What Makes Avatar The Last Airbender Great: Finding Hope in Our Scars

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there are a lot of great TV shows out there whether it's the complex layers of character writing and Breaking Bad the mind-bending editing of Sherlock the darkly personal narrative of Full Metal Alchemist 2003 or the heartfelt comedy of community there are many great stories that have been told in this medium and many more are yet to come I'm sure but at least for me there's one show unlike any other unmatched in its quality and consistency a show so beautifully written so wonderfully directed so gut-wrenchingly tragic at the same time as being incredibly hopeful and uplifting a show that truly is one [Music] created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino avatar not that one began airing in February 2005 on Nickelodeon quickly becoming one of the network's most popular shows at its premiere it was the highest-rated animated show in its demographic and those high ratings continued throughout its life until its end after a third season in 2008 but not only was the show popular you can also find this show on many lists of not only the best cartoons of all time but on the best shows of all time this show is beloved and I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't hold it in I regard and for me it's a show that I can't talk about for very long before becoming overexcited and rambling about how incredible it is the first 10 minutes of the first episode so thoroughly establishes relationship dynamics for four of its main characters as well as being a wonderful introduction to the idea of waterbending and even a slight indictment of toxic masculinity which of course is an idea that's central to the character of Sokka and I'm doing it again aren't I this show came out when I was six so of course I watched it I didn't know anyone who didn't watch it helped my brother who wasn't that much older than me would have watched parties for the season finales I didn't because I didn't have any friends but you get the point this show is so beloved but I bet if you counted the amount of video essays on YouTube about every singular piece of media avatar would have the most by far seriously there are so many of these things this show about a war between nations based on the four elements has transcended generations and for most of us has only aged better and better as time goes on but of course I must ask the eternal question why why is this show still considered to be one of the greatest ever made what about this show has made people laugh cry love and think more than any other show on Nickelodeon hell any show at all what makes this show so remarkable so wonderful so one in a million what makes this show not only one of the most beloved for so many but one of the most beloved for me at the end of the day what makes Avatar The Last Airbender great also I can't really talk about the show that's a minor spoilers every now and again so keep that in my view have more series k love you yeah I suppose the best place to start is to look at the first thing you notice in any cartoon or animated production the animation yeah yeah that makes sense now I won't pretend that I'm any kind of authority on animation I'm pretty sure the most experience I have with animating anything was pivot animator so if I get any of this wrong feel free to correct me this is just what I noticed while watching the series and from what I can tell the show's animation is built on two central principles freedom and fluidity let's start with that first principle freedom the show is primarily animated through three separate South Korean studios JME animation dr movie and mo eye animation these animation studios were by their own admission given a lot more creative freedom than they usually would have been even being allowed to input their own ideas and suggestions they were also allowed to animate without something called animation timings which allowed them to control the rhythm and speed of any particular scene all of this freedom allowed the animators should do more than just match voices to faces the animators on Avatar were primarily concerned with impressions not realism not lip-synching but impressions they wanted to impress on to the audience what a character was feeling at any given moment and luckily they were given the freedom to do that and the way they chose to create these impressions was through that second principle fluidity the greatest example of this lies in how the show is very much like a young child in the best way possible it never likes to stay still there is this almost incessant focus on retaining a sense of motion in shots like look at this sequence from the episode imprisoned from the moment the rocks begin to move to the end of the scene there is movements even small ones such as when Katara looks away as she speaks the show definitely pulls on a lot of anime influences however it never falls into the trap many anime do of just close-up on face with lip movements camera shot moving from left to right while everything remains static blah blah blah boring boring boring but this show keeps things literal moving even if a shot is meant to linger there's always something whether it be a flowing Creek or a fire nation flag there is always this attention to keeping things fluid and moving and it's this constant sense of motion that lends itself well to crafting character and emotion through facial expressions and body language look at this scene from the episode the chase and see if you can notice what's so special about it [Music] did you notice it it's how Katara keeps moving in the shot in a lesser show they would have just kept her static maybe a little shaking movement and it would have worked just fine but it's the way she moves back in reaction to toss Han leans forward again after puts a hand up and opens her mouth only to continue being steamrolled by Toph it adds so much more to it than if she remains still it shows Katara's frustration and anger as well as toss lack of caring about what Katara has to say in a way that a less active shot would have lost look at another one of my personal favorites in this sequence from the