousand  ten twenty thirty thousand that guy would run away   you'd be left with the scum behind your name and  put these people keep getting away with it yeah   so I would suggest guys you're probably if this is  going to come out around the same time that Logan   our coffees are gonna put heads together uh they  both invited each other on each other's platforms   um I'm fully behind coffee Zilla he should not  have to go to LA to sit in a room with Logan   it was a he's a big guy I think Stephen copies it  just looks like a normal guy sit intimidated being   having them cut out the things he says yeah Logan  needs to clear his own name and manipulate the go   live podcast exactly go live if what if what you  believe is true then go live and debate it with   the guy instead of yeah he's being shady If Logan  Paul or Jake Paul or any of these influencers KSI   any of these dweebs that do nothing for a living  they just shallow meaningless shells to society if   any of them want to make it up to their fans I'll  beat them up with their fans oh gosh check this   out r10code.com are a London based web design and  app design and art design company so if you need   something some sort of game or Game background  uh check this out so these are characters there's   what they do app development web and Mobile Web  projects we're going to show you right now some   specific stuff check this out webmobile ux design  software development if you need the website all   cool so we're going to go to this page now recent  projects check out the characters they do so for   different types of games so you guys play on  games you've got this here Supernatural female   character check out the bottom left it's more  of a cartoon one hold on go back up go back up   check this guy's face look at this 3D modeling  of a bald guy like an angry tough guy click on   this look how realistic this looks check it  out so look at his features look at how good   the texture is so here's a different like a  like during the edit and then add the color   on our bosses that go back you're playing games on  your phone they need background so if you work for   a company that does stuff that needs our tenko  to do work for you get in touch with them look   it's a cafe shop like a French cafe that go in  the background of like a casual game a tenko   shouldn't walking around the Bangkok you have um a  group of people shouting you want [ __ ] you want   [ __ ] yeah I don't know I don't oh I assume  everyone knows I don't know I do not for you but I've seen oh man they like  they're looking like oh there's an   old man let's go and get Emil want  to come back in this room with me   it's a plan demand yeah that's what it is I  don't want to see that I don't want to I've   seen it once that I've walked through it Pattaya  is all of this stuff The Butchers there's so   many tourists so many elephant pump whereas so  many six parts so many sex tourists flying in   um it's loud as [ __ ] people were telling you  in your video comments to go there don't go don't   you chose this island not me um based on someone's  recommendation yeah well I based it on that it's   it's like the apparently it's like the Hawaii  of Thailand and there's a lot of Muay Thai gyms   around here and it's just I mean that's convenient  exactly and it's the less the Fortress place in   Thailand I suppose I feel like there's there's  three types of people that come to Thailand   there's six parts yeah which can't get  chicks in their own countries so they   have to resort to coming here most of  them pay for them as well then there's   smelly Backpackers and then there's just  young couples yeah that can afford to   come here yeah this is one of the  cheaper holiday destinations yeah uh but in general a lot of fun the the sea is  blue and it looks nice but it's not as clear as   you would expect we've again we were talking about  this we're we're green hey but it's really shallow   here that the walking in down there they're just  walking in the sea we're spoiled because we've   been to so many beautiful beaches uh Dominican  pedernal Less near Haiti yeah uh that's one of   the best beaches up into there was no one there  the water was clear the sand there was no seaweed   nothing yeah we go to the best beaches on Earth  and then we get to the beach where most people   spend their spend their holiday they go they  go there they wait the whole year to go to that   beach and they spend the whole day at the beach  you and I rock up they were like yeah I want to   go home now because you're so spoiled we want  Wi-Fi yeah one team coffee sat on a sofa we've   got stuff to do on the computer so we don't just  you live on holiday yeah um but permanent holiday   if you live on a permanent holiday you don't want  to appreciate things every day you do appreciate   things last thing I'm not shocked anymore exactly  you appreciate things less like yeah exactly you   arrive to a beautiful place and you're like yeah  that's cool because you're seeing it every week   you don't value them as much as somebody who's  working in Manchester the whole year and then   he comes out to this it means more to them as  