VOD 6 - Steel | Satisfactory U8 Experimental

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foreign this is live stream number six or video number six depending on how you're watching this episode number six and we got a lot done uh a lot done last couple episodes last couple streams and I want to walk through it real quick and then make our plan for today so I mean really it just boils down to these items filling up right here in our new Central Storage um we got the last items hooked up as well as made sure that uh we uh we also hooked up um quartz and uh it's carry them so the quartz counterium are are working and reinforced iron plates we bet we are still short on and yeah this is looking great here's our base our uh sort of Mega starting Factory that we've got going here um just to check in we're at 21 hours almost 22 hours of play time so I feel like we're doing really good we're definitely doing better than I I'm doing better than I did back in my first Stave that took forever um but really the plan is for this episode we've got to do some cleanup we've got some problems um and really it's because uh it's Lumen but also you know eyes wide open I knew this was going to be an issue but uh it's dark in here uh we have some picks up to do we kind of just threw some stuff together haphazardly so that we could get our items um you know we kind of prioritized function over form and so we're gonna take a day and do some cleanup you know um fix things up a little bit so yeah uh our Factory is working uh we're also going to work the tech tree uh quite a bit today um so yeah both the mam Tech as well as we're gonna send up uh a few milestones and then there is definitely a um hard drive that we can get that's very very close so we'll go ahead and do that too so yeah let's go ahead and get started hello viewer welcome to the Stream first thing we can do is launch ourselves we're a little short on cable launch ourselves uh our own our next Milestone which is for I think tractors right vehicular transport yeah tractors truck station ooh inventory slots very very handy thank you for the like so yeah let's launch this up oh no uh we are just barely short also on we're 11 short actually I think we have some of those stashed here let's get rid of those there we go it's a bonus uh iron rods all right There She Goes and we'll get it talking to by Ava Milestone reached long-range Transportation as well as the construction of outposts is now encouraged vehicle stations have built-in functionality to refuel and restock or collect parts all right next one that we can also launch straight away is steel now I really want to be working steel right I want to progress our Tech Big Time add to the base but unfortunately we we've got to fix that underfloor up but it'll give us a chance to see how Lumen works and get that going so I'm not I'm not too upset about it but we will take care of Steel launch what we can what else can we do here um I think the rest of these actually need steel to progress them so we'll finish tier three as soon as uh comes back from space in the meantime let's see what we can knock out with Criterium or with our ma'am starting with let's see yeah I still don't have any Mets for that so we can't do that requires steel which we're not too far away from and that requires those uh record players I can't remember the name but we can grab our zip line which is great we're gonna be making one of those let's just make it right now what do we need I need an extra zapper we could make quickly and then what else we just need some quick wire which we should have I don't know if it's um yeah actually I don't know if we have let's check on that because we're gonna need some to progress the tech let's see we've got our quick wire coming in here I don't know if it's overflowing yet I think we might be using all that we're producing oh see so it's backing up right here we basically the last thing we did before we saved and shut her down is got this going so we're making AI limiters is this slowly backing up it's not really let's take this let's move this to 50 percent uh that's probably too aggressive let's do 75 percent so we can get a little bit of a quick wire backup and let's make sure that we're getting the throughput we need I feel like perhaps we might have a level one belt causing this throughput issue somewhere and uh is it right here it looks like it is there's uh there's definitely one somewhere else too but let's uh let's check these that's Mark two Mark II Mark II yeah coming off of here is our quick wire but when it gets to there there's this space here so you definitely have a mark one hiding somewhere so let's let's fix that because we definitely need the maximum amount of quick wire that we can and and then we'll see why lights are so important here I'm also gonna build out our our Work Platforms here these uh these that we got going low bridge let's see right here okay so those are Mark all Mark ones yeah that was definitely the issue I was hoping to have some quick wire stacked into the Overflow but actually this gives us a pretty good opportunity to kind of get a feel for what we have going on in the base in terms of organization uh there we go there's a steady stream yeah right there is where we fixed it get up there yeah so that's where we fixed it now we have a steady stream like we need like we need so that'll actually fill up because um and now we actually don't need that to be 75 let's pop her back up to 100 and then let's watch how our system works we're already backed up and so now we should be heading into overflow perfect right here you got a smart splitter set up here and once the line overflows the extra gets kicked off to the side and and heads downstairs all right so let's follow it and see what we got going the extra I believe is could be where is it right here along the back so we go down here merge there and then looks like we actually didn't set this one up because it's all syncing what we need what do we have here that's just a regular splitter so yeah we didn't set it up I'm glad we checked all right forward is Overflow and to the right is gonna be quick wire all right so off to the right now is gonna be quick wire we just have there it goes all right we put it in place but we did not we forgot to put the smart splitter in all right great now this line should head we have to definitely make sure it's a Mark II because with quick wire is a very high volume material and this whole line is our is our materials Bank whatever doesn't get sunk heads down here to our line see there's our cable remember how we took 200 cable to launch the um the Milestone that was full but now it's gonna refill and then once again once it's filled it'll start sinking so there goes our quick wire and it's gonna head up the lift and let's see where it's gonna come in at where you at quick quick wire luckily it's easy to see tall and gold trying to find oh there he goes trying to find the damn uh iron plates is ridiculous there we go oh good one of the ones up in the front and we should be right there we are there's our quick wire we don't have much but he's all set up sitting there waiting for us all right perfect so we'll head back to qatarium once we get a little quick wire saved up because uh these items some of these items we need um quite a bit of quick wire yeah 300 there 50 there 500 but we don't have the plastic yet really looking forward to this priority power switch that's new to update 8. I want to get that going um I'm not sure exactly how I would use it on this base uh maybe yeah I don't know think about it maybe there's a nice way that we can integrate this this idea to our to our setup all right what I really need to unlock next is crystal oscillators which I don't know if those are hiding in this node think they might be but we'll uh we'll take a look at that soon or under that might be under courts uh yeah that's under courts okay great so we can actually get that right now and you know what I know I said we were just gonna be working on lights but I want to get these automated and get these going so that we can get a nice store saved up because we're gonna need these for the big the big board like lights that I want to use so we're gonna need those for the lights so we're definitely gonna get that uh right now actually we'll grab what quick wire we can as well as oh he's he's not back yet maybe he is we'll see um and then I reinforced iron plates where are you hiding all right good crystal oscillators perfect now the crystal oscillator should be really easy to automate perfect loving it still got to get these at some point let's see 200 screws people can just knock out some of these items real quick and then we need a purple one which I don't think we have yet we do I stuck I stashed it in here now we just have a blue one let's grab 200 screws get that Tech advancement out of the way where's our screws here we go and then I think we need a purple slug Maybe I don't have enough sulfur there's um yeah I'd like to I'd like to move the sulfur along too but we just have not found a lot yet we'll get there power slugs can we knock this out knock it out all right great okay and then on these power slugs do we need a purple our slug yeah cost so when we get one we know what to do with him ethereum you can't do unlock that yet and grab this stun rebar nice and then we really can't use power switches yet um I don't know what's under there but I'm not too worried about it we'll grab the rest of this uh in a few minutes but we got what we needed for now which was the oscillators is he back my little my little ship is broken you didn't come back this happened this happened a couple of streams ago I wonder if this is a uh this has got to be a update eight bug because I've never seen that before but hey that's why they call it experimental right let's see we're gonna need some rotors we're good on everything else yeah just need a little bit of rotors oh and um honestly too I keep thinking of things that we need to do um hold on let's wait for the airplane to fly over my house uh this was set up as a burn box uh we'll need a burn box too up here but I'm not gonna worry too much right now about that we need to hook up concrete into our base right now we just have a little side operation but he needs to be hooked up and he needs to be sinking correctly and working the way he should so we'll do that as well as the crystal oscillators first and then we'll spend the second half of the stream or so playing with new lights yeah cool we can make some stun rebar just for funsies do we make our zip line I got distracted I don't see it so let's make our zip line after we crank out some stun rebar oh no what did I [Laughter] oh I should have known that's okay we're sinking what we need so I mean storing what we need okay all right new zip line check this out not really conducive these uh very close uh power poles are not conducive to uh to ziplining all right that'll make uh traversing distances pretty cool and fast it's pretty fun and then there definitely were some changes made to an update 8 with this zip line so uh they work on the new Power pylon switch we'll get to not today uh and then they also work on the C the wall mounted um uh lines so that's uh that'll be kind of cool too without actually um they go from node to node they travel over the nodes which is great or will be great so we'll keep that in mind for traversing things like maybe factories all right make sure we are