WORST to BEST Gravity Falls Episodes

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uh-uh I want you to hear this if you've ever taken a road trip to the Pacific Northwest you've probably seen a bumper sticker to a place called gravity falls hi my name is cosmid away but my friends like to call me bodacious see no they don't but if you stuck around on my channel for a bit you likely know two things one I like this show like a lot and two I like to hang stuff like lot as well not that I like it a lot I just do it a lot pacifically episodes of various shows and the most obvious step for me to take has always been my favorite cartoon of all time gravity falls show that at this point drill he needs no introduction and with the series finale now being over three years behind us and everything being said and done about the show I felt like it was finally time to check out what has been a dream project of mine ever since I started my channel which is to rank every single episode of gravity falls from worst to best hey could you put some yeah there we can I'm a foodie roadside attraction if there's one episode of gravity falls that seems almost too out of left field for the show and doesn't live up to the same quality as most of the others of the season it's probably this one with the villain voiced by Linda Cardellini who can only barely make its unglamorous introduction and unsurprisingly reveal tolerable and a side plot that seems like it was ripped straight out of a fanfiction this would have been a load here episode even in season 1 when the stakes were much less high but placed right before the prelude to the actual series finale it just leaves me feeling as lost as soos in the cornfield when trying to place why they put it here number 39 the stentorian candidate when you hear gravity falls what comes to mind exactly is it mystery is it excitement is it emotion is it heart is it politics it's politics isn't it when you're taking out all the Ted strange that and cute biker moments and Sue's running for president which admittedly were some strong points here left with a political commentary that even to the head writers themselves didn't seem as relevant as they'd hoped anymore and ultimately just like roadside attraction could have been cut out without leaving a major dent in the second season or joke Department number 38 the love girl as much as I love most of Wendy's friends Robbie was a character I never got over even as the series went on every time I tried to redeem him in a different way it may not have necessarily backfired but made him look just - bored and misunderstood which is what dipper came across as more than once and him just sort of uninteresting in this episode's defense at EDD feature the single greatest gag in the show's history the deep end remember Lib am i remember the BAM I'll never forget Allah BAM number 36 the last Mabel Corrine alex hirsch once said he tried to make the unicorn in this episode as annoying as possible and if there was a skull they 100% achieved it is every second with the thing on screen is like a long painful punch in the ears dumb picture though the episode tries to make up for it with a pretty tense interaction between dipper and Ford and a fun sequence featuring the forest gnomes it could have used a little more fairy dust number 35 little gift chopper forest well I won't try and rank any of these multiple episodes individually I will say that the hand watch a segment was a much funnier one compared to the other two partially due to how they slipped in one of the other jokes that leaves the other two feeling sort of ok but not worth coming back to number 34 dipper vs. manliness while I really don't think this episode is nearly as average as I've seen others describe it as there's planning of solid jokes that justify its existence and that's one of the best composed episodes of the first season the ultimate lesson doubloons is a bit of a weak one and Stan's romance I applaud with lazy susan also not all that interesting and so is it wrong to love this episode most for a montage parody yeah probably number 33 dungeons dungeons and more dungeons I have no connection to Dungeons & Dragons I tried getting into the game two or three times and it just doesn't seem to be for me which isn't to say that this hindered my enjoyment for this episode but seemingly could have improved upon getting via Dell as a guest star really isn't anything special anymore but as expected he also delivered with the usual charm and charisma definitely made it a very light-hearted yet also somewhat forgettable episode number 32 boys crazy this one deserves an award for the most obvious yet also brilliant concept for any episode of the series I'm sure was on all our minds at some point in our lives and really just needed to be put into words and animated and voice actor didn't produce but you get the point we'll needing to save a bunch of cologne boy band memory from the clutches of their former boss is just the right amount of crazy this season needs and ganas kind of only dragged down by Robbie and dippers sight blood that left me feeling frustrated of anything number 31 weirdmageddon part to escape from reality he'll be out I know many people consider the series finale this perfect well-rounded constructive episode similar to avatar sozin's comet it just don't feel that's the case as escape from reality for instance feels very disconnected from everything else going on in the series finale and only feeds off of references to other episodes and ok to be fair I may still be influenced by my first impression of this episode when it came out a bit too much and have grown to appreciate how it shifts from the made-up dreamworld Mabel imagines her life being to this nightmare horror escape that would put even the Halloween specials to shame but somehow I still feel like they could have been more to it maybe if the finale ended up being this giant single episode they wanted