well which is I want it to mean more to me but   I don't know how to make that happen there's  a Latin America's most famous YouTuber called   luisito communica he has a very clever approach  to how he runs his business he he lives in Mexico   his home country is he Mexican yeah he's Mexican  he lives in his home country and he just goes out   when he needs to make continent he comes back  and relaxes I think uh it'll probably end up   being like that because you can't travel the world  full-time you'll get bored you'll get tired yeah   you know we're made to we're made  to want to find a place in and   settle in you know and then score one go on them  Adventures exactly can your adventure was pretty   sick exactly you you went did it come by well  kind of come back you went somewhere else but   you can't do it full-time I really feel  I've been doing it for like two years   now full time and I really feel like oh  it would be nice to have a little house   and um or a big house and make that massive  house a massive house massive house no one house   two houses and uh make that my base and then and  then travel out from there and do what I want to   do from there you know it's your life you choose  whatever you feel comfortable same with everyone   else work towards getting whatever that that  thing you want I like seeing new stuff and I'm   going to continue to just pop between countries  and return to places that I like I'm gonna come   back to Latin America we'll go back after we've  done something because there's loads of there I   wanted to see but because of the the thing that  was happening in 2020 I wasn't allowed into Brazil   yeah and what a massive country with loads of  stuff happening yeah Brazil's cool everyone   grew up on Brazilian football and I've not yet  been to Brazil Brazil's cool shout out Pele there's something else massive happening right  now massive uh Andrew Tate's in jail yeah   I don't know much about Andrew say I've purposely  not read the hate messages or the the love message   there's no in between it's like I hate Andrew  type or he top G's exactly it's always like   that though have you noticed yeah it's always  like that you're either left or you're right and   people love to put you in a box and categorize  you they love to label you you either this or   you this all people take those sides they never  find a little bit of both and be like all right   but you know they always this extreme or this  extreme yeah it's bad and it's irrational as well   um I don't care about him I I all I've got one  positive thing to say about him he can't off   Market himself he's gone the reason he is the  most Google man in the world is by choice but he's currently in jail for something  why is he in jail that's um   that's the thing nobody knows because  I think nobody knows um I find and and this is the thing I've thought for a long  time I've lived in a long time before Andrew Tate   I find that uh since the history of man whenever  you go against the crowd maybe you go against the   mass thinking people try to shun you and silence  you and they've been doing that forever forever we're probably gonna get canceled now  after this podcast we can't even put   that word in because YouTube changing  the policy YouTube changing the policy   there we go there's another censorship  so I probably loads of stuff out yeah silence and bleep out a lot of work so people  watching this are now gonna I will tell you   all your favorite YouTubers are going to  start deleting their content and getting   limited ads and limited ads they're gonna  stop the good ones don't you exactly anyone   who swears anyone who does something not  family friendly they're gonna start getting   demonetized which is not just about money  and this is a new policy YouTube came out   like two two days ago yeah and they didn't  even let anybody know they didn't we found   out through uh through some random YouTuber yes  each big and you know why they're doing that they probably won't not so the more  advertiser-friendly your your videos   are more money it makes the more money YouTube  makes sure because the advertisers are willing   to we'll talk about this now it's not just  about money for us and every other YouTuber   all YouTubers will tell you the second your video  is demonetized it doesn't get views therefore no   new people find you exactly it's not they'll just  what they do is YouTube says oh okay we can't run   ads on your video we're going to stop showing your  video to people and your video will just sit there   so the first episode you know what's funny my  videos that get demonetized have have millions   of views my last video in Venezuela has like over  a million views and it's completely demonetized   you can't even see the video If you're not signed  in you can't even see the thumbnail if you're not   subscribed to me it's a challenge to people  then anyone who's seen that video give us a   reason why you think that should be demonetized  none we've watched it absolutely yeah nothing   um so the first podcast episode again that  was demonetized so it was gaining views   people were finding it the day it took three  