VOD 7 - Let There be Light! | Satisfactory U8 Experimental

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okay quick little recap what we're up to what we've been doing this is our Mega starter Factory I'm planning on getting everything all the way up to Mark 5 belts automated in here I'm including the aluminum needed to create the mark 5 belts um and only then then and only then will we begin you know making our Mega factories and some uh I got some pretty insane plans I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pull it off but we're gonna try but first things first we have to get there making good progress last episode we got the steel all set up and so yeah let's take a quick look make sure that it's blowing uh Cole should be coming in right here yes this line of machines is all boundaries and smelters and we may do two floors of it maybe not but the inputs flow through the front and then if everything backs up overflow goes down to the bottom and then everything flows down the center this way the inputs the smelters and foundries pull items off of this main vertical bus and do what needs to be done so here is some caterium heading into this smelter and I can fit come on baby through here the katerium ingots had down the bottom line you can see steel is hanging out on this second line so on and so forth copper ingots are on the what fifth and sixth line and then they head down and underneath we have some complicated belt work um so on and so forth if needed uh when almost all of them are they head over here uh ironing its copper ingots wire feel limestone and as you can probably guess this is actually our instructor line and these Constructors head down that direction let's go ahead and jump on this so we can get a bit of a better view the idea is the same a central vertical bus going down the center and then we pull off what we need when we need it and make what we need and shoot it off to the sides this side has the um pipes concrete silica um iron rods and I can't remember what's down there plate yeah plate um and yeah and you can see the steel coming through the top and the Limestone to make concrete and the other side has the quick wire wire and steel beams um and then we've got two floors going here and we can continue as many as we want all we have to do is upgrade the link uh the speed of the belt to increase our throughput add machines on and they don't have they can be in any order you just pull off what you want when you want it and then spit out what you need on the um belt that is making that item all right and then the next line of machines is our assemblers and our manufacturers and we have a lot of items coming in here anything that needs to be used in an assembler or manufacturer has to come in here and uh this line will probably continue [Music] um I mean this this input that up it's gonna continue to grow now uh yeah and we just can't keep building the assembler so the manufacturers down this line now we don't need that many assemblers manufacturers we might double stack some assemblers if we need to on the second floor but we'll see how this goes um but the idea is the same and then it's happening on the Constructor row as well but more so down here anything that we're making too much of hold on low flying airplane outside that should be good uh anything that we're making too much of or not using at all in the case of concrete because the concrete is here for I believe what oh the encased beams and we're not making any yet so all the concrete is getting kicked down anything that is full on this bus line so uh quick wire is a perfect example it gets overflowed and heads down underneath okay let's check out what we got going down underneath underneath is really where um a lot of the magic happens we smart split to the right we've head through here and then smart split out the right until and this heads to storage so these copper sheets are full and then if it is full then anything else we make gets sent to the left um that should really be a mark uh too so let's go ahead and change that it's sent to the left and then um no anything I'm sorry on the left here is this is the pipes anything that gets overflowed goes straight and then comes over here and then gets sunk for our tickets come on there we go all right that's the main Set uh the basic setup and the number one goal we're gonna work on today is twofold well really this under floor we've got to get it under control we push the steel so that we could get the lights we need and we pushed to be ports so that we uh could get the signs and use those for lights um and then we're gonna build ourselves our catwalks so we can get around down here a lot easier and we can see what's happening um and light everything so that is the plan for today is lighting if we've got and and just really organizing the subfloor here if we got any extra time um we do need to really get going on some exploration I could use some more um bugs and uh some hard drives so yeah let's let's first thing we want to do is we need to pick up we need to go shopping see what we got for tickets all right four coupons not a whole lot we can help the situation and we will by throwing in some let's make some DNA capsules really quick bird you are in the way bro I think we've been storing up some animal protein um that all we got we'll go ahead and make power shard as well oh some crystal oscillators perfect we're gonna need these later we can't automate these yet because these require a manufacturer so we're just gonna have to live with what we've got but we'll definitely use because we need these for the big boy signs we're going to be using those for lights for sure all right let's make whatever DNA capsules we can make sure we can get as much tickets as possible and if you didn't know turning your alien protein into this uh DNA is a way to really gets help you early get some tickets because the ticket counter has it works as a different counter than the regular items that get burned where are we there we are and I'll show you so those go in the DNA points until next coupon right that they're only at a thousand four thousand right um they're at a much lower level than so that was three coupons right there and you know we got 92 000 points needed for oh my God you're so loud all right do a little shopping or lights yeah we're buying all of the lights and then management no no no customizer maybe maybe but not until we make sure do we get all the signs unavailable quartz crystals in the mam I was pretty sure we got all that what are we missing but we definitely need uh an Explorer later if we go exploring the set radio signal scanning now radar technology now yeah I I really want these big Advanced steel that's the hold up Advanced Steel and we grab that blueprints we said we were going to do next but can we get Advanced steel we definitely can so let's switch over to Advanced Steel that want to buy those uh those big signs and then let's see if we have a lot of these items on us so let's dump what we got and now we need um you know 15 1600 wire and a couple hundred rotors so let's grab that from Central Storage give me a chance to show you guys what we got going on here um yeah nice long line of whatever we need so what do we need we're gonna need a couple of these for construction we're going to grab all of those we've been short on that forever all right we need there's our 1500 wire we're really short on that that's one of the things we need to do rather quickly actually is upgrade let's get some silica we have some silica already and then oh we're nice and full on this I like it and then what else we needed rotors Ken why are the rotors and the modular frames at the front well random citizen goat ask all right Advanced steel production there we go good morning hello welcome to the Stream I'm just getting started improved with a larger storage container enhanced conveyor belt efficiency as well as the ability to store Excess power for later use an additional project part can now be constructed further progress to the next phase is now possible okay oh no I needed these floodlights I thought I picked them up that's a sad day I'm gonna be I'm four tickets short I really needed these floodlights all right dang Oh I thought I already had them um yeah that makes me sad well let's move some more Tech I guess great I guess you do not have morning I do have morning but it is evening for me so good morning to you uh blueprints are what we were gonna do next so let's grab these then let's see how many cable do we have we need some more actually grab too much of this where is our cable there we go and then we need some steel beams which I'm still getting used to where I put everything there are steel we have oh they're at the end silly me all right I can't put it in yet we seven more minutes all right okay seven more minutes well while we wait for that to come back and we wait for a few more tickets there are a few things that we need to upgrade now that we have Mark III belts we got Mark III belts uh hello second concurrent viewer we got Mark III belts um right as we finished the last dream and one of our holdups here is wire heading into make our reinforced iron plates because we're actually using a stitched plate recipe and so not here is our hold up but the actual right here so let's do some upgrading Mark III Mark III oh I love how fast those go it's awesome we're gonna have a little bit of fun following the Mark III or the wire belt so that we can upgrade it to Mark III let's head this one first Mark three Mark three actually that was pretty painless three and here we go that's all Mark three downstairs and let's make sure we're going in where right here I will be lurking playing satisfactory update eight myself well I appreciate the lurking you're gonna lurk I'll take the the views oh I put ones on there that's that's not what we want we want threes and then what did I do here that's a three now I want to figure out why we're stuttering because we should be flowing nice and freely all right three oh that's uh caterium which needs to be Mark III as well but not right now necessarily let's see one second forgot to mute something okay my bad right here correct yes okay Let's uh hit this one or three and that one oh little pull Mark three Mark III Mark three all right so this should help we can find there's one other