to do it first this would have gelled together better with the others but even silent rest just weren't able to save this one number 3 boss Mabel while there are some definitely shades in here like the graham blobs and realizing that the thing he feared most was turning into his father and an elderly confident youngling put into her place by the burden of the job it was handled in a very believable and fun fashion most obviously giving us the main laughs with Stan on cash wheel which once again showed just how terrible a person he truly is I'm a 29 The Legend of the gobblewonker this one's a bit of a personal guilty pleasure I really enjoyed the first hints of family bonding the show would put a focus on as it progresses with Stan not seeming nearly as much like a grumpy old buffoon as the first episode set him out as the first episode that was written it was also clear that they were still figuring out how to get the tone just right and not just have it rely on gags which is most of all what's happening here making this a fun but also somewhat generic monster chase episode but hey it may not have hit all the right notes number 28 the Gulf War guys I talked about the episode in mini-golf in general enough already please don't ask me to give you my thoughts in it again but what I could do is put it in song though because I don't think I've done that yet so here goes OH number 27 weirdmageddon in part 1 now a me out once boy this part of the finale was definitely a lot better than we may get in part 2 it showed how high the stakes are all the characters have done some really cool design overhauls for the apocalypse the theme song itself has changed in fantasy fashion which we only truly get to experience in part three and the designs in general are really just fantastic here but in terms of what happened well there was a Mad Max tell chase and that meta gag with the bubbles and a problematic sight character you know no not that much happened here sure there was a great deal of emotion from Alec Gideon when he finally had to give in and realize that him and Mabel just aren't meant to be it it just sort of came out of nowhere and I much rather would like to seem actually team up with Bill and being possessed for his sock puppets tell chase but hey at least you got to redeem himself so that's neat you totally justified in liking this part and I realize it must have been difficult to coordinate so much in a short time span in some ways this episode is just too much flash and no substance for me to want to put it above something like number 26 bland and scheme an episode that took them equally as long to get just right and went through an insane amount of rewriting and starting from scratch especially globnar even though the focus was really more on soos and his relationship or lack thereof with his father which was handled in a genuinely sweet way when he realized that the true family the ones that always stood up for him were his friends and I think that's an important lesson to take away here gravity falls his past and future though already teased that in The Time Traveller's pig were also really cool to see and Justin roiland as planned and plan and as fun as ever though I wouldn't really call this one funny either it's not want to re-watch all that often as other episodes did a better job at giving soos a more serious arc but it does its job well regardless I'm a twenty five saga opera of all of Mabel's crushes over the course of the series this one seems the most bizarre like he clearly is too childish even if I'm able which always makes me a bit iffy about the premise of this one but it is 100% made up for by their interactions with Bill who gets some of his best lines every year and the 24a carpe diem this is the obligatory body switch episode it was bound to happen let's not pretend it as anything more than their butt well on any other show they might have shown what wacky shenanigans they were up to in the other body and with one desperately trying to get it back here they actively tried to manipulate the other in a competition Morpheus than many others on the show excluding baby fights of course number 23 the hand that rocks the Mabel all the villains and gravity falls usually get really fitting introductions but Gideon's is particularly well done and immediately setting up his entire backstory over the course of this one episode would alongside a reason for Stan to Hayden and the rift that is put between his and the pines family it does all this through slick and relatable riding with this creepy crush on Mabel but also through the one song Thor upon almond God in the series that is the true magic in this episode it's beautiful number 22 bottomless pit another multi-part episode a squirrel I'll just rank this one dipper story was the weakest soos was okay I really liked Mabel's and Stan's was pure perfection number 21 Little Dipper this was the first episode I ever watched and it holds up just as much as when I first saw it there's just something so nostalgic about trying to figure out all the stories around these characters I at the time knew nothing about trying to place why this tiny deformed man is threatening this period Easter Island head with glasses and while one of them just starts laughing uncontrollably when you first watch the show it's even weirder than whatever new curiosities thoris away and the episode itself is also fun in its own right number 20 irrational treasure treasure hunt episodes always has something exciting about them and when it's one within a town already full of secrets and mysteries to be unraveled there's bound to be interesting discoveries and silly adventures there's one also expands the scope of the town gives more backstory to the already most hated character on the show and a great anti moral about her revenge can sometimes taste sweeter than people would like you to believe well that's a shame we never saw them do something with the president's