prepared okay what is next I think let's do let's do a little shopping actually only three guess where uh we're pretty poor can't do too much shopping I guess and we saved two from last time all right we need to increase our ability to make lights unavailable we need okay steel production for that light damn you know what this means I don't really want to get yeah well this is the light that I that I really want to use a lot of I mean also this but I think that means that we need to set up our Steel I don't want to spend a bunch of time designing a light system downstairs without those floodlights those are those are by far the the best way to get a lot of light into the system now with Lumen the little signs which I think I can build yeah so let's go down here in the dark and let's put up a wall right there turn off my light all right and then I think what do we do we do that we can do glossy that's probably gonna be too bright layout that's where we need to be need blank layout all right so this does provide a little bit of light you know I mean but this is really just gonna be for you know maybe lighting Pathways or lighting um some top down Lighting on uh these items you know a little bit of light but it's not going to be like enough light for us to really see by that's where those other um flood lights are going to come in and I might use street lights a little bit too look at how dark this is without my light on so yeah I I think that means it's steel time so uh the title of this live stream might be a little bit of a lie because I thought we were going to be doing lights but you know what we're flexible plans change and honestly the entire point of this setup is that we can add things quickly so one thing at a time let's move the concrete over first and then second what we'll do is set up the oscillator uh Factory the oscillator setup in here crystal oscillators and then thirdly we will get steel rolling and I don't know how much time we'll have after that we may have to push lights off till next time but we will definitely have a lot done today all right first step concrete now what is concrete's Journey so concrete unlike most raw resources doesn't actually have to be smelted so concrete does not have to go into our smelting slash refining bro it could go straight to the Constructor row and then I believe that's the only place it is used uh let's take a look in the Wikipedia real quick Wikipedia the uh Wiki and let's make sure that I don't need to do a little bit extra planning here I don't want to forget something okay so in case industrial beams of course so but but the concrete goes over to the assemblers the Limestone doesn't so the limestone is just gonna head right into this Main instructor line and then they finished concrete will had we'll Loop that in um right here most likely into our assembler manufacturer line okay and then anything else do we need it for a Constructor do we need after we've feed the limestone in does the concrete have to come back around and be fed into the Constructor line I don't think so but let me double check looks like assemblers for in case industrial beams uh blenders and assemblers for some nuke stuff which we won't be doing in this plant um we'll need it for the manufacturers for heavy modular frames and then after that it looks like just build gun stuff mostly built I mean obviously it's concrete so um I just want to make sure that something else here at the bottom of the list yep nope we're good so Limestone comes into the concrete or to the Constructor line finished concrete comes out and heads over to our friends on the assembler line ready and willing and waiting for encased beams and heavy modular frames when we get there okay we have a we have a revised plan so let's get cracking where are we gonna what side are we gonna put our Concrete in we have we're using up four rows on this side and we're using uh one two three four five rows on this side so yeah we'll set them up over here and then do we need to go onto the second floor with him I don't see why not um nah we'll put them down here at the uh put them down here at the end yeah we'll put them down here at the end so we kind of match up what we've uh what we got started over here now the big question is how many do we need and for that I'll have to look at my factory planning setup really quickly where are you concrete [Music] there you are so we will need 10 in eventually so let's go ahead and let's see how many do we need right now though concrete 45 we're feeding at 120 so 120 divided by 45 we need three so let's get going oh we already have an extra one there but we'll build three so we have an extra one so I don't have to delete things to put in power let's run the power we'll be doing all right we're doing it on the line all right let's set these not that one I only build two yep uh yeah no we're good getting your home why don't you like your home these backwards am I going insane yeah everybody else place where they needed a place right right there but you but you're not gonna huh you're gonna you're gonna irritate the the crap out of me and be off all right well yeah that's great just great two three concrete all right no power because we didn't hook this up we're gonna go ahead and hook it up okay let's handle the inputs first get those out of the way it's that okay that's that's fun Good Times didn't expect that all right I think the next line in of course has got to be on top of this line report that our courts is sitting at so we need a smart splitter and then a regular splitter I don't know this was this was this happened yesterday um our last stream I mean yeah the belts aren't actually connecting I think this is an update eight bug so I fixed it by saving exiting to main menu and reloading it has to do with that new uh with the little stand the foot that there that they put on so uh load all right foreign there we go here and then there and then we're already low on reinforced iron plates let's see there's our new ones one more even or one short of course we are the because uh why wouldn't it be that's how this works that's how this game works not gonna make it oh almost still not very many as soon as we can progress the irony of this is as soon as we can progress to that's giving me an aneurysm um the faster belts then we actually won't need we'll be able to make more reinforced iron plates and then we won't need that right or did I count poorly one two three one two yeah that's right okay number one number two and then we can get rid of these all right now A buddy of mine reminded me that you can hit e yeah I just have to I knew this so basically even though I have Mark II set on my quick bar I can hit it and just hit e and switch to the Mark 1 rather than kind of slowly doing it like I have been doing it and I and I know that I just need to train my fingers yeah that's different Let's uh attach it here first uh see again gotta train the fingers there we go what do I have two I forgot to did I forget to delete the extra no yes all right there's the inputs let's get rid of this um Abomination unto the Lord and now for the outputs and then we are already eating one two three four so we gotta go up five our outputs and it's that one that one that one so this is the first one and I doubt we have the reinforced iron plates for this one two three four five and again okay and then we'll need something along the way here because that's too long for one to work one two three four five yes yes oh come on baby that's better and we are already almost out all right now let's see if I can start learning some new habits here there we go Mark ones and that's that's it for the concrete now we got to go into our dungeon and route that bad boy over to where his home will be on the assembler line so from here all the way excuse me over to here oh those are all levels are all here Mark ones yeah 14. so we're gonna save that Maybe hook that up when we've banked a little bit more and let's see 26. uh what we'll do is actually we can pretty much just delete this all right now that box is full full of concrete okay and let's see let's get rid of all this Limestone that I don't want all right something like this I don't like that all right it's again I knew I knew you would do that if that's enough is enough sometimes if the if it won't place or lock in you have to look at least a piece of the node and then it'll remember that there's a note under there what does it look like under here foreign rock face we do any cheating maybe a little and then I'm thinking maybe a floor hole here we make this work a little aggressive can I make it into my factory down here without dying oh yeah look at that you don't actually need to come all the way down in fact I prefer not to let's see not quite not quite I need to go one more down think It's gotta be it or that's where I had it before okay that looks good let's see Limestone needs to feed I think right here did we not set that up no let's see double check need to get a better uh path out of here too yep we didn't set it up all right two left uh this is uh this is frustrating um all right let's do this mark one for now mark one for now thanks buddy what in the actual yeah that's right now don't do it to me again oh this is wrong all right all right can slow down gonna be okay green lines are good um let's set this smart splitter I don't think we're ever gonna really have to worry too much about this but let's just set it so we don't have to worry about it all right okay now we have our destination that we're gonna hook up and that's not going to be too tough though just for funsies let's do that last get it all set but we won't actually look it up okay cool and then that'll feed right into there when we're ready for it too and we'll have some fun follow it through the factory make sure it's working every time every damn time I I don't know why the lifts get me more than anything else on the uh on the distance or on the direction all right sorry I need to take a drink it's producing let's go ahead and hook up power all right oh it's getting dark looking pretty that orange glow over there is super interesting all right seven thumbnails whatever it takes bro you gotta you know you gotta take advantage while you can I apologize but you know remember gotta do what a streamer Gotta Do and that is really cool looking there's some yellow power slugs those are easy to see there's a blue one there's another blue one there's another yellow one I think Lumen made Power slugs really easy to see Good Times uh all right sorry got distracted by the pretty the prettiness of satisfactory we need to hook up our output or light back on over to our assembler setup what's that gonna look like looks like it's gonna be that guy over that guy and I don't really want to take much more around here although we could all right that's already placed so we could go a level Underneath Him yeah okay that should be really easy and really fast so this and that taking me away come on if you stand on the edge there we go yeah that's what we want and then here one two now is this in line to just Workforce no not quite stuck under a belt it's like it will be a lot easier if we go down two levels instead of just one level one two three four okay come on when I switched to mark one I gotta switch to mark one before I before I click yeah he's a little off um we come out to this one two three four figure this out new fingers that will work we just need that is a mess that is a mess messy