thing somewhere I know kind of causing a little hold up [Music] [Music] that's right there look at this little piece I know I'd find you there we go all right we still have two minutes left before we can move the next tech forward our wire should be flying now that we have increased wire capacity this is actually a really good opportunity to show you have this um why this is such a cool setup or at least I hope that why it's a really cool setup let's see I think actually this is perfect for the second floor these what this wire let's do that let's build three more wire Constructors let's make sure we need three wire 30 per minute the Mark III belts run at what 270 so that is I don't know I should know I just my brain's not working nine and then how many we got going we got four going so I mean we could build five let's check my factory planner and see how many total we need to build I don't want to build more than we're gonna need uh let's see here we are iron there's the wire well we're gonna need 15 total so we could definitely slap on five yeah let's just let's just knock out five because we're not getting enough wire back at uh in storage anyway and um this will give us nine it'll be great here's one yeah that should be five all right power first uh is off that's irritating let's try this again all right much better now where is our power how are we running it um one in in the center there and one more oh it won't let me Pace while I'm building hey too much I asked too much of it then we wire here yes and that should be the last one we have this unplugged for a reason I'm not sure oh I probably deleted it when I went to yeah build this all right he's hooked back up all right power is good we have set what we need to set let's do the outputs first so floor holes are you in four holes um yes we are nope and then we only need Mark ones for these okay now as for the wire line really going to be here you bring it all the way down far oh and we actually better make that Mark three all right then how far do we need it should be good lined up I think so nope not lined up at all not even close one let's just double check make sure that's how uh yep I wanted to see the double check the spacing here make sure that it's looking the same and I think it is yep all right that's our first one of the Mark III oh that's the last one that's the last one cool get rid of this then I'm lining them up on that floor hole that I built which also happens to be I believe on the the break of the Foundation yeah right there on the break of the foundation all right let's put this back one foreign that's what happened there how many of those are off the last two of them perfect let's try this one more time all right have we messed up enough should we move on with our day I think so just gonna get those out of the way early Mark threes to connect in fact I'm gonna head over and change the default my default key to Mark III okay all right I think I'll put your good we're gonna have a nice bit of wire now we just have to handle the inputs and I need to remember where our copper let's see copper ingots are here one set we actually have two lines that we can pull from um let's see 15 yeah and there's still a 120 coming in there so it can actually handle eight of them and we're gonna have nine so I'm gonna go ahead and and stick it on there all all nine of them off of the same copper ingots because let's get out of this um we can increase the flow of the copper ingots through that line as well so any coppering it's forever other things so the wire we will just pull off of I believe yeah um copper sheets so we'll have one for the copper for the wire and the other for the copper sheets so it's this bottom one which is um number five we need to extend it here and I'll go ahead and extend it with Mark III so I don't have to do it again see that's one two three four five okay that should be copper ingots all right see it yep it's covering it's perfect so the Line is now in let's head out here and then look into it there it is did I make it long enough not quite oh that's the copper sheets that's close we'll extend it down we'll extend it all the way down should be more copper ingots it is perfect now we have it as long as we need it to be where's the ladder that I built there it is okay now we just have to no I knew I was gonna fall easily fixable um all right splitter view this from the top of the Constructor I think we can oh yeah much better all right then it'd be really great we could put in oh it's asking too much all right let's put on all the Splitters and then we'll put in all the lifts this is only the third one oh that one's done let's do this one I'm at the point where I need Central Storage but playing it all out is hurting my brain well you know if it would be helpful I could kind of do a quick run through on how mine works uh what are we doing we are doing this if you missed uh my my little run through earlier all right and then a few more to go I think and here they should be working would love that okay cool so let's just make sure that this wire is doing what I think it should be doing we'll follow it through and then I will um it's actually will give us a perfect opportunity to kind of show off the central storage and the Overflow system so wire's been making here we just got Mark III belts right before right as I ended the last stream and so we're increasing our wire throughput that was kind of what we're doing which I think right here is pretty much maximum mathematically and then we come back up around here and this Constructor line needs some wire or cable except I'm pretty much full on cable already so when it doesn't need wire anymore um well first of all this acts as a splitter so it should be 50 going forward to the cable and then 50 percent heading down this way and it comes actually up through here these are all Mark threes and it's the first line into our long line of reinforced iron plate makers yeah by the way how is our power doing we're okay so let's go ahead actually because I was putting this off making there was no need to make another reinforced iron plate manufacturer or assembler because we couldn't uh we didn't have the wire for it anyway oh wow that's not great not great Ken but now that we do have the wire we can go to town I wanted not one oh my God I did it again it's because it's snapped to that stupid well that was horrifying um okay one I think this is already set yep nope reinforced iron plates that one those are actually for this side which is making modular frames so we don't want to make modular Flames frames we want to make reinforced iron plate which are these bottom two then here here okay and power power power power power power power power those are power poles they're out here we working oh not reinforced iron plate Stitch darn plate there we go okay that should suck up most of the wire all right now any wire that gets if that gets full we'll go through this overflow right here because let's look at this smart splitter what this setup is come here buddy all right so this is pretty important it goes forward to build what it needs to build on the assemblers in our case um the stitched iron plate are you using all reinforced plate um I am uh well I have mostly Mark twos but I'm slowly upgrading to Mark threes and so the reinforced iron plate will transition over into the steel beams but anywhere that don't need steel Beams I still need to use reinforced iron plate uh to answer your question all right so this setup here is pretty important I have a smart splitter in front of all of the things I need to use the wire for all right and in my case it's all these assemblers but in your case it could be you know the start of your Factory line um wherever you need the wire all right and now it's going to come down here all right and then let's go through underneath and take a look and that is this spot right here um let's go ahead and follow something oh there's some wire perfect there's some wire that finally overflowed okay so it's merged into this line and then I have a smart splitter here which is really really really important because this one basically it overflows to the right it sends it sends wire to the right this goes to storage we'll follow it in a second this goes all the way to storage but once this fills up like the copper sheets have here okay then any more wire that we get it can't go to the right because it's full so it'll go it'll go straight and move on and in our case going straight moving on sends us to the awesome sync all right and and you can actually see really really easily here what items I have full storages on and it's concrete okay the quartz crystals the uh cable is oh cable is filling up right now okay so let's check this out we can see it in real time so cable is about ready to full fill all cable is in this smart splitter here cable to the right overflow to the front okay it's about full a couple more rounds of cable by the way by the way when the cable fills um it'll just send everything here it comes there it goes so all cable up to that piece of cable was heading to storage and then as soon as it it filled it's being sent to the awesome sink because we need points right um and all of these items I have full storages on now this is actually going to give me some throughput issues at some point in fact let's go ahead and upgrade these two Mark threes because I don't want the belts being overly saturated oh we're out well that's a a half a half-assed job done we'll have to finish that later we I ran out of steel beams but that's okay so that's that's basically how this works now we're getting some more wire so let's go ahead and follow the wire and the rest of these items to the central storage now once you do the split this is really important once you do the split to the sinks you cannot remerge them and find out exactly why feel free to watch episode 3 of my stream because I tried to do that not really remembering why I didn't want to do that and the reason is is because let's say we we did our splitting and then I was kind of remerging some lines over here and let's say I was merging my screws with my hover sheets and the copper sheets fill up but the screws don't so that means they hit and hits the merger and there's no room for the screws to go on and filling up to go on to fill up storage like they are here because