key again Quentin Trembley seems like a character that could have ended up as one of the more annoying side characters of use too often so it also evens out nicely I'm a nineteen into the bunker when it comes to eerie atmosphere creepy monster design and well-constructed plot twists in the show you can't really get much better than into the bunker as another one of the only episodes that doesn't have the be plot going on at the same time and only shows some genuine tension between not only the game this fake author and also dipper and Wendy as he finally has to come to terms with the two of them most likely never ending up together well this ultimate conclusion was unfortunate and not set up perfectly he did see it was inevitable and made up for with everything that came before it once again proving that there really is no one you can trust not even a can of beans number 18 Sue's and the real girl real talk when were animatronics ever not creepy this one really adds on to the pile of what-if scenarios showcasing how terrible video games transitioning into the real world would be in practice did a great job making an already extremely sympathetic character even more likeable the animation on giffany is absolutely stunning to look at and blends in well with the 2d environments are being packed with tons of action that makes this a really thrilling episodes with lots of clever details though I do personally prefer number 17 fire fighters as it is a slightly more fun integration of video game physics into this cartoon world it just like the other one isn't just spouting random references in your face but subverts them in a clever way most also helping both dipper and Stan overcome their respective fears least your episodes really aren't far behind each other in my book but I somehow just have more fun rewatching fire fighters and it won't take that back number 16 double dipper here's an example of how to lean into tropes correctly as clone episodes certainly on anything new in the mystery genre the conflict between dipper and his paper counterparts was not only believable but also empathize just how caught up he becomes and trying to make sure everything goes according to his impossibly complex plan as a party episode it also acted his way to show many of the town's folk outside the usual terrain and in the case of grant and candy also as an introduction to a couple of new ones without losing the focus of the two core plots that were going on here and Stan is also here and the 15 hat hunters this episode wastes no time in getting to the point of what it's about and constructs a well lighted mystery that gets unveiled in the typical gravity falls he fashioned a townsfolk they meet alongside the investigation and especially all the wax figures were all very quirky and unique with the bulk of them being completely unexpected caricatures like Coolio and Larry King's head John Oliver is Sherlock Holmes did a brilliant job exposing dippers and securities and post the first genuine threat to the siblings while also giving us the first hint of grunkle Stan's possible backstory making this one episode I would we watch constantly whenever only a few episodes were out number fourteen The Time Traveller's Pig it's hard to imagine a time when waddles wasn't a mainstay on the show but his first introduction was not only filled with some incredibly touching moments but also dipper once again needing to come to terms with his plans not working out the way he wants them to what the groundhogs databse scenario he puts them in that portrays the two siblings different worldviews perfectly and gives dip as a chance to put his sister's knees over his own which always makes for a sweet ending number 13 land before swine is really no different in that regard except this time it's Dan who gets a chance to redeem himself well at first he definitely was the one being a jerk about it he quickly saw the error of his ways and in one of the most well animated sequences in the show got to show off what lengths he is willing to go to just to protect his family it was also really only a matter of time before dinosaurs would sneak their way into the world of gravity falls but much like number 12 scary-oke zombies were introduced in such a way that didn't just make them seem like everyday run-of-the-mill media dinosaurs or in this case Tom B's gary-oke at first was supposed to be a much more lighthearted episode far from being the introduction to season 2 but the contrast between the silly concept of karaoke with the dark and gritty feel this episode has certainly helped clarify how high the stakes would be moving forward definitely also thanks to the government agents some of the only people that were actually willing to listen to the best story and also helped underline the more serious tone number 11 Society of the blind eye the show certainly is no stranger to red herrings but I've yet to see another one go to the extreme of posting a fake picture of one of its characters presumably solving the very mystery was revolving around onto the web and letting conspiracy nuts like us do the rest it couldn't have worked better as this one perfectly set up how McGuirk could possibly could have been the one writing the journals is one of the more prominent characters in the entirety of season 1 even though we barely knew anything about him all the hints in the form of graffiti in town and hidden coats at the end of the series sure it's did their job and setting this one up to be a game changer and while it ultimately didn't change as much as we expected this one certainly isn't one you should turn a blind eye on [Music] we're entering the top-10 was summerween it was clear that when a Halloween special for the show was announced they were not going to go the conventional route but instead invent an entirely new holiday that makes sense within the timeframe the show is set in there's not only makes for a very unique feel but just as