pilot episode the boy in the iceberg where Aang realizes that he's been in ice for a hundred years well awards been going on Aang goes from disbelief to shock to acceptance and regret in the span of about four seconds as his facial expressions move and change to match those emotions and there are so many other examples of this throughout the series utilizing the show's animation to express character and emotion in a way just not quite possible in live-action some of this might also be because the animators weren't just working from the static images of storyboards but we're actually animating based on videos of the show's creators acting scenes out yeah I'm not even kidding [Applause] all of this to say that the show's animation wasn't simply a means to an end through the ideas of freedom and fluidity it plays an active role in telling the story and communicating the characters emotions and personalities taking full advantage of the medium they've been placed in but this advantage of animation isn't just utilized in scenes of dialogue because as wonderful as that is the show's main draw lay elsewhere I'll show you who's boss bendings cool I don't think I have to be the one to tell you that everyone wanted to be some kind of vendor when they were a kid I'll admit to still on ironically trying to waterbend when I'm bored I used to be more of an earthbending fan when I was a kid but I tend to scheme more towards what depending is an adult anyway bending was quite the deceptively simple magic system it's easy for children to get a grasp on it if there is earth in something an earthbender can bend it it's that simple there aren't many rules or limitations other than that really only one person can bend one element safe of the avatar it was the show's main draw the thing that made it stand out the idea that I'm willing to bet gotta pass that Nickelodeon pitch meeting but it's a lot more than just a cool magic system can insa cohen DiMartino took the concept of bending seriously and that's no more apparent than in the fact that each bending style is matched with a different form of martial arts airbending is bagua water bending his Tai Chi earthbending is hung gar firebending his northern shaolin kung foo all of these martial arts were matched up to their respective bending style based on how it fit within that bending Styles philosophy Tai Chi matches waterbending and it's level of fluidity and softness whereas northern shall win matches firebending and it's more aggressive in quick movements like I'm not knocking Scarlet Witch but wouldn't have been so much easier to just make bending kind of like her magic just hand wavy nothingness but no they went so far with this martial arts parallel that they even have some of the animators learn the martial arts moves on a surface level in order to more accurately animate them bending meant more than just being a fun magic system for the kids to ogle at there was a lot more depth here than its admittedly simple premise would imply to begin explaining the hidden depth of avatars magic system I need to explain the show's primary use of it combat bending is based on martial arts after all so it only follows logically that the show uses it to give us some wonderfully creative fun and exciting fight scenes and sequences but let's break down exactly why that is because as much as I'd love to give all the credit to the amazingly fluid animation and choreography a lot of it is due to how the basis of bending is a magic system lends itself well to variety and creativity think about it for a second just with the four different main bending styles you have 16 different matchups already laid out for you without even trying and because bending is based on those different martial arts it's only a matter of taking those styles and pitting them against each other to get an interesting fight out of it but then these fights aren't taking place on flat plains so you have to take into account the environments these fights are taking place how much of the fighters chosen elements are available how welcome these vendors utilize open spaces are much more contained once and then of course bending styles don't exist in a vacuum those styles can be adjusted based on the vendors themselves are they as small quick Airbender utilizing airbending more avoidant in the face of style or are they an older waterbender that puts most of their strength into using the water itself rather than depending on their own physicality or maybe it comes down to personality like an aggressive and impulsive fire vendor having his fire used against him by a much smarter and level-headed Airbender the time of day can potentially affect the way a fight goes there are many many variables that can affect how a battle plays out and with all these variables naturally affecting every aspect of the battle every fight is different the battles never feel repetitive or samey they never feel like you've seen them before because chances are good that you haven't comparing the Agni Kai between Zuko and Jiao and the Acne Kai between Zuko and Azula is like comparing Froot Loops to Cinnamon Toast Crunch yeah they're both cereal they're both sugary but they have totally different textures and flavors and feels for every aspect of a fight you've seen somewhere else in the series there's another aspect you've never seen before or haven't seen interacting with another specific element and this paired with the wonderful animation and choreography I already mentioned makes for fights that naturally lend themselves to creativity and variety like with the battle between Azula and hanging on top of the drill and how Aang has to use both airbending and earthbending to try and keep up with the zoo of speed and ferocity while he's also having to take on the fly to figure out how to stop the drill which makes the fight even more tenzin fun to watch and of course this loss for Azula could be seen as yet another shot that are already steadily declining mental health which was an apparent at the time but still they becomes more so as the series continues I think that's what the betrayal of May and Ty Lee did we really see a zoo the beginning to unravel and I'm doing it again aren't I but