Avatar Theory: Did Sokka Have Kids?

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it's hard to believe the series finale of The Legend of Korra is over four years behind us now I mean I still distinctly remember when the show was first announced it was like a dream come true as it was for any avatar fan but now it's all officially over except not at all because since the start of the last airbender and The Legend of Korra comic book series we have been getting more avatar related content than ever before and I couldn't be happier this the case because although Korra was great and gave us a lot of answers about what happened to many of the show's main and supporting characters after the original ended it also left just as much open for interpretation and the fate of a favorite boomerang wielding jokes the Sokka is no exception that is especially surprising considering we got to know so many characters related to the ones we knew from way back from Toph starter to hang and Katara's kids obviously but it was never explicitly stated as Socastee and a would carry on into a new generation has the show simply forgotten about this aspect of his life or is there more meaning to the name Wang fire than we had initially thought now in my opinion the answer is obvious of course Akkad kids ease Sokka while most of us would seem as the comic relief in the group he's also proven himself to be worthy leader time and time again and also a bit of a ladies man and by that I don't just mean the many cases in which people and sometimes even main characters had a crush on him but also the actual relationships he was in with Bo Hughie and Suki and if the lore of the current avatar comics is anything to go by his relationship with the latter seems to have been going well for some time and assuming she would be the mother of their eventual kids wouldn't be too far-fetched I don't really see you a coming back anytime soon but I guess it is possible when you consider that Toph ended up having at least five grandchildren which we know from the official avatar family tree Nick released a while back apart from giving as a ton of helpful overview of all the characters it also confirms that sarkis line of family is in fact empty and yeah bean will admit that this may look like a strange thing to bring up when trying to prove my point but hear me out for a second just because the official character tree doesn't reveal any details yet that doesn't mean it completely rules out the possibility of them revealing something later down the line the only time the characters blurred out the left blank here is when there aren't too many details known about them but they still represent one parent two kids we already found out about not when that learn of the family tree ends with them and they therefore have no connection to any other care - other than their parents the soon to flourish relationship between Toph and engineer Satoru is also know it to be seen on this character trees who knows how much merit there is to this hey why don't we talk about Topher second she was shown in the series to have a crush on Sokka on multiple occasions as when she would hold him when feeling scared alarmingly embraced him when she thought him to be the one who saved her when in reality was only Sookie this is a trend that also wouldn't stop with the comics which as we all know Cerf is the direct continuation of the story in between The Last Airbender and Korra which half is shown to not only joke around just as often as she would with socket in the show prior but also quite literally tell him that she cares for him even Sokka is shown to have a soft spot for her when he says that seeing her together with Satoru gives him the Aggies hmm jealous much okay let's not jump to conclusions here but Toph and Sokka ending up together is in fact one of the most popular fan theories not only from The Last Airbender but especially The Legend of Korra if you jump ship on that series early on this may come as a surprise to you and Sokka and Toph warrant early present there but not only did she herself come back in the third season else also when her second daughter Seohyun was introduced unlike a firstborn half-sister Lin beifong not much is known about her upbringing and her dad's identities kept a total secret as previously mentioned however she did give birth to a whole new clan of new beifong kids ranging from the twins winging way over the chipper opal to the brothers one and pitar jr. both of which looks suspiciously similar to soccer not only does Pattaya have the same iconic wolf tail and confident expression one also has the same exact hat shaver soccer while si and herself doesn't exactly resemble the Southern Water Tribe warrior her skin color does have the exact same tan Sokka and many of the other village people had I say many because that wouldn't in fact roll out the possibility of another Water Tribe warrior being the father of seein the similarities don't end there so you know shown to have many of the same leadership skills soccer proved to hash she can be just as sarcastic as him they both have a great sense of pride and don't want anything bad to happen to their family and Sue in Sun one also seems to have the exact same unique understanding for art as his grandfather what is odd about this theory in particular is that soyun actually addressed her dad indirectly on the show stating that she both never knew him and also still doesn't know his so either the entire rest of the family conspired against her to make sure she never found out about a father or that is just some way to ensure of yours are kept on their toes but even more striking seems to be the argument that despite the show having established in the past that two parents able to bend two separate elements can give birth to one or the other or none and yet none of soohyun's children ended up being a waterbender not a complete knockout for sake yet but worth noting statistically another popular theory that seems just as likely in terms of how similarly these two characters behave is that sakazaki the father of the Southern Water Tribes very own Varrick the somewhat crazy energetic flamboyant and charming businessman was not only