Aviation Humour (Rod Machado)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how is everybody doing this evening terrific how many people were here last year the theater in the woods how many people this is the first time you've seen me here the theater in the woods excellent how many people don't know they're at the theater in the woods right now look I can't tell you I am so excited and so thrilled as I was telling Tom backstage to get up and have an opportunity to talk to a group of my fellow pilots and there must be about 8 million of you out there right now it's just such an exciting thing I feel about as happy as that guy 3 weeks ago at the LA Center who had and as an air traffic controller we had a great sense of humor in controlling the flight out of Edwards Air Force Base a stealth fighter on departure the stealth fighter calls up Los Angeles approach control in La Center says Roger stealth fighter turn left 83 to 0 degrees radar contact what a wonderful feeling gossamer it is so exciting to be here we're gonna have a great deal of fun tonight how many people here looking forward to learning a few things but most importantly having a lot of fun and experiencing experiencing the joy and thrill of being an aviation accident ex-army folks up here up in front are in great jeopardy as far as I'm concerned because I get so excited when I talk and especially talking about something like aviation that I could burst into flames catch fire and you're all in great jeopardy so we'll be prepared to move back my wife and I came here on you on a flight it was actually an inexpensive life because whenever we travel we always try to get the most inexpensive fare so we flew on a major airline and it was a lot of fun we got here very inexpensively we had four plane changes on the flight two of them which were in the air it was a little uncomfortable but if you ever get a chance to fly and United Airlines do that because it's a very classy Airlines course American is too and a lot of the other ones you know it just happens to be interesting because they're serving a new delicacy on the airlines called breeds a cheese how many people are familiar with that yes it did the cheese that smelled like a gym locker you open a little package of the oxygen mass you sort of pop right now right there but the the opportunity of water not on airplane and travel and talk to different people and to share a lot of different ideas is so extremely important to me and that's what we're going to talk about tonight how exciting how important it is to be in aviation and folks so I must tell you if I were an aviator in this spot right now in the audience I would feel very very proud as an aviator up here on stage I feel extremely proud but as a member of Navy Asia fraternity and particularly a group of people who are part of one of the best aviation organizations in the world the organization is probably responsible for keeping grassroots aviation alive and well in America the EAA I would feel very very very proud [Applause] and I get very very proud folks again one of the interesting things about pilots is we are very very proud people you know there are only six hundred and fifty thousand pilots flying around right now with medicals we don't know how many are flying around without medicals but we know that there are 650,000 flying around right now with medicals I'm just kind of curious of the people in here how many people here by applause have soloed I'm gonna be providing projects and does the FAA know of that solo I am kind of curious about that normally there should be the same amount of laughter versus applause on that particular one you've bet again aviation such an exciting place to be that one of the interesting things about being an aviators we like to tell people about what we do I'm sorry we're an isolated presentation of this section of the audience right over here right now we'd like to tell people about what we do this is very very exciting being an aviator and sometimes it's hard to find people that will stop and listen to us and share the comradery and the excitement of being in aviation as a matter of fact we like to talk about aviation so much that I have research now three different forms of communication the best communication or the most effective communication one is telephone number two is Telegraph number three is tell a pilot those are the three most effective forms of communication and again we like to tell people about what we do but sometimes we just have a hard time breaking it into conversation if you will how many people in here can think back to a time when they after they got their license they first decided to cash a check can you think back to a time like that when you went up to that supermarket and you found somebody behind that supermarket stand right there that didn't know you and you were going to go up in cash a check and you put that check right down there on that supermarket counter and just starting to roll around and move like that and you just follow that check around and the check came up to that person behind the counter cheap that Jeff and she looked at it and then she said the sweetest sound they can ever fall upon the ears of a pilot she said I guess I'm going to need some ID for that so you reached in your wallet pulled it out so fast and almost caught fires that came through your pant pocket right there and you ripped out your pilot's license you laid it down very proud right there on that supermarket counter and then the second sweetest sound ever to fall upon the ears of a pilot she looked at you and she said what is that which now presupposes that you have to explain so you write out the regulations and show the recording that they are 61 65 all the things you had to learn and people that were in back you are moving to other sections of the supermarket Wow that's what I mean when I say feeling really right we like to tell people what we do and in other words that's our job as aviators sort of spread the word if you will it's a matter of fact I have a little nephew his name is Brad he's about four years old recently had a problem with thumb sucking well my sister decided she was going to cure that problem she's standing out in a park and all of a sudden a fellow's walking by a big portly gigantic portly a very very big fat guy walking by and my sister looks at Brad she says Brad look at that man right over there that's going to happen to you you don't stop sucking your thumb and Brad you pull this thumb out so quick two weeks later they were in a supermarket normal sudden Brad