weeks from like I think we didn't monetized   it and then it stopped growing three weeks it  took them to manually review it and then they   went no I'm not even giving you a reason  yeah so that since then it's got no views   and that was for me saying I will it's not it's  not the reason no no because I to prove it people   were saying why are you cutting up Clips yeah  I cut up the clips to find out why the videos   demonetized so I'm putting out Kurt Kaz calls  out Jake Paul didn't get the monetized all of   the swear words I put in no demonetized just the  first video they won't tell us they won't tell   you yeah that's another thing they don't let  you know why as well they can they can delete   your Channel without any reason I've had a I've  had a another Channel just deleted just delete   it they didn't even give you a reason they like  it goes against our policy or cancel your your   channels won't cancel what policy which policy  yeah they have they have a list like this long   which is the community community guidelines and  they're so vague they can say like they can say   you can't speak about violence what does that mean  you can't speak about violence but so you can't   talk about Tyson Fury now that's that's violence  so we can't do news about your car crash yeah so they can they can take your channel down for  no apparent reason and that's why I've created the   websites Kurt Care's Army it cannot be taken down  guys let's take a closer look at kirkha's army if   you go on the homepage kirkazami.com you'll see  some stuff here's a teaser for Kurt's latest   Corporal video with Mariani you might recognize  her and there's some other Corporal videos check   that out you can click you can log in you can  register you can check it out a couple of videos   are paid for it's 4.99 a month and you get to see  all the ones in the past look at these generals   you might the general the offices are this this  is free you don't have to pay for this you just   need to sign up look it's the only place where you  can ask her direct questions and he will come on   and answer them even post this on stuff there's  news the sum of it is only for Corporal sums for   anyone some public some just for soldiers to sign  up become a sergeant go read about that there are   currently four sergeants Adam Wren Christopher  and Peter they've done something specific to gain   Sergeant status that is a free version of Corporal  basically join us hmm not going to go much into   that you can look yourself so Corporal videos look  these are videos that only corporals can see just   like patreon one with Mariani there morning in  the horde of Quito another one with Mariani one   in Kenya one in Peru check that one out there you  can go and check yourself Kurt Kaz Army are you a   soldier yeah are you a Corporal do you want to be  a sergeant tell us why because army.com we've got   a totally different Taste of music you know the  thing is with music what it does is it is it's   it stops you from thinking though huh essentially  so like listening to music is nice in the   background and stuff but in certain moments I've  noticed that if you listen to music I've noticed   this if you listen to music constantly you  never you never allow your brain time to think   uh I have to have music on all TV I can't sit  in silence doesn't I'm and I can't relax really   no I don't relax ever I may look relaxed but I am  on edge at all times all the time I've always got   two songs happening we heard yeah I've always  got thinking about we've got to do stuff right   after this um but we talk about music in the past  yeah we've got a tall opposite Taste of me there's   some overlap from old stuff but my taste of Music  changes yours has gone completely reggaeton yeah   my my taste of Music changes and some days I feel  like listening to this and some days like this   most the time um the thing is my best moments come  when I'm not when when I'm set in complete silence   at eight o'clock in the morning six  o'clock in the morning and I haven't slept   I swear yeah that's why I come up with  genius ideas and I get 50 voice messages   complete Dead Silence while everybody is sleeping  I've said they like some Mastermind so you listen   to right now you're listening to reggaeton  yeah I like reggaeton do you have a playlist   that you listen to if you made your own I don't I  don't sit there and I don't listen to music with   earphones on I would only listen to music if I'm  working out or riding the moped riding a moped and if there's if there's people around yeah   like if I got some chicks about throwing some  Barry White I'm more of a uh loses yeah yeah   for something you didn't know when you first  started traveling I've always been cheap you   walk out of the airport or walk out of the  train station the first thing happens in 90   of the country if you're scammed by taxi  drivers types of drivers or anybody that   comes up to you they're out to scamboo yeah I  didn't know that when I first started traveling   you sit on a beach you've noticed we've not been  hustled here yeah that's that's one good thing   in Thailand is you don't get hassled every