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you know while these are story lines that we keep hearing with these that we keep saying with these kind of kids that you you know we've seen in movies before the kids are not uh obnoxious man no there's only one scene it ain't Sully's kids it's some damn water kids all the other boys man that was one thing I was like this is Criminal what y'all did oh yeah they try to commit murder yeah I mean it went on scot-free too but like listen I know I know Jake is like a guess with these these these these water people but there was a moment I would have been like what the wrong with your kids yeah yeah you need to get your kids man there was a mama I was like damn those kids oh some badass kids yeah [Music] dtmerch.com is up and we got plenty of stuff for it we got all kind of stuff now from mugs to coasters to stickers to caps hoodies and we got the shirt of the month don't forget pixie pixie's gonna be a shirt designed by Teresa rockaburdy it's going to be up for the rest of December Avatar 2 way of the water children way of the water James Cameron knows the way of the water hey thank you thank you yeah man that is James Cameron right there we all know that James Cameron loves that water well a guy that makes movies about cats eating he loves that water he spent years just just hanging out with the Titanic sure did it's almost like he was trying to have sex with the Titanic or something every time you saw his ass he was getting in that that pot of that bathroom spring and just going underwater just to hang out the old rusty ass sunken ship he sure was he sure was man you know James Cameron James Cameron even started his career playing with fish deadly oh those piranhas being people forgot that James Cameron made piranha too or maybe you didn't but James Cameron says hey say what you will about this movie it is the best flying Piranha movie ever yeah yeah that is about piranhas that can that's about piranhas that can fly okay I gotta see this one no you do man yeah now that is one movie that we should definitely do a viewing party for but we're not here talking about that we're gonna talk about this movie Avatar 2 is so it's no surprise that one of the most expensive movies ever made is about just hanging out in water yep yeah with some blue people with some blue people he says it will be the best water that you have ever seen foreign the way of water experience it in 3D which we did something that's the only way you can watch it yeah whether you like it or not you got to put them glasses back on because I thought I didn't think they were doing 3D anymore me neither at the theater but if anybody can make you put those glasses back on it's gonna be James Cameron you know I Avatar too if anybody remembers the first avatar well you know that we want the planet Pandora and now we're going back to the planet Pandora to hang with the sullies yes yes he's got an old family they got a whole family y'all remember oh Jake Jake Sully you know who can who converted to food humans yeah he went my man went full knobby over here and he made it with the found himself a fine ass Blue Cat Woman made it with the navi woman natiri who's played of course By Zoe Saldana and now he has a full little cats and though they've been living in peace they are always prepared for the worst they're always prepare for war in some kind of way or another and any kind you know just prepare for any kind of threat that might arise but mainly that threat coming in the form of the star people what it's called the sky people the sky people here on Earth we call them [ __ ] yeah man you know though they've been living in peace for a while they always say you never know when that's going to stop and of course it's only a matter of time before these Sky people return and even though they've been living in harmony finding love and getting along with nature the humans that return to exploit the planet the bigger threat comes in the form of one of the one of the of the navi yeah the biggest threat comes in the form of the of the navi one of them is a clone now yes and not only that clone but they are a very familiar villain that you might remember from the first movie we'll talk about that in a little bit but as you can see peace doesn't last very long on Pandora or else you wouldn't have a movie yeah let me just watch a bunch of blue cats sleeping all day gotta create conflict yes exactly now I'm gonna dress the running time first you know the running time on this movie is it's three hours and 10 minutes around there yeah yeah around it I mean if you include the credits I guess and they're hoping that you're gonna stay around for the credits just to see all that beautiful water and imagery so the question for a lot of people is did this need to be three hours and 10 minutes long and uh I'm gonna tell you hell no it did not need to be hell no it did not need to be three hours and 10 minutes no movie needs to be three hours long speed needs to be that long yeah the majority of movies that we see today don't need to be thrives in 10 minutes long [ __ ] as much as I love what kind of ever I didn't need to be hanging out with them two hours and 45 minutes I will tell you that I you know I don't know if this is just the ego thing with movies today or not but you did not need to be there for for 10 minutes I'm just telling you that right now now I'm not really coming in and making that a complaint you know the only reason why I say that they could possibly shave down this movie a little bit is because there's there are large sections in this film where it felt like James Cameron was just split splashing in water man you know just but for three hours and 10 minutes I would have to say that the pacing is very good yes that's one thing I told a Critic friend of mine I was like this painting is fast it's moving yeah the the those three hours go by very well does it need to be three hours no thank you