Avatar Book 4: Air | Episode 1 - "The Promise "

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water Earth [Applause] fire air long ago the four nations lived together in harmony then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked only the Avatar master of all four elements could stop them but when the world needed him most he vanished 100 years passed and my brother Saka and I discovered the new Avatar an airbender named a although his air bending skills were great he had a lot to learn before he was ready to save anyone but from the day I first met him I believed Ang would save the world and you know what I was right with the help of his friends a defeated Fire Lord oai and ended the 100-year war Zuko ozai's son and our Ally became the new Fire Lord together with Earth King Quay Ang and Zuko promised to restore the four nations to [Music] Harmony I never realized the Fire Nation had built so many colonies in the earth kingdom yes for the Earth people they're a constant reminder of the war like an old scar oh Fire Lord Zuko I meant nothing personal no earth king Quay you're right after all the pain my father has caused it's my duty to bring healing to the world I'll remove those colonies I'll do whatever it takes but removing the colonies won't be easy a lot lot of people's lives are going to be disrupted we need someone to oversee everything to make sure it all goes peacefully someone like me really you'd want to do that I'm the Avatar making stuff go peacefully is kind of my thing wonderful the Avatar's personal involvement will give the entire process an air of Hope Saka and I can help ah I was going to visit Kyoshi Island it'll be a movement a movement towards Harmony we'll call it we'll call it the harmony restoration movement yes the harmony restoration movement I like it what's with you and your goofy names for everything it's a gift earth king Quay planned a celebration where he would announce the harmony restoration movement before the festivities began we decided to visit the Jasmine Dragon a tea shop owned by Zuko's Uncle iro hey my belly's not that big anymore I've really trimmed down well I think you all look perfect [Music] there Ang and I we figured out what we meant to each other or we were about to anyway before my stupid brother interrupted hey guys nothing we're not doing anything out here haven't you ever heard of knocking Saka first of all you're supposed to knock before we go inside not before you go outside and second as my sister you really shouldn't be kissing anyone in front of me it's your sisterly duty to avoid giving me the oogies oogies oh you are so immature sometimes what about you and Suki Suki is not a friend she's a girlfriend there's a big difference go around kissing all the women come on we did that private we got nothing to worry about I to show in front of you I know how time out Y what did you come out here to tell us oh right we're about to head out but the Earth King celebration doesn't doesn't start for a couple more hours I know we wanted to take op out for a ride [Music] first let's go again wait guys the fireworks are starting wow the view is amazing it is thanks buddy huh sounds like the earth king just the harmony restoration movement hey want to know what fireworks are like for me close your eyes oh to don't be such a grump you're out with friends on a beautiful night celebrating the fact that we saved the world true you too your new Majesty Fire Lord Zuko sir turn that frown upside down it's Happy Time Zuko I visited my father in prison the other day I've been meaning to ask you for a favor Ang sure anything if you ever see me turning into my father I want you to I want you to end me what even now after everything that's happened my family's Legacy is still a part of me that's why it's my duty to heal the scars that the fire nation has left on the world but the fire Lord's Throne comes with a lot of pressures and if I'm honest with myself I need a safety net the world needs a safety net that's what I need you to be Ang the safety net Zuko you're not your dad and you're my friend how can you expect me as your friend I'm asking you if you ever see me go bad end me promise me Ang fine I promise promise who's there someone's here I could feel it someone's trying to assassinate me f Lord please go back to sleep we're in the most secure Tower in the entire Palace no one will get to you tonight I assure you just like no one got to you last night or the night before that or the night before that do not mock me there have already been five attempts on my life since I took the throne and that why we moved you here please you have to trust show yourself down with the traitor down with the fire lord who betrays his own [Music] people convince me not to take your life go ahead my family has been loyal to yours for Generations by getting rid of me you would simply complete your betrayal your family my father is the mayor of udow udow the first of the Fire Nation colonies yes my home and now you and the Avatar are going to destroy it with your precious Harmony restoration movement stop stop Cory where have you been your mother and I were very sick wait who are these men what are these chains I went to go see someone about our problem father who him Fire Lord Zuko you must be mayor morisha your daughter snuck into my home and tried to kill me Cory someone had to do something my sincerest apologies for my daughter's resp behavi Your Fire Lord have mercy I should have this whole place burned down why bother the harmony restoration movement will accomplish the same thing without you having to lift a finger why can't you Colonials get it through your thick skulls the harmony restoration movement is a means to peace peace peace for whom with all due respect your majesty my family has lived on this land for Generations this city was built on our blood and sweat we have as much a right to be here as anyone else your Fire Nation citizens you should live in the Fire Nation you're right Fire Lord we are Fire Nation citizens and I'll tell you this your father would never have let the Avatar of the earth king bully him into something so obviously bad for his own nation's citizens my father [Music] I should count myself lucky the new Fire Lord has greased me with his presence in my lonely prison cell you should count yourself lucky that the Avatar chose to spare you banishing me was the best thing you could have done for my life maybe your