five  minutes there are sales people but they kind of   smile at you and just walk around walking if you  want them you'll be like oh can you come here and   they'll come yeah yeah and if they walk in this  way they'll be like massage and you're like no   and then they carry on Fork on nothing and Latin  America it is so annoying you can't sit for two   minutes anywhere without getting pestered it's  unacceptable though it's totally unacceptable   I don't like it is very unexpected I get really  angry with the comments saying just give them no   [ __ ] off that is such an American thing to say  as well just give them 20 bucks and they'll leave   that's why they're annoying you that's why you're  poor they you come to the countries and then you   think that the best way to get them to leave you  alone is by giving them 20 bucks is not it's not   how things work you make it you make it bad for  them and you make it bad for other people wanting   to visit those countries then they start expecting  every white man or every Foreigner that comes   there is going to give them 20 dollars for them to  leave so they basically start extorting you yeah   it's horrible if you want to help somebody out  there's a different story but helps help them out   because you're too weak to tell somebody no thanks  please go away leave me alone you're annoying me   instead you give them twenty dollars to leave you  alone that is the weakest most pathetic thing out   I get called Rude on my videos so off to go  subscribe to movie I haven't made the video   in ages but I'm out there soon um cold rude for  being friendly for a few times no thank you no   thank you I've got no space on top of it exactly  check this out this guy called movie you might   have heard of him look at that look at that 31.9  K rookie numbers we need to pump those numbers up   you need something else to watch and you're kind  of like oh you like Curt's content and you want   somebody like a mediocre version of that hey I  don't know just the guy just the guy you might   see him in this podcast you're watching look  I've got videos from everywhere Cambodia Lots   from India got something from Malaysia uh there's  some Maldives there there's some Sri Lanka Diego   Nepal I like them videos they're all right oh look  you might recognize this guy on the left go on the   right when we went to Pakistan together right look  down here see this this one here this guy called   me very nice very young very handsome which is  in fact a fact I didn't even clickbait Kurt on   that video even though he was in it then we got  something from Jordan here cool country Jordan   the people dead friendly this one I literally  crossed the border illegally didn't get banned   like coded from Dominican through a Minefield mad  that I've got videos from so many different places   subscribe to movie it's very difficult to get me  angry enough to hit someone it's it happens yeah I   was in short uh Nepal that's probably the highest  level of harassment I've had India was nowhere   near it Nepal was well worth Indians will say  you're going to get harassed in India I did but   they were more polite and they would eventually  go away I'll go Nepal Sri Lanka India Pakistan not   even in there they were nice to me in Pakistan I  think they're harassed so let me talk about Nepal   we didn't get arrested no they were nice only  like beach scams they were happy to see us there   like Hello nice to meet you exactly it was like  that in Jordan too they were nice there so Nepal   I didn't made the video I liked that video it's  one of my videos that I still tell people to go   watch I'm not disappointed in it I normally  release it and go I don't like that that one   is funny I went around I walked around I just  took the piss out of scammers to the face there   was a guy he followed me and Tanya all the way up  the road little tiny guys not in video I didn't I   had my camera but it was on my back and I said to  him can you just go away I was tired it was hot   um I don't want to buy whatever you're buying and  he was smiling and laughing at me and it was I'm   gonna keep following you and I turned around to  him and stopped and looked at him and he was a   tiny little [ __ ] if you don't walk away from  me now I'm gonna smash you in the face and now   there was P I'd said it that loud there's people  listening he went like he didn't even know what   I said but he didn't believe me and I took like  four steps Tanya hadn't moved and he just he took   a step towards me I turned and walked full-on walk  to him and I grabbed the shirt so like he weighed   nothing I was like he couldn't move I am gonna  [ __ ] knock you out you little prick this is your   last chance I will punch you do you understand wow  and he was like I don't understand I will punch   you in the face if you don't walk away and I've  seen people walking out the shops and being like   [ __ ] something's gonna happen his face just went  oh okay I've gone too far yeah it's it's dropped   and I was like walk away that way yeah and I  don't get angry he got me to a point where I was I   really didn't want to hit him I did colonizer yeah  we