but it feels kind of like end game a little bit like you don't feel the run time no no you don't no no no and really I wouldn't mind three hours and change if they were actually you know filling that with story time but honestly they just they really are and pun intended here I guess they realize just letting you kind of soak in all the beautiful imagery that they have right here man and it is it is gorgeous man oh my God it is you know it is it it is gorgeous uh but with that three hours I'm gonna tell you I I normally I can sit back and I can I can hold it but I did man you saw me get up all right I saw you I I got up and I had to go to the bathroom are you crazy because I I made the mistake of drinking some you know a couple of glasses of water before I went to the movie and I'm just gonna pick watching all this water saying [ __ ] you God damn right I had to go use the bathroom all this water in the water and this way if you wanted a quote for me about this movie the water looks so beautiful it made me pissed the water looks so great I had to pee that's my quote right there see I'm proud of myself because I never got up once the water environments are are beautiful and they're even better with the 3D yes you know I felt I felt so immersed in in this world right here especially when they because look you're gonna hear about James Cameron talking about how it was it was absolutely you damn right it was necessary for me to film in water this man had actors holding their breaths for like seven minutes I was wondering so he could get underwater motion capture and yeah man it it it works Everything feels so natural Everything feels Everything feels so immersive in here man you know there were Parts where I was checking my clothes to see if I was wet when I was doing that splashing and you're in 3D like oh [ __ ] yeah yeah I mean you know if the the with the 3D I mean with the water you know how it is when you have goggles on yes when you're swimming yeah and you just have the water just clearly you know just bobbing up and down in front of you waving in front of you it kind of felt like that when you're wearing the 3D 3D glasses it felt like you were out here swimming with the navi man and you you were wearing goggles that's why I got to give credit to James Cameron if you want to spend time just playing in the water just for about 15 minutes ain't nothing else going on really you know your excuses they're training but you're just hanging in there yeah you're just playing I know you know you like a kid in a swimming pool but just the small details of of the of the creatures in the water yes was almost like you were at you were at an aquamarine you were you had uh Aqua world or something yeah yeah wet world it was almost like USC world or an aquarium you know uh walking around looking at these creatures man they they look so convincing yeah it's very good attention to detail on all of them like I said the years that years years that James Cameron James Cameron went into filming this get right down to just filming underwater to get the physics correct it really shows here but like I said with the first avatar I thought that James Cameron World building was was was was was very good and you know uh his his World building skills continue to be on display here I mean and I will say he's gotten better he's gotten better at World building man I mean you know Pandora feels like a I'm not gonna say I can say real place but it's more of a of a compliment if I say it feels like a natural place yeah it makes you want to go visit Pandora yeah I would say this too this is the first time that I have seen a movie done with this this frame rate so when you watch this this is uh movies are usually when you see them they're usually done with the 20 uh 24 uh uh 24 24 frames per second frame rate and you know the this one had to be like what I think this was like 48 it could be 60. okay it might be 60. they're moving smooth yeah see that's the thing with this man I think it either it's 48 frames per second or 60 frames per second somebody said 48 in the chat thank you very much yeah um see the reason why that movies do that is because uh it you know it it creates a a motion blur um you know that that that's what we associate with looking at that's why video looks different from from film because film is able to really capture motion blur in ways that video was not able to do up until recently you know but they both do it yeah yeah and if you don't have that motion blur things look like video you know that's that's why when people went to go see this movie right here [Music] can you promise that it will come back uh that's why when you when people saw The Hobbit uh Peter Jackson Peter Jackson filmed this at 48 frames per second and everybody complained including myself because everything looked fake everything all the sets look it looked like you were on the set and you were saying how fake the sets were uh here I think the difference is is because you're dealing with mostly a CG world except for the moments that he's like filming underwater and whatnot um you know when you this is mostly CG world and it feels more real because of that I guess the the advantage of having this maybe because you don't have that motion blur too much again like you did in in 24 frame per second rate movies uh what it does is unlike The Hobbit where it's like man this is I'm hearing this feels fake uh here it feels like okay this feels like video and it it feels like they went somewhere and shot something yes and it felt like a real world and again I felt like I was it either felt like this truly existed or it felt like this was uh this this was something they shot on video and it was real or it made me feel like I was there I will say and just to prepare you for because people don't talk about how amazing this look and it is now for better for worse they're all moments here where it does feel like a video game and now it's a video