bending in combat isn't just special because of its variety a fight between benders is also a fight to find out who can not only use their bending style better to their advantage but who can be more adaptable to utilize it against other styles every bending style comes with sir advantages and disadvantages airbending and firebending can't ever be totally restricted since air is everywhere and fire can be made by any firebender waterbending is much more versatile than any other element in combat since it can be frozen broken apart and used in several different shapes and forms but air bending lends itself much better to evasive maneuvers and it does offensive once firebending can very easily get out of hand and be used against you water benders are kind of useless when they're separated from a water source this means that a fighting avatar is at its core a fight between two people trying to use their strengths to make up for their weaknesses and how well a vendor can do that is ultimately what determines the outcome of any given fight it's like if you took the physicality of Naruto and combined it with the strategy of a Jojo stand battle so not only do you have this magic system that naturally creates variety in its battles but it's also a system that naturally makes fights more interesting as we see each vendor try to make up for the weaknesses of their styles and types but bending isn't just used for combat and fight scenes bending in and of itself is utilized in almost every aspect of avatars world from Omashu using earthbending to propel its package delivery system to waterbending having healing properties and being utilized in medicine bending is used in sports or games such as air balls sometimes it's even used for transportation such as sand ships of the trains embossing say he'll the character of top uses earthbending to sea in lieu of or blindness as a form of echolocation bendings more basic structure allows it to be incredibly elastic and how each school of bending can be used it can even become more than just the four basic elements to earthbending can become sand bending or metal bending while water bending can become blood bending or sweat bending I guess you it's within this that the bending continues to expand on that animation philosophy of freedom and fluidity with bending being this very adaptive thing whether it's through different variables always having to be taken into account to craft fights built on variety or how bendings versatility allows it to be used however the writers or animators see fit bending as a magic system forces fluidity and adaptability in those that work with it while also giving the freedom to utilize it in whatever way you could possibly think of and there's one more aspect of bending that I think is worth exploring but it lies in another fantastic aspect of this show [Music] [Applause] since the Four Nations of avatars world are based on each of the four elements bending also serves as one of many windows into that world each style of bending gives us greater insight into the different philosophies and ideas that drive and define the Nations one of my favorite examples of this is in the episode better work the episode focuses on angler need to use earthbending while Zuko learns Tibetan lightning it's through this that we learned about earthbending focus on standing your ground and not backing down which is characteristic of the earth kingdoms resilience in the war with the Fire Nation we also learned about airbending preoccupation with avoidance through Aang's and ability to learn earthbending which is characteristic of the air nomads and their much more peaceful ideologies we also learned that firebending is typically very emotional and often rageful which is of course characteristic of the fire nations aggressive and prideful tendencies solely through the bending and the philosophies the different styles and body we come to understand the identities of three out of the four nations but of course that's not the only vantage point from which the show builds its world the world building is handled quite nicely through the show's visual representations of different locations and objects within the world itself take for example the earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing se being in the earth Kingdom Ba Sing se is covered mostly in rock and stone is surrounded by a giant stone wall that keeps out invaders once again this characterizes the earth Kingdom as resilient and perseverant then the shows visual presentation helps to define the class divisions of the lower middle and upper rings that divide the city the lower ring is full of unpaved roads building sending wall-to-wall brown tiled roofs sitting a stark contrast to the green tiles of middle ring and yellow tiles of the upper ring all of this world building is done through the shows visual design and the occasional expository comment from Judy the fire nations usage of tanks that metal warships is also a wonderful bit of world building the characterizes the fire nations much more industrial and technologically progressive nature as opposed to the other nations or the Northern Water Tribes use of snow and ice to craft its architecture being indicative of that nation's adaptability and resourcefulness or the different air temples being well temples due to the much more spiritual focus of the air nomads the various visuals of avatars world do wonders and further characterizing the nations and their values avatar also utilizes the different plots of its episodes to continue enhancing the world one of my favorites is the platform the episode that in it it's the contrast between Aang's energetic nature and the suppressed children of the fire nation that gives us some spectacular insight into the fire nation's values of discipline order and respect we also get to see the use of fire nation propaganda and the way fire nation schools teach about the genocide of the air nomads as though we're an even battle rather than outright slaughter you know in order to make the fire nation not look like horrific ly overpowered Nazis it also recognizes that the fire nation isn't all bad and that there are individuals within it that are kind and understanding