don't have the locals picking up the locals   colonizer my point being you white colonizer  you're the colonizer I'm African Africans I'm not doing any hand symbols yeah I'm not that  kind of wakanda no I don't know what that is it's   in Africa is it yeah but it's Africans you need  to know man all right how do you not know this   no I don't know it's in Africa it's like near  Eritrea or something is it yeah it's a little   country you've never been never been neither  have I let's go let's go what kind of for life   and my point was um to get my to get rid of all of  my tolerance for scammers there was high imagine   how they treat people who are introverts or shy  and they just want to be on holiday Japanese   people they're so shy and calm they're the best  tourists they are boss have you ever heard of a   Japanese tourist starting problems in India you  ever heard of somebody being scammed in Japan I   don't think so no um I want to go to Japan it'll  be boss yeah uh we'll do that I'll do another side   I get a lot of comments and messages like that how  do you have the patience to deal with these guys I   do because when I'm holding a camera I can't slap  the [ __ ] out of them with a camera in my hand and two I'm in the country I don't want to  start unnecessary trouble you can that's   the thing you can mostly talk your way out of  tricky situations and uncomfortable situations   sticky situations you can you can talk your  way out of it 99 of the time yeah but there   are moments where I lose my temper as well  um like you I also have a long fuse yeah   a long I'm very patient with people but  there comes the moment where I just snap   so when you're traveling you have to be aware  you have to know how to stand your ground   and defend yourself and stand by your morals and  principles and don't let people overrun you and   take take advantage of you they are going to do it  in lots of places they do it almost everywhere in   Latin America and they think that and the thing is  you'll think oh I'm in their country I have to be   polite no you don't because when they come to your  country they don't get scammed first of all and um they do not come to your country  and get scammed no they don't do   it you don't say Germans and South Africans like   just going scamming foreigners yeah that guy's  Japanese he's obviously looks Japanese or Chinese doesn't happen that uh you shouldn't you  shouldn't let them take advantage of it   no no you should be safe definitely build  up some sort of don't fight with people for   no reason physical confrontations but stand up  for yourself even massive massive let's say we   see these six foot six kickboxers walking around  there yeah they're not good they're still clever   enough to know not to start a fight because 15  guys yeah it's not worth getting stopped for no   if something's if something's in in fashion like  for example um climate change if you say anything   that doesn't fit their agenda you get  labeled this thing because you have a   slightly different opinion to it so if you're  not a greater thundberg fan you're a Nazi and um that's what that's what's been happening  since the beginning of mankind and it's happening   right now with with everything that's  on that's it's getting more Amplified   because of social media as well exactly that's  also another thing most people are normal most   people most people are normal yeah you guys  watching are probably normal if you get out and you go see the real world with  your own two eyes you'll see that   the world is not like on YouTube shorts  yeah we think the world is [ __ ] because   we do this and we just see fuckness off  the fuckness of the fuckness we see these debaucharist only fans girls and we see these   I don't know what the other spectrum and they're  all arguing back and forth and it's mostly a a   western thing and we think the whole world  is like that it's not them most of the world   most of the world couldn't give a [ __ ]  about politics about racism about climate   change about Andrew Tates about Logan Paul about  anything they don't give a [ __ ] and um the only   people that do care are YouTube comments and the  people that are spending their time on YouTube   especially others are it's irrelevations have you  ever gone on YouTube not ever as an adult have   you ever gone on YouTube and just started writing  negative comments on people's videos it's a very   weird thing to do Life to Live read go down in  this video go in your video there'll be people   who hate both of us uh there'll be people who  hate so people were talking about you're welcome   to hate me yeah I'm not bothered um it's weird  you sit online and write negative stuff just go   and do something cool I don't hate you I don't  care about you these people don't exist in real   life you'll never meet them ever ever said them  for negative because they sat in their Grandma's   basements commenting on other people's YouTubers  instead of doing the same thing for themselves   just don't be like that it's weird don't and  that's not just for us don't go on anyone's   YouTube channel and just start writing their own  list you type in