looks up little bitty guy now he sees a pregnant woman walking by this old Brad just starts following her you spawn up and down left eleven aisle ten aisle 15 aisle 13 aisle pen again and she's getting kind of nervous cuz there's this little following her and she's talking she should stop it's not following me I don't even know you know brand acceptance is yeah but I know what you've been doing folks we have to be like the kamikaze pilot as clubs we have to be like kamikaze pilots and that I believe we have to do all our dragon ahead of time how many people in here have pictures of their airplane in other words your airplane in your wallet right now let me see raise your hand don't be ashamed raise your hand actually now let me ask you a question is that picture in front of or behind your family you know we get so excited about aviation what people that know what we're doing with that picture I have one guy once he just couldn't stand the father decided who he's gonna pick personally put his family in the airplane took a big old picture keeps it in his wallet right now first page right there on the wall gosh darn it but one of the neat things about aviation is that we've enjoyed groups like the Experimental Aircraft Association I joined the EAA to have and share the comradery of being able to be with my fellow aviators I also joined so that I could do experiments in airplanes but this is just such an exciting thing and to have that opportunity you know there are a lot of other groups around that actually perhaps are much larger than we a VA Schnoor we aviation buffs and their groups extend into many different quadrants and many different facets of our society as an example lawyers lawyers are a very very large group but I don't know anymore that really feels as proud to be a part of their group as we aviators feel proud to be part of our aviation group no I know what it is with mortars there's just something a little different about that a buddy of mine well buddy mines doctor his best friend and his best friend had a double indemnity insurance policy now you know the insurance companies don't like to pay double of anything so what they did was they said an insurance a lawyer agent out to question my doctor buddy had deposition now part of this large group lawyers he came out in an important position you know again he's kind of suspicious that maybe the doctor forged this death certificate in the deposition the lawyer looks at my doctor buddy and says now sir did you see the body of the alleged deceased my doctor buddy says you know no it was a natural death I didn't have any reason to see the body then the lawyer said well then did you do an autopsy on the alleged deceased do you know how lawyers talk and my buddy said knowing there was no reason I didn't see the body I certainly could have done an autopsy and the lawyer said well then did you go to the funeral of the alleged deceased and my buddy said my doctor but I said no I was at the hospital delivering a baby at the time the lawyer looked at my doctor but he said sir than what we have here is no actual proof that the alleged deceased has expired my doctor buddy looked down and said you know that's a good point never didn't think about that however I do happen to have his brain in a jar in my office and for all I know he could be out practicing law somewhere I think you get my point very more to be proud of this particular group maybe that's why we as pilots me as aviators perhaps more so the flight instructor community in this instance why we're so proud and that's why we have proud and why we have a tendency to try at the airport to be as proud looking as we possibly can maybe that's why flight instructors always wear sunglasses and they were armed all the time even in the shower they do that all the time you can see this you know what pilots really proud really is interested in showing other people how important aviation isn't how much skill he has as a pilot could you see this up the flight line all the time you watch out at any flight line you can even see it here today guy gets out of an airplane you can tell he's a real super cool instrument-rated pilot and he's really excited about the concept of being in his McPike because he's got knee boards two of them below the knee two of them above the knee he's got arm board's neck board belly board surfboard back board ironing boards he's got everything naturally probably carrying two chart cases with clear plastic side so you can see what's inside [Music] one jar cases for the Northern Hemisphere one to our case for the South hemisphere and you know he's a student pilot transitioning to being a fully ready Desmond poly because he's wearing his hood as he's doing the pre-flight actual tree flight an entirely new concept and instruments line but that's what it means to be a really really proud pilot in this instance very important think about that a buddy of mine happens to be a prevention speaker was at a Cattlemen's convention doing a professional program there and there was there are people walking around you know again with the habiliment the garments that show how proud they are to be part of their group and he said he was standing by two old timers standing over there near a railing and a woman walked by she's wearing a blouse sorting all the famous brands one of the old timers looks at the other and says I'll tell you what that means Bob that critter there is changed hands a number of times you know we flight instructors - we're flight instructors perhaps or I like to think as I'm a clown instructor that we are exceptionally proud because we like to share with other people and pass this proud feeling and proud ethic on to our our fellow pilots and we want instructors have a model put it in the seat and I can teach it to fly if they can see lightning and hear thunder I can teach it to fly that's what we think I think sometimes we may have a much more grandiose expectation of what our capabilities are as flight instructors but that's the way we think by the way some people came up and asked me rod what does it take to become a flight instructor well I want you to do this for me right now everybody repeat after me more right rudder as loud as you can say that I can't believe it you didn't I didn't think you'd do it okay repeat after me let go I've got it say that as long as you can you're 2/3 away there now good last one all you have to do is now save this right after me do you want to pay me now say that wonderful I get you actually didn't what a wonderful group we all want to get together go bowling