messy messy we can do this gotta stop and think where's our line the line is here if I can get okay all right this is the worst that thing you can't even slide through those things all right we're moving we're moving see how much distance do we get quite a lot actually go to there and then where are we we are on this line here all right all right all right all right I'll learn this today's same level which is here it would be nice to just be a part of this team right in the middle so one two would be right here yeah that's that's not the best that's actually uh our that's not the right level anyway all right so we can't even really connect with them we have to do our own thing so we're gonna do our own thing let's make a new row two nope one two then yep oh one two I'm uh I'm all over the place oh I missed I thought I built three I mean I did he just wasn't where he wanted him to be how does that look squirrely oh because of that I was way more difficult than I needed to be oh Lord all right the worst part is we're definitely gonna have to go through and upgrade that all to Mark II when we get a minute all right I have to take a dream calm myself down not of alcohol I'm not that kind of streamer yet all right you cut close to the Bone long enough time to refill 500 and I promise not to spend this all in one place okay concrete here we definitely need this for our entire system to work we will do a mark one here and we'll do one here fortunately we're just gonna have to remember to come back two okay there's our overflow and yeah where's our ladder for setting those foreign paste okay that's where she'll come out at all right we're almost full here I guess we'll clip through that I I don't know maybe we'll get rid of that this one a little more space for us I I'm not sure to be perfectly honest what we're gonna do because we only have one left and we're gonna need at least two more for the for the two steals so yeah you know steel uh pipes and steel beams so I don't know maybe we will probably delete this and then we'll probably have to delete that over there too and then we'll build them onto the ends whatever they are so that we don't I mean we'll probably clip through for now and then we'll we'll deal with that when the time comes okay so second from the end it's bad boy right here control replace it with a smart splitter forward is Overflow and we're gonna do concrete the right there is our friend and he goes down this beautiful lime all right let's let's use some Mark II for this kind of tricky belts though we don't have to come back through but on this long one uh I can do this here we go mark one here down there down to here and I gotta get into the cage come on baby come on baby there we go here let's we have to put in the curve ourselves I got lost I got turned around okay help me I'm lost it's right here that's it thank you sure this is just super thrilling with the fact that you can't see anything let's go ahead and make that one of Mark II but I don't have to come into this horrifying cage again and that one will Mark two but we'll make this one a mark one long ass one all right um so I have an idea um let's turn off our smart plate maker I mean two per minute it's not really costing us that much I I thought it was more one second here allergies are destroying my life well particularly my eyes okay and we're back okay let's make this happen overflow is set that's set we're good oh excuse me all we gotta do is hook up the goods Limestone goes in all right let's see how let's track it down on the correct side watch the Limestone go all right baby nice and slow I'm gonna come up all the way down to these to these bad boys here on the end you have some time let us build a lookout tower their problem there is a problem and I think I know what I forgot to do no should be any it's weird oh what I'll have him there all right Good Times back to the tower I guess didn't quite make it all right here she comes down she goes yes and are we gonna turn on are we gonna work yeah there we go and there we go concrete out the out the side all right we're gonna get to follow you loan piece of concrete all the way we're gonna follow you all the way to storage and then we know we have done our job correctly thank you all right let's go get in position there's the hole foreign there's our friend coming around on that slow ass mark one come on buddy you can do it I can't I tried I tried I couldn't do it and now I'm out now I pay the price I just I I couldn't foreign and then next stop should be overflow and then when it comes time to build encased industrial beams or whatnot concrete's ready it's right there in case industrial beams will be next uh the next thing for concrete come on buddy you can do it the splitter itself has to fill up a little bit yeah and then there comes overflow okay are you coming buddy there you are we head to the center line and then get merged out here at the end yes yes all right I think we're safe so um actually I need to know exactly which one that is because I want to move the storage our concrete storage mark one belts are so slow the good news is I think our cable filled up again which was taking a lot of The Wire half the wire actually yeah see that cable line is full so that means that we'll be making we're on the we're on the AI limiter line that means we'll make we'll be making a lot more reinforced iron plates okay yeah we sped up all right nice nice nice and then back to uh back to mark one bike coach all right let's meet him up top hello viewer welcome to the Stream we just took our concrete up into our storage system and we are watching it uh make its way to storage and we just have to find it where'd he go I want to say he's gonna be along the top but I'm not sure is that him or is that silica I think that's silica there they are on the other side there's the silica concrete is there all right here's our friend I got lost help okay lights are soon I'm trying to get the lights that's why we're um we're dealing with concrete and then uh crystal oscillators then we can do steel and then lights should be where are you buddy uh oh okay all right so this is a leftover artifact from yeah earlier we had sort of incorrectly set up the storage and so there's some items that are no longer where they were and I thought I dealt with them all but here we go those modular frames are moved to where they need to be and now we have concrete but now that the concrete is set up in storage let's foreign boom that should be enough concrete for me uh let us hit the right button be great all right okay concrete is officially moved over now we do have some issues right we've got some uh we really need to try to get everything over everything between the miner and the constructors needs to be marked two kind of as soon as possible um I think this is all Mark II oh let me fix this you know what I don't think I don't think it will fix because it's not on the grid exactly so we're gonna let that go um I think that's a Mark II and then that's Mark II mark two that's one of our problems that's another one of our problems and then how about this bad boy use Mark II I think everything else is up there it's Mark two so I think our limestone is now on the 120 like it needs to be pretty sure the rest of this yep is Mark II okay great that's concrete there she goes right along the on the line crystal oscillators now crystal oscillators should be extremely quick no we can't we can't make crystal oscillators can we um because we have not unlocked come on baby yeah we either need a crystal oscillator recipe that will allow us to make it in let me look it up real quick one second I think there is an alternate recipe that it will allow us to make it an assembler or am I going crazy nope it's manufacturer only baby so yeah no Crystal oscillator today that's makes me sad at least not automated that's okay we're all set up for it which means our list was concrete Crystal oscillator Steel so now it's time for steel and that means we get to Launch our next milestone so we need a little bit more rotors do we have them we do let's oh my God I have so much concrete all right he's back but he was gone oh I reloaded that's why I came back here we go Milestone reached steel production unlocked Foundry grants access to new simple steel parts an additional project part can now be constructed progress to the next phase is now possible okay oh wow power Towers I didn't realize they were so early it's really cool we don't really need them with our setup well actually we do we need to go we'll use them to run power out to the miners but that's a pretty low priority I think I want to go crazy here uh Mark threes I believe you just use steel beams we don't use the encased industrial beams for belts until Mark fours which are over here somewhere so yeah I think I'm gonna jump straight here that's our goal it's time to automate some steel baby I'm looking forward to this I really have been looking forward to this so let's get the fun stuff done first and then we'll do the irritating stuff afterwards all right and irritating stuff I mean running the coal to the plants foreign is do we build our second level for foundries like we built our second level over here and I think the answer to that is yes um no the answer to that is no and the reason is because The Foundry requires two inputs and we want to make sure that we can I don't know we yeah no it's it's not it's not worth it so any more smelters we need that'll be on the second level over over here and so from here on out we're going to be we're going to put down some foundries yeah and this works anyway it's right on a break not all of them are right on a tile so let's do this I'll put some this side gonna line up for me there we go control the magic button now how many do we need is the real question so we're only going to be feeding in 120 Bowl for a little while and so but let's won't be long till we upgrade to Mark threes right so let's go ahead and plan for that and that's gonna be six and we definitely want them all on the same side [Music] all right that's the steel line baby that is Hefty but no longer than our uh no longer than our Constructor line okay so inputs first and for that we're gonna need iron ingots no iron ore as oh damn uh yeah I I was hoping to get solid we haven't even done any hard drives and I was hoping to get solid steel ingots and use those that that recipe let's arm ourselves [Music] and uh we're gonna get this hard drive and take care of the local wildlife super graceful bring your pretty face to my stun baton [Music] I missed they didn't miss you know this strategy is not working and you know I knew that guy was over there [Laughter] all right it had to happen sometime all right let's go all right update eight no look I'm just testing an update eight um change and that change is that when you die you get your equipment back that's it that's all I'm doing okay I mean geez let's do let's build our way a way to get back oh I don't have any of my stuff duh I've done that first I can't shoot either foreign where are they I kill him okay hi bud all right dealt with all right let's get our body a crate where are you buddy all right I'm I'm okay at building in this game I you know nobody said I was good at PVE or somebody said I was good at building either so what are you gonna do all right let's build ourselves uh um is that on the grid I think it is round two no okay can I grab power almost but not quite I gotta cut it foreign 10 minutes