time in here can do the same for you why are you really here because you're going to tell me something where is my mother you ought to bring me some tea Zuko we'll talk while sipping from steaming little cups much like you did with my traitorous brother I'll give you advice on how to be a good fire lord wouldn't that be nice perhaps even the subject of your mother will come up I don't need this do you think being Fire Lord is easy the throne comes with many pressures and those pressures will change you but if you can stand the heat you'll become something more of all the people in the world I have the wisdom you need the wisdom of experience be honest with yourself Zuko do you really believe you can handle it all on your own he'll be back and I'll be here waiting for you [Music] son what the I'm not my father no young man you're not fire lord oai had many faults but he was never a coward he was never a traitor don't worry mayor Nishi my team and I have helped dozens of Fire Nation colonies move back to your Homeland already they've all loved coming back those colonies were young their people had no roots in the earth Kingdom things are different in the Fire Nation now you'll see fire lord Zuko is reintroducing classic Fire Nation culture to his people you'll learn so much about you're passed by living here and you'll have fun too check it out this is a fire nation dance from over a 100 years ago how fun is this stop stop unloading your Colonials yes return to the Earth Kingdom by order of the fire lord what Fire Lord Zuko has officially withdrawn his support of the harmony restoration movement come look there's a crowd at the city Gates below the nation out I want to know what's happening whatever it is it's bad bad the city's probably doomed we're probably doomed I hate Doom how are you Lily liers going to learn metal bending by staring out a window get back to practice something's happening in you now and I want to know what it's bad so bad I'm too young for I hate being young my parents live down there who's going to buy me new shoes if anything happens to them all our parents live in ow and they're all doomed huh you L liers are right something is happening in udow I can hear it UPA I'll be back soon stay put and do your forms and if you don't you're really going to get it when I come back I want to go with you I just don't want to be doed I hate you [Music] guys hey guys tough I can't believe how long it's been I missed you too hey I heard you started at a metal bending school the bayong metal bending Academy you guys just flew over over it I heard Opa so I had to come say hi wow your own School how's that going me I'm so glad you're here Toof and needs all the support he can get right now because of what he might have to hey where is twinkl toes anyway oh there he is Zuko changed his mind about the harmony restoration movement you're kidding he's H up in udow with a bunch of his soldiers he won't let anyone in or out that's where we're headed so that's what's going on the Lily liers I mean my students we're talking about it zugo starting to act like his old man oai then no we don't know that yet but Ang's meditating on what he might have to do because of the promise he made you've done your Duty the war is over and yet yet the world is still not at peace I'm sorry Ang you are still dealing with the consequences of my own [Music] indecisiveness foku I never should have made that promise to Zuko I mean I didn't even kill oai and he was evil all the way through how am I supposed to kill my own fire bendon teacher my friend what kind of person would I be a person who keeps his promises Zuko was in his clearest moment when he asked you for that promise he knew what was at stake all those lives that have been lost in the last 100 years I could have saved them I had so many chances soan almost never had his guard up when he was with me wait what are you saying you regret not ending Fire Lord San yes but he was your friend more than a friend he was like a brother to [Music] me but because of him the world burned when you are in a position of power you must put the needs of the world above your own Zuko at one time at least understood this I'll go to you down and find Z then we'll sit down and talk remember the wisdom I offered you rang you must be decisive A promise is a promise because that's what friends do we talk [Music] out Harmony now Fire Nation out Harmony Fire Nation Harmony Fire Nation out Harmony now huh isn't that smelly be yeah he's with the Freedom Fighters she you mean she's with the Freedom Fighters that's what I said she's with the Freedom Fighters look everybody it's the Avatar yeah Avatar Avatar Ang we were hoping you would come so what's the plan of attack the Freedom Fighters are at your service I appreciate your confidence smer be but I really just want to talk to Zuko what the time for talking was over as soon as the fire lord broke with the harmony restoration movement besides you're not getting into that City without a fight fire nation troops are everywhere we'll break open a new gate for you just give us the word that won't be necessary sneers we'll find a way in you ready sweetie I'm ready sweetie sweetie seriously I know right so oh Oogie flameo hutman this city is under the protection of the fire lord himself no one may enter without his express permission not even the Avatar leave now please I'd like to talk to fire lord Zuko that's all you were warned I don't want to fight what are you adults waiting for attack hey don't worry sweetie I can handle them just give me a [Music] sec a you're on fire what' you say your clothes they're on oh for crying out loud oh thanks that's it stop trying to set my boyfriend on [Music] fire wow a you okay I'm fine P you people give it AR rest he just wants to talk Katara stop let's go Zuko you're hurting me don't make me hurt you back I'm hurting you what are you doing to my soldiers my people let go Vero she said you're hurting her first she has to agree to stop attacking my people your soldiers attacked first let her go now I am the fire lord I have to protect the citizens of the Fire Nation [Music] I came here to talk to you Zuko as a friend but you've changed you've forgotten what we fought for maybe Avatar Roku is right maybe a promise is a promise Ang stop if you enter the Avatar state in such an emotional way you won't be able to control yourself you have to calm down please sweetie for me I can't believe it I