sometime this is just me you folks are so much fun see a quad instructor I get we're really proud because we've developed a lot of skills in communication what we like to think we communicate very well except for a buddy of mine his name is Tim in Orange County Airport send a student on a cross-country flight launch County Airport in Southern California down approximately about a mile well I'm sorry about 50 miles 50 point two miles or so away from Orange County Airport it's an easy cross-country fly you just go down keep the ocean on your ride and land on your left and you keep going no problem it should have taken no more than an hour and a half mile of it seven and a half hours later I kid you not truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense seven-and-a-half hours later delay reaction seven half hours later this student comes back on the cross-country flight my blind instructors worn a big old trench right there on the ground pacing back and forth they've had to hit him with a tranquilizer dart gun just to keep him from going crazy his student goes back and he runs up the airplane he says when he says man what happened I sent you on a cross-country flight an hour and a half but should I take you no more I don't have with it with headwinds both directions it should have taken me more now and have what happened the student says you know next time you send me a cross-country flight you've got to stop giving me those directions like you give me and my flight instructor braces all I didn't tell you to practice everything I taught you and my the student says well I know but after I got done doing the s turns across the road steep turns turns about polling take off and landings at another controller field I figured I'd have enough time to get back but one thing that really messed me up was when I did that good work I just really messed me up too much so so my point is we have to really I am we I'll tell you what we've flawed instructors are very proud but we're not as cool as we look believe me it just doesn't work that I know we're not as cool as we look once County Airport in a Cessna 150 on approach I was with a guy that was a big tall Nordic fellow he was a very hairy man I mean this guy was this guy was so hearing if this guy went into the beach went into the water and came out they'd have to pull dolphins off of him I mean that's how hairy this guy was but he was so he was such a big man and he had this deep well modulated resonant voice and it was incredible he'd say on final approach he was always so impressive weakened eyes as well I think we're doing pretty good no I think the approach looks pretty good airspeed looks within their proper range their wings are perfectly level for the first time in eight hours that's excellent we're looking pretty good I think we're good and all of a sudden when he realized things were going too well all of a sudden is voice would raise you go well I think we're going to I don't think and I'm sitting over there I'm cool the reason uncle Ivan trained sweat on the right side of my face we're gonna be down you and I'm saying Bob will be okay I have that deep world modulator resting voice Bob it'll be okay you're in good hands or under control here and nothing's gonna happen to you while I'm in the aircraft and nothing's gonna happen they're coming down he's going on I don't think I'm gonna make it I'm nothing to her mmm 30 feet short of the runway dust rise up he looks over me says what happened and I say we'd make it we didn't make it my career she's not gonna make it we didn't make it we're history took in about four or five hours to get that DeCoster own joint again to get that voice back up in a regular pace oh but you know sometimes students think that they're really cool to when they're flying an airplane you watch them sometimes I see this a lot after 7,000 hours of wine with students like this is amazing students on cross-country wipe are sharp sharp sharp people at that stage on a cross-country flight because when you go up about 5,000 feet you normally do what to the mixture control you what canopy bladder in over 5,000 feet you lean it out exactly I asked the student times about how do you lean in airplane she's real normally taking control as to how you'll in the airplane so you're just like this and they Ling it out and they lean it out they get it up 7,500 feet got it leaned down book six students will do that every single time the thing that they won't do on the cross-country flight is dealing it as they're going back down they always forget that I did you did everybody else in the world then people for the rest of eternity are going to forget it and we quad instructors we're so cool in the cross-country flight the students looking around he can't see it and they're trying all the things they put there make a little hole right here and they look for the airport that way you see the students do this before right it cuts out all the surrounding periphery and they're looking like this for the airport just like that okay and sometimes you see students with actually a stereoscopic view just like that and they're tiny quiet they can then the students get smart they look over to you and say well I think I see it now and they watch your head your head going and then they turn the airplane under the lecture they're thinking people at that stage of the game and then one sudden as you go through 4,000 feet they're descending the mixer sticking two and a half put out of the firewall you have to pull ball over it in order to get on the other side and they don't see it you see it and you're just letting it go and all of a sudden I'll tell you what happens folks no matter how cool a student is when they go through 4,000 feet made you down a track about an altitude with that mixture controls taking that part out of the firewall they reach over they may have that far the engine is quick great you're dead however it is still moving and as far as the students thinking as long as it's turning everything will be okay that's how we students think then they reach over they grab that throttle and they go like this then they start thinking okay okay I copy carburetor by surprise I'll ambush the carburetor I have found the second time when the students show the throttle in if they don't hear the noise they make the noise themselves [Music] [Music] and then the third thing they do is they take your hands they start pounding on it boom that's called CPR carburetor pulmonary and then Evan over to and as they look at you they can't talk why can't they talk blood flows