we'll see what we spent all this time doing usually around hard drives you've got some scattered goodies but apparently not this one parts and stuff over here I think that spitter stole my parts what is this bauxite Maybe upper ore whoa whoops okay well that was fun one death to the death counter I was playing with my new uh shock ammo and I didn't realize how much damage those damn bees were doing to me okay good times um all right let's see no matter what happens we need to build the output these are backwards it's just just depends on I mean the chances of me getting Solid Steel out of that is very small how many is that one two three five six but I suppose I have to try I guess I could go and get another one uh while I'm gonna try a couple times while we're setting stuff up the input for the coal is going to be the same no matter what the other let's see the solid steel I believe you'll ingot alternate recipe solid steel yeah we feed iron ingots in so it's either going to be iron ore or or iron ingots nice thing about this bus system that we're using is that it doesn't really matter all that much I just disconnect from one and connect to the other so yeah I'll set this up with regular steel ingots if we don't happen to get insanely lucky with that one hard drive I'm not gonna go hard drive hunting and going for go for that because when I do get it whenever I get it that switchover is going to be pretty easy all right hey we are how many uh uh seven eight we're the eighth one up all right so we'll remember that really quickly let's refill our store of reinforced iron plates which there should be quite a bit 76 a little disappointed little disappointed okay could do better so what did I say eight yep all right let's uh let's build these bad boys we'll do Culp in the first where's my green line that right yep two three four five six seven eight and that's definitely we I don't think we're gonna have enough 100 oh okay well maybe we will oh those are mergers him I don't know how that happened yep that's lined up two three four five six seven eight and then I don't know if we can make it all the way there in one go not quite we'll make a pit stop there all right Paul's gonna come in here thank you all right I don't think that's right okay it's right all right gotta knockout these just go ahead and let's hook up power always try to hook up power first because once I get the belts and lifts in it's it's a lot harder to work speaking of power how are we doing well maybe I should look at the one that's powered um production we're doing okay we're doing okay right oh you're first right hey keep rolling all right foreign I think it matters a little this is the same distance does that look like the same distance I don't know if it matters yeah there's coal let's head let's hook up the outputs are we using level two here I don't think we are though steel is gonna be level two 41. we'll do all this in um mark one and then we'll replace it later another thing that uh is really good about this setup you want to increase your production double everything Ripple everything go for it you just increase your capacity your belt capacity at mam research oh I knew it okay let's cross our fingers what are the chances come on fix it needs a new pair of shoes no so sad uh canterian wire so silly um yeah I mean I don't really see us using any of these anytime soon so let's just pick that one because that one's the least horrifying of them uh that that copper one wasn't too uh wasn't too bad copper can get one I'm gonna make these Mark too because they're so fiddly um and then these all definitely can be marked ones it's sad day that's okay we'll switch all of our steel over to that other um recipe very very quickly and easily when the time comes again the whole point of going to all this trouble is that kind of flexibility going to all this trouble I mean and by trouble I mean setting up our Factory this way okay I made a death trap well I've already died so I guess I popped that chair you got that out of the way playing with my uh stun rebar what happened here I was too excited about the uh the man research and I built it wrong I I I built it wrong again trying to get a hang of that making sure to use e there um all right so that means we need to set our recipe healing it oh my god Becky and we need to hook we need to set up the other inputs I believe we have an unused iron ore for pretty much expressly this purpose by the way the reason that I want to use that stealing it is a recipe the solid stealing it that's that's pretty cool looking actually right here I like this take some pictures that light coming through that line is just really cool all right sorry the reason that we're doing this um stealing it is so that the all of the steel that we'll need for this entire Factory if we use the solid steel ingot to make that steel then we will only need 780 exactly coal coming in which is one mark five line it's perfect and so we will be doing that otherwise I I need two of these lines to be coal and um yeah I think it's just it'll be more efficient for us to um to do that and we have the extra iron we have way more iron than we need so it makes sense to use what we've got by making it into iron ingots first all right really bro really bro okay let's make sure that this bad boy is hooked up oh we went right oh um let's do this just so that it's the same we went right to the source and I'd like to have that little stop Gap there at that set let's go ahead and build I want to be a third level yeah third level two three okay let's go see what we got in terms of plates really thought that there would be more plates there because the iron uh the um able was finished I just really feel like there should be more over there or coming out of there getting a full line or not still being used copper sheets no that's using that uses ingots oh I know why because we're sinking them we're getting points out of them right I mean the system's working yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah I like it I mean we got to turn some stuff off but I like it where's our cable there's our iron rods that silica gonna be on the other side we definitely aren't really even making that many points out of cable there's one there's two so we're gonna we're gonna switch this off because we definitely need way more pitched iron plates then we stitch reinforced plates then we need cable so this wire production should definitely bump up here come on I want to see it I want to see it working come on wire production instead of 50 you need to be like 66 percent as soon as I go to check on it it'll it'll happen I know it can't quite see it one of the the only problem with that it's like it's full I want to make sure that there isn't anything happening that I don't understand I mean there's a lot going on that I don't understand a lot I bet you it's just filling up the Constructor maybe it wasn't getting enough to do so before yeah let's check on my Constructor oh it's using it's using exactly it hmm all right you've forced my hands desperate times okay we actually are regularly scheduled deal but that should help that should really really help in the long run going on the outside to upgrade those belts is one thing these all yeah these are Mark twos but kind of coming in here for these I I would rather not although I guess with one side open it's pretty much pretty easy day access all right that should be Steel 's coming through here and that's number two the number two hole right next to ethereum and where does it need to go all right well it needs to go into our Constructor line and I believe are we using that did I set aside that line I think I did oh that's uh that's not our Constructor line uh it needs to head over here and I it looks like I did not set aside a line so steal steel ingots let's make this a level one for now okay let's get on our second level here no I'm gonna make that uh Mark II because I'll forget okay Constructor overflow instructor overflow this is where steel will go steel ingots when we're making too many why are we not overflowing I guess we we need to be setting up all of these uh I haven't been setting these up so let's fix that sorry I apologize won't do it again that two right right ingots yeah that's fine that can stay a mark one okay that correct it is I want to double check and make sure those are all set correctly I wasn't hooking them up so I don't know for sure if they're set needs to be none needs to be none all right with that does the trick all right we're getting a few things sent down that we're making too much of that'll keep those things going all right let's head down there and make sure that those items are getting handled appropriately over here and looks like there's a few items that got forgotten to be hooked up but that's why we check right and then let's see we're merging here and merging there come on buddy come on buddy that comes in really let me think we put a merger in here hell yeah I mean no actually hmm because in reality these all need to be merged we have one two three four but that merger would work we need two sets of mergers to fix this little problem which probably means I created this same problem over on the other side all right well that needs to be there um let me think let me think it's a waste not to be using the back of this merger right we could easily throw those bad boys right in there easy peasy okay that frees up this problem is I don't really know what good that is so we did this and then does this even need to be a splitter here it doesn't wait yeah it does oh almost but you come out this way all right okay I actually never really liked how we set this we set this uh we built this one first we built this setup first um and then we built this one over here so let's let's just take them a minute and make a match I know we're going on a horrible horrible tangent but these things need to be fixed and if I don't fix them now unfortunately I'll forget so yeah I apologize for being a little uh a uh 80d about some of this stuff here we come straight why am I doing that that seems a little silly um it's not even straight oh gosh it's redoing both of them I wanted to go straight down the middle line but I don't know why we're making things so difficult on ourselves I'm out straight oh I am yeah so the reason that we don't have the same problem over here is because we just have the one and yeah we should we'll we'll we will need another one because we're going to do a um Refinery like plastic and rubber will come in here too when we do our Refinery row over there but we don't have to worry about that just yet now am I this lucky is this is this straight I am Pray Z all right so it's done then we need something similar for this one you here I think okay that doesn't set off my many mental problems okay moving on moving back now does this one line up no new new new no it does not that's okay it'll be fine Ms last words we can make it line up though because we're gonna put in that new merger set anyway you know every once in a while every once in a while no no I I talked I did it I knew I knew when I looked at that side I knew that I had done it I had talked some all right I'm sorry will happen again that's not true will definitely happen again okay all those items are finally being dealt with back to our regularly scheduled program I don't even remember what I was doing you're hooking the steel up The Constructor line we we realized when we were going to set the