the line is full so once you do the split to the awesome sink this this split right here on you know overflow forward and um what you want to store off to the side once you do that split it has to stay on its own belt all the way to all the way home all the way to storage that's why I have 34 because I have 34 items planned in this Factory or really the starter storage that I have 34 items um you know like there's a smart plate all this stuff heads over here takes a right turn and goes up these belts goes up these lifts so let's go and take a look and see pick it up from there hello third concurrent viewer and we're just going over the Central Storage really quickly and how it works um and then yeah and then they come up through here and I just have them some belt work moving down heading to all of the the inputs for my storage and uh that's that's really about it and then here's what the storage looks like from my point of view and I will put signs on all these uh we might actually do that today just so that it gets done it'll be a little tedious to watch but you have to do it um and then I like this trick where you take a little bit of the belt and move it out so you can see what's inside really easily but yeah here's our storage let's go ahead and grab whatever beams we have made oh and then actually no no no I know what we're gonna do make sure we have all the stuff we need no we're a little short on modular frames we're gonna send up the next I think we have I think we have everything we need yep here we go blueprints I really needed the blueprints when I was putting together the Central Storage let me tell you oh no we're short on cable well you know we just filled up cable and now we're taking more out so automatically without us having to think about it you know this will um or the cable go here it is you know this is going to start filling up again exactly what we need it to do and then again when it's full it'll start syncing all right launch foreign you have storage as the Overflow logistically this makes moving materials so much easier than what I was doing thanks yeah no problem and then I I went into movie mode so that we could watch the launcher but it's broken uh I think that's an update 8 experimental bug it's happened a couple times he never comes back and so he's missing a Reload would fix that oh my gosh we still don't have any coupons all that time we don't even we don't even have any more coupons we're about to get one but that that hurts that hurts me so we can't do lights yet because the light that I need I was an idiot and I spent I spent my allowance on the wrong toy okay what we can do industrial storage will it let us control replace I was really hoping it would let us control replace but it's not and I want to change these over to the industrial storage containers because we just got Steel um okay that makes me sad really sad so we need to get creative so let's just handle this we need to build the deal just the steel all right yeah I think that's right now let's go ahead and make that Mark too um yeah okay well and then let's put this back okay well that's gonna be a little irritating to do but we only have to do it to the ones that you know at least we haven't populated all of these yet so better to do it now than later and I'm sure you know sometimes satisfactory can be a little tedious but I think this is probably the fastest way of doing this possible foreign if you really need the coupons you can get 10 pretty fast with DNA so I do have I've already used up some DNA we are we're actually doing that right I think before you maybe before you joined um I don't know I'd have to go um I've probably already used up my fast 10 ones or my 10 fast ones um but yes I do love that trick oh I didn't even use that actually I don't think we need this inventory is empty enough but I will see if we what else we can do for tickets foreign I used them all I think we can do this even faster we just stand here right oh crap what was in here iron plates Maybe I'm not sure I think I think regular iron plates are in there they hooked that back up yep this is concrete nothing in this one I don't think one of them do you forgot to put the concrete in that actually means [Music] um since we increased our stitched iron uh this reinforced plate we increased the flow of wire but we did not increase the flow of iron sheets and we don't are in plates we don't really have and we don't really have any in storage so that's actually a task that we need to do next um let's do this one because it has stuff in it but just like the um Iron it's like the wire it shouldn't take too long and this one do I still have in mandatory silica yeah got to put them back and and the iron the AI limiters foreign actually I don't need that many making a lot of those um yeah all right let's finish this row down here and then I'll Mass replace all of the ones that don't have stuff in it hmm that was strange so um my first try on building this I ran into some issues and so it routed some things this this iteration of my the correct iteration of my uh Central Storage is routing things slightly differently than the first time through and I had a couple I had to deal with some leftover Gadget or leftover things in the wrong places and that I think that might have just been what that was uh leftover iron Rod when I'm super different gotta love all those smart plates what I really need oh oh that's what I'm gonna do that's that's how we're gonna fix this uh lack of um tickets I'm just gonna steal from the gigantic horde of smart plates that I have that's the solution you look at that bad boy we'll come back for those as soon as we finish this little task as well as no here's our iron plates well what the hell is this I think this I think this is what I was talking about I think these iron plates were so so we're fine on iron plates okay you know you guys asking me for advice and stuff uh you know we're all just doing the best we can we don't all have it figured out trust me here's how you do a central storage and then I I'm working on it was like how the did that get there all right uh let's see we needed to do this badly though sometimes you just gotta get these tedious things out of the way and get to the fun stuff um is that the last one yes okay time to mass deletes okay foreign not we'll come back when we do yeah that's all we got for now that's okay let me get most of this done all right yes we all make mistakes some of us are in a constant state of making it's like a state of mistakes it's not like a mistake uh but this is my second playthrough so I learned a lot on my first time foreign to the end um I sort of was it was in reach of the end and then I sort of broke my save I had I put way too many little signs in a blueprint that I did for railroads and then I made I basically made tens of thousands of little signs because I put a crap ton on a blueprint and then use the blueprint hundreds of times um and I totally broke my save um but update 8 was so close that I just was like you know what I'm not gonna try to fix this we'll just deal with it um okay I do want to see how those iron plates are doing if we're using up everything these use 87 point 18.75 times we're making five so we're not even using full 120 um they would be right here um I think we're okay for now on iron plates I'm not gonna worry about it uh okay let's get those lights that we wanted to get a little hole there but we'll fix it later this is definitely looking awesomely like mass storage I love it all right smart plate time oh what do we I still have all this quartz crystal in my inventory here we go and then I need to delete this pick up all my inventory I have some leftovers I need that what do I have too much of that's um and actually I don't even I don't need that okay let's burn some smart splitters I mean not smart Splitters smart plating I don't know if that's gonna be enough how many do we need five total we have two we need three more we're gonna need we're gonna need a lot more smart plate um we need 500 right I can't take them all anyway let's clean out our inventory just a bit a bunch of coal we don't need there's one we'll be fine that's why I'm making all those smart uh smart plates we're so close to another um DNA coupon but I don't think I have any animal protein left we're cooking here this should work all right let's see what's next for our milestones yeah let's make our let's get power storage going grab what we need for that not quite have enough we need 11 more almost eight more [Music] four oh I know it's cheap oh my gosh we have enough we do all right expanded power infrastructure has been launched and I believe we have the tickets we need nope we're one short all right this is still close finally lights all the lights are ours Bud Lights by all perfect all right before we get started on our next project which is really the core of what I wanted to do this episode uh I am gonna take a quick bio I will be right back me all right time to rock and roll actually gonna reclaim some of these okay now I really only have a general plan of what I want to do for lighting so a lot of this gonna have some trial and error but the first thing I think let's see let's set up our light switch our light control panel first foreign lights we make are going to come off of this piece we're basically just really trying to clean up this underfloor area let's do Road barrier there the road barrier this is I guess I didn't need to do that that was a little silly okay here's the power now the power our main power that we're using come out to here uh what am I want what do I want what do I want I want that um this is only we're only using this for yeah our there's a better way let's get power in a different way for this um we'll do that another time let's stay focused we'll just leave that power there for now and we'll keep going get rid of our temporary gate patch there so what I'm trying to do is I'm one I'm wanting to see really what we have to work with we'll put some glass there or something later floor space wise that I know what to do with the catwalks because without knowing what we want to do with the catwalks we can't place the lights foreign let's finish this and then we're gonna throw up some temporary lights to C by e all right uh let's see my favorite way is I don't have those rates um what I was gonna