game cut scene on the best pieces yeah you know it's a video game cut scene that probably came out on the on the PlayStation 7 or something like that r r this looks like images from okay so imagine you know you're at the store you're at a you know electronic store Best Buy or even Walmart or something and they got those 4K TVs that you can't afford yet but they're set on the best display settings yes and you watch it in the images are beautiful and you wish you could buy it but you can't that's what this kind of looks like perfect uh yeah and those are probably the better times it looks like that but yeah there are moments where it's like all right if I had a complaint about the imagery here as incredible as this looks there are moments where it'll look it looked like a like it was out of a video game it looked animated all right it didn't look real it looked a little cartoonish and it looked like it was something it was a great video game but it looked like something that was out of a video game yeah yeah a cut scene as you say yes you know I've been talking what you know what what's your input here man uh look I mean like I see how you have some issues with like how the visuals are and to me like I don't know I didn't really feel all the way that how you are um to me they were like breathtaking to me like just exploring this world like exploring these uh this new tribe we get to meet and things in that nature I was just like holy crap you could tell there's a lot of effort put into this movie oh yeah yeah so yeah I was blown away what I'm what I'm saying here is not it's not really a criticism um I'm just saying if anything for all the praise that this movie is going to get including praise and I'm applying to this film um you there's a this it is noticeable when you go from these amazing scenes to these scenes that look like they are again something that is the quality is a little bit maybe lower and the quantum I say quality is lower for a movie like this that's nothing no no no no no you know quality might be lower it's noticeable when you go to those video game cutscene images but man let me tell you something that I'm not a big fan of 3D not a big fan of me either at all because I wear glasses so I hate putting on those putting on the glasses boy those glasses I don't know why or how but they just add an extra weight because I was wearing glasses too and I came out with almost two extra holes in my nose man because my glasses were weighing so hard like I had these dents right here yeah I thought they were permanent because they were so deep I usually hate wearing three glasses 3D was such a trend that they were making movies in a 3D that didn't need them oh yeah and the 3D looked terrible yeah and I hated that Trend man so I haven't seen a movie in 3D for years and I thought it was gone but you know watching this you could do movies like this in 3D I'll let that I'll let my glasses dig a hole in my nose until my nose falls off man I'll let it break my I'll let it break my [ __ ] man I will you know because I went to the bathroom like I said yes and when I came back uh I felt like I was walking into the screen really because because the 3D was that good it comes out this is a big okay this is gonna be a big statement right here but me when I walked back in the theater and I put on my and I had to put my glasses back on it felt like I could walk into the screen and the 3D look better than real life yeah you keep trying to like take it off put it back on yeah that's what I was doing throughout the entire movie yeah when I did when I had to like take lift my glasses go find my seat I was like I don't wanna I don't want to come back here I want to be I want to be in there now we've been talking about the technical side of this we've been talking about the images you know the 3D uh how's the story so you know with the first avatar they had to set up a lot you know had to set up the world they had to set up these characters fortunately with this movie they don't have to do that so much and the reason why I think that's a good thing for me is because in the first movie I Didn't I wasn't crazy about any of the characters as a lot of people were yeah why do we care about the character crazy about the characters yeah [ __ ] I thought Jake was stupid I thought Jake was just a dumbass evil he went full Navi I thought I was like why they let him come in here you know he gonna get all y'all killed man I thought Jake was just I thought Jake was a meat head man he's a dumb um oh the villains were flat the Zoe saw Donna and CCH pounding a few other people as a Navy I thought that they were really good yes uh but still even with that that you know you didn't get a whole lot of scenes with emotion and drama with them you know mostly it was with action and whatnot which is fine is this kind of movie it is but but this I thought because they were able to not have to set up this world so much now we get a chance to actually get into more character and we do and and it's not the main characters from the last movie that we really get into for the most part we'll talk about that we'll talk more on that a little bit but it was the rest of the family the not Jake's kids yes the kids the rest of the sellers yeah yes oh my God said I love them in the film you know the the the the kid actors and the kid characters have way more characters than the last people in the last movie yeah the last creatures in the last movie yes it's like they have a lot of emotion to them you know they do break a lot of emotion yes a lot more a lot better more sincere emotion than I thought they did with the with Jake and uh and and what's the name uh well it's always aldana yeah I think for me it's like I could relate to these characters a lot more too yeah especially the kids well they didn't have to set up things that this there to just manipulate the audience you know they didn't they didn't set up some you know some old Disney