cut off for the carotid arteries that go to the base of the brain they're no longer having nourishing oxygenated blood feeding me higher neocortex the oxygenated blood is no longer going up their left hemisphere is disconnected they're operating a primitive mammalian are complex of their brain lake can't talk they look at you and they go oh you look currency yeah and they point to the throttle draw a big red circle with a slash through it [Music] then you say Bob do what I told you to do when you have an emergency what did I tell you to do anytime you have an emergency here grab Bob takes control to go like it's you [Music] what'd I tell you do engine failure checkmate so the kid making hops under beach over he grabs those keys and goes click click and been taking breaks my main mission holds a moment then you go door and here you are you sound like to Australia good thing is people from the years of antiquity rooms sound like a CEO short seaworld say Bob TechNet car bird he reached over he grabs that carburetor he all of a sudden he can have you ever had somebody do this in their blender core and they grab it in a pool [Music] cuz he's thinking man if I can get that carburetor come through that bottle wall ain't no wife and here they're going Yury talk about big mixer glamorous touch that kid secret the problem is decreases screw it up and kick that bar wall through the mixture through the firewall what an incredible learning experience well nobody's cool in the air but in that case and I'll tell you what you know who those students are because next time you see them on a cross-country flight what do they do that's right they don't win so if you see a Cessna 150 at 12,000 feet with black contrail you know my whole point is this aviation is a tremendous a tremendous adventure that very few people can never ever share we would not tell you what folks really like to think that we in aviation are very technically sophisticated we like to think that we're sophisticated in terms of psychology we like to think we're sophisticated in terms of technology in aviation but I'll tell you what we have a theatres and we have people on the planet because of the rate of information change the way things change so quickly my observation is this that things change so quickly we're not as sophisticated as we think what does that mean to us it means that when we fly there are always new things to be dealt with new equipment to work and as a result what happens is aviation is inherently an adventure it's exciting because you don't quite know what's going to happen I'll tell you what you make it many people think not a rod that's not true we are sophisticated let me ask you this question how many people have ever been driving their automobile had it breakdown and you had to go out and fix it you ever have that problem within the last five years do you walk outside your car and you walk over you lift up that hood you say honey I'll be right back I'm gonna fix a car so you walk out the you lift up that hood you'll open it then you look inside now said you go and you close the hood you go back and she said what's the matter and you say it broken she says do we become more vague about that what are you looking for underneath the hood I want you looking for a big circuit breaker oh there is no problem click and put it back on we've been outstripped by our technology maybe we're not as sophisticated as we think how many people here have VCRs anybody have a VCR by show of hands by applause how many people have VCR actually and how many people in here have VCRs that are still flashing 12 midnight how many people ever this is what I got like over buddy minds house he's an engineer how many engineers my applause do we have near engineers actually I personally never driven a train I like you something I'll go raise else did this man is a highly technically sophisticated PhD in left ones near out walk over I look at his VCR he's got a piece of black electrician takes over the twelve clashing this guy makes the the airplanes we fly around in this is not good we like to think that we're so sophisticated we didn't handle any problem would come up no matter whatsoever folks do you know statistically talk about talk about not happy to have to take care of ourselves and and being sophisticated do you know that you can have a pizza a pizza delivered to your house quicker statistically then the police will respond off an emergency call are you aware that this is known as the domino effect [Applause] I'm totally serious know if you have a problem don't call the police because we had to be sophisticated enough to take care of ourselves call Domino's Pizza and when they say what do you want on Jake I like tomatoes pickles lettuce and a 45 ask him it I'll tell you what is that the turbo 150 flyby I'll tell you an interesting concept that we like to think it because nowadays of the 20th century because we are so sophisticated we don't have to worry about the problems that are Australia Lucas brothers had to worry about many years ago I'm talking about being eaten alive do you know that you can go to the airport and be eaten alive are you aware of that let me show you yeah II can I have that airplane right there that's 747 thank you here we do a flyby for you on the 747 [Music] let me show you the ground proximity indicator truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense Long Beach Airport 1987 in December of 1987 at the International fly-in at Long Beach Airport in Southern California there was a student pilot holding short of runway 3-0 big long runway at Orange County holding short of runway 3-0 and he was waiting to take off he's out there and he's thinking man it's a great day to fly it couldn't be any better it's beautiful it's clear my instructors out of town and the Hobbs leaders disconnected what more and he's old short and all of a sudden behind him come for the largest transport category aircraft in the world I'm talking about a c5 a galaxy this thing this megalith a little bit of overcast this megalith comes taxing behind him and all of a sudden stop and stops right behind it here's a little guy here's happy and he's holding right there and then all of a sudden the c5 a is on ground on tower frequency and ground control a little bitty airplanes on tower frequency the c5 a captain on ground control calls at our and says you know we forgot to load a G but still in the back area you might have reload him right here and the tower controller says no go right ahead now do you know how they load a c5 a [Music] all of a sudden the nose