'Avengers Age of Ultron' Super Six Cast in Action Interview

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what do you get when you combine six of the world's sexiest movie stars with one of the highest-grossing movie franchises of all time a blockbuster superhero movie of course tonight ABC's Chris Connelly is with the cast of Avengers age of Ultron together again and this time there's a new villain in town mr. mayor of Marvel what's it like to bring these people back together again as the temporary seated mayor I would just like to say it just it doesn't get any better than that with Robert Downey jr. Hulk busting Iron Man and Mark Ruffalo's big green guy male-bonding Jeremy Renner's hawkeye an analogue warrior with a digitized phone with witty banter from the comedy team of Chris Hemsworth's Thor and Chris Evans Captain America thanks thanks for letting it go Avengers age of Ultron the eleventh film in the integrated series known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the goods to keep this franchises fans fed the second film to feature all six of the action elite we have the easy ish job because we are you know I think all in kind of building these characters over many films and it's it's playful and fun for us and obviously we all get along so well by the way great job being pregnant for the whole shoot as Black Widow of five months pregnant Scarlett Johansson would catnap during the cast's whiffle ball games outside her trailer I've never met a woman more happy pregnant then Scarlett you literally were in the best mood I've ever you were just so hot so I think anyone's ever made as much money during a gestation as you did well was that additionally challenging was it a joyful thing for you it was great I'm I was so fortunate to be able to work and in that state and have like tongue and very cushy delightful job that I love to go to everyday whatever man it's a trick oh please be my guest the camaraderie is clear as vodka in the films off-duty party sequence and it's fun being those scenes where we're not in our outfits you know everyone's just relaxing you know it's nice to see the characters as people what is defined as too much fun on a set school giggling looks like he's about to have an aneurysm in front of you you might have pushed it too far class is in session and director Joss Whedon script the first one felt for me like the first day at school and who's who and nervous energy and and we're gonna get recast and all that but this time around was like high school reunion we're II have saved the world battles Tony Stark seeks to fashion an artificial intelligence spot with sufficient wham-bam to keep the galactic peace study Ultron when the AI goes uh-oh everyone creates the thing they dread the Avengers must battle but gone rogue Ultron whose contempt for the human race comes via James Spader how're you doing faced off with Downey some three decades ago in tough turf first of all nobody will disagree that he is easily one of the top three eccentrics on planet earth and I swear to god he's just picked up a conversation we were having in late 1983 he walked in the trailer and Tony was like you know Bob romantic love and I was like I was like laying down I was like Jim my agent had called me up and said okay Joss would like you to do the Avengers I said do what and and she said an 8-foot robot and that was all she had and so when Joss and I first spoke I said well okay well but what can I bring to the table really and he said a confluence of humor and danger and threat and childishness but always retaining a level of gravitas I didn't really understand what Ultron was or how it was going to be a character and that first day of watching him actually performed the character I think we all knew advances in motion capture technology means that the characters is Ultron and Hulk get to perform on set with other actors which I didn't get to do last time because I was in a closet actually I was in the paint shop mark is finally out of the closet and I kick the doors off the hinges when I came out big hey big guy this Hulk --mess risking the wrath of the Avengers HR department as a co-worker was him Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow it makes perfect sense because these characters have had a lot of trauma and so they see in you know a similarity in one another and it brings them close together when we drop down into those real issues that these superhumans are dealing with I think that's really what makes avengers work so well created for comic books Earth's Mightiest Heroes surprise by spending much of Avengers age of Ultron in pursuit of adulthoods more placid joy this is why we fight so we can end the fight to go home got the Harry Potter movies and it's these three brave kids and they're going off by themselves and houses like oh I have to say it was very gratifying with first one find other people do want to see a movie about run-ups that's nice even if it's not a particularly grown-up goofy about grown-ups youth does get served by newcomers Aaron taylor-johnson and a sensational Elizabeth Olsen but it's largely performed by actors who've started families themselves am I the only guy here without children yeah yes what are you kids it's it's my it's my intellect level you know we've like colors and shapes these nephews James even as Avengers age of Ultron is being counted on to fulfill massive box office expectations by the Walt Disney Company the mothership of ABC News these iconic roles haven't overwhelmed these actors careers the way other out-of-this-world film franchises once did there was apprehension at first but you know in retrospect best decision of my life they're great movies and you you're honest be a part of them and god I'd be kicking myself had I not done them you're welcome yeah it's been a real blessing and III do have to thank Robert for for giving me an entree into this world not just as a you know a friend hey come and do this we could do this together but also just as opening the door for a quirky kind of the character actor who is doing mostly in indie movies so thank you again and we had this today so I could be properly thanked I'm Chris Conley for Nightline in Burbank California looks good Avengers age of Ultron will be in theaters May 1st
Channel: rizkya aiga putri B
Views: 38,037
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Id: 4gDz9ToD-B0
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Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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