Pocahontas love story you know with this uh I will say that you know I'm giving him credit for being more emotional I'm giving him credit for you know coming in and having more character but you know they still are typical movie kids and teens you know Jake made sure he to have just enough kids to fill up every teen and kids storyline or subplot that you see in the movie he showed it because he he had it he had a kid but each she is for each Supply you know he had uh you know that like you you see right here that he had the uh this guy at the end right here two sons yeah he had the two sons he had he had the the protective Big Brother yes standing next to him you know yet the scrappy little brother who's all angsty because you know Daddy don't like me as much as you you know but I don't why don't daddy love me you know my dad is so hard on him he can't he can never live up to Daddy's expectations man it's like his big brother like his like his big brother um you know as far as some of the uh other characters here you know they got the they got the the the the the cute little sister who's always getting caught yes to just to work your emotions oh my God not the little one but you know but she always has something cute and funny to say yes the guys now here's something interesting that they do here and I'm not going to tell you too much about what happens with this but they got a Sigourney Weaver who's back and people saying well how she get back I'm not gonna say anything but she is back as one of the the Sully kids man she's she's the you know she's the smart but but Melancholy big sister trying to figure out where she fits in because how she came into this world is a lot different from how everybody else comes into it yeah but Sigourney Weaver as uh as the big sister here man she she's really good and it's almost the only thing I would say about that character is that she's almost she's so smart and and well spoken and mature that she didn't she didn't seem like one of the kids I know she seemed more like feel real yeah she seemed more like one of the aunties you know seeing these these types these subplots so many times but really the emotion that these kids bring to these characters and and the way they write these characters a little better I thought that that really helped out a lot and made me like the characters better than I like that Facebook I think they definitely yeah wrote the characters a lot better and you're more attached to these characters in this movie than you are when the first the only weird thing about these kids is when they they talk to each other is is actually pretty cool how it's pretty cool how they did transition from them speaking Navi to us understanding them in English yeah they do it in a narrative way and I'm not gonna tell you how they do it when you see the movie it's actually pretty cool how they do it it's convincing but it is weird sometimes even then the way they convince you that they can like we can hear that we can understand Navi uh it's still weird hearing them use like modern slang like they keep like keep talking to each other like hey bro hey bro yeah yeah I I get you I get you a point there but I don't know that that that for some reason didn't bother me it didn't bother me it was just it just it just took well if I say Bob that's going to make it seem like I really was you know didn't like the movie it just took me out the movie a little bit okay yeah I can understand that yeah hey bro hey what you doing bro hey man what do you do that for bro come let's go bro you know I was like all right you know you know when you watch these kids Jane James Cameron has created almost with like the same uh in the same way like the first avatar he's done something where he's created like a hybrid of a James Cameron movie and and a Disney film yes because some of the some of the story lines here are kind of corny you know I just I'll just say it now one of the things that I that I that I didn't really I'm not like like again it didn't bother me the way I I hate the movie anything I just thought that this could have been done better man with him making this hybrid between the James Cameron movie and like a Pixar no a Disney movie a Disney animated family film uh one of sometimes I'm amazed at the way it works now we'll talk about the James Cameron moments later but I'm I'm impressed the way it works but for the most part but there was one part here where I thought like okay this could go there's a subplot here with a whale oh my God they spent a lot of time with that well first of all it really comes out of nowhere it does yeah and it doesn't really make a lot of sense it makes no sense yeah the way they now I'm going by the rules they suck I'm just I'm just hearing what you said yeah it doesn't make sense at all it comes out of nowhere it completely does not make any sense at all uh it doesn't completely make any sense uh so you got one of Jake's kids the the scrappy little brother who bonds with uh this well who's a uh Outcast who's an outcast but but the thing is why because the whole thing is that they're told that you would not so you have the navi who are different the the same species but different races and you have the water not be they live at different a completely different way than the the jungle Navi yeah and they're told when they get there they say look you why are you coming here because that's this whole thing where you have Sully and his family looking for refuge and you have to see the movie to figure out why but they're told by the by the water not being like why the hell y'all coming over here you know nothing about water Y'all Gonna drown yes they say you know nothing about culture you know nothing about ways yeah including how to speak in their water language but when my man starts hanging out with this well boy they got a friendship so they they they they they they speak like they've been buddies for years they're best friends like