say is what I like doing is the angled walls oh and then putting because you can put flood lights on those angled walls I'll leave that for now we just built all this stuff that we can navigate down here temporarily and now it's time to clean it up all right let's think we'll have to just put them on the wall and do some top down lighting for now really I need encased industrial beams for those I think it was ever freaking easy around here man Concrete in two places put it in the wrong place foreign whatever it takes whatever it takes luckily we only need two all right our first light of the save and as a reminder this is with Lumen on though it's not the best light ever I'll probably I'll definitely be okay let's try this instead this is gonna be a lot of trial and error guys so I apologize in advance because I just don't know how things are going to look with lumen oh huh looks pretty sweet it's definitely got some hard Shadows though okay let's try something a little bit different maybe we can put a little bit of light let's see if I can figure out how to do this um we don't have painted beams yet when do you get painted beams and you have to buy them or they attack not hypertubes architecture four more tickets the painted beams I'm so used to having what I have in my other save that I just you know I can't remember what was what we'll start this and we'll come back I'm back for him later all right so what I want to do is use a painted beam to rotate the signs and turn the signs into a light of something like this we can still build them right now we just can't rotate them we can't build the Billboards we can build these see what looks good something like this let's do a white foreign I don't think any image Mission strength two and we'll try glossy let's see what three looks like oh yeah nice so I like that light a lot better than that other bright thing so I wonder yeah let's close this in why are we let's again here we go very strange all right hey it's not like perfect but it's something and they're they're a little buggy foreign all right at least we can see um whoa see what a lot of them looks like for our underfloor here foreign probably a better way to do this but you know looking nice is what it's looking like foreign I thought I had my light on this is so much better oh missed one this is really really cool and it's a lot softer than actually those floodlights um yeah I'm loving this now can we put any maybe we put some smaller ones maybe like these guys let me get rid of that little foot yep a little tedious though might be a bit much let's try something smaller what about yeah these guys we're gonna place them right in the middle maybe we could do like every other one I figure you know I'm gonna spend a lot of time down here working a lot of time and so we're gonna spend time working in a place let's make it look nice I used to in my factories I would um spend all my time working on an area and then I would make it look nice and then I would leave it and go on to the other Factory and then I'd never get to enjoy the time oh yeah level two let's try level one even yeah we might do level one on these uh little walkways [Music] level two could do level two and so I then decided that if I'm gonna spend a ton of time somewhere you know let's let's make it look nice before I leave it and go somewhere else all right now that we can see and we have a plan for lighting the walkways let's make the walkways corner piece we need to go out one more and then the corner foreign definitely going to do some down lighting um let's see how many tickets we got we have one so we're not going to be doing we're not going to have those painted beams probably this episode unless we go animal hunting which we could do but we have plenty to do without the painted beams but my idea is get some lights right in here so that we light up these um these items cascading down I think it would look really good uh let's do turn we have this slightly off hmm it's the best place to eat that probably right in the center here did I fix it or to tell no to picks it over here we do we're out of range of our light do that it's pretty amazing that doesn't doesn't last very far um okay let's make this a t and we'll keep going and then I definitely want to get down this tea can't do that because we're off here again we have to fix it okay just like that now where's my tea there we go now how far down do we want to go it's probably too far so let's do this ramp and then I'd like a way up so make this a t I want to be able to see all this stuff all right let's keep going make a bridge somewhere in the middle looks like the center data t get ring all of this old platform all the stuff that we just threw up because we were working and that's a good place for I'll do one more then we'll make a bridge up or uh walk up all right all right all right here I think I'm gonna have to turn anyway turned one earlier a little low let's go ahead and what if we dropped down here like oh get rid of this hmm let's do I actually can't be there because we're gonna have belts there foreign doing here we have two there but oh well put some walls here foreign hey I think most of oh we gotta clean this up a little bit but not we don't have much to do we're getting really close to having something that we like at least for now at least till we have different needs and then we'll do what we need to do Ellen wanted one thanks thank you all right we're not gonna here in case you didn't see it there's a surprise underfloor but we don't talk about that nothing happened let's actually make this come around ramp foreign so when we do our Refinery line so I'll just build that that direction yeah cool now before we start putting in lights which I want to do very very soon I want to make a couple of other access points down into here so let's go up there and see what makes sense oh man we can navigate down here so much easier beautiful okay so we have our door to our underfloor here we can always move that we probably should something like this and then foreign ER if we just no I don't think so it's under here foreign what if we did oh that's a little awkward we need that spot um what about here instead foreign get very quickly from the underfloor up into the Central Storage got an idea starting to come together deep down in the recesses of my brain come out oh one actually like it halfway up a lot better but that's okay we're gonna We're Not Gonna stress about it okay and then we'll put a roof on that one we have grooves please I forgot to you know actually finish building it um all right corner you know unfortunately gonna have to give up on my idea of going into the center or like usual I'll just cheat the railing would be awesome all right fine let's something like this we are very close foreign now we have to fix this with a road barrier okay cool doing good now let's replace some lights when we do I think the flood lights might look fine on our friends over here we can get them centered I think I have them in it's either in a spot of two yeah so could do that I can do this I just have to do a road barrier down here and then a wall all the way up delete the rest of these then wall mounted floodlight just get them so he's out of clipping and oh fake all right here yeah and almost even though it's centered I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna stay with it I was thinking maybe put it over the high spot uh I don't think I don't think that'll necessarily look good when do we need that one no he's not out of clipping let me um let's stick with that two clicks down thing we got going you know you can use H for putting something down and then move it with arrows instead of using barrier in some cases I know that in my brain right but I don't have that habit built yet so let's let's try block hologram a hologram is locked nudge up down left right okay all right I've gotta you know build some new habits really but thank you for the reminder which means no I still don't think I can necessarily do what I want to do over there with the railings because they it messes up the railings themselves but it's good to know that I could put them there or I could put them wherever I wanted with the nudge I just uh I haven't had a need to use that so thank you again for the reminder let's do all right that's cool oh uh sir are you gonna turn on okay cool cool I like it um yeah let's do our it's something going for these or our walkway signs we might be able to use the nudging thing here too yeah I don't think we need it though I think it I think it's going into the spot we want which I could see this one too high all right try this foreign that looks really cool now got an idea what we really need is to make this a blueprint let's do that let's make this a blueprint this is a perfect use case for blueprint perfect perfect perfect where's our blueprint maker gonna be rid of this yeah definitely I'm definitely looking forward to that again just one of those little little things that I've been so focused on kind of like the streaming because it's all new to me you know um and then of course my my um my build you know my my setup that I uh just kind of slipped my mind that it was a thing um all right we need to go vertical here for our blueprint maker because that boy is a fat boy that is one of the advantages of uh playing a um you know doing a save live streaming you know you get the little I had another one A buddy of mine who plays and was watching my um dream was like Hey man you know you don't have to switch back and forth between mark one mark two you know it's there's a really easy way you just hit e and again it was one of those things where like I I knew that but I hadn't built the habit and because I just for some reason didn't think it was worth it but you know and then I was like you know after about an hour of just concentrating and trying to you know retrain my brain I was able to uh start using it and it's absolutely worth it this is actually the perfect place to perhaps lock and move the Hologram although it's not a it doesn't seem like it's a perfect square is it I could move it this way one notch okay I could do that let's do that let's just put them right on the square right something bigger damn that's so amazing it's so good it's so good all right blueprints up all right what do we wanted to make