of the c5e [Music] and the student pilots in his airplane he looks behind him and he sees up and his instructor never told him s he looks behind him he goes so he starts looking for the microphone which is that she picks it up and as more students they transmit they look into it waiting for the video picture to come on Annie goes tower tower long beach tower in the tower knowing the international vocabulary for student pilots come back and says is that you three two models to vote and the guy in the airplane just how what's that man doing now the guy in the c5 is listening to this he hears a transmission he picks up his microphone with a great sense of humor and says will a buddy we're gonna eat you look at the airplane call Josh's tower what that man go dude and the guy who towers is well dude you're up it looks like he's gonna eat you just gonna suck you right in there afraid your bubble they cleared for takeoff my little god so you can see you peeling out a burning rubber there must have been jato bottles on that one 50 what an incredible thing you see whether in aviation there's always a risk to be taken but there are always many fascinating things that can happen as a result of that risk first one of the things in aviation we have to learn this is so important I talked about this in my cassette tape series I talked about the politics of awareness how to be aware and avoid those natural predators that can cause us great concern because we a v8 if we think in terms of the people of antiquity we realize that there are natural predators to be dealt with distraction inattention complacency are those natural predators and if you don't think that we are all subject to that which indeed makes aviation great adventure avoiding these natural predators think about this let me take you back to nineteen eight this is actually 1981 on Ozark Airlines now Ozark Airlines has been merged with another airline so I really can't tell you the name of the other airline well I can give you their initials G W how could this happen to two people in a 737 what an adventure but how could this happen co-pilots and the right seat of the air places captain I'll be right back I'm gonna go out to the John I'll be right back games days okay be right here so he went out went to the John cam said you know I got this thing on autopilot I think I'll go back give me a cup of coffee real quick he gets up he walks back out and you know all those airline doors they are trained to lock as he walks out almost at the door goes click he goes he walks up there okay click click click copilot comes out of John says hey Bob how you all released you guys are sitting here going they have to get a fire extinguisher to use as a ramrod to bust through the door now think about this what would you be thinking if you were in first class hey Bob take a look at these guys over here looky there well those boys sure must want to file for bad look they're trying to get up there with those other pilots distraction inattention complacency what makes flying such a great adventure because we have to think on our toes every time we fly I'll tell you what there was there was a major airline flying along from Albuquerque New Mexico to San Diego and on this major airliners ever flying office of the laboratory valve on the right seat on the right side of the airplane excuse me the left side of the airplane facing this direction that's right in front of the number one engine the laboratory purge valve started leaking and blue lavatory effluvium you understand what I'm saying right people going we got a rod don't don't no more detail we got it completely blue lavatory fluid started to escape the valve and all of a sudden - ice shield broke off and was just sucked into the engine fans and these changing forces stopped the engine so suddenly that the engine literally literally was ripped off the airplane the copilot city are flooded you're sitting in his seat and all of a sudden he's a bunch of lights go wah just like that he's looking all those lights camera goes back says hey Bobby better go back to check that out so Bob starts walk back he gets down to the middle of the galley and all of a sudden is a galley cart blocking his path he can't go any further and as he said he's a way to me he says at no big deal so he walks back to his camp I can't see back there because there are certain passengers breakfast but I'll just turn this thing off click dick pic picture we got two engines to go problem the picnic picnic Utley turn it on wonderful they landed San Diego Airport as they land a controller picks up his microphone says yes flight 117 a UH you guys experienced any difficulty that's it no Towers is wilter your right or left engine is gone and the captain says say what is it your left engine is gone as if not there anymore captain's Bob you go back there you see if it's really gone now that's why this major area carrier whenever they fly they have engine quantity indicators on their 727 I told this last year and some of those people haven't heard it but you know there's a great opportunity experience the adventure to flying you know the Oklahoma physiology laboratory indicated that the greatest stress that a student pilot experiences during flight and during their flight training is stress greater than or equal to the stress experienced by a combat pilot under combat conditions do you know what is the one thing that causes that stress do you have any idea talking air traffic controllers because air traffic controllers speak at 60 with peak gusts to 90 don't they if you've never heard an air traffic controller talk folks let me tell you Orange County Airport we have one gentleman they could talk so fast I'm afraid for him I hear for this man because I'm afraid he's gonna be talking sometimes and his fault teeth are gonna shoot out and he's gonna pick him back up and stick him in his mouth upside down before they can stop him he's gonna chew off the top of his head if your student pilot at the airport hold short of the runway all of a sudden the control call happens inside you bow be ready to take off okay after departure I want to make a left there 600 the airport didn't climb to a 360 degrees now it's flying three five Circuit reached a 60 degree successor degrees making the 360 over the airport 74 that's put contact buckle seven seven zero zero one squawk one 21.5 got that now the student looks at you and they always go is he talking to me now we say four things is he talking to me What did he say I think he wanted to talk to you for a while it always gonna hear what I've