that yeah exactly and I'm like how did you learn to speak well so like that so fast so fast yeah because they didn't teach him that no no I'm not saying that you couldn't have the well in there because what it was I believe that it was a it was a necessary Supply you know it makes the movie longer than it needs to be and it's really just setting up an action scene later yeah and it just more reason than just play in the water you know you could have kept that well you couldn't say had that same action scene we see later it's actually kind of badass what they did later with as well but I I don't think they needed it like this I don't think they needed to supply yeah they definitely could have took that subplot out honestly because the amount of time they actually spend on it it's like what 20 minutes yeah like that's like yo I could have took that part out yeah like this would be the perfect time to do a babble ad but I don't have one but I'll tell you the the the family dynamic works pretty well here you know I I did like that um you know I speaking of Sully where I thought Sully was just kind of a dumbass in the last movie uh Sully being a dad in this film is he's he's so much I like him better as a dad he's smarter he's more responsible yeah you know this character is not making these dumb decisions like he did in the last movie and you know and especially when the family has to you know come together to protect against these outside forces and seeing how Sully has to like really plan and think ahead to to to keep his his people alive you know that that family Dynamic worked very well in the film because it was heartbeat sound like mighty foreign Fortress you know Jake as a father is a much better character than he was in the last movie yes and you can see his perspective now yeah you really can you can you can see like his reasoning like uh like whenever he goes like to this new tribe and he's with his kids he's like yo y'all you know what I'm saying these kids are about to drive something crazy almost every 10 minutes or every 15 minutes he's always talking to his kids what I tell you I know he is why you either why y'all piss off these water people their mother like God damn we just got here and they about to kick us out yeah we all start acting crazy yeah I almost felt bad for for something I liked him so much better in this movie I did that in the first and even though I like him as a father I will say that that little kid that's being all anxious because you know Daddy don't love me as much as you or whatever Daddy was picking on me man Sully it was a little hard on that boy I mean come on man you see your big brother like following his footsteps but you don't look at man look you don't take what the equivalent of a 14 year old boy isn't telling you shame this family I was like damn okay okay okay I was like oh even I was like man back off look I know this ain't my kid I ain't telling you how to raise your kids man but that's not cool you know you know while these are story lines that we keep hearing with these that we keep seeing with these kind of kids that you you know we've seen the movies before the kids are not uh obnoxious man no there's only one scene and it ain't so this kids it's some damn water kids all the other boys man that was one thing I was like this is Criminal what y'all did oh yeah they try to commit murder yeah I was like look now wait a minute I mean anyone else got free too like listen I know I know Jake is like a guest with these these these these water people but there was a moment I would have been like wrong with your kids yeah yeah you need to get your kids man there was a mama I was like damn those kids that was some badass kids yeah like they they really tried to like no no [ __ ] they try to commit murder for real they like Stephen King bullies man yes I'm gonna make a little worse yeah because at first I thought it was a joke and I was like y'all tried to kill this boy oh no there was dude I don't want to spoil them but yeah like it's Stephen King made bullies out of cat people this would be it's them yes uh but they're likable kids because they're not those other [ __ ] but Sully got some good kids uh Zoe Saldana one of the things I create i i i praised the first avatar for is Zoe cell sold diamonds uh I think it's called Danielle uh is her performance yeah as as one of the uh the the navi and you know she's she's still good one of the things that um really made me feel for her she brought the emotion by by crying you know a lot but I was like damn that's good [Music] she sound like one of them little kids Jake trying to get late um she's still crying in this yes she's still crying she's still crying her ass off in this but uh that I would say probably like way more than what she was before but she has her reasons though no man they like it's not just tears to be tears no that's not the reason behind no she has a reason to cry man she they man they they've been they put this they put this poor Catwoman in uh through so much she lost her damn mind yes in the middle of the movie on display yeah they drew they drove her crazy oh that's all I'll say they draw yeah like nearly in this move they drove her out her goddamn mind I thought I felt bad for her man see if you thought she was crying before she was crying her ass off but man did she know how to act she did oh my gosh she was great yes no he's still great here she's still great I mean she's she's really taking this performance and just you know and she's after all these years she still gets this character she said she fell right back in the place just naturally and flow with this character man and uh you know it and it's like she's been there the whole time and and probably I would say you feel for even more because like I said they drove her insane man [ __ ] I thought she needed some better help man yeah I was like get this girl some therapy man she's gonna need it but when they drove her crazy I'm