adding a layer of depth to the Foundation's identity avatar also uses its characters in the impact the world has had on them to then define the world itself Aang's concerns about taking a life including the fire Lords is directly tied to the spiritual beliefs taught by the air nomads about the sacred nature of all life even the life of the tiniest spider fly caught in its own web or the motherly nature of katara and sokka's concerned with his own masculinity being reflections of the gender roles perpetuated by the water tribes or how tough stubbornness and bluntness is reflective of the stand-your-ground mentality of the earth Kingdom all of this done through the personalities of the characters and how they are connected to the different nations they grew up in with all of this the world-building of Avatar is dense layered and above all else unobtrusive to the narrative rather just as with the animation it's an active part of the story it represents the show's many philosophies and continues to develop the show's characters oftentimes world-building in fiction can feel more like a chore a series of expository Commons and monologues that nothing but just tell you about how Wizards went to the bathroom before toilets were invented because we totally needed to know that avatars world is almost a character in and of itself though it has relationships with the other characters and helps to build themes and ideas that the show wants to explore and it's through that intrinsic connection to every other element of the narrative that every piece of world building not only gives you all the information you need to know but it also does it in such a way that feels totally natural but even with all this great animation this wonderfully versatile magic system this naturally occurring world building there is one thread that runs throughout it all one thing that the entire show is centralized around and that every aspect is built on top of it's not like I'm a preachy crybaby you can't resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the time what you may have noticed that every other aspect of the show I've talked about up to this point has included something about character characters bending Styles can be indicative of the philosophies they believe in the world around our characters is constantly having some kind of impact on them and their personalities the animation is integral to characterizing who these people are and how they interact with each other all of this is because character is the thing that the entire show is intensely focused on and centralized around just look at this moment from the episode day of Black Sun in it Aang has come all this way to capitalize on his best chance to fight Fire Lord Ozai the entire goal of the series while a solar eclipse prevents Ozai from firebending but when he reaches Ozai throne room he finds it totally empty and abandoned forcing him to realize that the Fire Nation knew about the plan already and that it was doomed to fail from the start in most other shows the focus would be mostly on this twist going oh look weren't expecting that were you you little chumps ha ha ha but instead avatar places its focus in this moment on Aang's frustration this kid has been through so much failed so many times to save the world despite the fact that he's been told it's his destiny and now at the moment where everything was planned to go right it all begins to crumble and go wrong and that's what avatar is concerned with that's what matters that's why we're here we're not here for the plot twists that Ozai knew all along about the invasion plan on the solar eclipse we're here for the very real anger and frustration that comes to be because of it and the show's focus on character is apparent in just how talented the voice cast is for this show especially considering that some of the most major characters are kids or teenagers Zack Tyler Ison wasn't even 13 when the show first started and he still manages to perfectly capture the childhood innocence and deep sense of guilt and fear that defines who Aang is as a person may women was even younger when she played Katara and still delivers such a great performance giving her such a wonderful sense of motherly compassion and leadership and these actors needed a lot of skill to portray the multi-faceted nature of the show's character right just look at the episode of the desert this is an episode that has a mordrem extent the group has just lost eggs flying bison slash best friend Appa and are now stuck in the middle of a giant desert with limited water and no effective means of traversal Aang is probably at his most frustrated as he searches for Appa and Katara is trying her best to keep everyone motivated and together to less than stellar results it's a time where it seems like nothing else can go wrong because everything has already done so it also happens to be the episode that has this line let's just keep moving I hope Aang's okay and on top of that it's in reaction to the moment Aang was his hope for finding Appa that mushroom cloud being him pounding the ground in frustration you think that this wouldn't work but it does because Sokka is high on cactus juice and he's high on cactus juice because in his efforts to be the leader he drank some thinking it was a good idea the point I'm trying to make is that the humor is born naturally from the way the characters are written as is the drama the humor never feels like it comes out of nowhere and the drama never feels overbearing or forced because both are derived from the characters personalities and relationships instead of feeling totally conflicting it just feels real it feels like this is how these characters would act given the context it's because Aang has been written as someone who deeply cares for those around him and because Appa has always been written as an inseparable partner for him that we can become emotionally attached to the drama of them being separated but it's also because of how Sauk has been written as someone constantly trying to take the leadership role even if he doesn't know quite what he's doing that we can believe and laugh along it is miss step of drinking the cactus juice and it's because both