so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put down do one for this uh for this don't know if I'm gonna need one for if I need any other ones for some reason I will just make them by hand I think the vast majority are going to be this setup that way I don't have to go around and delete the feet I don't have to you know set everything of course this is why God invented blueprints yeah now I wonder if that'll work let's try uh catwalk straight light and that one oh I don't have oh I miss I don't have any of my colors for my other makes me sad let me I had a I had a whole color set up on my on my old on my other save cry yeah the lighting walkway yeah go for it I mean why why hang out if we're not gonna steal each other's good uh E2 there we go and then I'm Gonna Save this blue oh I did I just looked up The Hex the hex code for save it oh I did save it or like a really pure blue I can use it for different things did we get the color I don't even know uh do we have the color is it X oh damn I don't know how long I've been able to use color so we're gonna have to this is gonna be like the you know we're gonna be really fixing things up um all right let's see how this works it's this orange out of here okay those are done but let's say we wanted to do this one oh that's a bad ex first one because it's got some funkiness uh what if we go to blueprint mode no but if I get the height right I can probably nudge it where I want it won't necessarily be locked that makes me a little sad oh and they didn't turn on that's okay that's easily fixable Okay so we can't do that I mean we could make um with blueprint mode I wonder if we do this differently I wonder if instead of because I don't want to mess with the walkway necessarily I got an idea what if we just blueprint the lights and the lights are in the right shape and then we don't have to place the yeah I bet you that'll work let's try it everything's set just delete the walkway I missed try it again that is that that's the solution then I don't have to mess around with the walkways not lining up or anything I can just drop the lights where I want them and it's perfect because in this spot I actually don't want them on I want them split anyway centered so it gives you more freedom anyway on how you place it and they're kind of snapping somehow somehow it alyze I get it because I but I don't I don't know how it's snapping that's off here we go aced aced come on yeah that's that's the ticket they're a little bright though yeah we're gonna go down to one because I want to use them a lot all right so I'll change that in the blueprint that they're not too bright like by themselves but they start adding up uh and then real quick I just want to see what Matt looks like because that's glossy let's turn off the light oh I have my light on maybe that was throwing me off that was so ah right on the edge a little glary let's see what Matt looks like it looks the same okay we're gonna go to we're gonna go to one one glossy he's good yeah there's just a little bit too much glare in the eyeball with two like like this is all a little bright right we'll we'll mess with it later but oh couldn't link it okay changing these to one and then saving oh I left some crates over here I don't know where these crates are gotta be they gotta be downstairs how long has that been there I don't know where that crate is I'll track it down later all right let's work with the light off and uh let's uh put up some lights now that we've fine-tuned what we like I don't know if I could get it in the center all right let's try this I'll just stand right oh well I know we just use what the tools that we've been given here we go Blueprints and foreign build this stupid habit actually it's good this one to make it even foreign we're just building some lights down in the subfloor so that um these on the wall are just these squares on the wall or just down to so we can see but currently we are putting in something a little more permanent we have a blueprint and I'm trying to decide where I want this that even with that it is perfect this would be really difficult without the nudge let's make some here see how many we got we're gonna do if we can do this I think that's right now I'm never gonna build a blueprint without hitting H first because there's no reason not to and then let's actually put this I'm using it so much um eight not my toolbar there there a little off here I'll do them in the uh cracks between all right and then one more five six so if it's even go in between if it's odd I go on top of that's odd so let's see if this works see if my gases work so dark over here I gotta use the light to build the light and then we'll Skip One foreign oh man this is where I'm switching over from the half okay foreign I'll mess with it later might redo some of these but let's keep going for now let's get these long straightaways done and really develop the pattern that I wanted until I was halfway through all right so that's even so I think I want to put them there H2 soon we got uh oh it's nine I miscounted my rule is wrong my ability to count to ten is or my rule is not wrong my ability to count to ten is wrong it looks so good I'm super happy with this H is really good for like these weird ones where I want to get it in the center but yeah okay yeah that works not exactly sure where that is until I look at it let's knock this one out we can do this one real quick I like this one pretty sure that's it oh that's almost two and yeah almost two so that's good there one second just got it my allergies are really bad and sometimes we're on the computer forever I just get it deal with my allergy eyes drink of iced tea and we're back to work fix it employees never rest one 16. that's even that means we build so it's odd right yeah so that means the even ones we build on the Steam all right okay foreign they built with the settings that you gave them but I think that was I don't know I think that's just an updated eight bug because let's do one right in the middle here yeah definitely well uh don't be a stranger I stream Tuesday Wednesday or Tuesday Thursday and Saturday nights so um you know hopefully I'll see you around or you can catch the vods or I do edited versions of these videos like shortened versions so yeah thanks for being around man all right and now I'm all alone I'm all alone there's no one here beside me my troubles have all gone watch somebody's like watching this in a VOD and I can do whatever I want right nobody uh nobody nobody's here now there's only one problem with this whole setup it only lights from one side what if what if we did a double lights you'd have to redo some stuff basically everything we've done how would we do this we would do it just this oh my God who could have an idea yeah that's it damn have a good idea that results in me having to do a bunch more work damn I don't even need that rail so maybe I can not redo those but then I'll have this for these well I'm gonna have to redo that anyway because I just put twos on everything in there I thought I switched everything to one all right let's save this thank you let's start saving up deal beams now that we have some encased beams there for emergencies okay head down and see if these lights are all yep how did that happen all right I don't know foreign pretty boring here but we want it to look good these are those are ones I don't know how my copy paste got set to the two you know there's some instances where I won't want them on each side but it's okay so I wonder if I can just hate that I have to eyeball this um what if I got rid of this to get rid of both let me do anything if I get rid of both look at that for everyone that's horrifying you could say these to three though as these are lighting up Maybe um maybe not let's see what happens when we try to place won't let us because our blueprint is there or will it oh it won't so dismantle mode where's the filter um where is the or blueprint dismantle at walk straight light so I'm trying to hold Ctrl here um hold left looks like no Mass okay okay check this out I love this look at this two two separate things and this is new to update eight okay so I have blueprint mode dismantle on or blue dismantle mode blueprint and then dismantle filter cow walk straight light so now I could just run through here and and just dismantle everything we did that's this blueprint very very quickly and that's okay because oh those aren't blueprints we'll dismantle those by hand as honestly I wasn't really happy with some of these choices most of them I am I don't like them right next to the edge there oh I gotta I gotta set it up again G and then r mental mode blueprint dismantle filter damn it yeah you can't get out of build mode or resets it wow it's shockingly dark without that stuff um okay so what are we gonna do we are going to try this now yeah see that's too close there okay let's hit H take a look that's too close for me and then we can't do anything other than that otherwise it won't look centered so this is I will have to do it now the question is you know if they don't line up exact ly like they do on even number ones I think odd number ones there there it's not gonna look good so we're just gonna have to have weird spaces in the center or something we'll figure it out this one worked because it's even the even numbered ones work it's the odd numbered ones want to figure out one two so yeah this one will work it'll just go right in the middle or will also work okay this is a super weird one because of this dealing with this so let's just do what looks the best we'll definitely use the old hologram to figure out what that is I think probably hmm foreign or the one side and delete these that would be helpful I think so and then this one has its own pattern that'll help on these on these weird things I built what do I want this button pink we just have to do the best we can two three yeah so this one will be weird if I put it in this crease so this one will just put it in the center Center okay oh this one is in the center but this one is not this one yeah I'll be offset I like it I'm gonna go with it for now if it bothers me later I'll deal with it all right keep on keeping on doesn't matter we're going to put in the middles we're just gonna keep going foreign then we go this is the T intersection we just that thank you it looks like without our flashlight