like damn yes people oh this let me see here y'all it is that it is that time y'all it is that time you know I gotta hit you with it oh people uh yes people this segment is brought to you by better help and take a moment to get away from my sponsor right here so you've heard me talk about better help before but the thing with better help is that a lot of people still think that going to better help or going to any kind of therapy you know as for people who have oh deep emotional problems some people even get offensive with oh you know that's for crazy people you'd be surprised that how mainstream therapy is today man and it's not just yes it is for those deep emotional problems that you may have it is definitely for that but a lot of people understand the areas that therapy can extend to you know with therapy you know the thing is you you have uncertainties you know you're in a certain emotional statement You're Going Through Changes even positive changes like maybe you're you got a new job 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you can easily switch to another one you got choices and as I said convenience is a big factor here I'm gonna make it even more affordable for you if you go over to betterhelp.com Double Toasted you're going to get 10 off your first month I want to think better help for sponsoring this portion of the show and of course I want to thank all of you out there for helping us with your support thank you very much all right let's go ahead and uh let's go ahead and get get into it here with the some other characters we've been talking about the Sully family which pretty much we're talking about we've been talking about the water people we've been talking about the good guys yes how about them bags how about them bad guys out there can't have a movie unless you got a bad guy something to go against at least one movie like this yeah boy let's talk about the bad guys over here but before we get to this bad guy right here okay so the villains in this movie they're still flat yeah you know I'm a I'm a big fan of Stephen Lang as an actor Stephen Lang you know amazing actor he's an amazing actor you know but when I saw him in the first movie he you know as much as much of his amazing actor he is and he is amazing in this movie but his character is just flat you don't give him much to do he's he's one note yeah that one note is evil yes that's it he's just evil uh the villains are still flat here if you ask me but but they work why because you hate them yeah I I I boy I hated you these [ __ ] I couldn't stand them uh Jane James Cameron does a great job at that right there you know he he doesn't he does a great job with making the humans see this is what this is what's really cool about this movie it was it was a thing that they had in the first film but this movie really pushes that the humans are the Alien Invaders you know the the calling the sky people the sky people but we we're the Invaders normally when you watch a movie it's the aliens invading us and they're the bad guys here we are those aliens we're the bad people you know we're the you know we're the terrorist it's all the navi story yes and the humans as I said before the humans are just [ __ ] man that we I'll put myself in there I ain't no better I ain't [ __ ] either we're just we're just there to destroy [ __ ] yeah and it's like I feel like there's a way you can make it more peaceful but they didn't even know look you're right about that you can't even try they didn't explore no other options at all they said yeah we did and I can kind of understand it and said we tried to talk to him before and they fought us so that we coming down full force you know the thing with these humans man you know like I said we're just there to destroy [ __ ] the movies the movie starts out with us tearing [ __ ] up the humans are returning they're hunting us what's our plan the moment that we land on Pandora before we even get off the spaceship we haven't even touched the ground and we're blowing up half the planet yes I was we were we killed half the population there before we even got off the ship that's like God damn we really were there to just destroy and and and and James Cameron does not hold back with that man you know uh he does not hold back on showing the destruction the cold-hearted humans that we are we are just there to exploit and kill it's gonna make you mad it's gonna piss you off you know you're gonna you know there's a point where you say well y'all just leave these cats alone I know they ain't doing nothing to nobody yeah cats ain't done nothing nobody you know it's and and and and and it's cool to see humans have no they have no redeeming qualities at all man none they have no redeeming qualities whatsoever you know uh the thing is and the reason why that's cool because you like that ain't cool over there that they're down there just killing people not the reason why it's cool because like I said I would watch Alien Invasion movies where the aliens are bad yes and even those movies even movies where they're supposed to be the villains there are movies where I say you know they only came down here to save the Earth because love I side with them you know even though the ones you know even though we're the ones mess up the plan another way aliens other bad guys no not here it is clearly clearly the humans are the bad the bad people in this movie yeah oh they are man they don't even try to like be like you know how Marvel trying to like all right we can see the point of view here it's like hell no no no no no no no not at all um but the humans the humans are not nearly as bad as these old racist racist ass self-hate Navi man who were humans at one time so if that's what makes them bad you know they got too much human inside of them man yeah um Stephen Lang he returns as uh as as as as what is it colonel uh colonel colonel quarrich yeah let's call him a colonel colonel yeah let's keep it simple you know