Overflow that I hadn't said any of the other overflows so we set those overflows and then we followed the overflows and realized that there was a problem down there and it wasn't fixed and then while we're fixing that problem we saw that the inputs for that bank of awesome sinks were really crappily put together so we went to fix that problem and when we went to go see what I had done on the other Bank of awesome sinks we saw that that wasn't lined up so we fixed that problem and then we backtracked fixed all the problems back to where we were oh crazy I like it makes this game fun probably not fun to watch fun to do okay deal is in place on the top which is that's 8 9 10 11 12. this Constructor line is a hefty boy I did not intend to fall I apologize all right where are we gonna stick all of our steel Constructors first question we need to answer to answer that is how many we're gonna how many do we need long term and long term let me see if I can find it on my setup nine steel pipe Constructors we need 20. and 11 steel beam Constructors though we'll put some on one side and some on the other for sure I think second floor you know and let's go ahead and do maybe let's see we got a hundred and uh no we're planning for 270 right and so let's see what we want to do here okay steel beams that's going to take 60 and we really need and that's 30. we have 270 um let me think 270 minus 60 to 10 minus another 60. and then three of them because we're going to be needing belts right yeah three and three yeah three and three it's almost like they did that on purpose it will build three on one side three on the other on the other side all right I mean we're basically I mean we're building our Steel factory right now we're just adding on to the existing one two no reinforced iron plates shortage I mean honestly this reinforced iron plate shortage is the only downside that I've run into with this Factory finally got a little bit more there doesn't seem like a lot more I mean but really that's just because I haven't balanced I didn't balance it correctly I was over making cable and it threw me off when we got that stitched um reinforced Place recipe I still I love it I'm glad we did it because the screws would be screwing us um but yeah we'll do beams beams off this side oh no couldn't build the third one foreign we're gonna make quick wire with this we're gonna make quick wire with this all right third one is yes I think so well it was even over here so it lined up correctly yeah one two three yeah right and these are gonna be pipes pipes Ops these are all going to leech off of the steel line which we know to be that one right where's our first one is it this one it is I think oh that's her first one all right make sure all is good and it is oh we made these tight over here uh we put this one down first gotta gotta stick with the yeah that distance there's no basically you gotta pick you know what side is the rubber on the upper or the lower sorry all right this in you could reclaim some of that in a second foreign on that side let's go ahead and do the outputs since we're over here and our output is actually we're getting we're getting fat are we using these yeah that's a crystal what's this the throne rods Crystal white pillows Brown pillows my pillows um so we gotta go up concrete come on come on Ken at least I found at that time before I built an entire Factory around it I do not know why those those just kill me okay that's our line and I have no way of getting up there all right well damn bro it's just make it not that um I have spoken foreign it isn't but it's close dipping down a little oh it's dipping down it's dipping the same we'll be okay we'll be all right all right steel pipes I don't know what we'll send down that row but we'll do it something on the first floor so we don't have to do that weirdness we won't send anything on the uh second floor all right and stop won't stop other side those are our future criteriums all right those three um let's finish the inputs first wouldn't be shouldn't take long inputs are done and I set them I did not that I built power for them I did not I did not build power for them I did not rip my rule I built those things before we put Power in how to save foreign where are we going we're gonna go this level all right all right all right so something like here right yeah which one's wrong I'm wrong um okay always me oh you please just stand there really oh I do need to add a I wonder if I can start learning another button hey Splitters the most I can start learning button seven all right and then down here think one two yeah all right and then oh I gotta build him hey okay that is good it's all Mark ones which is poor but we're doing what we can with what we have he goes here he goes there okay now they're now built steel pipe steel beam they're built and they're on the ends and they both have to be moved over to the monster my favorite song yeah limiters how's our limiters doing they're doing great they really really are that seemed that seemed good I got an idea uh we don't have a lot we're not making any more than we're using so I was thinking of maybe just uh force-feeding some wire over there like I did earlier uh okay one two I did it again you're switching it to mark one not uh Direction okay this is turning into quite a beast we already there we're there we only have one hole left giggity um so hmm all right well painted our I painted us into this box so we're gonna go with it there okay um hurry up all right I have no room I never got around to building the second floor over here on this one yet come on baby hello not a lot we can do except just kind of get some check that a little close a little close I need to put it right on that little Edge there looks good to me okay there's a little is there a little piece of belt in here I think we're okay took me a second hey they're in overflow is in we even have actually we don't need any of this yet uh but we do need that and we need to fix this little oh no he was fine sorry there we go fixed all right bad news is we're gonna have to add on to our a little setup downstairs to handle this overflow so let's oh uh I don't know if I that I don't think I did that uh splitter let me set that splitter real quick I did not I did not hey those are set this is gonna be our iron mer which is which well it doesn't matter uh because we haven't hooked it up yet iron uh beams and iron pipes uh okay let's handle this extra problem that I've given myself there's room under here kinda oh that's ugly oh it links oh God okay listen listen real carefully listen I'm gonna turn I'm gonna turn off the music that sound that's the sound of me saving about 45 minutes of work that's what that sound is it's so beautiful that I want to hear it six more times I got so excited the mergers work that ice just realized that the splits won't work and um I got sad but we'll figure it out why no click anyway but dumb foreign looks pretty cool um it looks very cool let me turn the music back on done being silly well that's also not true okay now a little reminder we had three inputs coming in merging onto the same line then we had one two three Splitters splitting out whatever got overflowed into the correct place now we have six coming in so we need to somehow now we can split them off to the left I wonder if I blore hole it so we can keep the same sort of aesthetic or what if we do thinking either we come over the top which I'd rather not do because remember we're gonna build ourselves a walkway through here so we're gonna have to do a subfloor to the subfloor it isn't the worst thing ever because we got to get some items over to the these Banks okay and so we can definitely do that definitely do that foreign to the subfloor um that one's being used let's keep those open so it would be here be here yeah that one would be there and we need three um okay the next one would be here and the third one would be yeah oh the third one is special here all right and then one two then one two messed up the count but it all at all just making sure this works before we commit to it because we got to build three of them thinking here trying to think ahead a little bit okay so unfortunately I knew there was a problem bugging me in the back of my head and that problem is is that we were doing each column stayed true to its column and got turned around now what we did is here is we took the three row and we transferred over into a three row into the three columns we lined them up now in theory that that should work the only problem is is that I'm dumb and I didn't leave enough space and we have Banks of seven one two three four five six seven instead of banks of something normal like nine would have been great three by three yeah so it's gonna be awkward later because this is the only row with three if all three rows had three then we could translate from row to column but we can't so what shall we do we we'll just have to have we'll just we'll just do the same thing so let's put our extra or extra boy here right because you already have one extra boy three yes the AI limiter I think yeah so um our second extra boy is going to be right under the AI limiter which I think it's here and we want it to be lined up huh second one yeah this one I think I might have broken something Future something perhaps right we don't need this so this is the bottom one or the extra all right he's handled and he's he's gonna go down with his friend um the extra AI limiter this column's taken for now um okay so that means that we need to pack all three of these into all three of these all right what's the distance there one in the middle okay where's he coming in coming in right here what did I say one one in the center boom boom boom we'll see if I'm a genius ah we already know the answer to that answers yes this isn't the genius part this is me just not knowing what button to push okay time for a subfloor to the subfloor that's okay we won't talk about this we don't we don't talk about Bruno I have kids give me a break why can't you jump eight meters that seems like it would be like the perfect amount it's not even eight that's seven meters all right who's getting double and everybody is right everybody is in this back row Row's not getting doubled back row is and I want to place it so that we keep our same aesthetic ain't there that ain't it especially since yep It's gotta be there oh that looks ridiculous but that's that's it that's the money shot get in your home oh my God oh sad day we're not going to be able to do that for all of them foreign because they're not they're not offset like this they're on the line that you want to use smart people saw that before from me no be worse it'll be raining foreign here's the genius part they've been waiting ready damn I'm good sometimes all right let's set up the next one okay that row for that one let's fill in this next row and it'll be tight that's I'm not gonna say it nobody's even watching anyway entertaining myself oh my God one day maybe one day look at this VOD future person be if it has more than end views maybe I become popular and people go back and watch my old vods but um somehow got it anybody from the VOD not an edited video don't don't put this in the video anybody hears me say this line then please post something should we post in the comments I will take a page I will steal from the best serious form of flattery what Darren plays balls you you are hearing this the comments on the video balls right we'll see