are written so well that what should be a tonal mismatch is instead of master class in tonal balance and speaking of how natural the characters feel in this show I also love how willing the show is to just let the characters exist every once in a while episodes like nightmares and daydreams the beach tails of bossing say I'll just let these characters be we're allowed to view them in their natural habitats when they aren't fighting or on a mission the characters base personalities work so well that we can just watch them hanging out and get a good dose of effective humor and drama I live for sokka's haiku rap battle Zuko being a lovable dork on a first date these characters are so well-rounded that the show isn't afraid to just let them live their lives for an episode or two because honestly it's just as interesting and fun to watch as them taking out a big drill trying to break through bossing says-- wall I'll take a zoo less awkward flirting before the final Agni Kai any day of the week careful you could puncture the hull of an empire class fire nation battleship leaving thousands speaking of Azula let's talk about one of my favorite parts of the show's use of character the villains avatar is a show made for kids but that doesn't mean it's always willing to make things black and white just because someone is an antagonist certainly doesn't mean they don't have just as much personality and depth as the other characters in the show let's take the character of jail for example he's prideful and arrogant fueled by a desire for legacy that blinds him to his own immoral actions he has moments of realization moments where he realizes his wrongdoing but his deep-seated narcissism bites back with a vengeful wrath despite those moments convinced that he could never actually be wrong he even allows himself to die because his own pride won't allow him to be saved by someone he views as inferior to him or look at his ulla character wracked with mental instability in a desperate need for control she was always viewed as a monster and a villain title she never asked for or wanted but to concede that she doesn't want to be what she is would be to admit that she's a victim to her own fragile mind and so all she can do is lean into that villainy and monstrosity while she watches those around her even her family and friends leave her behind because all she would do is hurt and use them I feel the need to reiterate that this is a show made for kids heroes and villains alike art developed around it and well-written so much so that they can be funny angry upset scared lovable hateable brave compassionate kind selfish honest frustrated all without feeling even a little bit unnatural and all of this isn't even to recognize how wonderfully diverse the cast of the show is but I feel the need to at least note that two out of the four bending teachers hang as are female the show represents several different races including any wit in Asian cultures Toph is a blind female Asian child that's like 15 diversities and one but to get back on track I wanted to note this interesting motif and the show's villains and which many if not all of them are intent on imposing their own will on the world around them Joe wanted to kill the moon spirit in order to destroy the waterbenders and write his name in the history books Azula wanted to have total control over those around her long thing wanted to create a bossing say that was ignorant of the war outside its walls the entire reason the Fire Nation started this war in the first place was to impose their glory and prosperity on to the rest of the world even a minor villain like General Howe wanted to force Aang into the Avatar state even though it's obvious that the Avatar state is much too powerful for any one person to have total control over and it's in this motif that we find one of the show's most prevalent themes balance avatar is a show about unbalanced people trying to find balance heroes and villains alike find themselves attached to ideas and beliefs that they see is safe and comforting then ultimately stop them from growing and changing for the better as they put too much weight on any one concept of who they can be or what they should do Aang is too attached to his own sense of childhood innocence to embrace his destiny as the avatar Katara is so attached to her motherly instincts that she constantly sets herself up to fail and protecting those she cares about the most Toph is so focused on being strong and independent that she fails to accept the help that's being offered to her even when she needs it but there's one character that embodies this theme of balance this concept of an unbalanced identity more than any other it's a character that if you've watched the show you probably knew deep down that I was going to talk about because he's easily one of the most beloved characters so much so that I considered not talking about him in depth because so many other people have done it before but to me there is no better representation of what this show is about and what it means to me personally so let's talk about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the scar on Zuko's face is iconic it was the scar he received for refusing to fight his own father after speaking out in a war meeting it was the scar that labelled him as the disgraced Fire Nation Prince banished from his own country by the very father he strove to make proud it was the scar that drove him to find the avatar regain his honor and returned to the only happiness he's ever known in a picture from so long ago it was the scar that identified him defined him given to him by those who were only ever disappointed in him because he could never live up to the standards they had set Zuko's father's Fire Lord Ozai was distant and abusive toward Zuko he was someone obsessed with power and impressing those above him and that gave him very little time for a son whom he grew to realize was nothing more than a disappointment to him a failure who can never live up to the expectations he had set and it was in Zuko sister Azula that he found a child who could actually make him proud Azula was everything Zuko wasn't skilled decisive assertive just as her father was and