you if you thought he was bad as a human he's worse as a cat man uh no because he's as a cat man he's he's younger he's stronger and shittier yeah and then he learns their ways too yeah I won't say how he gets back I won't say anything about that uh but I will say this I was telling you about how Stephen Lang was was just a flat character in that first movie and as much as I liked the actor I just like ah you know I can take I mean the only the only cool thing to say about him is that he is that bad yes that you you just hate him you want to see him get his comeuppance yeah uh but here as as a navi I think he's way more interesting man not only does the character have more to do there's a little more story added to him there's a little more back story attitude there's a part of history of his past that comes in uh here and makes him just slightly more complex and I I enjoyed that with him man uh he's still not a deep character by any means but he he does have more interesting stuff here to do uh that play into a story um and Stephen Lang is just fun to watch man yes it's it's it's it's a role that's been expanded it's a role that gives him more to do now and he's enjoying it man I mean that's what makes him so good here you hate him and he but he he really sinks into that character and it's it's so much fun to watch him in this role as an evil cat man Stephen Lang is becoming this dude you need a you need a badass evil old dude call Stephen Lang stay right there you think that's uh don't breathe yeah don't breathe yes that's the first one yeah the first one exactly uh but mostly him and his crew man uh Stephen Lang's crew uh it's Colonel cords they're just evil you know there's nothing much to those characters yeah it's like they when they're born they're like oh we got to get Jake and stuff like that yeah we got to kill everything yeah yeah it gets in our way uh between them and the and you know in the in the in the [ __ ] humans uh you can't you can't wait for them to get theirs man you see how they keep pissing off these these Navi and you can't wait for them to tear that ass up in that last 30 minutes of this movie that last that last act that they have here so I was telling people I said that this movie is a combination of a Disney Family animated film and a James Cameron movie uh the characters especially with the kids that's the Disney part but that last 30 minutes is full on insane James Cameron yes straight up action yeah uh James Cameron has you know he he goes full James Cameron because his Direction's incredible here uh it's the best combination of his Greatest Hits aliens Terminator True Lies Titanic you know all in one all all of those rolled into this one climax right here and the kills are so satisfying man because you've been waiting for these [ __ ] to get their ass whooped to get theirs yeah you've been waiting for these cat people to come in and beat the [ __ ] out of them and the Precision of the Nabi boy they was I didn't was that Denzel said in Training Day I'm surgical with this [ __ ] you know oh yeah with them arrows they are surgical with that [ __ ] man it was man to watch them be so precise with what they're doing man it's just so satisfying uh watching them go full Savage Navi you know on there man is it's it's it's incredible it's you know if if it's not fighting then it's these these narrow escapes so you know when it's fighting you're getting the best parts of something like uh uh True Lies you're getting the best parts of something like Terminator two when they're trying to when you get these these these narrow escapes that's you going through the sinking Titanic so he's really taken all his experience over the years and applied them to this one movie in the best possible way yes oh Mark now I ain't even I I talked I talked nice I talked well about Avatar the first one I uh you know and like but like I said I just said I just don't know I just don't feel like everybody else but this one blew my mind man blew my mind way more than the first one and it's it's such a I I mean when I got home I just kept thinking about some of the the most fun part of the movies out of the movie there's even there's even moments where it's really it's so heartbreaking because I'm talking about the action you know I'm talking about the you know I'm talking about the the you know the the the the kills and all that kind of stuff man but there are moments where it was so emotionally painful to watch some of the destruction here that's one of that's one of the other reasons why I walked out and had to take a piss I was like I can't watch this right here I can't watch them do this places they are so cruel I had to walk out so you were getting a thrilling action-packed visuals visually stunning Blockbuster of film but you're also getting a lot more emotion to the point where I mean I I it shook me man you know I just like I do I can't watch this part you get in a complete emotional experience here getting a lot more heart you're getting a lot more heart man everything that they talked about with Maverick you know top gun Maverick being the Blockbuster that we need right now Avatar 2 is that Blockbuster also man yeah we are getting into like a old-fashioned just you know uh uh crowd pleasing Blockbuster film but also giving us you know while it's not always working with these characters while it's all not always working with the length it's still delivering I mean you get it's three hours long you know that you go you it'll be amazing if you can keep it up yeah do the whole thing but for the majority of this movie you are getting The Full Experience man you were getting your money's worth I'm hoping we're gonna talk about the character design of uh some of the people there's a there's a certain girl in the in the film they know what I'm talking about but when you first see her you're like oh [ __ ] like she's cute you know what I'm talking about these Avatar these cat people don't