actually heard this with a student pilot in the run-up area and all of a sudden the student pod he's with his instructor and the guy is really nervous and you can see until he's nervous his instructors giving him good instructional guidance he picks up the microphone and says uh what do I say I say tell them you want to take off I want to take off although I say no nothing like or that button click now controllers have a great sense of humor I know this for a fact because I actually heard this come over the radio in a secondary transmission click well what'll I say Tellem he's cleared for takeoff you're cleared for takeoff what do I say no no nothing like that one I'm not proud to tell you this I'm not private to but I tell you anyway because you can profit from my experience the Orange County Airport 1976 down when I was with a student of mine he was Japanese and I was he still lives I got to get that right we're doing now Paul had about old $25 fuse gave him a command of the English language he was an engineer a very intelligent man we turn now and he picks up his microphone goes oh oh what kind of huh ah well now we in our and our what kind of our now like also do electronic appliances okay think about your Delano is the student model I can tell that extant I want you to follow traffic ahead and remember 2014 horns get work you can't fall that traffic on a you go outside they operate to my five miles de l'eau feel like and then you go and get back and even one touch you go only one touch ago we Danny when I want such North air that's already okay go said that good pulses Oh [Music] for real he is talking to me I said man I hope he's not talking to me calls it oh look all you want me say I'm not trying to tell you this but it makes flying such a great adventure I said we'll use big Japanese don't you he said Oh course I'm still Japanese so we'll speak a little Japanese doing Oh Dewey but I got to click dead silence all of a sudden control comes on to you here okay we're gonna work it out nobody's going to get hurt is there an instructor on more the airplane I picked up the microphone I'm not proud to tell you this but I went quick oh I am I'm sorry of course I would do it again but I'm sorry yes Wow Wow don't ever tell me fly it's not a great adventure it's an excellent adventure there's so many exciting things to learn and incredible things to see folks up just be so proud that you are an aviation B so excited because again aviation is just one of a wonderful place to be and if and I just just think about it again being aware of those natural predators that things being one of the things that can get you and be proud of the fact that very few people have the right stuff you all have the right stuff you're here at the largest most incredible airshow in the entire world hanging around the most marvelous people in the world and you all have the right stuff the people the right stuff you know then come here they couldn't find the place you think all the airplanes here would cure man but they couldn't find it you have the right stuff a lot of people don't have the right stuff we still have people going through hamburger stands nodding at the speakers folks there's new people out there that think professional wrestling is real how many people think professional wrestling the odds please don't give it away yeah so I had a student one time come to the airport I knew I didn't have the right stuff had burns on both sides of his ears I said Bob had to get bruises on yours this is man I can't believe this I was ironing when the phone rang [Music] two left [Music] you'll have to get burned on the other side here said most all I had to call my hospital we see a lot of people suffer from something known as student advection fog do you know what student advection fog is more McCoist knowledge throwing over a cool dry brain if you don't think some people don't have the right stuff take a look at Sporty's pilot catalog that ink catalog you get where you can see all those great things in there they have coasters in there coasters you put your drinks on that have embedded embossed inside pictures of sectional charts and i--i bar charts and on the bottom of those sectionals are those coasters you see a little bit aside and says not to be used for navigation now folks you got to ask yourself this question why do they have to put that on there I was student one time in grad school I said why should we never blow into the pitot tube he's dug up his head he said pick me pick me I said okay Bobby what he says because that suckers hot give you a certificate now he was out providing the airplane with the pitot heat on yeah I think there's an in ii nür I think right there Kiki you said you walk around like this for a week all he gets a full Jenny put his lips up against the hurt sound sounds like bacon frying but you see to have the right stuff means you as a pilot avoid temptation you have to have enough discipline self-discipline to be able to avoid the temptation of get mellitus the desire to get to a place that nobody else can get to even rated airline transport but even people to fly the sr-71 for the b1 or b2 bomber or the ABCD bomber these people don't go because nobody the right mind would go but we have to have enough sense enough to tempt sex to avoid the temptation of going there if you don't think that we pilots were tempted to do things that we know to be wrong ask yourself this question why does it airplane manufacturer but the Hobby reviews on the engines out of the firewall take some time on that one what about the guy at Long Beach Airport that we have a deep-water Harbor in Long Beach Airport there was a an aircraft carrier 1971 I could make this up if I wanted to report it in the harbor they're refurbishing the ship he's flying around in a Cessna 150 above the Long Beach harbor [Music] there's a little devil on his shoulder saying do it one time do it one time one time do we do it little angel on the other shoulder saying do it do it do it he comes down today is his lucky day he's coming down burping and I was alone and it's a shorter boom why I take that off and people come running out say what was that out there was the biggest mosquito what was that that was incredible don't tell me we're not tempted as funds we are there's a lot of temptation I challenge you all in this case that to reward the natural predators inattention distraction complacency to be challenged to be to be thrilled by the act of flying an airplane because it's such a rare thing and I challenge you to do one last thing let me let me just start