shown to have a similar knack for invention of soccer I was also the leader of a rebellion of his own just like Sokka was when he made his plans of their invasion on the fire nation not to mention their similar facial expressions playful yet confident demeanor and the fact that both from the Southern Water Tribe one of the latest lesstm in the comics even revered Sokka to have started adopting the same knack for saying do the thing as very good later coin and wouldn't leave us alone or even just whatever not the thing well it was once stated that he was raised on a farm by a post seal hunter a very expansive as anything to go by I wouldn't put it past him if this was another way to either gain sympathy or make him seem more approachable business savvy as he is he probably made up too many backstories over the years to even keep track of so I will take anything revered about his personal life with a grain of salt and really just look at him without a mustache you can't tell me that doesn't at least look slightly like Sokka another theory however also states that Sokka was father to courage dare tonraq and his evil brother unalaq from season 2 which would only make sense to the degree that there are from some former water tribe but it still would have required Sokka to travel to the North Pole and become the leader there which seems like a pretty weird turn of events and what still leave open the question as to who he had a sons with we also briefly saw the dead in a flashback who didn't exactly look like Sokka and all this would also technically make Katara Cora's great-aunt and they never really seem to be close to that agree so it would take a lot of twisting and turning for this one to work no truth be told it is very hard to debunk any theories about potential baby boomerangs without going into shipping territory which I'm not ready to dive into today the only thing we can really do is talk to conclusion based on the evidence against some theories that seem logical at first glance for example as tempting as it may be to assume that Sokka Sue's dead and his grandkids therefore also have such similar facial structure to his that ultimately doesn't prove anything since most of the expressions on the show can be seen on literally any character at some point and has found a theory as it may be even I can admit that another character saying do the thing once in a comic strip wouldn't normally count as rock-solid proof they're secretly a son from another mom and also your dad is now someone else it's weird I know you could also easily draw the line with that family tree and say that since sokka's line clearly ends with him that must mean he didn't have any kids at all but I think that's too simple the world of avatar already seemed pretty large in scope and fleshed out when it was first introduced to us but Korra told us that we basically only scratched the surface and there are dozens of other potential suitors for Sokka all across the globe and not just the ones we were introduced to early on as Sokka were to be a dad he might as well have been engaged to some random other character on the show because Sokka and Toph didn't really seem to have had the type of relationship that would result in a kid that doesn't mean it as impossible Sokka just stayed with Suki for the rest of their lives either I know it brought it up before but since Suki hasn't been mentioned at all on The Legend of Korra or its comics yeah they may have wanted to save up that arc for a special occasion because well there isn't much to either indicate or debunk this it is more than odd that on top of the little information we got about soccer on Korra we got exactly nothing about Sookie and I mean nothing not even the Kyoshi warrior seems to be a thing anymore well this could obviously mean that Sokka and Sookie's relationship has fallen apart over the years like the attenti do you doubt that the staff would just forget about her or refused to give us more information about Sokka himself but what do you think do you think it's possible for Sokka truly have had some form of offspring Korra and her friends will meet as the comics go on or have already met but didn't know about and if so who did he have it with if there's anything we learned from season three it's that friendships really can last for more than one last time so why shouldn't sarkis legacy be able to go on in some form one that isn't weird fetish our age on deviantART and before this video ends I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna be at mohawk on next week or maybe I'm even there by the time you're watching this video maybe I'm already back who knows I'll be attending two panels aside from the ones I'll be watching as a viewer so if you want to just say hi I feel free to do so one of them is in life recording of tune clash what we face out there for most voted for shows from Cartoon Network against the four most popular shows from Nickelodeon you guys voted on on the poll I posted a while back and the other is an animation showcase where the roundtable rebel Texan Nintendo and a bunch of other people and I are showcasing a few select independent animation projects some very talents and people have been working on all these past years and we have the exclusive rights to show some clips you don't get to see anywhere else it's really cool there's gonna be a Q&A the creators themselves are gonna be there a lot of the staff it's really cool I can't wait to be there and also get to meet some of you guys if you were planning on attending MoMA con as well and if you want to much either panel as far as I know it's also gonna be live streamed on twitch and YouTube so I'll just post the link and you can watch the recorded thing after it's done or what to live and see me embarrass myself on stage so yeah mark on 2019 vlog coming soon maybe bye [Music]
Channel: Cosmodore
Views: 302,284
Rating: 4.8795838 out of 5
Keywords: avatar, the last airbender, legend of korra, sokka, suki, aang, kyoshi, yue, seasons, new episodes, nick, nickelodeon, animation, theory, cosmodore, nostalgia, reviews
Id: 7lEg-NXxbig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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