many genuine scares and goofy jokes as any other Halloween special and I will always have a soft spot for it and this one is among the best with its knots too spirited way cute costumes great setup and thrilling payoff Halloween and gravity falls really go together like friggin diehard and Christian as I don't number 9 the inconvenience II need an equally spooky and yet also fun and relatable episode as the inconveniencing is the single best episode focusing on Wendy and her friends they don't have a stay that welcome the show acknowledges their flaws and pokes fun at most every teenager trope and shows like this with insanely memorable moments like maple sugar trip Stan's newfound love for late-night soap operas and the lamby lamby dance which are far from all of them and let's be real here we are all going to turn into these old shop owners eventually in a way number 8 a tale of two Stan's how easy is it to screw up an episode that is literally nothing more than exposition for not only the regular 20 but 27 minutes straight it is genuinely amazing how they strung together all this backstory about Stan and Ford into one neat little package that not only works within the context of it being the first time we actually get to meet the author and also on its own with brilliant storytelling and many revelations about a character we once thought we knew so well when it became clear in episode like this was bound to happen I'm sure I'm not the only one there was nervous about what exactly was gonna get to revealed about the person that embodies the biggest mystery the series led up to so soon into the second season are they gonna fill the rest of it and why should we care about this character but while this one obviously cleared up the main questions brought up by many episodes previous and also posed just as men in return and leaves you begging to find out how the series is gonna change moving forward and how Stan and Ford are gonna sort out their differences even if it didn't line up exactly with your fanfic number seven Northwest mansion mystery if you ever felt like you couldn't possibly hate the Northwest family ball look no further than this one as it gives further insight into just how terrible these people truly are which makes it all the more amazing how the show managed to make what used to be an entirely unlikable one or troupe of a character into a sweet yet misguided water do you want to see better herself and make it out of this house life of course a house which features some of the most terrifying and mind-bogglingly shocking imagery for a show that didn't advertise this as a form of Halloween special and yet feels much more like them than any of the other two combined the animation on these sequences and the lumberjack character are once again incredibly and really only got you hooked for what was about to come next if there was one thing I had to complain about it was Mabel subplot which felt more like a season one crutch of the weak left over than an actual character development which fortunately dipper and Pacifica more than made up for together and no not in a shipping way your freaks number six we'd make out in part three you take back the falls look as far as cartoon series finales go this is high up there with some of the very best but if you couldn't tell by my previous descriptions of the series finale I do think some of them are not perfect in some ways this one there's no exception it featured a plethora of insanely well code in his scenes touching moments and Harper a great action character interactions we haven't seen before and of course a showdown unlike any other in the series but also suffered from some questionable structural decisions and a mecha fight that seemed like it was ripped straight out of an anime opening parody that was also disappointing to see how irrelevant the cipher wheel turn out to be and the blatant fake out near the end was damn gaming back his memory almost immediately after losing it left a sour taste in my and many other smells this could have been fixed by either having Stan regain his memory be a long term process to be showcased in the form of comics or another episode near the end it also would have left more room for saying goodbye to some more of the town's folk because while these moments were sweet and it was nice to see what was gonna happen to many of them moving forward it did feel a bit rushed just like most of this one's last third still creditable creditors do this episode did make me tear up more than once gave us satisfying sent up to the series main villain and animation that was out of this world at times it left me yearning for more which obviously was the point in teaching how important learning to let go is which made part two of the finale make all the more sense it was still an excellent final episode and having it be perfect in every sense of the word is an impossible goal to achieve but you know what is even harder making a pilot number five tourist trap the first gravity falls episode ever and the only one I can literally recite by heart so don't get me started just like many finales can often feel unsatisfying many TV show pilots feel a little rough around the edges in hindsight but this one struck a perfect balance in sweet moments between its characters that set up their relationship comedic tone unlike anything you had seen on the network exciting action surprising reveals and mysteries soon to be uncovered that all are at the very core of what would define the season moving forward all the characters are introduced properly if the main plot works well and letting them work off of each other it is quotable what more do you want this was the first episode and I barely have any criticism when judging a pilot I feel it's often important that you had nothing to compare to it first but as I only good to appreciate this one more as I kept getting introduced to new episodes casually is one that only gets better