Liverpool versus Brentford 3-1 to   try and find the the highlights and some idiots  uploaded the thumbnail of the real game and put   FIFA on there you can go [ __ ] yourself seriously  you little prick there's loads the day it comes   out that it's just full of either old games  or FIFA highlights but they put the real with   the real kids yeah I barely watch I barely watch  football I used to like football when I was a kid   I like I'm sad for Ronaldo that he didn't win  the World Cup but other than that I couldn't be   asked I don't really care you're Ronaldo over  Messi fan oh yeah for sure really yeah all day soon I like both uh yeah I don't care I don't  care no messy they're both champs yeah I'm   Pele over everyone else yeah yeah I still  think in he was the best ever there's very   few people in the world I dislike in general  just don't care I just don't care I don't like   influences taking advantage of their fans and  you shouldn't support it either I don't like further than that I really dislike I don't  know if I hate it but I really dislike   the influence so that Jake and Logan Paul and  and their boys then they know what they're doing   regardless of if somebody's come in and made  them do it and also why are they doing it also   what they're doing is they're teaching people  their age that it's cool to act like that they   teaching guys their age or younger people um that  it's acceptable to run around through life with   no morals or values and scam people and act like a  [ __ ] and just be Complete Pools they they making   it normal for people so young kids look up to  these clowns and think oh that's acceptable for me   to act like that so that's what I don't stand for  that's what I dislike a lot we should have more   people on YouTube that are against it not like  just against it but that are bringing yeah with   weight behind it you know a lot of people message  me actually most people message me I get hundreds   of messages from people every day your videos  have opened my eyes your videos have made me get   off of my ass and get out there and do the things  I want to do you know um so there should be less shells online and more people bringing meaningful  things I have a problem with this as well with   let's go keep with them too with it there are  so many of their followers who are still got   watching it going that's cool I want to do it  I want to scam people like they did they've   just made Millions the mentality of my favorite  influencer thinks that's okay therefore it's okay   it's a mod it's a mud for I would never  look at what them two idiots have done   and go I should do that too and that's  why we brought our cash coin [Laughter]   it's not a project it's a game it's a lifestyle  Yes you heard that correctly my friends it's a   game invest your last thousand dollars into my  game every penny in your bank accounts go and   donate it to cows coin we will then pull the rug  right from under your feet I'm buying Island oh   we won't because we're not them idiots because it  doesn't matter ripping someone off would make you   feel bad okay so YouTube bringing in these stupid  regulations they're gonna keep making them worse   and worse and worse and it's advertisers and to  save children stop putting your children onto our   Channel I don't if you're a kid then you're like  looking 10. turn off go and tell your mum and get   her to block me because I don't want you watching  my stuff I swear constantly and I shouldn't have   to stop swearing because some some mother is  letting their children have a phone to watch my   content she shouldn't be that's not YouTube or  that problem anyways you should be controlling   them not be watching your content if you're  running around Africa in their distributions   you should rather be watching me than Logan and  Jake Paul oh yeah 100 that is very true but they   should be on YouTube kids watching kids stuff it  exists first of all kids shouldn't be on YouTube   they should be out [ __ ] playing football what  did you do when you were like 10 places yeah climb   trees ride bikes that's exactly that's what I did  and that's what they should be doing today kids   that are 10 years old and younger should not be  sitting at home on their phones watching YouTube   they should be out being kids I cut down  so much of my stuff I used to have a huge   Backpacker bag it was more of like an army  bag military style bag and uh that was full   I completely got rid of [ __ ]  that I don't wear or use and I I um I only now I only travel with things that that I  need and then you replace your clothes I replace   it so like if I wear a T-shirt and the T-shirt  starts getting old yeah just toss it and buy a   new one I have a from decathlon a catcher backpack  sponsor me you know what I mean I have two of them   Tanya has one I have one and um one bag has just  clothes in we roll them up tight and shove them   in as like as compact as we can and then the  second bag has laptops and iPads and toiletries   so when we get to the airport we shove one bag  through the other bag of polar laptops out and   push that bag through and that's it she carries  the light