Avengers Age of Ultron Cast: Funny Moments

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where you guys are trying to pick up the the hammer and i wanted to know in the in the movie world when you guys were trying to actually lift it how did they keep it down like what would they do they actually couldn't lift it right that scene wasn't the hammer is method yeah it's it's like that because it's not that heavy actually it is so that became the joke originally it was like we're all worthy aren't we amazing what a team and then they couldn't pick it up so seriously brought me along with on this journey and uh to this fantastic group of actors box office bonuses just sorry there's that the gentleman here in the red time wait are they coming before the movie starts shooting now and by the way you got box office bonuses who is the social director for the group who's in charge of me of fun yeah we're let's see how well you know the biceps of yourselves and your fellow cast members oh that's me right just when i wake up is that me are you joking is that that looks like evans that is heaven um that's downey it is robert downey wow what that's rdj shot since oh boy i was like me finally is that you purple shirt that's the most pathetic one there oh i can tell because of your arm hair that's mark ruffalo that giveaway the hairy arm the purple tissue and the purple t-shirt hairy arms yeah there's an ice cream purple shirt that's got to be brother next time i'll ask you how many times uh a week do people come up to you guys and just say android character love star trek yes jennifer lawrence is she's awesome but i didn't do that film you know you know what that was a better answer than i wanted on the other things i many swear to god called liam lately all the time really had a bunch of like bmx bandit like 10 year olds right right past me and stop and go you look like liam hemsworth and before i could even respond just to like that before i could knock them out they are calling him now mark ruffalo were you serious when you told us what your fear is i mean it is it's a good fear it's i think it's a founded fear i think it's a founded fear it is tell us what it is um i have a phobia of being chased around with poop on a stick um patrick swayze and dirty dancing well i was gonna i was gonna go like a different way and i was gonna save my old man no well i was gonna say that's to me that's you know that's you know who i am as a man that comes first i suppose peter o'toole it'd have to be gandhi ben kingsley by the way great job being pregnant for the whole show right you know what i've said that a bunch i've never met a woman more happy pregnant than scarlett you literally were in the best mood i've ever you were just so happy so yeah i don't think anyone's ever made as much money during a gestation as you did either so i don't need more money pregnant than i've ever made before what was that i'm gonna make your night a little bit better we're gonna give you a pull out of our grab bag tonight don't look don't look oh that's like underwear oh what is oh you know what you got the ellen gardening gloves before you go you want to do a little challenge what do you want to do don't make it weird just what are we going to make weirder than this what are we this is the best thing ever and who who goes out with him like does everybody go or do you guys are there people that are more inclined to go out than others well you never know you know you got to kind of test the water sometimes people have responsibilities everyone has kids and you know everyone except except it's good got a question for scarlett um obviously your character could have easily just been kind of written off as the sexy one of the team how important is it that really have you seen chris hemsworth this is blowing my mind are we doing an interview yes they are doing an interview excellent couple questions this man is a and chris evans you've done so many movies chris evans of course captain america you did um how many movies now with him i think this is our fifth movie we've been working together since we were like i don't know 17 i think really like that yeah wow so you must know him for pretty well i know him very well too well i'm sure i mean everything that he's gonna do i'm sorry it's been 15 minutes since my last wardrobe jimmy jimmy now josh living up your what are you afraid of well i was gonna go with flying but i think i'll go with um girls over 12. come back have you ever tasted yourself we need to start getting like what is that you are delicious by the way that's exactly what i thought you titled ah more i need more than named uh clark i believe on the wall if we can go to that uh yes i just wondered if any of you had ever considered working on the small screen um i don't know if you've heard but it's the golden age of television yeah it is what about marvel's agents of shield would you any of you be a part of that joe sure yes absolutely thank you morgan yes you know we left here anything for our daughters all you have to do is ask you don't want to be blown off your small screen blowing us off well thank you clark watching the film i was like wow that's in some ways is is the big triumph for the film i i really liked i liked scarlet and ruffalo you know you see a lot of nice intimate moments yeah it's my arc really it was the best song it was just nice seeing uh you know it was nice seeing the intimate moments between you know scarlet and ruffalo and this kind of like challenged relationship among a team of superheroes where you don't really see romance you know especially within the group nailed it i feel like we need to catch the audience up can you just summarize what's happened in the first ten films you're saving the world from the forces of evil that pretty much