we'll see if in six months I get I get a bunch of comments saying balls and I can't remember what the hell I was talking uh what the hell everybody's talking about all right a little cleanup all right back to work job never stops or fix it that was cool and not really um extend this one look at that super cool do I not have my light on no I do the green the green lights up the sides like that the belts the Green from the hologram two spaces oh foreign let's hook up this uh dub subfloor we'll just do that means we'll do this it's all right so much for me being a genius didn't even keep the streak alive for 20 minutes don't line up there line up off of this right belt work is the best work Baba oh hey this provides us an opportunity to not have to go down one be some clipping but I mean I'm not scared of no ghosts not real clipping bait clipping it's that not a big deal all right that's done I mean if the subfloor is the dungeon I'm gonna have to think of a name for this like the annex dungeon Annex they don't talk about Bruno I'm gonna leave these here so we remember out of remembrance okay that's all set all right now what I'll do I'm not gonna um uh set the fart splitters the left sides of these until I know what item is coming through here so when we hook up our coal at our steel and we get our Steel let's see one of them will come down this and one of them will come down that and when we know what those are we will set them we'll set the first one I mentioned there and the second one I mentioned here um and they you know they will go where they go um they're hooked up from that point forward but I don't know which one's which so I'm I'm not gonna I'm gonna stress it uh okay that's that's done I mean yeah I think I'm surprised myself let's do this I need a bio um no one's watching anyway maybe in the VOD remember balls um but let me take a bio and when I get back we're gonna route our coal all we gotta do is stick coal in this hole giggity and uh I said it and then magical things start to happen yeah right I mean is the iron ore uh in place on these foundries do you do that is it full yeah it's full I mean we just needs coal and then the steel will the steel was flow I do have a viewer now I was just saying I don't have any viewers um and now it's poor timing new viewer be oh up he's gone up all right perfect balls remember um bio break and let's stick some coal in that hole no no no we have to hook up we can't do that yet hmm we have to link the output this output the uh this output the steel pipes from there and the steel beams from there we have to hook those up to there and then we'll set those smart Splitters because we'll know which one's which and then we'll hook up the coal all right be right back foreign yeah where was I oh yes really the worst part of we have to do kind of the worst part and that's setting these up so let's do beams first okay these belts right here these these are not fun um and honestly I wonder if we just take a moment we're gonna need to do this anyway tall that is unfortunately too tall um that's too short let's build ourselves a little bit of a rail walkway this is the height we need if this will work I mean yeah we'll we'll path around that work rods rods end of an era okay got a little work work way all right we need a little bit wider of a work way clearly all right so we're gonna do Let's see we put our concrete down so we have this sort of infrastructure in place I think we can use it yes let's use it let's go beams close to the ceiling and we have the reinforced iron plates so let's use them so that we don't have to come back under here and upgrade to Mark II and then beams are gonna come out I believe right here look away if you're squeamish sorry do what I can only you can prevent belt clipping say what hey beams are done um and now let's do our friend the pipes I think we can bring it in one closer apparently not it's right the first time go here okay now all right so we're making on the opposite side so they're going to be a little bit tougher they're here are they two had I only added one onto the end let's go look I don't want to mess this up like that jump all right there's two because we had that we had to come up one all right on the end now the same is true for this one as well it's on the end okay I forgotten now I remember let's make sure we did him right we did not doing that um right yeah so this is the other one and it he'll have to you know do something like this when the time comes that copper is pretty bad um it's pretty bad I'm not moving it now though all right let's see yes we're on the end that's what we're doing right yeah where are we going we're going along that line I'm stuck in the cage okay we're gonna follow the concrete tell me are you gonna hook right in oh you almost did oh you do nice and straight too well that's done what we're gonna do with that one we had to skip God only knows I even see him when I jump you can see him is there room for you somewhere somewhere buddy I think there is actually right above the yeah right above the um yeah the concrete and then we could bring them out further instead of turning with the concrete so okay so that would be one two you can probably do it could you can make it easy on me dude you know if you just clicked right future future us we'll be happy we did this Maybe nobody's happy all right whatever we stick in that hole will come right here all right that was bad I apologize nobody's watching anyway um [Music] now please we're hooked up that means we put the first one in that's the beams this one's the beams and the first one still had room so he's gonna go down here he's gonna be on the bottom so whichever of these bottom uh we can do you can do this deal beams the beams off to the left and it'll fly where he needs to go and that one is gonna be the pipe is that gonna be hooked up and he can go here all right that's done so now we gotta hook up the coal and I'm thinking it's gonna be probably right next to that the quartz coming in yeah yeah I think we can make that happen and then Cole will go in this bad boy we could go down to a second one if we had to second level foreign what are we trying to get trying to get underneath the we're trying to get there we get there in a way that doesn't clip too hard that one's covered that one's covered wait he oh he's there for the future yes what is he doing oh that's because some of these yeah this one's not being used yet probably these aren't being used yet so we can't move those we need those all coming right along our heads is kind of cool if we can make it work about clipping too horribly and I don't want to go down to a third level I mean we already are there I guess unless we can immediately go back up to this no no this is in we might as well just clip through that [Music] we go along the inside here wait where need to feed the coal right on two lights I don't know who gave me the second like but thank you at the coals here if you come down all right you go down the second one come along here and then doesn't really solve our problem does it what about outside like another row here then we can come down all right that's what we're doing dilly dally long enough Dilly Dilly my music cut out Oh no just quiet now is that the same I don't think so I did not think so but this is the same they're acceptable you can do better oh nope sorry sorry here wrong direction but that looks good hey hey all right all right silly that wall is there Maybe foreign foreign [Music] but at the same time almost so should work I mean that really should work okay Jesus can't do anything right like I don't mind like the mistakes it's like why do I find them right when I think I'm done just like the ultimate f u you know you thought you were done all right oh that's coal you just gotta stick it here and we want to do we want to do the double layer or do we want to do you can do side by side I think I like it I like it I like it a lot um let's go get more reinforced iron plates and we'll run that down there because that is a direction our coal is going to come from um eventually we're gonna have coal High two concurrent viewers I uh didn't see you there don't mind me I'm just getting more reinforced iron plates oh down to one uh he didn't like he didn't like being uh called attention to uh let's see we're gonna have to build while we're out we're gonna need to build another Miner okay but we're ready there but there's still one left high oh I got some chat yeah I'm watching I'm a bit behind on your series but notice you online so that looks crazy this looks crazy did you finish the coal plants move it move it copper I dare you I'm not I'm not nobody I'm somebody where are you from I I uh I didn't see any of your chat I was super focused on on uh what I'm doing so I am uh from Northern California and uh yeah we got a lot of stuff going on I was just totally in the zone I was trying to really keep an eye on my chat but there was really nobody here so I didn't yeah and then oh you're not nobody you must have said that so there's a delay uh probably you were there right after I said nobody's watching and look again I hadn't looked again since there um but yeah yeah this is it's okay to be behind on the series no problem at all I uh you know you can catch up I do edited videos of these so there we go um you know you don't have to watch the full VOD and you in that's you know four hours or so and you can just um watch the one hour and it'll be a fast catch-up so those are um those are like you know I call them Let's Plays or you know just episode one or whatever um so you can uh you know so even this will be edited into an hour-long version right I did do a bad job of checking the chat but you know I did check it so um yeah we'll stick now eventually I'm probably gonna make this area a garage this whole area a garage for trucks to come in but I don't I don't really want to mess around with trucks because I have tractors but I don't want to mess around with trucks until I have packaged fuel so that's that's kind of the plan there and so we're gonna um eventually we're gonna truck this all over so I'm not gonna worry too much about how pretty this belt is gonna is about to look um you know we'll just we'll just get it in place because it's all gonna get deleted when we have some uh packaged fuel um yeah and then I've been running low on um reinforced iron plates forever but we'll we'll build what we can and then we'll switch over to Mark ones um yeah something like this should be good oh and then let's see the real downside is that what I I want to use I need to use I've seen me edited but prefer the long one oh okay cool um I want to use so we this this coal is being used for the plant and so unfortunately this is definitely the most convenient coal the truck and to use I mean let's see what we got to work with right all right is there anything else over here there's nothing they're over there right and I think this is that hater that crater that I mean I don't know I I don't want to go over there so I think what we need to do is we need to take advantage of the coal that was here and run it to the coal plant and we need to reserve this one and I wish I had thought of that obviously before uh but you know you gotta do what you got to do uh so that means that we've gotta run two lines of coal we gotta run some coal from that direction to feed this half of the coal plant that is currently being fed by this and then we gotta run that coal to our plant for the