over time within the context of the show but also on its own with everything that would define the rest of this first season number four Gideon rises to be totally honest with you I didn't really think much of Gideon as a villain at first like I said his introduction was great his upbringing is still very believable and thorough poor Norman brief so much length into this character that doesn't change the fact that he can be a real annoying pest sometimes which was the point in episodes like this one exemplify this perfectly and make it all the sweeter when he's finally brought to his knees he unintentionally helps dipper overcomes insecurities the grappling hook finally comes into play if the townsville get incorporated into the plot in a smart way and there were times where you felt like this might actually be it for dipper and Mabel like he's actually done it well I wasn't a huge fan of the fight with mecha Gideon I will say that it also helped elevate this one's tension and made for some fantastic imagery of dipper jumping inside of it and then exploding beneath the old bridge not to mention the jaw-dropping reveal of what Stan was hiding beneath the mystery shack all along shrouding the future of the show and even more mystery and leaving on a cliffhanger so cruel it should be illegal actually I think it might be but Don't Tell doesn't know that it's not worth it number three dipper and Mabel purchased the future boy do I wish this one had made it into the finale it does a much better job at showing what is at stake for dipper and Mabel the crossroads they're at now that the summer is coming to an end and giving you a sense of what lengths bill is willing to go to to get what he wants not to mention we finally get an explanation for another anomaly in town you didn't even think about much and makes room for dippers shining moments and proving his worth yet also losing his sister as a result of her going around town coming to terms with summer actually ending an ultimate breakdown didn't emotionally scale you enough we also have the credit sequence only showing a lonely birthday party flyer lying around amidst all the chaos about to go down it is a truly incredible feat and setting up the finale and more than deserving of its title number two dreamscaperers talk about raising the stakes I couldn't think of another season one episode with as grim and outlook on the future as this one aside from the one following it ideon finally has the D to the shack but what the heck is it gonna do with it not only that but we us get introduced to a man trying again himself a glimpse into what was going on and Stan's mind and even hints said what does past could have been like albeit very vague as vague is a lot of stuff in this episode like what role bill would be playing moving forward but did the author's hand pop up as the last image what does he know about Stan and whatever happened to Stan's dead I really like how the majority of this one isn't black and white as it could easily be seen as a metaphor for just how little we really know about this town and yet this one still works as a standalone episode even if bill would have ended up not having as significant a role as he would get later on and even Gideon seems genuinely threatening in this one like me a fight with him would certainly pose an actual challenge for twins which we got and Gideon rises why didn't that one make it higher then non-specific excuse number one not what he seems Hey look I never said there would be any big surprises here okay if you don't think nobody seems is the best gravity falls episode you're wrong you're objectively wrong get out of my sight you can click this video off now and it doesn't even matter because he already at the end however weighs less and even attempt to fund an episode that comes close to this once outstanding Sarah breathtaking visuals amazing composition and a revealed that will make you try and work through your tears from the scene before and figure out what's going on it sounds like i'm hyping this up too much but that's generally how I feel about it I've never seen anything like this episode and don't think I ever need you in the future cuz this exists nobody seems achieved something everyone involved with the show should be really proud of it's starting to gather all the elements that make this show something truly unique and use them in a way that made this one scene have an impact that not only changes everything moving forward but also makes the journey there something exciting emotional fun and intense all at once getting someone into gravity falls is always satisfying and it usually starts growing on them a few episodes in but you wouldn't believe how many times we're trying to hype up the show forever and watched it yet I needed to bite my tongue and not talking about this one cuz it would take away everything but I still truly believe that even if this was your third or fourth episode you would still see how many miles above the entire rest of the show this is which is an already very high bar from us trying to decipher what exactly Stan did to who even is over his Prison Break - gravity actually falling and literally everything about the second half there is nothing about this episode that isn't perfectly timed and beautifully executed but this most of you probably share the same sentiment I won't bore you with guarding about it for any longer because hey maybe some of you disagree with my placement of this one in which case man I can't wait to hear your argument
Channel: Cosmodore
Views: 188,471
Rating: 4.871263 out of 5
Keywords: gravity falls, worst to best, cosmodore, season 1, season 2, dipper, mabel, stan, bill cipher, soos, ford, alex hirsch, mystery, cartoon, disney, gravity falls episodes, gravity fall, gravity falls ending, grunkle stan, ranking, top 10, top 5, inside job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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