when Ozai has the child he always wanted he's free to throw the other one in the trash all Zuko wanted was to make his father proud to be the child he could brag about and love and adore Zuko wanted nothing more than his father's love even if it had to be earned but all he got instead was a scar for not being what his father wanted him to be and when he's beaten down broken scarred by those he seeks the approval of who else does he blame but himself his honor as the Fire Nation Prince wasn't taken away from him he lost it he wasn't abused by his father he was disrespectful and deserved punishment or at least that's how you go seize it his scars are markers of his failures the things that define him the things he's trying to reverse or escape the only way to get rid of his scar is to become what his father always wanted him to but Zuko's desperation to escape his scars and return to that happy picture led him to betray and fight against his own nation eventually making him a fugitive yet another scar to hold but while on the run he goes to places and meets people that have been scarred by the very same people who have scarred him Zuko always believed that he was the only one with true scars the only one who ever deserved to have them but when he sees the rest of the world scars the fear and despair the Fire Nation is sown throughout the world how could he look to the leader of that nation his father as someone to make proud someone he wants to live up to and become Zuko wants to ignore them ignore the scars of the world around him escape from the knowledge that the people he's been trying to find validation and lovin are those who never give it in return and maybe maybe he would have succeeded if he had been alone no matter how things may seem to change never forget who you are versa his mother who loved him more than anything accepted him even in his failures and Ira his uncle who lost his own son and found another in Zuko versa the woman who sacrificed her own honor and status in order to save her son's life and Iroh the man who was once a proud general who threw all that away when he realized the cost of the fire nation's war ursa the woman who told him to never forget who he really was and Iroh the man who pleaded with him to remember who he really was the two people in his life who didn't care about the scars others were leaving him with but who loved him all the same and wanted to help him find his identity even when Zuko betrays his uncle for the sake of one last shot at that happy picture IRA still chooses not to yell or berate him he chooses not to be angry or hurtful he chooses to I thought you would be furious with me I was never angry with you I was sad because I was afraid you've lost your way and Zuko grows from this angry aggressive child only trying to find his father's love to a man who found that there was another side of him without the scars because scars don't have to define us but they can still help us find who we are we all feel pain and suffering we all face hardship and endure scars we run away from who we are only to face guilt and shame we fail to save those that we care about the most we fear that we aren't the person we want to be we're scared of the world turning their back on us we're scared of the world thinking we're not enough even for ourselves we look back on the past wondering what we did wrong but it's in our struggles that we find ourselves avatar showcases all those things we'd rather leave behind and all those things we actively seek war and peace life and death love and hate regret and redemption all balanced embracing both the good and the bad because avatar is not a series about escaping struggle or healing scars but a story about finding ourselves through struggle and finding hope within our scars it's about finding the brightest lights we can in the darkest tunnels of our lives you can't always see the light end of the tunnel but if you just keep moving it's about realizing that we don't have to face our pain and our scars alone it's about the people around us who love us and stick with us through those struggles who take our hands and never let go who guide us through life and who we guide in time it's about the worth of pain and how fighting through with all those who love us can bring this to a better place and make us greater than we ever thought we could become it's about fluidity freedom growing and changing and adapting to the variables it's about embracing where we come from and what we believe in it's about finding ourselves and that above all else is what makes avatar the last airbender [Music] hey thank you for watching this video if you liked it share it around on social media Twitter Instagram whatever you want to share it on it really helps me out a lot I'd really appreciate it and if you're new to the channel click that subscribe button hit the little bell click all notifications we get notified every time a new video comes out it's like magic and hey you look like a strapping young lad so why don't you join all the other strapping young lads following me on Twitter at Street of stories for updates on video productions as well as just my random thoughts that no one asked for one at ordinated in any capacity and if your strapping young lad who wants to support the channel more directly you can do so on my patreon page where I've recently added some new rewards such as video previews commentary tracks and rambling reviews all for only $1 a month can you believe it strapping young lad speaking of patreon here's all the strapping young lads who decided to give me money this month no community BPZ scopes blazing crisps and bend over I believe that's how you pronounce it anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video I'm gonna go rewatch avatar
Channel: StoryStreet
Views: 1,412,045
Rating: 4.9661522 out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar The Last Airbender, The Last Airbender, Airbender, Firebender, Earthbender, Waterbender, Aang, Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Video Essay, Analysis, Essay, What Makes it Great, StoryStreet
Id: x4ABFBgIjdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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