when I carry the heavy one yeah we get   through airport control like that we're so on  it it's very important if you want to travel a   lot travel light you don't need you don't need  most of the stuff that you need to do it's just   vanity exactly you don't need it replace you  if you're gonna travel full-time I have one   pair of trainers yeah when they get uh the back  starts wearing out I'll replace them that's it   get some shoes Universal shoes that you can wear  anywhere in nice situations smart situations or   just walking to the park yeah or to the shops get  some flip-flops get some flip-flops or sandals and   a gym I actually do have a gym pair of shoes now  because I like running yeah to lose weight or get   a pair of shoes that you can wear even to the gym  I did and they started to smell so bad that I've   now come you think about it I'm running every  day and it's hot and [ __ ] true you know what   the best you know what the best shoes are and  I've come to this realization knock off Yeezys   and I'll tell you why you can wear them with  anything you can wear them at the gym you can   wear them with jeans you can wear them in smart  occasions and I don't give a [ __ ] if you think   they they knock off I don't care but it doesn't  matter exactly I don't care if they're real or not   um they're so convenient you don't have to do  the laces up I want your real ones I don't know   100 200 or something probably more no I think that  you can't even buy them anymore the fake ones are   like 30 yeah and they're just so convenient you  just slip them on they're like socks what's the   um and they don't hate what's the is it  comfortable to run in the hill yeah they're   super comfortable and they don't age because they  don't crease in the front yeah a lot of a lot of   sports shoes or a lot of shoes they crease  material that leather material and you see   the creases and that just looks horrible yeah and  then you're walking around with old Mr clown shoes   where knockoff Yeezys or similar type of brands or  just convenient get some T-shirts some underwear   some socks some shorts a pair of jeans maybe  a like a down coat so you can roll it up wrap   it in cling film put it in the bottom here  the most important thing is that your your   mobile yeah and that you can move around  quickly without even having to pack up this   huge suitcase you can just open it for extra  luggage you can just put it on your back or   just roll it around it's this big save money  that money is going to the airline you don't   need that suitcase you don't need this I'm  not bothered about your time I have a small   suitcase I have a backpack that's it yeah nothing  else Medellin is becoming he's second Thailand is Colombia is becoming the second Thailand and  Medellin is becoming your fault second battalion   and it's horrible if you're watching this don't  go to Medellin for sex stories to bank chicks and   pay for it because you can't get chicks in your  country stop doing that you're ruining the country   um stop giving scammers money stop overpaying  for things because you're just ruining it not   only for 20 dollars for everything that is a very  American thing to do yeah go to a country and buy   a bread buy a buy a croissant that costs one  dollar they're like oh you're so nice a lovely   Colombian guy he has 50 now that Colombian guy  behind in the bakery is going to say huh every   Gringo every extra hero Foreigner is going to  give me fifty dollars so they start raising prices   first on their goods and their their products  or services and then they start expecting these   tips from everybody and then they start saying tip  tip tip you'll notice in Latin America you'll have   kids come up to you and be like tip tip tip where  do they learn that from they don't learn that from   themselves they learn that from foreigners coming  there and flashing and throwing money around it's   nice to be generous but one you're ruining it for  those people in those countries because there's a   place in Medellin called el polao el pollau it's  like a it's a very nice I never want it's a very   nice yeah it's a very nice area of Medellin very  popular and um it is like kind of it is kind of a   red light district and um when I first arrived in  Colombia I barely saw tourists there I saw a few   it was just Colombians it was full of Colombians  now you go there you'll barely see any Colombians   and you'll just see tourists so what's  happened the prices are going up hotels   have shot up Apartments have shot up airbnbs  are more expensive everything in general has   got gotten more expensive because more and more  foreigners now the locals can't go to El poblado   and enjoy a beer because it's more expensive  or they can't rent a place there so if they   come from Cartagena another city in Colombia  they can't go and stay in El Pollo because   gentrification and uh that's what I'm trying  to get across here is Colombia is becoming the   next Thailand rapidly not just slowly as  growing rapidly because people have seen   that they can take 300 flights from the  US or from wherever to Colombia and get   cheap checks end up like things