Automatically Save Outlook Attachments to OneDrive with Microsoft Power Automate

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hey guys it's a great day and today I'm gonna show you how to use Microsoft flow connecting onedrive and outlook together so that whenever a new email comes in flow is gonna check if there are any attachments and if there are it's gonna save them all to onedrive automatically in the background this can be really useful if what you're doing requires a lot of organization in your emails and if you're receiving a lot of attachments it's going to be really useful because it's gonna save all of those attachments on to one centrally located area and you don't know you don't have to do that anymore you don't have to constantly be searching through your emails and looking for the right attachments so let's jump right into how to do it okay so we're starting here on Microsoft flow and let's create well before we create a new flow let's go ahead and go to our onedrive I already prepared a file here so I'm in my onedrive and I went to my files and I created a new folder called email attachments now you can name it whatever you want but I'm calling it email attachments and it's gonna be the area that I save all the attachments that flow is gonna take from the email and save them right here it's gonna save them all right here so I just went ahead and created that folder now before we make our flow we need to connect our outlook and onedrive to our Microsoft flow account so let's go ahead go to data and then connections I already connected my onedrive and my outlook to flow so you guys are gonna have to do that but you just do it right here in data you go to data and then connections so that's going to show up right here so I already have my outlook and then my onedrive connected for both of my accounts so all you have to do to create a new connection is you go here new connection and then you add onedrive and then you also add outlook which you can find by just searching I look there we go office 365 Outlook so you click on that create create and then you just log in and it automatically connects for you so just make sure you do that before you start the application and we'll be good to go so once we have our connections in place let's go ahead and create our flow now the process is pretty simple and it's much easier than you might expect it's going it's going to be an automated flow and let's go ahead and name it email attachment to onedrive and our trigger is going to be when a new email arrives so if you don't see this at the top go ahead and search for it it's going to be an Outlook connection so let's click on that and then create and then flow is going to start the flow for you so here we are when a new email arrives let's go ahead and get started now this is going to be pretty simple when the new email arrives we want to check the folder inbox inside the folder inbox okay we have to click on show Advanced Options here we need to check if there are any attachments and that's going to be yes and we want to include attachments as well and for the outlook flow that's all we need to do let's go to our next step now we need to check for apply to go ahead and type in apply and it's going to be applied to each now the reason we're using apply to each is just in case there are more than one attachments if there's just one attachments we wouldn't need to do this but since there may be the possibility of more than one attachment we want to apply to each attachment so when a new email arrives let's apply to each attachment and let's click on attachment here and what should we do with each attachment we should create a file for each attachment so here we go create create file onedrive for business so for each attachment we want to create a new file and where do we want to save the file we want to save it to our onedrive document that we created called email attachments now we created that earlier in the video so you guys know what that is what should we name it we should name it our attachments name you guys can name it whatever you want but I recommend attachments name and attachments content this is dynamic information so whatever your attachments name is and whatever the content is it's gonna change what it is so yeah and actually that's it that's all we need to do for it to work so let's go ahead and test out let's click on save make sure you save it and let's go back after you save it's gonna give you this message it's okay it'll be fine and let's test it out so I have a generic Apple picture that I want to send to myself and I want it to save to onedrive so let's go ahead and send myself an email let's call it generic apple and let's wish myself an enjoyable apple let's attach our apple onto there it's called generic apple there it is generic apple jpg so I'm gonna go ahead and save that and after that happens it should automatically save my document onto onedrive because it's an attachment so I'm gonna click on send now what now there's I'll click on email attachments nothing should happen yet ok there's nothing in email attachments right now so it takes a little bit because you know the flow needs to work it's things do its thing but it doesn't take as long and it still saves you a lot of time since it ok so I just got the email generic apple androi thank you very much and this is from my other email account by the way so it's not affiliated with my admin and Telecom email let's go ahead and check our flow let's refresh that and you should see it in runs right here if it ran correctly or not runs okay so since I received the email ok hasn't appeared yet since I received the email the flow run a few moments afterwards the flow is going to check if the email has any attachments and if it does it's gonna run the flow which is save my email attachments to my onedrive so let's check if it ran now it's been about a minute or two runs there's nothing there yet okay now flow for the first time when you create a flow for the first time oh there it is generic Apple jpg what I was going to say is flow for the when it runs for the first time it takes a little bit longer because it needs to get the system working but once it does run here it is succeeded status succeeded that's good so that's cool it worked I sent an email from an external email and since it included attachment my flow made it so that it automatically saves into my file right here so whenever I open up my file now I have my attachment right there and this will do it for every single email out comes in so you'll have hundreds of attachments if you get hundreds of attachments that come into your email thanks for watching the video guys I hope it was helpful be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe if you really enjoyed the content of this video because I'm coming out with more in the future and I think it's going to be really helpful for you guys if you know someone that might find this video really helpful I would really appreciate it if you share it with them because I'd love to give that information to them and if you guys ever need help with anything or you just have a comment or some feedback you can leave that in the comments below or send me an email at admin at intelecom I'll see you next time on the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Henry Ouang
Views: 64,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powerapps, tutorial, dynamics, flow, templates, autofill applications, autofill, auto-fill, powerapps tutorial, microsoft integration, dynamics 365, create powerapp, create powerapps, powerapps for business, automation, make automations, automate my business, save outlook attachments automatically, save attachments to onedrive, flow onedrive, microsoft outlook automation, microsoft flow, learn powerapps, powerapps tutorial for beginners, powerapps forms, powerapps examples
Id: n0dQUS5EdpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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