got cuter the man and and they there's from the get-go you can see it we talked about that already man I looked at this cat person right here I said I said because I know that I on the one end that's not it that's that's that's that's not an adult so I felt bad I know that's a kid but I said as an alien she might be you know 100 years old in human years so I don't know so I I just like [ __ ] like I know what James Cameron doing with that she is [ __ ] that's for Daddy right now man look I'm I'm in there the same boat as you man uh I thought the first movie was all right and I was like I'm watching this movie I'm like two hours into it I'm like I'm loving this film I'm watching here I'm like visuals this is a movie but man if there's one movie I'll say go see in 3d Go season three they go spend that extra dollars in 3D the emotion this movie possesses is just phenomenal at least to me because it's like like I feel like like I said I'm attached to these people you know yeah um there wasn't a lot of complaints here I think my biggest complaint was just the villains of the film I think they need to be better written because they're just completely one noted they they completely are yeah and I'm like damn like especially when you have talented actors uh Steph was it Stephen Lang right watch a bunch of basketball Stephen Curry Stephen Stephen Lane Steven like yeah I'm like you have an amazing talented actor like him and you only use him one way you know I'm saying there should be more to him um now I thought the way they brought him back was interesting because I'm like he's aged in real life so it's like to bring him back this way it's like okay this kind of makes sense yeah I think that's what everybody too yeah but uh look like I said there wasn't a lot of complaints from me I'm one of the people I know I've seen a lot of a lot of criticism out there people thinking this movie is gonna flop I don't think this one's gonna flop if I'm being completely honest with you I think this one's gonna make his money back man I absolutely loved this film I loved it more than the first one would you say rental uh you know I was actually thinking about this on the way here I was like all right I gave my gave my rating on mine but I think it deserves a full price yeah full price yeah big improvement over the first one though and I'm right I'm right there with you you know I wish I could go further and give this movie like a better than sex or something because it is so entertaining uh but you know I did criticize it and those were major things for me so it is a full price yeah yeah very enthusiastic full price though yes yes this movie delivers man it really delivers I mean this is the This is Gonna sweep this is going to sweep at the at the Oscars man yeah as far as visuals go yeah best picture I don't know about best picture I mean it could just because of the business of Hollywood you know they want to if they want to reward something because it brought so much money in uh you know maybe they're trying to like do this thing where they're trying to nominate more genre movies to make it seem like you know hey the osk is cool too you know they could probably nominate for Best Picture yeah and uh for technical for technical achievements oh yeah this is gonna sweep on that it's the hands down this is winning for technical achievements but also the technical achievement that is received uh for visuals it could be you know seeing as the best picture we'll see what happens I think that's some of the best CGI I've seen too in a while oh yeah yeah man no it is it is it's uh it all that everything listen everything that James Cameron was bragging about he did yes okay that's all I can say yes I think this movie is worth the hype I would say definitely yeah no no everything he was bragging about that you know he's doing all his [ __ ] talking and everything and he backed it up he did it so yeah yeah after all that go see it I mean if you were if you were if you were looking for a Blockbuster movie and you're looking for something Hey look it's it's still sci-fi it's still very effects driven but if you're looking for something that's going to give you a break from superheroes and go see Avatar go see these super cats super cat yeah you know it's funny because I found something online I had to say this for the anger they had nothing to do with anything it's just fun something funny that I when I was looking when I was looking at images of uh I was looking at images of Jake um you know something there he is right there from the movie there were some other things that that came up and I'll say man if you want if you want one of the most horrifying Halloween costumes for next year get a jake Sully mask man damn I look like Michael Myers right there Michael Myers saw they'd be like no oh he'd be like give me that those those are the most horrified masks I've ever seen hey she can use that in The Purge movie or something yeah [ __ ] if you if you want to be confused Jay Jake Sully [ __ ] Millie challenging something here get that right there you go a new horror movie out there look at this what the hell uh [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 87,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER review, AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER movie review, AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER, AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER trailer, AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER reaction, AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER explained, Avatar 2, Avatar 2 trailer, Avatar 2 review, Avatar 2 movie review, Avatar 2 movie, Avatar 2 reaction, Avatar, Avatar review, Avatar movie review, Movie review, Movie, Review, Funny video, Double toasted, Doubletoasted.com, Doubletoasted, Double toasted bites
Id: 6q1FxSdkvoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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