on and it looks great really really great very happy with it it's not enough it's not enough light for the for that belt floor there like the but something would be the solution for this corner what if we did something like this wrong way that's right yeah we could do something like that now would they be in every corner thing we have this problem in every corner because we might in which case blueprint time yeah we really do yeah okay perfect next blueprint okay clear designer what did I call the catwalk straight light we'll do catwalk corner light then let's go with of course at what corner right in the middle business okay oh well okay catwalk corner light all right perfect quick bio break I'll be right back all right and I'm back foreign let's put all of our smart plate in here we'll get more Billy nobody like I don't know what you're talking about all right let's keep building lights we have to we will go killing some animals for animal protein for some more tickets all right here's a corner let's use our new piece it's great and then we can do the same for these short guys the tease we'll just do that we'll just use the one side oh hmm something is off off yeah let's check out and see what's happening I don't know look like it looks like it should be fine is it off on that one we did we didn't do the back side yet because I was gonna come and do I mean they're all off I guess all right it's no different from what the rest of them are okay yeah they're not they're not perfectly centered but I'm okay with it I just you know wanted to make sure that I knew know what we were doing we're out of iron plates and it helps fix some this helps fix the sort of imbalance problem in some of these locations foreign just using the two meters that everywhere probably would have probably the smart thing to do as a lot of these problems would go away because I'm using because I'm using a three meter but that's okay we're living and learning and uh you know I think we have all the tools we need we just gotta you know I don't want to we've made a ton a ton of progress but we gotta keep moving oh oh I think this one oh this is the weird one yeah very upset with myself that I didn't fix it till here I think that's probably as good as we're gonna get on this one foreign is for these you do a short one in the middle all right let me go build one real quick not the most elegant solution but I think it'll work well enough for me at least all right moving moving moving not getting quite as much done as I was hoping we were gonna get today but I also knew that we were gonna have a lot of trial and error so you know it just it just kind of is what it is here's another perfect example of where that short one would work I guess you can I guess they're set right you just have to open and close them a little the little bug that's happening I think right yeah you just have to open and close them I bet you that if I shut down and reloaded that it would it would work fine but I kind of want to you know I need to we need to see where we're at so oh well damn got that again foreign like the whole blueprint I just have to hit r we go that finger keeps hitting the wrong button foreign [Music] [Music] come on baby get on there I fixed that one oh we were gonna do it in the center damn it that's okay we can delete quick remember all right so what's the center we'd go to yeah the here first skip them there now we're at our problem and now we use it I got much much better um okay these are cool oh nope uh r f r there we go nope R there we go I'll get it one day I actually think that was perfectly fine I don't know why I thought I needed to delete that hey I just want to finish out these walkways for sure and then we'll see where we're at okay quartz crystal we get to use our Beady door oh yeah cooking with gas aren't we then you should be nice storing up and you are I don't like this one I don't know if this is how it was before oh we need to use the I don't think it was you know what right here we're just gonna we're gonna just use those for now I might change it uh later thank you one of these damn buttons I'm gonna build four this direction I think we may have already messed up cute oh this one worked out just fine no I didn't count two three the third one then short one to fill the gap all right put one here I know how this is gonna look and I'm happy with it so I'm not gonna go through and click all those that one worked out great because it's just taking so long you in that direction okay we need that short one here foreign here auto save rates all right cooking with gas now they're still oop they're still quite a bit of like down work that I want to do with painted beams when we can actually get them awesome come on get in your home I don't know why it's because one few three on this end one you so we're gonna be off um I remember all my the new buttons two and two so it needs to be can't be in the center Center oh we'll be all right and now for the short one foreign yeah if if someone else planning on doing this I would use these two find labels and just put them in between every other one I forgot about doing that right now rather than using a three maybe I don't know it's it's a little bit of it's a little funky trying to get them to work just right um all right have them all in it's like we do so I'm gonna see if a quick um Dave and exeterian menu and reload fixes this so let's take a look I had to hit 30 hours it makes sense it's the end of a my sixth stream four hours some extras here and there I guess I don't know I don't know if that makes sense perfect they're all in so good to know um you can place whatever you want you don't have to go through and deal with all that stuff that works now I'd like to see what feeling what it looks like I don't know if I like that means fine just I'd rather have feel like we can do better but we might not be able to do better without our painted beams because what I was thinking is putting something like this on the ceiling but facing down right we can't do that without our our painted beams and I am sad that I forgot where those come from two coupons and I don't think a few more we would need to go kill some animals real quick structural beam two more well I was gonna do a little exploring anyway let's make sure we have a little bit of everything because I want to head over we need to grab some hard drives so let's head over um We're Not Gonna explore randomly let's bring a stack of O's a little stacks of these you don't need to bring our tickets with us we have some of everything else you need smart plates as a box opener hard drive opener I don't know if you do but we're ready in case yeah um anything else a quick wire let's grab a little bit more wire um yeah okay screws oh and let's grab some materials to make oh we also we're also going to need some materials for all right to hold you know hold our space uh all right let's head out we're gonna head over to the east we're gonna kill what we find it's at night which you know I could have chose a better time but uh that's okay we're gonna get do I wanna head in here spider town I hear something multiple Fix-It Personnel in the area proceed with Harvest before it's too late no I'm not gonna proceed all right I will where are you all right Peter shut up all right radiation I don't have any novelists we could have made them we just don't have them all right hey we got some spitter remains take them oh my God uh look before you leap there in well all right actually don't know a hundred percent at what height this bad boy is but he is in this area so he's actually probably up high so we may have screwed ourselves I'm not super familiar with this area to be honest with you we're exploring it's fun and scary I'm in more Danger from myself and my jumping than I am from any spiders we also all right that's Hefty oh man they are they they're little flankers all right well I just gave the uh gal helping me edit um a heart attack cause she's afraid of spiders oh thanks Wendy can we get them all jokes on you spiders I was out here looking for your meat oh paternal figure remedy is alien alien effects more cowbell we're gonna have a lot of alien protein when we get back but I don't want to go home without a hard drive it was a cool little cave I think we can hop up there because I'm pretty sure our hard drive is in that area let's foreign [Music] all right okay um or a Fix-It employee so we know how to use tools I build a ladder here I just wanna yeah it's like right above us somewhere over there I think nope all right let's try again there you are almost made it and I can't fall like that again or I will die foreign really beans over there laughing at me what do we got oh new guy oh and I see a new guy or is he just okay he's just that guy I don't have much health I've even lasted he pushes me off the edge all right oh my God there's another one I'm gonna come down here bud and I just want the hard drive are you at buddy I just want to talk [Music] you have one hit left of course he did now had I killed him or was it the same guy I don't even know anymore uh we have plenty of those at home got plenty of those at home I think it was just the same guy I thought I killed him though oh well that was fun exciting uh do we have anything interesting here okay just rotors cable build our ma'am and keep researching getting close to our time where we should normally shut her down but the way this episode went I think A lot's gonna get cut and I'd like to have a good solid hour of edited material they're not going to go that way back um let's mark on our map what were we using for markers have we been we should be should have been let's do a fix sit check mark that we have so that later on down the road when we're trying to get make sure that we have all the hard drives we know we got this one our future selves will thank us I don't want to build power oh it's just beam uh [Music] cable what else don't we need concrete or that quick wire look at all those hog remains I think I did coming over to you buddy all right fine I'll go around little did coffee stain know that this tiny little Hill would stump me um where are we there's another one to the south of us so let's go head over there this is like where we started I think yeah I think we started around here and then we ran to where we are now oh berries that's the first