steel so let's before I go too much further I just realized I didn't bring okay I bet I can just build one all right okay and and unfortunately in order to make sure we don't lose any power we kind of have to get the first one in place before we can yeah this is all I'm not gonna re-run all of this that would be ridiculous but what I am going to do is we're gonna have to run a line yeah oh no I knew I was gonna do that we're gonna have to run a line here right and then we'll we'll switch over instead of taking it from there we'll take it from there so we got to run a a a 120 line to this point of coal so yeah let's let's just get started sometimes in this game you have to like not really think too hard about is that going the right direction I don't even know probably not actually based on yeah that is though uh on like how hard Something's Gonna Be or like how long it's going to take you just sometimes just got to jump in yeah I have iron and coal on the other side of the water great for massive steel production very true I do have all the iron that I need though already set up in the massive starter Factory so don't need any more there I think it'd be more efficient to just move one belt of coal right we'll take this cold this cold plant is all well made uh this coal um uh uh resource this cold node is all we're gonna need for the for all the steel that we're gonna need on the starter base right because all of this is starter base um we will be rebuilding you know more massive um setups for sure later on down the road all right I think what I'd like to do is but I don't want to build any think that's two-way I don't want to build um perfect anything permanent until I have Mark 5 belts I uh except for the starter base because it's um it's just it's too much to I hate having to redo stuff really all right so here's our coal our current call from this side all we gotta do is double this up so where are where's that other coal at right over here not far oh we got some friends I see the little Tails hi buddy well that was a massacre I get all I got all the goodies I think I did and these are regulars right yeah normals they better be okay good perfect let's do this it's a little funky just get above it really quickly there we go much better hey bud okay I wonder if this is too high it is not too high um let's get rid of the feet by putting this down I know you can do it your iron node yeah well I've got four pure iron nodes already hooked up to the starter base over there so um we're good and I'll show you when I get over there if I can place this Dam there it goes that's the trick um I'll show you the foundries and the coal it's built everything's built all we have to do is stick a colon to it uh it's set up to our uh to our overflow and and our sinks and our everything come on bud I'm just gonna cheese it over to there where's our merger we're set on that I do the wrong direction I did uh that way one mark one okay and then we're uh we're just we're gonna do some cheese we'll we'll come back later famous last words we are already almost out of Green Forest iron plates right well I appreciate you checking out my series um this is really my first like gaming YouTube channel anything like that right and so um I uh you know takes a while to build you know any sort of a following and so I I appreciate you keeping track of stuff it's it's great we are going to be out of reinforced iron plates real quick oh I built it too far right next we're gonna have a little interesting oh I know what we'll do we'll just yeah I got an idea will work we'll just change the order we will go down see yeah we'll do that I think yeah yeah yeah and then this I think and then this it will be out of reinforced iron plates all right now let's rebuild this fast if we can look at that breaking the belt but it still picks it up hoovering that up cool I uh I guess I'll leave it and then this one how close we are look how close we are oh wow we'll come back we'll fix that um all right by the time we head back to pick up more there'll be more reinforced iron plates wow I'm off that's how embarrassing all right and then this guy is here perfect so and yeah I stream I try to stream Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturday nights and then I won't stream on the 4th of July uh that Tuesday um but other than that yes and then I have a guy before I started this series I got a pre-planned vacation uh too weaker that uh and we're moving uh up in Washington state my sister's getting married so we're going up there with the family and so there'll be two weeks there that I'm not streaming obviously but other than that Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays yeah this is all done except for this stinking mark one lift so let's let that fill up because um you know we're gonna want a full belt before we make the switch anyway so we got a little time to run back and grab what we need um and yeah man if you can uh not go anywhere stick around for a couple of minutes we're gonna once we hook up this coal uh we'll have steel done steel not just steel ingots but steel beams and steel pipe it's it's done it's been built we just literally have to plug in the coal so here's our foundries and um and our outputs so yeah yep there's our foundries we're we're rocking um all right reinforced iron plates here nice that should do it for what we need there do we need anything else I don't think so I think we are okay let's drop off the animal parts I will hang around sweet also it's nice to not be like totally talking to myself um although it's great to know that you at least somebody is following the vods right because sometimes when I'm recording and there's nobody watching I I know that I'm gonna edit it into the the short form video right but I don't it's it's nice to know that because it's a lot of I'd be playing this game anyway right so it's not like I'm spending any extra time playing the game than I would but it's a lot of work to set up get everything going and for the VOD and and the YouTube and you know I I think I have something to add right but in satisfactory but you never know did we break something why is that oh that's the that's the new one that's the new one oh we definitely I should have kept the reinforced plate for the I thought I was I got it mixed up yeah cause we switched them we did a switcheroo okay all right well is what it is uh those are ready now uh but yeah it's it's nice to know at least one person oh couldn't make the jump at least one person is um you know going through the mods okay and now I think we can uh just very quickly change this out and uh the coal plants won't know the difference just like that baby and now we get to reclaim all of this reinforced iron plate that we're in dire need of I went to all this trouble on my second VOD like make this like at least somewhat nice and now all right again life of a satisfactory player yeah I get the best answers yeah okay I was freaking out for a second why is that not moving but it's not moving because I freaking deleted it okay uh let's get rid of our tools for now I wonder if we can whites all right and then again this is this is going to be relatively ugly because we're gonna this is going to be our first truck route when we get our packaged fuel up and running come on do it bro come on get under there Maddie then don't don't tell anybody oh I went too far I'm gonna hook it up to here okay the race is on this this should be it unless I've messed something up which is very very possible um you should be able to follow this all the way to Steel beams and steel pipes in our Central Storage so and you'll get a good chance to see how the factory is working did can I give you a suggestion for the shorter videos yes of course you can all right follow it all the way down but yeah this will give you a chance to see how the factory is is working anybody that takes the time to follow my to follow me and watch what I'm doing I mean you're the audience right um I would definitely take advice mark two yeah this is Mark two yeah I think everything under here is Mark II hey there we go and then that line comes through here and then it's gonna go up a lift here so let's watch it go all right be coming out right here come on Cole come on Cole there it is we're gonna head up there we're gonna head down through there and it's hard to see and head up straight that sounds like a great idea when watching the shorter versions hard to get an overview try spending time in a tower before and after build yeah definitely and that's definitely something that I need to wrong button that I need to uh spend you know get some practice at um all right so here we go coal feeding turn on first Foundry oh the Smoke's in the way good I cooked it I could have picked a better spot um but this should be right there we are there's our first Steel for steel ingots also that if you've only watched the first episode I I was super green like I when I went back through to edit that first video I was able to um really see some of the problems that I was you know creating by having poor um you know that's actually what I'm doing right now right is um doing an overview so we can see how it all works um okay so we're gonna head down up but and there we go through there let's pop that to Mark II yep when I built this we were we had no Mark II we were very poor no reinforced plate but we've been since doing better all right and then all right mark two and then I'm gonna be redoing this in here I wanted to redo this in here this episode or this live stream oh no but I um we needed steel to build the lights that I want to build where's our Steel I lost him he should be going up he's up there somewhere so let's let's find him upstairs he made his way up here yet no but maybe soon let's do some Mark II upgrading did I not finish hooking him up maybe this is this my uh is this my mistake I had to come to the wrong place let's see I can't see anything I lost I lost the ingots foreign back up they're right here and then they come up and they turn they come down this oh my goodness they're in one of those for sure as soon as I get steel and can build the lights that I want to build uh we're gonna be redoing this subfloor down here so we can speed and get around a hell of a lot more clearly because this is totally ridiculous okay there they are and they're stuck where are they stuck they're stuck right here oh my gosh it was so close I ended it right here okay all right got it baby we got it just gotta take this all right get rid of this horrifying mess let's make sure they're marked twos that one was that one was I think that one was okay they're going up now there they go there's our line going across the top here's my next Tower see if we can see what's going on okay there they go and they're gonna get fed into these Constructors uh six three beams and three pipes we're sitting on the beams of the pipe side so we should be seeing pipes out of this first one here any second um unless I forgot to hook up power which I did so yeah all right no biggie no biggie there's the pipes there is the pipes now are the beams did I did I remember to hook up the beam power beam power I did these all working uh two yellows I think that's just a lack of materials until manifold fills okay great perfect beams and pipes headed down and they come back up over there hopefully if I didn't mess their transport lineup so let's see what we can see there goes a beam perfect so he's that's the first beam and