might have done something terrible without even thinking it through Zuko I'm so qara is right we both need to calm down and talk are you kidding me that's what I wanted in the first place did you know that udow is the oldest of all the colonies H many of the Fire Nation families here immigrated over a hundred years ago when Utah was just a tiny village at the bottom of a valley together with the Earth Kingdom people who are already here they built all this UT makes the finest metal work ever produced using both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom expertise that's why this is one of the richest cities in the world it doesn't seem like the Fire Nation citizens and the Earth Kingdom citizens share equally in that wealth it's not perfect Atara but all the city's people including the Earth Kingdom people are better off now than they were 100 years ago the history lesson is great and all but none of it matters by betraying the harmony restoration movement you're going to start another War look Ang when I came here a week ago I had planned to personally enforce the removal of udow from the earth Kingdom but then Fire Lord oai had many faults but he was never a coward he was never a traitor you'll regret saying that old man guards seize him who Fire Lord please forgive my husband's foolishness I've told told him time and time again to control his tongue but he never does you're Mar morita's wife an earthbender yes I'm an earthbender as is our daughter I may be an earthbender but through my father's bloodline I am a fire nation citizen my father taught me to always be loyal to the Fire Nation to my people something you obviously never learned from your father would your majesty be willing to stay in udow for a few days it would be an honor for us to show the fire lord our way of life so I stayed I saw what my people created here I saw what the harmony restoration movement would destroy I changed my mind ever since my coronation I've had trouble finding peace now I think I finally figured out why I'd forgotten about my people I know you defeated the Fire Nation a but my people still deserve respect I defeated the Fire Nation you mean we defeated the fire lord it would be disrespectful to take from them a life they spent Generations building I won't let you do it Harmony requires four separate Nations to balance each other out you can't have balance if one nation occupies another maybe udow can be an exception what it's just a thought exception should be made for all the remaining colonies most of them have been around for well over a century they're older than you Ang you have got to be joking that would make peace impossible well regardless the earth king needs to be a part of whatever happens next if angan I can arrange a meeting will you be there Zuko I'll be there talking's good I guess what's taking the Avatar so long the firel Lord's probably captured him we have to go in and save the avatar from those Ash makers everybody calm down Avatar rang can handle himself best thing for us to do right now is wait and our way you water tribe [Music] Savage that's it don't you thunderheads know who I am I am to Bong the greatest Earth Bender of all time when my friend tells you to calm down you calm down next person to throw anything or say anything gets a boulder straight in the Noggin got it now that's more like it good thing you listen to her folks I was about to bust out Mr Boomerang oh Mr Boomerang so scary is that a good idea so what happened did you have to do it do what you killed the fire lord no no so what's going on then what are we supposed to do now Qatar and I are going to visit the earth king to try and arrange a meeting can you can you please tell the protesters to go home we need to figure out a solution smeller be all this shouting won't help the Earth Kingdom has waited over a hundred years to be rid of those Ash makers we'll give you 3 days Avatar a after that the Freedom Fighters will figure out a solution of our own I don't totally get why you two need to talk to the earth king Zuko knows he's wrong doesn't he the Fire Nation colonies have got to go it's complicated to there are a lot of issues involved plus talking's always good right sweetie when we were back there thank you for not letting me do something I'd regret if you ever have to you know fulfill your promise you can't let it happen like that you have to be calm enough to know you're making the right decision I just hate seeing you get like that sweetie uh aara you're giving me the yois over here I am so sick of hearing about your stupid ooie Saka I don't even know what that means I can explain give me your [Music] hand so the fire lord has returned May the mob outside utau is gone for now at least Fire Nation citizens are safe you left without saying anything to me I had to figure out where you were from official edicts your soldiers posted around the capital you're doing it again Zuko if you're having problems you're supposed to talk to me I'm your girlfriend no you're right I'm sorry it won't happen again you've been having trouble sleeping how have you looked in the mirror lately your bodyguards are a bunch of incompetent idiots you're the fire lord now you need real security so I asked some friends to come help do you hear anything no Zuko it's been quiet all night honest to goodness there hasn't been a peep I'm sorry it's not that I don't trust you I know the Kyoshi Warriors are the best Guardsmen in the world guards of women you mean go back to sleep you have to at least try no I'm going to get a drink of water do you need someone to escort you I'll be fine the walk will do me some good [Music] I need your advice father [Music] oh
Channel: Book 4: Air - Restoration Project -
Views: 394,118
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Keywords: avatar: Book 4, book 4, avatar, avatar the last airbender, atla, avatarverse, avatar franchise, legend of korra, avatar studios, avatar videos, avatar lore, avatar legends, avatar theory, analysis, aang, katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, bending, iroh, azula, bloodbending, nickelodeon, waterbending, earthbending, firebending, airbending, anime, sequel, avatar episodes, avatar comics, avatar state, cinematic universe, new series, the promise avatar, comics, the promise avatar part 1, the last airbender
Id: KflbCZ6VzKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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