the end of this presentation by asking you to do one very important thing for me and that is to ask yourself a lot of questions when you fly would your puppets before many years ago said the Richard Buckminster for the architect the mathematician a man that has now gone to that great run-up area in the sky but an incredible man when he said the only way to think is to ask yourself questions there is no other way ask yourself questions that's how we think when you're flying keep that running dialogue like man what's going on out there look at that look at these there are more airplanes going this way then there are going in my direction ways that mean but ask yourself questions that running dialogue is very important why because professor whatever word adder the philosophic Research Institute of New Jersey says 3 percent of the people think 3 percent of the people think they think and 94 percent of the people would rather dumb than think Adler says if most people were to say what's on their mind they would be speechless and if you know that people don't think folks will be taken back to Orange County Airport Southern California in 1987 October 12th and October 12 the two o'clock in the afternoon 500 miles off the coast of California out on the Pacific Rim there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake registered by the National Oceanic administration and NOAA forecast as a result of that earthquake a tsunami warning to reach the Southern California coast by 2:45 now for those folks who don't know where the tsunami is tsunami is the Japanese word for surfs supposed to reach the Southern California coast to 245 folks in 215 by 215 those warnings were broadcast over all the major radio stations in Southern California and by 2:30 in the afternoon for the first time in recorded history in Huntington Beach between the streets of Beattyville regarding Golden West Avenue on Pacific Coast Highway 100 feet from the water there stood 5500 people on Pacific Coast Highway with their instrumented cameras waiting to take a picture of the tidal wave now folks I must tell you this is Mother Nature's very delicate way weeding out people that don't [Applause] I mean I grow around a half hour pine fly play expect my park my car we need to think that's very very important think about this I want you to think about just one or two little things here and I challenge you to do this I challenge you when you fly number one to think about doing something a little different than you've done it before preflight the opposite direction rather than getting caught in ritual a preflighting one way go around one way then go around the other way do something really different try to do so if you try to hold out the tune within the greater tolerance when you fly and then ones instead of plus or minus 1000 V try to all the altitude within plus or minus 100 feet okay without having to update the altimeter setting if you understand what I'm saying trying to hold your heading precisely keep your hand up at dg9 try to do something a little different polish and improve our skills ask a lot of questions when you fly and consider this very very important point think a little differently in terms of making every flight that you go on an extremely enjoyable pleasant flight in terms of thinking that you're not going to no matter what no matter what the internal press of get or Midas's to exceed your personal limitations we know what those limitations are but we have to be cognizant of them I think it's very important always to think in terms of having a great deal of fun when you fly enjoy yourself make it fun if you have friends that are not heavy in front of their training process for gosh sakes get furlough their flight instructor get up a new flight instructor make them warm have fun that's very very important because flying is an extremely fun thing I challenge you to do this when you fly two very important rules I'm going to leave you with it number one always look for the folly in life look for the funny strange unique things that are in existence look for the wrong things I went into the port-a-potty over here this is excellent it says capacity den people that's a lie I know we could find in there why isn't that song there well you better be help there's a sign on the side of the wall says you stairs for a restroom will you get drawing jail for that you Woody Allen says in his book without feathers he says he's a lion and the lamb July down together what the lamb won't get much sleep there's so much fun to go I saw many exciting things to do how many people are here at Country Western song fans I'll bet Oh exit excellent okay I guess I won't be telling this joke this is your country-western song titles these are actual true country-western song titles my wife got hit by a train but the dogs okay that's a truce there's another one says I can't get over you so you're gonna have to get up and turn off the ride yourself that's a true song title there's another one that says how can I miss you if you never go away there's another one that says I'm so miserable without you it's almost like having you here and my last favorite is this there ain't enough whiskey in Tennessee don't wipe the ugly off of you male and female that works both ways the second rule and this is very very important you can learn to see the following life literally look at the different it'll help you out in terms of cognitive development in other areas if you learn to see things just a little differently the third thing is this develop a sense of play develop a sense of play you have fun you know when you call wrong control use a foreign accent they're tired of hearing the same old regular English accent use a foreign one oh it's kind of rugged all oh I get this no one's gonna have for two or three to bumper radio tax out we have information total key kill Donna says oh you kamikaze pilot so it's going to dive in the control tower make this uncontrolled out ball today at launch county up oil have fun do something a little different enjoy yours okay Diane and I do this whenever we get on an elevator like we do this at every hotel we go to we move to back the elevator when the doors closed like that bunch of people get on we pretend like we don't know each other and we stick around I like that we join us I said how you doing she says oh I'm a little lonely I guess so gee would you care to join me my room for a drink and she says well I thought no one would ask so we walk off the elevator we go about 20 feet stop take a look behind us we saw the guys hold the door open