berries I've seen all game um can't get in the Mam and throw them in there otherwise I would oh hi big boy foreign [Music] that's too hard talking about well then I can't help you YouTube hog rider oh I can tell you hey how are we doing where are we at um we're almost there I think maybe here we have so many berries I think you can eat some you know they have something in this game for people with Arachnophobia which is great I'm glad but what about the people like me who can't stand that to hear other people crunch and eat radiation hi guys I just want your meat I'm having a barbecue alien barbecue and hog is on the menu Thug remains you're just going to town on this ecosystem looks like it do I have any giant friends over here looks like just little friends you see I do like fainted he like coming in oh just kidding my buddy's gonna come in hey what do we got repairs needed 10 black powder I don't have black powder like one of the things I don't have this is really pretty over here I need coal is there any coal for black powder or sulfur or both buff West Southeast all right there's another hard Drive Southeast we'll get the coal um let's see can I make black powder did I research it I can't even remember if I researched it um what am I doing what am I doing craft bench let's see it that ma'am should be coming online any minute a few minutes left it's sulfur uh well I'll need I'll need that too um all right let's let's keep going towards I know where we are this is where I built um my Death Star I start uh yeah uh Star Destroyer on my on my other save where the picture is in my uh YouTube uh profile and in my first video I heard you two for one of space um what I don't need I don't need those I don't need those ah believe you okay anything over here interesting laying on the ground nope sad day okay oh where's that oh I think I know on this other side of this Lake ma'am all right cross our fingers let's get something useful um I don't know if we necessarily need any of this let's see let's see I gotta I got a thought though iron rods oh no it ruined it can you just roll again I get the same thing um okay oh it's gone now um that's interesting I wonder if that is a bug because I don't remember that happening very interesting well I wonder if I get the same stuff again well we'll find out in a few more minutes and looks like another hard drive oh we forgot to mark that um other hard drive damn it that's a bat boy I don't want to deal with him and the bees wow all right [Music] I think I killed him batter up ah that'll wake you up at one in the morning 50 megawatts so yeah we weren't gonna be able to get in here and steal this anyway oh there's one more left this one is well guarded coming to all right it was fun 50 a these make 30. anything else interesting over here we can first iron plates we needed those last stream Circle boards that I don't have room for [Music] what do we really not need those those need that make sure there's something else good around here right now where was that damn coal oh let's mark this [Music] one more time Cole [Music] right here Don't Shoot Me I didn't think that was gonna work but I had to try come on Cole I love to find a little sulfur deposit that'd be nice foreign he's a better shot though need the target leave the target he sounds really cool really really cool I thought there was one left here buddy I don't know if that's I guess I'll just let you hit me that's not what I wanted Nicole where are you are you at the top of the hill damage you are really all right good okay stay over there okay I can do this what do I want foreign there's sulfur nearby as well because that star destroyer I built all right ma'am let's see if it's the same uh was a turbo fuel Factory so I needed them totally different well I'm definitely getting those definitely getting that so very interesting what I need is an alternate recipe for rotors so that I can I don't have to build any freaking screws anymore I think screws are the oh I think rotors the only thing I'm using screws for he said he sees me oh he's bugged but you know what I'm gonna take advantage of it oh a few moments later what is that I don't know what that is your where's your there we go foreign we needed like 50 for that black powder oh we can look 25 which we have we needed 50 of the sulfur but then we're gonna need to make some right so let's get a full stack of a hundred Dingle Bells Jingle Bells unfortunately I don't remember how much black powder that thing needed uh but I can look I think all right uh 10 black powder needed 10 black powder so okay I think the sulfur is actually back down the mountain or it's on the other side of the poison fields yeah it's not too far why didn't you grab it turd okay well that sucks trying to outshoot the shooter oh I think he did he bomb himself he might have killed himself [Music] foreign over there but I'm not doing that without a gas mask oh blue guy [Applause] oh I got greedy I got greedy luckily we keep our equipment I I didn't realize how many bees were there uh what happens death number two foreign foreign maybe I should stop traveling in this freaking dangerous ass Canyon no health but I mean where would the fun be in that it really in this canyon really looks cool with Lumen the the light kind of shines through uranium I think don't want to get anywhere near that being forced to go not the direction that we want to go and unfortunately yeah I here maybe we can use this bridge I don't have anything to build any great any ladders with there's a hard drive I wasn't expecting see where it is on the map though if I could get some health it doesn't really matter because I don't have anything in my inventory to open it anyway let me get out just more poison over there ma'am's complete I don't have anything to build a man with this bridge will let us out if I can climb it all right let's try again oh very very quiet the other one so we can do it again okay foreign Guild Wars 2 jumping puzzle I hated those I think the worst is over had those the whole time actually think the sulfur is over here kind of is doggo had doggo oh hi oh I didn't see you have a friend foreign Massacre out here and it's me that's getting massacred where's the sulfur I'm so greedy can't help it foreign sad oh sad alright grab a bunch of silver like 150 oh my music's dead hold on let me fix it foreign problem with not going to get our box first is we don't know how much silver we need this has been one hell of an adventure I don't do anything half-assed at least all right let's go get our box holy where are they this is ridiculous can't even see them they must be up up high poison that's what I needed all right nothing to do but clear them every single one hit me [Applause] okay all right what are we getting rid of we're getting rid of those those oh hey this has been quite an adventure alternate steel frame damn it the wrong button did not want to do that what if I can stop it I don't think so not great kin not great I wonder if I should go get that one no I've learned my lesson so let's head back to the black powder uh which is north West I've got some more Health along the way fortunately it's another 10 minutes is this under novelist I think it is can I cheat it come on yes I can hello viewer we're out on an exploratory mission getting hard drives getting killed Good Times uh we left really for some hard drives but also I wanted some more tickets and I didn't want to wait ooh spiders and these guys flank like mothers um but yeah we we went out because I didn't want to wait for tickets to get alien DNA and we've been out here a long time we have a lot including those spiders uh now we're headed back to a hard drive that we couldn't get because we had we didn't have any black powder so I went to get some uh sulfur and coal so that we can make black powder real quick and as soon as our hard drive finishes that's what we're gonna do and I believe the hard drive is right over here oh let's get that you have a little bit of time about six minutes 30 seconds before that hard drive's done and we can do the research for black powder there it is so let's go ahead and Mark this on the map we know that it will be done [Music] okay uh let's go get that oh there's a lot of bugs over there we can go get that while we wait for our hard drive to finish six minutes we don't kill ourselves Cooper a couple goddess oh here's some more silver not enough space just in case we need more for the black powder we're going to buy I mean make I feel like this is a trap what's here a big spider gonna come out Something's Gonna shoot me I don't even know oh there's some coal get that as well you're definitely running low on space I heard something I'm scared oh this wood look at that uh I fought a couple of the new um monsters they were fun it's like a huge coal node all right good enough we can come back and get more if we need to all this for a hard drive anything else over here that we need to get not going in there all right well I guess we're gonna fight thank you that's one of the new guys pretty cool how's our ma'am doing a few minutes I'm not going in there without a gas mask nuts I haven't done any of the research for those because there just aren't any over where my bases there's something in these nub in these rocks there is I can hear it but alas novelists should have like a minute left I don't have space for pale Berry and we'll we'll need space for the hard drive uh what are we gonna kill come on ma'am two viewers hello second viewer 30 seconds on the man we're gonna finish this up and then we're gonna take our cache of our horde of goodies back to the base and I can show you what it looks like come on something good something good well I'm not building screws uh fused wire eh and these are all lame I guess this one all right so what do we need to do we need to get our black powder okay before we spend anything thank you we need to make a mini where is it here it is oh this is the wrong one where's the black powder one oh it's north of here this is why I mark them on the map all right go to the black powder one just north yeah yeah I know I'm gonna blow you up one day here we go okay 10 black powder ready to skip skip past it what the heck can I not hand craft it stumbler Maybe there's no way I've got to be able to handcraft it research the node bean bean bean bean come on man I