covers it all in costumes with superpowers and and actors who normally would just do independent movies there was once an iron man and he met a green hulk who then uh you know met this captain of this country called america we got the guardians of the galaxy that are just great because you know what's his name chris from prague chris pratt is trying to protect the earth because he's originally from the earth well the man sued and fed and the other earnest angry in his shields america and there was a god called thought who met this ant type man thing and they were hawkeye and black widow and it was these guardians of the galaxy and they all came together the end i'm actually afraid of sperm in places it's not supposed to be i'm a forensic scientist you're a forensic scientist yes so but but where i find it in really weird places and i feel like it's everywhere and it freaks me out i think you should have your couch checked out you're good you're good well i tell you what i'll tell you when you when you're firing the bows are those ever actually firing or is it just cgi how do they do that well they would never give me a real weapon to hurt people like if someone's off camera you don't have a camera getting shot the arrow's got to go somewhere no man we can't use real arrows i mean and for you you have some pretty epic i'm always using a real computer correct it's not no it's no i'm sorry it's not it's not turned on but there is a real screen scarlett granny smith fuji mccoon all types of apples in this picture chris is holding a honeycrisp apple oh geez wait what am i looking at i need to go back to school you do don't you yeah i'm sure you're just acing that class i mean being thor going to thor school shouldn't be a problem i know yeah it is quite fun sometimes great just the fact that uh you came and spent a few moments with me it just it makes my day and i know big thor but to actually meet little thor i actually i i don't know who's more powerful at this point is it you yeah that's what i thought and you're purple joss is this what it's like on set quite often no some of them are paying attention chris since living in france scarlett has learned to make traditional crepes from her sister-in-law oh man i'll say true you are wrong oh yeah no she's not learned a thing she doesn't know nothing he's not even trying don't even i am trying you know you don't speak french you haven't learned to make a crepe you feel like my mother you shouldn't live there i mean i like to think of him as being like the most intriguing mind-boggling character because what is he right so i mean just from that kind of standpoint i guess does it worry you that i feel like he doesn't actually have genitalia probably because he's an android so that might be a problem in the role but it depends on it depends on what well what's i mean but what's really important in your relationships then this is it's a good message scarlett were you worried when you realize you're like oh i'm pregnant and now i have to be in this very very tight suit and riding a motorcycle as well i did all of my motorcycle riding stunts yes um no i didn't do any of them actually crazy yeah it's one thing to commit to your craft there's another thing for to make your fetus commit to your crap except there's a lot of shark attacks where i live at the moment are they really oh my god there's three are you still surfing one directly in front of my house and there's uh yeah that's it that's a wrap i would just never surf again i can't believe you're even just do you still serve yeah yeah there was we're surfing the other week right there was like 30 of us out surfing and a great white cruise through the lineup and i was sitting and looking at the back and my friends like what are those guys doing i mean all just huddling together trying to be a bigger shape in the water as this great one oh that's just worth it let's catch a few waves hope we don't get eaten by a great white shark on the ends that's just once you got more it's you got it it's more dangerous you had it in it you looked fantastic then ruffle has a man canceling suit that he wears so i didn't feel that bad what do you what is a man he's not allowed to say that what does that mean a man cancelled he'll cut that out afterwards like a ken dolls just kind of demand cancelling suits the uh man canceling suit is what i call my um cgi leotard and uh i call it man canceling because it makes you look small everywhere you wished you looked big and big everywhere you wished you looked small so it's man but i think it's a very similar approach nailed that one too well can we all agree that evans is on fire today evans you're on damn fire scarlet chris used to work at disneyland and in this picture he's helping a child reach for a lost balloon what's happening now what is going on you can't do that at disneyland no that is true he's not looking for a lost balloon at all i think you're at coachella or something i don't know by the way you guys aren't the only ones that get this treatment um this is chris i know you'll like this this is um there's chris wow that's fun yeah i i wish i wish that'd be nice nothing man canceling about look back that keep your eyes on me
Channel: Age of the Force
Views: 8,632,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers (Organization In Fiction), The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (Work Of Fiction), Ultron (Film Character), Comics (Comic Book Genre), Interview (Film), Robert Downey Jr. (Celebrity), Chris Evans (TV Personality), Chris Hemsworth (Celebrity), Jeremy Renner (Film Actor), Elizabeth Olsen (Celebrity), Scarlett Johansson (Celebrity), Mark Ruffalo (Film Actor)
Id: xI19iqN6SoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2015
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