hits them that's all we really need to get on a plane it's so much fun takes the stress off of you and puts it on those guys I'll tell you what we need that a buddy mine's been married four times decided he could no longer take it he just can't get along been married four times he says he's no longer to get married again every four years he's gonna find a woman that hates him he's gonna buy her house d c---ten a buddy of mine in 1976 now that dc-10 he had this big old video screen remember that video screen you can see the captain over here here's a video screen here's the captain over here here's the copilot over here flight engineer you so junior can you get in the picture three throttles sticking right up right there captain said the flight engineer down the costume power to purchase before the flight a large hairy gorilla glue on takeoff famous screen on everybody sitting there in first class coach in laboratory section this great wouldn't say takeoff professional plot spawn airplane this is gonna be so cool that by and they're watchin Ellison cats hamsters fingers a big old giant hairy gorilla in comes up there grab the bottom [Music] people with first-class section going Bobby take a look at that that guy used to fly with law in that airplane real hairy one look at that [Music] everybody's watching obviously I went a bit so bad but the coal part also in the hand reads it over to caption the coal pile on the side oh look at the hand not reaches down into a brown paper bag gives the hand a banana and a hand disappears officer American Airlines I was so great they gave the crew with 30 days off to figure out how to have more fun but we need people like this and that's very many people just like this folks I'm going to wind up by saying this if you are in aviation whether you realize it or not Aviation has allowed you to be transformed in very subtle ways it's very several ways that you are not even aware of only because I've researched this am i aware of the profound impact that we pilots experience when we fly because when that first russian cosmonaut gardener walked out of that spaceship in the spacewalk he was supposed to go out for a twenty minutes evie a twenty minutes it took an hour and a half with a Russian general commanding him to get back in the spaceship because all he was doing out there was floating around going all they couldn't talk him back in it was such a profound experience Michael Collins an Apollo 11 when he went out behind the moon with buzz and needle and they descended down to the lunar surface Michael Collins was alone by himself in that spacecraft he went out a poet and in his life an engineer excuse me in his own words he came back a poet because of the transformative experience but did not write music in order to be able to entertain people his intention writing music was to entertain but most importantly to show people how through what would normally be disharmony with notes that were again unrelated in discord by combining those notes in such a poetic sort of way there was she had the ability to show that what would be considered again disharmony would be a very beautiful composure something that could be unique and couldn't spiders mankind through all the French painters passion in life was to paint a picture of Christ solo been so powerful it would convert people to Christianity by looking at the picture an aviation has that profound effect as Lloyd Haynes the late actor Lloyd Haynes in Santa Monica California demonstrated when he took juvenile delinquents who have and had a high rate of recidivism returned to juvenile delinquency they would take these people and he would train them in airplanes till they solo and he supported much of this program from his own pocketbook because he knew the when they were trained in airplanes they developed a sense of responsibility and an awesome respect for this ability to to know that you can be self-reliant control the thing yourself and that's what gives people self respect that's what gives you a new insight maybe you don't even realize you have and that's very very important to consider I'd like you to consider that and his students or his people had the lowest rate of recidivism or return to juvenile delinquency that's very powerful and I hope you believe it the way I tell it and I really hope you believe that as a matter of fact my little nephew Brad now he's seven years old he comes home from Catholic school and as he walks in he says mom mom well I got to tell you small incredible story mom mom ha that's incredible he said they told us this story it was incredible they parachuted Moses behind enemy lines into Egyptian territory they dropped him in here he had hand grenades flamethrower gun Barbara had father and everything else like that and he took his commandos they went back and they gathered added up those Israelites and they met a commando raid out of Egypt and then they came to the Red Sea and they had to call God in to draw large girders and steel tubes and things so that they could build this bridge across the Red Sea and then when they got across all the sudden the enemy was coming at them so God called him reinforcements and blew up the bridge and they all escaped to freedom and my sister looked at me she says Brad now that's not how it happened Umbrella Doug says I know Mom but you'd never believe it the way they call it I hope you believe it the way I told it and I'd like to say this I'd like to do this real quick just a few minutes over my time here I have a I'd like to give a couple of these things away these are a couple of my cassette courses that I'm over in booth the North Pavilion come up and say howdy you know I'd love to meet some people people don't come up and say howdy I'd like to do this I'd like to give one away from to the person who is here in Oshkosh from the greatest distance away in other words from another country we have anybody here from who sir where do you where Australia what do you think come on how about passing that back to that gentleman right there and I'd like to say this there's nobody in here I would not be proud to call a fellow friend aviator and be proud to fly with thank you very much I'll be out here behind the curtain if you want to come up and talk after the program take care god bless good flying and I'm so happy to be a member of the a thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Canadian Flight Centre
Views: 44,727
Rating: 4.901082 out of 5
Id: Y13ft0PLl0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2017
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