don't see it in here am I blind um I think you make it with an assembler foreign there it is well um okay I guess good thing we are what do I want what do I want it's getting late come on 30 per minute well at least won't take long hopefully we can make 10. there's our 10. that was super strange all right I hard drive now throw this in the man actually really quick we need a hundred uh uh I can't really get anything else all right all right we don't need any of this or that all right it's like we were never here wham bam thank you ma'am get it ma'am all right let's go I'm sorry I won't do it again okay we're back in Civilization oh uh cannot forget oh I left a crate damn I'm gonna Mark that on the map too so that we know we did that one all right crate where are you oh yeah it was that stuff um what are we ditching all right and then wrong button Market on the map okay I duggle you know what I haven't had any berries can't remember how to tame them put them on the ground I think so we'll try to get another time here's our Criterium we will uh Delete all this when we get packaged Fuel and use trucks there's our blueprint Builder and we're finally back home oh my goodness we were gone for a while we were gone for a while um let's make some inventory uh um oh the black powder in there all right all this for some tickets 44 spitter proteins gonna have some power shards too good our setup kind of doesn't need them oh one second my two-year-old just got up I'm gonna put her to bed all right I'm back I don't know if I muted my mic well you know is what it is uh teamwork 101 DNA capsules that's what we're here for um do we need anything nuts um let's do this one real quick the inventory space before I blow all the DNA capsules this is Central Storage and oh expanded tool belt other research oh I can't do it um all right then let's put five of these so I don't burn them steak all right back to making DNA capsules and then I will show you guys the um we'll do a quick really quick tour of the base of the factory and then really what I was working on this stream is the lighting in the subfloor because with luminon it's just so freaking dark and I wanted to do turn the signs in order to do that you need the painted beams which I didn't have and I was out of tickets hence we went looking for alien DNA and here we are this is gonna be awesome think right to the awesome sink all right we have actually stored one while we were gone okay bye-bye look at him go I needed him so bad they're already gone it's like the meme the South Park and it's gone no now it's about to be gone and the two tickets we had 17 tickets it's like we're rich okay first things first we're getting that okay all right everything else um we really needed we really need a roof as well relift tilted walls would have been nice but we needed the roof because we have uh but we'll get the Tilted walls next um circuit boards can go in there because we're not making them yet uh those and those can go in there we didn't end up eating smart plates okay so here's the factory uh I basically have it organized like um I'm using like a vertical bus so this first um row is smelters and boundaries yep smell through some boundaries so inputs come along here we Stack Up what we need there's coal uh that one is for silica I think yep there goes the silica um and when we do uh aluminum it'll we'll need it for that and we have four iron we have two copper we have one caterium uh one coal and one silica and then whatever we need to make we just have smelters and then foundries down there that make them and push them back towards us on the sides and then they go down and then they go where they need to go which is most likely the instructor line next so this is the same idea just a vertical bus of whatever items we need um oh man sorry worth it screws again uh uh oh Cole I don't think we need that so I guess we're getting that uh but yeah the we were having a throughput issue with the wire so as soon as I got Mark threes I did I upgraded just the wire everything else is pretty much Mark Twos for now um but yeah the same idea um everything gets made either on the left or the right inputs go down the center and then on any of these right here these are all smart Splitters and so if there's anything overflowing um then it gets sent down on the smart splitter uh and then and I'll pick that up in a second same thing here so you can see the concrete I haven't set up encased beams yet but as soon as I do that concrete line will head down this way but for now it's just overflowing and going down into the subfloor all right now subfloor time which I can actually show off because we have lights these big Square lights on the sides um kind of experimenting with um seeing what kind of light they give but uh but yeah I just finished setting these Pathway lights so my flashlight is off um but yeah I built a blueprint for these um these lights right here and knock them out and then yeah what I really wanted is the painted beams which we have now so that I could turn some lights so put some stuff on the ceiling and really I want to light these um on a light these lifts from the bottom from the top I'm not exactly sure how to do it but I think it can be done with our painted beams so let's give it a try shall we and then organization yes and I turn you you're not rolling okay you would go on the side I wonder if I redid the painted beam and rolled the painted beam there it is that's the money shot gotta be a better way to do that um let's try that's what I wanted that placement is not perfect I don't really want it to clip Maybe but uh something like that for sure um or or maybe a better way to do this let's paint it beam down center of the walkway roll it 90 degrees and then what about these guys it's gonna be down I want them flush against the ceiling so I could bring it up a meter and that would work I'm just kind of experimenting now to see what stuff looks like with uh lumen one more come on you can do it there we go so yeah something like that that looks that looks really good and it's a lot softer light than the the you know then that stuff right the I mean we can we can make that softer the floodlights right but it's like a ceiling light but you don't need all that freaking space so yeah I don't think I like it there so let's try a couple more things I do need to end my stream here in not too much longer I'm already way over what I would what I usually do but finally got this stuff working and I didn't want to stop but we could put it on an angle hey that's straight down hey that's a slight angle I don't know how that's gonna look if we do big ones foreign yeah that's right oh well yeah I have seven there so not a multiple of correct multiple uh okay let's try I'm gonna have to set it looks kind of cool okay what are we doing here all white collect layout no letter and then maybe we do chew on yes so for the for the walkway lights you know what I don't like that because it won't be even so but I I like where this is going I like where this is going no I went the wrong way painted beam remember what I did now one notch Maybe let me get it closer that clipping blast it build it again couldn't remember which side's which let's build it from this side so I can freaking see okay what the heck bro all right there we go then all right foreign that's a two so this should work oh but we're gonna make it um we're gonna make it brighter so paste and then set it to two and then copy paste and then do I have my light off hey no clipping that looks great looks really good I like that a lot so yeah we're definitely gonna do that but I don't think we're gonna do it tonight I'm an hour over but that is the plan so tomorrow well not tomorrow what is today today's Tuesday Thursday night when I stream we're going to clean up these lights we're gonna place these get something a little more subtle going um and then in these dark areas I'm gonna use that trick of putting lights like this or maybe even the Billboards might do like a billboard in the ceiling yeah that thing creates so much light I just want to see I just want to see what this looks like here turn it around actually not that bad it actually is pretty nice that's two that's three that's massive oh my God that thing isn't freaking ridiculous uh but if I could put that on this ceiling and set it to two maybe that would be that would be really nice overhead light I wouldn't have to deal with those ugly ass ceiling lights that we have but yeah this is gonna look really really good once I get those lights up in here like we did over there I'm I'm really looking forward to that so because we got a lot more work to do on this Factory and I don't want to do it in an ugly ass dark um sub lore and we'll get our roofs on and get lights up here that's why I got the Rubes and this other access way up here we'll get roofs for this here's our main bus we'll be able to light our um storage we'll be able to enclose our storage we'll be able to light this in here we also need to light our under floor look at that so that's what I was working with under under here until we got the lights wasn't quite that bad because we have some open areas but pretty pretty close but yeah we'll get some lights oh we'll do something similar over here get some lights in this area so we can see them coming up as well yeah this is great all right well I'm pretty happy with the progress it was a little slow because we had to experiment with some things and then we went on a um a safari to go hunting proteins and we were out there for a long time but you know we just keep marching forward yeah I definitely need a light I want to light this these belt systems so that we can see it maybe even some like side lights we'll experiment with some lights under the oh let's just let me put it on the ceiling no but if we do a painted beam we can something like I don't know we'll play with it we will play with it we'll figure something out all right well thanks guys for uh showing up and hanging out and that's gonna do it for the evening and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kinstruction
Views: 293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: amZcDpAUmI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 310min 57sec (18657 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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