yeah I'm  ruining Colombia man I just want to throw in   um people don't know what a sex stories this a  sex tourist is not a there's guys groups of guys   here they come here yeah they see a group of girls  some of them go back up actually that's just life   that's not sex tourism you're just having sex  on holiday if you bang a chick wherever you are   it's not you're doing that at home yeah social  justice Warriors go in here calling people out   paying people because you can't get them in your  own country that's all and you're urging them to   come and bang you just because you're richer than  them it's weird and that ruins the girls in those   countries as well because you're teaching  them that every Foreigner has to pay for you   so now they think oh every white man or every  Foreigner has to pay me to have sex with me   you know how many times girls in Colombia they  thought I was one of those dudes they'd be   like at the end of you you'd spend an hour  chatting to them or something like that or   well and they just expect you to pay them and  then all of a sudden they come up oh if you   want to come home with me you have to pay me  and I'm like get [ __ ] I've tried to spend   that ten dollars on a steak I would rather  [ __ ] in my hands and clap than pay a girl it's free probably just it doesn't  matter and especially the guys that   come to Thailand and pay for long backs on  top of it three dollar long bags come on they can't be charging more than three dollars how  desperate do you have to be to pay three dollars   for a long back there's surely hotter chicks in  your country wherever you're coming from America   there's other chicks in America than here yeah but  they can't get these these girls that's the yeah   I don't know what what why what's happening  there's there's there's something going on   you need to watch the fake gurus  we tell you how to pick up chicks   and they would put you in your home don't  watch them because they're going to show you   exactly how not to pick up they teach you how  to uh be a creep be weird they tell you things   they they tell they tell you things that work for  them so for example they say oh you need to sit a   certain way and the chick will be attracted  to you or you need to touch her on her leg   and she'll be attracted to you they'll teach you  little mannerisms or things to say or one liners   on how to pick up chicken is completely not  true if you were if you're a if you're a creep   or you're a dog or a geek no matter what you  say no matter how you sit or how you touch her   they're going to think they're going to think  you're a creeper or dog regardless and they   will even think you're more of a dog if you  do those things so if you're a dog and some   pickup Guru tells you touch the girl on her  arm at this moment when she blinks her eyes   two times and you do it you're gonna seem like a  super creep yeah alone if you don't if you wanna   I'm not a pickup Guru but what I've realized if  you just want to first of all you have to be as   good looking and strong as me and handsome  and just genius and Rich and Powerful   as me and then you'll be able to pick up chicks  first of all if you're not that you're [ __ ] but   no I'm just kidding you just don't be [ __ ] weird  just don't be weird and just be a better version   of yourself just be just be cool but also so if  you're watching this and you're like but I am up   dog I'm the dog you're talking about there's  donkey girls as well honestly you know what's   funny I've seen most of the the hottest chicks  are always with the darkest guys have you not   seen that all you negative guys who are going  to comment in the comments I couldn't give a   [ __ ] about you but I do in a way that just go  and do something cool go and do something good   go and enjoy your life you can't be happy sitting  talking [ __ ] on YouTube it's weird and I'll say   on that tone let's end it yeah nothing else to  say I think that's a wrap I think um thanks for   watching I believe we've covered a lot of things  for this on this lovely afternoon here in Koh   Samui I would say if um if they want to see you on  again well we're going to be together for a while   they can let me know otherwise I'll get the next  guest on we'll see if you guys have a guest that   you want to see on Moby's podcast commented Down  Below in the in the comments and we'll see if we   can make that happen and also we've got Francie  you don't know we're friends with that you'll just   see pop up and be like oh I didn't know they knew  each other yeah we don't often put stuff public you need to be happy to be humble you  need to be humble like Kurt okay the   most humble the most humble that's  the end of the podcast see you later
Views: 257,270
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Keywords: not bothered, not bothered podcast, mulvey, mulvey podcast, kurt caz podcast, kurt caz, podcast, logan paul scam, coffeezilla, andrew tate, andrew tate arrested, kurt caz andrew tate, kurt caz logan paul, kurt caz jake paul
Id: v1-SAPYXk7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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