they got a jump start on the pipes and the pipes have to travel further there's the pipes there's the pipes they're gonna head down through there and they're gonna come up all right there's the first beam right there now the reason that we're sending them up here is because this line is all assemblers and manufacturers so we're going to need both beams and pipes to build um you know in case beams uh many you know all that uh all that stuff so it's gonna head up here and then they hit my smart Splitters up here uh and they're gonna act as an overflow obviously right now they're overflow because there's no you know like there's nothing coming out of them uh no pipe coming out or or belt coming out right so here's a good example these criteriums are overflowing and being sent down because they actually have a place to go forward the beams and the pipes do not so they're going to go directly into our subfloor to and there they go there's the beams and then the pipes are should be heading straight down here in a second as long as I there it is there's the pipe perfect so let's head down and see how our little overflow storage works beams are first and they are right here they come down they hit here they get merged with these other lines and then I think the beam is being sent down this lift here into I had to build a subfloor to the subfloor unfortunately uh yeah um and then the pipes come in here yep there they are and then they go down there and they also go to the subfloor subfloor and that's right here so these are moving racketeerium being backed up is not promising I mean I have something to fix there there's there our beams where's the pipes there's the pipes I saw him for a second all right now they come back up here there's uh what the hell is going on with the qatarium that's a problem that I'll fix uh after we see the uh steel be completed okay there's the B there's the pipes coming across the top and then did we lose the beams are they uh they are they're in there they're just short yep there they go there's the beams yeah we got that katerium is uh doing some funky stuff oh did I not uh I didn't I didn't hooked them up I didn't finish hooking them up oh I keep ruining my own show that floor to the subfloor yeah yeah I had to you know subfloor times two um all right so these just this should be quick where's our I just keep you know going with the fact that this is my starter base and uh it's kind of practice you know and we'll learn a lot I I didn't like to always I didn't provide enough space for myself to work and to expand I can't get in this stupid it won't let me slide under so I have to jump over all right here and then I got turned around here and here all right we're over and then that right yes here oh uh here and come on baby and here okay there's our beams and our pipes and they're headed up to the storage and uh look let's let's head down to the storages it's a floor and we should be able to watch him come in I don't know where they are gonna be see anything on the top oh no that's the AI limiter there they are there they are they're on this side there's the beams and there's the pipes and they're headed up right next to each other perfect and beams and pipes are storing there on this side were they where are you where are you boys there they are okay I mean that wasn't too bad they had a couple little uh things to fix I forgot power on three Constructors and a couple of little uh lines but not too bad okay great um it's one which is usually the one I quit but I cannot quit until I figure out what the hell is going on with aceterium I know what it is real it should be uh not Criterium uh quick wire um It's gotta be one line for one item okay and so something happened where it is um not being selected properly so where's he coming down from coming down there all right what level okay this one here wish I could mark it I see it from the other side yep it's right there it's this one so he's on the bottom so that's where the frames are I don't know why they're over there they're they shouldn't be in two spots that's where those are okay this is where the caterium should be I mean quick wire doing that so overflow and then quick wire right because they're going into the bottom come on auto save oh no no they're going into the bottom on the back side okay now I'm on the front side okay so we'll just turn him back into a conveyor splitter and it's right here that's that's it here and then we're gonna do overflow Center we're gonna do um quick wire right come on would not would not click okay this is the correct place for him to be so let's make sure that that is built out probably not not I can't do it with Mark twos yet unfortunately Let Me In come on nope I went one too far when I hooked this up my uh quite a few too far actually we're gonna have to move this damn because I need one two three spots and I gave myself zero spots so let's fix this real quick one two three spots I don't know if there's anything it got sent oh yeah I was going so fast so we're gonna have to move our our new uh our new friends to here because uh I needed that room that's okay that's what happens when you go fast okay that's done um well no not quite let's finish it off here yep sorry mark one come on get there okay one two three be here it's that fixed no foreign now let's finish that quick wire now that I've made the space for it come on get in there there's a quick wire that's what we were doing there and let's finish this off what's going on with that there's some funkiness there I'm not gonna worry not gonna stress too much we're gonna we're gonna let that go for now and I will maybe look at it later but we do need to delete all of this um let's see a better way to do this let's clear this out with what do I want I don't even know what I want I want that's there okay so we'll clear that one out and then we have to clear out this one also and I think he goes all the way to the unfortunately I think he goes all the way to storage it's getting late all right because I think something else needs to be in this spot all right foreign make it twice oh Lord I made it twice so all right let's calm down and it'll be okay but this is the correct one this is correct um that can still okay that's done running all right so we cleared that out that line has been purged all right now did we have an entire full box of ethereum already now we have two boxes because I messed up that's our new box where's our other box is this an entire full box of ethereum wow or quick wire yeah so that's crazy I wonder why it's spilled over did it spill over because quick wire is so it should just be going straight I mean everything was working I don't know why it did that um I know why did that because I had a regular splitter in that's why I can I can handle that as long as I know so this is uh overflow that's here and then we don't have anything else yet to put there that's that's what the problem was I when I built this I didn't have enough AI limiters um well I wouldn't call this a proper storage but I see your uh your ex your uh quotation marks when I built this I didn't have enough AI limiters and so it created uh an issue where I just had to put in uh regular Splitters to mark my place basically and but that's now coming back to haunt me because I don't expect things to be you know they need to be going forward not off to the side um why are these oh yeah that needs to be overflow some of these I've made mistakes um yeah so no more Splitters and the the way to tell really quickly is the the smart Splitters have the extra lights so we have seven right two columns of three so that that one's good that one's good that one's good and then the one I'm standing on is good and then this bonus boy right here is our seventh um I meant four Columns of three I guess now I don't even know I don't even know man okay think that solves it I had a stupid splitter in here and where I wanted the quick wire to go forward and get burned the extra what ended up happening of course is that every other one was going down this other lane and so that's that's what happened um but we have a full bin of quick wire which we need we need for the lights that's um you know we use a lot of quick wire for lights uh there's actually the episode where I hooked up all of that storage stuff I I started kind of a a wrong direction and so it got a got a little hairy there um it's uh if you watch the VOD you'll see exactly what happened um and I think we just got to take that and we are no worse to wear oh my gosh look at that okay cool um that's really really really great now we do have to fix our small problem of redirecting because I think I had to redirect the SE guys they're not coming in anymore but where are they going they must have stopped so what's going on with them they're they're not even up here and I'm sure that I that I hooked them up oh that's what I was expecting to see they're going up I don't know where they're going oh they're right in front of my face he's there where's where's his friend his friend must be on the other side yeah he's up there okay all right so they're gonna be in the back of the base or in the back of the storage I kind of liked him where they were before um convenience wise but I built them wrong oh my God they're all the way in the back that's not the best um all right that's okay it is some of this didn't get planned as nicely as I've liked but you know we go with it um yeah maybe I'll make a a back exit a back entrance I'm sure I will okay cool um do we have enough to send the we do Logistics Mark III we worked hard for this one oh no he's M.I.A this is this has been an update bug he goes missing he comes back if you ask you know exit to main menu uh he disappeared earlier on me and then I had to do a little reset and he came back how sad Milestone reached Logistics can be improved with a larger storage container and enhanced conveyor belt efficiency all right Mark threes man we're we're cooking let's pick out our next goal but um we're about 20 minutes over my planned stopping point so I think that that's probably gonna do it do we go for blueprints um or advanced um let's let's go for blueprints get them done it's not a big deal we'll knock this out first next time and then we'll go for Advanced steel production because I uh these are basically all ready to rock uh we just gotta build them on the end of our of our assembler line so yeah I'm looking forward to it um yeah let's go with fix a blueprints selected milestones and we'll get both of those first thing next episode all right man well thanks for sticking around I appreciate you watching with me and uh yeah like I said nine o'clock PST Tuesday Thursday and Saturdays uh just not the Fourth of July and then there'll be a couple of weeks in July that I will be um on vacation but yeah this is gonna be a regular thing for me I have a ton planned for this some crazy crazy stuff that if I told you you would think I'm nuts and there's no way I could do it and so I just won't tell you but trust me it's insane um and it might break my computer but we'll see we gotta try uh all right I think that's it man uh appreciate it thanks everybody for watching and uh uh that is gonna do it or tonight
Channel: Kinstruction
Views: 183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t8AYukAVyyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 259min 58sec (15598 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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